UNIVERSAL CIVILIZATION/New Earth Global Village News - Category: *Earth*Star*Ship* Ascension News    
12 Jan 2007 @ 21:34
Meditation Focus #163

Being One With Gaia


What follows is the 163rd Meditation Focus suggested for the next 2 weeks beginning Sunday, December 31, 2006.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information related to this Meditation Focus


Also recommended to your attention...

The Axis of Good Series #1: Going Exponential in 2007 (To be posted on December 31, 2006) [link]


As a new year begins, let us pause for a moment to ponder about the progress made so far and acknowledge all that has been learned in these past 12 months. As we gradually enter in a state of deep meditation, joining in thoughts and feelings into the celestial harmonies created by the chorus of loving souls communing together, both on Earth and beyond this realm of existence, let us open ourselves to the magnificent beauty of the vast, holy assembly we form. Let us feel out the streams of loving kindness emanating from all participating souls, rejoicing in this NOW moment to the effulgence of Light pouring through our hearts and radiating around this living sphere to form a pulsating cocoon of dazzling brilliance. Let us feel Who we collectively are as we become One with all Life on Earth, One with Gaia, this perfect Being of Love, this global quintessence in which we all partake as cells in a greater body of Life.

As our thoughts float towards the center of this gigantic being, let us express our infinite gratitude for all that she continuously gives us, for the air we breathe, for the water we drink, for the food sustaining us and for the grace of Life with which we are each imbued and through which our very existence is made possible. Let us sense the rivers of Love streaming within us from within Her and connecting us all as One. Looking around into the infinitely vast universe from the vantage point of our common Earth post, let us experience the unfathomable sense of Bliss springing forth as we contemplate the Miracle of Life gracing this infinitely small speck of dust in the boundless cosmos around us, and let us feel how precious each and every single Life form truly is, each intricately connected to all others to form a perfectly functioning and self-regenerating living entity: Gaia

As we join in this globally synchronized communion of souls, at the appointed time or at any other NOW moment in the next 2 weeks, let us consciously remember what brought us here, what mission we vowed to accomplish and what infinite resources of creativity and power we each have at our disposal, if we only believe in us as One, to BE the change we are here to manifest in this physical realm of joyful existence. As we do so, let us renew our sacred vow to uphold the sanctity of Life, to protect, cherish and Love every single expression of the Creator around us, and let us brazenly, without the slightest shyness, express the embodied perfection that We each Are... for the Highest Good of All.

This whole Meditation Focus has been archived for your convenience at

"Feel your connections with the Force of Life within you... Feel It palpitating within each of your cells... Feel the sparks of Life radiating with vitality... All around you... Like an aura of Harmony surrounding you... Now feel your connections with every other human being on Earth... our great Human Family, many aware like you of their Unity with All Life... and through Life, of their Unity as ONE HUMAN FAMILY... The same Force of Life within all of us and all other forms of life, visible and invisible... The same Spirit of Life, everywhere... Now there is just one reality, filling your heart and mind... Love... An infinitely huge feeling of Love... For each and everyone of us... For All That Lives... For Gaia, our Mother Earth, We are all One with Gaia... One with Life... One with All That Is... "

— Taken from [link] where you can also read "Earth People... Awake! "

"Arising from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, in a slow crescendo expanding into an apotheosis of indescribable beauty, heavenly voices broke into a joyous canticle of transcendental purity. Three words, summing up the full meaning of this marvellous song, echoed endlessly in Gaia's soul... Light... Life... Love... Light of the origins, eternally present till the end of times... Immortal Life, endless celebration of the creative power of Light... Infinite Love, emanating from the Life Force, eternal beacon guiding the multitude of souls towards the One Primordial Spark of Light... Floating, drifting on the current of the imperishable energies of the immanent Reality which, like a bubble trapped for aeons in oblivion, had just broken through to the surface of a human consciousness, Gaia becomes what few had ever thought possible: a fully aware incarnation of a microcosmic particle of the Universal Life Consciousness, a virtual Realization of the innate potential in each human being, tangible proof of the possibility of achieving this state of total identification with Life..."

— Taken from The Immortal Child - Chapter 2 -- To read the whole book go at [link]  More >

 Blue Print for a Blue Planet : Activating your Galactic Lightbody
13 Feb 2006 @ 20:46
Blue Print for a Blue Planet : Activating your Galactic Lightbody
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dearest Lightworkers, you are living in grand and wonderful times. Wonderful shifts and changes are happening in your Earth reality. The recalibration of your Planetary and Personal Merkaba Fields or Lightbodies has enabled the activation of another level of your Lightbody Geometry as you continue the journey of Ascension.

The acceleration of your Lightbody, supported by the incoming Electric Blue radiance from the Galactic Center via Sirius, has enabled the Activation of your Galactic Lightbody. A whole new set of Geometries and Codes and Meridians is now activated to carry the Blue Fire Energy from Sirius and to connect the 9th Dimensional Human Angels with "home". This is the gift of light that you have long waited for, dearest ones. You have achieved full Galactic and Stellar consciousness while still on Earth. You are ready to live in the Light - beyond the old energies of polarity and suffering. You are ready to live in heaven and to bring "heaven" to Planet Earth.  More >

 *Earth*Star*Ship* Ascension is now in Progress
9 Oct 2002 @ 11:15


Mother Earth is now ascending Her physical body into the *Earth*Star*Ship* Perfection of Universal Love Life. She is empowering Her *Earth*Star*Ship* Race of Ascended Masters of Creation to create Her new Mother Universal Civilization.

Adi Avatar
Universal Space Life Avatar Citizen

*Earth*Star*Ship* Creation [link]

Adi Avatars [link]

 Creating the New Earth
27 Sep 2002 @ 12:13
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Ik, 0 Tzotz, 11 Ik September 24, 2002  More >

29 Jul 2002 @ 10:07


The *Earth*Star*Ship* Community Life of the Paradise Mother Universe has the destiny of being the nucleus of creation of the Paradise Mother Universe. We are empowered to create the *Earth*Star*Ship* Life expressions of Universal Life.

The *Earth*Star*Ship* Universal Community Life is creating Centers of Creation throughout the planet which will create Universal Life Forms. These will be able to create extra-planetary Universal Life Communities as the Paradise Mother Universe expands. Already many other Universal Life Forces are uniting in creation of the Paradise Mother Universe and Her Universal Communities.

29 Jul 2002 @ 09:52


As the *Earth*Star*Ship* Living Creation Organism evolves into Her full functioning as the nucleus of the Pardise Mother Universe, She is evolving the life forms of Her *Earth*Star*Ship* Community into Ascended Life Forms. These include the Ascended Life Forms of the *Earth*Star*Ship* Race of Universal Beings Who will be the Creators of the Ascended *Earth*Star*Ship* Community Life and the Full Embodiments of the Universal Life of the Paradise Mother Universe.

The Paradise Mother Universe has now empowered Her Sacred Creation Forces to Establish Her Universal Race of Creators throughout Her **Earth*Star*Ship* Universal Life System. And She Is Empowering Us to Create Her *Earth*Star*Ship* Community.

Adi Gaia
Universal Citizen
Universal *Earth*Star*Ship* Space Life Creater Avatar

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