New Civilization News: The Flipsides of the Bread of Shame    
 The Flipsides of the Bread of Shame23 comments
picture7 Oct 2004 @ 21:01, by Max Sandor

(Italian version / italiano)

To understand the phenomenon of "nehama d’ksufa" (bread of shame), Kabbalists use the following picture:

"G.d" unfolded itself into two parts, a source and a vessel. Like one is pouring wine from a bottle into a container like a chalice, there is a point where the vessel is full. To 'reunite' itself, there must be flow back. This they often call the 'way home'.

There seem to be at least two different definitions of "nehama d’ksufa" (bread of shame) around (please e-mail or post other definitions which you heard):

a) the backflow itself, that means the flowing of the wine from the chalice back into the bottle, b) the spilling of wine in the process

In the dynamics of polarities we don't want to accept the same label for two different things. Let's call the first phenomenon simply 'backflow' or a "clean flow" and the second a "dirty flow".

For anyone who studied "Polar Dynamics", it is immediate clear how these flows relate to polarities, but it is apparently not clear enough how these rather abstract descriptions apply to life itself.

Here are some definitions to embed it into the language of polar dynamics:....

1. ALL polarities act in the way of the Primal Polarity (the first unfolding) because of the fractal nature of this Universe
2. we call the equilibrium of both parts a "neutralization"
3. if there is a singular EXCESS of energy, we call it a "supercharge" (or "peakstate").
4. If there is 'spilled wine', they constitute a 'negative or reverse charge'.

Here is a list of observations (pls add on to the list, it is only partial):

A. Negative charge accumulates in daily life 24/7 (24 hours, 7 days a week). There is no way around it.
Conclusion: one must actively balance oneself as long as one is alive in this world.

B. A supercharge can be generated deliberately by the Girapoli exercises and by traditional exercises if the person is ready for that level or by pure chance. To create such supercharges is the goal of most religions and philosophies. It is the 'dhamma ariya', the 'noble thing' in Buddism, for example.

C. a 'spilled wine' or reverse charge is the same phenomenon as an 'out-exchange' condition. If such a condition exists, the following will occur invariably unless the flow is cleaned:

- the originator of the flow (the 'giver' of the bread of shame), will feel guilty and become the EFFECT of the recipient (also called a PTS condition). The giver enters a'SP' condition, in other words becomes a suppressor for the recipient.

- as a result, the inflow will become blocked, first for the recipient, THEN, in a second stage, for the giver as well. This is true for national politics and one's family and circle of friends alike.

- in the third stage, the recipient of the flow that created the 'spilled wine', in other words the recipient of the bread of shame, WILL ATTACK the source of this condition, either overtly or covertly.

- it is important to recognize the exact stages in the latter observations: we can clearly witness what we call the "inversion of a polarity".

D. It is of utmost importance to be aware of the fact that an occurence of 'bread of shame' is NOT an isolated, rare event. They only become blatantly obvious in some extreme conditions. At least ONE basic (or most basic??) bread of shame is born (quite literally) in the mother-child relationship: a human cannot possible 'pay back' for the act of giving life to the person.

E. Some very basic reverse charges, such as the mother-child relation, can INVERSE OTHER polarities on a person. The inversions are well known from Constellation Work, EFT/PEAT, etc, and can ONLY and ONLY be cleaned after finding the UNDERLYING out-exchange situation.

F. A very deep reverse charge can only be undone by a physical act of giving something back to the source of the 'spilled wine'. In Ifa this is done by what is called an 'Ebo'. A lot of pioneering work in this respect was done by Bert Hellinger in his specific way of constellations. He (and his practitioners), are using a rock that they let the person give BACK to the source of the spilled wine.

G. The above confirms in a new way the suppressiveness of excessive altruism, a phenomenon often witnessed in constellation work. Like excessive egoism, it creates 'bread of shame' and is extremely suppressive.

H. An "abstract" exchange does NOT always work! For basic reverse charges, a physical particle MUST pass in order to balance them. We call this often a 'via'. There is a need to create these physical objects or vias, at least temporarily for the balancing to work.

