Insights regarding the work of identifying and eliminating unquestioned false beliefs and unifying the best of modern science and ancient wisdom.
This is to help derive a firm foundation for a unified science upon which the new cycle of civilisation can make its stand.
It also offers a systemic perspective on the nature of various phenomena in the world from consciousness to economics to the global paradigm shift that is currently under way and more.
See the main website at for more detailed information.
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This is the latest version of the structural basis of the high level design for a general innovation project. Note: I'll keep updating the diagram and adding comments until this design reaches a steady state...
Here are some slides of the various components shown separately... More >
See the original and other answers at
At the bottom of this page there are also
some other answers and my comments on them.
I will not attempt to answer this question here, but merely
provide some links to instances where the idea has been discussed.
This idea is becoming increasingly popular within the scientific
debate because it provides an explanatory framework that allows us to
comprehend quantum phenomena that were previously incomprehensible...
Whilst it is impossible to comprehend the quantum mechanical
description of the universe in terms of 'physical' phenomena, at the
same time we are finding that thinking in terms of information
processes allows us to understand quantum phenomena, not as something
bizarre and paradoxical, but as the natural & necessary
properties of a simulated virtual reality. More >
@markjbradford quoted @GrahamHill, which was retweeted by
I totally disagree with this, thus I responded to them saying: More >
Quoted from my comments to a facebook
Some Information Theoretic Background
In terms of communication, the issue of coherence is related to
the transference of pattern/structure between information spaces.
E.g. the transference of an idea between minds or an email between
computers. More >
“A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste
not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.” (Alexander Pope)
Quotes from Chapter 13 “The Yoga of the Division of the Cosmos
into Body and Soul” from the Bhagavad Gita. More >
“Liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a
threshold") is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical
subjective, conscious state of being on the "threshold" of
or between two different existential planes” (Wikipedia)
A 'liminal' state is when structures dissolve and the stream of
events undergoes a creative process of change, resulting in the
spontaneous emergence of fundamentally new forms and modes of being.
Thus a 'liminal' state is the state of being in the midst of a
radical, whole system, evolutionary, quantum leap.
It is not a smooth transition but a radical discontinuity. For
example, if one cuts open a caterpillar's cocoon one doesn't find a
half-caterpillar-half butterfly, what one finds is a complex
biological soup that is in a liminal state.
Paradigm shifts also require such transformative leaps, where the
old ways of thinking and being are deconstructed all the way down to
the the fundamental assumptions from which they have grown. When
these are dissolved by the clear light of awareness the new paradigm
will emerge and flourish.
This process is known to alchemists as VITRIOL, the “Universal
Solvent”. It is from this acronym that the word vitriolic arose, to
describe the action of sulphuric acid and its capacity to dissolve
things into their basic constituents.
VITRIOL stands for “Visitas interiora terrae rectificando
invenese Occultum Lapidum.”
Literally it translates as “Visit the interior of earth and by
rectification you will discover the Hidden Stone (the Philosopher's
What it means is that in any context, delve into the foundations
of it, dissolve it into its fundamental constituents and underlying
causes then seek to correct the situation at that deep level, then
you will gain profound insight and mastery of that context. This is
particularly applied in the alchemical context of self-awareness,
self-knowledge, self-transformation and self-mastery.
Self-Realisation, profound insight and effortless mastery are
easily attainable, but only on the “other side” of a liminal
state. If one simply builds upon the old foundation in new ways one
only creates variations of the same old theme. To discover that which
is truly new one must dissolve the old and let things go into a
liminal state.
I see two approaches to this issue and will introduce them by
briefly describing the context and development of each, showing how
one leads into the other. I have endeavoured to keep this as simple
and concise as possible for a subject of this depth. More >
From a response to a Facebook
conversation about the issue of
action, inaction, non-action, ego, doer, doership, etc.
