Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Articles    
category picture18 Mar 2005 @ 18:26
This update is in response to a threat delivered to me today from the fbi/cia agents and operatives in Thailand: "if you come back to Thailand you will again be treated as , 'insane criminal cases in Thailand' ". Reference is made in the threat to my remarks on Thailand at :

During my 3 months stay in Thailand these low life and cowardly punks terrorized me by kidnapping, drugging, surveilling, assaulting, provoking, etc. I was in effect under their control most of the time because I was often unable to get out of bed from the effects of their crimes committed on my person. I was in a sense blind folded with my hands bound behind my back as the Thailand punks came at me from all directions night and day, seeking a way to arrest me on any charge.All of this was at the direction of the fbi.
The fbi and the cia rule every aspect of the Thai society as may be deemed appropriate. The two corrupt agencies of the United States employ Thai citizens as assassins and as 'AGENT PROVOCATEURS '. Often the Thai operative for the fbi/cia is of Chinese ethnicity and the ones I met were sociopathic in their approaches to me. The astute Thai citizen is aware of the Chinese thugs operating as government assassins and the Thais don't like it. I suspect that when the Thai proletariat learns of the total corruption of their government , a nasty backlash will occurr. The fbi and the cia, however, are so entrenched in the Thai society that the people who seek to correct the inhumane abuses of power there will be murdered, imprisoned or tortured. The only real alternative for the Thai, in my opinion, is to remove the King and to throw out the fbi and the cia and any other hint of US imperialism in the country; I hope that this can be done peacefully; however, the fbi and the cia do not allow peaceful revolutions; there is no gain in that. Meanwhile, China is no doubt infiltrating Thailand with China's own and best double agents, so that the US control over all of SE Asia may become an illusion. The most cunning of all spies are those who can play both angles at the same time: cause a bloody revolution or kill specific Targets and simultaneously seek diplomatic and aesthetic solutions to complex socio-economic issues facing the nation.
To the cowards who threaten me again: you failed to arrest me there and the fbi/cia fail to arrest me here. I ask you, punks, the same question that you frequently asked me during many of your assaults: "Where you going" to run [when the people learn of your subversion of their country] ?

 U.S. Justice Dept. nervous and looking to imprison someone
category picture24 Jan 2005 @ 22:37
I have documented fbi criminal activities for several years and some of the evidence of such offenses are on my website; the U.S. Department of Justice is complicitous in some of the crimes ; officials of that Department actively aid the fbi in the cover-up of numerous felonies (as outlined throughout my site). See the non consensual cover research page of the site in a few days , or visit the site meter now to see the visit to my site by the Justice Department on 1-24-05, such visit reflecting a keen interest in the fraudulent performance report and the photo of the fbi supervisor -Ken Kaiser- who wrote and signed it in an attempted extortion scheme . Perhaps the Justice Department officials desire now to put someone in jail; the question for the corrupt fascist government of the U.S. is whom to prosecute and imprison, and on what charge; in other words , does the Department want to prosecute the fbi criminals and the corrupt officials in the Department, or does the Department prefer to explore ways to silence the Target/victim/reporter of the fbi/cia's hideous and inhumane assaults which continue as this update is written.
Note: As a result of the visit to the site by DOJ, the government cannot now claim that the prosecutors were/are unaware of the prima facie case of attempted extortion by Ken Kaiser (fbi-chicago). The site meter entry is summarized as follows:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Visit Detail @ 1/24/2005 1:38:19 PM

Domain Name ? (United States Government)
IP Address 149.101.1.# (Various Registries)
Language Setting English
Operating System Microsoft Win2000
Browser Internet Explorer 5.5
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; T312461; DOJ3jx7bf)
Time of Visit Jan 24 2005 1:38:19 pm
Last Page View Jan 24 2005 1:38:19 pm
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see original site meter entry of U.S. DOJ at: [link]


