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 In Memoriam Rosa Parks10 comments
picture25 Oct 2005 @ 07:29
Pride means the end of wisdom.

---Japanese proverb

It is just like learning archery; eventually you reach a point where ideas are ended and feelings forgotten, and then you suddenly hit the target.


We find great things are made of little things,
And little things go lessening till at last
Comes God behind them.

---Robert Browning

Rosa Parks, 1913 - 2005

"I am leaving this legacy to all of you ... to bring peace, justice, equality, love and a fulfillment of what our lives should be. Without vision, the people will perish, and without courage and inspiration, dreams will die — the dream of freedom and peace."

[link]  More >

 Beautiful New Orleans Stirs America's Soul At Last12 comments
picture5 Sep 2005 @ 09:24
We sit to settle the self on the self and let the flower of our lifeforce bloom.

---Dainin Katagiri

You are not thinking. You are merely being logical.

---Niels Bohr to Albert Einstein

A monk was asked, "What do you do there in the monastery?"
He replied, "We fall and get up, we fall and get up, we fall and get up."

---St. Benedict

The body of a victim of Hurricane Katrina floats in floodwaters in New Orleans September 1, 2005. Up to 300,000 survivors from the hurricane still needed to be evacuated out of disaster zones in Louisiana, Governor Kathleen Blanco said Thursday.

American humorist Harry Shearer devoted his entire hour to a loving portrait of New Orleans last night. If you've never lived there, which is probably the only way really to know this uniquely diverse gumbo of a city, this show might be the best way to get inside. It will be available for streaming sometime this week at his site [link] by clicking Le Show link. He said, "Here is a city, known throughout the world for its cuisine, on its knees begging for food."

The lead story featured by Google News at the moment is a feature from BBC News that went up an hour ago. Its author is Matt Wells, a journalist uniquely qualified in the UK to write a story like this.  More >

 Transfigured Tagliabue1 comment
picture4 May 2005 @ 08:15
When we understand,
we are at the center of the circle,
and there we sit
while Yes and No chase each other around the circumference.


We say that someone has the wondrous ability to play the zither or the lute, but if we ask where that art resides, not even the wisest man can answer....This art, produced by something we cannot fully know, is like the innate nature of the mind that operates in all our daily activities.


who will buy this hat,
glazed with snow?


Giotto's Ascension, 1310

Tomorrow is a day of considerable spiritual significance. It is Yom Hashoah, a solemn day of remembrance of the Holocaust. It is Cinco De Mayo, another celebration of the dead that can jar the outsider with its often festive atmosphere. In Mexico it also marks the defeat of French forces there in 1862. And it is Ascension Day throughout most of Christendom. For many Christians the picture of an actual and tangible living body of Christ rising up into the air to be with the Father in Heaven overhead is a bit of a reach...but perhaps it always has been so.  More >

 Support Our Troops4 comments
picture1 Mar 2005 @ 17:20
Old River Mountain a slab of rock
that blue heaven's swept to paint on
and written there an ancient poem
green letters worked in moss.


And 'tis my faith that
every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

---William Wordsworth

It is good to know the truth, but it is better to speak of palm trees.

---Arabic Proverb

The photo shows Glenn Miller setting up the Army Air Force Band at the Yale Bowl in July 1943.

This really is an open letter to an old friend of mine. If he replies and permits me, I'll post it...and perhaps we may have a little forum. My friend is about my age, went to college with me, and even shared a dorm room for a time. We also shared an abiding love of jazz music---a devotion that has carried our friendship through thick and thin for 45 years. Over the past decade we have parted company politically, a much more extreme move on his part than mine. He has voted for Bush and supports the war effort, I guess, wherever it takes us. He has kept me abreast of conservative thought---and I am not going to make a wisecrack there, because he and I both know how daunting profound conservative philosophy can be. He suggested that if I would agree not to send him anything by Arianna Huffington, he would respond by not bothering me with Ann Coulter. He thought it might be better for the serenity of both of us if we stayed away from those women. We've kept that bargain...although since California deemed the brilliant Arnold Schwarzenegger what they needed for that state's salvation, Arianna has fallen rather more silent than she used to be---whereas Coulter is calling Helen Thomas an "old Arab." I'm not sure the deal is even anymore.  More >

 One Month Later27 comments
picture2 Dec 2004 @ 10:57
Beginning is not only a kind of action, it is also a frame of mind, a kind of work, an attitude, a consciousness.

---Edward Said

Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.

---Freeman Teague

Bowing is a very serious practice. You should be prepared to bow, even in your last moment. Even though it is impossible to get ride of our self-centered desires, we have to do it. Our true nature wants us to.

---Shunryu Suzuki

Washington Crossing the Delaware, 1851
Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb

In this case, we need George Washington to be crossing into Delaware County, Ohio. I'm dashing off this entry I'm afraid, while considering I really should stay home from work today to research more thoroughly what's going on in my state currently. Let's see how I can order these events and stories for your convenience.  More >

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