Shreepal Singh, a Concerned Global Citizen    
 Verification of realty: Scientific experiment, hypothesis, theory & law11 comments
category picture11 Feb 2006 @ 16:55

The business of science is to study all forms of "reality". The reality may be defined as "one that exists" and "of which existence is verifiable by proof". The ‘realty’ that ‘exists’ has nothing to do with the ‘proof’ showing that it really exists. Proof of reality is no more than making available symmetry of the claimed reality to Mind that it understands and insists for..

Hypothesis is Mind’s reconstruction of the interrelations of nature’s realty. Scientific mind takes for granted this nature’s realty as an ordered whole wherein the components of the whole also are ordered. These ordered components are further assumed to be integrated with the whole in an ordered manner. This assumption is the very first condition to search scientifically the existing realty. It is often expressed by vouchsafing that nature is not capricious in its working.

Hypothesis, if endures with time, matures into scientific Theory and Theory, if persists with this endurance with time, further matures into scientific Law. Scientific Law, and therefore scientific Theory and Hypothesis as well, contain three elements: There is a set of parametric Conditions present; when an Event happens in those conditions; and a Principle operating in nature is hypothesized that explains the logic of happening that event in those conditions.

Before a Hypothesis, and much more than that a Theory and Law originating there from, is accepted as the scientific, certain preconditions are absolutely necessary to be complied with by the claimant Hypothesis. Firstly, the set of parametric conditions in which the event in question happens must be defined with mathematical accuracy; also these conditions must be in a position to be created artificially, controlled experimentally and repeated any number of times at will by any body possessing required skill. Secondly, the event in question that happens in those conditions must always happen without a single exception. It is referred to as the experimental proof of the Hypothesis. And, thirdly, there must be only one explanation available – that is, the Hypothesis in question – which explains the happening of that event in those conditions. A Hypothesis that meets these reconditions is categorized as scientific one. And, if this Hypothesis endures with the challenge of new observations and discoveries in the course of time, is elevated to the new status of scientific Theory. If it continues with success this process of verification by time, it is further elevated to the status of scientific Law.

This is the sum and substance of the claim of an explanation – a Principle – of being scientific. How much ‘scientific’ is this process of discovering principles operating in nature? How much efficacious is this method of verification of ‘realty’ that exists and operates in nature? Is this method foolproof against the possibility of committing error – error arising out of its own inherent and inbuilt defects in this process? Is this method ‘scientific’ enough to claim the status of an infallible judge to denounce or approve the ‘truth’ of a claim arrived at by a method other than its own?

This method is superb in its depth of approach to the problem of uncovering secret ‘realty’ existing in nature. It is marvelous in its yield of results. Our glittering civilization is founded on the light of knowledge revealed by this sole method – the principle of Mind and Mind’s reason and logic. Still, this method is inherently weak to proceed further beyond a certain limit in unveiling ‘realty’ existing and operating in nature. This weakness is inbuilt in its own process. This weakness is being exposed now with the rapid march of science, and particularly after the discovery of the universal principle of Relativity operating in nature. Let us see what these inbuilt deficiencies of method are and how they weaken its claims like being ‘scientific’, ‘sole arbitrator of truth’ etc.

There are countless events that happen with each passing moment. And, each one of these events happens within definite and precise parametric conditions. With the knowledge already at our disposal, is it ever possible for us to detect them in their complex and interconnected entirety? If ever we are able to detect them all, is it possible for us to ascertain the cumulative effect that these parametric conditions exert on the event in question? And more than this, assuming that we are able to detect them all, and ascertain their cumulative effect being exerted by them on the event in question, is it possible for us to control them while performing the relevant experiment? Also, assuming that we are able to comply with all these preconditions for making a scientifically correct experiment, is it possible for us to duplicate their required parametric conditions in a series of repeated experiments?

All these requirements – preconditions – are the sine qua none of making a scientific experiment. Before explaining an event by offering a hypothesis, it is absolutely necessary to ensure the compliance of these preconditions for making a scientifically correct experiment and offer this experiment as the scientific proof of the hypothesis in question. Here assumptions have been made in favor of the claimed scientific nature of the method followed by science, but the truth is contrary to these assumptions.

There is another aspect to this problem of ‘scientific’ nature of science. Supposing we are able to detect, ascertain cumulative effect on an event, control and duplicate in repeated experiments these parametric conditions, can the suggested explanation – the offered hypothesis – be the only one explanation possible to satisfy the logic of that event happening in those conditions? Obviously, it is not so. The history of development of science is the history of changing explanations of a single event.

These are inevitable difficulties in the path of science and they limit the ‘scientific’ nature of scientific truth offered by its hypothesis, theory and law. There is no scope and justification for science to become arrogantly intolerant towards other claims of truth and usurp to itself the seat of sole arbitrator of truth.

Let us point out an illustration of these difficulties and limitations of science.

As we said, there are countless events happening each moment. An apple falls down from a tree to the ground. We take for granted that here there is an apple, an entity - a fruit - that is an isolated thing unconnected with the remainder of universe and its forces operating everywhere, many of which still remain unknown to us and that this apple has come off a branch of the tree, and has fallen to the ground. We make repeated observations and confirm that it always happens this way only. We explain this phenomenon by hypothesizing that there is a force of attraction in Earth (that is, gravity). Have we recounted here that the apple in question is not an isolated thing unconnected with the remainder of universe? No, we have not. We fail to account that apple is made up of atoms and, in turn, of quanta of energy-field. Also, we fail to account that these quanta of energy-field are only formations – like waves formed of water in ocean – in the Unified Field of energy that is present every where, even in vacuum. Further, we fail to appreciate the fact that it is not the Earth alone whose force acting on apple has to be accounted for. We fail to account that Earth is revolving around Sun and there is a neutralized position present every where on Earth of the two counterbalancing forces: the centrifugal force (due to gravity of Sun) and centripetal force (due to elliptical motion around Sun). And, it is not the only factor that has to be accounted for. There are nine planets that revolve around Sun and their gravitational fields overlap each other. Earth is a part of this integrated gravitational whole. The sum total of this effect on Earth has to be calculated and accounted for if we are to carry any meaningful scientific experiment. And, it is not these planets alone there. Beyond the planet Pluto, there is Kuiper Belt of asteroids. These may be smaller in diameter and mass, nevertheless they have a part to play in the complex gravitational field present every where within the Solar system. Earth is within the Solar system and we do not calculate and account their minute impact that they exert on our falling apple.