On Prisons:

 hate mail in response to McMurtrey article
category picture20 Nov 2004 @ 16:41
For the information of all interested parties:
After my last few postings (particularly regarding the McMurtrey article) numerous hate mails were sent to me from the Palestinian Indymedia boards. I find such profane and apparently angry responses (which I will not post here in respect for decorum) very interesting in the context of my efforts to report on the exotic weaponry used by the U.S. and its friends against selected Targets worldwide. I now seek to determine over the next several months the following:
1) The extent of Israeli Investment in and/or possible use of Mind Control technology; 2) The identity and/or source of any other nation or group which employ against the Palestinians (or any other peoples) high tech electronic weaponry related or comparable to those described in the McMurtrey article in efforts to curb Palestinian violence (or for any other purpose) ;specifically, I am interested to learn of mind altering or behavioral modification techniques possibly used on a massive scale, and in this regard I recall the ultrasound devices used by the fbi against the Davidians just prior to killing them all (see:; 3)The post mortem results on Arafat; 4)A complete listing of the nations that have or use such high tech electronic weaponry and the extent to which and the locations where they were used and against whom; 5)The degree to which the fbi/cia share or coordinate intelligence data (and satellite devices , or other hardware and funding thereof) with intelligence agencies of U.S. allies/friends including Great Britain and Israel.
After the hate mail was sent to me from the Indymedia Palestinian boards, the directors of Indymedia Palestine began to screen and to reject some of my articles and I suspect that the truth of my reports are deemed by such authorities as not politically acceptable at this time.
[I am grateful to Vaxen for his assistance and keen interest in this subject].

 A Response To Critics
category picture19 Nov 2004 @ 17:05
Human suffering is of universal concern to those of us who seek to reduce it through shared experiences associated with corrupt regimes and evil people.

All message boards are one ; the conflicts and the associated sufferings of each human being on earth are of vital interest to all sensitive and alert persons who see the direction that corrupt governments and wicked hearts presume to pursue.The exotic weaponry used by the fbi/cia and their friends around the world now introduces advanced inhumane methods to dominate earth and space once and for all. Anyone who cannot or will not investigate the sources and methods associated with killing, torturing and imprisoning our brothers and sisters worldwide has little to offer by way of intelligent discussion. Those of us who seek to end the madness of war and hatred are always amazed from one generation to the next that our counterparts, the confused hate mongers, misanthropes and mental dwarfs ( defined on my site) violently oppose us. My language is not intended to insult or to offend, but may allow some introspection from each of us in our pursuit and comprehension of important information.
See critics message below:

This date Sosbee receives the following message:

Subject: Re.: "fbi/cia world inhumane domination"
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:25:42 +0000

I read your rant and have this to say: Politically I support the Libertarian party. If somewhere on earth there existed a Libertarian government I would do one of two things: 1. Move to and live under that government or 2. Stop bitching about this government.
Since you seem to hate this government (and I am no fan of most of it) why don't you do what I would?
Jerry T. Searcy
The first lesson of economics is
scarcity: There is never enough of
anything to satisfy all those who
want it.
The first lesson of politics is to
disregard the first lesson of
Thomas Sowell

 not so fast !
category picture9 Nov 2004 @ 19:40
The U.S. violent overthrow of global governments (as now evident for example in the horrendous killing campaign in Iraq , etc.)is well on track and is spearheaded by the cia and the fbi ,with lies-deceit-treachery and murder as their stepping stones; North America, South America, Africa, Australia,the Arctics , Europe and outer space are well contained . The Middle East is also in the bloody bag, for now, but China and its friends presently and secretly question at once how it is that the hooligans and high tech cut throats of the U.S. have so quickly and comprehensively hog tied the various countries of the world, and how best to stop this inhumane and unacceptable assault on their own culture.The U.S. plan to bring China to its knees is meeting its match in the form of an equally analytic and potentially treacherous intellectual elite which until recently only theoretically questioned the motives and methods of the world's most apparently inhumane government: The United States of America. China now studies the best and most deadly weaponry that the U.S. may foreseeably employ against them (including nuclear , psychological and psychoelectronics, etc.)and then in a flash of genious seizes upon an opportunity (seen only by them ) to deal with the 'parvenu' nation in a most definitive manner. Meanwhile the fbi and the cia bask in their delusions of superiority and push the U.S. into ignoble world status.

