Geral W. Sosbee: Public Integrity case is requested against Detective Posada, Brownsville PD    
 Public Integrity case is requested against Detective Posada, Brownsville PD
picture8 Jan 2016 @ 00:11, by Geral W. Sosbee

January 7, 2016 AG File # 598043

Ken Paxton

Attorney General of Texas (AG)

P. O. Box 12548

Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Luis V. Saenz

Cameron County and District Attorney’s Office (DA)

964 E. Harrison Street

Brownsville, Texas 78520

Re: Continued intentional violation of the Texas Open Records laws by the Brownsville, Texas Police Department and Detective Posada

Open Records AG File # 598043; Public Integrity Case Against Brownsville Police (BPD) Detective Adrian Posada (Posada)

Enclosed is one copy each of the following documents:

My “Summary of Facts to Date”, Statement of Marco Gonzalez undated, delivered to me in person even date by Charlie Clark Nissan (CCN) Dealership Supervisor Eddie Villareal, copy of the false Posada police report # 1512-2240, dated December 16, 2015

I request that the AG order the BPD, Detective Posada, Internal Affairs Officer Rolando Vasquez (Vasquez), Commander James Paschal, the Lieutenant, name unknown, who ordered Posada to conduct inquiry at CCN on December 16, 2015, the records chief and any other person or official at the BPD to release each and every piece of information in their possession relating to my report of vandalism on my car (described in the Marco Gonzalez statement enclosed); this request includes all internal memos, notes, emails, verbal conversations, etc., relating to this case.

I request that the DA consider the evidence of official police corruption presented herein with respect to the initial cover up of the crimes that I tried to file with Posada, the subsequent false report written by Posada in efforts to cover up the initial cover up, and any other offense warranted by the law, public policy or ethical standards. I request that the BPD order Vasquez to open an Internal Affairs case on Posada, but if Vasquez continues to stonewall, then I ask the DA to order the inquiry and to include Vasquez in the cover up adventure.

Please note that as of the typing of this letter, I await the promised message from Commander Paschal on this matter and I will include same if and when received, possibly by separate cover.

Seldom does one have an opportunity to show how the fbi interferes with local police nationwide; as I have previously documented the University of Texas police at the direction of the fbi refused to accept my reports of crimes, falsified a separate criminal episode, sent a thug named Alonzo Yanez to commit assault and battery on my person on campus, unlawfully threatened me with arrest, and harassed me every time I came on campus. Other such instances of fbi’s use of police to commit crimes are documented on line. Also, on several occasions I and my property have sustained assaults and vandalism which I reported to the BPD, but no follow up investigation ever took place by the BPD. The BPD has several such reports of crimes on file.

This situation with Posada demands serious consideration because the fbi turns police into criminals at will nationwide, and no police official has the courage to state the facts of such illegal interference. I have never been accused of any offense (civil or criminal) in my life that I am aware of and no action has ever been taken against my law license. Commander Paschal’s statement that “if I have a problem with the fbi, then contact the fbi” is at once misleading and insulting given the current apparent cooperation by BPD with the thugs of the fbi to my detriment. My problem with the fbi is that the police engage in crimes in order to help the fbi, as I set forth herein and in other letters on topic.

IF all authorities refuse to cooperate with these requests, then the fbi will continue to unlawfully torture, harass, imprison and kill our citizens wi th police participation everywhere.

I certify that I deliver this date via US mail a copy of this letter to the following person:

Commander James Paschal

Brownsville, Texas Police Department

600 East Jackson Street

Brownsville, Texas78520

Thank you.

Geral Sosbee

Attorney, State Bar # 18855625

P.O. Box 1548

Brownsville, Texas 78522


Summary of Facts to Date:

On November 20, 2015

I and my wife tried to file a vandalism report with Detective Adrian Posada at the Brownsville, Texas Police Department (BPD), Brownsville, Texas. During the meeting Posada turned quasi hostile and began insulting me as he stated as follows:

1) filing a false police report is a crime

2) He and the BPD accept as fact any report of a medical doctor (referring the false medical report of 'paranoia' recorded in the medical charts of Dr. Holder. see:


3) that I should take the medication (referring to the Holder false finding of ‘paranoid delusional disorder’

4) Posada also asked my wife (out of my hearing) where she met me

During the entire 20 minute meeting, Posada did not ask me any questions regarding the vandalism that I tried to report. He did nothing on the case for 27 days, *pretended to provide me with a police report number which in reality I later learned was his own phone number, and ignored my efforts to reach him.

