Quidnovi - Category: Communication    
 Being There9 comments
picture16 Sep 2003 @ 16:35
Is it possible that we are all just clever versions of Chance the gardener? That we are trained from an early age to respond automatically to given words and concepts? That we never really think out much of anything for ourselves, but are content to repeat what works for others in the same situation?
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 Fallen Jedi5 comments
picture16 Mar 2003 @ 21:21

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 Being Real2 comments
picture23 Sep 2002 @ 20:31
Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet

"As the virtual world grows to encompass all aspects of our lives and online interactions shape our communities, influence our politics and mediate our close relationships, the quality of being real, which is accepted and assumed with little thought in the physical world, becomes one of the central questions of society..."
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 On the Wings of Hummingbirds10 comments
picture15 Sep 2002 @ 11:05

Let me be a flower, dear God, in your kindness,
a flower that opens, not a needle that pierces!
---Rabindranath Tagore, "Kanika"

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 Dreamers and Doers7 comments
picture8 Sep 2002 @ 11:55
"If I had any learning
Of a highway wide and fit,
Would I lose it at each turning?
Yet look at people spurning
Natural use of it!"
---The Way of Life according to Lao Tzu  More >

 At Play in the (fractal) Fields of NCN10 comments
picture28 Jul 2002 @ 19:54
Hail to you NCN… "Hail to you...for you perceive sensibility in the insensibility of the world, uncertainty in its certainty. For you are often conscious of others as of yourself. For you feel the anxiety of the world, its limits and its false unlimited assurance. For your obsessive need to wash your hands from the dirt of the world, for your fear of the absurdity of existence. For your subtlety which prevents you from telling others what you see in them. For your awkwardness, for your transcendental realism and your lack of daily realism, for your exclusiveness and your fear of losing your great friends. For your creativity and your ecstasy, for your maladjustment to what is and your adjustment to what ought to be, for your immense possibilities not yet actualized... Because your celestial might have been crushed by earthly brutality. For what is unique, original, intuitive and infinite in you. For the solicitude and the oddness of your paths. Hail to you!"---G. R. de Grace

I feel so much strength and yet so much vulnerability, here at NCN, so much grace and yet so much clumsiness, such guileless simplicity and so much confusion, such cheerful conviviality and yet so much loneliness. We listen, and we work things out carefully in our heads and lay them down in our newslogs and comments, through words and images so people will understand, and though we all aspire to the universal, we can't help but write and paint in the languages of Babel.

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 The Power of Talk4 comments
picture20 Jul 2002 @ 10:17
Several interesting articles (!!!) in the UTNE READER, this month:

- The power of talk, p.54
- Become the Media - Here's how, p.14
- Do-It-Yourself Economics, p.46

As Margaret Weathley, points it out in this issue's cover section (The Power of Talk), "All social change begins with a conversation."  More >