The WildEast News - Category: News    
 Rumourmill Urgently Activated5 comments
picture18 Mar 2008 @ 19:17
I read some person’s comment below to the text beneath that comment and decided that, boy, even if am too afar I don’t want to be “complicit in the conspiracy” :-). So, for today The WildEast News turns The WildEastern Seaboard News. And I don’t try joking – things seem to be ever hotter every day in your country…

Comment: For those who still doubt the reality of a global elite conspiracy, this should be the ultimate wake up call!
If the MEDIA still refuses to cover this shattering NEWS as URGENT, then it is also complicit in the conspiracy!
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Forwarded message - extremely important and URGENT!
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Breaking!! What really happened in the closed-door Congress Session!
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008  More >