Shreepal Singh, a Concerned Global Citizen    
 Let there be on Earth: Peace! Change!! And, Change tempered with Wisdom!!!0 comments
category picture24 Apr 2013 @ 11:33
International Peoples’ Congress

Our times are heading towards a flash-point on Earth. The flash-point of a fearsome showdown: showdown between those who in pursuit of their greed are determined to squeeze-out of Earth its last resources and those whose very survival would be put in grave peril by such cruel treatment of our planet; between those who, in order to earn more profit, employ technology to automate commodity-production and those who would be reduced to an unemployed and hungry human-mass by such automation; between those whose single-minded devotion to earn more wealth is turning society into stinking and depraved human-mass, and shattering its peace and those who would long for their lost personal peace and beauty of life; between those 1% of humanity who are highly intelligent, united in their loot and wield the technology that can smash popular opposition and those 99% of the remaining humanity who would be helpless in circumstances but a mass of belligerent multitude determined to go to any length.

To avert this showdown - to avert this danger to Earth and humanity - the 99% of humanity who are commoners need to awaken. They need to unite. They need to seize the initiative out of the hands of 1% to set the new agenda of peace, prosperity and justice for all on Earth.

And, they need to do it before it is too late. They need to do it before the modern technology turns their numerical superiority – the only advantage they possess over their rival 1% of humanity – into an irrelevant and redundant factor by the rapid advance of technology.

You – the 99% of humanity – have morality on your side. Your aspirations for peace, prosperity and justice for all on Earth are just. This Earth belongs to you. You have the moral right to set things in their right order on this planet. You have the justification to wrest initiative out of the hands of 1% in the matter of setting an agenda for humanity; you have all the justifications to replace the present agenda of greed of 1% with a better agenda of peace on Earth; and prosperity and justice for all humanity. To fulfill your aspirations, which are the aspirations of humanity, you the 99% of humanity awake! Unite! And, move ahead!

Then, what are the steps required of this mass of 99% of humanity?

 Rise above nationalism and unite at global level. In today’s global village, nobody who matters is national. Multinationals – the 1%, your antagonists – are not national; they are national neither in their acts nor in their sentiments. Nationalism is a ruse today by them to keep you divided.

 Form local units at national level to coordinate your consultations and actions at the international – the global – level.

 Learn, learn and once again learn the cause of your plight; without understanding the cause, one cannot find a cure. Unless you the 99% understand the cause of your plight, there cannot be unity. The unity can be forged on clarity of the goal and of the path to reach that goal.

 Learn the rudiments and fundamentals of economics. Economics is all about the production, distribution and consumption of commodities and services by humans; the chronic question of economics – how to make people engage in productive work: engage them by the use of violence in a dictatorial regime or give them freedom to engage by providing an incentive – needs to be answered once again in modern context.

 The freedom to engage in work by providing an incentive makes it possible for humans to turn their potential into creativity and is always the best method. But the old incentive for doing work – the incentive to earn profit – is creating havoc on Earth today; and this incentive – the incentive to earn profit - cannot be the only incentive to make people engage in productive work.

 On our increasingly more fragile planet, the time to replace this old incentive with some another – socially more benevolent – incentive has come today. Understanding economics is the sole key that unlocks the mystery how our planet is being destroyed by the 1% of humanity.

 Learn lessons from the past commotion of human multitude in different countries and the cause of their failure. Occupy Wall Street in the U.S. and elsewhere, Spring Revolution in the Middle East and Anti-corruption Movement of Anna Hazare in India are the social experiments to learn a lesson or two.

 Win over to your cause intelligent persons who are good at heart: humane; compassionate; without ill will against anybody; scientists, teachers, students; all those who respect life, living beings, and our planet.

 Make your efforts spontaneous, full of love to all and heavily loaded with moral authority and command. Nobody is enemy on our Earth; humanity – Homo sapiens – is one race; humanity has but one interest – an interest that is common to all. It is only the greed and ignorance that make the 1% to lead humanity onto the wrong path. They too need compassion and guidance of the 99%.

 No violence! Humanity is intelligent, wise and advanced today. Humanity – at the core of its heart – does not countenance violence. No amount of justification justifies violence. Those who are on the wrong path – your adversary, the 1% - need persuasion of reason and compulsion of circumstances – and not violence - to go along with the rest of humanity. Today violence can bring no solution.

 Make the whole exercise an initiative-based voluntary effort. If thought necessary, you may amend or add to this document. Translate this document in the language of your country. Upload this document or its translated copy as a website onto a server (and several mirror servers) located in your country.

 Make the websites hosting this document or its translated version to work as blogs and comment sites (like twitter or Face book) for general public. Make these websites work for humanity as a meeting and talking place about their problems and future.

 An experiment in Democratic World World Government of connected volunteers 0 comments
category picture3 Feb 2013 @ 06:02
This is an experiment in a democratic World Government of volunteers from different nations who are connected:

1. The area over which the world government of willing humans shall exercise control shall be the entire Earth and shall be called Earth Cyber Land.

2. Every person from every nation shall have the right to become citizen of Earth Cyber Land.

3. Every citizen shall be issued a Unique Identity Number by the government of Earth Cyber Land, which shall enable him or her to participate in and access to the government.

4. A citizen shall be required to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of Earth Cyber Land.

5. The government of Earth Cyber Land shall be elected for a fixed term by its citizens.

6. The government of Earth Cyber Land shall consist of a House of Peoples Representatives; a Chief Executive Officer; a Disputes Redress Tribunal.

7. The Peoples Representatives shall be elected for a fixed term and may be recalled any time by the citizens by their votes exercisable on the net.

8. The House of Peoples Representatives shall elect from amongst them a Chief Executive Officer and a number of persons to work on the Disputes Redress Tribunal for a fixed term and may recall them at any time.

9. The number of Peoples Representatives shall be allocated and elected on the basis of continents on Earth.

10. The Head Quarters of the government of Earth Cyber Land shall be maintained only on computer servers and such servers shall have mirror-servers located in all nations of the world.

11. The government of Earth Cyber Land is established by the willing humanity to secure on Earth:

Collective survival of life on Earth;
Common prosperity;
Global Unity: and

12. The citizen of Earth Cyber Land shall be under an obligation to abide by the decisions of the government of Earth Cyber Land even if such decisions may be in conflict with the interests of his or her nation of residence.

13. The decision announced in the name and under the hand of its Chief Executive Officer shall be the decision of the government of Earth Cyber Land.

14. The government of Earth Cyber Land shall be carried on by its citizens and organs only on the strength of voluntary cooperation or non-cooperation of its citizens with nations-states of Earth and only in a non-violent manner.

(Note: This is a rough sketch of the Constitution of Earth Cyber Land; the objectives that are to be secured by the this Constitution are stated in the 'Earth Charter of Alternative Human Order'. This Charter is given hereunder:

1. Planet Earth is our COMMON HOME.

2. We have inherited it only in TRUST for use in decent manner and not for spoiling it by our improper acts.

3. Earth is not only for OUR use but also for the use of all other life-species dwelling on it.

4. This trust casts an obligation on us to PASS ON this planet not in inferior health but, if possible in better health to SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS of human beings and to all other life-species that would overtake it from us.

5. All life-species are miracle, blooming flowers in Universe’s barren desert and sacrosanct in their right to exist. We human beings have evolved our BRAIN to an extent where we are able enough to INTELLECTUALLY realize that all these non-human life-species have equal right to co-exist with us. Unless these life-species pose a danger to our safe dwelling on Earth, they deserve protection and preservation at our hands.

6. All man-made disputes of any nature can be resolved by man. And man has evolved his BRAIN to that evolutionary stage where he can INTELLECTUALLY realize that it is in his own interest that these disputes are resolved in PEACE and AMITY.

7. All life is evolving on Earth. Human being is a product of this evolution. Evolution has not stopped with the advent of human being. The process is extremely slow – barely perceptible in thousands of years – yet the process is on. We human beings must accept that we human beings are not the FINAL PRODUCT of this process and our BRAIN and its output of the present stage of our INTELLECT is not the ultimate TOOL of exploring reality around it and in universe.

8. But we human beings have evolved us SIGNIFICANTLY and have INTELLECT that is capable to explore the unknown universe, in both directions of scale – micro and macro. We can harness to our use the secrets of nature and her forces. This, our, capability enables us today, if we are wise enough and choose this wisdom, to CONSCIOUSLY shape our DESTINY. This capability makes it possible for us to shape the destiny of EARTH also. Human beings can make an impact even on the destiny of UNIVERSE.
9. Human beings are capable to destroy themselves. This capability is now PRESENT and they need only the DECISION to destroy. Any serious man-made dispute may act as a TRIGGER to take this decision.

10. Sustainable human-unity, if we achieve at the global scale, is the only EFFECTIVE and WORKABLE guarantee against the danger of self-annihilation posed by divided human beings.

11. This unity can only be established if we human beings realize that our INTERESTS are common, that the PURPOSE OF LIFE on Earth is common and that the DESTINY of human race is common.


Being mindful of this understanding and our realization of the IMPERATIVE NEED for humans dwelling in different nations and countries on Earth, to take prompt steps at the GLOBAL SCALE to avert the impending danger of human annihilation on Earth, WE HUMANS in our common interest, set before ourselves the goal of accomplishing the following OBJECTIVES:


1. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to accomplish survival not only of all ethnic divisions and subdivisions of human race living in different countries of the world but also of ALL life-species dwelling on Earth.

2. It seeks to secure this objective by ensuring that peoples of Earth stand on the side of PEACE and not war for any cause whatsoever.

3. It also seeks to accomplish this objective by ensuring that peoples establish on our planet GOOD ORDER and not anarchy under any ideology.

4. It further seeks to secure this objective by compelling all organized groups of human beings on Earth, whether organized under the banner of nation-states or of any other common human feelings, to DISARM themselves completely of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

5. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to accomplish this objective of collective survival not only by persuading peoples in the world to observe self-restraints in their inter se relations but also by paying RESPECT TO NATURE and its ways through its conservation.

Secondly, FREEDOM:

6. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to accomplish freedom of individual from any kind of oppression, whether it is of political kind or of the kind of economic, culture or social.

7. It seeks to accomplish this freedom of individual from oppression within the human organization of nation-states and also international relations of such nation-states.

8. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to secure this state of freedom for individuals by ensuring that the human rights of individual are protected in the organized society of human beings.

9. It also seeks to secure this freedom of individuals by ensuring that the interests of organized society are guarded against criminals and anarchy.


10. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to accomplish prosperity not only of one set of human beings (as against another set of those who remain poor) but of ALL.

11. It seeks to secure prosperity for all people by utilizing the TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS made by human beings. These advancements make it possible for human beings to REDUCE THE WORK HOURS for all those who are engaged in creating wealth. New Civilization does not permit utilization of these advancements to make a set of human beings WORK-LESS and to allow another set to ACCUMULATE wealth. Instead, it seeks to utilize these advancements to make available LEASURE-HOURS to all those who are engaged in wealth production.

12. It also seeks to secure this objective by utilizing SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of natural resources of Earth so that waste of these precious resources is avoided, there is no unsustainable exploitation of these resources and, on that account, no ecological imbalance is created by man.

13.Alternative Global Human Order seeks to utilize these measures in order to bring efficiency in production and distribution of man-made wealth.


14. Alternative Global Human Order aims at accomplishing UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind on Earth by promoting mutual RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY among them.

15. It also aims to secure this unity by promoting UNDERSTANDING with one another on the strength of our scientific understanding of the concept of RELATIVITY and FRAMES OF REFERENCE.

16. Alternative Global Human Order also seeks to secure this unity by admitting that there exists DIVERSITY among different subdivisions of mankind and promoting HARMONY amid this diversity.

And fifthly and finally, ENLIGHTENMENT:

17. Alternative Global Human Order seeks to accomplish enlightenment of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE.

18. It seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of MATERIAL SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what modern Physics and other branches of science have revealed to us, like our place in the Universal Time, Unity of Fundamental Forces of nature, Mirror- Images of OUR matter, Life and its Codes, convergence of all branches of science, etc. etc.

19.Alternative Global Human Order also seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of PSYCHIC SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what psychic sciences are revealing to us, like Near Death Perception, Extra-sensory Perception, Life after Death, Planes of Consciousness, etc. etc.

20. Alternative Global Human Order also seeks to bring enlightenment among human beings by encouraging them to always remain READY TO LEARN and OPEN TO CHANGE of one’s intellectual convictions.

New Humans Order Zones:

NOW these objectives are sought to be realized in an effective manner by this action plan of setting up New Humans Order Zones through out the world as VOLUNTARY ORGANS OF SELF-GOVERNANCE:

1. These objectives are sought to be accomplished by a concerted but voluntary community action of willing individuals at local and global level.

2. Towards this end, the trans-position of allegiance of such willing individuals is sought away from their native nation-states and to New Humans Order Zones.

3. These New Humans Order Zones are envisioned as small units of organized humanity, which are scattered across the globe, connected through information technology with one another and act collectively in unison.

4. Instead of owing allegiance to their native nation-states, these small units of collective humanity in New Humans Order Zones would be bound by a common vision and feeling of belonging to one another for a cause greater than nationality .

5. To bring desirable change around them locally and in the world at large, these small human-groupings would act in global unison through their concerted actions.

6. In dealing with the now-dominating institutions of nation-states, theseNew Humans Order Zones would act in consonance with the dictates of their common vision and feelings.

7. In their dealing with the now-dominant players on the issues of local and global ramifications, New Humans Order Zones solely depend for their victory over them on the strength of their collective co-operative or non-cooperative actions.

8. New Humans Order Zones would act as per the specific issues and stands by either extending their non-violent, collective and co-operating global helping hand to these now-dominant national and international players or by resisting them with their non-violent, non-cooperating global boycott.

9. New Humans Order Zone is a goal-oriented community. This goal is the conscious evolution of human beings. The tool of this conscious evolution is knowledge – this knowledge is in the form of science and technology. This tool – knowledge - helps the human evolution at their collective and individual livings. At the collective living, it is done by subordinating the desire-dominated man-made institutions to the dispassionate discipline of knowledge. There, it helps in planning efficient self-governance in every sphere of human activity. Such planning of self-governance ensures the saving of human-energy from wasteful social conflicts. This saved social energy, when ploughed back to the common benefits of society, provides people leisure-hours, high standard of life and peaceful life. These three things enable human beings to be free from daily struggle of life, be inquisitive to look into things around them and in their search for truth to turn towards spirit. This collective turning towards spirit helps the evolution gain acceleration. In this way, the community is helped by knowledge in providing more freedom to its members, enabling them to become more efficient in the matter of their democratic self-governance and thereby making them collectively available a cultural ambience that is conducive to turn towards spirit. At the individual living, a person is helped by knowledge – or science – in understanding brain, mind, paranormal phenomena etc. and helped to realize the existence of mysterious nature and understand its laws in the service of humanity collectively.

10. New Humans Order Zones are visualized as democratic local communities of spontaneous growth born out of the need of time and gradually spreading all over the world. From their very birth, these communities are seen motivated by the spirit of rebellion against the organized immoral force of multinational business corporations operating in tandem with nation-states, which adversely affect individuals’ spiritual well-being and communities’ social harmony. These communities are seen pursuing in different countries vastly different localized objectives of their initiative but still they are seen globally a single force united in certain common and well defined basic principles.

11. One of the most important hallmarks of these communities is that they do not require an outside initiative by an external force for their birth and growth. They do not need the support of some conspiratorial organizational planning at national or international level. In their birth they are seen spontaneous despite being geographically located in scattered manner in different places. In their growth they are seen multiplying in their location, number and power.

12. Also, it is seen as a slow social process taking place over decades, which may run into centuries to overpower the present civilization. This process is seen fuelled by today’s deep discontent of human spirit and her disapproval of inefficient and wasteful institutions of our civilization. This rejection on the part of mankind seems the sheer historical necessity of our times in the evolutionary march of mankind.

13. The smallest New Humans Order Zone may consist of a few individuals but to survive it must grow further into a community. This Zone is seen as an embryo of a sovereign habitation of human beings governed by its own laws and far superior in quality of its institutions with reference to human-well-being in comparison to our present world’s political, economic and cultural institutions. They must grow out of their minuscule size of a few individuals to a status of democratically elected and self-controlling governments of villages, cities and eventually the whole nation. The key to their defence against the strangulation by the old world lies in their superiority of quality of life, of number of people living in these Zones and of their capability in knowledge and technology.

14. New Humans Order Zone, a community empowered by knowledge: The community puts the highest premium on knowledge and assigns a grading to different branches of knowledge according to their relative importance to human life. The top slot goes to the human spirit. In these zones individuals are guaranteed the peace of one’s inner life against encroachments by uncalled for economic and political intrusion. In these zones, persons leading their peaceful inner spiritual life are regarded a valuable social asset, as being the fountain of social morality and good of fellow human beings and in return of this valuable contribution by them they are guaranteed means of sustenance without any further demand by molesting them with economic and political pressures. The second grade of knowledge in importance is Science. Out of the best available stuff of community, which has no inclination to pursue spirit’s demand, would be deployed to study science and uncover the mysteries of Nature. Next to the first slot, the highest respect of the community goes to scientists. The fruits of their labour are not available for sale, inside New Humans Order Zones or outside to the old world. The contribution in the form of edge-technology made by the scientists is exclusively community’s asset, which would be a closely guarded community’s secret (and would be an important element in defending the community against coercion by the outside – old – world). In return for this valuable social contribution, these people would be guaranteed the best of the available means of life’s sustenance. The third slot in importance goes to commercial activities. These activities may be planned by the scientists so as to sub serve the best interests (mind the grading here) of people and would include elements of planned production, distribution and consumption. The rest of the community that is not able to come up to the first three grading would be a valuable human resource to be deployed that may be needed by the community in pursuit of its first three goals.

15. New Humans Order Zones, a community of more freedom: The zones are able to provide more economic freedom to individuals by eliminating the immoral element of cornering profits by those who plan and control economic engine in the old world. This is done by planning the three basic elements of economy: production; distribution; and consumption. The consumption element is guided by informed incentive; distribution element is controlled by community; and production element is planned to meet consumption- needs by scientific combination of human and natural resources for optimum output (no wastage of human-energy in the form of unemployment etc. finds place in these New Humans Order Zones). In New Humans Order Zones production is a creative enjoyment. These communities are also able to provide more political freedom by employing the information-technology in constantly expressing the will of people in the matter of self-governance. These zones would be transparently self-governed by the available technology and zealously guard themselves against manipulation by money-power (which power would be under social scan and control). Also, these zones would transcend archaic monoliths of religions into the modern day systematic inquiry into things spiritual and thereby provide more cultural freedom.

16. New Humans Order Zones, a community of fewer needs: While the dissemination of information of whatsoever nature would be the backbone of these communities, advertisements to psychologically lure people to unnecessary needs would face non-cooperation and boycott of the community. Such activities would be starved of public's response and thus rendered meaningless for generating funds by promoting blind sales of articles of human use.

17. New Humans Order Zones, a community ensuring its defence by expanding into and absorption of the old world: This growth and expansion are the sine qua non for the survival of these zones against the hostile old world. There is a plain truth expressed in these columns, which is long and consistently recognized by leaders of mankind in different ages. It is the force of this truth that would surely find resonance within secret chambers of hearts of billions of ordinary people throughout the world and get amplified over a period of time in the form of a compelling global demand by them for an alternative civilization. New Humans Order Zones are nothing but this alternative civilization.