And, to make the matter more complex, our Sun is revolving around our galaxy – Milky Way – and this galaxy is revolving around our Black Hole. Certainly, the cumulative effect of Sun, Milky Way and our Black Hole has to be calculated precisely and accounted for while explaining the fall of the apple in question on Earth. The problem does not end here. Today, we know that ninety percent of the calculated mass that must exist in universe is not visible and accounted for. It is referred to as the Black Matter. It must exist somewhere and be impacting on Earth also (effecting the apple in question). To perform a really scientific experiment on the falling apple, we must be able to determine this complex effect precisely and account that completely. Obviously, the claim of science of being scientific is not so scientific.

And, it is not the end of problems for science. Inadequacy of science and its scientific method is further exposed with every major advance of our knowledge. Assuming (in our case of apple falling to the ground) we have calculated the cumulative effect of the exerting forces on this apple and accounted the same precisely in our hypothesis, is there only one explanation for this event of falling apple on the ground? No, it is not so. The simple explanation by hypothesizing an attracting force present in Earth – that was revolutionary when it was proposed by Newton – has been substituted today by the explanation hypothesized by Einstein. It explains that in the presence of Earth’s mass the space around it becomes curved and the apple in our case does not fall to the ground but follows this curved path by moving through the shortest route – the geodesic path – that looks like apple being attracted by Earth. Is this the final explanation? The history of science tells us it should not be so.

There are many kinds of events. A child claims he remembers his past birth (please refer to the case of Naresh Kumar in these pages). Do we know all the conditions wherein this event takes place? Are we able to artificially control those conditions? Is it possible to duplicate those conditions at will? No. A man foretells that a particular event would happen at the stated time and place and the foretold event happens in that manner. Are we able to manipulate the concerned conditions ‘scientifically’? No. It is truth but how would you prove it scientifically? With whom the fault lies: science or truth? A man comes into ‘contact’ with a person who is now dead and obtains from this dead person a piece of verifiable information. This information is verified to be true. It is truth. But how would science prove this truth scientifically? With whom the fault lies: truth or scientific method? Science would rule out the happening of such an event. It is a mean excuse. It is sheer hypocrisy on the part of science. It does no credit to scientific method of science.

There is no problem with truth. Truth can always be verified for its veracity. It is always open to all to come forward and verify its veracity. The problem lays with the insistence of science to put every truth under its scientific scanner and label the ones that do not conform to its scientific method as false.

Let science in pursuit of truth replace its arrogance with enlightenment. Let science not denounce truth for the sake of its method that is flaunted as scientific.  More >

 PART TWO: History and Economics of New Civilization0 comments
category picture11 Feb 2006 @ 16:21

World is moving fast and things are taking shape, as if mankind is driven to meet fate accompli. We need to act quickly to meet the emerging situations on many fronts.
We need to come as quickly as possible to the task of practical organization of New Civilization Global Action.

However, the work of creating background material dealing with several very important aspects of the concept of New Civilization still remains to be attended. And, unless this work is attended to by all of us properly, we would be lacking in real substance.

There are several questions to be answered. We are dealing with civilization and it is not a light matter. We are dealing with individuals, their collective living, human being, mankind, Earth, destiny of human race, truth, realty etc. etc. List of subjects that concern human beings is really long.

With these things in mind, we intend to commence a series of articles on the subjects that have not been covered so far. These articles are meant to be read as SECOND PART of the just concluded document. It is also expected that these contributions would evoke enlightened comments from learned readers.

What is the difference between fig of imagination and truth? How can we differentiate the two? What we have been writing in our previous series of articles is a mere fig of imagination? Or, the contents there represent some truth? If they are the former, they deserve deprecation. If they are true, then our priorities in individual and collective life must change. Then our economics must change. Our politics must change.

The real question is: Is there any truth there in the propositions we have been writing of? How to find it? It is axiomatic today that an assertion is true if it is scientific. Our present civilization is founded on reason, scientific truths and science. If you say you are true in your assertion, you have to prove it by scientific methods. What are scientific methods? We pause here. The ensuing article is part of the historical aspect of New Civilization, that we would be taking in coming articles.

 Do you want your name included in the list? List would be upgraded time to time24 comments
category picture30 Jan 2006 @ 14:05
We are publishing here the list of persons who stand for New Civilization Charter, Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization and making a petition to UN for sponsoring its objectives (please refer to preceding article – a personal letter etc.). This list would be upgraded from time to time.

1. Ming – Flemming Funch – France
2. silviamar – Silvia Martiez – Spain
3. Scotty – Chris Ware – France
4. jstarrs – Jeff Starrs – France
5. jazzolog – Richard Carlson – U.S.A
6. zimpen – Samuel Gustafson – Slovenia
7. swanny – Ed Jonas – Canada
8. fereo7 – Brenda McCann – U.S.A.
9. bushman – Anthony Marsh
10. Adi
11. aaronb – Aaron Alexander Keyes – Canada
12. Echo
13. Sarah Harrmann
14. Istavan
15. othomas – Owen Thomas – Mexico
16. jerryvest – Gerald Vest – U.S.A.
17. shreepal – Shreepal Singh – India
18. zendor - Bruce Zendor' Benefiel - Planet Earth

This list would be upgraded from time to time.  More >

 An Open Personal Letter and Apology7 comments
category picture23 Jan 2006 @ 14:31

This letter is long overdue from my side. The reason of this delay is indicated in the following lines.

Since I started posting my articles at NCN, there have been fair and encouraging comments from many individuals to these articles. I am sincerely thankful to all these gentlemen (I am editing this word that shows sexual bias in favor of man against woman and please it may be now read as:ladies and gentlemen) for the appreciating comments. Also while surfing I found positive comments on these articles from strangers who might have stumbled upon them. I was supposed, by way of normal courtesy, to acknowledge these comments personally and respond to them. However, I have not been able to do this part till now. While setting out the reason for the same, I hereby personally apologize for my laxity on this count to all the concerned individuals, whom I regard as my friends.

