MAGICAL MELODY: Mayan Dates - Cycle Timing!    
 Mayan Dates - Cycle Timing!
picture 19 Jul 2004 @ 15:32, by Alana Tobin

Mayan Information Here and Very Interesting Dates -

2004 - 4th "Day" -Dec. 4th, 2004 - Nov. 28th, 2005

(New foundations of human relations)

I see the Mayan Calendar and the information provided within them as important treasures which provide empowering resources and tools in support of our evolutionary shift of consciousness!! Finally the truth about the Mayan Calendars, and accurate data is provided on these sites!! Awesome!!

Image is called the Galactic Butterfly - Hunab Ku

This symbol is called the Galactic Butterfly which is said to represent all of the consciousness that has ever existed in this galaxy. This is all of our physical ancestors both human, animal, reptile, fish, shell fish, plants as well as the consciousness which organized all of the raw material from a whirling disk into stars then planets and solar systems. Big Meaning. So big that the original Maya had no symbol for this. In their civilization it was like having no name for God. Just knowing the concept was good enough. Later this pattern was devised by Toltec or Zapatec weavers as a pattern for blankets and this is where Jose Arguelles came across it. He called it Hunab Ku. The indigenous peoples call it "The Galactic Butterfly". Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.

Hunab Ku, is the highest god. He rebuilt the world after three Great Floods, which came from the mouth of a sea monster. He is father of Itzamna and husband of Ixazalvoh. Hunab Ku is the symbol the ancient Mayans said is the gateway to other galaxies beyond our sun. Gazing upon this symbol allows you to transcend the barriers of perception and time. It has all the balance and symmetry of the Asian yin-yang symbol, and so much more.


Galactic Consciousness

Cycle Timing

1st "Day" Jan. 5th, 1999 - Dec. 30th, 1999

(Seeds of consciousness planted)

1st "Night" Dec. 31th, 1999 - Dec. 24th, 2000

(Consciousness is activated)

2nd "Day" Dec. 25th, 2000 - Dec. 19th, 2001

(Polarity is displayed)

2nd "Night" Dec. 20th, 2001 - Dec. 14th, 2002

(Old and New consciousness collide)

3rd "Day" Dec. 15th, 2002 - Dec. 9th, 2003

(The Truth rolls out - Like it or Not)

3rd "Night" Dec. 10th, 2003 - Dec. 3nd, 2004

(Adjustments to the Truth - Don't Hold on, but Flow)

4th "Day" Dec. 4th, 2004 - Nov. 28th, 2005

(New foundations of human relations)

4th "Night" Nov. 29th, 2005 - Nov. 23rd, 2006

(Ethical procedures are implemented)

5th "Day" Nov. 24th, 2006 - Nov. 18th, 2007

(We meet our Galactic neighbors)

5th "Night" Nov. 19th, 2007 - Nov. 12th, 2008

(The end of manufactured lack)

6th "Day" Nov. 13th, 2008 - Nov. 7th, 2009

(Consciousness surpasses technology)

6th "Night" Nov. 8th, 2009 - Nov. 2nd, 2010

(Bliss, we will need the practice)

7th "Day" Nov. 3rd, 2010 - Oct. 28th, 2011

(We evolve to conscious Co-Creation of existence and experience)

click here for more

I decided to add the following information and links below here. I see the Mayan Calendar and the information provided within them as important treasures which provide empowering resources and tools in support of our evolutionary shift of consciousness!! Finally the truth about the Mayan Calendars, and accurate data is provided on these sites!! Awesome!!

Thanks to Ov!! I am catching up on these gems/sites posted below. I have been following the Mayan calendar off and on since the mid 80's. I have been working with the symbols and calendar for a number of years now, however with these sites I finally have access to and can figure out 'key' information that was not available until now.

Extracted from 'Questions to Ian Xel Lundgold'
***The Galactic Cycle is bringing the Consciousness of ETHICS in over the consciousness of POWER. This started Jan. 1999. Each of the Days and Nights of the Mayan calendar (in this cycle each are 360 Gregorian days) have particular meanings. In the 3rd Day the truth is brought to consciousness and in the 3rd Night that truth is applied. The rubber meets the road so to speak. During the 4th Day in every cycle previous to this one, the new consciousness becomes the dominate one. In other words, Ethics over Power this time. During the 4th Night this becomes applied everywhere by everyone and every thing.

So Power is destined to fall. The systems that are in place to hold humanity in slavery to economies, government and religions (morals are not ethics) will fail during this 3rd Night so that the way is clear for Ethics to become the dominate consciousness. In addition the last time we were in a 3rd Night was 1854-1873. Check your world history for that time. The world was racked by civil wars including the US Civil War that started in 1861. That relates to April 17, 2004. Now go read what is happening in the courts of this country right now. There is a "Civil War" going on in the courts as Ethics rears its head against Power. The storm is rising, the storm will rage, the storm will pass, clearing the way for new consciousness of Ethics.

In service to the God~Us
Ian Xel Lungold
Mayan Website
See sidebar and click on - Questions to Ian Xel Lundgold

Mayan Websites: Mayanmajix and Mayaonics and the following is a piece by Carl Johan Calleman (Mayaonics) explaining how even the calendars (count) have been out of 'integral' accuracy until such time they are not. See the page about Dreamspell being a new age invented system:Carl's Site Make sure to click on the flag for English text for the first Mayonics link!



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