19 Apr 2004 @ 13:53, by adi gaia


Please use the following inspirational text as the backdrop of this special Meditation Focus and dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit to contribute in empowering this vision of a New Earth, for the Highest Good of All.

I have a vision...

I have a vision that one day soon all humans on Earth will recognize the powerful Force that unites us all, and behave as true brothers and sisters, caring for and cherishing each other, as they contemplate the glimmer of Love emanating from the depth of their soul through the purified window of their eyes.

I have a vision that one day soon every single living organism on the face of this planet will be seen and honored as a sacred, indissociable element of the whole Matrix of Life that for aeons has endowed this world with the sublime magnificence of its infinitely intricate perfection through the multitudinous forms of Life it has designed and animated.

I have a vision that one day very soon, Peace, Love and Harmony will prevail on Earth as it is in Heaven and that the veil which for so long has prevented embodied souls from remembering their innate divine nature will be permanently lifted and all souls, along with their angelic companions, guides and protectors, will celebrate every waking moment of their lives and rejoice at their new found sense of Oneness with ALL THAT IS.

This vision of a world in perfect harmony is the very reason we came to live at this climaxing moment in our long evolutionary journey. It is not the fantasy of a single human mind, it is the carefully planned completion of our long established common destiny. The convergence of universal assistance from space-faring, enlightened civilizations and from beings of Light beaming Love and Divine Wisdom at us from their ethereal dimension of existence is making possible the vibrational shift now lifting third dimensional Earth and all its living components into its new fourth dimensional state of radiant perfection.

We must not concern ourselves with how such an amazing metamorphosis is being achieved. We just have to welcome, as the proverbial butterfly gracefully emerging from its cocoon, the warm radiance of our inner Source of Light dispensing in every moment the perfectly balanced amount of stimulation, vital sustenance and imaginal guidance to allow us to follow our Golden Path towards global Illumination as One.

As we collectively reach the Threshold of our Awakening to blissful Unity and Universal Divine Knowledge, we become in a forever more conscious manner what we have always been since the very first Spark of Life manifested Itself as an expression of the Creator's Will to Be.

Humanity is morphing from a collection of of individual, fragmented and disparate elements into a unified symphony of harmonized colors shining brightly like a globe-circling rainbow of gilded Love after a long stormy history of war and destruction.

Fear no more that fear itself could prevent us from becoming Who We Are, for Love is shining like a star in our hearts and guiding our every thought, word and deed.

Let there be Peace on Earth, joy in everyone, harmony everywhere and beauty in everything.

So it is and so be it.

This whole Meditation Focus has been archived for your convenience at [link]

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