The International Peace Group    
 McVeigh Theory Revised
picture2 May 2003 @ 09:50
The Bush administration has decided to phrase their justification for the war in Iraq in a very dangerous way. The latest Bush propaganda philosophy goes like this: if you have a tyrannical government you're trying to get rid of, anywhere in the world, you bomb its government buildings, target its leaders, and label yourselves "freedom fighters", and you can morally do anything you want. If there is collateral damage in the death of innocents and babies, well, that's okay. That's just the price of war. War is hell. We'll "kinda, sorta, try" not to hurt innocents, but if we do... oh well... all for the liberation of the Iraqi people: all for "Iraqi Freedom".

Now, I'm not going to say that that's right or wrong. Saddam Hussein is a bastard. He is unquestionably one of the most vicious bastards in human history. I frankly hopes he gets what he deserves, and frankly, burning in hell forever would be too good for him.

And there may indeed be other motivations. Perhaps Iraq DOES have weapons of mass destruction. I think that is a very likely probability: after all, American corporations sold him those WMD's, so we ought to know better than anyone. Perhaps he IS supporting terrorists intent on going after America. Perhaps he IS going to attack either America, or other nations such as Israel with these. Perhaps we can prove that.

Or perhaps he just has oil that we want and can't get any other way.

George W. Bush and hs administration could have used the above justifications. They could have shown us the proof to back up the WMD and terrorist allegation. But instead they chose the current doctrine, and I'll repeat it: if you have a tyrannical government you're trying to get rid of, anywhere in the world, you bomb its government buildings, target its leaders, and label yourselves "freedom fighters", and you can morally do anything you want. If there is collateral damage in the death of innocents and babies, well, that's okay. It's the price of war. No big whoop.

How many of you agree with this doctrine?

Good. Those of you who do have a lot of good company. Let's start with Timothy McVeigh.

Object until you're blue in the face, but what George W. Bush is using as justification now is exactly what Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and whatever coconspirators they almost certainly had, used as justification to destroy the Murrah Building and 168 of its occupants. Almost to the letter. The Oklahoma CIty Bombing was, according to McVeigh, a reprisal for a terrorist act committed by the American government: the butchering of some 80 Branch Davidians at Mount Carmel, Texas, including some 20 infants and children. Yes, McVeigh killed innocents. No matter, as long as he got a goodly number of the people responsible for the Branch Davidian massacre: after all, they killed babies, too. Not any different than the Bush doctrine.

Essentially, you can call the Bush doctrine, the "McVeigh Doctrine".

But I'm hardly finished.

Those of you who endorse the Bush/McVeigh Doctrine have more good company.

First of all, you have Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and Hamas. Yes, suicide PLO bombers do kill innocent Israelis. If you listen to their side of the story however, you will hear them say that they are an occupied people lacking their own state, and that the Israelis are their captors. Many of the so-called "innocent Israelis" are currently or soon to be members of the Israeli military which will be shooting their Uzis at them and rolling in tanks to demolish their homes, often with them in them. We call them "terrorists". But they call themselves "freedom fighters".

So you are in good company with the Palestinians.

And the Israelis.

The Israelis use the same justification, the murder of their citizens, to go in and utterly destroy Palestinians, their homes, and their possessions. And if anyone gets in their way, tough tookas. Ask the parents of Palestinian children killed by the Israelis. Ask the parents of Rachel Corrie. The Israelis didn't give a damn about her, and she wasn't even Palestinian.

Feel good with that company? Okay, if you're still cool with the Bush/McVeigh doctrine, let me give you someone else who practices it.

Al Qaeda. And current Public Enemy #1... well, okay, #2... Osama bin Laden. (I forgot: this week, we're at war with Eurasia, not Eastasia.)

