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New Civilization News: Duality Night |
Category: Spirituality 1 comment 8 Aug 2004 @ 11:31 by ov : Duality NightWhen I woke up this morning Jerry Fowler, from the {link:www.ushmm.org/conscience/|Committee on Conscience} part of the United States Holocaust Museum, was being interviewed on the {link:www.cbc.ca/radioone|CBC Radio} about the genocide alert for Darfur, and the genocide warning for Sudan. He said that genocide was a specific legal definition and that this was genocide. In Sudan the genocide was being carried out against its own people by the Sudanese government and the militias which it supports. {link:news.google.ca/news?hl=en&edition=ca&ie=UTF-8&q=Sudan+genocide&scoring=d|Google News Search} shows Sudan blaming Israel involvement, and the US not wanting to get involved because they are too tied up in Iraq, US congress and other humanitarian groups are putting on pressure for involvement. Meanwhile an American reported to have been {link:www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,10383648%255E2703,00.html|beheaded in Iraq} at the weekend turned up alive in California 24 hours later to confirm he had faked his own execution as an "experiment" designed to demonstrate the power of the internet and the herd instinct of the media. The beheading event broke on Unity Wind day but it is still being talked about. Genocide is a dark subject and fits with the Night, and the duality aspect is in the juxtaposition between the real genocide of hundreds of thousands and the fake beheading of one. Are they getting equal news coverage, or is one getting more coverage than another, and just what is the mainstream news coverage. Inquiring minds without TV want to know. Other entries in Spirituality 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:29: Innovation Yantra 31 Jul 2010 @ 16:01: Randy Paush - Lessons for Life 30 Jul 2010 @ 16:30: from Baudrillard to Verger: Diversification Vs Global Norms 22 Jul 2010 @ 13:16: Cartographers of No Man's Land 22 Jul 2010 @ 02:28: PUNISH BUSH & NEO-CONS FOR WAR CRIMES! 20 Jul 2010 @ 14:24: Getting other people to do stuff 16 Jul 2010 @ 22:57: Considerations on writing 14 Jul 2010 @ 14:53: Therapy Dogs Serve our Wounded Warriors 14 Jul 2010 @ 13:35: Consciousness of Pattern 13 Jul 2010 @ 17:04: What is Consciousness? - My answer on Quora.com