I regard all persons – who are now acquainted to me through NCN and who are strangers – as my friends, dear friends.

I am not a dry person by habit. I love humor and like making strangers my friends. Though by hobby I like to live in the world of thoughts, yet by nature I am an activist.

We all here at NCN are fellow travelers who are enchanted by two words: New Civilization. New Civilization is a serious subject; it concerns the future of us all, future towards which humanity inching slowly. And, it is so, whether we like it or not and whether we know or not what this new civilization amounts to. If this matter – new civilization – is to be taken at all and discussed by the global community of intellectual leaders, it must be done with all seriousness that it deserves. It can’t be a passing affair.

I have expressed my opinion on new civilization and my opinion may be right or may be wrong. These articles when read as a whole – as one single document – complete one part of the whole gamut of New Civilization. This part is the most important – fundamental – part of the intellectual foundations of New Civilization. The rest of the complete document – aspects of New Civilization that deals with its Economics, Freedom etc. – are merely derivatives in nature and can be derived from these basic principles.

This document is now before you all – the intellectual leaders of global community.

This document is open to all, by independent work, to contradict and replace, to support and supplant, or to agree and collaborate in our collective global work.

On my part, while writing this series of articles, I needed peace and concentration of Mind. It needed on my part to become peaceful, without distraction and concentrated. It was like opening up to thoughts that were there and receiving them without least distraction. Additionally, being a legal professional, I had to divide my available time between my professional obligations (that are no less onerous in nature) and writing the series of these articles.

And, this was the reason for me of not being able to respond comments.

Now let me express my opinion about the task ahead.
Firstly, there is still need to derive secondary parameters from the just concluded fundamentals that concern with other aspects of New Civilization – particularly its economic principles and to write them. Comparatively, it is not that difficult. Covering these aspects would complete the whole document on New Civilization – its Manifesto or its Universal Declaration. I intend to write on these aspects off and on.

Secondly, once we have got a working Charter of New Civilization and the necessary background material in place, we can – and should – approach United Nations for getting our Global Action for New Civilization sponsored. Towards this end, we need interested individuals who are willing to put their names on the request letter addressed to UN.

Now this work assumes urgency. We may address other aspects of organizational work later on.

I assume that all those individuals who have favorably commented on the articles in question are willing to put their names on the proposed letter.

But we need more individuals. On my part, I am trying to post the thoughts on NC on as many websites as possible and favorably responding individuals would also be added to the proposed letter.

Additionally, for the interested persons I am giving my

 More >

 New Civilization: Inlellectual Fundamentals (last article on Enlightenment)2 comments
category picture21 Jan 2006 @ 04:24

Nature has three fundamental properties, viz., the conservation of energy, opposite and dual nature of matter or energy and the singularity of universal force and they originate from a single universal reality. This universal reality may be visualised as a partial projection of itself into dimensions of space and time that look like mirror images and produce the effect of undestruction of energy, counterbalancing symmetry in nature and singularity of prime force.

Dimension is a "projection". It is the projection of "reality" (and, not necessarily of matter). This projection of reality is not necessarily into space (and time). This projection may be conceived of as a process whereby a portion of reality is raised (by consuming energy) above its neutral state of existence and as result thereof an amount of additional energy is stored as potential energy in the new elevated (or projected) state. This process may be given a suitable name. It may be called a projection. It may also be called "acquiring of a colour" since colour is dependent on frequency (of electromagnetic radiation) and the amount of energy stored therein is directly proportional to the number of frequency. In its essence dimension is an instrument of storing reality. Properties (of reality) are associated with dimension as its integral part.

Reality can exist without being projected into dimensions and then it has no property. The moment reality is projected into dimensions, it acquires specific properties depending upon the dimensions it is projected into. One well-known example of this process is the projection of reality into spatiai dimensions whereupon reality gets the properties of mass, charge, spin and parity. Another example of the same is the projection of reality into time's dimension whereupon it gets the property of flow from past to future. Reality, without its projection into spatial dimensions, has no property of mass etc. And likewise, reality without its projection into time's dimension has no property of past, present and future (and this state may be conceived as eternal reality existing without mass and time).

Reality and its dimensions

Do dimensions exist without primary reality projected into them? Are dimensions co-existing with primary reaiity and therefore equivalent primary reality themselves? No. Dimensions are specific states or measures of the projection of primary reality and in that sense they exist independent of any projection into them of primary reality. However, these states are beyond detection by any means without primary reality being projected into them. Does time exist? Can we measure it? We choose a succession of events as the reference standard and then taking a part out of this succession label it as time. But the rate (of succession of events) can neither be measured in absolute terms with reference to a stationary frame (due to the wave-particle's dual nature of matter of which events are made) nor is it always the same with reference to a moving frame (due to the relativistic principle). In measuring time by this process the extent of our ability to do the same is not limited by this problem only. By this method we only count events and do not deal with the time at all. By counting events we tag them as time and by going backward or forward in the succession we refer it as past or future.

There is no way to directly deal with time. And, yet the time does exist as a certain measure of projection of primary reality to a certain height that stores specific amount of potential energy (of primary reality) creating the dimension known as time.

What is space? Can we measure it? We measure matter, and treating this measure as a reference, compare with it the spreadth of space. Again, the amount of matter (that is, its spatial properties) can neither be measured with reference to a stationary frame (on account of its wave-particle dual nature in accordance with quantum mechanics' principle) nor it is a singular amount with reference to a moving frame (in accordance with relativistic principle). Here, again, we are dealing with matter and not space. By any means, we can not directly deal with the space.

However, the space does exist as a measure of projection of prime reality to a certain potential height that takes the shape of spatial dimensions.