Do you think that Osama sees himself as a vicious bloodsucking butcher who mercilessly wants to snuff out as many Americans as possible, and has bloodlust over it? You haven't read him or listened to him then. He considers himself a freedom fighter. A freedom fighter for devout Muslims all over the world. He consider the American society in general, and the American government in particular, as having exploited the Muslim world grievously. Does he want to conquer America and reduce it to rubble? That's not what he himself says. He himself says that he wants the American people to rise up and overthrow their "infidel government". When he says this, you would almost think it was a right wing militia patriot saying it, the way he phrases it.

So Osama is "down" with the Bush/McVeigh doctrine as well.

Now don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to say any of you are wrong for supporting the Bush/McVeigh doctrine. I just simply want you to own it, own up to it publicly, and shout to the world, that yes, it is right to dispatch a tyrannical government, anywhere in the world, by bombing its government buildings, and killing its leaders, as freedom fighters, even if a few innocents and babies get killed. Don't shy away, just admit that that's what you think. It's not necessarily a bad thing, really. After all, someone assassinating Adolf Hitler and his inner circle in 1936 might have prevented the Holocaust.

And now that you've owned it, you're really not going to like what I have to say next.

The American government has had a long history of terrorist acts of its own. Some of these acts rival some of the worst tyrannies of world history. The most egregious agencies have been the IRS, the FBI, the BATF, the CIA, the NSA, and the Treasury Department. But there are others, too. And let's not forget all those state governments, local governments, state and local police and sheriff's departments, tax assessors, homeowner's associations, motor vehicles divisions, judges, etc., etc., and so forth. After all, I can recount thousands of stories of tyranny by the American government in the past generation, going all the way back to the bloodthirsty murders of the Bonus Marchers by future "heroes" MacArthur, Patton, and Eisenhower.

So here's my question. Why shouldn't the American people employ the Bush/McVeigh doctrine against the government agencies that have victimized them? And let's not stop at government. What about all those corporations that have victimized not only the American people, but the world? Shouldn't the American people employ the Bush/McVeigh doctrine against them?

Why not? Our President has just enshrined bombing buildings and killing government officials as effective foreign policy. Not some right wing, or left wing, radical. Not some militiaman, gun aficionado, antiwar protester or animal rights activist. OUR PRESIDENT. The President of the United States. The leader of the Free World. He just TOLD us it's okay. He's doing it RIGHT NOW.

And having enshrined this tactic as good foreign policy, undoubtedly foreign movements hostile to the United States are considering implementing this into THEIR foreign policy.

Unknowingly (perhaps) Bush has given endorsement to every enemy of the American government to do the same thing to downtown Washington, and any other "government center" in America. Not incidentally, the Bush administration has also given the wink and nod, unintentionally (perhaps) to Al Qaeda itself, and to other violent revolutionary movements such as Hamas. He has supplied the Palestinians with a moral authority for THEIR acts of war, or as we call them now, "terrorism". He has supplied the moral authority for every Israeli tank to roll over every innocent young woman, just "because".

He has also supplied a moral authority for every American dissident group to do the same thing to their enemies the American military is doing to Iraq. I can almost predict that radical groups like ELF and ALF are going to use the McVeigh doctrine, now become the Bush doctrine, as justification for everything. And antigovernment groups on the right have been just waiting for the excuse to restore some manner of a limited constitutional government instead of this Soviet-style leviathan we now have.

This is something substantially different than Afghanistan, where we were going in to get specific targets of operatives, who we thought killed 3,000 of our citizens, and an already existing war of revolution against the Taliban was already underway, and we were using and assisting the revolutionary movement toward that purpose. And the fact that there's oil in Afghanistan didn't dissuade the Bush administration any either.

This is different. In Iraq, we have now said that WE, not they, WE, have the moral authority to begin THEIR revolution.

Well, hello... what if movements abroad decide the same thing about the American government? Why will it then be WRONG for them to do the same thing to Washington we are now doing to Baghdad? Because it's us and not them? Because might makes right?