18. New Humans Order Zones, a community owing allegiance to an alternative world and civilization: By their very definition, New Humans Order Zones are rival to today’s sovereign nation states. They aspire to absorb and eliminate the modern day nation states (which establish their hegemony by deceitful, immoral and brute force of violence and money, and suppress a justified human spirit’s aspiration for real freedom). These zones rely on the power of people as against that of state. They promote decentralized localism as against centralized multinational-ism. They assert the rights of individual over community, of community over nation and of nation over the globe that is united to usurp individual’s freedom. These Zones make their own political constitutions and laws to govern them as islands amid the ocean of this old world. They print their own local money to give them financial freedom, security and stability. They recruit their own social-volunteers to enforce their laws.

 New Civilization for 21st Century0 comments
category picture25 Sep 2012 @ 05:16
This is a review of my articles appearing here as 'Shreepal, a Concerned Global Citizen' and this review has been prepared by THE INSTITUTE OF INTELLECTUAL TECHNOLOGIES; it is the intellectual property of «Intel Tech»—V.N.Tretyakov (U.M.Tratsiakou. Please see the bottom of this page for email of the copy right holder. Please visit the Institute of Intellectual Technologies at New Civilization Credo

Civilization Credo

“In quest of a New Civilization: Summary and going ahead”

by Shreepal SINGH (Delhi),
naming self ‘a Concerned Global Citizen'

Here is a summary of what the author has said and premeditated so far about human beings, their society and their evolutionary course.

1. Our curiosity to know is the engine of our progress and evolution. The conclusion is that we should advance the cause of this curiosity by liberating our search from all corrupting influences.

2. The frontiers of modern science bring us to a point where we are able to see the vast span of yet-undiscovered things of bizarre nature. The scientific theories of relativity and probability offer inkling into this bizarre nature of things in nature.

3. The scientific mechanism of hypothesis, experiment, theory and law for understanding the truth of things is not sensitive enough for knowing the truth of those things (phenomena) that are not amenable to the scientific process of ‘controlled and repetitive experiments.' There is a leaking hole in the ‘scientific mechanism' in the form of ‘the effect of the remainder of the universe.' The conclusion is that we should not be arrogant in pronouncing our judgments about things. Things are still mysterious and we should respect this mystery of nature.

4. The greatest mystery of all mysteries of nature is life. While studying life the fundamental question is not how it works but why it works. Life has a wonderful mechanism to function. But still more wonderful is the fact that it has a direction to go ahead, to grow from simple to complex and to evolve from lower to higher.

5. The highest evolved form of life on earth is the ‘intelligent Mind' of humans. It reasons and the reason is equivalent of inter-relations of things present out there in nature, which relations are always harmonious (if they do not look so to a person, he or she is of defective Mind, that is, insane or fool).

6. Mind is a trans-receiver of thoughts. Thoughts in the form of inter-relations of objective things already exist in nature. We may receive them or not receive them, they are always there. What has been thought and what could be thought, both already have their existence.

7. It is not this inter-relation of things alone that consumes the entire picture of nature. There are not thoughts alone that exist in nature. There are other things also having their existence. The creative energy, the urge to unfold, the desire calling for attention also has its own place and relevance in nature. The whole creation is the expression of a grand desire. Like in the earlier case, we humans are trans-receivers of desires. Desires have their own beauty but still it is lower than thought in its rhythm (only from humans' point of view and not absolutely). Desires have a very wide spectrum, which includes all sorts of cravings, attachments, hate and revenge, urges etc.

8. The lowest rung of life is the gross body's instinctive mechanism. It is the first sign of life, the life that has just emerged out of the dark matter. This lower rung of life is represented in trees, insects and animals but it is not exclusively confined to them. Human beings also carry almost all the elements of this lower rung in their evolved self; the difference is that in the case of humans these elements are subordinated to their desires and, during the period of last 10-15 thousand years, to their mind. We are concerned in these articles with human beings and their problems, and not with animals etc. and therefore things should be taken in that context only.

9. Human self is composed of the physical body, desires and mind and these are processing instruments of data. These instruments are all the time connected to their respective outside worlds of these things (the worlds of matter, of desires and of mind) and receiving and transmitting information from and to those worlds. How these elements of human-self are connected to their respective outside worlds? There is a bridging medium between these personal elements and outside worlds. There is a subtle physical body behind our gross physical body, which connects us to outside subtle physical world; and it is so with our body – or bundle – of desires and mind. The subtle physical-body, the subtle desire-body and the subtle-mental body of person do not die immediately with the physical death of that person. They get anchored out of this physical world and remain for their assigned periods in their respective subtle worlds (and therein lay the explanation of sometimes appearing these bodies as ghosts in our physical world). After their assigned period of life, these bodies too are disintegrated only to be absorbed and recycled once again.

10. We live a life composed of the interplaying of our physical body needs, our desires and our thoughts. This is all what we call our life. Ordinarily we do not go beyond these formations. But beyond these formations, there is an element of human-self, of which we are not aware. What is that element cannot be described by words of language but it can be known by experience, just like our awareness of our desires or thoughts or even our physical body. This element is a reality; it is not a mere mental imagination. It is as real as our physical body or desires or thoughts. Any effort to describe this element of our self – the sweetest, the most satisfying, and the most peaceful element of our self – has created through out the long human history the maximum confusion and the maximum antagonism among different sections of mankind. Do the ordinary people have any way of finding – or having at least a glimpse of – it? Yes, there is a way. It is something like what we call the voice of our heart. What is the voice of heart? It is a like a voice in the first place. In some people this voice is (depending upon one's Para-psychological evolutionary stage) often a very strong one, which makes itself heard despite objection from their desires (because it contradicts the legitimacy of those desires) and their thoughts (because it goes against their logic). However, almost in all cases, this voice is suppressed by the mighty ding of our desires and our thoughts. Our desires and thoughts rule this voice out as harmful and illogical one. Thus, this voice of heart is distinctly separate from one's desires and thoughts; it is not only separate from them but even contradicts them and prompts us to go and act against them. This voice is not respected by our civilization; it is not allowed to be cultivated by us. It is ridiculed as worthless, harmful and foolishness. But the reality is that this voice is unfailingly correct in its decisions; its advice is always in the best interest of the person concerned under the available circumstances. This voice is the Gateway to the world of secret of all secrets. We leave this subject at that.

11. Our desires and, like wise, our thoughts have real existence. What is their nature? What are their properties? These entities are not material; they are not electrical charge; they are not made up of gravitational force either. Then, of what nature are they? We have to wait for our science to catch-up with them; it will take time; we must have patience. There are many things we not know yet; this is the lesson, our science teaches us.

12. With this understanding of our self and our life, we proceed further. Our self is a complicated instrument, which has come into being on account of the forces of nature and evolved to this state. Nature is geared to move forward. All her movements seem to move towards a goal; towards the goal of more good, more perfect and always from the better to the best. It is what we call evolution.

13. This evolution of humans is not confined alone to the stream of thriving Homo sapiens on earth. This constancy of biological evolution carried from generation to generation is only one stream. The complicated self of humans follows a pattern of evolution, which is spread over countless births and deaths, on material places (like earth) and on places, which are not material from our reckoning. We must understand this evolutionary pattern and help ourselves to move forward on to the correct course, avoiding pit-falls, zigzag straying off this course or lagging behind lazily. This gives us bacon to chart our course and build our civilizations. This bacon is the pursuit of ‘truth'. Around ‘truth' we have to craft our new civilization.

14. Now we understand that our physical body disintegrates with our death to be absorbed by nature for the second recycling. We understand that the bundle of our desires – our desire-body – like wise disintegrates with our death only to be recycled once again by nature; and, like wise, the bundle of our thoughts disintegrates with our death to be absorbed and recycled once more – in countless such happenings in the past – by nature. All these elements of our self – our instrument – are provided to us by nature in our ‘one' life – in this present life – to help us to become aware of that one element, of which we have spoken about herein above and which we do not know yet. Why should we proceed to know it? Because it is the most satisfying, the most enjoying, the most… (All those things that humans love).

15. Therefore, a civilization that is given to pander our body demands, our desires or our dry thoughts is not suitable for enlightened mankind. Such civilization assaults the nature and mauls it (and, today, beyond repairs), foments competitive ill will and violence and, per force, brings to the fore the traits of human personality that degrade him. But this is only one reason of this civilization being third rate (today). And, this is not the chief reason for its being so. The chief reason is that it in pandering to clamor of humans' body demands, desires and thoughts this civilization effectively pushes behind that sweet element. Therefore, we need to search for a better, a new civilization.

16. The current civilization is exclusively dedicated to this pandering of human needs and demands and there is an engine that powers this civilization. The powerhouse of this civilization is that section of humanity whose sole business of life is nothing but to make available the means – manufactured products – to satisfy those needs and demands of the balance part – a huge number – of humanity. This tiny section of humanity is smart and intelligent. These people sense and search every opportunity to pursue their business – the business of making products available and earn profits in the process. Their one point program is to make profit and nothing else. All their actions are guided this one point agenda. They need machines – machines that are the creation, the fruits, of collective human genius and labor - to produce products and therefore they get possession of those machines; they become owners of those means so that they may earn profits. They need human labor – the work of human being, the most precious thing ever created by nature – so that they may put those humans to work on ‘their' machines and therefore they create (artificially because they are man-made in nature) conditions – economic compulsions – for those human beings so that they are left with no alternative but to flock to them to work on their machines. They call it ‘creating jobs and providing employment'. Creating jobs or providing employment is not their concern (it is necessary evil sought to be avoided) and therefore they reduce the ‘jobs and employment' to the minimum possible. (Incidentally, with the advent of modern age of computerized automation of manufacturing process, this minimum possible is further reduced to a bare few who are technologically highly skilled and economically highly paid; therefore, an era of great unemployment of general public looms large in coming future).

17. The current civilization is patently unjust and third rate in meeting the problems of enlightened humans. Why should the humanity not go deeper into the Para-psychological make-up of humans and investigate the forming elements there? Why should the humanity not delineate those elements and put them into their respective places of comparative utility? Why should the majority of humanity allow the tiny minority of her species today to ‘own' machines, to ‘hire' humans to work on those machines and to make ‘profits' out of this whole arrangement? This arrangement is nothing but a misuse of machine. Machine is a lever that minimizes the amount of labor that is needed in the struggle of Homo sapiens against the harsh nature. Why should the mankind not wean away the use of ‘machine' from generating private profits of a tiny section of her part and instead dedicate this lever – the ‘machine' - exclusively to lessen the common human toil in her war against nature? Humans have come of age now, not only in their science but in their enlightenment also. They must rise fearlessly and fabricate a better civilization. In this venture there is no ill will towards any body and good will towards all. All those among us – we humans – who ‘own' this lever – the machine – are not bad people. And, not all among us who are compelled – consciously or unconsciously – by economic reasons to work for those who ‘own' those machines are good. We all are in this earthly world like the migratory birds, knowing not our destination. We are in a ship – an earthly ship in cosmic ocean – sailing together. We have common interest and common destination.

18. But still a large part of humanity is deeply steeped in ignorance of all these considerations. Mankind can come out of this dismal situation, in comparatively lesser time (we say lesser time because mankind would certainly come out this situation later than sooner on her own account driven by the force of her forward movement, that is, her evolution), by making a combined efforts on three fronts: enlightening people by education; empowering them through technology; and enabling them to manage their own affairs in accordance with the majority wish (effective democracy). It is suggested that based on these three basic principles new civilization zones may be established. But this approach is only ‘wait and watch', which needs to be supported by an active program. This is what we have covered so far in our articles.

19. We propose to proceed further and examine other aspects of the subject, which have not been considered so far. We propose to examine certain other efforts, which were made in the past to replace the current civilization with a new one, and point out their deficiencies in understanding human life and its evolution. After pointing out their defects, we propose to suggest a decisively effective and completely peaceful method of ending the current civilization and substituting it with a new one.
The text is taken from

(C) Copyright «Intel Tech»—V.N.Tretyakov (U.M.Tratsiakou). The present information is intellectual property of the author's site, who would be interested in knowing any usage of his materials.

 Higgs boson and more destructive weapon than Atom Bomb4 comments
category picture12 Aug 2012 @ 16:20

The concept of science is firmly linked to humans. Without humans being present there to understand nature, nature would still be there with all its working laws in place but no science. We can legitimately visualize the history (of the development) of science as the reflected mirror image (of the history of the evolutionary development) of humans.

Nature with all its properties and essence has always been in existence there and simply we did not know them. By and by we are becoming aware of them. By knowing nature humans are empowered also. By the knowledge they make machines and change nature according to their needs. Humans are a part of nature. In humans nature is climbing up the ladder to heaven.

A wonderful thing to study is the interrelation of the world as it is in its essence and the human presence with all their inquisitiveness to know this essence.

As an example, before humans knew that apple falls down to the Earth and does not go up above because of an attractive force of Earth – gravity – that pulls it towards it center, obviously this force was always present there. By the works of Isaac Newton we got an idea of this force and its peculiar mechanism of working.

What is the relation of this force of gravity as it exists there in nature and our understanding of this force? This simpleton explanation of this force given by Isaac Newton is not correct, we are told by Einstein; he says, it is because of the curvature of space (and space is real thing!) created by the presence of Earth around it that makes the Newton’s apple move along the shortest path – geodesic path – which looks like falling of the apple down towards Earth!

This time also, the force of gravity as it is in its essence was always present there and simply we changed our understanding of this force.

We call this change the development of science. What is the relation of this development of science to humans? Nature with all its essence (or all its forces) has always been present and working there without any consideration for the human presence and their efforts to know this essence.

When we humans come to know of some part of nature, we simply change ourselves; when we reform and refine our understanding further, we further change ourselves. The development of science is reflected in human evolution.

We humans are inquisitive by nature. We live in a world, which is made-up of a countless things of myriad qualities. We want to know our world, which of course includes us humans also. It is a mysterious yet beautiful loop, wherein ‘we’ who are the product of this nature want to know this nature.

In this inquisitive pursuit, what is given to us as an undisputed premise is ‘our world’ and what is given to us as an available tool is ‘our mind’.

The working of our mind is akin to a computer wherein the biological brain is the ‘processor, input to this processor is made by feeding ‘data’ obtained from our observed world and the output is the ‘reasoned conclusion’. ‘Reason’ is ingrained in nature as its inherent working principle and when it is represented and understood in an abstract form it becomes mathematics.

This ‘reasoned conclusion’ has a long history of development culminating into modern science. Science, to understand world, observes phenomena, offers speculative reason (hypothesis), tests the correctness of this reason by artificially duplicating in laboratory the phenomenon in question (experiment) and after validating this reason in this manner adds one more brick to the edifice of science.

Mathematics is the strongest tool of science to validating a ‘reasoned conclusion’. In this manner in order to understand our world we labor brick by brick, develop our science and in the process become more and more enlightened life-species on earth.
In this pursuit of understanding the world we have come a long way today. Have we, really? Of course, it is all relative! From where we started (cave-dwelling hunters) our journey of this inquisitiveness, we have really come a long way! But from the goal of understanding our world fully, where no question is left to answer or no doubt is left to resolve, we are still far away!!

How do we understand ‘Higgs boson’ and ‘Higgs field’ as a layman but correctly? And, how can we put the importance of this discovery (if the discovered boson, which is termed like Higgs boson, really turns out to be Higgs boson - Higgs boson should have no spin and the discovered boson is yet to be analyzed to find if it really doesn't have spin! ) in the right perspective of things?

In our scientific search of the world, we have come to know that mass and energy are two different forms of the same thing; that mass can be transformed into energy and, vice versa, energy can be transformed into mass; that their inter-relation is defined by the Einstein’s famous equation: e = mc2

There is an enormously successful theoretical framework proposed by physicists to understand the entity that we call matter (and, of course matter includes energy also!) and of which our world is made-up of. This framework is referred to in Physics as the Standard Model and satisfactorily describes the fundamental sub-atomic particles and forces of nature. According to this Model atom is made-up of electrons and nucleus (the later consisting of protons and neutrons). These atomic particles in turn are further made-up of two types of sub-atomic particles: leptons and quarks. Leptons exist on their own but quarks exist bound together. Leptons consist of 12 particles: electrons and electron-neutrinos; Muon and Muon Neutrino; Tau and Tau Neutrino. Atomic particle proton is made-up of six quarks: Down; Up; Strange; Charm; Bottom; and Up. Apart from these 12 sub-atomic particles, there are six force carriers: photon; Z boson; W+ boson; W – boson; Gluon; Higgs boson. Dictated by the requirement of the applicable mathematics, this Standard Model proposes that none of these particles – except Higgs particle – has a mass. But in nature we find that all these particles – except photon particle – have varying degrees of mass. How can we explain this situation? It is proposed by the Standard Model that all these particles get their respective amount of mass only by interacting in varying degrees with the Higgs particle! In nature these fundamental particles interact with Higgs particle and their respective masses are determined by the strengths of their respective interaction with this Higgs particle. Therefore, if there was no Higgs particle in existence, no particle (of the matter) in the universe would have mass! Without the mass, the matter (the mass-less particles) would not stick-together to form atoms etc.

But how can one contrive an experiment to search for this Higgs? We know in nature particles have mass; we also know that mass and energy are one and the same thing inter-related to each other by above said Einstein’s equation.

By accelerating the speed of a particle, we can add mass (mass is a measure of inertia) to it; by this acceleration, we in fact add energy to the sped-up particle. Suppose, we accelerate two particles in opposite directions and then make them collide head-on; what will happen? A great amount of energy would be produced by this collision. Now, the energy cannot be destroyed by any means! At the micro-level, the extra energy imparted by the process of acceleration to the particles speeding in the opposite directions, at the head-on collision, would be transformed into different kinds of new particles.

This was the job done by Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facility at CERN at Geneva. One can know the mass (or energy measured in electron Volt – eV) of particles (protons – it is about 1 GeV) which are to be subjected to acceleration and one can also measure the amount of energy imparted to the particles by the acceleration of that particle (till the end of 2011 this energy was increased to 4 TeV per beam and on collision became 8 GeV of total energy); one can also calculate the amount of energy produced by the head-on collision of the two accelerated particles.

Now, the new particles produced by the collision-energy may be detected in refined decay (lepton and photon) channels and measured for their mass or energy. If the amount of total energy produced by the collision comes to more amount than the energy accounted for by all the newly created (and detected) particles, then there must be a newly created particle to account for that excess amount of energy. It is a case for the discovery of a new particle!

In the CERN experiment when collision-energy was accounted for by the total energy used by various newly formed (and of the already known type) particles, there was an excess amount of energy in the range of 125.06 G(ega) e(lectron) V(olt) in the CMS experiment with 0.6 error margin and 125.3 GeV in ATLAS experiment with 0.6 error margin. It was declared that this excess energy was used in the formation of a super-massive Higgs (like) boson!

But this experimental process is not simple. At the time of collision there are many kinds of natural cosmic process of constant new particles formation going on in the background (and, to reduce this factor, the experiment needed to be made underground). Also, the detectors have to catch the right moment (and that depended on the computer software). There had to be repetition of the experiment to remove the negative factors like bumps in cosmic radiation, detectors failure to catch the right moment, background noise, software mistakes etc. to earn the required credibility (the data from June 5 to 18, 2012 of proton-proton 500 trillion collisions at 8 GeV was analyzed).

This was experimental discovery and just two days before the CERN announcement, the Fermilab scientists had also announced that if Higgs boson was to be discovered, it was likely to be discovered in the 115 to 135 GeV range! This was all done and there was a Higgs like particle.