Cubes of space, time and consciousness

Spatial dimension has a cubic form; that is, it has three sides' projection of reality into length, width and height. Time's dimension also has the cubic form. The single dimensional time would simply exist but would not move forward or backward, that is, into the future or the past. With two dimensions, it would move in either of the directions but still it would not cover events (of matter that has not two but three projections). With two projections, a man would be able (if it were technologically possible) to go in the past or future but still would not see events associated with that past or future. To make it possible, one more, the third one, is needed. It is like depth of time. If one moves along this dimension, he would not move into past or future but would see all the events of universe at a single given moment.

Our inability to directly deal with time and space is not associated with the inherent properties of these dimensions. This inability demarcates the limits of human mind in understanding, rather knowing, the truth lying behind the appearance.

Reality existing without its projection into any dimensions whatsoever is "primary" reality. The "primary" reality is the "only" reality that exists and it may be conceptualised as a great ocean of unified field of energy and this ocean must include all that we know as existing as well as all that we do not know yet but (must) exist.
The primary reality observes the law of conservation of energy, that is, it can neither be created (and so, is eternal) nor destroyed (that is, unperishable). To meet the requirements of a unified field's mathematical equation, it is assumed that this ocean of primary reality, that is, unified field energy in modern scientific terminology, possesses the capacity of "self-excitation". The projection of unified field energy into dimensions is the work of manifestation and it requires "self-excitation", that is, an amount of force or "work". A certain quantified volume of (given) dimensions contain in them a certain quantified amount of unified field energy.

There are many planes of projected reality in the universe and an individual plane's specific dimensions determine its structure. All these planes are independently existing but interconnected with each other by a bridge-like formation that connects two sharply different planes with gradually receding-shades. In a plane, the very existence of projected, that is, dimensional, reality makes the plane a deformed structure and in this structure all movements of projected reality follow a path along the edges of the plane's dimensions. This strangely moving presence of projected reality makes the universe a string-like structure at every plane. Original dimensionless position occupied by the primary reality and dimensional position occupied by the projected reality may be viewed as a 'distance' and this distance, or ‘creation' needs a force that would make this creation not only possible but would also sustain this creation. And, this force would have to act and be present constantly.

Since we endow the Primary Realty with the attribute of consciousness, we may conceive the force that creates and sustains the creation as its 'will' and the creation as 'purposeful design of this will' of Primary Reality, or of 'Supreme Being.' Also we may conceive the creation as displacement of a part of this Primary Realty from its original groove, or as a distance of a part of this Realty from its original station. This distance (or potential force stored in stretched distance) not only needs a constant will to sustain it but also forms an elastic band between the primary reality and created things that is 'tauter when it is pulled'.

This potential force stored in stretched distance, or energy stored in the work of creation, has the tendency to compel created things to return back to their original position.

The quantum relativity concept is an efficient mental tool that enables mind (that is, human being) to understand (to the extent it is possible for mind to understand) the interrelations of different frames of reference moving in various planes of projected reality.

Projection of reality into space-time dimensions forms the material world. Projection of reality into dimensions of consciousness forms the worlds of mind, of desire-impulse and of physical (body) senses. There are many more dimensions into which reality is projected (bringing into existence their associated properties) that are not known to human being (being possessing mind). Moreover, human being with the aid of his best instrument – mind - cannot know reality existing in its neutral state without its projection into dimensions.

With this article we end the series of articles on Enlightenment.

Further reading links:

Beyond mind's conception 1 Beyond mind's conception 2  More >

 Deep Down the Heart: the seed of New Civilization1 comment
category picture15 Jan 2006 @ 12:05
By and large, human beings live in the world of physical body, desires and thoughts consciousness. But these three planes of consciousness do not consume the entire spectrum of Consciousness. There are many more planes of Consciousness existing in Nature of which human beings, in general, have no inkling. Human race is marching towards evolving a suitable instrument that would enable the race in gradual and individuals to collective manner to manifest a plane of consciousness that is higher than that of thoughts. Rapid development of science, and that means man's Mind, is going to make it happen. Though this conscious evolution of Mind has become perceptibly fast in recent decades, it is likely to take its time that may run into not decades but centuries, if not more. What would that instrument be like? How would it differ from Mind and mind's reason? We should leave these questions to the future to answer. But whatever this new intrument be like, one thing is certain of it. This instrument would be evolved directly under the influence and guidance of Heart. It would chanelise the Light of Heart in a manner that is better than Mind. It would shine with this Light of Heart in a better way than Mind is capable. It would be more efficient than Mind in manifesting this Light of Heart. It would distort this Light in the process of downward percolation and manifestation less than Mind does. What is this Light of Heart?

As we said, it is not the consciousness of physical body, desires and thoughts alone that exist in universal existence. Beyond the body, desires and thoughts consciousness, deep within Heart - the sanctum sanctorium of our total existence - there exists a Light. This Heart in not the biolological heart within our body; it is a dimension of Consciousness that seems to coincide with the biological heart; that is all and nothing more.

What are the characterstics of this Light of Heart? What is the 'scientific' proof that this Light does exist? We shall deal with the nature of 'scientific' verification of truth later on. Let us deal first with the characterstics of the Light of Heart.

We are not aware of the existence – the presence – of this Light of Heart as we are aware of the existence or presence of our thoughts, desires and body feelings. We human beings become aware of the existence of this Light either through the outcome of life evolution in the general manner or by artificial means. It takes millions of earthly years for primary organisms – like microbes – to evolve on the ladder of consciousness and become aware of the presence of this Light. For human beings, it takes thousands of years to evolve and become in general way aware of the existence of this Light. Generally, in the case of human beings this long span of time - of thousands of years - is spread through many terms – cycles of births - of recycling of constituents of individual’s consciousness. However, by artificial means, this long span can be shortened to a few scores of lives, or to several decades in one single life, or even still shorter. It all depends on the firm resolve and determination of the individual concerned and the design of the scheme of things that makes this resolve of the individual concerned possible.

This Light of Heart is conscious and we are conscious of our thoughts only because this Light percolates down to our Mind. We are aware and conscious of the existence of our desires only because this Light further percolates down to our lower existence. And, likewise, we are aware of the sensual feelings of our physical body only because this Light percolates still further down to that gross level. This process of percolation may be seen from another angle also. We can equally say that a living physical body of any animal – and, all life from primary organisms to animals – is aware of the existence of body feelings because this Light has originated and manifested in that body. Further on the path of evolution, higher animals become aware of the presence of desires because this Light has ascended to a higher level of consciousness. Also, likewise, this Light further ascends in the evolutionary course of life and we become aware of our thoughts. We become human beings with Mind. At the dimension of consciousness, Mind’s concepts of ascending and descending – up and down – have no application. Otherwise also, these concepts are of relative nature.

