Roan Carratu: The Geodemocracy Website is now up and running.    
 The Geodemocracy Website is now up and running.7 comments
picture1 May 2005 @ 23:39, by Roan Carratu

The Geodemocracy Website contains the pages describing the Geodemocracy proposal, a skeliton of an organizational structure that now needs many minds to read and develop. It is at [link] Geodemocracy Website. Please read it and work on making it better. Something that will truly make the world better for everyone needs many minds to consider it and improve it. It's dry reading and it is new, so it seems complicated and difficult to wrap the mind around, but it is actually very simple. Most of what a new employee has to learn for a job is more difficult than the Geodemocracy. It is not a communism, nor any other ism. It is something really new and dynamic. It will change the world, if people choose to adopt it. I'm looking forward to your questions and comments. Remember, if it catches on, you too may be part of it someday. It would be soooo good to have something better than 'politics' and 'military' and all that clutter and crap of society to deal with. We can run our own world, despite what the elitists say. Power to the people!

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2 May 2005 @ 02:00 by swanny : Hi
Hi Roan this has some potential perhaps
I think the flaw in democracy is the
"majority rules" aspect yet is this desirable
should not "reason" to some degree take precidence
to "majority" otherwise you end up with the current
scenario in America where the "unreasonable" majority
is ruling. Reason or Logic? well perhaps neither
perhaps we have to reach further and let
"emotional intelligence" rule.
Anyway promising. Bucky had many ideas before his time.
I think the world wide "power" grid was one of his concepts
as well. Can't think of the name of the site at the moment.
Hold on.........

Here you be Global Power Grid Link =
Link =
Carry on


2 May 2005 @ 11:43 by fleer : OMG it´s Roan !
:D Nice to see you back again. It´s been quite awhile since I saw anything from you. Hope all is swell. See you & Namaste.  

3 May 2005 @ 18:30 by rishi : Geodemocracy
Brother Roan,

I've perused the material on your website regarding Geodemocracy, and it reads like the blueprint for the functioning of a collective organism, one composed by individual human beings. It is a fascinating organizational structure based upon some very valid principles of physics.

Please allow me to point something out. The Geodemocracy model seems to assume that people need an external structure whereby they can function collectively, much like an exo-skeleton. Given the modern condition, this is very true and valid. If you don't take the modern condition as a given however, then what you have is an unnecessary tedium of structure that is both artificial and unlikely to be adopted, due to it's sheer bulk and sophistication. The irony is, that the adoption of this system you've created is dependant largely upon the individuals' degree of mental flexibility/intelligence and wisdom, inasmuch as they can make use of it's merits. The fact is, that the lack of mental flexibility, intelligence and wisdom in the modern world is exactly why such a sytem seems necessary. But there is another way to deal with this problem without using artificial systems of organization.

That way is a matter of understanding how consciousness functions. I'm talking about the group mind principle, mostly, and it's application. A group mind's social, mental and spiritual power is the result of resonant individuals being greater than the sum of their parts. This is NOT primarily a psychological consideration. It is based upon Einsteins' Unified Field, and the fact that we are "psychically" connected within this field of subatomic particles. When a group mind is generated, (of like intention) it automatically develops a felt, attractive force which draws others into it. This merger of individual consciousness into collective group minds is a natural phenomena that doesn't require an external system of organization to make it function. It's product is raised intelligence, wisdom, and best of all, level of consciousness. The employment of this science of consciousness is surely our best bet for social/world transformation. It is a natural law.

What can get people to adopt this level of action together? Not psychological conditioning or metheds of governance, even if it is a method of self governance. Only self knowledge can do this. Meditation is key. To realize one's self is a center of consciousness, rather than a psychological entity based upon thoughts and artifical structures, is exactly the point at which the individual is prepared for group mind action.  

4 May 2005 @ 01:48 by rcarratu : Respectful Responses
Swanny, there is no majority rule in a Geodemocracy. It is specifically designed to prevent such an effect. And we have never had a majority rule anywhere on the planet throughout history or prehistory. Don't accept that thorn from those who want everyone to think they have the power through majority rule. It is, and has always been, minority rule backed by immense coersion and mass murder.

rishi, I think the world has a group intelligence. I've seen it work on a mass scale in the most impossible way in my own experience. I saw it change soldier's minds and hearts enough to refuse direct orders, not just a few, but over 50,000 men, all at once. I think that Gaia group mind, however, only moves when the planet is in direct dire threat of overwhelming extinction.

I think having an organizational endoskeliton like a geodemocracy is far more likely than a spontaneous mass change in consciousness. I think the group mind, on all scales, needs a nervous system like geodemocracy. AND remember, a lynch mob is also a group mind. Where two or more people get together, there is a group mind, and if they hang out awhile, they generate a sub-culture with it's own jargon, references, and basic attitudes. Communion or genocide both come from the extremes of group minds. We are awesome beings, despite our illusion of seperation.

I received the Geodemocracy structure in a vision that took three months to integrate, and believe me, it did not come from me but from something far beyond my abilities. It occured when I found out that the US and the USSR came within minutes of thermonuclear war three times in one week BY ACCIDENT. That was back in 1984.