 A Failed Culture Attempts To Lead The World
category picture17 Oct 2004 @ 18:17
Ref :One-quarter of working Americans live in poverty

The United States is a failed government and culture from almost any perspective (especially : humanitarian, social, political);this is due primarily to the war ethics of the nation and its institutions; the few with jobs and social standing have sold out their conscience to protect/enhance their own material gains which are achieved in part by the killing , torturing and imprisoning of their brothers and sisters worldwide. Until this standard is corrected, all the world suffers under the hopeless imaginings of U.S. sponsored geo-political progress.

So, all peoples must learn to deal with their own corrupt governments and thus not look to the U.S. for leadership. Furthermore, the intellectual elite of the United States (as often represented by the faculty members of prestigious universities)also ignore the deafening cries of the world's oppressed population (For evidence of this , see hate mail from OSU professor). *Somewhere in the world is the seed of a new , humanitarian-based civilization.
See report by Paul J. Balles at:

* Maybe the country of Iran is the birthplace of that seed. Note that the people of Iran (and other nations) search for an understanding of the hideous nature of U.S. leaders, but that search yields to date no explanation for the torture, imprisonment and murder of Innocents worldwide by the U.S. killing machine. See, click on the Iranian flag, and witness the interests of the Iranians in Sosbee's work:

Search Web:

Web search results for ' geral sosbee '
Available results :52660 Items.
Note: a few minutes after Sosbee enters the above statement on Iran, the fbi cowardly punks (or their mental dwarf compan-minions)send him a hate message (via site meter entry)as follows:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
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Time of Visit Apr 8 2006 1:09:20 pm
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Sosbee replies to the little ones: you don't hate me , girls, you fear me. And well you should because I am coming after you, in an intellectual sense and you have no where to hide.
See the link below (following this excerpt) for further insight:
"Unfortunately, in the years following World War II, after the collapse of Nazism, the West voluntarily succumbed to a new dictatorship of relativism that is no less evil than the fascism that preceded it. This new tyranny recognizes nothing as being definitive and whose ultimate goal consists solely of satiating one’s own ego and desires."


 The Voice Of The People
category picture30 Sep 2004 @ 19:31
Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the peoples of the world, NOW THEREFORE SHOULD BE DECLARED AND HEREBY IS DECLARED A CRIMINAL AND ILLEGITIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated by all that is holy and graceful in the universe. In My Humble Opinion. geral sosbee


We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the militia, or any other government agency (or person ) of the United States (or any other country)
from dictating the terms of our surrender unto their authority, custom ,culture, power now and for all times; in furtherance of this recognition, the world's population forthwith seeks to expose such dictatorial intent ( and the techniques employed in support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing basis to protect and to defend the people of the world ( now and in the future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN
Geral Sosbee

 fbi/cia punks and cowards and traitors.
category picture23 Sep 2004 @ 15:12

FBI / CIA : "sosbee 's a problem , We will fix it "

SOSBEE: " fbi /cia 's a problem, I will fix it "

For more info on the cia, see the following link from one who joins me in the direct confrontation of the fools and cowards of the fbi and the cia:
The intelligence (intel) agencies of the United States represent the heart beat of America; every aspect of American life is affected by intel operation: the economy, politics, public policy. Even the power to wage war is directly affected by cia operations in targeted nations.
When the intel services , such as the fbi and the cia, engage in widespread covert criminal operations (i.e.: conduct strictly proscribed and unconstitutional under our laws and the laws of nations) the government in all branches is tainted. Failure to demand accountability is often the result of a corrupt Congress of the United States; the courts are also complicit in the illegal activities of intel groups as I and others have shown in many cases.
At last the *people must also share the responsibility for its homicidal intel groups because some members (and sectors) of the general public benefit from the immoral and criminal intel activities.
Now, here's the rub: when the intel mob is out of control (which is presently the case) its agents, operatives, thugs and assassins are free to engage in widespread criminal actions and is free to violate the United States Constitution with total impunity. They have become in effect traitors, but few among the population will label them as such for fear of reprisal. The intel mobsters are indeed an organized crime syndicate, destroying any individual at will and with no recourse. The traitors whom I refer to are primarily associated with the fbi and the cia; they are largely responsible for the current collapse of our constitutional government.