What of a band of lone wolves wanting to remove a corrupt and out of control federal government, or a corrupt state or local government, initiating an action against government buildings and agents here? If it is right to begin SOMEONE ELSE'S revolution, how can it be wrong to begin our own?

I think I see WHY the United States government trusts foreign governments like Germany and Russia to protect U.S. bases during the War On (some) Terror moreso than they trust the American citizens to guard them. After all, what will the American citizen do, with a corrupt and out of control government, with all those guns and tanks and planes and ordinance? I mean, how many sorties would it take to destroy every IRS Service Center from the air?

This is all a very bad precedent for those who want to see peaceful reform and change through diplomacy anytime soon. And I think the Bush/McVeigh doctrine will be used as justification, and used often, in the inevitable American revolution and inevitable third world war which will follow all this. Yes, we have given Saddam Hussein 12 years to do the right thing, and he has utterly refused. Well, we have given the American government a LOT more due process than 12 years to right itself. America's enemies have given the United States, and its corporations, a LOT longer than 12 years to quit meddling in their affairs. War has now been set as the primary standard to dispense justice. Even Fox News Channel has employed the slogan "Give War A Chance".

And if that is not bad enough, many in the Pentagon are now actually seriously discussing the use of the American nuclear arsenal in Iraq, and talking about it gleefully. This brings to mind a biblical prophecy. It's the one where the angel pours out his wrath, which dries up the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the main tributaries of modern day Iraq: this act precedes another little battle. The one called Armagheddon.

Liz Michael has formed a committee to run for the U. S. Senate from Arizona in 2004.

Copyright, 2003,, [link] .. Permission to reprint granted so long as the website and the copyright remains referenced. No exclusivity may be retained by any individual or press entity which reprints.  More >

 Peace News
picture18 Apr 2003 @ 07:37
peace news

Tuesday, April 15, 2003 by Inter Press Service
Hundreds of U.S. Soldiers Emerge as Conscientious Objectors
NEW YORK - Although only a handful of them have gone public, at least several hundred U.S. soldiers have applied for conscientious objector (CO) status since January, says a rights group. The Center on Conscience and War (CCW), which advises military personnel on CO discharges, reports that since the start of 2003--when many soldiers realized they might have to fight in the Iraq war--there has been a massive increase in the number of enlisted soldiers who have applied for CO status.

"The bare minimum is several hundred, and this number only includes the ones that have come to my group and to groups we're associated with," CCW official J.E. McNeil told IPS. "There will be others who will have gone through different channels, and some people do it on their own," she added. READ MORE >


War crimes case planned against U.S
Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - National Post - Steven Edwards

UNITED NATIONS - A coalition of lawyers and human rights groups yesterday unveiled a bid to use the UN's new International Criminal Court as a tool to restrain American military power. mIn a move Washington said vindicated U.S. claims that the court would be used for political purposes, the rights activists are working to compile war crimes cases against the United States and its chief ally in Iraq, Britain.

"There is a way that the United States can be accused ... of aiding and abetting war crimes," said Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights. READ MORE >

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picture11 Apr 2003 @ 09:15

As troopers marched their weapons ready
screeching pierced the morning steady.
Suppressing the poor to bended knees
childrens eyes bowed by their deeds.
Coated black hills dragging their health
from officers of stone walls and wealth.
Smashed and burned their home land
to give them peace and make a stand.
Where reported many thousand stood
we can't give back the life we should.
Who's religion is right who's is wrong
we have weapons and mighty strong.
Young men fighting for our country
battling a poor misunderstood society.
We are there to make more men riches
when they clean up bombs and ditchs.
Our leaders have stock in foreign lands
so they take the taxes out of our hands.
Who can stop them now who will dare
do we want to or don't we really care.
We the people of these United States
hereby demand our right to co-creates.
To live life in peace and prosperity
and give love with honor and dignity.
Stand up and be counted one and all
before you find yourself among the fall.  More >

 Revelations Is Now!
picture25 Mar 2003 @ 08:49
The Everlasting Gospel is prophesied to come in Revelation 14:1-6, bringing the key to the eternal Universe. Here it is – Spirit God’s New World Bible, giving a new, transforming synthesis to Bible prophecy. Its high message heralds the total transformation of this world into a utopian Space Age Paradise.