What meaning does it hold for laymen like us? How can we evaluate the worth of this discovery?

We have been able to identify and reduce all fundamental forces into four kinds: electromagnetic; gravity; weak (nuclear) force; strong (nuclear) force. All these four forces are different from one another and fundamental in their separate properties. Strangely, these four fundamental forces are not equal in their strength. The weak nuclear force is almost a 1 billion, trillion, trillion times stronger than gravitational force! The Standard Model is not able to explain this problem, which is called the Hierarchy Problem. We want to somehow unify all these four forces into a single fundamental force (grand unification of forces).

Now, all forces exist in their respective fields; and, a part of this field is carried by a particle of this force. By the application of proper branch of mathematics, we conclude that all fermions and leptons are different forms of a single force but, according to the dictate of the applied mathematics, none of these sub-atomic particles has any mass!

We know, in real world it is not so; except photon, all sub-atomic particles have mass (which is measured in eV - electron volt- since mass and energy are interchangeable and this mass could be in the range of GeV (Gega electron Volts). Without mass, sub-atomic particles would not be able to stick-together (under influence of four fundamental forces) and not able to form atomic particles – like electrons, protons, neutrons. Without atoms and molecules, no world would come into being. But the world is there in existence!

Then, from which source these sub-atomic particles get their mass? This was the question which prompted Peter Higgs and five other independent researchers to propose that we can solve this puzzle by assuming that there is a ‘field’ of force (Higgs field) and a part of this field is carried by a particle (Higgs boson); in Quantum Physics field and particle are one and the same thing and this duality (field versus particle) is dependent on and the result of ‘inter-action with the wave’ etc. etc.
The mathematical requirements of Peter Higgs’ assumption required that all the known sub-atomic particles should have no mass; that these particles should be able to interact (in their own way – that is yet to be discovered) with the new particle (Higgs boson); that depending on this individual type of interaction with Higgs boson, these particles should be able to acquire (get transferred to themselves) a particular quantity of mass from this boson.; that Higgs boson should have no spin etc. etc.

Can we try to understand Higgs boson by an oversimplified analogy? Suppose, 2,3,4,5 are fermions and leptons; if these are sought to be reduced into a single force, we should have a combined pool of energy of 2*3*4*5= 120; but what we find in nature is: 2*3*4*5=945. In case the total energy pool of 2*3*4*5 was 120, we could have concluded that particles 2*3*4*5 were interchangeable in their mutual relations; but the pool was not 120; it was 945. How to resolve this problem? It was proposed that 2 (+1 particle depending upon the capacity of 2 to interact with Higgs field)* 3 (+2 particles depending upon the capacity of 3 to interact with Higgs field)* 4 (+3 particles depending upon the capacity of 4 to interact with Higgs field)* 5 (+4 particles depending upon the capacity of 5 to interact with Higgs field) was = 945. It agreed with the real nature; or, it was tailored to agree with the real nature!
Here, several implications are involved: firstly, there is a vast amount/quantity of Higgs field existing there in nature and how much amount of mass was taken from this vast Higgs field depended only upon the property of a particular sub-atomic particle; secondly, there is a limited number/amount of sub-atomic particles in universe and commensurate with that limited number we find limited mass accounted in nature, while leaving a still greater amount of mass unaccounted for (95% dark matter); thirdly, in the scientists dream to unify all fundamental forces into a single unified force, Higgs field may put a spanner by proposing that: there is one class of sub-atomic particles/forces that have no mass; and there is another class of particles/force (Higgs boson/field) that transfers mass to those non-mass particles. Fourthly, if 95% of the mass in the universe (dark matter) is unaccounted for and all the known matter in our universe accounts for only 5% mass of the universe, then there is still scope in the universe of the formation of more matter till this 95 % of the dark matter or Higgs field is exhausted and this process of new formation may still be going on in our otherwise expanding universe; fifthly, if and when we discover how the non-massive sub-atomic particles (before they get mass by interacting with Higgs boson) are created, we can get some insight whether such particles are still being created and, if so, how much time it will take for them to get transferred to them the remaining 95 % of the remaining Higgs field (or dark matter); sixthly, what will happen when the entire 100 % of the dark matter is consumed and accounted for by the matter that may be created henceforth?

In any way, we need to study the mechanism of the interaction of sub-atomic particles with Higgs field. When we discover this mechanism, a new era of science would start. Once the Higgs field (or, simply the mass field) is understood, we can manipulate the Higgs field like the electromagnetic field.

Gravity is the property of mass and by oscillating the mass-particle (distinct from electrons etc.) we can fabricate gravity transmitters; and these may likelier transmit messages instantaneously over the entire span of universe unlike today’s electromagnetic ones that take years together to send signals over vast universe. Also, we may likely fabricate mass-less vehicles which would travel at the speed of light, like photons.

More dangerously, we may fabricate weapons which would take away mass from our massive-bodies (living and non-living both) and destroy everything without (atomic) explosion! Such a weapon would be qualitatively higher in the capacity to destroy ourselves than today’s atomic bomb. It would be the MOST dangerous weapon! Humanity is not wise enough today to handle such a weapon.

Today we know a lot about electromagnetic waves and their utilization but almost nothing about gravity. This new discovery, if really a discovery, would empower humans beyond imagination; to safely handle such a potent power humans would have to evolve themselves from their present egoistic self to saner beings.

We are still away from a single unified force! Mass (or Higgs field) is not God. Neither the Higgs particle is God’s particle.

In fact, mass is resistance; it restricts the change; it is inertia; it puts hurdle in the way of velocity. It is only because of mass that nothing that is material can travel at a speed more than the velocity of light. It creates a drag on the speed. And, at the speed of light this drag becomes infinite making it impossible for the matter to speed up further.

Mass is just opposite to God. Freedom from mass – freedom from this drag – is liberty; God is not bound to mass; now we know even some sub-atomic particles are mass-less before they interact with Higgs field; being mass-less they cannot create atomic articles, atoms, molecules and compounds, that is, they are free and cannot create our world. They are more free in movement than massive Higgs boson!

In Higgs venture God nowhere comes in. What is the relationship of Higgs venture (God’s Particle) with the God’s and His Beings’ venture? It is this.

In order to understand our world, science observes a phenomenon; proposes an explanation (by hypothesizing parametric conditions) for this phenomenon; artificially duplicates this phenomenon in laboratory (by carrying out an experiment in those parametric conditions); if phenomenon is duplicated, the hypothesis is validated and phenomenon is satisfactorily explained by science.

By this scientific process we understand our world and fabricate articles of our daily use; control diseases; make weapons; talk wirelessly; send rockets to moon etc. To deny this success of science is hypocrisy on our part; it is ignorance; it is foolishness.

And, in the usual human inquisitiveness to know the world, what does the other part of seekers (God’s venture) do? Equally, this set of humans also first observes the natural phenomena; proposes an explanation (by hypothesizing that there is only one force in nature; that it is conscious and benevolent; that to know this force one needs to comply/meet very rigorous parametric conditions like making mind and its noise quiet, prayer and surrender to this force etc.) for this world phenomena; duplicates those parametric conditions (by carrying out a para-psychological experiment by meeting those parametric conditions); if the hypothesis is validated by this experiment, then this set satisfactorily understands this world and its phenomena.

By following this process, there have been persons in the past and there are present still today who understand this world. They utilize this knowledge by flying with a speed that is more than of light (by Einsteinian Relativity it is impossible and yet they so fly!); they make themselves physically available at several geographical locations at a single moment of time (Higgs field would not allow such a feat and yet they achieve it!); they would die in their physical body and come to life once again (such a possibility is denied by medical science and yet they perform it!); they would remember their own past birth (and yours and mine also) and would see the coming events of the future (such a possibility is dismissed by our science and yet they show these abilities to the whole world to test and verify the same!).

One who denies these feats carried out fairly regularly by spiritual persons the world over without taking pains to verify them is a hypocrite. He or she does not want to understand the world and is a pretender only.

Thanks to Peter Higgs for his labors and, more than him, thanks to Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus and countless other saints for their labors! All of them are working towards the same goal, that is, to understand our world.

Both the opposite teams are like tunneling towards the same center of this heap of world from two opposite directions! If they do not miss their goal, they are sure to meet each other.  More >

 First Earth Summit of Peoples' for New Civilization: Need to Begin0 comments
category picture30 May 2012 @ 10:13
In our fast moving world where unfortunate conditions (over which humans have almost no control) are tumbling down at the break-neck speed and an evil World Order is being crystallized before our own eyes, the idea of a New Civilization offers a flicker of hope in the heart of millions of people. But this idea still has not caught-up the imagination of mankind; the idea has not gone main stream in its appeal.

There is need that the idea of New Civilization is brought to the main stream of humanity’s imagination. This can be done by organizing an annual event of the Earth Summit of Peoples’ for New Civilization. A beginning has to be made in this direction; and, New Civilization Network – as an institution, as a group – has the moral right and the concomitant responsibility to take initiative in this direction.

How can this be done? What are its logistics? This first thing is to raise the necessary funds. Let New Civilization Network work – at least for the time being - as the organizing center for this event. A general appeal may be made to donate money for the purpose; bank account may be opened in the name of the event; the Administrator of NCN may work as the account-keeper and administrator for the event. While thus taking care of the funds, a place to hold the first ‘Summit’ may be chosen by inviting suggestions on the NCN site and arriving at a general consensus. Once this much is done, volunteers may be invited to make preparations; and, lastly, the date of the event, registrations of the participants, lodging arrangements for participants etc. may be tackled.

What should be the theme of the first ‘Summit’? I suggest we use this slogan as a theme: ‘We peoples of the world have gathered to save Earth lest our posterity blame us!’

(This article is also posted as a message to different NCN areas to invite attention)

 Impending Global Upheaval and suggested Social Engineering0 comments
category picture17 May 2012 @ 12:59

All humans on Earth as living beings form a crowd of a kind among many; they are a group – a species – that is distinct from the other groups, like animals, trees, insects etc. and is defined by certain specific properties that keep them together as a class apart from others. But this crowd is not homogeneous in all aspects of those common properties. They greatly differ from one another in many respects. This crowd is akin to a caravan on the march: some are in the front of this crowd leading the caravan; some are in the mid-position moving onward on the track carved out for them by those who are in the front; and, then there are those who are positioned at the rear; legging behind and ready to fall off the marching crowd; they find them forced to keep-up by the moving caravan and to somehow move on. All humans are born equal because they all are equal part of this crowd; because they all are equal part of this marching caravan.

But they all are not equal in station in the crowd despite being equal part of this crowd; they all are not equal in place occupied in the marching caravan despite being equal part of the same. Human beings are the product of life’s evolution on Earth and they are as they are – with all their similarities and with all their differences; it is all natural and we humans need not be apologetic about this state of affairs. Despite there being colossal similarities of genes – the biological building blocks of life – among all humans, there are difference there in many respects, which produce many differences among them in many important respects. Then, there are dissimilarities among humans in the matter of state of development of their conscience, mental, emotional and physical formations. By making arrangement to supply all those inputs that are necessary to sustain life – here we mean human life - and further develop it, it is possible for us to help those who are lagging behind to catch-up with those who are middle-positioned in the human-caravan; help those who are middle-positioned to inch forward towards those who are leading in the forefront; and by this arrangement augment the number and the strength of the front rankers of our race.

Every human mind is a processing machine, much like a computer that receives an input data, processes it and produces an output result; human mind – when optimized to its capacity by providing it all that it takes to make it accomplished – observes nature, receives data – scientific information – as an input, processes this data in an ingenious way and provides an output in the shape of scientific discoveries.

A society that makes arrangement for the provision of necessities of life to everybody and guarantees to everyone an incentive to work to his or her optimum capacity produces the maximum number of front rankers who pave the path and direction of humanity’s caravan. Such a society has an effective extra edge in our intra-race competitive environment; such a society is much superior to the rest of competitive segments of human organization; such a society is the fittest in the intra-groups struggle for survival and the most efficient for the marching caravan of humanity as an species in the matter of input-output ratio. However, in what manner these two elements – two requirements – can be put in place for crafting this efficient society, are the bitterest bone of contention and the chief source of conflict among rival sections of humanity in modern times; this conflict may give way to a war that may be fought even with mass-destroying weapons annihilating our race.

We humans have come a long way in our evolutionary journey; we are rational beings and can think in an unbiased manner. Though we know, we humans – like all other kinds of life on Earth – are evolving on an evolutionary ladder; and it takes us long – a very long – time to advance ourselves a little notch upwards on this evolutionary scale to bring any perceptible change in our thinking. Still, we are developed enough to realize that human society can be crafted artificially – by sheer understanding and planning – in a way that brings in these two elements – the elements of human welfare and human freedom - to make them part of the structure. Humans are what they are: always motivated by their instincts; instincts of preservation; dominance; procreation. All those things that give humans the means to preserve, dominate and procreate always attract and motivate them.

Humans are humans and not animals because they produce commodities that satisfy their wants; and animals are animals and not humans because they do not produce commodities. Commodities are artificial articles produced by the human-work when it is applied to the material things offered by Nature as free gift. A commodity is commodity only because it en-capsules within the body of some material thing freely offered by Nature a historical succession of human-work. This succession of human work commencing in pre-historic times and culminating in our modern times remains ever present within commodity in the form of scientific knowledge, technology, machinery, work-force management and required societal production-enabling factors. A piece of commodity apart from having the capacity to meet human wants and thus being of value to humans, is also an anthropological record of the scientific progress made by those humans who produced that commodity.

Commodity is wealth for humans because in their struggle for survival it is a means for them to accomplish their objectives of preservation, dominance and procreation. Commodity, and today services also, is wealth and the accumulation of commodities is the accumulation of wealth; but it is the simplest form of wealth and its accumulation. When commodities – or wealth - are accumulated by someone not for the purpose of consuming them to fulfill his wants but to use them as a means to produce some more commodities – or wealth – with a motive not to consume the production, this simplest form of wealth assumes a complex character. Still, the basics of its character remain the same; commodity retains its character of its capacity to fulfill human wants; it remains the wealth for humans; these commodities – wealth - can be exchanged – or bartered; this wealth can be used either for the consumption of the producer or for producing by him more wealth; wealth can be exchanged through a medium of currency or even by a highly artificial medium of points, drawing rights, credits etc. (so long as these artificial things are backed by hard-reality commodities and precisely accounted for).

A commodity bears within it a very precise quantity of human-work (though in many forms) and of material element taken from Nature; and, if the human work ingrained in it in various forms is accounted for and paid for accordingly, a commodity – or its accumulation as wealth – can never yield any profit whether this commodity is used for consumption or for production of more commodities. It is the human-work in a commodity, which is not accounted for and paid for accordingly, that generates profit; it is variously termed as surplus value, profit, wealth generation etc.; and, the profit comes at the cost of economic exploitation by not accounting for the human-work involved in the production of commodities and by not paying for this work accordingly.

As all humans in our race are not equal in their capabilities, the front rankers of the race – who are less in numbers – find them possessed with the required vision, capacity and initiative to produce commodities for the sole purpose of using this wealth to produce more commodities; the mid-positioned good numbers of humanity of our race find them the willing collaborators in this profiteering venture; and, at the rear – the tail – of this human caravan, a really a vast majority, find them compelled to either work in this profiteering production on dismal conditions or to go unemployed and starve. The rear of the crowd is compelled because it has no vision and capacity to take initiative.

The two elements in our society – the elements of economic welfare and the freedom – do not co-exist together; they are antagonistic; you are given freedom; freedom to think; to have vision; to take initiative; to produce commodities. And, you employ those who are behind you in capacity; to take work from them and do not account for their work and pay accordingly to earn profit; you exploit them economically. Conversely, you produce commodities, account for the human work involved, pay for accordingly and you kill the motive to have vision, take initiative and produce commodities. If there is no profit, there is no wealth; if there is no wealth, there are no advantages associated with it in accomplishing the objectives of preservation, dominance and procreation.

What is the alternative way to offer to the front rankers of our race the effective and equally powerful motive – different from wealth generated by profit – to have vision, to take initiative and to produce commodities? This is the profound question the humanity is faced with today; it is necessary to solve this question in a mathematically precise manner to avert humanity’s social conflict and awaiting catastrophe.

Accumulating wealth by not accounting for the human-work involved in the production process and by earning profit by not paying accordingly is not the only way for wealth-accumulation that can be available to the front rankers humanity; there may be many other ways, which can be crafted by intelligent sections of our race to meet the demands of our times. It is possible to craft our society in a way where all means of cultivating human-capabilities – like economic security, health, education, scientific facilities – are made community owned and made freely available to all sections of society, be it front rankers, mid-positioned or rear portion. But only the front rankers alone – like scientists who make discoveries, accomplished academicians who produce original thoughts, the dare-devils who make records, athletes who win contests etc. - are given the privileges of leading the society in all conceivable fields and by providing that those privileges carry the hefty amount of wealth.

This provision will effectively work as a motive for all to move ahead, to think original, have vision, to take initiative in planning and carrying out production of commodities – albeit without any scope or need to exploit human-work to make profit or wealth. In the democratic self governance of people in all the conceivable fields – legislature, judiciary, executive – only the excellence alone will make a person entitled to be elected or lead; and, all the means to cultivate this excellence will be only community owned and equally open to all without any let or hindrance whatsoever; such social engineering would guarantee that the individual move to excel in any branch of human field is not only given a motive in the form of coveted privileges but also the needed material means to cultivate that excellence.

 People's Manifesto0 comments
category picture2 Apr 2012 @ 14:52
The Central Committee of Indian People's Congress is working to prepare a short document - People's Manifesto - which is intended to be the Voice of Humanity. Though this document is being prepared in Indian context and addressed to Indian people, it equally deals with the concerns of peoples of other democratic countries as well. It may be read in the international spirit.

People’s Manifesto – in Participation with People
Political Issue (Document No. 1)

Speaking truth is considered a great virtue in our country since ages and denial of truth invites public ridicule and condemnation. And, it is truth that the demand made by Anna Hazare (and his team) for making a strong Lokpal law to fight corruption in India has got a great public support. Likewise, the demand made by Baba Ramdev (and his supporters) for adopting ‘swadeshi or indigenous’ in every walk of national life and for bringing black money of Indians stashed in foreign countries back to India has got a great popular support. But our representatives sitting in Parliament deny that Anna Hazare or Baba Ramdev represent the will of Indian people. These representatives claim that they alone represent the people’s will and have ridiculed Anna Hazare (and his team) as outsiders. Our Parliamentarians have dismissed these leaders and their movements as ‘outsiders’, civil society and not representing the people will. Parliamentarians assert that these popular leaders have no right to speak on people’s behalf. These public movements lead by Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev and the reasons given by our Parliamentarians to dismiss them as not representing the people will raise serious questions about the meaning of democracy. These questions need people’s attention and consideration. The time has come to consider the questions raised by our Parliamentarians. The time has come to assign people and their representatives their right places in relation to each other in our democratic political system.

