Harmonic Convergence 2, July 25-27

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Mon Jul 21 1997 - 14:40:40 PDT

This weekend there will be a global linking-up event known as Harmonic
Convergence 2. Many of you probably remember the Harmonic Convergence in
1987 where many thousands of people got together in meditation, and the
world seemed to change. Well, this is intended as another event like it.
There will be local events in many different areas. Below are a few
excerpts from the website.

- Flemming


URL: http://www.rochester.infi.net/~bjwolf/
EMAIL: bjwolf@rochester.infi.net

12 NOON, whatever time zones you are in, JULY 25-27, we ask you to stop a
moment to give Love
to Mother Earth and to Humanity.


This month, July 25-27, the world is asked to come together to give a free
expression of love for our planet. This event is called Harmonic
Convergence 2, to honor the first Convergence held ten years ago.

Today five billion people live on this planet. Obviously not everyone will
unite with thoughts of love during the three days. But, what will be the
effect if half, or even a quarter unite for three days to share this effort?

Will wars stop? Crime disappear? Probably not.

Will the world be a better place to live after the three days of love? We
can hope.

There is one certainty . We have a chance to do something. To contribute
our free expression of love to the great 'soup pot' of human effort. And
into this great soup pot we can add also our hopes for this planet. Maybe
if enough hopes are added, along with the love, we five billion WILL have a
better planet on which to live.



Harmonic Convergence 2 is a time for unity within the human family. A time
to give out Peace, Love, and Light. A time for synchronicity. A time for
prayer/meditation, festivities, sharing. Click on CONCEPTS (above) to read
how others will participate in Harmonic Convergence 2, what you can do, how
music plays an important role during the global event, etc., etc.

July 15, here are some who will be participating: Doreen Rajaloo of North
Ireland, Ziva Bizjak of Croatia, Anna Gohlin of England, Andrew Ramer of
California, Barbara Shor of New York City in Bimini, Ruthann Pippenger of
Norway, Sonia Dyne of Singapore, Marcio Filix Carvalho Bezerra of Rio de
Janiero, Brazil, Raana Hagit of Israel, Juan Enrique Toro & Rita Maris
Johnson of Costa Rica, Fellowship of Inner Light and Edgar Cayce institute
(A.R.E.) in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Jodieanne and Keith English of
Cornwall, England, Belinda Tierney of Australia, Suzana Magalhces of
Brazil, Kirana Horton of Adelaide, Australia, Ed Elkins of Los Angeles,
Sattwa Farms of USA, World Prayer Network /Sacramento, California, Felipe
Palau Garcia of Spain, An a Ray and Neil of Hong Kong, Sylvia Buetikofer of
Switzerland, Annie and Chris of south England, Jude and Mike Bayley of
Dover, England, Agnes of Singapore, Anares Numi*On of Malaysia, Meg Bundick
of Los Angeles, Louise Trost of Wisconsin, Claudia Rodrigues of San
Leandro, California, Ann Warner of Arizona, Allen Mason of North Carolina,
Lela Prichard of Texas, Dave and Sally of Washington
State, George Eggleston of Atlanta, Georgia, Agnes of the Philippines,
Susan Coulby Kimsey of Half Moon Bay, California, Wolfgang Hann of Germany,
Alain Bernier of Quebec, Marco Tulio Arredondo Marin of Colombia, Karen
Metcalf of Australia, Priscilla of Orange County, California, Eilleen
Yorysh of Ontario, Canada, Rangjung Yeshe Gomde in Denmark, Catherine K.
Clarke of Chesapeake, Virginia, Michael Queen of Alaska.


Scientists will test Harmonic Convergence 2 efforts!
And so, folks, if you to stop a few minutes at 12 noon, whatever time zone
you are in, to give Love to Mother Earth and to Humanity, you will be
joining the world to help as well as adding to the knowledge of scientists
who are endeavoring to use their technology to better understand the

Sunday, July 27, last day of Harmonic Convergence, it is being suggested
that Amazing Grace be sung in the churches of the world.


Large HC2 gatherings open to the public are listed here. Also, a Calendar
of Global Events.


World prayers are on the web site. If you want, you can print them and take
them to a favorite place during Harmonic Convergence 2 for reading or share
them with friends and family. If you want to share a prayer with the world,
there is still time to e-mail.


Photos of people world-wide who are participating in Harmonic Convergence 2.
North Ireland, Australia, USA, Japan, England, Switzerland, etc. We are
continually adding photos, plus music and art work by participating artists.
Those with sound capability can click from the Family Album pages to
musicians' web sites to hear their music. If you are participating in the
global event and want your photo in the Family Album, plus a link to your
personal web site, please e-mail.

'Let There Be Peace' Garden Rememeber how the world said, 'Let There Be
Peace' at the moment of the changeover in Hong Kong on June 30? We have
decided to continue with this world unity of thought. We have started a
Peace Garden on the
web site and we ask all who want to e-mail a one-liner seed for this garden
to please do so. We will add your seed to the others that have already come


Numerous links to global web sites. Several pertaining to the Year 2000 events.


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