I. "Envy/Jealosy": these two unholy sisters (or brothers??) are BASED UPON such reverse charges. They are NOT just simply 'negative emotions'. This is the reason why there are no effective standard processes to handle them (An exception seems to be the QLFP rundown, see Purple Notebook, but the QLFP typically results in an exchange like described above.)

J. The way the latter builds upon reverse charges needs further investigation. Since it is deeply integrated in other mechanism, it would be a good start for the discovery/formulation of a more complete 'matrix of triads', as proposed by Ed Dawson (see earlier articles). For example, it clearly links the KRC and ARC triangles. Because of its fundamental characterics, one could even speculate that the 'bread of shame' *represents* the cosmic glue that connects ALL the triads.

K. For teachers: in any group activity lies inherently the danger of out-exchange situations since the teacher addresses many persons at the same time, each of them having a different level of exchange. Optimally, every person would give an individual exchange but for practical reasons this is difficult to apply.

L. Detection: the detection of 'bread of shame' could be said to be the purpose of consulting Ifa. The remedy consists in act of an Ebo as needed for the situation. Another way of finding reverse charges is constellation work. In daily life, there is still another way: it is well known that every person dramatizes its very own condition. In short, a person that *accuses* another group or person has a 'bread of shame' of a related kind. This is hard to accept by people who are in a state of constant overwhelm, in other words the majority of today's population.

M. Because of its basic nature, the phenomenon of the 'bread of shame' is very difficult to teach to people, perhaps impossible. One could come to the conclusion that one of the basic purposes of a human life is to bring about the awareness of it along with its balancing.

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20 Oct 2004 @ 09:11 by al @ : dying on cross for followers
One year ago I have brought attention of my highself to a question why Jesus was dying on cross for followers.
Now I seem have found the answer.
This act has overflown cups of his followers.  

20 Oct 2004 @ 21:38 by max @ : comment to Al
Hi Al,
wanted to write you but have problems wit computer and time..

if I understand you correctly, I agree wholeheartedly with you

22 Oct 2004 @ 04:24 by al @ : political figures
Hi mx
Realizing essence of the term " bread of shame " can be showing to us, how somebody becomes great political (religious) figure, if he will go by the great slave under already existing great figure. Recent examples: Hitler - Borman, Lenin - Stalin.

28 Oct 2004 @ 02:00 by al @ : resonance and "bread of shame"
I try to consider an exchange flowes as a resonance. If I can receive a resonance with a higherlevel source it is a gift. If I can lift frequency of an exchange with the lowerlevel terminal it is a gift too. And there is no " bread of shame ".

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29 Sep 2016 @ 00:26 by elsayedosama @ : شركة تنظيف بالراياض
من المعروف ان تنظيف المنازل من بين اهم الخدمات الضرورية في التنظيف والترقية بمنازلنا الى مصاف المنازل العصرية والتي عرفت تنظيفا عصريا من شانه ان يوفر لساكنته ظروفا حياتية راقية ولابد من توفر هيئة تختص في المجال مع تقديم ضمانات متكاملة من شانه ان تجعل الافراد يضمنون نجاح خدمة التنظيف ولا حاجة للمزيد من ضياع الاموال عبر طلبات خدمة تنظيف المنازل التي لا تلبي حاجياتهم ولا تتماشى مع رغباتهم لأن العديد من شركات تنظيف المنازل تسعى فقط الى عرض خدماتها عبر طرق ترويجية فحسب من اجل كسب المال فقط دون مراعاة الوازع الاخلاقي والضمير المهني الذي يحتم على مدراء مثل هاته الشركات ان يسعوا خلف ارضاء العملاء ليس اكثر من هذا عبر اتقان تنظيف المنازل .
ومن اجل اثراء الواقع الخدماتي الذي يدخل في اطار تنظيف ونظافة المنازل اردنا ان نساهم معكم في ذلك، وذلك بالإعلان عن الخدمات المميزة في هذا المجال والتي ترفع شعار تنظيف المنازل والتي تحولت الى وجهة حقيقية يطلب خدماتها الالاف من عملاء تنظيف المنازل وكلهم امل ويقين وقناعة بالمستوى الراقي الذي تحققه الشركة لهم من جودة في تنظيف المنازل سرعة في تنظيف المنازل ,ضمان في تنظيف المنازل، انية في تنظيف المنازل، وهذا كله راجع لما تملكهمن امكانيات هامة في المجال من افضل اليات تنظيف المنازل، ارقى وسائل وإمكانيات تنظيف المنازل، جميع ارقى وأفضل مطهرات المنازل والتي ساعدت في انتشار تلك الشركات على نحو واسع من مناطق المدينة المنورة حتى اصبحت متداولة بين كل العملاء والواقع الميداني يشهد على صحة ما نقول عبر المنازل التي عرفت عمليات تنظيف واسعة النطاق ساعدت في رضا ملاكها بصورة متكاملة من الضمان.
شركة كشف تسربات بالرياض شركة تسليك مجارى بالرياض شركة عزل خزانات بالرياض شركة تنظيف خزانات بالرياض شركة تنظيف مجالس بالرياض شركة نظافة عامة بالرياض شركة تنظيف منازل وبيوت وفلل وقصور بالرياض شركة نقل عفش بالرياض شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض شركة تنظيف شقق بالرياض  