We, the people of India, had chosen at the eve of independence from foreign rulers to constitute ourselves as a nation into democratic republic. By all accounts, the essence of democracy is that it the rule of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is the self-governance of people. Democracy is the self-governance of people for their own development, progress, betterment and happiness. Negatively speaking, democracy is not the rule of a king or dictator over people. Neither is democracy the rule over people of a class or group of persons who may come to possess money or political power. The superiority of democracy as a political institution over all other alternative political institutions like monarchy, dictatorship or theological states lies in the fact that in democracy the sovereignty, the supreme power, rests in the hands of people and they are the masters of their own fate. In democratic India, people are supreme. In democratic India, Parliament, which is made-up of their representatives, is not supreme or superior to people. Parliament members are servants who are chosen by elections to serve the people, their masters. Even the Indian Constitution, which the Indian people have enacted, is not above and superior to Indian people. If the Indian people do not like that the national resources of the country like land, forests, mines etc. should be given in the private hands, their this desire has the supremacy over all other considerations. To say that giving of these national resources in the private hands is the only way to bring progress and development of an otherwise poor India does not provide the democratic authority to overrule the people’s desire to reject this model and to choose a different and alternative model for bringing progress to India.

But all people do not think in this manner. There are disagreements and antagonism among different sections of people. People are not unanimous in their opinions about any or everything and it is but natural. In the matter of taking decisions by people on any issue, the unanimity of their opinion is the best thing that could be achieved, though it is almost always elusive. The next best thing to having unanimity of opinion in taking decisions, which could be hoped for, is to arrive at a decision by the majority of opinions. If all people agree on one thing in taking their decision, it is good; but if they disagree, they may arrive at a decision by the majority of opinions. It is the power of this mechanism to resolve disputes and disagreements among people that makes democracy, as a political institution, better than any other alternative or competitive institution. It is but natural that all people are not similar or alike in their circumstances. Some are poor and some are not. Some are educated, powerful, intelligent etc. and some are not so fortunate because of their disadvantageous circumstances. Because of this difference of circumstances, there is almost always a clash of interests and economic antagonism among different segments of people. The beauty of democracy is that this clash of interests among different sections of people can be resolved amicably and without violence.

However, the unfortunate aspect of democracy is that when decisions are taken to the liking of majority and to the disliking of minority, the minority has to submit itself, obviously much against their wish, to the unpleasant dictates of the majority. When decisions thus taken by the majority relate to important issues, like distributing national wealth or rights to exploitation of natural resources or rights of access to material means necessary to sustain, educate, progress and prosper oneself etc., the minority has to suffer the loss and the majority would gain the advantage. It is an obvious outcome of democratic self governance of people. However, if by any crude or subtle device it becomes possible (and it comes to happen) that the wish of the majority is distorted and the wish of the minority is flaunted as the wish of the majority, then it is the distortion of democracy. In a distorted democracy, the wish of the majority is distorted and the wish of the minority is flaunted as the wish of the majority. In such a distorted democracy the wish of the minority is imposed on the majority and the majority has to suffer the loss, much against the democratic principles. Another unfortunate aspect of democracy is that there are very many devices – both subtle and crude - available in it those make it possible to distort and thwart the will of the majority and to flaunt this disguised minority-wish as the will of majority. The chief device among (like caste considerations, resorting to corruption and crime etc.) them all is the device of money-power. Money is not available equally to all and one who has more money uses this money-power to distort the choice and will of the majority-electorates. This defect of democracy forces the majority to come to the streets, launch agitations and create a law and order problem in an otherwise peaceful society. This defect of democracy makes it possible that a tiny minority of national and multi-national corporate houses, with or without the helping hand of democratic political power, decide economic policies in most of the democratic countries world-over much to the disliking of people and against the majority will. This defect of democracy produces popular movements like Anna Hazare, Baba Ram Dev etc. in India and Occupy Wall Street in the U.S and Occupy London in the U.K. These movements represent the will of majority of people. And, these popular movements are solely against the so-called democratic governments that boast of itself to represent the will of the majority.

In the matter of democratic self-governance of people, the ideal situation is that people do not elect third parties - other persons - to represent them and to take decisions on their behalf. In this ideal situation people can directly participate in the decision making process and arrive at decisions on all crucial issues concerning their lives, lands, waters, forests etc. without any need to have outsider third persons to take decisions on these issues on their behalf. In the bygone ages when there was small population living simple life in villages this type of direct democracy was possible. People in ancient India had indeed practiced this type of political institution. But today in a country having enormous population spread in vast geographical area, the practice of this type of direct democracy is not possible. However the technological advancements may make it possible for us in very near future to practice people’s direct democracy. Today, we are a bit away from this type of democracy of technologically empowered people. But certainly even today we can take some steps towards achieving this goal of a democracy of technologically empowered people. Even today we receive and transfer our money – money that is the most precious thing of all to us– by the use of internet and mobile phones. Likewise, we can certainly transfer or withhold our votes in favor or against our supposed representatives through internet and mobile phones on daily basis. This type of empowerment of people by utilizing technological advancements requires drastic reforms in our existing outdated electoral laws. This technological empowerment would allow Indian people to take their fate in their own hands. When today it is technologically possible for us to vote, elect and recall our representatives on daily basis there is no reason why we should not use this powerful technological tool to empower our people in the field of their democratic self-governance. To remedy the current dangerous situation prevailing in India, our country should take prompt starting steps in the matter of electing and recalling people’s representatives by utilizing technological advancements, as has been suggested below.

The first thing that is required today is to make our democracy truly representative of the will of people, so that democracy can survive as a political institution of people’s self-governance. The true representation of people’s will in our democratic self governance is otherwise also necessary today; a sense of dissatisfaction and discontent is currently prevailing in some sections of our people and our institutions badly need the people’s support and power to withstand against the armed revolts, separatism, public movements etc. of these dissatisfied and discontented elements. To make our democracy truly representative of the will of people, it is necessary that all matters of policies that directly affect the lives of common people and bring an irreversible change in our national life should never be allowed by our people to be decided by persons sitting far away from them and over whose acts people do not have any control after electing them. The demand of Anna Hazare to take away the power from people’s representatives sitting in Parliament to take decisions in such matters and to give this power to village panchayats/ city councils is the most important one and in the right direction in the matter of Indian people’s democratic self-governance. This demand is more effective in setting our corrupt democracy right in comparison to the efficacy of a Lokpal institution.

Recently a demand has been made by the Chief Minister of a State (Prakash Singh Badal, the Chief Minister of Punjab) that Constitution of India does not meet the requirements of our times, like the need to protect federalism, and that a new Constituent Assembly should be elected by the Indian people to frame a new Constitution that meets the requirements of our times. We agree that India should be a federal political structure and, while ensuring that the unity and integrity of India is protected, the principles of local autonomy and federalism should be strictly adhered to by our multi-ethnic country. And, we go further and say that Constitution of India does no longer provide a mechanism whereby the will of the people is truly reflected in the matter of democratic self governance; and that this Constitution needs to be drastically amended or replaced by a new one to cure this defect. By enacting a new Constitution or amending the present one, Indian people should ensure that the representatives who are nearest to them are given the highest power and authority and who are farther (or away) from them are given the least power and authority. It is befitting in India that village panchayats and city councils are given the sole authority to take decisions on important issues concerning people’s lives like taking lands, forests, mineral wealth etc. away from their hands or handing these resources over to others for use and exploitation. In such important matters, representatives sitting at central place (in national capital) far away from people who elected them should have the least power to take decisions. These representatives sitting in national capital should have power only to carry forward/ implement/ coordinate the execution of the decisions already taken by Indian people through their village panchayats/city councils. The time has come for Indian people to demand that all power and authority to take decisions affecting their lives be given to people working through their panchayats/ city councils; that the representatives of people sitting far away from people in Parliament be given the work only to implement those decisions taken by people uniformly throughout India and to coordinate and ensure their compliance.

The second thing that is required to make our democracy truly representative of the will of the people is to technologically empower Indian people to express their will in the matter of electing and recalling their representatives. This can be done by utilizing the technological advancements already available today in the matter of electing and recalling the people’s representatives on regular basis. It is possible today – it is reality today – that Election Commission of India can put in place and maintain an electoral internet website, which is connected to every single mobile phone used in India. The required software can be created that makes the use of a mobile possible only when and if a vote is cast by the user first. The required law can be enacted to make this democratic exercise obligatory on the part of every phone user. Votes for and against a representative can be tallied by the Election Commission on daily basis to find out the will of the electorates for or against that representative. The electoral laws can be enacted to provide that if a representative falls below 50% in popularity of his electorates for continuously six months or so, he shall be shown the exit door.

What we need to progress as a democratic nation is not to invite capital – of national and multi-national corporate houses– to invest in India, to privatize every national resource here and to make unimaginable profits by exploiting these national resources; what we need to progress as a democratic nation is to make our democracy true representative of the will of the majority of Indian people. But whether the representatives of people ever permit the Indian people to become technologically empowered and self-govern themselves, is an issue to be decided by the people. The movements of Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev are the first steps of Indian people in this direction.

As soon as Indian people are empowered by utilizing technological advancements in the matter of their democratic self governance, they will be able to express their true will on the important policy matters. Today the functioning of our democratic system is defective. Solely because of this defect in our democracy, a tiny number of persons have come to possess money and political power. They claim that their decisions are Indian people’s decisions. These persons, while claiming to work in accordance with the will of our people, assert that giving away of our national resources in the private hands is the only way to bring progress and development of an otherwise poor India, much against the resentment, opposition and agitations of our people. Our democracy is defective and the claim of a tiny number of powerful persons that they represent the wish of Indian people is false. Because of our defective and outdated democracy, these powerful persons neither represent the wish of Indian people in giving away our national resources in private hands nor do they have the democratic authority to overrule the people’s desire to reject this model of bringing progress to India and the people’s right to choose a different and alternative model for achieving progress in our country. If the Indian people do not like that mines, minerals, lands, forests, education or healthcare be handed over to profit-seeking national and multi-national private hands, then the people have the democratic authority to reject these moves.

If the group or section of persons who are presenting and implementing these moves towards privatization of everything are found by a credible method of ascertaining the people’s real choice that this group or section of persons as a matter of fact does not represent the choice of people, then this group or section of persons cannot have the democratic authority to go ahead with these moves any further, how so much money or political power they may possess. This is the spirit of democracy. This is the crux of democracy. The model of bringing progress in India through the so-called economic reforms (or privatizing all economic activities) will turn India very soon into a very powerful world economy where a tiny number of persons will be the richest in the world and the remaining vast majority of ordinary people will be living an abject life hovering around, below or above, the line of poverty; where science and technology would be highly advanced but its benefits would go not to people but to corporate houses; where all national resources would be in the hands of corporate houses to make profit and not in the hands of people – the real owners of these resources – working there on the conditions imposed by those corporate houses; where automation of production made possible by technological advancement would be used to fire working people out of jobs to make more profit and not to ease their workload; where a great Indian army will find itself fighting wars for others to fulfill the designs of national and multinational corporate money (like wars being fought in Iraq and Libya by western armies to get oil-contracts for corporate houses); and where peace of Indian people and the world will be shattered.

The alternative model of bringing progress to India could be to empower Indian people in their democratic self governance; where technologically empowered people exercise ever vigilant control over their self government by monitoring the performance of their representatives, by constantly electing and recalling them; where thus empowered people have the exclusive privilege to carry on the economic activities of production, distribution and consumption of products and have the job, in addition to the job of running government, to keep accounts of wealth generated by people; where the empowered people impose iron discipline on national economic activities backed by extreme penalty to the erring individuals; where the incentive for people working as managers, administrators or executers in the matter of carrying on economic activities is not to make profit but to earn social recognition and respect; where the benefits of the advancement in science and technology directly go people and not to corporate houses to make more profits; where the automation of production-process made possible by technological advancement is not allowed to be used by corporate houses in pursuit of their greed of more profit to result in laying-off and unemployment of working people; where India would weave people’s lives around Asia’s ancient humanist values of cooperation and not competition; sacrifice and not greed; compassion and not selfishness; socio-economic justice and not exploitation; where India would promote integration of Asia as a block in the world affairs and set a global agenda for humanity for world peace, progress, harmony and enlightened human life. Now, who will decide which one of these two models of bringing progress to India is better? Certainly, the tiny minority of national and multinational corporate houses, with or without the help of our representatives, have no democratic right to decide this question. And, certainly, the people of India have this democratic right to decide which one of these two models of bringing progress this country should adopt.

Today our democracy has been distorted by money. Our people’s republic has been hijacked by national and multi-national corporate houses. They are tiny in numbers and rich in money but are able to thwart the will of the majority. In league with each other and with the helping hand of our own elected representatives, this tiny minority is racing against time to bring an irreversible change in Indian national life in the name of economic reforms. This tiny minority has evil eye on an Indian peace loving and contented way of life. This evil design of tiny number of powerful national and multi-national corporate houses is to turn India into a market and turn Indians into animals consuming their products, where Indian people are left with no option but to work for them from early mornings to late nights only to be able to pay insurance premiums and bills to sustain their lives and catering to the greed of this evil minority. We cherish democracy. We love democracy. And, democracy is the rule of majority over minority, howsoever intelligent or rich or powerful this minority may be. In democracy the people are supreme and not the money. The money of the corporate cannot be allowed, whether with the help of our representatives or without their help, to distort the will of the majority, to turn Indian people into their consuming colony and to turn this country into a stinking mass of hapless humans groaning under the weight of their greed for more profits.

 OWS: How to survive the winter and emerge stronger?0 comments
category picture14 Nov 2011 @ 15:21

When challenged, people’s bravery and ingenuity know no bounds. OWS is people’s direct action against the corporate greed and its political support base. In their struggle against an already fearsome opponent, now the people in this nascent stage find one more unusual foe lending a helping hand to their bitter opponent: the winter weather. The winter has added more – and is going to add still more – woes to the embattled people.

The question is: how do we overcome this natural impediment and emerge at the end of the ordeal intact in our body and soul of the movement? It is possible for the people to wear out this winter unscathed and emerge even stronger at the end of the trial. The secret of this success lies in the way of our working and thinking about this movement.

We must recognize that OWS is a people’s action against the corporate greed and its political support-base and that it seeks to replace this duo with something better with the aid of people’s power. We should also recognize that this something better has to be discovered or invented by the people themselves to solve their problems in hands and cannot be borrowed in a ready-made fashion from our opponents; this something better to solve our problems cannot be supplied to us by the so-called researched SOLUTIONS of these opponents.

Let us put this question in a straight forward way: what do we want to do, supposing we win in our (OWS) efforts? Perhaps, a major part of us at the OWS would agree that we want to replace the present corporate greed nurtured and protected by our political establishment (s) with the sovereign governance “of the people, by the people, for the people” – this time in EFFECTIVE MANNER.

If this be our aim, then we would be called upon to change our attitude – the working – towards OWS: we can no longer afford to view this movement as something negative, a mere protest, an opposition to something (like corporate greed) that we do not want to remain in our country; a negative stand and nothing more. This view is half-truth. The other half-truth is that we are a people’s movement aiming at positive things; that we are struggling to replace the present rot with the people’s governance; that we have the right to assume that we have the sovereign right to govern ourselves; that we have the RESPONSIBILITIES to perform like a sovereign government to MANAGE our things in a better manner than the management imposed upon us by our opponents.

In simple words, this calls for our engagement during this winter in constructive works; we should take in our hands constructive work of improving the people’s lot; we should occupy ourselves (as if we are running a government of the people, by the people, for the people) with the jobs aimed at resolving the people’s problems (that we are currently facing). These constructive works would include:

1. Occupy all available houses/buildings to shelter the OWS participants; make an appeal to all those who may offer their properties free of charge (this is opposite to greed and would be people’s reply to this greed) to OWS movement to house the participants. This step would help reduce the harshness of winter, enhance the unity and goodwill among participants and would be people’s reply to the devil’s creed of greed. This step would facilitate the movement to survive the winter and emerge in spring more strong – morally and politically.

2. Learn to enforce self-discipline: OWS is crucible of social experiment of people’s self-governance in all matters of their lives, albeit for a short period of winter season. There may be (rather would be) scarcity of food, cloths, medicines etc. during this trial and people should learn to give preference in supplying these necessities to weak, old, infirm, children, women and those in more need over those who can wait for these supplies. This step calls for sacrifice, love and compassion to others on the part of OWS participants, which is just opposite to the evil of greed. These values, when practiced by people would be a harsh reply to our opponents’ greed and their animal instinct of celebrating over other people’s miseries. We the people are the sovereign rulers – and we shall rule ourselves directly and effectively rather soon than expected. Let us replace people’s regulation by corporate greed with their own self-regulation with discipline. This way, we shall emerge this winter triumphant and more robust in our popular appeal in coming spring.

3. Learn to control crime, drug-abuse, sexual crimes, racial hatred etc.: These are grave problems being faced by OWS on day to day basis and we have to learn to correct these social maladies in a better way than the one adopted by our opponents. Let the competent volunteers among the OWS participants invent social and/or psychological tools (like offering personal examples by volunteers of amiable behavior) to help the afflicted persons to improve himself or herself and bring a beneficial change in their life-style. In a self-regulating society (like OWS), these drug-addicts and deviants should be taken the victims of circumstances created by the corporate greed – these circumstances being the bye-products of the hot-pursuit of more profits by the greedy corporate. Let the people use their ingenuity during this difficult period – winter season – to work constructively and find ways and means to cure our society of these ills. Any achievement – even a small one – by people on this front would be enough to demolish the claimed validity of the insensitive methods that have so far been used by our antagonists to tackle these problems. And, this our method would establish the superiority of the people’s self-regulation and governance in solving their problems over the methods of devil’s creed.

4. Organize voluntary and parallel health services: This is another field of experimenting with the idea of creating a better alternative voluntary and cooperative health services for the OWS participants. Let us pool our health related resources – expertise and means – and use them efficiently without the element of greed. This service is the most essential to make OWS survive through this winter.

Good luck from Indian People's Congress

 Occupy Wall Street: To win, make OWS global movement0 comments
category picture7 Nov 2011 @ 10:22

OWS has its origin in US but its core element of the people’s direct action against corporate greed supported by political establishment has worldwide ramification. This movement has global popular support and sympathetic resonance. OWS is pitted against an unbelievable powerful opponent – the global corporate-capital that has its life- nourishing tentacles stuck everywhere on this planet and is in league with political establishments there, including US.

For OWS to succeed in US it is very necessary that this movement is spread globally and the whole humanity is pitted against this fearsome opponent. Our Earth is still divided into different political units – nations – that are mired into their own separate problems and popular issues. Still, behind these different issues, this core issue of corporate greed and its collaboration with the political establishments there is very much present in all countries.

OWS is faced with many kinds of problems calling its urgent attention. The first and the foremost problem are to face the weather – ordinary people in the open exposed to the extreme cold. It has become the topmost issue of the survival of the movement through this weather. It calls for ingenuity and bravery on the part of OWS participants; in coming month, the real fight may be against the weather and not so much against the corporate greed, of course till this winter is over.

The second problem faced by this movement would be to enlarge its scope from US to global. In the backdrop of the reality of different socio-political conditions in different countries, it is not easy to enlarge its scope; already in US the participants of OWS are not of one view on many important issues. Still, there does not seem to be any alternative to the spreading of the scope of OWS to other countries, if this movement is to succeed.

There may be a few things and issues on which a common stand of “yes and no” may be formulated by the participants for global presentation for common movement of humanity. Here are some suggestions for consideration of OWS.

We say:
NO to the dictatorship of religious thought-processes (like all religions);
YES to the freedom of enquiry into all religious thought-processes;

NO to the dictatorship of political thought-processes (like Marxism, Nazism, Anarchism, Capitalism etc.);
YES to the freedom of scientific evaluation of all political thought-processes;

NO to the political dictatorship (like Communism, Socialism, Deformed Democracy etc.);
YES to the freedom of choice for Democracy, Direct Democracy, and Self-Governance;

NO to the dictatorship of corporate in the matters of carrying on production, distribution and consumption of commodities through their capital;
YES to the freedom of people in the matters of carrying on production, distribution and consumption of commodities through their Direct Democracy.