"The traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation...he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman orator, statesman 42 B.C.
* See Hidden Evil:
fbi counter-intelligence operations:

 the defense of the United States
category picture28 Aug 2004 @ 21:35
When next the assassins attack this country, remember this , cowards and weaklings defend it.

See statements on remote control weaponry:
and (most recently):
See also update to this site on September 15, 2006, under the heading:
2003-12-15 09:29 Articles
" United States of America : The Not So Brave "
See also:Article at this site entitled,"
New Director of U.S. Intelligence Agencies"
Article #: 55
Date: 13 Apr 2005
From Brownsville, Texas
January 24, 2007
Note that the recent visitor to
(as reflected in the site meter entry shown below) shows inordinate interest in the above update and perhaps a perverse interest (with subliminal significance) in the "Hate Mail" to geral sosbee; perhaps he/she is one of the cowards or weaklings mentioned above:

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 34,690
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Country : United States (Facts)
State : New York
City : New York
Lat/Long : 40.7584, -73.9794 (Map)

Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits

Time of Visit Jan 24 2007 3:06:11 pm
Last Page View Jan 24 2007 3:06:11 pm
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Visitor's Time Jan 24 2007 3:06:11 pm
Visit Number 34,690

 fbi misleads public again
category picture28 Aug 2004 @ 15:27
geral sosbee quotes:
Re:By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - In a spy investigation that could strain U.S.-Israeli relations and muddy the Bush administration's Middle East policy, the FBI (news - web sites) is investigating whether a Pentagon (news - web sites) analyst fed to Israel secret materials about White House deliberations on Iran.
geral sosbee writes:
The fbi frantically seeks favorable publicity to improve its torn image as protector of the security of the United States. The present ploy to charge an Israeli with spying is the greatest publicity stunt of the year for the fbi; for they now seize the opportunity to , 1) prove to the people that they are indeed worthy of trust regarding competency in national security matters 2) protect their turf against cia infringement, especially given the current restructuring efforts by critics of the cia , 3)create a new awareness of the threat that Iran poses to the world with their nuclear intentions 4) remind the Jewish employees who work closely with the fbi and the cia that the first allegiance of the Jews here must be to the fbi and to the cia, not to Israeli intelligence ,5)set up a pretense for the government of the U.S. to begin propaganda campaign for the future attacks on Iran and , at the same time, startle the American people with yet a new fear of terrorism concerning which only the fbi can protect us. The truth is that the fbi and the cia provide (or make avalable) to the Israelis (through Pentagon and other liasons) sensitive data all the time for the mutual benefit of Israel and the U.S. At any given time the fbi and the cia can charge dozens of U.S. government employees with offenses relating to espionage and national security matters.

Suspicious Death Of Possible fbi Psychological And Chemical Target, Aaleman Abdirahman Dirie, 8-29-08:

Coroner: Cyanide suicide victim was schizophrenic

DENVER (AP) —" A cornor says a man who killed himself with cyanide in a Denver hotel room had been suffering from schizophrenia....
The FBI says Dirie's death has no apparent connection to terrorism, and police say they don't suspect foul play.
The coroner ruled... Dirie, of Ottawa, Canada, committed suicide."
February 15, 2002, Commentary By Sosbee

