Xanadu 2012 - Category: Articles    
 Get A Dance!!!1 comment
picture22 Jun 2010 @ 08:05
Get A Dance!!!  More >

 Canadian Premise7 comments
picture20 Jun 2010 @ 08:36
I wonder if the answer to a fair, democratic and just society involves not the physical engagement between the Parliament and the populous and not an ideological one necessarily either but simple communication with the masses. What I mean by that is perhaps the casting of a ballot for this or that party and for a mere vote or dollar or answering a simple yes no to a referendum question is perhaps to simplistic of an approach but to perhaps to ask for the opinions and or judgments of Canadians instead and thus gather the collective "vision" and stated consensus and "story" of Canadians. So instead then ask the populous a carefully phrased question or 3 questions perhaps on the ballot. Answers restricted to 200 words each.
What do you think Canada is?
What would you like Canada to become.?
What do you think Canada was?
thus instead of just tallying up mere votes you would have the vision, history and current words at hand. Thus the facade or veil of Governance would for a moment be open and transcended to reveal the truth of this enigma that is CANADA. The results could maybe then be studied and complied into a collective kind of constitution to supplement the Charter and represented of and for the term of office ie 5 years upon which time the process would be repeated.. Canadians would thus feel more engaged and involved and "valued" in the Governance process as they would have had their say and it would be compiled and reflected upon on a collective constitutional document and the Governors would know the stated will of people.
just some thoughts
Never been done before I figure but I wonder.....
I wonder if it would be possible with 30 million people....
I guess its not practical at the moment so a normal ballot for a party could be cast in the intern.
ed  More >

 Global Constant0 comments
picture18 Jun 2010 @ 17:52
Global Constant
see pic  More >

 Green Wealth2 comments
picture17 Jun 2010 @ 02:18
If we produce more wealth, we will be wealthier?
doesn't that sort of go without saying or am I missing something.
But then what is wealth ? and or what is wealth without a healthy environment?
So isn't the environment part of our wealth
Thus by making more wealth we're making less wealth unless we get a better or more comprehensive assessment or redefine our definition of wealth.  More >

 BP Coffee Spill0 comments
category picture14 Jun 2010 @ 16:10
Well if it weren't so funny then it would be funny but since it's not funny thus its too funny

ed jonas

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