NO to the enforced-compulsion of commitment to only one nation, race, economic unit, one king;
YES to the freedom of choice to commit oneself to the human unity and her global welfare;

NO to the right of corporate to injure nature in pursuit of their greed;
YES to the right of people to save Earth.

 "Occupy Wall Street" movement: Let people demand "Direct Democracy"5 comments
category picture26 Oct 2011 @ 13:38

I am keenly following the OCCUPY movement of American people. While I am all with the just cause of this movement, I wish to draw the attention of American people to the deeper issue raised by this movement.

The substance of this movement is the economic discontent of people in America, and even global humanity which is making this movement spread around the world. What are the causes of these unfortunate conditions inflicted on people the world-over? This question raises the need of serious consideration on our part. In one word it is the CORPORATE GREED. but it is simplistic explanation of the truth. While coping with the present emergent situation, let us put the whole thing in the historical prespective and shape our future.

Let us not be blinded by the glare of the present glittering civilization. Let us make our mind immune to the surrounding influence of the present and look beyond. Let us look at the tomorrow that is unfolding before our own eyes. What does the coming time hold in store for us? Can we derive some lessons from the historical prespective of this our movement and chalk out a better and effective strategy to deal with the present situation?

Let us learn economics and history. Human beings require commodities, like food, clothes etc., to meet their needs, wants and demands. These commodities are not available in nature in ready-made forms; they are needed to be produced by us; and, they are produced by human interaction with ready-made or naturally available materials. There are many things already available in nature in the form of raw material etc. but they may not be useful to us unless the same are transformed in an artificial manner by us into something useful to meet our needs and demands; these raw things need to be converted into commodities. To convert raw things into finished commodities we require two basic elements: firstly, we require an input of energy from an outside source to carry out the process of this conversion or transformation; and, secondly, we require a human element of contriving a social-mechanism that puts this transformation-process into motion. The history of this ever-changing social-mechanism, which change is brought about by the constant development of science and technology, is the history of economic progress and social development.

At the dawn of human civilization – a period when humans just emerged out of animal living conditions – in the hunter-gatherers society, the first element, an input of energy for production, was provided by humans themselves; they hunted animals and gathered food from nature. To make this difficult economic-way-of-life work smoothly, the social-mechanism of organizing humans into an extended clan (that is, a large tribal family) was established. With the advancement of science and technology, a new and developed agricultural society came into existence, where this energy-input was provided by animals, like oxen, horses etc. Again, to make this economic way-of-life work smoothly, a feudal social-mechanism came into being where persons with better circumstances took over as landlords (Zamindars) and kings, and those with unfortunate circumstances found themselves as serfs and land-tillers. With further scientific and technological advances, a new industrial economic way-of-life came into existence where this motive-energy input is provided by fuel-driven machines. To make this economic way-of-life work smoothly, a modern social-mechanism of capital controlled democracy came into being where persons with better circumstances overtook as owners of wealth producing machines and those with unfortunate circumstances were pushed to the position of laborers on those machines.

Again, with the advancement of science and technology today, as ever, a new and better economic way-of-life is coming into existence. In this new economic way-of-life, the human-element involved in the production-process (in the forms of hunters of tribal society or land-tillers of feudal society or laborers/workers of industrial society) would be replaced, for the first time in human history, by a completely non-human element of artificial intelligence in the form of automated robotics production. This non-human element, for the first time in human history, would almost completely eliminate the need of human beings in commodities production-process.

On the strength of already available technology (like digital-software, nano-technology, bio-computers, DNA-engineering etc.), we can forecast that very soon the employment of laborers to operate machines to produce commodities would become a thing of the past. To make this new economic way-of-life work smoothly, which social way-of-life is going to become the need of the new situation? Here comes a dilemma before the human race and a turning point in her civilization. There would be available only two alternative courses, both opposite to each other, to choose from in order to allow the new economic way-of-life to work smoothly; firstly, allow the capital to run the automated production-process and let the major part of humanity remain unemployed for want of work (and, of course, make provisions to fire fight against global mass discontent); or, secondly, allow sea of humanity (through info-technologically empowered democracy) to run the automated production and let the capital starve of investment opportunity (and, again, be ready to face social turmoil caused by the deprived capital). The inevitable consequences that would ensue on following one of these two alternatives do not augur well for the immediate future of the peace loving humanity.

When these two available alternatives to meet the need of this new economic way-of-life are compared for the purpose of ascertaining their respective likelihood of their adoption in near future, we find strong reasons to support the premise that the global human population will not allow a situation where they are condemned to remain unemployed for all times to come. But what can a lot of disadvantaged and unorganized mass of human beings do in face of the bitter opposition of the privileged and organized capital that is globally well-entrenched? Here comes the role of mind and reason in the forward movement of humanity.

There are hundreds of ways of looking at things; and, all these observations have relativist values. We can look at the human evolution from the angle of the development of consciousness. We humans have biological needs, desires, mind and heart; and, these elements are better evolved in humans than animals. The history of economics and society is propelled, guided and shaped by the determining relative roles of these elements. In the primitive hunting tribal society, the propelling role was played by the tribes’ biological needs; although desires, mind and heart were also present there but they were underdeveloped, subdued and played only a secondary role to support the prime biological needs of the society. In agricultural society, these biological needs were fulfilled by surplus production and the desire started playing a increasing role in organizing life (music, poetry, art and craft found a place); although biological needs, mind and heart were also there but they gave a helping hand to desires in shaping life.

In industrial society, the element of mind started playing an increasing role in shaping life and although the other remaining elements of biological needs, desires and heart are present there but they only gave a supportive hand to this life’s organization. These zones are not clear-cut territories but ever-shifting water-sheds and in all forms of society these elements play their roles and remain very much parts of human consciousness.

Today, with the advent of a new economic way-of-life, we need to provide a place to heart to play a greater role in organizing human life and direct the other three elements of biological needs, desires and mind to help heart shape and organize life. The life that is organized by the element of heart does not allow the capital to run production and render global human mass workless. This new social way-of-life would on the one hand ensure the smooth working of the new economic way-of-life and, on the other, would be better and higher from the evolutionary point of view.

Are we ready to work for an economic way-of-life where the capital would be denied the right to invest in production process? Are we ready to empower people by the adoption of info-technology in running our democracy? Are we ready to choose or reject our political leaders who may have put us in the present dismal conditions by demanding that info-technology be used for DAILY elections of our political leaders? Do we understand the importance of this measure, a measure that would impose an iron discipline of people on our political leaders and capital?

Let us be clear on these things and let the intelligent people chalk out an effective strategy for this movement to guarantee its success of its declared goals.

What is Direct Democracy  More >

 Three quotes (We are living in critical period of human history)0 comments
category picture3 Sep 2011 @ 08:14
Quote 1:
Mankind has been groping for ages to know the truth, the truth of everything. It has ever been so. It is the most cherished ideal of humanity. It is the truth alone that shall prevail.”
(Quote from “The Story of True India”).

Quote 2:
“We find in history seeds of human culture that sprout again and again in new forms but with the same qualitative contents to meet new situations brought into existence by the passage of time. We foresee that these seeds are once again ready to sprout in the fertile soil of our times. Our times are fully ripe for the germination of the old seeds. Our times are fret with problems that are unparalleled and unheard of in human history. These problems are so grave in their consequences and so encompassing in their scale that they put the mankind’s existence at peril. These are ideally fertile times for germination of the old seeds – that had saved mankind many a times in the past – once again in new forms. Mankind embattled with these problems is once again ready to listen – as in the past – to the teachings that have been taught in ages past in different contexts and different forms. A new civilization that offers this old seed in new form to bail out mankind is the need of the hour. There are three signs of this new civilization. Firstly, it would be based on the new understanding by human beings of the prime reality that has always existed there. Secondly, this understanding of the prime reality would be uniform for human beings and would not be divisive in nature as it had been in the past. The evolution of mind would not only remove the geographic distance among different sections of mankind but it would also remove the difference of perceptions of the prime reality among these sections. And, thirdly, this prime reality, though still mystic to mind, would be supported by its reason. New civilization has not yet dawned on our Earth, where people have already gone global. Whenever it makes its debut, it would be compulsive in its utility and global in its reach. But this utility would not be its chief strength. Its strength would rather lie in the realization by our race that it has re-discovered the reality in a manner – so called scientific manner – that is the only one acceptable to reason and that this reality though always existed there but remained mystic to mind. This realization would profoundly change mankind’s priorities and its institutions of collective living would accordingly undergo a revolutionary change. All these institutions – economics, culture and politics – could then no longer be allowed by the enlightened collective societal life to further the egoistic agenda of an individual or a group of few individuals.”
(Quote from “The Story of True India” page 83).

Quote 3:
“One thing seems clear: humanity has reached such a generalized state of tension – tension in effort, tension in action, tension even in daily life – with such an excessive hyperactivity, such an overall restlessness, that the species as a whole seems to have reached a point where it must either burst through the resistance and surge forth into a new consciousness, or else sink back into an abysm of obscurity and inertia. This tension is so total and so generalized that obviously something must break. It cannot go on like this. Yet all this is a sure sign that a new principle of force, consciousness and power has been infused into matter and by its very pressure has produced this acute state. Outwardly, we might expect to see the old habitual means used by Nature whenever she wants to bring about an upheaval; but here there is a new phenomenon, which is evidently visible only in a select few, although even these few wide spread enough – this phenomenon is not localized in one point or one place in the world, for the signs are to be found in every country all over the earth: the will to find a new, a higher, an ascending solution, an effort to surge forth into a vaster, more encompassing perfection. Certain ideas of a more general, more extensive, more collective nature, as it were, are being worked out and are at work in the world. And the two go together: a greater and more total possibility of destruction and an inventiveness that unrestrainedly increases the possibility of catastrophe, a catastrophe that would be much more massive than it has ever been; and at the same time, the birth, or rather the manifestation, of much higher and more comprehensive ideas and wills which, when heard, will bring a vaster, more extensive, more complete and more perfect solution than before. This struggle, this conflict between the constructive forces of an ascending evolution, of an increasingly perfect and divine realization, and the more and more destructive forces – powerfully destructive, forces of an uncontrollable madness – is becoming more obvious, unmistakably visible, and it is a kind of race or battle as to which will be first to reach its goal. All the hostile, anti-divine forces, these forces of the vital world, seem to have descended upon earth and are using it as their field of action; and at the same time, a new, higher, more powerful spiritual force has also descended upon earth to bring a new life to it. This renders the battle more bitter, violent and visible, but apparently more decisive, too, which is why we may hope to arrive at an early solution.”
(Quote from page 167 vol. 1 of “The Mother’s Agenda” being conversations of the Mother of Pondicherry, India)

 Musing 3: Market economy is a crime against humanity0 comments
category picture2 Sep 2011 @ 16:49
Market economy is not a self-sustaining wholesome mechanism of economic development of humanity but an outright crime against them. Humans are not the sum total of their needs and their greatest concern is not to somehow meet those needs(that is, meeting these needs is not their greatest concern today at the socio-economic evolution which they have achieved and where they produce more than they need, it may be the greatest concern of humans who still live tribal conditions or of animals living in the wild.) Humans are much more complex than their physical needs; they need socio-cultural ambience that promotes their emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing more than meeting their physical needs. Market economy by its very nature is destructive of this ambience. This is an internal harm caused to humans by this economy. Externally, this economy sets in motion a chain reaction of cause and effect that consumes Earth’s natural resources more in extent than it can replenish them. It robs Earth her capacity to offer humanity free gifts. Market economy fuels a fierce competition among rivals to seize those resources and tends to exploit them more in extent than Earth could replenish them. Market economy is a crime against humanity. The early this menace is banished from Earth the better it is for humanity. New civilization should have no place for this economy.

 (Musing 2) Anna Hazare: Gandhian Revolution in India: An Analysis0 comments
category picture26 Aug 2011 @ 13:31
Today India is passing through a unique revolution. It is people’s revolution by all measures and it is unique because it is non-violent. It is a revolution not less than the Russian October, 1917 revolution because it is a stirred mass of human beings not less in number than of Russia.

But this revolution is just opposite the Russia’s Soviet revolution; it is like opposite mirror image of that event. The Russian upheaval passed its zigzags way to a success by a pragmatic use of the force of violence, while Indian upheaval is passing through its zigzags way in an unplanned manner towards its destination by the sheer moral force of non-violence and truth. While the non-violence and the insistence on truth by the Indian agitators may provide them among masses a moral approval higher in degree than the use of violent means, the movement has no well defined object towards which it could be geared by its leaders and, hence, has less chances of achieving its supposed objective.

While the Russian upheaval began with the people’s demand for bread and peace, Indian one is demanding an end to corruption.

The vision of Russian people’s efforts was guided by well defined ideology that sought to put the supremacy of a class of people (working people) and did not stop at the demand of bread and peace, the Indian people’s guiding vision is Gandhian ideal of the welfare of all sections of people and particularly people on the last rung of Indian society, that is, the most deprived, the most suppressed, the most weak.

And, by all accounts it seems that the Indian stirrings would not stop at the measures against corruption.

The Russian popular commotion’s leader (Lenin) was the follower of Karl Marx who advocated the abolition of private property and the leader of India’s popular discontent (Anna Hazare) is the follower of Mahatma (great soul) (Mohandas Karamchand) Gandhi who advocated that “saree bhoomi Gopal kee” (which can be roughly translated as “all property belongs to God”) and held that the people owning property should treat themselves as mere trustees of that property for the welfare of others.

Thus, there are similarities between these two national stirrings but they are just the opposite of each other like a mirror image. One may very well compare the graphics of popular discontent in “Ten Days that Shook the World” of John Reed with the Indian Summer Discontent of 2011 and would find a great similarity between the two except that in the former the popular mood was defined by blood-letting and in the later it is insisting on non-violence despite trying circumstances.

The man behind this social upheaval in India is a person called Anna Hazare. He thinks like his mentor Mahatma Gandhi; he acts like Gandhi; he also stirs ordinary millions of Indian people like Gandhi. Gandhi was a saintly person who was the moving spirit behind a successful non-violent struggle of Indian people against the British colonial rule.

Anna is not a young man bubbling with youthful energy fired by Gandhian ideals; he is an old man; a man of 74 years. He advocates non-violence in carrying out public protest against corruption.

A sketch of his personal character would run like this: a person dedicated to Gandhian ideas; stubborn in his resolute actions in carrying out the decisions once he has taken; simple life style with very little needs; possessing almost no private property and living in a temple room.

He is honest to the core in personal life and dealings; proven track record of life-long honesty and self-less public service; motivated to serve people in early life and for that reason did not even marry; joined Indian army, lead disciplined life there and battled at the front; was emotionally attached to his comrades there to the extreme and on their death in war even suffered depression.

After retirement from military service, he did not sit back at home but became actively involved in public causes and motivated people for self-help in his native village to dig canal in stony terrain to irrigate their farm lands; motivated local people to become self reliant in carrying out their decisions and expanded his area of concerns from his village and neighborhood to state of Maharashtra; opposed corruption of State government Ministers, beaurocrates and businessmen, and became target of these powerful enemies.

He resorted to abstaining from food (fast) and hunger strikes to mobilize people’s support for his cause of fighting corruption by big and powerful people; got tremendous public support and earned public goodwill through this way of protest but earned wrath and also enmity of powerful people; assassin hired by these powerful enemies to kill him, refused to kill him and demanded his employers to assign any target whosoever but Anna Hazare.

By his persistent mass mobilization against those powerful corrupt people, he forced the State government, which was in league with those corrupt and powerful people, to act against them.

He is emi-literate and not idealist, he is a very practical and pragmatic person who is able to sense the situation, create and read public mood; though getting light from the Gandhian ideas and ways, he is not a blind imitator of Gandhi’s words. He is able to read the disguised evil intentions of government and its authorities and capable to devise cunning tactics to defeat those evil intentions. In addition to the Gandhian ways, he also takes inspiration from Shivaji (an eighteenth century Maratha ruler who outsmarted Aurangzeb – the Indian king) to craft his strategies to outwit the present corrupt rulers of the country.

He created public pressure on the govt. to make his team a part of the govt. exercise of law making to fight corruption; insisting public broadcasting of live debates to expose govt. ministers’ stand on measures to fight corruption; he knows public agitation cannot be sustained for long and announces programs to give brief spells of rest between phases of agitation.

He is open to the public in his intentions and programs to get a high moral ground than the govt. which always resorts to cheating to defeat his agitation.

On being arrested, he started his fast in jail; on being released, he refuses to come out of jail on govt. terms; guiding his agitation from jail, makes the govt. kneel down to his terms of his coming out of jail; rides on truck triumphantly with huge public around him from jail to a bigger public place- Ramlila Maidan - to continue his agitation, while earlier he was refused permission for a smaller public place for his agitation and on his persisting was arrested. In his first moves, he defeated the govt. strategy to stop his agitation. Presently, he is engaged in the war of wits in designing tactics and strategy with the Government of India, wherein the Govt. is resorting to cheatings, lies and dishonesty to defeat his mission and he is resorting to transparency, truth and exposure of Govt. stand to outwit his enemy, the Government of India.

Additional resources:
India on the boil

 Musing 1 (Attitude towards life)0 comments
category picture27 Jul 2011 @ 10:05

Sometimes one is blessed with a moment of serene tranquility, which is otherwise a rare commodity in this tumultuous world, world within and world without. In those precious moments, one is left all alone to live by himself (please treat him as including her as well). This loneliness is not the kind of moment that saddens him. It is a heavenly moment. One simply enjoys being present there. One is free like a bird there, flying at will into the past of your life, amazing you how far you have travelled from your childhood; wondering at where you have put yourself in your present circumstances. This moment is much like the glimpse of a person on his death bed about to depart from this world. One can search to find such precious moments. One can try to create such heavenly moments; it is all a matter of making a certain mental attitude towards your life and this world. Once we experience such a moment, we can prolong its duration by conscious efforts and practice. It is bliss to be left alone. It is the height of individualism.

We are happy there at being face to face with whatever we are; we should try to prolong this happiness. We should try to be happy with our circumstances, in which we have put ourselves by our conduct. We were free and we had a choice; we did take a decision and made efforts to fructify that decision to our capacity. We must reap the harvest of our actions, with honesty and without rebellion; this is dignified attitude towards life. And, nobody stops us from changing our decisions and amending our actions henceforth; we are masters of our decisions, priorities and efforts but we are not masters of the circumstances our decisions and actions produce for us. The best, and the most rational, attitude towards life is to remain happy, in whatever circumstances we have placed ourselves. We have mind and let us be rational. This attitude towards life is not only logically correct but also to our own advantage. It saves us from the deadly weight of adverse circumstances trying to crush us; it saves our mental health.

Let us be happy. But it is not enough. Let everybody be happy. All are free to choose their actions but are not free to choose or not to choose the fruits of those actions; your actions follow you and my actions follow me. We all have been put alike in a peculiar position: half free and half slave! Let me be happy and let me see happiness around me. This additional positive element in our attitude towards life is not only justified but also, likewise, is advantageous to us; it saves taxing our mind with negative – and harmful – feelings of jealousy. We must have empathy with all and understanding of their difficult circumstances; let us be considerate to them and see them happy as well. This much is about our attitude towards life; but, what about us, when we are face to face with us and are left alone to fend for ourselves?