 symptoms of national immorality: allow fbi/cia atrocities
category picture24 Aug 2004 @ 15:22
Sosbee writes:The most compelling subject in my opinion today is the *inhumane war on mankind now being waged by the United States, especially as directed by the fbi and the cia. I presently see very little coverage of this topic anywhere, even while the criminal activities of these two evil agencies escalates before our very eyes(i.e.: the cia lying to Congress about weapons of mass destruction, thereafter dragging US to war; the fbi and the cia use of high tech to kill/incapacitate the Targets; the fbi's wholesale and unjustifiable killings of our people). Moreover when I attempt to focus attention on the ongoing (and past) atrocities of these two corrupt agencies, the little ones (whom I describe on my site as mental dwarfs)verbally attack or otherwise slander me. So, let the record show that each of you in so assaulting me and my work stand as prime examples of the low and sinister mentality that dominates politics, law and public policy in this country;by your ignorance you assist the fbi and the cia in keeping the voice of liberty muted, and you will therefore be remembered as cowards and "scum bags" (to use Barbara Hartwell's words). You should indeed be ashamed of yourselves, but your lack of good sense and conscience preclude introspection .
In your writings you exhibit the ugly side of mankind ( that part
devoid of sensitivity to the suffering of others and that part that
cares not about improving the human condition today); in person I am quite certain that intelligent company is something you sorely miss and in a sense I am grateful that I do not have to look upon your empty blank faces, for there be nothing there of interest to the discerning artist/thinker/philanthropist. Finally, and again for the record,you are each in default of your duty (or responsibility) to society according to one we all know who stated:
"It is the duty of every citizen according to his best capacities to give validity to his convictions in political affairs".
Albert Einstein

Finally, as I have no realistic expectation that the fbi or the cia
will be reigned in by the Congress (and knowing by experience that the courts are equally cowardly to hold the fbi/cia accountable), I have little energy left to fight this battle alone.geral sosbee


"A Nation In Denial , Part 1
America is a nation in denial. There are things no major publication dares to print, no major broadcaster dares to discuss. Working largely through dummy "private" agencies, American military and intelligence authorities are violating human rights with absolute impunity, using 21st-Century technology to advance an inhuman, totalitarian agenda. Those who know won't speak. Those who speak are not heeded. Those who hear do not listen. Those who listen will not act."
Sosbee writes from Brownsville, Texas on September 13, 2006:

To the media, news channels, etc., across the united states: the next time you report a violent crime on the streets of our cities, taking place in broad daylight, or otherwise in full view of stunned citizens who watch (as you now watch me and others) and do nothing to aid the victim, I trust that you will not criticize the cowardly public for failure to address the hideous atrocities being witnessed.

 fbi/cia masters of *deceit
category picture20 Jul 2004 @ 17:58
Subject: fbi/cia masters of deceit
The world's most sinister terrorists are the special agents, special investigators, operatives, informants, associates, friends and handlers of the fbi/cia, for these sociopaths parade about with a dual facade: first they pretend to be defenders of the U.S.Constitution; at the same time the hooligans-calumniators of the fbi/cia target and destroy anyone who is deemed to be a threat to their grip on the world; and, while the collective mentality of the fbi/cia society are sometimes described as dwarfish, the group think and the psychopathology of their collective schemes render them most dangerous both in their predatory style and in their access to and use of high technology (including bio,chem,directed energy, psyops, etc). Add to this the general willingness of the population to accept the broad dictates of these authorities and voila we have the brutal totalitarian state that we once correctly feared.

"These masterminds of death were found to be quite psychologically normal. They were men of fine standing, husbands who morning and night kissed their wives, fathers who tucked their children into bed."

July 14, 2006
Sosbee confirms this date that the fbi and the cia monitor, edit and alter e-mail communications from the Target whenever desired.
For a while Sosbee was noticing many typos in the material that he posted; then, he realized that the fbi in fact (not imaginary) changed some of the data in order to make it appear as a typo. These entries by the fbi are another form of gas lighting wherein the tampering is slight, but troublesome. A recent example is as follows, wherein Sosbee makes a statement of fact to a supporter, but the fbi changes the statement to a question:
"Thanks for the message?"
The earlier hate mail from ** Iommi (a presumed fbi operative) states that the fbi can monitor every key stroke, but now Sosbee recognizes that the fbi can also retype any part of the message at will. See Iommi's message to Sosbee at the following link; for an excerpt of Mr. Iommi's unbridled lunacy see the statement below:


"By the way -- We have the ability now to monitor every keystroke you make on any computer you frequently use throughout your days. What a waste of time it is reading your website."
Reference 911 See:

 strong support for sosbeevfbi
category picture19 May 2004 @ 09:24
Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense and Research Fund
PO Box 7487
Ocean Park Maine 04063