Mind – with its accompaniments of thoughts and reason – is less opaque an instrument to this Light of Heart than desires. Still, this instrument distorts this percolating Light considerably. It is possible for nature to evolve and produce an instrument that may be less opaque to the descending (or, ascending) Light than Mind. The evolutionary agenda of mankind at the present juncture is to help evolve such an instrument without man-made cultural obstructions. It is in the interest of marching mankind to help evolve such an instrument – an instrument that would be less opaque and less distorting to this Light than Mind – rapidly. This conscious effort on the part of mankind may shorten the natural evolutionary period of thousands of years into few centuries, and even few decades running into a century or two. It depends on the conscious choice of mankind and willingness to remove hurdles that oppose higher ascent and promote downward slide of consciousness.

Further, the fountain of all our pleasure, happiness and contentment that we derive from the satisfaction of our sensual feelings, the fulfillment of our desires and the justification of our reason is this Light of Heart. And, it is not the consciousness alone that percolates down to these instruments of thoughts, desires and sensual feelings from this Light; there is the Bliss also percolating down along with the consciousness. However, down this percolating stream, the receiving instrument of thoughts – Mind – distorts this Bliss. There this pure Bliss is tempered by reason in the receiving instrument and adulterated in content. Further down the stream, this adulterated Bliss on being received by the lower instrument of desires is polluted. Still further on descending to the still lower instrument of body feelings, this Bliss – which is already polluted beyond recognition – is further distorted and turned into a gross and ugly sensual pleasure. There at this lowest level we still find traces of Bliss in our gross enjoyment.

The Bliss of Heart is in human parlance happiness par excellence that human being can ever conceive of. And, this dimension of the Light of Heart – Bliss – is the single source of all good feeling that we derive from love, kindness, truth, morality etc. We take the side of truth, reason, justice etc. only because there is this Bliss of Light in our Heart, which is being received by our Mind. We love others and are kind to them only because this Light with Bliss is present there in our Heart and being received by the instrument of our desires. Likewise, also we observe morality voluntarily even to our own detriment and against the dictates of reason of our Mind only because this Heart’s blissful Light is cascading down into our lower instrument of gross feelings.

And, further this blissful Light is the only ‘realty’ in true sense. In human parlance, it is the ultimate realty present eternally in the dimension of time, existing in the dimension of space and living in the dimension of consciousness. The Existence of this Bliss since Eternity alone has made it possible for Matter to exist in space, for Time to flow and for Consciousness to evolve – evolve into matter, life, animals, man and further.

Further reading links:

How to find 'Light of Heart'  More >

 Immortality: Thought-body of human beings0 comments
category picture15 Jan 2006 @ 11:40

The universe is an ordered whole, and therefore, the universe is a grand thought. Not only the universe as a whole is an ordered apparatus, every constituent part of it is an ordered formation, which human beings perceive in their mind as ‘reasoned thoughts’. Whether human beings are there to perceive these ‘ordered formations’ as thoughts or not, have no bearing on their existence. The formations that we know as thoughts have their own world and are governed by their own rules. Every thought that may ever be conceived by human beings and also the thoughts that can never be conceived by them already exist in universe.

Thought Body also, like Desire body and physical body, gets released from the respective bodies after the appointed period of their life. Thoughts have their own independent world. We all have a thought body within us. In fact, when we think, we simply ‘receive’ thought. Also we generate thoughts and transmit them to others. There have been people who felt that they simply received a ‘particular’ idea that came to them from outside. All the conceiveable thoughts and the thoughts that have not yet been conceived, are already existing. Thoughts cannot be created. Nor they can be destroyed.

Thought body after death of human being is in the desire world, is released in its own world of thoughts. There it lives a life and then is disintegrated to be absorbed again by growing children and adults in the physical world. Thoughts – that are human Mind’s equivalence of order already existing in nature – cannot be created out of nothing and be destroyed into nothing; they are merely assimilated, absorbed, transformed and recycled under their own rules.

Thoughts are immortal.

 Immortality: Desires: Desires' subtle body: Release after death2 comments
category picture10 Jan 2006 @ 15:46

Instincts, impulses, desires and all sorts of cravings are the motive-force of creation. These are full of life-energy. Without them there is no reason for life to manifest in varied forms. Though the universe as a whole is an ordered apparatus, without these forces there was no scope for this ordered apparatus to come into being. All beauty, love, passion and urge to go ahead in life emanate from desires, and also all ugliness, hate and dark impulses have their origin in desires.

The raison d'être of the creation ranging from this universe to life in its highest form is desire. If there is no desire there is no reason for life to exist. In human beings, if all traces of desire are eradicated by persistant efforts, as various spiritual disciplines for gaining self-control and mastery over one-self prescribe, the man would not only die like a dry leaf comes off a branch of tree but he would not be born again.

But we find there is this universal creation and therefore there is a wish, a desire that made this creation possible. We associate desire with human being but this force of creation, the force of an urge, is not dependent on any human agency. Though this universal force of creation is received and identified in human beings as desire. This whole universe in its present ordered state is a creation (it is not the creation out of nothing but merely a transformation from one state to another in a cyclic manifestation) and therefore it is driven by desires. The whole Creation is a grand desire. Within this whole there are infinite numbers of self-sustaining and independent constituent parts of desires that are beautifully integrated into this whole. And, not only the grand desire but also these constituent desires that are integrated with this grand urge exist as a hard realty. These have their own world and own rules. These cravings are formed and transformed, and received and transmitted by living creatures, though the creatures themselves merely feel them a part of their own consciousness. Is it true to state that desires exist in universe independent of human beings who feel them? Also, as we have said earlier, is it true to state that thoughts exist in universe independent of human beings who are conscious of them? Let us give an analogy to understand the truth of the matter in this respect. We human beings perceive colours, beautiful and of various hues. Do these colours exist in universe independent of human beings? Yes, they exist. But they do not exist in the form of ‘colours’ as we perceive them. The colours are the corresponding sensations in the bain of human beings of particular frequencies of electromeganetic radiation. Colours exist in nature, though not as colours but a corresponding reality. Our universe is an apparatus that is full of order and logic, if there is a human being to search and sense these harmonious structure. Even if there is no human being there to sense and ‘certify’ this orderliness of universe, it still exists there as a hard reality. Our universe is a beautiful creation that is still continuing to grow. Our desires are its reflection in our consciousness and even if we are not there to feel them, they exist there.