The Galactic Elohim are contacting humanity now to create this new reality. Rejoice in this knowing!

The God Force Is Real! And now It sends a great message and vision to the people in the prophesied Everlasting Gospel, a message of world transformation and spiritual enlightenment.

In the Everlasting Gospel you will learn the full story of the Galactic Elohim and their causation spaceships, space beings of the eternal Universe who came here long ago to heal a catastrophe in this solar system. This has been the root cause of all negativity here, ending now through cosmic contact with ETI – Extra-Territorial Intelligence.

The healing of the world means transmuting the unfolding energies of past world karma, which are going into WWIII. This is not an inevitable disaster that must happen. Thanks to Creation Universe and the ETI Galactic Elohim, a breakthrough into a spiritual, free Utopia, where Love lives eternal, lies on the other side of this karmic separation of the wheat from the chaff. And it is indeed the very end of the status quo.

This means the end of business-as-usual, and an end to the use of money. It means an end to nation-states and mortal governments, an end to man's laws and system of punishment, and an end to the military wars of satanic violence. It also means an end to the myth of the man-God and the man-Satan, an end to all mortal minded thinking, guessing and supposing. All this is replaced with superconscious, eternal truth-reality, expressed in a sharing, communal world that blesses everyone.

Have no fear of this. The Everlasting Gospel is God’s compass to guide us through this transition-tribulation into a new world.

The Everlasting Gospel brings a spiritual synthesis to the Bible, explaining that Heaven on Earth is a world of total equality and sharing; and most importantly, giving humanity a master plan that brings absolute freedom, security, abundance, and equality for everyone on the planet.

This ETI channeling is not about mortal religion. It does reveal the coded messages from the Universe placed in the King James Bible by galactic ETI Space Beings. Messages that reveal the key prophecy about events unfolding right now.

The big event that is happening in the Middle East now is spoken of in the prophecy of Daniel 11:1-45. This is a karmic confrontation between the King of the North (principally America, Israel and England, with the Federal Reserve System as their defining icon), and the King of the South (the Arab nations of the Middle East, along with China) who oppose what is going on in Israel.

The King of the North money moguls of capitalism actually believe that they are creating the New World Order and that they are bringing about God's Kingdom. They want the people to stay in their buying and selling system for another thousand years, using the people as economic slaves to their satanic system.

We shall see why they shall fail and why a much greater Idea happens: the actuality of Spirit God's Paradise Kingdom coming into being.

The Creation Universe is taking over this planet now in a perfect way, and It does it telepathically, just as It has animated the people to build the scientific-technological world up into the World Wide Web.

All real progress has come out of telepathic communion with the Universal Mind.

The new world coming into being is all this same kind of telepathic organization, run by the higher consciousness of the Godmind. This is a real system of autonomous self-government, and it is perfect in every way. It is the way of life all over normal Universe.

Read introductory Book One of the Everlasting Gospel.
[link]  More >

picture22 Mar 2003 @ 09:42
I know most everyone is quite dis-heartened by the war, but please don't give up on faith and love for our fellow man. There hasn't been anything so dramatic as to awaken us from our sleep than this has. It gives the world opportunity to see how little we have grown and to awaken within us a love for life. Take this time to reflect on your lives and see where improvement is needed for compassion for others. Conficts only inflict more hate and becomes a visious circle that never ends. Don't stop talking about this or it will bottle up inside you until something blows. What little is left after this is over, people will need to have ideas on what their future lives will be like. Perhaps a new beginning for mankind rising from the ashes of an old world that didn't work.  More >

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