Suppose for a moment, our death is not the end of the matter; suppose, it is not the end of our existence (whatever this existence constitutes); suppose, something of us still survives after our death. Be with you in that happy moment and ask this question in the reigning tranquility. Enjoy the moment and enjoy the answer! It is an experiment and it is an experience. There is nothing more that can be said on this aspect; it is not a matter of reason and argument. But reason can be advanced against the supposition made in favor of survival of something after one’s death. Is this supposition reasonable at all? The liability to answer to this question squarely lies with science; one may surf the web and form an opinion of science’s answer on this aspect.

Imagine the supposition is correct; how should one react to the whole problem of life and his attitude towards it? Then, the life and its meaning would not remain the same for him. Then, he would search for his station in the Space and the Time; this search would bring a sea change in his attitude towards life.

Further reading links:
Our station in Space & Time

 Unparalleled Human Revolution: Vision Document at Indian People's Congress 0 comments
category picture26 Jun 2011 @ 07:05
New Civilization is not a day dreaming to escape the harsh realities of the Present Civilization. New Civilization is a new way of human life on Earth. We are inching towards it. It is a natural process of movement being propelled by the mechanism of humans' collective evolution. This evolutionary process may be guided by us to avoid the pitfalls on the way. It can be hastened by our conscious efforts. Human beings are not mere blocks of things being tossed this and that way by the current of Time. They are highly conscious beings capable of taking decisions. New Civilization is the next evolutionary stage of our collective life. It is a concrete object achievable in future. New Civilization calls for a concrete, comprehensive and practical program on the part of those who envision and cherish it. It calls for a total change in the way we think, in the way we conduct ourselves, in the way we live. This change does not exclude culture, does not exclude economics, does not exclude politics. It includes all these and more. For this, a start has to be made in a very practical way and this start has to be made by some people and at some place on Earth. We live in a world where we still live in nations, where we are divided by races, where we still nourish our separate economic interests. And, we have to make this start from this divided humans' collective life. In India an effort has been made in this direction by a group of persons by establishing Indian People's Congress, a platform intended to work as SCHOOL for humanity at large.

This step is an effort towards an unparalleled human revolution; this revolution would be an unheard of - an unparalleled one - because it would concern not with humans' social institutions; or their economic institutions alone; it would concern with humans as a species; humans' knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

This subject has been described in detail in the Vision Document at the website of Indian People's Congress.

Vision Document at Indian People's Congress' website may be accessed at this link:
Indian People's Congress: space for public debate on issues

 Politics, economy, culture and society of New Civilization2 comments
category picture25 Oct 2008 @ 05:37
New Civilization would have:

1. Politics of democracy where people are empowered by technology to side-step the ill-effects of money in electing representatives and are entitled to elect and recall them constantly.
2. Economy of employing technology in the service of people, where it is used to reduce their working-time and thus free them from over-work for others, and not in the service of private profits.
3. Culture of knowledge where spiritual truth is reached by walking the path of scientific wisdom.
4. Society of tolerance where the intolerant breed – of ideological, religious or of any other kind – is detected isolated and decisively defeated by the united strength of tolerant breeds.

Further reading links:

Technology and democracy Self-governance  More >

 Can we get some light in choosing a correct path for future?0 comments
category picture4 Oct 2008 @ 14:50

Is there any law operating in nature that governs its creation or at least its functions? And nature here is meant in its widest scope, which range from inert world of dead and dark matter to highly intelligent human beings on earth and their complex society. If there is one, is it possible to decipher and understand the same? If there is one and we are able to understand it, is there any useful purpose that may be served by the discovery? These are some of the important questions that are of fundamental nature.

In our understanding things, we go by either by the evidence of induction or alternatively reach a conclusion by deduction from a confirmed premise. Nature is so big in dimensions and substance that it is not possible by either induction or deduction to say with certainty that there is one universal law governing its even functions, leave aside its creation.

Despite this colossal difficulty, humans have always been holding that there must such a universal law. Obviously, such a law is beyond our reach, either because the law is supremely complicated one or we are yet not up to the level of mental sophistication to grasp the same. Any way, if there is one and we are able to grasp the same, it is always advantageous to have the same at our disposal.

Any law, whatever it be, enables us to predict the future consequences in a set of given circumstantial parameters. Such prediction, in turn, enables us secure advantage in either of the two ways: if we cannot change the given circumstantial parameters, we can make a change in our choice out of the available set of alternative parameters and thus avoid pitfalls lying hidden in the path of future; or we can bring out a desired result in the consequential future by changing the circumstantial parameters required by the prediction. Therefore, the discovery is advantageous and desirable.

Let us scan the available knowledge that humans possess today to identify a possible mark that may turn out a trail leading forward on the path of discovery of such a universal law. There are two streams of human wisdom, which are opposite to each other, commonly possessed by the two opposite sets of people; one is founded on reason and is called science; and the other is: spiritualism getting its sustaining energy from mysticism.

Science is a self-correcting process of knowing things, because the human reason is fed with each passing day with ever newly discovered data and this reasoned-processing bring ever new results in the form of newer or refined discoveries. Spiritualism is not a self-correcting process; it is validating and revalidating process of a truth that has always been there. Therefore, it is advantageous for us to look and scan both these rival, perhaps complimentary, streams to smell a trail-brazing footprint, which may be dimply recognized today.

In physics we know that things which are fixed to a frame (which may be taken as a reference point) which is moving in relation to another frame (which may be taken as another reference point) possess their own private and peculiar quantum of space (length etc.) and time relative to that another frame. We also know that there are an infinite number of these points of reference in universe and therefore there is equal number of varied quantum of space and time properties for every single thing in universe. This much is known.

But suppose, there are not these two properties, namely, space and time, which a thing possesses but there are three of them: these two and the third one, namely, consciousness! And, then let us apply this very concept of relativity to this fourth item also. In this case also, if there are two frames (which could be taken as reference points) which are not connected to one another, things fixed to each of the two would have their own private and peculiar three properties of space, time and consciousness. In this connection we have to keep in mind two things: firstly, there is nothing in universe that has no space or time or consciousness; that is, every thing in universe has these three properties; and secondly, there are infinite numbers of points in universe which may be taken as reference. When we say that there are infinite numbers of moving frames, which may be taken as reference points, and that things fixed to them have different and private quantum of space, time and consciousness, what do we mean in substance? We mean that if there are things that are separated from one another either in space (or location), or time (past or present) or consciousness (kind of life, at least) or in all these three properties, then those things are in fact fixed to frames that are moving in relation to one another, whether we are able to measure this movement or not. It is so because modern relativity is limited to physical movement of things but in nature there are many more kinds of separation or gradation (and physical movement is only but one of them).

Can we give some practical examples of these differentiated gradations? One well known example is the case of a traveler moving in a rocket with a speed nearing that of light and comparing his watch with the watch on earth, both watch telling different times (at the same time!?). Another example is that of a person living in present and remembering past events; or a person living in present and imagining the future events, in fact both these cases are reverse situations: a person looking from past to present or from present to past. The third example is that of a human being putting himself in the place of, say, a cat. Or, we can putt it conversely, a cat putting itself in the place of a human being. In fact, the consciousness of a cat is a reference point and from that point one can look at human being. The cat’s judgment about humans is as valid as that of humans about a cat, though both these judgments are private and peculiar to the point of reference from which things are judged. Relativity is a tool of understanding of nature, while dialectics is a tool of process of nature.

The origin of every sincere religion is spiritualism. In Christianity there are two opposite forces: Divine and Devil. In Buddhism there are Divine forces and Mara. In Islam there are Divine and Saitan. In Hinduism there are Divine and Evil forces. In all religions these two opposite forces work in opposite directions. It is dialectics. Dialectics is a tool of process of nature.

 A war cry for the change on the banner of a New Age. 8 comments
category picture19 Sep 2008 @ 16:27
The truth, the eternal conscious being, which is perceived by humans variously – depending upon one’s Para psychological propensity as the Supreme father, the Divine Mother, the Ultimate State or whatever kind of thing It appears to that psychology – has always been there allowing Itself or Himself bound by the law of conservation of energy. It or He was there before the birth of great leaders of mankind like Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ etc. and shall always remain there.

The supreme tool of human beings for knowing things, that is, Mind, as of today is not developed enough to resolve the dilemma of the ultimate – the primordial creator or the creation. The choices available to us are either to postpone the resolution of this problem to an indefinite future, to a point of time in future when humans would be evolved enough mentally or otherwise to tackle this supreme question and proceed further on our forward march or to pass our judgments today denouncing things Divine as against Science and vice versa. The wisest choice on our part is the former option.

This timeless truth has been spoken of by credible people and there is no reason for us to doubt their integrity. The truth spoken of by them is timeless but the context and the times in which it was spoken have changed with the passage of time beyond recognition today.

While passing our judgments on their statements we should always remember that a truth has to be clothed in words, context and circumstances to make it understandable to the people of the time and relevant to their problems. Today we speak of this truth in the words of Science. It is but natural. But this process inevitably puts ostensible limitations of time-specific culture and rigid frames of contents on its otherwise limitless substance. This truth is limitless from the weak human measures. Its relevance to times and circumstances includes not the past ages alone but our (modern) age as well.

Let the rigid religious moulds formed around it by lay followers of different leaders of mankind over the ages pursue their respective old-beaten tracks, take their own course and complete their natural run. And in the meantime, let these rigid, divisive and narrow moulds thus extract out of this eternal source their due life-sustaining nectar for their remaining period of life, for the period till humans pierce these moulds and get to the bottom, to the centre, to the essence. It is for them to follow this track of outlived utility and realize its diminished utility and not for us to dissuade them from that path.

We on our part should go to this centre of eternal truth and tap its benign flood-light to expose the rampant habitations of human miseries and misfortunes on earth and to heal them by its curative energy. The sweep of the truth of which the great human leaders have spoken is not confined to individual charity and good conduct on the part of an individual; it takes within its sweeps the charity and good conduct of the organized human society.

This truth is not permissive in the face of evil times; it is revolutionary to the core. It is more revolutionary in character than any of the ordinary revolutionary human thoughts. If revolution is understood a radical change, then this eternal truth is concerned with nothing but bringing a radical change in the individual and collective human living. Let this eternal light be inscribed by us as a war cry on the revolutionary banner of the New Age.

Further reading links:

A prediction about Earth
Freedom  More >

 Before proceeding further - the definition of machine6 comments
category picture11 Sep 2008 @ 15:01
In the series of intended up-coming articles we would be using a few technical terms with their definite and precise meanings. It is proper to define them; the first in the series of such terms is 'machine', which is defined here.

Definition of machine:

From the earth-moving extreme machines to the tiny digital gate circuits of a computer all are machines. What is the definition of machine? Machine is a lever, of which fulcrum is some law of nature discovered by humans, that multiplies the force of humans applied in their struggle against the odds of nature present in the form of unknown secrets of dead matter and its world, where these humans carry on their struggle to survive against these dark forces, win a victory over them and overpower nature.

Further reading links:

Machine in the service of humans  More >

 In quest of a New Civilization: Summary and going ahead9 comments
category picture6 Aug 2008 @ 07:40
Summary of what the author has said so far in these pages and going ahead in quest of a new civilization:

1. The subject matter of articles posted on these pages is not haphazard in its organization but follows a certain logical sequence.

2. We had commenced by promising to talk about human beings, their society and their evolutionary course.

3. We have dealt with these subjects in the following sequence.

4. Our curiosity to know is the engine of our progress and evolution. The conclusion is that we should advance the cause of this curiosity by liberating our search from all corrupting influences.

5. The frontiers of modern science bring us to a point where we are able to see the vast span of yet-undiscovered things of bizarre nature. The scientific theories of relativity and probability offer inkling into this bizarre nature of things in nature.

6. The scientific mechanism of hypothesis, experiment, theory and law for understanding the truth of things is not sensitive enough for knowing the truth of those things (phenomena) that are not amenable to the scientific process of ‘controlled and repetitive experiments.’ There is a leaking hole in the ‘scientific mechanism’ in the form of ‘the effect of the remainder of the universe.’ The conclusion is that we should not be arrogant in pronouncing our judgments about things. Things are still mysterious and we should respect this mystery of nature.

7. The greatest mystery of all mysteries of nature is life. While studying life the fundamental question is not how it works but why it works. Life has a wonderful mechanism to function. But still more wonderful is the fact that it has a direction to go ahead, to grow from simple to complex and to evolve from lower to higher.

8. The highest evolved form of life on earth is the ‘intelligent Mind’ of humans. It reasons and the reason is equivalent of inter-relations of things present out there in nature, which relations are always harmonious (if they do not look so to a person, he or she is of defective Mind, that is, insane or fool).

9. Mind is a trans-receiver of thoughts. Thoughts in the form of inter-relations of objective things already exist in nature. We may receive them or not receive them, they are always there. What has been thought and what could be thought, both already have their existence.

10. It is not this inter-relation of things alone that consumes the entire picture of nature. There are not thoughts alone that exist in nature. There are other things also having their existence. The creative energy, the urge to unfold, the desire calling for attention also has its own place and relevance in nature. The whole creation is the expression of a grand desire. Like in the earlier case, we humans are trans-receivers of desires. Desires have their own beauty but still it is lower than thought in its rhythm (only from humans’ point of view and not absolutely). Desires have a very wide spectrum, which includes all sorts of cravings, attachments, hate and revenge, urges etc.

11. The lowest rung of life is the gross body’s instinctive mechanism. It is the first sign of life, the life that has just emerged out of the dark matter. This lower rung of life is represented in trees, insects and animals but it is not exclusively confined to them. Human beings also carry almost all the elements of this lower rung in their evolved self; the difference is that in the case of humans these elements are subordinated to their desires and, during the period of last 10-15 thousand years, to their mind. We are concerned in these articles with human beings and their problems, and not with animals etc. and therefore things should be taken in that context only.

12. Human self is composed of the physical body, desires and mind and these are processing instruments of data. These instruments are all the time connected to their respective outside worlds of these things (the worlds of matter, of desires and of mind) and receiving and transmitting information from and to those worlds. How these elements of human-self are connected to their respective outside worlds? There is a bridging medium between these personal elements and outside worlds. There is a subtle physical body behind our gross physical body, which connects us to outside subtle physical world; and it is so with our body – or bundle – of desires and mind. The subtle physical-body, the subtle desire-body and the subtle-mental body of person do not die immediately with the physical death of that person. They get anchored out of this physical world and remain for their assigned periods in their respective subtle worlds (and therein lay the explanation of sometimes appearing these bodies as ghosts in our physical world). After their assigned period of life, these bodies too are disintegrated only to be absorbed and recycled once again.

13. We live a life composed of the interplaying of our physical body needs, our desires and our thoughts. This is all what we call our life. Ordinarily we do not go beyond these formations. But beyond these formations, there is an element of human-self, of which we are not aware. What is that element cannot be described by words of language but it can be known by experience, just like our awareness of our desires or thoughts or even our physical body. This element is a reality; it is not a mere mental imagination. It is as real as our physical body or desires or thoughts. Any effort to describe this element of our self – the sweetest, the most satisfying, and the most peaceful element of our self – has created through out the long human history the maximum confusion and the maximum antagonism among different sections of mankind. Do the ordinary people have any way of finding – or having at least a glimpse of – it? Yes, there is a way. It is something like what we call the voice of our heart. What is the voice of heart? It is a like a voice in the first place. In some people this voice is (depending upon one’s Para-psychological evolutionary stage) often a very strong one, which makes itself heard despite objection from their desires (because it contradicts the legitimacy of those desires) and their thoughts (because it goes against their logic). However, almost in all cases, this voice is suppressed by the mighty ding of our desires and our thoughts. Our desires and thoughts rule this voice out as harmful and illogical one. Thus, this voice of heart is distinctly separate from one’s desires and thoughts; it is not only separate from them but even contradicts them and prompts us to go and act against them. This voice is not respected by our civilization; it is not allowed to be cultivated by us. It is ridiculed as worthless, harmful and foolishness. But the reality is that this voice is unfailingly correct in its decisions; its advice is always in the best interest of the person concerned under the available circumstances. This voice is the Gateway to the world of secret of all secrets. We leave this subject at that.

14. Our desires and, like wise, our thoughts have real existence. What is their nature? What are their properties? These entities are not material; they are not electrical charge; they are not made up of gravitational force either. Then, of what nature are they? We have to wait for our science to catch-up with them; it will take time; we must have patience. There are many things we not know yet; this is the lesson, our science teaches us.

15. With this understanding of our self and our life, we proceed further. Our self is a complicated instrument, which has come into being on account of the forces of nature and evolved to this state. Nature is geared to move forward. All her movements seem to move towards a goal; towards the goal of more good, more perfect and always from the better to the best. It is what we call evolution.

16. This evolution of humans is not confined alone to the stream of thriving Homo sapiens on earth. This constancy of biological evolution carried from generation to generation is only one stream. The complicated self of humans follows a pattern of evolution, which is spread over countless births and deaths, on material places (like earth) and on places, which are not material from our reckoning. We must understand this evolutionary pattern and help ourselves to move forward on to the correct course, avoiding pit-falls, zigzag straying off this course or lagging behind lazily. This gives us bacon to chart our course and build our civilizations. This bacon is the pursuit of ‘truth’. Around ‘truth’ we have to craft our new civilization.

17. Now we understand that our physical body disintegrates with our death to be absorbed by nature for the second recycling. We understand that the bundle of our desires – our desire-body – like wise disintegrates with our death only to be recycled once again by nature; and, like wise, the bundle of our thoughts disintegrates with our death to be absorbed and recycled once more – in countless such happenings in the past – by nature. All these elements of our self – our instrument – are provided to us by nature in our ‘one’ life – in this present life – to help us to become aware of that one element, of which we have spoken about herein above and which we do not know yet. Why should we proceed to know it? Because it is the most satisfying, the most enjoying, the most… (All those things that humans love).

18. Therefore, a civilization that is given to pander our body demands, our desires or our dry thoughts is not suitable for enlightened mankind. Such civilization assaults the nature and mauls it (and, today, beyond repairs), foments competitive ill will and violence and, per force, brings to the fore the traits of human personality that degrade him. But this is only one reason of this civilization being third rate (today). And, this is not the chief reason for its being so. The chief reason is that it in pandering to clamor of humans’ body demands, desires and thoughts this civilization effectively pushes behind that sweet element. Therefore, we need to search for a better, a new civilization.

19. The current civilization is exclusively dedicated to this pandering of human needs and demands and there is an engine that powers this civilization. The powerhouse of this civilization is that section of humanity whose sole business of life is nothing but to make available the means – manufactured products – to satisfy those needs and demands of the balance part – a huge number – of humanity. This tiny section of humanity is smart and intelligent. These people sense and search every opportunity to pursue their business – the business of making products available and earn profits in the process. Their one point program is to make profit and nothing else. All their actions are guided this one point agenda. They need machines – machines that are the creation, the fruits, of collective human genius and labor - to produce products and therefore they get possession of those machines; they become owners of those means so that they may earn profits. They need human labor – the work of human being, the most precious thing ever created by nature – so that they may put those humans to work on ‘their’ machines and therefore they create (artificially because they are man-made in nature) conditions – economic compulsions – for those human beings so that they are left with no alternative but to flock to them to work on their machines. They call it ‘creating jobs and providing employment’. Creating jobs or providing employment is not their concern (it is necessary evil sought to be avoided) and therefore they reduce the ‘jobs and employment’ to the minimum possible. (Incidentally, with the advent of modern age of computerized automation of manufacturing process, this minimum possible is further reduced to a bare few who are technologically highly skilled and economically highly paid; therefore, an era of great unemployment of general public looms large in coming future).

