Practical way to the New Civilization: Time of a New Civilization has come    
 Time of a New Civilization has come0 comments
27 Jul 2006 @ 14:30, by Sergey Chujko

We continue our dialogue which beginning is submitted in previous article. This dialogue has reached rather exciting theme, a theme of practical realization of idea of a new society. Also has reached very much in time: just next week we start to develop active work on creation of institutes of the New Civilization. We hope, that we shall meet with in this business approval of members NCN and other interested persons

It is glad, that to you the sense It is glad, that to you the sense of my model of the New Civilization starts to open. Now under the order that in it while confuses you.

For the beginning about that you do not see its practical appendices. It - is not surprising, as I own English somehow, all basic materials at me - in Russian, the nearest months I shall try to translate them to English, but whether will solve it a problem, is not confident - even those who read them in Russian, frequently anything cannot understand. Either does not want. Or understand all just what isn't needed. But in it there is nothing surprising. Another would be strange - if all have suddenly accepted enthusiastically revolutionary enough idea.

So, about practical applicability. It practically more than is applicable - as soon as we shall impose system of guarantees, it will go with such speed, that we shall see its fruits everywhere where before 2015 by which personally I am guided as for a while when it will be possible to tell: yes, the basic work is already made, process of becoming of a new civilization has accepted irreversible character.

And it is not mere words. Two years ago we have started the first project which developed and has been carried out from the beginning up to the end under my circuit in Moscow. And it has shown fantastic practical results (practical, means confirmed with movement of money): growth of capitalization MetaShare for half-year has made 500 interest, and the MetaProduct (under the leader - transaction) - almost 800 interest to base cost MetaShare. And it was on the project in which three serious innovations simultaneously contained - technological, organizational and investment. It is natural, that capitalist sharks have become interested in the project, and at us problems at once have appeared, we shall tell softly, half criminal character. But experience now - though take away. Therefore, as soon as we will manage to create system of guarantees and insurances of contributions, process will go by a principle of dominoes.

But we, naturally, are not going to wait systems of guarantees, under a lying stone water does not flow. In essence we within the framework of Power of the Sunlight begin full-scale campaign with August, first of this year on creation of base institutes of the New Civilization, namely:
1. Creation of a financial system of new generation, one of which components begins system of guarantees
2. Creation of system of direct synthesis - interaction of the consumer and the manufacturer in commodity, credit, investment, innovative and guarantee sphere
3. Creation of global system of the anti-infectious defense directed, first of all, on protection against fatal threat of the bird's flu
4. Introduction (on principles of the property of the consumer on means of production) one of the most perspective Russian development who, at success, will influence hardly probable not all sides of human life. With corresponding not only social, but also quite concrete financial results which can reach here and record sizes
5. Creation of essentially new medical system, which efficiency is simply non-comparable above existing, and together they can create the true miracles (especially for those who carry out the mission).

So practical applicability of my concept does not cause doubts, a question only in when its time will come. All confirms: our time has already come.

Besides I want to pay your attention to the following fact: base economic elements of my model for a long time are submitted in the global market and show miracles of efficiency. I have in a kind of a society of a mutual insurance, the timeshare and some consumer institutes of a global level. To a word, and in the USA are shown attributes of the future, I have in a kind created in this logic Community Supported Agriculture. In Russia one of the agricultural enterprises, using related technology, has managed in the heaviest for Russia years to increase growth of manufacture in natural expression in 64 times (!) for some years. So with practical applicability here all is in the best way. Moreover, in a zone of transition to economy of the New Civilization the nearest years it is possible to expect very serious incomes and significant boom. In which preparation we together accept feasible participation. It also speaks simply: if any technology provides reduction in distribution costs in times there is no force which will stop its development. Simply the society should ripen to its understanding. Will ripen, it is confident, quickly.

We go further. What should turn out, if we leave from traditional market model? Anything especially new if not to take into account that in New Civilization (and this main thing in concept) each citizen should have independently from anybody the capital of the "feeding" property necessary for his full self-accomplishment (self-knowledge, self-development and self-realization). And socialism (in Russia - in 1917), and capitalism (in Russia - in 1991) began that deprived with all citizens of the country of their "feeding" property. Also continue to deprive during all life - socialism through confiscations of property objectionable, capitalism through defaults, crises, bankruptcies, etc., and in Russia confiscation of property have returned in the criminal code literally one of these days. For what it is done, is clear: both the socialism, and capitalism are constructed on the slavery only very well hidden, is especial under capitalism. « Feeding » the property to this slavery puts the end. It will begin the true development of a society. As the slave is engaged in that the owner forces to make him. And the free person is engaged in for what he was created with the nature. And it will be - absolutely other society. A society professional, competent, quickly developing, with the highest level of sensation of happiness. As the happiness is an opportunity to be engaged in the business. Those today only elites, apparently, have. But also they are engaged not in the affairs, they should keep the position, beating off, including, from those whom they have deprived with means of existence.

Now about the fixed prices. Traditional money already for a long time has become outdated morally and physically. They should be replaced with the perfect commodity, author's and private money. Which are based on a base element of all design of a new civilization, the property of the consumer on means of production. Here again the concept of a market price disappears in general. There are concepts of costs and qualities, i.e. - concepts of physical economy, much more effective, rather than economy speculative.

And the last. No doubt, today the western economy is the strongest economy of the world. Due to this it also destroys ecology of a planet most vigorously, and creates hardly probable not the best (in comparison with other countries) conditions for a life of the citizens. Which for the the governments amicably vote. But thus there is a question: and what price of success? And as far as such situation is steady? And than it can end? The terrorism, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Latin America, illegal migration - all this shows, that problems at the West, most likely, only begin. As it is far from being everyone agrees with that model of so-called democracy which money and tomahawks sometimes imposes the West to the world. And that business can end unexpectedly enough, we accepted Bolivia. And now let's imagine that in one day all almost two hundreds countries will nationalize actives of all western transnational corporations. Whether will create it problems to the West? I think what yes. Whether it is possible? More than. As nobody wants to be reconciled in XXI century with the unfair economic and social device. For this reason we also create new economy, economy effective, the economy working on all population of a planet, instead of on a small amount of billionaires, economy essentially moral. As the economy working directly on the consumer can be moral only. The economy working on the official and on business, are immoral by definition. Hence, are inefficient. Also should be replaced

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