I just opened the Bhagavad Gita at random and it opened at chapter
3, "Karma Yoga: The Way of Action". The entire book is
relevant to this issue however I will quote extensively from just
this chapter because synchronicity is suggesting that it may be
particularly relevant.
First some background. Arjuna is a prince of a great kingdom that
has disintegrated into two warring factions. Krishna, the avatar of
the Supreme Godhead is serving as Arjuna's charioteer. A great war
has arisen and Arjuna is called upon to lead an army to fight his
kinsmen, his brothers, his teachers and those who he loves and
On the eve of the battle, in the midst of the two armies, Arjuna
breaks down. "O Krishna, when I see these people, my kinsmen
assembled here, eager for battle, my limbs sag, my mouth feels
parched, my body quakes, and my hairs stand on end... I am unable to
stand still and my mind is in a whirl. I see adverse omens, and do
not forsee any good from killing my own kinsmen in battle... These I
would not wish to kill though they may have risen to kill us. Even to
obtain the kingdom of the three worlds (outer, inner & inner
most); far less for the sake of the earth...."
Krishna's first reply is "O Arjuna, from where does this
disgraceful conduct come into your mind in this hour of peril? It is
unknown to the Aryas (awakened ones), does not lead to heaven, and
brings one disrepute."
Krishna goes on to explain the entire nature of reality, the
cosmic process and its projection upon the earthly plane, the fact
that none there on the battle field are actually alive to begin with
so they cannot be killed, that one must fulfil one's dharma and enact
one's innermost law, which is the law of the cosmos. Anything else is
futile and ruinous. More >
Synthesising Whole Systems
Quoted from the excellent article Complexity
Theory: Actions for
a Better World by Chris Lucas, CALRESCO (The Complexity &
Artificial Life Research Concept for Self-Organizing Systems)
This action section of our website
will list practical suggestions for using the ideas of complexity
science and related areas to counter the ignorance, hate and violence
that are so destroying our heritage, our societies and our planet.
And note that these problems are all mental ones, they are problems
of 'thought' and not of 'things', the result of inadequacies in our
collective mental states, of our approach to life, our lack of
wisdom, not of the inherent inadequacy of our material possessions.
Our approach will be to look at 'whole systems', but this will
require a far more wide ranging perspective than those we normally
label as 'science', taking into account also philosophy and spirit.
Any whole system comprises an holarchy, i.e. many nested and
overlapping sub-systems, these are all important components of the
totality that we wish to improve, so that it is essential that all
these aspects are included, we will have no 'blinkered' perspectives
here, no reductions to one
dimension out of the many that concurrently exist, no divorce of
psychology from sociology, of economics from ecology, not even of
philosophy from science, or science from religion ! From physicist
David Bohm:
"The essential new
quality implied by the quantum theory is... that a system cannot be
analyzed into parts. This leads to the radically new notion of
unbroken wholeness of the entire universe. You cannot take it apart.
For if you do, what you end up with is not contained within the
original whole. It is created by the act of analysis."
Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1983), Whole
This suggests that if we wish to understand the
whole then we must take into account how all these analyses
interrelate, how our abstract slices fit together to create the
overall result and how that can change dynamically, and this is just
the form of synthesis undertaken by the systems sciences. But to
understand the implications of this wider viewpoint, we must start
with thought itself.
Some relevant quotes from elsewhere:
"There is this hope, I cannot promise you whether or when it
will be realized - that the mechanistic paradigm, with all its
implications in science as well as in society and our own private
life, will be replaced by an organismic or systems paradigm that will
offer new pathways for our presently schizophrenic and
self-destructive civilization." (Ludwig von Bertalanffy) [FR]
"Indeed, to some extent it has always been
necessary and proper for man, in his thinking, to divide things up,
if we tried to deal with the whole of reality at once, we would be
swamped. However when this mode of thought is applied more broadly to
man's notion of himself and the whole world in which he lives, (i.e.
