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New Civilization News: The Silent West... |
Category: Spirituality 3 comments 9 Jul 2007 @ 15:46 by vaxen : Women...go to war, too. But, of course, there in the tar pits of Afghani and Iraqi hell they also are treated in the same manner. Rape of the body and the soul is what happens to many women in 'the army!' Blind, jaundiced, eyes turn a deaf ear to the tortured. And don't think that all men can be lumped into the category of women haters. When women are dispicably treated their offspring and progeny, whether male of female will pay the price in a myriad of ways. Women and men must be made to see the irreperable harm religions, and other, even vaguer, philosophies are wreaking on the face of this world. Hey, it is good to see you posting, again, nemue... 10 Jul 2007 @ 00:24 by a-d : ...an' if it isn't "religion" it's "Family Tradition"!.... just as bad!...if not even worse! HOW IN THE WORLD have Women got along with this shit???? and still do!!!??? I've seen several really poignant Docs on Link TV about Family Vendettas and similar -and every time it just blows me away how the WOMEN in the family are just as insensitive and NOT believing when the girls tell this/that the TRUTH about their where abouts, but rather they choose to believe in some f----- lying bastard SON in the family who is nailing his sister -because it MAKES HIM LOOK GOOD -as in MORAL/ly pure! Geeezzz... Good to see you again, Sweet SoulSis!/A-d No, as long as Humans /humankind refuses to understand their/its own Psychology we are all f----!... doomed to deteriorate... But quite frankly, I'm fine with that. The MEAK/Selfless =EGOless people will inherit the Earth and that is fine with me! 12 Jul 2007 @ 21:40 by nemue : Family Tradtion and Culture In fact most of the 'abuse' can be put down to family tradition and culture. When you a brain washed into believing that your role in life has no worth and that you are totally subservient to men then to some degree I can understand why many women ‘turn a blind eye’. This is most particularly relevant in the less developed countries. The penalty for speaking out against ‘abusive’ practices can be and most often is death. This is why women in the ‘free’ world need to speak out and be there to support those who are locked in this vicious cycle. Religion isn't the real root cause of the problem it is ignorance (driven by illiteracy largely) and culture. If we start to understand this and do something about it then perhaps we have a chance. Blessings Astrid. Nemue Other entries in Spirituality 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:29: Innovation Yantra 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:01: Randy Paush - Lessons for Life 30 Jul 2010 @ 16:30: from Baudrillard to Verger: Diversification Vs Global Norms 22 Jul 2010 @ 13:16: Cartographers of No Man's Land 22 Jul 2010 @ 02:28: PUNISH BUSH & NEO-CONS FOR WAR CRIMES! 20 Jul 2010 @ 14:24: Getting other people to do stuff 16 Jul 2010 @ 22:57: Considerations on writing 14 Jul 2010 @ 14:53: Therapy Dogs Serve our Wounded Warriors 14 Jul 2010 @ 13:35: Consciousness of Pattern 13 Jul 2010 @ 17:04: What is Consciousness? - My answer on Quora.com