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 Semi- Natural Time2 comments
category picture6 Nov 2004 @ 13:11
"Global Renaturalization"
2004-11-05, 10:02 am (PDT)

I would surmise the hope..... Not for the world
for the world is the world and will go on with or
without us as it has for millions of years but
the hope for humanity and mammality lies somewhere
behind us. True one can never go home but
we are clever and we have developed techniques
of Local Renaturalization.... the key is to extend these
towards a global embrace. Global Renaturalizaton
would be a tremendous undertaking and require
global cooperation but with emerging disciplines
like earth system science, engineering, medicine
and design .... along with global positioning satellites
and the internet and environmental databases
and organic and smart systems technologies
we are moving towards such a senario. True the old
Earth is gone and what we have left is sort of a humptydumpty
piecemeal, juryrigged mirror ball mozaic of sorts but I think much
renaturalization could be accomplished with the human
or mammalian elements and considerations in play and account.
The earth can not be restored to its pristine and original
virgin state true but we can I venture do somethings to counter
destructive trends and habits. Let us do this then learn and practice the displines of renaturalization and apply them on a global scale. The futures welfare depends on it.

Semi-Natural Time: The First Principle

The first principle of Global Renaturalization in consideration of a holistic system would then logically be the concept of semi-natural time ie: time being a semi-fixed and somewhat relative and relational concept.
The essence lies in the nature of the time intervals being somewhat flexible and adaptive. Consider, to give an example, semi-natural time to be in a sense akin to the synthesis or marriage of the hypnotizing african and native rhythms in unison or interplay with the melodious and harmonic verse and melodies of classical music. These elements then forming the basis of the dynamic of Semi- natural time.
Therefore semi-natural time is more or less akin and an underscore much like the varied and dramatic soundtracks and scores of the films and movies.  More >

 Maturity4 comments
category picture5 Nov 2004 @ 14:30
"Maturity Defined"
11-05-04, 07:28 am (PDT)
Maturity Defined

In Summary: The adult with a capacity for true maturity is one who has grown out of childhood experiences without losing childhood's best traits. He has retained the basic emotional strengths of infancy, the stubborn autonomy of "toddlerhood", the capacity for wonder and pleasure and playfulness of the preschool years, the capacity for affiliation and intellectual curiosity of the school years, and the idealism and passion of adolescence. He has incorporated these into a new pattern of simplicity dominated by adult stability, wisdom, knowledge, sensitivity to other people, responsibility, strength, and purposefulness.  More >

 I quit20 comments
category picture30 Oct 2004 @ 09:13
I am angry and I quit....
Find someone else to
cuddle and hold you for nothing.

sir  More >

 Israel2 comments
picture21 Oct 2004 @ 01:55
Israel the beloved....  More >

 Challenges0 comments
picture20 Oct 2004 @ 12:57

Life's challenges come in many forms, but I remain convinced of this: that anyone, regardless of social, economic, or educational background, can come to the same discovery that I did. All it takes is a deep longing to find the truth, to find the inner freedom that does not depend on words, beliefs, experiences, or circumstances. It takes a burning desire to not settle for anything less. If, so far in the course of humanity's evolution, only a relatively few people in any given era have awakened fully, it is because the journey demands a total commitment. Nothing less will satisfy.

I invite you to the challenge.  More >

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