Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Rio 20 - or Rio 100 ? and the contribution of Foundations    
 Rio 20 - or Rio 100 ? and the contribution of Foundations
picture picture 20 Jun 2012 @ 21:53, by Heiner Benking

Desperate again. Why did we sum up some Rio'92 intentions? in 94 after careful considerations. Why did we look into common frames of references?

Why did the UIA and UNU looked into Intersectoral Strategic Dilemma in the years before Rio '92? See the GLOBAL STRATEGIES PROJECT:
Commentaries from Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential
5.6 Strategic ecosystem: configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue

Why do we prepare in Geneva the Global Youth Conferences? and make recommendations! See also this blog entry below and video clip

Or why does IHTEC and CGI and the Global Issues Project, etc. do simmilar recommendations for years: CGI or the recommendsations on Climate Change and Energy or these on dFood and Water:
Many recommendations have been delivered through the UN systems to the people in Charge. Please check the EarthFocus Foundation recommendations. This is the last one right before Rio+20:
and many other recommendations over the years, see for example: Earthfocus-COP16 or the EarthFocus Foundation website and the EarthFocus Magazine See also the videos below.

I wonder, why we contributed to the UN-AMR 2008 and what was done with the recommendations? See: Heiner Benking: UN -AMR eDiscussion: Achieving Sustainable ... and why efforts like Teach MDGs are not getting more attention.

Why did the Civil Society prepare documents, side-events, alternative summits when the content can not contribute to the progress.

Instead I see simplicity, overclaims and oversimplifications like always. Final statements ask for single issue, single sector measures, when there was work for 43 years to look into the interdependence of issues and problems. Maybe this a good start to check what I mean: ABOUT ESSENTIALS OF DIALOG & DELIBERATION REQUIREMENTS & POTENTIALS:

I also recommend "Panoramic Thinking" and the Cognitive Panorama

and the work done in Mexico by Reynaldo TreviƱo. See the slide 62 above ! A GLOBAL YOUTH Conference in GYC 2010 - check the talk on "blind spots" and commons and providing some overview and history and actions to do in the issues - little to be added and nothing to delete - now we are two years later... Anyway, enjoy: description [link] CLIMATE AND THE GLOBAL CRISIS:

and this GYC 2010: Global Youth Conference on Forest, Water, Health and Peace [link]

and in 2011 towards Copenhagen, Durban and Rio 20: GYC-2011 Heiner Benking Interview Earth_Focus_Foundation

See above the 2010 Global Youth Conference contribution and outcomes addressed to all leaders in the UN as there is a habbit to do so by the Earth Focus Foundation for years, every year to alerting Senior International Officials through direct delivery via the UN channels. So where are answers of the youth? Simple recommendations, easy to follow-up! But, I see very little progress - specially in the light before Rio'92 and my recommendations on behalf of the UN - UNEP-RONA office in charge of the process already 20 years ago. Shouldn't we revisit our mindbugs !? [link] and check this recent group called WISER EARTH: description [link] 20.htm
and maybe think "out of the box" include other ways to present, even harmonise the incompatible. Examples: footptrint, handprind and mindprint: description [link] and "forgotten" mandates of the international community: Harmonization of Environmental information. I remembered at UN -CSD - 15 the relevant bodies in New York - and recently spoke up at the 40th Aniverasary of the SRU the Geman Science Advisors. Who with the EEES Environmental Experts of the Economic Summit (G7) where so far ahead. description
[link] description [link]

I WONDER WHO WILL EVER LOOK FOR WIDER PRAGMATIC APPRACHES - A LITTLE TIRED AND BURNED OUT BY LOOKING BACK AND REALIZING HOW LITTLE IS RELIZED, UNDERSTOOD and FOLLOWED UP of all the efforts availale from so many people - and how llttle of the most relevant visionary approaches - so not in books - is collected and reviewed. In the US by AAAS - NAS and NRC there is at least this collection: GRAND CHALLENGES: description [link], elsewhere I see nothing comparable...

See also the GeoJournal with a series of articles in the late 80ies - early 90ies.

The question remains: Why do we avoid the bigger picutures and the connections and influences ? instead close our eyes and "whistle in the dark"...

A hot topic 20 and even 100 years later!? Why did we revisit Rio intentions and provide vistas - as you call outlooks nowadays!? when so little progress is done in the field of environmental research, management, awareness!?

