Changegrow: Spiritual Publisher?    
 Spiritual Publisher?4 comments
28 Apr 2006 @ 14:42, by James A.

I have written a short inspirational book. I'm looking for a publisher, and thinking about self-publishing. It would fit into the newage/religious category.
I will also need illustration, but I may do that myself.

Does anyone have suggestions or advice?

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28 Apr 2006 @ 15:29 by scotty : Hi Indrax
I hope that you might find this {} helpful - don't be put off by the fact that they are based in the UK as I happen to know that they publish internationally !!

Good luck !  

28 Apr 2006 @ 19:06 by jobrown : I Loooove your Web-Site! this is COOL!!! Thanks Indrax! Please, stay in touch, eh? : ) /// A-d  

14 Mar 2007 @ 01:52 by andrasnm : "Conversation with God" - Best Esoteric,
Best Esoteric, Spiritual Book for a Westerner

I publish esoteric, spiritual books as reprints. I thought most of the Truth has been written already and most of the newer "New Age" books were bullocks, until I have seen the "Conversation with God" DVD. After that I just had to buy and read the book. What it says is not new to me but a powerful confirmation of the Truth as IS. As it always been, put in an easy to read format, lacking the Sanskrit and ancient expressions that some westerners might find obtuse and confusing. Not to mention it is written in the 20th century (most of my books published are in Victorian English or otherwise written in the 19th century – not so easy to read for most…)
In fact Walsch put the whole idea in a very nice and readable personal format. No wonder he sold millions of copies. I just want to thank the producers of the DVD to shed some lights on this book and the author whom I learned to admire and follow now.
Andras Nagy  

14 Mar 2007 @ 01:55 by andrasnm : contact me if need some ideas of
self-publishing, I have been there and all the way around....I have three books, self-published and now trying to write a fourth and publish it with a publishing house....  

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