in his world-view) then man ceases to regard the resultant divisions
as merely useful or convenient and begins to see and experience
himself and this world as actually constituted of separately existing
fragments. What is needed is a relativistic theory, to give up
altogether the notion that the world is constituted of basic objects
or building blocks. Rather one has to view the world in terms of
universal flux of events and processes." (David Bohm) [FR]
"In contrast to the mechanistic Cartesian view
of the world, the world-view emerging from modern physics can be
characterized by words like organic, holistic, and ecological. It
might also be called a systems view, in the sense of general systems
theory. The universe is no longer seen as a machine, made up of a
multitude of objects, but has to be pictured as one indivisible
dynamic whole whose parts are essentially interrelated and can be
understood only as patterns of a cosmic process." (Fritjof
Capra) [FR]
Let me relate to you a short story as an introduction to the real
subject of this article – the mathematical / metaphysical
foundations of a unified holistic science.
I was 21, working as a taxi driver and quite deeply 'absorbed'
with what one might call the occult, in particular Western Esoteric
(Kabbalistic) Ritual High Magick. However from surface appearances I
was "just a taxi driver".
During this time somehow the thought entered my awareness that "I
will descend into the swamp of modernity wherein I will find and
retrieve a 'Jewel of Immeasurable Worth' that lies unnoticed."
I didn't know what it meant - but the idea grew – not just an
intellectual idea, but an inspiring force. It hovered just beneath
the conscious mind; floating on the 'surface' of the subconscious.
Six months or so later another idea surfaced - "I will study
physics and computer science at Uni next year." And I did - all
up for about 5 years. ######## More >
"The main purpose of
jnana meditation is to withdraw the mind and emotions from perceiving
life and oneself in a deluded way so that one may behold and live in
attunement with Reality, or Spirit." -
Gnana "advocates that the real, experiential knowledge
of the Brahman/Atman identity is sufficient to get enlightened, and
that as far as spiritual seekers are ready to sacrifice everything to
obtain this supreme wisdom, they need neither rituals nor meditation
as spiritual exercise." - comment on Shankaracharya
Jiva or the empirical self becomes one with Brahman when it gets
knowledge of Brahman. When knowledge dawns in it through annihilation
of Avidya [ignorance], it is freed from its individuality and
finitude and realises its essential Satchidananda nature. It merges
itself in the ocean of bliss. The river of life joins the ocean of
existence." - comment on Shankaracharya
seeker is he who is in search of himself. Give up all questions
except one: "Who am I?" After all, the only fact that you
are sure of is that you are. The "I am" is certain. The "I
am this" is not. Struggle to find out what you are in reality.
To know what you are, you must first investigate and know what you
are not. Discover all that you are not - body, feelings, thoughts,
time, space, this or that, nothing concrete or abstract, which you
perceive can be you. The very act of perceiving shows that you are
not what you perceive. The clearer you understand that on the level
of mind you can be described in negative terms only [not this, not
that], the quicker you will come to the end of your search and
realize that you are the limitless being." - Sri Nisargadatta
Maharaj, I am That,
[full text pdf]
"Questioner: How long will it take me to
get free of the mind?
Maharaj: It may take a thousand years,
but really no time is required. All you need is to be in dead
earnest. Here the will is the deed. If you are sincere, you have it.
After all, it is a matter of attitude. Nothing stops you from being a
gnani here and now, except fear. You are afraid of being impersonal,
of impersonal being. It is all quite simple. Turn away from your
desires and fears and from the thoughts they create and you are at
once in your natural state." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, I am
[full text pdf]
"The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding. In
reality, there is no such thing. Feelings, thoughts and actions race
before the watcher in endless succession, leaving traces in the brain
and creating an illusion of continuity. A reflection of the watcher
in the mind creates the sense of 'I' and the person acquires an
apparently independent existence.
