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 Ancient Canal Builders1 comment
27 Sep 2010 @ 05:31
Ancient Canal Builders in America

Very intresting, the more we accualy look at whats here in the USA, we find that there was someone here long before the earliest known migrations. Could the east coast be whats left of Atlantis?

Anyway heres the link:

And heres 33 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true.
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 "First Light" Pics from SDO.2 comments
22 Apr 2010 @ 06:11
Well, apperently now we can pretty much see everything that blows off the Sun, and in HD better than Imax quality.

Seriously this is a major milestone for mankind, Im truly amazzed. :}

Go Here and see the show.

SDO Main Site.
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 SDO, 'Variable Sun' Mission0 comments
9 Feb 2010 @ 08:20
"February 5, 2010: For some years now, an unorthodox idea has been gaining favor among astronomers. It contradicts old teachings and unsettles thoughtful observers, especially climatologists."

"The sun," explains Lika Guhathakurta of NASA headquarters in Washington DC, "is a variable star."

Go Here :}


 Interstellar Discovery0 comments
24 Dec 2009 @ 05:17
Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery

Very Intresting :}

 Mars Base.4 comments
17 Sep 2009 @ 18:14
"Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials"

Very Intresting, a, must read. :}

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