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 Beyond Bush or Kerry1 comment
category picture7 Aug 2004 @ 17:29

The article posted below is by one of my favorite Canadian journalists, Naomi Kline. It was printed in the July 30th Guardian, one of the few mainstream newspapers that appears to be free of US domination, I think being based in the UK might help.

Naomi's position is that there isn't that much difference between Bush and Kerry when it comes to their beliefs and policies, but that Kerry has the advantage of being so boring that it might give the progressive left the opportunity to return to evolving their position and getting back to the issues rather than being distracted by the personalities.

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 Acknowledged Truth7 comments
category picture4 Aug 2004 @ 22:30
Third Night News is the latest edition of Ian's newsletter (the Mayan Majix guy) which came out a couple of days ago, and is the source of the following quote which I remember from his lecture.

"In the tapes, and in the live lectures I have given, I have discussed Mind, explaining that this creature is not really the faithful, supportive friend that it tries to make you believe it is. Mind is a self-survival mechanism that would rather be right even if it means you must die. The only cause of suicide is someone’s Mind coming up with more reasons to die (cover up bad decisions) than to let him or her live—and be a continual reminder that the Mind was wrong or not in control?"

Which makes me think who/what is the "mind" that is running this planet? Right now it appears to be the Bush cabal with the backing of the banks. This depresses me because they would rather we were all dead than acknowledge that those with the most money, have the power, have the right to make the decisions for us all. There is a big battle for control, which reminds me of the movie Instinct a movie staring Anthony Hopkins. Great movie, and the plot summary from the linked site is below.

"Nearly two years after having gone amiss in Africa, renowned anthropologist Dr. Ethan Powell is caught attacking a group of gorilla-poachers. He is imprisoned in a Florida mental institution, where aspiring psychologist Dr. Theo Calder takes over his important case. Dr. Powell, who has been with a group of gorillas during all that time, is not talking at all and seems to be living in a dreamworld. Very slowly, Dr. Calder manages to reach Ethan Powell and starts finding out why Ethan killed two of the poachers. Yet Theo's case is not just about why the murders have happened, but also about how Dr. Powell became the being he is in the first place. With Ethan's silence broken, Theo is introduced into a world beyond common human comprehension: The true nature of being. He learns that mankind's control of everything is a mere illusion and that the true values of existence can't be found so easily. Ethan changes Theo's view of things forever."

My opinion is that when truth is acknowledged then it is acted upon in such a way that we are no longer ashamed and feel a need to keep it covered up. I think the majority of people are awake, but they just don't have a reason to get out of bed. This could change very quickly once that critical mass is achieved that gives people hope that they are not alone and that they won't be sacrificed for the comfort of the others. Then again, I could be just a disillusioned optimist.  More >

 Ashcroft Sued0 comments
category picture4 Aug 2004 @ 00:00

Prosecutor sues Ashcroft, alleging terror-war blunders

By Pete Yost

WASHINGTON - A federal prosecutor says the Justice Department has exaggerated its performance in the war on terrorism, interfered with a major terror prosecution and compromised a confidential informant.

The allegations are made in an extraordinary lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft.

The lawsuit by Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino is the latest twist in the Bush administration's first major post-Sept. 11 terrorism prosecution, a Detroit case jeopardized by allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.

There are more details in the link. How more bizarre can this get. First the guy is such a loser that he lost an election with a dead man for a senate seat, then he gets appointed as Attorney General, then he gets sued because he can't keep from screwing up. So the big question is, is the guy totally incompetent, a screw-up supreme, or is he intentionaly sabotaging the justice system. With government like this who needs terrorists.

 Vancouver0 comments
category picture31 Jul 2004 @ 23:41
I've changed the title of my newslog to better represent where I get most of my information from. I won't be covering everything that happens in Vancouver, not by a long shot, there is simply too much that happens in this city. But most of the stuff that I land up writing about comes to my attention because I am in Vancouver.

A big part of living in Vancouver is that it also means living in Canada, and I've found that our news is less like propaganda compared to the US. Most of my news comes to me through the CBC Radio which is commerical free and a nice mixture between investigative journalism and the arts and culture.

The city also has a number of free newspapers and magazines that get a lot of readership because they hang around for a week (a month in some cases) in coffee shops, bus stops, laundermats and other public places. The list below is a small sample seeing as how every journalism school and university has an edition and there are lots of free lancers as well. The weeklies that I usually checkout are:

The Georgia Straight Over thirty years ago this was our underground newspaper but now it is mainly entertainment but with a few good stories every week.

Westender Is not really a gay newspaper but there are just so many gay's in the WestEnd that they have a strong influence. My favorites are 'Evil Brain', Curious Times, and the letters sections.

The Vancouver Courier A weekly newspaper that gives good coverage of local issues, possibly even better than the dailies.

Terminal City Music and politics of the younger generations, and major boomer bashers.

There are a couple of monthly glossies about spirituality which also cover the liberal left political spectrum.

Common Ground

Shared Vision

Then there is the culture in general and the huge mass of creative people that have moved here. Vancouver is an international city, less than half the population was born in Canada, most immigrants come from Hong Kong and the middle east, and the latter in particular sponsor regular speakers on political issues. Public lectures are a big part of the Vancouver information scene, and information in general is a large part of the scene.

Oh, and I don't own a TV and very rarely visit anyplace that does have one so that kind of influences my perception as well.

 Canada & Marijuana10 comments
category picture22 Jul 2004 @ 00:54
July 21st, Patience Seed day, I woke up listening to John Walters, the U.S. Drug Control Policy Director, talking about how Vancouver had this big drug problem, that we didn't have the resources to deal with it, and it was time for some American style justice. He didn't like that BC bud was an $8 billion dollar a year industry and that 90% of it landed up in the States. Said the stuff was so powerfull that it should be classified as a new type of drug. The strong implication was that Canada should do something about this.

So the next day, Manifestation Serpent day, we did do something. Prime Minister Paul Martin announced that as soon as parliament started up again he was going to table the bill to decriminilize marijuana. Somehow I have a feeling that wasn't what old John had in mind. hehehehe  More >

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