New Dawn's Birthing    
 Lets rejoice!!4 comments
category picture28 Mar 2003 @ 19:23
I can't quite remember this quote correctly but it goes something like this~
*the world is such a wonderful place
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings*
or rhyming words to that effect.  More >

 Conflict Resolution4 comments
category picture22 Mar 2003 @ 14:39
Well, I had to laugh today when I received an email about conflict resolution in the style of Albert Einstein and then when I came into the NCN site the same quote was the quote of the moment. The quote is "Problems cannot be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them."
—Albert Einstein

Here is a copy of the information I received that you may find of interest as it shows the science behind changing thought patterns that are presently in use.

Enjoy!  More >

 Conflict and Radiant~ Love0 comments
category picture21 Mar 2003 @ 23:28
Osho explains the origin of separation is within our selves. I feel this is a timely contemplation for humanity to consider with the state of current world events.

The conflict is in man. Unless it is resolved there, it cannot be resolved anywhere else. The politics is within you; it is between the two parts of the mind
and two parts of the one being.  More >

 What do the numbers say?0 comments
category picture18 Mar 2003 @ 05:33
the date this Thursday is 20 03 2003

Is this not a date of great significance?
We will never come across a date like this ever again.

Perhaps this date is the most significant date in our entire lifetimes.

Perhaps it is a doorway. Here in Australia it is also the autumn solstice. A fitting celebration considering the completion of the old way of thinking and reacting in world affairs.

The doorway of choice. Which way will humanity go?  More >

 Dolphin stance/dolphin's dance3 comments
category picture18 Mar 2003 @ 05:03
A large pod of dolphins came within a hundred metres of the shore in Sydney harbour today.

They too know that the only way is ~ Peace ~

Makepeace is my reality.
What do you choose?

.,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,. .,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.  More >

 Joke's on Bush7 comments
category picture18 Mar 2003 @ 04:46
"What if they gave a war and nobody came?"
 More >

 Believe it or not3 comments
category picture15 Mar 2003 @ 02:29
For me, leaving behind old thought forms and patterns has been scary. I know the best is yet to come and I have to still keep remembering this as I still slog through the muck that I am leaving behind as I move into the light before me.
Inspiration and living in a new thought is what I am after. Trying to put the fears and old ways of behaving, responding and reacting to issues such as health into a new perspective and heart~intelligent response is my last hurdle to overcome as I remember my Self.
This article is a key for me and may be the same for you.
[link]  More >

 blank1 comment
category picture11 Mar 2003 @ 00:43
i close my eyes
i see...
weariness, quietude, release
i wait.
for what?
don't know
i wait
be still
weariness, peace
limbo stasis
release release release

what will be
will be

here I am Universe
open to
that which is for my highest good
in my life now  More >

 International Women's Day5 comments
category picture7 Mar 2003 @ 22:42
A thought for all women and men every where. Wow, I guess that includes all of us!  More >

 Rain...the breaking of the drought2 comments
category picture21 Feb 2003 @ 02:12
RAIN...the breaking of the drought

What a blessing rain brings
how it can be taken for granted
until you realise that we can't exist without it

This is my tribute to the wonderous blessing of rain that we have been waiting for such a long time.

Rain is a cleanser not just physically but metaphorically aswell. Showers of blessings have always played a part in my life when important events have happened.
I feel this a great Earth Cleanse, the beginning of the change in direction by humanity's longing for Peace.  More >

 to thine own self be true...2 comments
category picture20 Feb 2003 @ 21:16
to thine own self be true...

I am relatively new to NCN and have in the short time found many articles posted in the news logs both informative and interesting. It is truely wonderful that the internet has been able to allow for the meeting of minds and hearts of so many souls world(universe)wide. From what I sense here the members are those who are idealists and want the very best that can be for themselves, humanity and this wonderful planet that we all live on. The internet is a truely wonderful resource that we have access to, in the sharing of thoughts and linking of minds.

As with humanity, each individual is unique in their thoughts and experiences for each of us has a specific path that we have plotted for our selves with specific experiences that have a desired (leaning and)learning to achieve in this lifetime. We may each have similar experiences but view them in a different way.  More >

 Anniversary3 comments
category picture16 Feb 2003 @ 04:24
As I drove today along the expressway I scanned the burnt countryside. A month ago the most devastating fires in living memory swept through my home town...  More >

 Valentine2 comments
category picture13 Feb 2003 @ 06:02
Be your own Valentine!
Love yourself, show kindness and compassion to yourself. Judge not harshly yourself or others.
Suprise yourself with a joyful experience or ask the Universe to bring a joyous surprise into your day.
Re~member, you can not do to others what you do not do for yourself.
allow the love, peace, tranquility and joy to flow through your heart, regardless of what is happening in the world around you, and what others direct to you and .... just perhaps .... this love and peace that flows through you may infect another and another with the same Divine Inspiration that can be shared by those whose hearts are open and thirsting for peace in their lives and their world.
Wishing a Peaceful Valentine's Day to all, especially those world leaders bent against peace.
Makepeace this Valentine's Day!!!
:) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :) ~ (: :)  More >

 Makepeace4 comments
category picture9 Feb 2003 @ 16:05
We, the people of the Living Being, Earth decree:
We are here, now, to Makepeace in our time.
We, along with the Heavenly Host create Peace in our lives and our world.  More >

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We, the people of the Living Being, Earth decree:
We are here, now, to Makepeace in our time.
We, along with the Heavenly Host create Peace in our lives and our world.


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