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 Amour est bonheur d'autre sorte3 comments
picture11 Mar 2007 @ 00:47

Les Enfoirés, "Aimer à perdre la raison" - Louis Aragon("La croix pour l’ombre")/ Jean Ferat

Following is the original poem in its entirety as originally written by Aragon in "Chants du Medjnoûn" (Le Fou d'Elsa - 1963), including the poem's two first stanzas, omitted in the video composition.  More >

 Of bees and flowers0 comments
picture8 Mar 2007 @ 00:39
Bless you, bless you, bonny bee:
Say, when will your wedding be?
If it be tomorrow day,
Take your wings and fly away.
---Lost Lyrics of an Old Nursery Rhyme

A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a load of hay;
A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon;
A swarm of bees in July
Is not worth a fly.
---Nursery Rhyme
Bees are flying off in search of pollen and nectar and simply never return to their colonies. And nobody knows why.
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 Beautiful Pictures of China (Photographer Feng Jiang)2 comments
picture5 Mar 2007 @ 03:13
Few people in the Western world know about the hidden beauty of China. Well..... of course it helps to have an ace photographer who can capture this land of enchantment as no other has. But these are some truly inspiring photos.

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 GASP!2 comments
picture1 Mar 2007 @ 19:38
But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols.

Not for the faint of heart. Some scary sh*t here at Jeremiah Project. Be afraid, be very afraid.

The "health care crisis," "global warming," etc. apparently it’s all a global farce:

According to Vic Bilson, "No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists - we are now threatened from within - by a group of intelligent, well-dressed liberals who over the coming years intend to convince America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of – gasp! - a New World Order."

And apparently, they all are part of the conspiracy – gasp - the Clintons, Mikhail Gorbachev, and even the Bushes - but more than anyone else the Clintons, of course, and them godless liberal socialists:

I quote:

"To help complacent Americans accept the New World Order and new government intrusions into their private lives, Clinton propagandists instilled fear of just about every crisis they could conjure up.

As the 20th-century idols of atheism, humanism and communism are falling worldwide a spiritual vacuum is left that must be filled. In the resulting contest for the souls and minds of Americans in this new world order, the Church faces formidable opponents in godless liberal socialists, globalists, New Age religion, Islam and Satanism.

The buzzword of the nineties was 'crisis.' We were told we had a health care 'crisis' - justifying the government takeover of one-seventh of the U.S. economy. We were told we had a ecological 'crisis' - justifying the government to impose far reaching new regulations on businesses. We were told we had a child care 'crisis' - justifying the government to extend its reach into the family."

Well, now you know. Many are those who have tried to warn you before. Don’t be deceived:
"The satanic inspired lie of "Tolerance" - where God's Word is not proclaimed because people fear insulting or offending others has so infiltrated America today that few people even recognize the destructive results that inevitably follow."
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 Zoë0 comments
picture25 Feb 2007 @ 19:31

"Nature, in her blind thirst for life, has filled every possible cranny of the rotting earth with some sort of fantastic creature."
-- Joseph Wood Crutch, 'The Genesis of a Mood' from 'A Modern Temper' (1929)  More >

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