PeazRitr's (A)Linear Dreams    
 :: it's been a long time ::
category picture12 Jul 2003 @ 09:43
wow, i can't believe my last newciv post was in feb. 2002. a lots been going on with me since then and i am fine. in thinking back to the day i joined newciv (09.11.01) and why (needing to find community of builders rather than anger and destruction), i see the long hours i spent daily at newciv for about five months as really rewarding. i made sweet friends, wrote some good poems, learned a whole lot about myself, the engine called newciv and an amazing group of diverse people. anyhow, just stopped by in time to say 'bon voyage' to the funches and a brief hello to all my newciv buds.

check with me from time to time at the roost.


 ::on line q'ing::
picture3 Feb 2002 @ 14:39
on line q'ing
written 02.03.02
by merilene m. murphy

@-->------------  More >

 outfield in the playground of the perfect perfecting
picture2 Feb 2002 @ 18:58
outfield in the playground of the perfect perfecting
for willene m. murphy, my mother
by merilene m. murphy (
(written 013102)

@----->----->  More >

 if i were
category picture22 Dec 2001 @ 21:11
if i were
by merilene m. murphy
*for anthony marsh -- dirt poet )landscaper(*
written 12.22.01  More >

 just having some fun
category picture22 Dec 2001 @ 08:47 the planet bar & grill...  More >

category picture18 Dec 2001 @ 16:22
[some say the author of this piece
found in the 16th century is anon;
some say the 1927 copyright belongs
to max ehrman]  More >

 hats for a new civilization
picture10 Dec 2001 @ 10:47
hats for a new civilization
by merilene m. murphy (
written 12.10.01

 More >

picture2 Dec 2001 @ 13:39
happy holidays every day to you!
merilene's intuitive interactive holiday greeting awaits you at
this competition to completion thread screams there is no santa but you. this competition to completion thread screams in pure digital merilene, i love you. enjoy!  More >

 raise a joyous noise::turn to divine powers
picture2 Dec 2001 @ 13:25
there is a wonderful new civilization network group project going on::turn to divine powers. guided by chandrika sampat & pankaj sampat, the turn to divine powers workgroup is bustling about putting out daily good news on the web & you can be apart of this. so raise a joyous noise. check out good morning times [[ [link] ]] & add your good news to the GMT calendar.  More >

 why i love you before i ask who you are
category picture24 Nov 2001 @ 19:49
why i love you before i ask who you are
for my new civilization network friend, Vaxen
by merilene m. murphy (
written 11.24.01  More >

 getting around small text webpages
category picture20 Nov 2001 @ 16:49
If you're struggling to read the text displayed on Web pages,
you can change the default font display. Afterwards, the new
setting will stay active whenever you open your browser.

If you're utilizing Microsoft Internet Explorer, change the display font size by selecting View Text size from the menu bar and choosing something new from the resulting shortcut menu.

If you're using Netscape Navigator, select Edit
Preferences from the menu bar. In the Preferences
dialog box, go down to the Appearance Fonts item
in the Category area. Then, just alter the Size settings
for the Variable Width Font and Fixed Width Font options.
When you've done, click OK.

 merilene's rent party for telepoetics
category picture18 Nov 2001 @ 15:34
i am happy to have been able to find a forward community, this new civilization network. i want to count myself in here, as a forward mover. sometimes i can, unequivocally. other times, i find myself working on the essentials & sort of countering the forward move. that is, i find at times i am acting out in this community from a part of me that dwells in the reality of the rent must be paid syndrome & it is at times like these, i shamelessly plug myself [[[ [link] ]]]because even forward rollers have to eat.  More >

 ncn links & other places i like to go
category picture17 Nov 2001 @ 00:16
. new civilization discussion forum (oldy but goody) [link]
. [link]
. the dancing wu li masters [link]
. a link from Vaxen, The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension [link]
. a game, the only game in town perhaps worth playing: tetworld: [link]  More >

Page: 1 2   Older entries >>
welcome to my (a)linear dreams. these unravellings--these brainstorms, starbursts, intention streams--take on their word tasks as songs, mantras, poems, letters to myself & you. my (a)linear dreams are world peace writings. often they unfold off inspiration i get flitting about the newciv network.

Previous entries
  • ncn links & other places i like to go

  • 2001-11-16
  • who wants to play scraps? game#1

  • 2001-11-14
  • ggurdjieff::see st. hick::in the::opening the zendor::newslog

  • 2001-11-13
  • sometimes when you love me (mother earth) it hurts

  • 2001-11-12
  • where i get my photos

  • 2001-11-11
  • bill says ms started the open source movement

  • 2001-11-10
  • dear new civilization friends

  • 2001-10-29
  • it seems
  • forward & unbroken
  • never on a full moon

  • More ..

  • Diary (6)
  • News (2)
  • Rumors (2)
  • Scraps::A Word Game (1)
  • Thoughts (1)
  • Totally Tree Free Poetry (13)

  • MonTueWedThuFriSatSun
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
    15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    22 23 24 25 26 27 28
    29 30 31

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS from Under Peace Rising

    if mediocrity would let my life alone, i would climb up comradery and befriend myself to ride this one time love supreme with you in peace. i would trust the mind over any vehicle and get the roadmap language i use out to make sure the many paths i take all lead to our friendship.

    this book is a road companion for us who need to get to all the sweet places we have yet to get to together.

    if this book were a roadmap, it would be the english alphabet--variations of twenty-six themes of trust in human nature to rise up under peace and to go on from there.

    Los Angeles

    Under Peace Rising
    is available online