In reality there is no person, only the watcher identifying
himself with the 'I' and the 'mine'. The teacher tells the watcher:
you are not this, there is nothing of yours in this, except the
little point of "I am", which is the bridge between the
watcher and his dream. "I am this, I am that" is dream,
while pure "I am" has the stamp of reality on it. - Sri
Nisargadatta Maharaj, I am That
[full text pdf]
"So long as people do not understand the true nature of the
objective world, they fall into the dualistic view of things. They
imagine the multiplicity of external objects to be real and become
attached to them and are nourished by their habit energy. Because of
this system of mentation, mind and what belongs to it is
discriminated and is thought of as real; this leads to the assertion
of an ego-soul and its belongings, and thus the mind-system goes on
functioning." - Lankavatara Sutra
[full text pdf]
"When the television set is burned or destroyed, will the
people in the movie feel the pain and die? You have no form, no
shape..." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Seeds of Consciousness
"What is it that had birth? Whom do you call a human being?
If, instead of seeking explanations for birth, death and after-death,
the question is raised as to who and how you are now, these questions
will not arise...
The body is born again and again. We wrongly identify ourselves
with the body, and hence imagine we are reincarnated constantly. No.
We must identify ourselves with the true Self. The realised one
enjoys unbroken consciousness, never broken by birth or death - how
can he die? Only those who think 'I am the body' talk of
reincarnation. To those who know 'I am the Self' there is no rebirth.
Reincarnations only exist so long as there is ignorance. There is
no incarnation, either now, before or hereafter. This is the truth."
- Sri Ramana Maharshi
Again for emphasis...
"There is no incarnation, either now, before or hereafter.
This is the truth"
“Greatest assumption in human history: The existence of a
personal identity. 99,99% of our global communications refer to a you
and a me, but no one actually ever found an 'I' to exist anywhere!
All our thoughts, emotions and words refer to something no one has
ever been able to confirm to even exist. HA HA HA!! It's hilarious!!
And it's very very sad at the same
time! The single cause of our current state as a species. We're all
like sheep, following the herd, assuming what everybody else has also
been taught to assume. Time to wake up my friends.” (Bentinho
Massaro) ... More >
@VenessaMiemis (
asked on Twitter:
The other responses that I saw focused on profit motives,
incentives, toppling capitalism, etc. These are the usual types of
responses and they arise from an anthropocentric paradigm, which
could be caricatured by the phrase "people rule the world".
They focus on how people can engineer organisations for the benefit
of people without even considering the perspectives of the
organisations themselves and what they want. For example, the comment
by @steve_e
And in particular the comment by @mgusek555 caught my attention
IMHO these are rather narrow anthropocentric perspectives on a
very important issue, hence I decided to throw in my two cents worth
in order to present an alternative non-anthropocentric / systemic
perspective. Here are my tweets: More >
Monica Anderson said on Facebook:
“I can't figure out if the SA (simulation argument) is dualist and
would like to know”
Note: That which she calls SA
I have elsewhere called the VR analogy or computational metaphysics.
I have contemplated this issue of SA and dualism at some length
from many angles, in particular by studying an intuitively received
mathematical model (SMN) of the
reality generative process and how it processes information in order
to create the appearance of indivudual perspectives upon a physical
In brief I have found that the term 'dualism' has a certain
meaning within a particular context, however SA changes that context
and thereby also the meaning of the term.
To explain, first here is a comment I made earlier in the same
thread, which explains the context of our current meaning of the
term. More >
Quote from the Lankavatara Sutra
"So long as people do not understand the true nature of the
objective world, they fall into the dualistic view of things. They
imagine the multiplicity of external objects to be real and become
attached to them and are nourished by their habit energy. Because of
this system of mentation, mind and what belongs to it is
discriminated and is thought of as real; this leads to the assertion
of an ego-soul and its belongings, and thus the mind-system goes on
functioning. Depending upon and attaching itself to the dualistic
habit of mind, they accept the views of the philosophers founded upon
these erroneous distinctions, of being and non-being, existence and
non-existence, and there evolves what we call false-imaginations...