Only after I complained to various authorities did the Lieutenant of the BPD order Posada to go to Charlie Clark Nissan (CCN) to make a report. So, on December 16, 2015, Posada performed his creative writing report # 1512-2240 which is a transparent effort to justify his prior prejudicial and unprofessional conduct (failure to accept the report of a crime and failure to timely file a police report) as described herein. Posada never contacted me for any information about his report # 1512-2240. His report is contradicted by the BPD Commander James Paschal and by the entire service department employees of CCN who had anything to do with the right front headlight vandalism incident.


The fact that Posada now refuses to add a supplement to his report, that the Commander refuses to order Posada to correct the report, and that the Commander now suggests to me to contact the fbi about "my problem with the fbi" are all indications that the BPD is influenced or corrupted by the fbi.

I continued my inquiry into Posada’s malicious actions as follows:

On January 7, 2016, the Service Director of Charlie Clark Nissan, Ruben Reyes, 2547 N. Expressway 77/83, Brownsville, Texas 78520, provided the following information regarding the November 20, 2015 repair of the right front headlight on my Nissan Sentra:

The dealership has never had an instance where the right front headlight apparatus fell out of the socket. Upon

speaking with the service manager Eddie Villareal, Reyes states that no wires apparently came loose in my car, that the entire apparatus had become disconnected probably by someone who put his hand into the socket area, turning the knob to release the locking device and pulling out the lighting apparatus. No possibility exists that wires were pulled out or fell out because the wires are all contained within the apparatus that was removed from the socket.

The 'electrical connection' cannot come loose because they are also held in place by locks to secure the wiring within the apparatus.

Reyes also asked the mechanic to confirm this finding; the mechanic who reinstalled the apparatus into the socket is Marco Gonzalez who states as follows: the "...right side headlight bulb with socket out of place" and "This is not a common characteristic of 2014 Nissan Sentra." Marco Gonzalez's statement is attached hereto by


Reyes also stated that he has never seen any Nissan Sentra, nor any other Nissan car where the entire right side headlight bulb with socket comes out of place as suggested by Posada and that a wiring problem does not exist in my Sentra. Reyes also explains that there was no "re-connecting the electrical connection" ( in the words of Posada) because the entire apparatus contains all such electrical components which are contained within the larger lighting apparatus.

On the same day Commander James Paschal , Brownsville, Texas Police Department, stated as follows:

1) He spoke with the Ford Dealership and the service manager there advised that there are no instances where the entire apparatus of the right front headlight just falls out from vibration or movement of the vehicle.

2) If I have a problem with the fbi, I should contact the fbi.

3) He will not ask Posada to write a correction of the police report dated November 20, 2015 because it is the record, but that Commander Paschal would send me a brief statement of his own on this matter via email. Previously, Commander Paschal stated that after he reviewed the evidence, it appears to him that someone in fact entered my car, raised the hood and manually disconnected by unplugging the right front headlight apparatus

Regarding the police report filed by Detective Adrian Posada, here are some of his statements in the report dated December 16, 2015, all of which are inconsistent with the facts recorded by the Charlie Clark Service Department:

"...the technician who worked on ...vehicle...said that the electrical connection had come loose from the right front headlight." "This disconnection can occur due to the vehicle's movement and/or engine vibrations." "He explained to me that there were no signs of any type of tampering. "He explained to me that his service department has had similar reports from other Nissan Vehicles and have repaired them by re-connecting the electrical connection. "Furthermore, he advised that it would be difficult for a person to enter the vehicle to disconnect the vehicle's headlight without having access inside and opening the opening the hood."

The full Posada report, PDF, is here:


Detective Adrian Posada was and is today unprofessional and prejudicial in his actions and inactions concerning the crimes of felony stalking and vandalism that I reported to him. He obviously did not intend to write a report, but did so about a month later when his boss ordered him to file a report. His report is clearly an effort to try to justify his violations of BPD policy and public laws; Posada also seeks apparently to cover up his deceitful actions and his scare tactics used against me and my wife. His report #1512-2240 is a sham and Posada, Paschal, Vasquez, and the Lieutenant all know it, and they all join in to protect their own: Adrian Posada and his fbi contacts.

This situation is exemplary of how the fbi corrupts at will all police departments across the country.


*As my wife and I were leaving the BPD I asked Posada for a police file number so that I could have a copy of his report; he stated just a minute and went into the dispatch room to obtain a file number. When I returned two days later for a copy of the report the records clerk stated that the number I provided to her (as provided to me by Posada) was Posada’s phone number, and that no record exists on the vandalism incident.

My other summary and brief report on the fbi's corruption of police departments across the country is at:


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