The Desire body of human being is an independent formation and remains interwoven with the physical body during the life-time of human being. After his death, this body is released into a world of Desire-World. After this release, this Desire body remains emotionally attached to the dear ones of the dead person and does not wish to leave the company of these realatives. However, it is not always possible for this Desire body to get connected with the people living in the physical world. Under certain conditions, like receptivity and open willingness of the living dear ones, this body some times gets connected with them. Then, these persons are said to talk with the dead soul (but it is not soul, depending on the definition of soul). This body remains intact in its Desire World for a certain length of time, like we live for certain period in this physical world. Also, some time, this intact body is assimilated completely by a new born baby and then the child ‘remembers’ his past birth.

It is rebirth of desire body, that remained intact under suitable conditions, like strong desires, demands, revenge, love and innumerable other circumstances. The Desire bodies in the Desire-World, spend their appointed lives. Some times, they happen to come into contact with the physical world of human beings, under suitable conditions and they are perceived as ‘strange beings’ by human beings. These beings have real existence. Within ourselves, we all have our such beings. After death, our desire bodies are released into the world of these beings. On completion of its appointed period, the Desire body also gets disintegrated into its constituent elements. These disintegrated elements of desires are again absorbed by growing children in our physical world. Thus the cycle of transformation of desires goes on in nature.

In fact, we ‘receive’ desires, though we feel as if we are desiring. We human beings are meeting place of various forces, desires, thoughts etc. We not only receive desires from other sources, but also we generate and transmit them to others. It is a subject of complexity much more than the the problem of Grand Unifification of Fundamental forces of physical Nature. So far as it is relevant for human beings to understand and utilise their conclusions in day to day life, this subject has been beautifully dealt with by Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus Christ in their prescriptions.

Under certain conditions and in certain places, we sometimes get chocked with certain kind of desire, say desire of hate, or love, as we are simply receiving them as receivers.

As we possess desire body, the great persons (like Jesus Christ, Gautam Buddha etc.), have taught human beings to channelise desires in a particular direction to gain mastery over them and ultimately eradicate them (by dedicating them to certain ideal or other suitable means).

Like physical body, Desire Body also is an instrument of Eternal Element and exists only because there is this Eternal Element. The Desire body is never destroyed, it is simply disintegrated, recycled, absorbed, assimilated and transformed in cyclic manner.  More >

 Immortality: Physical Body of Human Being0 comments
category picture8 Jan 2006 @ 06:50

The physical body of human being is immortal. Is this statement scientifically correct? What is the scientific proof that physical body of human being is immortal?

We all are familiar with the scientific law of Conservation of Energy. It says that nothing can be created and anything that is already there cannot be destroyed. However, the process of transformation of things into different forms is constantly going on in nature.

Also, it is established scientific fact that the physical body of human beings, like anything else, is disintegrated into its constituent elements. These elements thereupon are further absorbed into newer things, like trees, microbes, atmospheric formations etc., and start a new lease of existence in different form. It is immortality. Nothing of the physical body is destroyed after death of human being.

Further, the physical body under the operation of universal scheme of things tries to perpetuate itself through genetic duplication. The original life that once originated on earth is still continuing in the forms of various life-forms. The original hominid that once lived somewhere in Africa, as Anthropology tells us on the basis of available evidence, is still being duplicated in the form of various races of human beings.

In this way the gross physical body of human being is recycled by absorption, assimilation and transformation. It is immortal.

The gross physical body is connected to the Desire body by a subtle bridge, the subject that a fledgeling new branch of knowledge, called parapsychology, deals with, and we would deal with the same later on.

 Birth, Death and Recycling of parapsychological constituents of 'Personality'.0 comments
category picture1 Jan 2006 @ 05:54

With birth, man gets his physical body that develops over time by absorbing material nutrients from surrounding nature. But, by indulging in desires, man absorbs these desires and forms an inner subtle body - body constituted by desires. Not only this, likewise, he, by dealing in thoughts, absorbs them and forms and inner subtle body - body composed of thoughts. These three subtle bodies - physical, vital and mental - sustain para-psychological human being from within, like a house is supported from within by a steel-structure.

At his death, man's physical body disintegrates into its constitutional elements that are absorbed back by nature for re-cycling. Some time after death, his three subtle bodies, too, released into (or migrate to, which is the same thing independently existing subtle worlds that are regulated by their own laws.

After living their respective lives there for some time these subtle bodies (or subtle beings) also die and disintegrate into their respective constituent elements and absorbed back by nature for re-cycling. The "I” that we know, being an illusion of something else, also disappears leaving no trace of its former egoistic existence.

Rebirth or Recycling of

There are many cases of rebirth of persons belonging to all the religions and all the countries that have been carefully studied by persons with scientific training. To a scientific mind there is no scope to doubt the veracity of at least some of them.
Even if a single case of rebirth is accepted as the proven fact, it would be sufficient to establish the necessity of ‘scientifically studying and explaining’ the phenomenon.

