Xanadu 2012 - Category: Articles    
 Spontaneous Combustion2 comments
picture3 Jun 2004 @ 04:35
Ah the birth of...????
I suppose I would have to try to anaylse it.....
Spock now stop and smell the roses....
Did someone say anarchy......
no and yes that is perhaps correct
Like Don Juans "controlled folly"
or "controlled abandon" tis perhaps
"controlled anarchy" although where
is the control coming from......
nay tis not I......
doth well up from the breast of the
creative human spirit or from the
"mother earth" or "mother ship"....
This be a kind of "stigmergy" then
a collective semi unconscious desire
for fellowship...... of what form or shape
Doth fellowship require shaping or doth
it not flow of its own accord from the human
be this the "stage" then the public or corner
bar for which each to say the met.....
Enough with the anaylisis good sir.......
say what is in your heart then.....
Ah tis a beautious child of creation this
Congiere .????? yet what form it doth take
be no mans land perhaps for it is a child of
the many.....
May we nuture and give it all that is best
and well that is in our hearts and.....

ah sir yee be a hopeless something or other.....  More >

 Blue Boy6 comments
picture2 Jun 2004 @ 18:42
Jonathan Buttall: The Blue Boy (c 1770)
Thomas Gainsborough (1727-88)
oil on canvas, 70 5/8 x 48 3/4 inches
.  More >

 Affinity20 comments
picture2 Jun 2004 @ 08:01

As the Internet grows and becomes a part of our lives, it brings with it a unique opportunity to meet people we likely would never have met in any other way. And very often, those people we meet on line will become friends. Sometimes, very close friends.  More >

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