False-imaginations rise from the consideration of appearances;
things are discriminated as to form, signs and shape; as to having
colour, warmth, humidity, mobility or rigidity. False-imagination
consists of becoming attached to these appearances and their names...
The five sense functions and their discriminating and thinking
function have their risings and complete ending from moment to
moment... By setting up names and forms greed is multiplied and thus
the mind goes on mutually conditioning and being conditioned. By
becoming attached to names and forms, not realising that they have no
more basis than the activities of the mind itself, error arises,
false-imagination as to pleasure and pain arises, and the way to
emancipation is blocked...
By the cessation of the mind-system as a whole is meant, the
cessation of discrimination, the clearing away of the various
attachments, and, therefore, the clearing away of the defilements of
habit-energy in the face of Universal Mind which have been
accumulating since beginningless time by reason of these
discriminations, attachments, erroneous reasonings, and following
acts... Getting rid of the discriminating mortal-mind is Nirvana.
But the cessation of the discriminating-mind cannot take place
until there has been a “turning about” in the deepest seat of
consciousness. The mental habit of looking outward by the
discriminating-mind upon an external objective world must be given
up, and a new habit of realising Truth within the intuitive-mind by
becoming one with the Truth itself must be established.... With the
ending of pleasure and pain, of conflicting ideas, of the disturbing
interests of egoism, a state of tranquilisation will be attained in
which the truths of emancipation will be fully understood..."
(Lankavatara Sutra
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Previous entries
A system's perspective on open-source social operating systems
Quantum Mechanics, Decoherence, Observables, Consciousness and Paradigm Shift
Processual Metaphysics
Defending mind from anti-mind spirituality
Overview of information system metaphysics
Exploring some patterns in the I Ching
Decoherence and the Quantum Sentience Paradox
Interesting countup-countdown pattern
A True Current of Western Spirituality or a Partial Realisation?
Comments Regarding The Truth
Quotes regarding truth, reality and knowledge
Shadow Personality and the Poisoning of the Mind
Purifying one's mind and infowar both personal and global
Mystic Perspective: Comments and Quotes
Topics Related to Recent Thoughts
Self-organising narrative on the nature of reality
Innovation Yantra
Is the Universe a Simulation? - My Answer on
Trusting Self-Organisation - TweetList
About Coherence
What is knowledge and what is to be known?
What is a 'liminal' state?
What is Consciousness? - My answer on
Karma Yoga: The Way of Action - Quotes from the Bhagavad Gita
Synthesising Whole Systems - CALRESCO
The Jewel of Immeasurable Worth
Quotes Regarding Gnana, the Yoga of Supreme Knowledge
Quotes regarding the illusion of being a person
Organisations, Collective Consciousness & Developing Human Potential - TweetList
Simulation Argument and Dualism
Naïve Realism Discussed in the Lankavatara Sutra
Integral Theory and Naïve Realism
Memes, Minds & Collective Intelligence - Tweet List
Tweet list re: the nature of reality, self, experience & the world
Personality and Ego
Memetic Map of Areas of Interest
Symbolism Brainstorm
A new strategy emerging in the war on drugs.
Simulacrum Definition
Liberation is not of the person, but from the person
Extracts from the Lankavatara Sutra
The vision arising from my work in five sentences
Discussing the Emerging Paradigm on the SSE Forum
Ego Defence Mechanisms
Harmony and Oneness through Clarifying Dialogue
Reclaiming 'Realism' for the Sake of Being Realistic
Biological Analogy for Agents of Change
Advice on Nurturing the Emerging Memeplex
Shape of the Emerging Memeplex and How to Nurture It
Wisdom for this Phase of the Journey
Descartes, Scepticism, Rationalism, Meditation and Intuition
Update on Recent Work
What I Think in Simple Terms
Consciousness, Self, World, Virtual Reality and Liberation
Signs of a New Paradigm 01
Profound Metaphysical Questions to Ask Yourself
The Hard Problem of Conscious Experience
Recent Work
Seven Steps To Unified Metaphysical Awareness
More ..
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