20. The current civilization is patently unjust and third rate in meeting the problems of enlightened humans. Why should the humanity not go deeper into the Para-psychological make-up of humans and investigate the forming elements there? Why should the humanity not delineate those elements and put them into their respective places of comparative utility? Why should the majority of humanity allow the tiny minority of her species today to ‘own’ machines, to ‘hire’ humans to work on those machines and to make ‘profits’ out of this whole arrangement? This arrangement is nothing but a misuse of machine. Machine is a lever that minimizes the amount of labor that is needed in the struggle of Homo sapiens against the harsh nature. Why should the mankind not wean away the use of ‘machine’ from generating private profits of a tiny section of her part and instead dedicate this lever – the ‘machine’ - exclusively to lessen the common human toil in her war against nature? Humans have come of age now, not only in their science but in their enlightenment also. They must rise fearlessly and fabricate a better civilization. In this venture there is no ill will towards any body and good will towards all. All those among us – we humans – who ‘own’ this lever – the machine – are not bad people. And, not all among us who are compelled – consciously or unconsciously – by economic reasons to work for those who ‘own’ those machines are good. We all are in this earthly world like the migratory birds, knowing not our destination. We are in a ship – an earthly ship in cosmic ocean – sailing together. We have common interest and common destination.

21. But still a large part of humanity is deeply steeped in ignorance of all these considerations. Mankind can come out of this dismal situation, in comparatively lesser time (we say lesser time because mankind would certainly come out this situation later than sooner on her own account driven by the force of her forward movement, that is, her evolution), by making a combined efforts on three fronts: enlightening people by education; empowering them through technology; and enabling them to manage their own affairs in accordance with the majority wish (effective democracy). It is suggested that based on these three basic principles new civilization zones may be established. But this approach is only ‘wait and watch’, which needs to be supported by an active program. This is what we have covered so far in our articles.

22. We propose to proceed further and examine other aspects of the subject, which have not been considered so far. We propose to examine certain other efforts, which were made in the past to replace the current civilization with a new one, and point out their deficiencies in understanding human life and its evolution. After pointing out their defects, we propose to suggest a decisively effective and completely peaceful method of ending the current civilization and substituting it with a new one.

Further reading links:

Empowered people's democracy People's self-governance  More >

 We are at the crossroads of our destiny (4)2 comments
category picture31 Jul 2008 @ 15:06

This universe is fully packed with dimensions and we humans, like all other forms of living and nonliving things, exist in those dimensions as we exist in space (and time). Of course, all the things – it is absurd to distinguish them between living and nonliving – that exist in those dimensions also exist in some way in space and time dimensions as well. We are surrounded on all sides, by things we do not know. It is not a fiction; it is scientific reality; we are saying so by deduction; and science has already got its inkling but will take its own time to declare so. We are very much limited in our imagination and approach, despite the frontiers of our established science rubbing shoulders with the outlying domains of those dimensions.

We have life that is peculiar to space; all earth life – DNA et al – is contrivance of things in space. Similar contrivance could be possible in the time’s dimension; unfortunately we do not know much of any significance about this dimension, which we call time. Things exist in time as they exist in space and it is possible that things can be arranged in a peculiar manner in time using its elements as they are arranged in space in the form of spatial DNA etc. How can we insist that things exist in space only and that they can be arranged in the peculiar form of DNA etc. in space only? It is absolutely absurd on our part to so insist. It is possible to so arrange things in time’s dimension also. If we suppose it possible to so arrange things in peculiar fashion in the time’s dimension, what kind of properties or capabilities that life (!) would exhibit? We have no means to speculate on them; certainly, they would be miles and miles beyond our wildest imagination. Perhaps, things possessing that life (!) would be able to walk up and down in time (that certainly is past, present and future, as we humans understand them) as we humans possessing life in space are able to walk up and down earth’s continents and outer space’s planets and galaxies (of course, the last not yet).

We are talking here of the time’s dimension. But time’s is not the only other dimension there in the universe; the universe is fully packed with many of them. Can we talk about them? Talking figuratively, we are not more than little poor insect crawling tentatively in a dark corner of a vast forest, at a little corner of the vast earth, orbiting a poor star in the vast galaxy etc. etc. and trying to figure out the binary function of humans computer; of course, still we are arrogant on account of our vast knowledge. Any way, we can proceed a bit by way of deduction since we have sufficient knowledge of the things and the manner they behave in the dimension of space.

The first and the foremost coclusion is that things (we always say things because living and nonliving both are nothing but a single entity where certain properties – and life as we know it is one of them – are present in potential form, in one case, and in manifested or acting form, in another case) in each of those dimensions must be capable of arranging themselves in peculiar fashion by using the elements of the properties of those dimensions, as do things in space. The second conclusion is that a life (!) created in this manner must be the life in form and content other than the one we know that is solely created by using the elements of space dimension. It cannot be the life in the way we know it; yet it may exhibit basic properties of (our) life in a totally different way; life in those dimensions may exhibit preservation instinct, domination, love, hate, pity, anger etc. The third conclusion is that there must be very many kinds of such existence commensurate with the number of dimensions existing in universe. And, lastly the fourth conclusion is that each of the things exists, at every moment, in all the dimensions that may be there. What does it mean? It means that somehow each of these things is overlapping in all these dimensions, though a thing may not be aware of its existence in several other dimensions. Also, it shows that there is a strong possibility that a thing (that is, life in our parlance), which is aware of its existence only in one or two dimensions (e.g. space and time), may somehow and sometimes become aware of its simultaneous (simultaneity does not exist as we assume it to exist even in space-time dual dimensions; we know it is only relative) existence in one or more additional dimensions. Why only somehow and sometimes? Because here we are talking of awareness (and thus of life as we understand it), therefore we say ‘somehow and sometimes’; for, a nonliving piece of stone is taken by us as incapable of becoming aware of anything and therefore may exist in all the available dimensions without becoming aware of these dimensions (or of anything else). Therefore, let us say ‘some human beings somehow and sometimes’ become aware of the existence of some extra dimensions in addition to the usual space-time dimensions; and, then they become aware not only of the existence of these extra dimensions but also of things existing, creatures living and events happening there. It is ‘somehow’ because the conditions required for one to become so aware are extremely rigorous in nature and it is ‘sometimes’ because these conditions are not always complied by humans, who are very imperfect in their natural constitution. When such individuals become so aware, they see bizarre things there in those dimensions (e.g. a heavenly father talking to them, giving certain instructions to be obeyed, opening-up of the whole secret of this very existence of creation etc.) and speak words commensurate with the reality what they saw there in those extra dimensions for us who are aware only of the dual dimensions of space-time. What they have seen in those dimensions is not their subjective imagination born out of their minds, as is generally assumed by the so-called scientific minds. They have seen in those extra dimensions real things, creatures and events, as real in their domains as our in space-time. They forecast events for space-time domain and their forecasts come true; they perform acts in our dual domain, which cannot be explained by the law of this domain; we term them miracles and refuse to acknowledge their authenticity. An ordinary phenomenon of the memory of previous birth is one such act, happening on earth fairly regularly and on wide scale, which is simply dismissed by silence of these so-called scientific minds.

In fact, the scientific mind has yet to discover Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha and countless other such individuals. In the floodlight of our advanced science, this discovery is imminent today, albeit this time not in old fashion but in an altogether different manner. Our universe is really vast and there is really much to know yet. It is very vast not only in distance, which is but one of its many more such properties, but also in kinds, which are many and beyond our imagination. Thus seen we should become aware that our journey to Mars, though arrogant pride-evoking, is a mere insignificant step forward, much like the proverbial insect. Any way, still it is a step forward and in a right direction.

(.... This article is concluded...)

Further reading links:
Our bleak future on Earth?  More >

 We humans are at the crossroads of our destiny (3)1 comment
category picture20 Jul 2008 @ 11:46

We hear, so to say, the sound od approaching things beyond these two dimensions in the concept of probability. We all live in space and know it quite well. We are going to Mars and other places in outer space. We are exploring in space dimension; and it is really vast. Here in this world of space dimension the concept of relativity gives us an understanding of the nature of things. Here we deal with a little bit with the time dimension also. But the world of probability is totally different. It is only a speculative attempt on our part to say that the matter behave in a probable manner in assuming one of the two contradictory states - wave or particle - because our observation of this matter with the aid of our material scientific instruments affects it. It is not so. Things can really exist in two contradictory states at a single given moment.

The concept of probability is the first chink in the armour of our traditional view of things. The concept of probability is far more revolutionary than that of the relativity in depicting the real nature of things. There is a dimension (of existence) where things are capable of exhibiting properties that look contradictory while they are studied from the standpoint of space. What is that dimension, we do not know. But it is as real as our well known dimension of space. However, the fundamental law is that all things, whatever and where ever they are, have their exhibition in all the dimensions, whatever their number might be. This law is the secret of all mysteries, which humans are trying to unravel out. Our universe is packed with a large number of dimensions. How many of them are there, we (humans) can never know; it is so because to know them all is to know the secret of creation, which is not destined for a lower life like we are. This destiny is not in some mystic spiritual sense, but because this life is really lower and incapable of comprehending every thing that are there in this universe really vast in kunds.

(.... to continue...)  More >

 Mankind is at the crossroads of her destiny (2)0 comments
category picture7 Jun 2008 @ 10:38

Let us proceed by analogy. We are dealing here with things; but it is wrong term to employ in this context. The correct term is reality; we are dealing with realities. Realities when placed in space are things; and when they are placed in time, they are events. Therefore, the term ‘things’ used here should be understood in the meaning of ‘realities’ of things when placed in space and events when placed in time. Let us proceed in the domain of time with the analogy of things in space; because we know many properties of things, that is, realities when placed in the domain of space.

Does time have only one property, that is, flowing in a direction – from past to future? Could there be some other properties also? It is instinctively correct to state that the time is full-fledged dimension; there must be many other properties also. Which are those properties, we do not know; we have no means to know them. However, we can proceed a bit by applying the analogy of space. Space has three sub-dimensions and we may try to apply then in the time’s domain. When things are placed in time’s dimension, they acquire the property of flowing in a direction – from past to future, which in relativistic manner is conversely a flow of time from future to past. This direction of flow from past to future or from future to past may be taken as an equivalent to one sub-dimension of space (say, length); through this property of time, it would be possible to go to past or future of things.

Then, let us apply this property of time to an equivalent of space’ 90 degree shift; with this shift the time would flow at an angle of 90 degree deviation from its straight direction of flow from past to future or vice versa. What is the meaning of this 90 degree deviated flow of time? It means that the time would cover not merely one thing in the universe but all the things that are there in the universe. This is by an analogy of space. If we, likewise by analogy, make one more deviation of 90 degree with respect to the time’s these two flows, what would be its result on things? What would be the additional property of things placed in this third sub-dimension? One thing that is certain is that in this new sub-dimension things would have the properties that are not the part of the other two sub-dimensions, namely, when things when placed in this third sub-dimension of time would not have, firstly, the flow of time from past to future or from future to past; and, secondly, things would be out of the cover of time. What does it mean? Precisely, it means that things placed in this third sub-dimension would not undergo the change associated with time and therefore they would be without a beginning and without an end. Also, things would not be covered by time, that is, they would be in the eternal state.

And, what about another property of things placed in time that may qualify the equivalent of ‘mass’ of things when placed in space? We do not know. But when the things are placed in the time’s dimension, those properties (of time) must enable them to acquire various formations (like things placed in space acquire formations of elements, molecules, compounds etc.). How do you rate the possibility of of the idea of capability of things when placed in time to acquire with the aid of time’s peculiar properties formations equivalent to spatial elements, molecules, compounds, including living DNAs. Certainly, it is not an idea born out of fancy. We need to have means to travel in the domain of time. Once we acquire these means, we would travel in the past and in the future. We would also travel in time to see all the things in the universe happening at a given moment. This world of time, like the world of space, would be a vast one; exploration of the time’s domain would be much more interesting than the exploration of space. Let us not think that travel to some distant planet in some far away galaxy, when accomplished by our science, would be the end of our search for the ultimate. Universe is more vast in its kinds than in its space.

(.... to continue... )

 We stand at the crossroads of human destiny (1)0 comments
category picture21 May 2008 @ 07:38

The universe is really vast. It is not vast only in the way that there are countless number of galaxies comprising solar formations with their planetary systems. It is vast in another manner also. The secret of this vastness lies in dimensions. In fact we in our science are only dealing mostly with space dimension. Though there are three sub-dimensions of the space, really it is only one dimension. The second dimension - time - is still little understood. What we have learned here is really very little.

How much do we know about time's dimension? And, how much do we know about space's dimension? We know that things exist in space and when they are placed in space they have the properties of length, width and height. These properties enable things to acquire (sine qua non) essentials of matter in the form of mass and the shape of (our well known) elements, their combination into molecules and then countless other formations of varied things, including life's building blocks DNAs etc.

What about the time's dimension? We know that things exist in time and that when they are so placed in this dimension they exhibit the property of floating in a flowing current that has a direction - from past to future; things flow because they exist in past, present and future (which constantly turns into present). It is not the time that flows but the things that flow; because the things constantly change in time we have an illusion of time's flow. You are seated in a running train and have an illusion of seeing things outside the train running backward. In fact, there is no illusion here because the phenomenon is governed by relativity; we can very well say that from the relative point of train the things outside train are running backward and conversely, from the point of things outside train the train is running forward.

Likewise, from the point of the time things are flowing in a direction from future to past and conversely, from the point of the things the time is running in a direction from past to future. In space it is possible for us to sit in a running train and watch things outside train (to get verification of our statement) and also to sit alongside the outside (stationary!) things and watch the running train on the track. While it is so possible for us in space, can we carry out this experiment in the time's dimension? We are associated with the things (placed in time) and get the illusion (!) that the time is running backward; can we change our relative station to observe the relativistically contrary fact of the things running in a direction from future to past? No. But, then, there must be such a station; it cannot be otherwise. It is our limitation. This is one limitation. There are other limitations also.

(... article to continue...)

 Problem of communication with life around us0 comments
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:36

And, language is not the only way to communicate emotions and thoughts, not even symbols or gestures of mathematical significance. These belong to the domain of life that we have on earth; there could be many more ways, each of which belong to a different kind of life. We have been sending but in vain our messages coded in radio signals to some ones who might be there in outer space with the fond hope that they would understand them and respond by saying ‘hello’. The case may not be so simple.

But, then, how can one communicate across the barrio of these different kinds of life? One way may be to communicate with one’s behavior. Individual’s behavior in a network of many is detected immediately through this behavior’s impact on the alien connected to the other end of the network, whether this network is horizontal or vertical (because of evolutionary gap). This behavior is detected and suitably translated at the other end. We can take the example of cells of human body. There, the behavior of cells – their demeanor represented by their wellbeing or distress – is detected and understood not only by the nearby organs etc. of the body network but also by the evolved self of the individual concerned. This communication may be the other way round also; a disturbed ‘evolved self’ of the person concerned sends signals that go down to the cells of the body, which translate this signal as ‘something is wrong’ somewhere. Here the signal emanating from one end of the network is communicated to the other end through a common medium – behavior or conduct – that is suitably interpreted and understood by the recipient.

In this approach to search alien form of life we may employ a suitable medium that is capable of transmitting our behavior, which term includes our demeanors in the form of our proper or improper actions, loving or hateful emotions and open or secret thoughts, to the other end of the network of different kinds of life that might be there, near or far.

Is it possible that cosmic systems around us in universe are communicating with one another through their behavior over the network of interconnecting natural forces? Are they talking around us and in our very midst? How are we to understand their ‘language’, their ‘meaning’ and their ‘intentions’? It is the problem that calls for our attention, if we are to search ET life, their world and their devices (and not only much curious UFOs may turn out be one of them but the sporadic reports of supernatural feats of natural persons also may be understood) from a new approach. The problem with us is that we associate thoughts with the way we think. Love with the way we love, anger with the way we exhibit it and goodwill with the only way we know to express it. It is not the correct approach to the problem as these our ways may not be the ones that are universally understood. It is not the only way universe functions; it is very narrow minded approach. Universe is much wide and it must as of necessity contain many more ways to express life and life’s wide domain. If it is so, then there is ome more thing of which one can be certain. It is this: because we know love, hate, anger, thoughts etc. are associated with our kind of life, therefore they must also exist somehow in other kinds of life and exhibited in many more ways that are different from ours.

 Life is abundant all around but we fail to detect it1 comment
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:34

If we apply this defining feature of life to our surrounding universe, we find, surprisingly, all bodies – which are nothing but the systems of component parts – take birth, grow and finally die. Is there life in them? If yes, how evolved are these living systems? Can we communicate with them? They all are so near to us, almost in our midst. A cell in human body is a living structure; it is an independently living thing, though enabled by and thus connected to its surroundings network; it is as well a part of the whole system, which is human being. Can a cell communicate with nearby other cells? Can it communicate with its host, that is, the human being concerned who is highly evolved with the sense of a ‘self’ and whose simple component part it is? There are several kinds of pathogens, which are housed in our body (and now found that they pass on to our next generations through our own mutated DNAs); they are sometime component parts of our own life, our own DNAs. Can these pathogens communicate with the human being whose body houses them? No. Why can’t they do so? We know human cells and whole kinds of its activities but this cell does not know our evolved self. This is the problem that we face in this approach in our search of ET life that may very well exist in our midst, with all its capabilities beyond our comprehension (like fabricating devices a la UFOs, maintaining vigil over human activities on earth, intervening in human affairs by bringing their occasional destructions, which may look to us like innocent natural disasters, because in their estimation humans have gone astray in their activities of the desired course); this kind of life and their community, if existing, must be able, at least theoretically, to contrive things what we call UFOs, keep a watch over our thoughts and activities, while living in our midst and without ever being detected by us with our narrow outlook of life.

Could it be that there is life all around us and in abundance? Are we simply one of many kinds of life existing in material form? And, are we and these other kinds of life merely parts of a mega life existing in material form all around us? If it is so, how can we detect them? How can we communicate with them? What kinds of scientific tools would be required to communicate with our neighborly life? Can we employ mathematical tools to decode their k\life code? In this endeavor our knowledge of coding computer software and genetic coding may be a great help. We have to take their fundamental principles and apply them to our surrounding world. Even we may apply them to many phenomena present on earth, which in essence may be systems in operations.

In this approach to search ET life around us we assume that in a given case a particular kind of life program coded with the aid of concerned media is being executed through instructions. These instructions would be mechanism of elements involved propelling the whole system. In the life we have on earth, there is an intake of energy that comes from food. This energy propels the whole system geared to bring the programmed outcome, namely, the above mentioned three common properties of life.

Today we know that all other systems of bodies around us in universe behave in a way that amounts to taking energy from outside surrounding source and this energy keeps the system going on at the path of its programmed birth, growth and death. Are the component parts of these systems merely like cells of human body, which are simply executing a coded program? Definitely, all systems are nothing but programs in execution dependant on very many variants, which are akin to instructions. A system in action is akin to a cell in our body. But, we take for granted; these systems made up of inert matter are not living beings like our cells. Why do we associate life with ‘exclusively’ our kind of life? Why we are so narrow minded? We have come a long way on our scientific path.

