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 The God of Time0 comments
category picture4 Nov 2004 @ 12:16
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 A New Cycle? (Mobility)0 comments
category picture29 Oct 2004 @ 10:29

swanny:. . . 2004-10-29 10:28:11   [Edit] [Delete]
Interesting.... no well its more than merely interesting
its most significant and worse most "effective".....
we must at this point recommend care, caution and impecability
as the very thoughts we are thinking can influence the results
Apparently then the galacxy is "mimicing" what is occuring
or occurs here on Earth to some degree.
It seems to have to do with "motion or mobility" and cycles.
What seems apparent is that humanity has accomplished
something quite remarkable in that it seems now in a position to
be accepted or ushered into a new kind of realm or cycle.
This cycle seems to be more complex in nature and a natural one
more than anything
we have been able to fathom prior to on
a global scale so it suggests that we have
acquired some new trait or ability whether internal or external
though it is not clear which.
A fundemental Earth cycle is the hydrological cycle or pattern which
tends to follow gravity at some points but then experiences
evaporation etc etc.... this is a relatively simple cycle though not
necessarily as it is occuring all the time and all at once on a global
scale..... Much is bound and influenced by this cycle certainly
biotic forms such as humans..... then there is the seasonal cycle
which also appears relatively simple and beign..... this is sort
effects biological based forms but I'm wondering if there is
some chemistry involved here to.
Now in that mammals have reached a sufficient sustainable critical
mass we are now in a position to effect some of the cycles and mobilities
of the natural order but this must be done in a "mutual" manner with
the intent and preferences of those cycles
....... the problem seems to be
a certain "incompadibility" or "cross purposes" in the cycles. We have
in a sense the "lower" human or mammalian cycles coming up into
effect the more complex natural cycles such as the complex ones
of weather and such..... We have then two or more cycle or mobilities
undergoing a "collision" of sorts..... obviously this result in a somewhat
chaotic condition that is neither one nor the other.....
It may be that some new kind of mammalian/nature cycle is
sycretizing..... it is difficult to say.... I would say the more complex
natural cycles have the upperhand though in that they are based
on the far reaching solar and galactic cycles or mobilities..... so..... what might
or could this cycle be..... but a biotic one of sorts based on not water or food or
hmmmmm or seasons.... is it punictary or temporal? What is
the motivation or intention here of the two or more elements... mammals and nature....
Sex? Love? Time? Money? Jobs? Power? Death?......War? Terror?
I think "grace" and "faith" are playing a certain part here.......
oh and perhaps the nature of time.....???
Hmmm well thats all for the moments oh yes and Now
the Global now is a most complex thing it would seem....
Try wrapping your heads around that one.

 EARTH BASICS3 comments
category picture20 Oct 2004 @ 12:28

The Earth is a dynamic and balanced neutral mass.
This mass over time, through natural selection, evolution
and at times cosmic influence,
gives rise to feminine and masculine forms, constructs and
There are basically, in keeping with the seasons, two feminine
forms, constructs or expression, spring (new) and summer (mature) and two
masculine likes, fall and winter. The progression and semi-dominance of
these is somewhat global, cyclic and alternating. One of the first human insights
into this dynamic, was the musical composition by Vivaldi in the 18th century?
"The Four Seasons" This is said as well to represent one of the first
instances of "programmed music." From this simplistic conceptualization
Sir Sanford Flemming was able to extrapolate the global standard
times zones, which represent perhaps a further expression of
12 feminine and 12 masculine forms, which in themselves have found
expression in the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

A. G. Jonas
Oct. 20, 2004
Earth  More >

 Overbreadth Doctrine0 comments
category picture25 Sep 2004 @ 14:20



BEGIN: FREEDOM....... without integrity, is not integritive freedom but bedlam
and a madhouse of global proportion and scope.

That is not a way to truly and fully live.

With and through integrity, that is how we find and know, real and valueable consideration and sustainable meaning.

Therefore it seems to me, dear U.S. of America, that your current President
is practicing or committing the "offense" of your Nations legal precedent of
"OVERBREADTH DOCTRINE and should be remedied.


A fellow global citizen

 Media = Environment0 comments
category picture24 Sep 2004 @ 11:33
Media = Environment

Whether it is true or a fact or not media in a sense,
in a large sense constitutes a part or influence in and of
environment. The implications of this are many, in that the media and as environment acts in manner unconducive to
health and constructive being at times because it draws its sustance from troubles most oft. The media is aware at times of this its power but its influence is somewhat unpredictable and random even to itself. It is as a multifaceted force raining down blessings and curses in a random and uncontrolled manner.
Is this deliberate or voluntary or perhaps just some kind of inate survival instinct so in a sense psdeuo involuntary is probably not and will not become clear.
At times I have thought the media or worse the paparatzi to be a kind of goul or vulture perhaps some are but we should be aware then that media as environment is a somewhat fickle thing to say the least.

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