See This important article at:
See evidence of USA federal agencies in support of :
See the following link for evidence of cia investigation of the fraudulent fbi performance:
Note that the United States Army is also interested in investigating the treasonous agents of the fbi and the cia (in connection with the concerted efforts of these two cowardly agencies to terminate this Target), as evidenced by the frequent Army visits to :

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
Domain Name ? (Military)
IP Address 138.27.1.# (Army Information Systems Command)
State : Arizona
Time of Visit Oct 24 2006 6:00:24 pm
Visit Entry Page [link]

From Brownsville, Texas
November 11, 2006
Support continues from around the world:

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NASA, friend or foe, continues to document the history of, as they are keenly aware of the truth of Sosbee's reports (particularly regarding satellite based assaults by directed energy on Sosbee's and others' brains for the past five years, or longer);( NASA appears to be FOE ):

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)
IP Address 137.78.169.# (National Aeronautics and Space Association)
ISP National Aeronautics and Space Association
State : California
City : Glendale
Time of Visit Jun 23 2008 1:34:35 pm
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For More Evidence of Support By Agencies Of The United States Government See:

 a private message now delivered to the world
category picture21 Apr 2004 @ 12:33

The following is a personal and private e-mail that Sosbee sent to a supporter on March 21, 2002 . The message is printed here for the record:

Thank you for your question. I have no way of knowing how many others are in this situation. I suspect that no one else is in the exact same dire nightmarish existence that I face on a continual basis daily. Indeed, I may be the only former fbi agent (or cia agent) in history to be so aggressively retaliated against for my taking well-documented reports of fbi/cia fraud, corruption and treasonous conduct directly to Congress, the United States Supreme Court, the People of the United States, and now the People of the world. My reports are corroborated with compelling evidence (inside the fbi) which cannot be dealt with honestly by these two agencies; therefore their agents, operatives, thugs and assassins must silence me. I know of no other fbi agent who has survived terrorist assaults as I have (for 4 years) with such a monumental case against the fbi/cia. I am not proud of my efforts to destroy the fbi/cia for their murderous ways; this is my duty and I am saddened by the prospect that I must now show the world that my country is a fiendish fraud, both on the world at large and on Humanity for allowing the fbi/cia to continue their *atrocities. I plan to live for many years, even while the fbi and the cia continue their assaults and mind games against me. Someday, the record that I now present will be eagerly accepted by a nation and a world that must inevitably come to grips with the fundamental issues associated with governmental corruption and human suffering. I will probably not be around to witness such an awakening, but I know that such a phenomenon will occur and I trust that the world and its inhabitants will be the better for such a re-engineering of civilization that I envision. Of course all of this speculation assumes that the world will survive long enough to come to its senses. I give credit to others alive today who also live with similar terrorist retaliation by the fbi/cia; indeed, I draw some of my strength from their warm assistance and reassurance. Again, thank you for your astute interest in this matter and for your occasional queries of my humble opinion. Geral

*Warning: graphic content, adult viewing only:

 AP news on fbi chief conditt, convicted felon and blackmail victim
category picture19 Feb 2004 @ 15:09
See page *a13 of sosbee's writ ( for letter from now convicted fbi chief conditt to sosbee promising an inquiry into allegations of fbi criminal activity, but never delivering on that promise. Now we see that he was apparently blackmailed by the fbi to do nothing on sosbee's complaint if he (conditt) wanted to retire with a pension, even though he would soon face felony charges.

From Brownsville, Texas
April 9, 2007
UPI reports:
"FBI Director Robert Mueller announced late last week that Assistant Director of Congressional Affairs Eleni Kalisch would be leaving for a position in the private sector. "
Sosbee writes:
Eleni Kalisch is a fraud and a liar who has brought great suffering upon all who sought her assistance in connection with fbi black operations, torture scenarios and human experimentation games. See:
Any group who hires this woman does so for her skills in deceit, treachery and callouys disregard to human suffering.

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