Here we are giving one such case by way of an example. The very first question in such ‘claims’ is the credentials of the person who studied such claims. We are taking our example that has been quoted by retired Justice V.R. Krishna Iyyar of the Supreme Court of India in his book ‘Death and After’.
It would be enlightening to give a life sketch of this eminent person of India. He was an able lawyer and then a Minister in the Communist government of the State of Kerala in India. He rose to become a Judge, firstly of the High Court and then of the Supreme Court of India. He was a non-believer communist and by habbit had a critical attitude towards every and anything. While he was serving in the Supreme Court, he unfortunately underwent a personal tragedy – his wife, who was so dear to him as none could be to him on earth, had died during a medical operation in a U.S. hospital. He was dejected for some time and, then, his investigative spirit put him on the path of studying the truth of the finality of death, or life after death or rebirth or whatever it could be.
He writes in his introduction to this book thus:

The tentative conclusion based on sparkling new evidence is that you live after death; at the same time, blind faith has been discarded with active skepticism. .. This book is never wooly, nor afraid of where investigation may lead. Dear reader, be assured of the integrity and fairness of the author in his search and research. You are free to interrogate the pages, critique the stories and challenge the material, but do it with the charity that you owe to the author that he is not sold out to any preconceived thesis or hypothesis, but like other student with critical faculties kept alive, seeks light on what is beyond, with an effort to ‘tap into’ knowledge stored in odd places…. Facts are sacred and, if found true, must be accepted. Retreat is untruth, cowardice and arrogant ignorance.

Let us reproduce the story which he quotes from the mentioned source. It reads thus:

Dr. Satwant Pasricha, Department of Clinical Psychology (NIMHANS, Bangalore), has published a paper from which I give excerpts. She is cautious in her conclusion that the hypothesis of rebirth best explains the facts found. I give but one out of several instances. of rebirth since multiplying similar cases is superfluous.

Over 2600 cases of children who claim to remember previous lives have been identified and investigated from cultures where belief in. reincarnation exist; but the vast majority of Moslems (Shiites excepted) do not believe in reincarnation, even in India. Twenty-six (7%) of the subjects of the 400 cases in India were Moslems in the present life or remembered having been Moslems in the previous life.
A change in religion from Hindu to Moslem (7 cases) or Moslem to Hindu (12 cases) occurred in 19 of these cases. In spite of discouragement from the parents or others in the community, the subjects continued to talk about previous lives and displayed behaviour that was unusual for the present circumstances but was appropriate for the previous life remembered.
Brief case reports are presented and various normal and paranormal hypotheses are considered to explain such behaviour. Each hypothesis has flaws; reincarnation seems best able to account for all features considered together.

Case of Naresh Kumar:

Naresh was born in February 1981 in the village of
Baznagar of District Lucknow, UP. His parents were
Guruprasad and his wife, Bishwana. The family were of
middle lower socioeconomic status and were Hindus.

About the age of one year, when he started to speak,
Naresh used to utter two words, "Kakori" (name of a place)
and "kharkhara" (local word Ifor a horse-cart). When he was about 4 years old, he gave details about a previous life. He said that he was carrying mangoes in his horse-cart when it collided with a vehicle and he died; he also said that he was a Moslem and lived in Kakori.

Naresh used to talk about a previous life whenever anyone
asked him in the village.

A Moslem Fakir called Haider Ali, who had dedicated his life to God, used to come to Baznagar every Thursday for alms. After Naresh started walking, he used to follow Haider Ali around the village. Naresh said that Haider Ali was his father and that he wanted to go with him.
Everyone in the village called Haider Ali "Baba" but Naresh used to call him, "Abba" (father). Haider Ali lived in Kakori with his family who belonged to the Sunni sect of Islam. He had married twice and had one son from his first marriage, three sons and seven daughters from his second. Mushir Ali was his eldest son from the second marriage.

Naresh was so insistent in his demands to be taken to Kakori that Bishwana decided to ask for Haider Ali's help, as he was a Moslem, and came from Kakori. Haider Ali advised her to take Naresh to a Mazar (grave of a Moslem Saint) so that. he would stop talking about the previous life. Naresh's parents did take him to the Mazar, but this did not help; Naresh continued to talk about the previous life and to insist on going to his previous house.

One day he even started going toward the road by himself. Eventually, Guruprasad decided to take Naresh, along with some other people from Baznagar, to Kakori.
Naresh is said to have led them to Mushir Ali’s house. On reaching the house, Naresh recognized several objects that had belonged to Mushir Ali, such as a cap and the contents of Mushir Ali's suitcase. He was also credited with having correctly recognized members of Mushir Ali's immediate family, as well as other relatives and friends. Naresh, when questioned, told them about the bank account that the family had when Mushir Ali died.
He also mentioned the name of a person who owed some money to Mushir Ali. (The family acknowledged this as true and added that the person in question had returned the money after Mushir Ali's death.)
On the basis of these and other statements Naresh was accepted as Mushir Ali (the son of Haider Ali) reborn.

Mushir Ali had hired a horse-cart and used to take vegetables and fruits to the market; he was the sole breadwinner of the family at the time of his death. On June 30, 1980 in the early hours of the morning, Mushir Ali was taking mangoes to the market in Lucknow in his horse-cart. He had gone a little more than 2 kilometres from Kakori when his cart collided with a tractor; he died almost instantly. He was 25 years old at the time.

Mushir Ali's family were economically no better off than Naresh's family. Mushir Ali's other brothers, when I met them in 1988, had grown and had their own embroidery business which improved their economic situation to some extent. Haider Ali was religiously inclined and devoted his remaining life to saying prayers for others.
He lived from alms given to him by persons who appre-ciated his piety.
Naresh's Unusual Behaviour: When Naresh was around 2 years old, he would assume the posture of kneeling down and saying Namaz (Moslem prayer). He would try to do it when he was alone and would stop when he noticed that others were observing him. Naresh also played at driving a horse-cart. He would tie a rope to a charpoy (cot) and push it and would make sounds as if driving a horse. He also spoke a few words of Urdu.
Naresh's Birth Defect: Naresh had a birth defect (a depressed area) near the middle of his chest, slightly on the right side. This corresponded to the fracture of the ribs of Mushir Ali that was reported in the post-mortem examination. (I shall not go into the details of birth defect in this paper because I have published a separate paper on this topic. Suffice it to say that this feature contributes important evidence to the case.)