29 Sep 2016 @ 00:27 by elsayedosama @ : شركة تنظيف بالطائف
من المعروف ان تنظيف المنازل من بين اهم الخدمات الضرورية في التنظيف والترقية بمنازلنا الى مصاف المنازل العصرية والتي عرفت تنظيفا عصريا من شانه ان يوفر لساكنته ظروفا حياتية راقية ولابد من توفر هيئة تختص في المجال مع تقديم ضمانات متكاملة من شانه ان تجعل الافراد يضمنون نجاح خدمة التنظيف ولا حاجة للمزيد من ضياع الاموال عبر طلبات خدمة تنظيف المنازل التي لا تلبي حاجياتهم ولا تتماشى مع رغباتهم لأن العديد من شركات تنظيف المنازل تسعى فقط الى عرض خدماتها عبر طرق ترويجية فحسب من اجل كسب المال فقط دون مراعاة الوازع الاخلاقي والضمير المهني الذي يحتم على مدراء مثل هاته الشركات ان يسعوا خلف ارضاء العملاء ليس اكثر من هذا عبر اتقان تنظيف المنازل .
ومن اجل اثراء الواقع الخدماتي الذي يدخل في اطار تنظيف ونظافة المنازل اردنا ان نساهم معكم في ذلك، وذلك بالإعلان عن الخدمات المميزة في هذا المجال والتي ترفع شعار تنظيف المنازل والتي تحولت الى وجهة حقيقية يطلب خدماتها الالاف من عملاء تنظيف المنازل وكلهم امل ويقين وقناعة بالمستوى الراقي الذي تحققه الشركة لهم من جودة في تنظيف المنازل سرعة في تنظيف المنازل ,ضمان في تنظيف المنازل، انية في تنظيف المنازل، وهذا كله راجع لما تملكهمن امكانيات هامة في المجال من افضل اليات تنظيف المنازل، ارقى وسائل وإمكانيات تنظيف المنازل، جميع ارقى وأفضل مطهرات المنازل والتي ساعدت في انتشار تلك الشركات على نحو واسع من مناطق المدينة المنورة حتى اصبحت متداولة بين كل العملاء والواقع الميداني يشهد على صحة ما نقول عبر المنازل التي عرفت عمليات تنظيف واسعة النطاق ساعدت في رضا ملاكها بصورة متكاملة من الضمان.
شركة تنظيف بالطائف
شركة نقل عفش بتبوك
شركة عزل خزنات بتبوك
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شركة تسليك مجارى بتبوك
شركة تنظيف شقق بتبوك
شركة مكافحة حشرات بتيوك
شركة تنيظف منازل بتبوك
شركة تنظيف شقق وفلل بتبوك  

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