RA EFDARGON - Category: Inspiration    
category picture4 Mar 2014 @ 07:05
I never ceased to marvel over songbirds perched on trees nearby my residence, their songs serving as balms that can sooth inner wounds. As part of divine grace on Terra, we are o! so blessed with so many songbirds. In the early morning, they role-play as my alarm clock, wakening me through their sweet melodies.  More >

category picture4 Mar 2014 @ 06:38
In 1989, my provocative essay titled “On The Somnambulism of the Filipino” began to circulate in diverse publications. I cogitated then that the Filipino suffers from a collective somnambulism, which explains the lack of directional sense of purpose of our countrymen. To salve the ailment, a Filipino Renaissance must be waged, which will see the explosive innovations in the sciences, philosophy, and the arts. Thanks heavens, the Renaissance has begun, as manifested by (a) thousands of patents and copyrights registered every year and (b) by very noble works in all human endeavors.  More >

category picture1 Mar 2014 @ 06:10
A person who is truly in the Path of Light, in thought and in practice, will naturally turn out to be cheerful. If a person refuses, consciously or unconsciously, to release dense energy blockages from within, then higher Light cannot flow down the lower self as much as it should, thus causing a state of ‘grim and determined’ mood.  More >

category picture19 Feb 2014 @ 12:25
Any spiritual Aspirant ought to realize the wisdom behind labor as way to reproducing in the self the power of creation of the Prime Creator. Being thus a reproduction of such divine powers, each of us is a co-creator of the Almighty in the lower dimensions of reality.  More >

category picture15 Feb 2014 @ 07:28
The future, in other words, is not a fixed condition of life that an external intelligence has assigned for us. We are free will beings, free to chart the contours of our “what-can-be” from the momentary context of the “what-is”.  More >

category picture11 Feb 2014 @ 07:28
As a youth I was attracted strongly to humanist, Enlightenment ideas about progress and the possibilities of recreating worlds. From the Eastern masters did I learn more recondite thoughts about progress and the continuous growth of the Spirit in daily life, thus ensuring a better future for us all individually and collectively as humans.  More >

 ASPIRATION0 comments
category picture4 Feb 2014 @ 08:24
This poetic piece is about building one’s life based on dreams or goals. “A man with a dream cannot be denied,” thundered a former labor leader in the USA who shifted later on to network marketing—he did succeed in the latter though he was denied by potential markets or sponsored distributors hundreds of times before his new business matured.  More >

category picture27 Jan 2014 @ 07:40
Divine Wisdom or theos Sophia is the wisdom of ascended beings or masters. Previously taught in secrecy only to the elect, it is now disseminated and taught openly. Also called the Teaching, the Brothers of Light decided to keep it secret for a long time during the Kali Yuga (Dark Age), as it was abused and used for ulterior or evil motives by the unprepared and the Evil Ones. Kali Yuga is now over, the Golden Age of Light has begun, and the Teaching had since its open dissemination impacted decisively already so as to lift up humanity to where it is today: the Ascendant arc of evolutionary path.  More >

 ON PITFALLS & STARS0 comments
category picture22 Jan 2014 @ 06:40
I share the message to all enthused seekers and devotees of the Ascended Masters to welcome pitfalls that occur in their sojourns. Refrain from self-pitying when they come, welcome them as they are part of your molding in the Spirit, regard them as challengers that forge you into a far stronger Being than before.  More >

category picture15 Jan 2014 @ 06:19

Erle Frayne D. Argonza

In this portion of the cosmogony articulations, a consolidated report on the Australia cosmogony is shared.

The folk beliefs about the ‘sun’ and ‘moon’ endowed with consciousness signifies the role in antiquity of the ‘solar pitris’ and ‘lunar pitris’ (pitris = fathers) in evolving Terrans. Theos Sophia was clear in the thesis that nature unaided cannot evolve humans.

Standard archetypes such as ‘sky’, ‘sea’, ‘water’, ‘egg’, ‘fire’, ‘space’, and so on. The faint knowledge of man evolving first as shadowy/etheric is reflected in the myths. From there on, divine intervention took place so as to improve humans to make them more morphous, bio-physical, intelligent, endowed with speech, more agile than the phlegmatic predecessors.

[Philippines, 30 June 2011]
Source: [link]
From a consideration of the cosmogonic myths of Australia here outlined it would appear that a number of conclusions are justified. It has already been pointed out that a broad distinction may be drawn on linguistic grounds between the northern and central tribes on the one hand and those of the remainder of Australia on the other. Unfortunately, we have no myth material from western Australia, so that nothing can be said of its relations to the remainder of the continent. It is fairly clear, however, that the linguistic divergencies between the northern and central portions as contrasted with the southern and eastern districts are paralleled by differences in mythology. In the former region we find scarcely a trace of any myths of the source of the world or of a creator deity. The origin of mankind is either a coming up out of the ground or a spontaneous beginning as embryonic or amorphous beings, who are made human by one or another group of totem ancestors. The sun and moon are regarded as persons who, like other early mythical beings, emerged from the ground and later ascended to the sky, and knowledge of fire is said to have been taught to the ancestors in the underworld. In the southern and eastern portions of the continent we find, on the other hand, more or less definite tales of a creator-being and of a creation, together with myths of the origin of man-kind. Here the sun is often regarded as an actual fire kindled by an egg cast into space; here the sea (or water) is said to have been in the beginning either concealed or swallowed; and here a variety of origins are given for fire, its ownership by, and theft from, animals or birds being perhaps the most characteristic. Comparison with adjacent areas leads to rather contradictory results. In some particulars the northern and central type shows relationship to the largely hypothetical Papuan stratum in Melanesia, although some of its most characteristic elements, such as the origin of man from embryonic beings, have thus far not been reported from the Melanesian area. On the other hand, the southern and eastern type reveals points of similarity with the Melanesian stratum in Melanesia, although from the geographical stand-point, and known historical relations this would hardly be expected. On the basis of the cosmogonic myths alone these suggested resemblances are uncertain at the best; and we may, therefore, turn to the remainder of the mythology and see whether the same cleavage and the same affiliations occur there also.


[link], http://cosmicbuhay.blogspot.com, [link], http://talangguro.blogfree.com, [link], http://lovingenergies.spruz.com, [link], http://thatsthewayoflight.socialparadox.com, [link], http://www.spiritualpassions.com, [link]
http://community.beliefnet.com/erleargonza, [link], http://healinginternational.ning.com, [link], http://raefdargon.mysticblogs.com, [link], http://newageconnection.com, [link]

[link], http://www.greatdreams.com,
[link], http://www.lightchannels.com,
[link], http://www.joelyonskincheloe.info/,
[link], http://www.lightascension.com,
[link], http://www.gandhiserve.org,
[link], http://www.rssb.org, [link], http://www.saibaba.org, [link],
http://www.salrachele.com, [link],
[link]  More >

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