I was so freaked out, being aware on those scales, I opened my mind to any idea which might make a real difference and I was swamped by a CADCAM style vision, not religious but technical, and the Geodemocracy was only a small part of that vision. It took me two years to prove to myself that the technology existed to make the whole vision possible, and it is so outrageous I cannot speak of any part of it except the Geodemocracy. I think it is that group mind which gave me that vision, and I am doing my best to make it happen.

I have, btw, stopped riots by being aware of group minds, learned from the experience of feeling the group mind, communion, of thousands of good souls all filled with higher consciousness after meditating together on the Farm Spiritual Community in Tennessee back in the 70s and 80s. It shows the future might well be more than anyone now imagines. It was awesome, to say the least.

Peace and good health, bro,

4 May 2005 @ 22:13 by rcarratu : Group Mind, Organizational Structures
So, do we then do nothing but continue to raise our own consciousnesses?  

5 May 2005 @ 03:51 by rishi : The Raising
is simply the first priority, before all other practical considerations in life. The raising of consciousness is the elevation of what we most esentially are. Self knowledge, spiritual mastery and all forms of wisdom, greater intelligence, greater clarity, higher vibration, more unbiased perception, (Seeing things as they are, not merely as they are considered to be) are ALL a matter of the state of consciousness we hold at any given moment.

It is also from our states of consciousness that nations and societies arise. The nature of those states, (based upon corresponding intentions) is directly responsible for paralelleling nations and societies.

Change the state of consciousness and you change the entire feeling, mental perspective, intelligence/wisdom level and life focus of any individual, and by the same token, any society. Fail to change the consciousness of individual or society, and any imposed system is doomed to eventual failure.

Consciousness, [and the intent(s) which runs it every moment] is the source of sources. It is the bottom line of our existence, and the bottom line of nature. It is the sciences of sciences, because through it, we learn:

1)not specific things learned, but about the learner and learning itself.

2) not specific actions, but about the source of action itself,

3) not an awareness of specific considerations, but of awareness of awareness, (clarity)

4) not of a world of physcial energy considerations, (industrial chemistry for instance) but of the energy, (chi) through which we can re-vitalize everything in society and self, to a mugh higher level of progress.

5) not of the accomplishment of specific intentions, but the Mastery of Intent
itself. Through this mastery all motivation is clearly understood, and all natural action can be taken with conscious proficiency, (manifestation).

ALL other sciences and human-made systems are peripheral compared to the application of the science of consciousness.

What to do then? Get our inner world in order first, while we attempt to get the outer one transformed. ["Let your light so shine, before illuminating the Path of others".] When many do this, they will want to form/join alliances, communities, educational outreach, advocacy of a simple, natural lifestyle, emphasize the quality of person-to-person psychic relations, spend more time in, and cultivate the health of Nature, employ higher and higher group mind intent together and with increasing numbers...and so forth...until the entire world is converted to this Cause of Causes.  

6 May 2005 @ 03:27 by rcarratu : Re: The Raising
> It is also from our states of consciousness that nations and societies arise. The nature of those states, (based upon corresponding intentions) is directly responsible for paralleling nations and societies.

While I agree that for the individual, the clarity of consciousness is foremost, I don't see the connection with nations and societies. There have been no societies or nations who reflected a ubiquitous high state of consciousness among it's members. The nations and societies we get are formed from the general level of consciousness that exists, modified downward by the level of coercion that can be applied to those who still dwell with fear guiding their attention.

To wait for the general level of consciousness to rise until a sane society or nation occurs, (And to tell the truth, that consciousness would have to include most of the world to survive), is to abandon an ability to respond to the lower level of consciousness that forms societies and nations now. A geodemocracy is a method to raise the level of consciousness among it's members through education and example, something leveraged by the synergy of the structure itself. It is a trait of group dynamics that people change as they interact, and those with higher levels of consciousness are there, interacting, they tend to have an exponential effect on the others in the group. I say this because I've experienced that effect in a community with the highest level of consciousness possible to people... a distillation of those with high levels of consciousness, beyond fear even when faced with AK47s and tracer bullets in the hands of bigots. That community had a truly immense affect on the world, far beyond it's size and rational level of affect. It was directly a result of high minded people working together to produce a synergy which has not been duplicated since.

The Geodemocracy is designed to produce that same kind of exponential result in raising the consciousness of the world. That community was so effective, it caused the bigots of the KKK in the surrounding counties to disband, purely because their consciousness was so increased.

In a way you are talking about generating electricity through cloud friction and thermal layers, like lightning, while I'm talking about generating electricity through generators and wires and mechanisms. Which can produce the most long lasting and even light? I too would love the world to snap to higher consciousness like lightning striking, but I don't think if higher conscious people sit back and let the world somehow stumble it's way to that goal that it is likely to do so, considering the state the world will be in as the environment dies and power sources dry up, etc.

Higher consciousness sez "if you have the ability to respond, then you must consider responding."  

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