We associate life with movement (trees do not move), with basic instincts (earth and its rivers try to repair damage done to them by humans), with procreation (there is constant cycle of birth, growth and death of stars, galaxies etc. going on in the universe and the differing time scale involved here in these different systems is not material. A life may very well have a span of time ranging from micro seconds to billions of earth years), with emotions like love, anger etc. and thoughts of humans. Are emotions like love and anger and thoughts possible of generating or expressing in the human-way only? Human thoughts correspond to something else independently existing in Nature; thoughts are the human mind’s version of inter-relations of material objects that already exist independently in Nature. Human way of thinking is not the only way of expressing these independently existing inter-relations of things. There can be very many ways to express them, though we would not be able to comprehend those ways because they would belong to a different kind of life. All working systems are equivalent to complex human thoughts. Or, rather, all systems are thoughts in concrete form, in material form, in visible form. Emotions like love and anger are, likewise, expressions in human-way of something else that exist independently in Nature. There could be very many ways to express them, which would be beyond our comprehension since they would be in the domain of a different kind of life.  More >

 Life is present all around us- Let science search2 comments
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:30

Life is present all around us - Let the science
search it in its own way

What we have here on earth is abundantly present there in the universe surrounding us on all sides, except a single and unique thing that we call life. This all-inclusive totality of things that we know existing and their abundance of supply all around us – here on earth and beyond it in universe – are so complete and universal – without a single exception save life – that there seems a scientific law of abundance operating in Nature. Speaking positively, this law states that every thing in universe is supplied by Nature in abundance and – negatively speaking – that there is nothing in universe which is unique because of its singular presence.

The evidence in support of this law of abundance is overwhelmingly consistent in Nature. One may turn to any entity available in Nature to find its abundance; subatomic particles, atoms, elements, their chemical compositions all are available here on earth and beyond earth in universe in abundance.

And, there is no exception save life to this universal phenomenon; there is no single breach save life of this seemingly scientific law of abundance. Yet, life as we know happily thriving here on earth is the single breach of this law.

We have sufficiently advanced science and technology at our command today, which is able to detect life – in the form we know it – in its primitive evolutionary stage as well as the highly developed one that might be present at some far away place in universe. With the advent of radio communication, we have been frantically searching Extra-Terrestrial life for the last half century with the fond hope that after all life on earth should be not so unique in its presence. But all in vain. We have put all suppositions against us in this goose chase; we have assumed life is a rare happening in universe because it needs extremely delicate balance of environment to create and support this phenomenon. Since we know life is there on earth, we assume that a similar life elsewhere on other places in universe would need a similar set of circumstances; so we are searching in the wide universe life’s so-called tell-tale signs – the right range of gravity (size of planets), temperature (distance from star), chemical compositions of atmosphere, presence of carbon, water etc. etc. We have already assumed – much against the universal law of abundance – that in our search we are looking foe a needle in a proverbial hey stack. Yet, we have not been able to find life any where else in this extremely vast universe, which we now comparatively know with sufficient details.

It is very interesting to deduce logical conclusions – and which conclusions are quite depressing in their impact on life, which in effect practically means us humans – from the negative results of our scientific search for ET life. Today, we are sure that there is no life around us to the distance of at least a few thousands of light years. This much is definitely known to us. If we apply this distance of non-availability of life as a rough estimate to the entire universe that is known to us today, then the conclusion would be that life might be available, if at all, in extremely short supply perhaps at a few score of places in the entire universe, known and unknown both. This means we – and that includes all our inferior cousins on the evolutionary ladder as well – are, if not alone, lonely in this otherwise abundantly rich universe. This is a depressing thought to the extreme. Our common sense rebels against such thoughts; it could not be so in our otherwise abundant universe.

It all looks illogical. Is there some thing amiss on our approach to the problem of ET life and its search? Law of abundance tells us that we should be terribly wrong some where in our approach. Our instinctive common sense – which does not always rely on reason – also prods us to think that in the face of such universal abundance of every thing, it cannot be the case; that it is not possible that in this otherwise abundant universe life is without supply or in exceptionally short supply; that there is something seriously wrong in our approach to the problem and in the direction of our efforts. Could it be possible that life – at least theoretically similar to the one we know on earth – is present all around us and in abundance? If it is so, could we develop scientific tools to communicate with this ET life in our midst?

There is really need to think this way; there is need to change our approach; there is need to change the direction of our efforts in the search of ET life. We are in real need to adopt a new approach to the old problem of ET life and their supposed UFOs. Why should we confine our search to detect in far away places in universe (planets, satellites) things like carbon, oxygen, suitable elements and their compounds like water, and all else that are definitely necessary to sustain life here on earth? This is wrong approach to the problem. These requisites – which are supporting life on earth and hence are considered telltale signs of life elsewhere – are not the fundamental requirements of a life that may have spectrum broader than earth-life. Such a broader life would include earth-life as one of its many forms. This broad life would require four elements: firstly, a fundamental principle for its operation; secondly, its necessary components; thirdly, its various models or different possible combinations of these component parts; and lastly, an isolated and self-contained body fluid or ‘an integrated medium’, which could ‘house’ these three elements. Such a life would be material (and not spiritual) and have many kinds totally different from one another, though operating on the same fundamental principle.

We know only one model of life, that is, earth bound living beings’ families. Life is a system organization; it cannot be studied as an isolated event. In human body there are many systems and subsystems of life operating in tandem with one another. Living beings, their internal organ, cells and genes have their own life. Complete body as a single unit also has its own life. All these subsystems combined into a grand system have a particular model of life. This is not the only one model of life that is possible. There may be many more possible models of life. We may draw many more models parallel to our earthly life. Genes, in the form of DNAs, have a complete chemical code of life. This code is nothing but a particular ‘order’ of the two pairs of AT and GC in the DNA helix. The fundamental mechanism of storing the life program, or coding, is not the particular chemicals of DNA but the ‘order’ of these pairs. If you change the order of these pairs from one kind to another, you have a different code of life and then this new code would create a new form of our earthly life. Can this way, the chemical way, be the only one possible way of creating order or coding instructions for a life program? No, it cannot be so. What is crucial is the order and not the medium of this order. In computer software we code instructions of a program, which is not life program, by two electric quantities. There we have two entities and we create a definite order of them, which carries instructions of a program. This program could even be (to begin with) of a (simple) life; if we make an open-ended computer software that performs certain dedicated tasks (like self-preservation, self-duplication, domination of its surroundings etc.), then learns from its mistakes committed in countering unforeseen odds present in the operating environment and thereafter self corrects these mistakes by making necessary amendments in the initially given software, what we would have will be a simple program of life. We can draw a parallel of a new kind of life where the medium of creating this order is other than chemicals. We should look to find in our universe possibility of similar coding or ‘order’ with the aid of different kinds of media, which are available in universe in plenty.

Such an approach to the problem would indicate that a life is essentially a program of which instructions are coded. Looking at the problem from this approach, it is apparent that all forms of life must have a similar program but the instructions to execute this program may be coded by utilizing altogether different materials. We cannot limit this coding by the use of only chemical compounds that are familiarly used by DNAs of earth-life. However, there cannot be many differing programs for different kinds included in such a broad form of life present in universe. And, the mode of instructions executing the program of life would depend on the kind of materials used in the code; therefore, there must exist very many modes for coding these instructions (this supposition in favor of multiple modes is in accord with the law of abundance because there are many kinds of materials in abundant supply in Nature). In essence, these instructions must remain the same in different kinds of life to a mathematical precision but still their modes should be so different that they may look a totally different things altogether, that is, beyond any recognition of similarity. In some cases, a mode of these instructions may even look a phenomenon of inert world and we may not be able to recognize any sign of life in its operation, which in reality it might be there. In one case, this code may be structured by using chemical compounds, as we said is the case with DNA of earth life; in another case, it could equally be structured by using atoms, or even subatomic particles, as medium of code, which are in abundant supply like chemical compounds. And, it all could very well be ‘housed’ in a well contoured isolated and integrated energy field of a particular shape. In still another case, this code could be structured by using assemblies of stars and planets in the like manner; the list of materials which could be used as medium of instructions in a code of life may turn out to be really long; and the only requirement there for materials to be used as medium is their abundant supply in universe.

In this approach a program would determine the behaviour and the fate of the given kind of life. And, there we can definitely recognize the signature tune of life and define it in the broadest scope. This approach implies that any and every kind of life must be programmed in such a way that when its coded instructions are executed, its outcome should be an exhibition of common properties of life. What are these common properties of life? These could be enumerated thus: firstly, there must be a process of change that looks like birth, growth and death; secondly, there should occur an intake of energy from an outside source (this outside is only a relative term), which propels this process of change, that looks like food consuming and thirdly, there should happen a multiplication of the given system as additional beneficial outcome of the change-process, which may look like the procreation of the living being. These are the only common properties of life that should define it. Then, there is another very important question of its evolution. Because life is a process that looks like a struggle against deterministic regime of inert world around it, in its fighting strategy change is brought in the working mechanism of these three common properties that is termed by us ‘evolution’. This evolution, this change over a period of time, would make these three common properties of life no more so simple as to recognize them instantly by applying our standards of earthly life; evolution would bring great innovations in them making them greatly complex, which could turn out beyond our comprehension in wildest dream.  More >

 How to hasten NCZs ?0 comments
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:27

How to hasten the debute of NCZs on earth? It can be done by contributing our might to advance the cause on three fronts:

1) spreading the knowledge, particularly in various branches of fundamental science, extensively and intemsively. This can be done by establishing universities,colleges, institutes in different countries dedicated to the cause of knowledge and running on the model of NCZs ideals. These must be funded by awakened and enlightened ordinary peoples as against governments and corporates.

It can be done. It can be done. We would attract the best of human resources available on earth and would soon unearth the secrets of Nature, much more in potency and extent than produced by the shackeled science funded by corporate-houses' R and D departments and shaped by market forces.

Development of knowledge (or science) has always been critically dependant on human-resources than on capital. We can appeal to the good sense of enlightened scientists to join our NCZs universities and institutes. Of course, equipments and tools of modern science need money but that can be pooled from world-wide ordinary peoples resources, to begin with.

And, all individuals running the corporate giants are not opponents of a new civilization; there are always good people there too, who have no alternative but to be yoked to the nitty-grity of our current ill civilization; they may also come forward to help our initiative on knowledge front.

2) Helping the democratic self-governance of people worlwide by

A)supporting movements for establishing democracy, and

B) campaigning for the use of information technology for electing truely and constantly people's representatives, so that the distorting influence of money-power is eliminated in the matter of democratic self-governance. This element of our tasks needs urgency.

We must openly ask the question: why the electorate be not allowed to express their choices by means of the technology that is already available there and is surely fool-proof against an extreneous and impermissible influence of money in the matter of their choice of a representative?

It is a simple demand. It is logical demand. It is acutely needed today. It cannot be opposed on any ground. Let there be a movement for this demand in the democratic countries. Our current Information Technology is capable of meeting the challenge of faithfully expressing the true will or choice of electorates. It seems simple but once adopted will make a devastating effect on our ill-civilization.

3) uniting under one global movement seemingly dissimilar voices that oppose the current model of our reigning civilization. They seem to be disimilar because they individually address different issues, which are the problems produced by ill-mechanism of our current civilization.

 Let us adopt a new Index of Development1 comment
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:21

It is the duty of international community of enlightened citizens to insist upon their respective national governments and the relevant international organizations to discard the old index of partial development, like Gross National Product, Per Capita Income, Rate of Growth of National Economy etc. etc., and to refine, define and adopt the Integral Index of Human Wellbeing. Judged by this new index many political communities that are regarded as highly developed ones would go down on the scale as merely developing ones because of the ill health of their citizens' emotional and mental beings and assault by their activities on Nature and conversely, and surprizingly, many others now regarded as under-developed or undeveloped would go up the scale. We would find their citizens are more happy and satisfied in their human existence and that they do not injure Nature (that includes Earth and its environment) in the least, unlike the today's developed ones.  More >

 Standard of development in New Civilization1 comment
category picture21 May 2008 @ 06:18

Integrated human wellbeing of citizens and not their material affluence alone is the standard of progress and development, which only may be acceptable to New Civilization we are talking of all along in these pages. Material affluence of individuals or their nation is a crude and primitive standard of progress. All economics geared to accomplish this feat in individuals' or nations' life is hollow in its ideal and superficial in its achievement. The prime fruit of new civilization shall be the integrated well being of its citizens. This wellbeing is a concrete and objective thing, which can be measured. Affluence of a nation or of an individual is well studied subject of our old civilization and it is measured by its economics. What is an integrated human wellbeing? Can it be measured? Yes, it can also be measured by an objective test.

This index is a measure of human beings' individual and collective well being in relation to his self and to his surroundings. This index is the measure of health of 1) human 2) his own created circumstances in which he places himself; and 3) Nature. These three may be termed as 1) human self wellbeing 2) his material wellbeing; and 3) Earth's wellbeing.

Human wellbeing has three elements: 1) his physical well being 2) his emotional wellbeing; and 3) his mental wellbeing. All these three elements of human wellbeing are the subject matter of medical science and are well defined today by it. It is not the physical wellbeing alone, which is the disease-free state of human body, that consumes the entire spectrum of human wellbeing. One has to be emotionally healthy also, which is distinct from though connected to the physical wellbeing of humans, to be really adjudged as having made progress or development. And then, it is not these two elements alone that are necessary for an integrated wellbeing. We have to secure to our citizens the mental wellbeing also before we can claim our society has made a progress.
Material wellbeing has three elements, viz. 1) Production - gross national wealth indicator of the given society 2) Distribution - indicator of this wealth's distribution among its citizens; and 3) citizens' wealth consumption indicator.
Nature's wellbeing also has three elements; 1) Negative impact of human beings' activities on Nature 2) Sustainable or neutral impact of these activities on Nature' and 3) Positive impact of them on Nature, that is, these activities not only conserve Nature's health and state but they further suppliment or augument them. Nature's well being has direct bearing on human wellbeing and is a very important element of integrated human wellbeing or his true progress, which our egoistic society is vainly claimimg to have made. New civilization Zones, as and when established even in an scattered fashion here and there on Earth, would be the only place to secure this true progress to their citizens. Our present civilization, which is given to produce imbalanced material affluence and accompanying social conflicts in the society, give birth to disturbed emotional and mental state of its citizens as the concomitant byproduct of this material affluence and injure the health of Nature (Earth's environment) can never provide this true progress to its citizens.  More >

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Our apparently glittering civilization, with all its marvelous achievements, is hollow deep within and a new civilization, that would be richer in inner content, is striving to be born to take the place of the old one. The propelling force of this process is the 'PLEASURE' of man and the pleasure of a man is better than the pleasure of a pig, because man is never satisfied with himself and he longs to know the unknown while a pig is preoccupied with self-indulgence and satisfied with its existence.

Previous entries
  • Standard of development in New Civilization

  • 2007-02-19
  • A call to create New Civilization Zones !

  • 2007-02-03
  • Hey rebel ! get free of the cobweb !!

  • 2007-02-01
  • The document is complete: a Primer of New Civilization

  • 2007-01-27
  • Culture of New Civ.: Global Agenda (PART TWO IS OVER)

  • 2007-01-14
  • Culture of New Civilization: Shifting of the focus

  • 2007-01-05
  • Culture of New Civilization: Transformation of science

  • 2006-12-24
  • Culture of New Civilization: Interrelation of faith and science

  • 2006-12-21
  • Culture of New Civilization: Foundation

  • 2006-12-11
  • Culture of New Civilization: (1) Preliminary

  • 2006-11-04
  • Economics of New Civ.: Management of human self-governance

  • 2006-10-19
  • In the interregnum: A reminder and an appeal

  • 2006-10-14
  • Continued: Application of technology to democracy and economy

  • 2006-08-27
  • Glorious task of New civ.:Let machine offer 23 hrs. leisure to mankind

  • 2006-08-05
  • Economics of New Civ.: Role of Machine: It 'Use' and 'Misuse'

  • 2006-08-04
  • Economics of New Civ.: Not Capitalism ! Not Socialism either !!

  • 2006-08-03
  • Economics of New Civ.: Would it by-pass the ills of Capitalism and Communism?

  • 2006-07-30
  • Economics of New Civ.: Marxist Dialectics, Communism and Perpetual Revolution

  • 2006-07-26
  • Economics of New civ.: Hegel, Karl Marx, dialectics and Communism

  • 2006-07-25
  • Economics of New Civilization

  • 2006-07-22
  • History of New Civ. and evolutionary agenda of Mankind

  • 2006-04-13
  • Cardinal place of Eternal Truth in New Civ: Buddha on Deathbed
  • Place of Buddha in New Civ: Past would repeat in future in new form
  • Historical elements of New Civ: Lord Buddha's determination to know the secret

  • 2006-04-03
  • Historical elements of New Civ: Lord Buddha's Firm determination

  • 2006-03-09
  • New Civilization: History: Birth and early life of Buddha:

  • 2006-03-05
  • New Civilization: History (5): Lord Buddha: Transcient World

  • 2006-03-02
  • New Civilization: History (4): Lord Jesus Christ: Why be Childlike?

  • 2006-02-28
  • New Civilization: History (3): Lord Jesus Christ: Be childlike: Key to secrets

  • 2006-02-19
  • New Civilization: History (2): Early followers of Lord Jesus Christ (100 AD)

  • 2006-02-15
  • New Civilization: History (1): Lord Jesus Christ

  • 2006-02-11
  • Verification of realty: Scientific experiment, hypothesis, theory & law
  • PART TWO: History and Economics of New Civilization

  • 2006-01-30
  • Do you want your name included in the list? List would be upgraded time to time

  • 2006-01-23
  • An Open Personal Letter and Apology

  • 2006-01-21
  • New Civilization: Inlellectual Fundamentals (last article on Enlightenment)

  • 2006-01-15
  • Deep Down the Heart: the seed of New Civilization
  • Immortality: Thought-body of human beings

  • 2006-01-10
  • Immortality: Desires: Desires' subtle body: Release after death

  • 2006-01-08
  • Immortality: Physical Body of Human Being

  • 2006-01-01
  • Birth, Death and Recycling of parapsychological constituents of 'Personality'.

  • 2005-12-31
  • Three dimensional Cubes of the Consciousness of Body, Desires and Mind

  • 2005-12-28
  • Who am

  • 2005-12-26
  • Enlightenment (4): Exploration Within - Hierarchy of Worlds

  • 2005-12-19
  • Enlightenment (3): Riddle of Life

  • 2005-12-16
  • New Civilization: Enlightenment (2)

  • 2005-12-11
  • New Civilization: Enlightenment
  • Old Civilization: Summing Up
  • New Civilization: Mankind is one

  • 2005-12-07
  • New Civilization Global Movement: Introduction, Activities & Charter

  • 2005-12-05
  • New Civilization: its ambit

  • 2005-12-03
  • New Civilization: its engine

  • 2005-12-02
  • New Civilization: its Culture

  • 2005-11-18
  • New Civilization: United Peoples Organization? And UPO's HQ??

  • 2005-11-15
  • An Overview of Charter of New Civilization Global Initiative (*)

  • 2005-11-12
  • Announcement

  • 2005-11-10
  • Let's get down to the job of preparing Earth Summit.

  • 2005-11-08
  • What is the difference between Old Civilization and New Civilization?

  • 2005-11-07
  • New Civilization Global Movement: Some Suggestions

  • 2005-11-06
  • New Civilization Global Movement - An Overview

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