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 2052: Shaping our Futures - Apocalypse now? - Who is in Charge?
picture picture picture 8 May 2012 @ 18:10
To get started I recommend: "SIX GOALS of Shaping the Future" and the videos online.

The Warnings and Goals of the Club of Rome? - all agreed upon ! But what next and how? The late Donnella Meadows and prinicipal author of the report from 1972 spoke about "leverage points! - where to intervene in systems". Before I go deeper even until in November in Hannover the VOLKSWAGEN FOUNDATION will "commemorate" / "celebrate" ? their contributions and maybe how and in which context the report came about. I will cover some backgrounds and contexts around these days in the late 60ies and early 70ies and what this could mean for possible, desired futures in these interviews for EUROPEsWORLD so let us be brief here and come direct to my concerns and points of necessary action.

To say the Apocalypse is on the horizon is not enough ! It is definitely closer now than 40 years ago - or 20 years at the times of the Earth Summit Rio 1992 preparations.

So what are the leverage points Donella Meadows requested? In the lecture of Randers, reports and summaries I saw so far, I only see the common policy plastic words, intangible meaningless, dumbing-down nominalistic terms. See : Humane Information Society (1998) and or Virtual Reality and the Public-pros&cons(1994)(German) or Towards a New Renaissance 3(2009).

When I glance at the book and start with Chapter 1: "Worries about the Future"

I am getting very concerned. See: [More]
LATE NOTE but please do not forget to check Anthony Judge's view on the matter
Engendering 2052 through Re-imagining the Present [link] - Transcend's page: [link]
or an earlier view on the matter [link]  More >