Check: [link] description - [link] description -
Pls. check description [link] and I am lost, most of the achievements before and for Rio '92 are not included. I feel this need an extra study on "white spots" soon ! Is it only that everything before the intenet is forgotten? Or do we make a gross error in not allowing for real transparency and transdiscilinarity. Maybe check "Sectarianism of Science" recently re-discovered from teh OPTIONS Magazin and mentioned with links in "IGNORANCE OR COMPASSION?": description [link]

Sorry I am angry and sad - a bad mix late in the night....

TO CHECK AGAINST: This are the official "final" recommendations, agreed upon before the gathering. [link]
Another story to tell ....
I wonder. Any answers from the policy class!?
We overlooked the birthing of the term GLocal, Global Change challenges 1990, all these summits, conventions, conferences,.. WHAT IS WRONG!?
I hope you have time to check: description

Me, I went to Erfurt for the Foundations Day - Stiftertag -a gain as in the years before - to check what is new and on the horizon - or not yet visible..... and have out YOUTH LEADERR report about it: description [link] as part of [link] description
BUT THIS YEAR it is special - it is geared towards Rio 20 and the 40 years "celebrations" and book 2052 by the Club of Rome. See below:
2052: Shaping our Futures - Apocalypse now? - Who is in Charge? description [link]

At the helm is the Chair of the Board of the Foundations and Secretary General of the Volkswaren Stiftung. He promised in the Press Conference and in Keynotes in Erfurt a critical review of their work the last 40 years - See Methodenstreit and will invite youth to do the job in a pre-conference. I will try to cover and report the progress and process.
is Dr Wilhelm Krull, description [link]
as he promised in the keynotes of the FOUNDATIONS DAY a critical review of the concepts and progress of the foundations work somehow starting with fincancing the 3rd report and model development of the Club of Rome and the LIMITS TO GROWTH...
I can only invite to link to: 40 years Problematique description [link] and the 2052 blog entry further down in this blog description [link] - beside the article by Anthony Judge: Engendering 2052 through Re-imagining the Present description [link] and the State of the Future - Millennium Project Global-Outlooks: description [link]


Outcomes from Rio 20 - Current Ideas on Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators See SDG's - [link]

Focus areas for priority attention
1. Green jobs, youth employment and social inclusion
2. Energy access, efficiency, sustainability
3. Food security and sustainable agriculture
4. Water
5. Sustainable cities
6. Management of the oceans, fisheries and other marine resources
7. Improved resilience and disaster preparedness

I wonder where SDG's and MDG's match and overlap. I congratulate the governments of

The Governments of Colombia and Guatemala to propose like from scratch their priorities 8see below). But how about and building on earlier schemas? The proposals were like a hot shot - like a last minute proposal for further work. But this should go beyond categorization and leaving out activity schemas like Gendedr, Security,... I am also missing the elevator between the scales. How issues connected between scales and sectors and times!

Combating Poverty
Changing Consumption Patterns
Promoting Sustainable Human Settlement
Biodiversity and Forests
Water Resources
Advancing Food Security
Energy, including from renewable sources


SDG1 Sustainable Consumption and Production
SDG2 Sustainable livelihoods, youth & education
SDG3 Climate sustainability
SDG4 Clean energy
SDG5 Biodiversity
SDG6 Water
SDG7 Healthy seas and oceans
SDG8 Healthy forests
SDG9 Sustainable agriculture
SDG10 Green cities
SDG11 Subsidies and investment
SDG12 New Indicators of progress
SDG13 Access to information
SDG14 Public participation
SDG15 Access to redress and remedy
SDG16 Environmental justice for the poor and marginalized
SDG17 Basic health

at this point I see a lot of "blind spots" and recommend the work in preparation for Rio 1992: Inter-sectoral Strategic Dilemmas of Sustainable Development - Configuring strategic dilemmas in intersectoral dialogue description
and the Encyclopedia of World Problems, Human Potential, Actions, Options, Strategies [link]
and again and again our approach leading to the term GLocal in 1990 ! and were called a Pointers to possibilities: Ekistics, Dymaxion World and Eco-Cube

In a nutshell: Rio 20 has decided to establish new working groups - what an achievement, bravo !! I feel I must be dreaming... what important opportunities have been missed, with this tempo maybe Rio 100 might be to early to put our acts together
I will add here about the contribution of Foundations - what they committed and where they can help and what their USP Unique Service Proposition could be...

picture picture

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