Seeds of Change - Heiner Benking's Blog - Agriculture, Food and Hunger - Reaches, Frames, Challenges and Means    
 Agriculture, Food and Hunger - Reaches, Frames, Challenges and Means
picture picture picture picture picture picture 17 Jan 2014 @ 14:26, by Heiner Benking

Again this January the Green Week [link] and the "Summit" of Agriculture Ministers [link] in Berlin.

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference that focuses on central questions concerning the future of the global agri-food industry. „Empowering Agriculture – Foster Resilience – Secure Food and Nutrition“ [link]
I will add the final communiqué from the summit will formulate the Agriculture Ministers' joint position to be considered for the United Nations on the post-2015 agenda. See the MDG-SDG connection mentioned around UN ECOSOC and the Open Work Group Process around UN ECOSOC and UN-DPI mentioned further down.

While entering the fairgrounds I find the poster of BREAD FOR THE WORLD - BROT FUER DIE WELT.

"There are many reasons for hunger in the world, as there are many hands to reduce it. Two of these hands are yours" (Brot für die Welt)

“Es gibt so viele Gründe für den Hunger in der Welt, wie Hände, ihn zu beseitigen: Zwei davon gehören dir.” (Brot für die Welt) - Hunger im Überfluss - Discussion Bread-Hunger

I wonder if we should in view of NEW HORIZONS - NEW ANSWERS not forget to ask some basic questions, like 1) which reasons should we address first, 2) who looks for the linkage of problems? 3) what are the deep drivers ? 4) Should we beside asking the people to put up their sleeves not focus more on the issues and problems ? 5) and who should be in charge? (see: REQUISITE VARIETY and all the necessary "axioms" as not only requisite variety, but requisite saliency, meaning, distiction, meaning, action, context/frame, .... check this background paper:
This also has much to do with how we address the GRAND CHALLENGES TO HUMANITY and the Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs see: Strategic Articulation of Actions to Cope with the Huge Challenges or Our World my invited comment: and this publication just hitting the streets: Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Eco-Justice - my paper: Collecting, Framing, Negotiating, and Connecting: Dots, Signs, Models, Repositories, Spaces, and Minds - Explorations into individual, socio-cultural collaborative and co-creative, and collective approaches towards tackling the Global Problematique.

We have since yesterday the GFFA and tomorrow the Agricultural Ministers Summit in our Foreign Office. Busy times - so please come back later.
Tomorrow is high-time, as announced: BAN KI-MOON BUT HE DID NOT COME !! ... and and all around in town in "side-events"...

I will report in detail about the outcomes and Summit Communiqué in the Foreign Office and Press Conferences - hopefully on Sunday - or at the end of the GREEN WEEK as a summary.

Maybe check a selection of earlier report of the GRÜNE WOCHE Agriculture Ministers Summit and Green Week last year
2013 Agriculture in Transition - Global Forum for Food and Agriculture

or for example 2010 Agriculture-Davos-Summit - Berlin Jan 2010

On various events we discuss "Resilience" - an ecological term known some since decades, nor it reaches the policy and business world. "Resilience" you hear in nearly every one in twenty sentences, the next "buzz-word" is "silo" - maybe a good sign, it is fashionable to realize how we are thinking in boxes, with labels, and maybe even worse "flat" and "linear". An antidote to shared common grids or we called a "Cognitive Panorama", [link] - but who reads nowadays when something is 20 years old....

In parallel the people are on demonstrations - walking from Brandenburg Gate to the Chancellery, see the poster and the links. See the "other" Green Week as announced here: OYA :: Jenseits der Grünen Woche
and see [link] WIR HABEN ES SATT! for me it like déjà-vu from CopenVegan [link] done 5 Years ago at the UNFCCC at COP15 in Copenhagen with the Survival Academy: [link]
MY QUESTION: Where did we improve the "situation" beside the "talk" with new terms?

of interest for the FORUM participants might be:
UN-ECOSOC OWG 8 about SDG / MDG: [link] and check UN-AMR 2008 [link]

and reports about UNFCCC COP15 about CopenVegan 2008 **** and the EARTH FOCUS FOUNDATION [link] Global Youth Geneva Conferences and Recommendations 2010 - 2011

GYC-2010: Global Youth Conference on Forests, Water, Health and Peace
Where does it all connect and triggers lasting questions? [link] video: [link], my slides: / slideshare part1: [link] slideshare part2: [link]

GYC-2011 - Earth Day - Un Human Rights Council all March 2011 in Geneva: From global concept to local projects - Innovative educational tools to better understand sustainable development / Global Youth 2011 - Forests - Water - Health - Peace in Geneva / Equinox Earth Day - 40 years Minutes of Peace / World Day for Water - UN Human Rights Council /

GYC 2011 Video: [link] / my title: Introducing: "A Democratic Approach to Sustainable Futures" and the "Digital Peters“ -
Examples of CoLaboratory Dialog Design, Deliberation and Visualization Approaches
for shared Orientation, Understanding, Capacity-Building, and Actions
across Levels, Sectors, Languages, Terminologies, Scales and Mindsets(Video) [link] slides: **** and an interview: [link] slideshare for Rio=20: [link]

for more see:

and besides the Media-Delegates Conversations/Roundtables around real Summits, like UN CSD-15 and UN-Climate 1995, Berlin INTERNATIONAL CORNER at UN Climate Summit [link], Berlin 1995 EARTH IN TROUBLE (hand-out) CAPACITY TO GOVERN 1995 with Yehezkel Dror [link], Club of Rome governance "points to keep in mind" INTERNATIONAL CORNER [link]

and I recommend in this blog:
New Books: Strategic Articulations ... and Democratic Approach ...

Are UN DPI and ECOSOC involved / invited !?

NEW HORIZONS - NEW QUESTIONS !? is one of the titles for the GFFA

Below you can find [More] only a gravel-pit... or a "backgrounder":


Noel Brown and ICLEI etc..
see FIG Melbourne 1994 [link] and: [link]
David Suzuki 1987 and 1988 ***

EXPO Navi Japse und ...
CGI IHTEC c-g-i.infoo &
4 Säulen DESD & UNESCO
EARTH DAY - Earth Stewards and Earth Trustees...
Mandate & Auftrag
common grid odf Summits and Commissions ! **

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