Crystal Cave - Category: Information    
 Stamp Out Animal Testing1 comment
picture 6 Feb 2005 @ 05:53
I have always been an advocate of the abolition of animal testing. It serves no purpose apart from generating obscene amounts of government and other funding. It is much easier to gain grants for animal testing than non-invasive types of testing – did you know that? It is also a proven fact that no drug or any other chemical, cosmetic etc that is tested on animals can be guaranteed safe for humans. As a matter of fact more humans die each year as a result of this dodgy practice, than if other methods were followed.

It is therefore a shock to find out that so many charities that people support in the US are advocates of animals testing. Millions of animals die each year in labs. They are subjected to the most appalling deaths. If you have any compassion for our animal kingdom please read the following. Many beautiful and trusting little animals depend on us to stop this evil trade.

Please sign this petition. Please support this issue. Thanks.

Urge the March of Dimes to stop wasting money on Animal Testing

Animal experiments mislead doctors and the general public. Diseases such as cancer, that are artificially induced in laboratory animals, have no relationship to the diseases which afflict humans. These are largely caused by lifestyle and pollution.

"It is not possible to apply to the human species experimental information deprived from inducing cancer in animals."
- Dr Kenneth Starr, NSW Cancer Council.  More >

 Only Love Prevails...6 comments
picture 29 Jan 2005 @ 07:47
Join the experiment. What do you have to lose? Nothing - and it just might make a difference.

[link]  More >

 The War of Water3 comments
picture 26 Jan 2005 @ 04:36
This article is a few years old but more and more relevant as the years pass by. Many countries are now impacted by water shortages and if we aren't vigilant this will be a serious problem for us, if isn't already so. Water will be the new gold used to control the population. The tool of wolrd banks, big business and government. This is a scary thought..

In Sydney we have water restrictions in place. Have done for months with no sign of these lifting. They are necessary as our dam levels are plummeting. Why, largely due to mismanagement.

The Privatisation of Water
The trend towards privatising the world's water supplies and applying full-cost pricing policies means that millions of people are losing access to an already scarce resource.  More >

 Tsunami - Thousands Dead in Asia0 comments
picture 27 Dec 2004 @ 05:26
Total devastation has befallen many countries in Asia as a result of a Tsunami triggered by an Earthquake in the Pacific.

The worst hit being Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Thailand although deaths have also been reported in by beloved Malaysia..

Please say a prayer for those who have survived and who will face homelessness, food shortages and the inevitable disease which will follow.

Tsunami leaves 12,600 dead
15:53 AEDT Mon Dec 27 2004

Soldiers searched for bodies in treetops, families wept over the dead lined up on beaches and rescuers scoured coral isles for missing tourists as Asia counted the cost of tsunami waves that killed at least 12,600.

Worst hit were Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India and Thailand.

An international aid efforts was being mounted as thousands of people fled the catastrophe, among the evacuees were thousands of Australian tourists.

The death toll is expected to rise.  More >

 James Twyman - Praying for Peace0 comments
31 Oct 2004 @ 06:23
What can we do to promote peace in the world? Are we waiting for someone to do it for us? Are we prepared to realize that it is up to us NOW?!!!


On November 13th hundreds of Spiritual Peacemakers will come to The Holy Land to focus their prayers of peace. Please join us wherever you are. No president or leader of any country can replace the power we have within our hearts, and this is an opportunity to demonstrate that power.

As tensions in the world continue to rise and the death tolls in Iraq, Israel and other places grow, we are in need of thousands of spiritual peacemakers to join together for a powerful prayer vigil. On Saturday, November 13th at 1:00pm Eastern (New York time) we will hold a Global Peace Vigil to help dissolve the thought forms that lead to war. We will work from the inside out to realize the Peaceful World we all hold in our hearts.

I will be in Israel with hundreds of spiritual peacemakers, offering prayers and ceremonies of peace to anchor this energy for the world. But we need your prayers to create more momentum. In the past we've shown that when millions of people focus their prayers of peace as one, the world changes almost instantaneously. Peace vigils in Iraq, Northern Ireland, the Balkans and so many other places have demonstrated one fact: We have the power to change the world by changing our minds about the world. If not now, then when? As Gandhi has said "Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action."

After our peace vigil last year in Israel (the Great Experiment III) reports showed a huge drop in arrests that day, fewer hospital admissions and the highest vibrational frequency ever recorded at Neve Shalom. Together we can recreate that pattern, then maintain it through the energy of the peace we know already exists.

There is no need to wait to see who the next president of the US will be. Whatever the result, it is still up to us. The one thing we have learned is that no one will do this for us.

Imagine thousands of people breathing together, praying together, and creating peace together at the same moment. That is our goal, and we hope you will join us.

More details will follow. Please send this email to everyone on your personal list. Together we will change the world and realize the peace that exists within our hearts.

In Peace,
James Twyman

picture 25 Sep 2004 @ 00:54
It was broadcast this morning on Sky UK (and widely reported in the press) that British Muslims are sending a negotiating team to Iraq to negotiate for the release of the British captive Kenneth Bigley. Let us pray that they are successful and that they receive the support (so deserved) from the British public.

The Muslim Council of Britain said it was sending Daud Abdullah and Musharraf Hussain, whom it described as "well-respected figures in the British Muslim community," to Baghdad for talks to try to win Bigley's freedom. The council, an umbrella group of British Muslim organizations, said it would leave for Baghdad "very shortly," but did not specify when.

It takes courage and guts to stand up and be counted and to make such a public ‘statement’ (by their actions) in saying we do not support this barbarism. This is not the behaviour of faithful and decent Muslims.

Let us wish them success and send them our love.  More >

 Futurist - Men of Vison3 comments
12 Aug 2004 @ 21:15
It never ceases to amaze me how people come into your life just at the time that you need them. It can be people to support and motivate you, people to lead on your next journey of discovery, people who inspire you, people who challenge your thinking or people, who have vision and compassion.

I met one such person yesterday and he is all of the preceding. His name is Dr. Richard Hames and he was speaking at a conference I was attending. In fact I was chairing his session so had the opportunity to talk with him which was great. He is a man of great intellect and vision.

Back in the office today I was prompted to go the Hames Group website and was amazed at the information via web links that I found there. Thought you might be interested as well.

[link]  More >

 The Reality of Divine Intervention6 comments
8 May 2004 @ 21:14
Over the period of the Wesak Full Moon 2004, a gathering of many intelligences, life waves, beings, systems and processes synthesised their knowing in anticipation of the grand new cycle for this universe which is awakening.......  More >

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