Reincarnation: The hypothesis of reincarnation implies continuity of life. The features such as knowledge of personal events, continued interest in the religion of the previous life (in spite of discouragement from the parents and others), liking or attachments toward members of a family who belong to a different religion-all from a very young age-and presence of birthmarks and birth defects can all be most adequately accounted for by the reincarnation hypothesis. -(Nimhans Journal, April 1998, pp. 93-100)

Says Justice Iyyer, 'If one is not fanatically hostile to the thesis of rebirth there is no reason why the Pasricha inference should not be accepted'.

 Three dimensional Cubes of the Consciousness of Body, Desires and Mind4 comments
category picture31 Dec 2005 @ 16:26

Does consciousness (of the kinds of mind, desires and bodily senses) exist? How do we know of the "apparent existence" of, say, mind (that is, reason)? What is reason? We human beings (like our inferior cousins, plants, microbes and animals) observe "objective" world around us. We act, being propelled by life (so-called instincts), and "go ahead" by preserving, dealing to dominating, adapting and procreating. This is evolving ourselves in relation to the objective world around us. This is life. But this is not enough to "reason". To be able to "reason" we have to rise a bit higher in the ladder of life. To "reason", we take a portion of the "objective" world around us and isolate this portion from the "unified whole" (of this world). This is separation.

We study the properties of this isolated part and then refit into the whole again. It is like breaking the whole into pieces creating jigsaw puzzle and solving the same by putting them back in different relations. This is unification. The reasoning follows the process of movement from unity to separation to unity again. Or, it may be put this way; we take a setof material objects (with their associated properties that may be likened to floating points of computer technology) and isolate this set from the remainder of the whole universe. It is an incongruous heap or, say, a jumbled world. The incongruity in their interrelation is a "problem" or, say, disorder. We reposition them again and again in their interrelation till congruity is established. Then, the incongruous heap turns into a congruous order of their interrelations. We call it a reason.

The reason is thought. And, this thought, when found to be in congruity with another neighbouring "assembled" thought, is elevated to the dignity of a principle, or even, law.

Here, we do not deal directly with material objects. It is not possible by any means. We deal "concepts" of material objects. Again, here also, neither these concepts contain in them all the (known and unknown) properties of material objects they represent nor they can be isolated from the remainder of the whole universe in their interrelation. Also, as in measuring time we count events and in measuring space we measure the spreadth of matter, in establishing congruity among material objects of nature we establish congruity within our mind. And, yet this congruity among objects of nature has an existence independent of our mind. This congruity, a thought, is a measure of projection of prime reality into a dimension we call consciousness of mind. But, even the thought is not a co-existing equivalent of prime reality. It is merely a projection of prime reality and, therefore, is secondary. Consciousness also has the cubic form of its dimension. Life, desires and mind form these three-pronged projections of reality. All the three remain dormant, like in a frozen state, in the matter, and emerge and manifest under appropriate evolutionary conditions. Being different (specific) measures of projection (of prime reality), time, space and consciousness are "qualitatively" different dimensions from each other.  More >

 Who am 0 comments
category picture28 Dec 2005 @ 04:41
We live at three planes, or, we are conscious at three planes. These planes of consciousness are neither the inherent properties nor the bye-products of our bodily life. However, for action of the consciousness at these planes in the material world, generally, it needs a physical body.
• Firstly, at the lowest level, at the threshold of life, we "feel and sense" our living existence. It is the world of consciousness at the gross physical level, the most elementary level of living being. It is the base of the pyramid of human structure and is formed of "sensations" that may be occasioned by the end result of our pursuit of desires and thoughts or, by innocuous natural happenings to the physical body.
• The second one is that of "our" desires, This world is composed of cravings and impulses. A beauty inherent in the desires and cravings - ranging from love to hate and attachment to revulsion - provides this world its own rhythm.
• The third plane is that of "our" thoughts. It is a world of mind and its reason, and is composed of symmetry. It provides a congruity in the material world around us and creates a beauty and rhythm of logic,

Who am "I"? "I' is the ever-shifting bundle of thoughts, desires and sensations. This "I" remains in perpetual flex. Like a kaleidoscope, our "I" is an ever-shifting illusion shaped by "our" thoughts, desires and feelings, and this illusion lasts all our life span, till the death. That is "I" and that is how we spend our life.


If there is ‘real’ existence of thoughts, desires and physical consciousness of human beings we must be able to fabricate devices that generate and receive these ‘realities. Is it possible? Why can we not detect any of them today with our modern tools that are able to detect the presence of ‘any form of energy’? If there is this presence of thoughts etc. we must somehow get an indication through our fine instrument. But we do not get any such indication. Is not all this existence of thoughts, desires and physical consciousness a humbug and nonsense? It seems so today. But we sould not be in hurry in pronouncing our judgment on the basis of our inability. Yes, we are inable but it should be all the more a reason on our part to be more humble in our judgments and verdicts on things that we do not know. We know today all our ‘thoughts’ or ‘sensations’ of desires are the phenomena occuring in our mind only. We know there are transmissions of impulses of energy through various neurological cicuits in our brain. We know these things are phenomena that are interpreted by our ‘mind’ as our ‘sensation of thoughts, desires’ etc.
But human brain itself is a trans-receiver. It generates and receives thoughts and desires, though we are not able to detect them outside our ‘mind’. Why it is so?
Brain is made up of matter and thoughts, desires etc. are not made up of matter. However, this matter is able to detect things that are not material (including electro-magnatic energy, which is material). Brain is a very sensitive material tool, which is simply devised by Nature’s evolution. It is conscious of itself. It is possible to fabricate a device that is able to generate and receive thoughts, desires etc. But it has to be likewise sensitive enough; it has to be conscious of itself. It is creating life in aboratory. It is possible but it is not enough to generate or receive thoughts etc. This artificially created life must be ‘sensitive enough’ and it means simply that this life must be organized in the required fashion like brain. Brain has been organized in the manner it is, by life’s evolution operating under the (evolutionary) principles like the ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘inhertence of the acquired traits’ etc. It can be done in laboratory but it is achieving evolutionary traits artificially. Now we have the necessary tool – genes – to accomplish this task in aboratory. It is duplicating – and not only duplicating but refining in a way that is not available in Nature – evolution artificially. It is all possible.
It all is creating ‘mind’ artificially. But today we are quite far away from properly understanding the functions of human brain. There is a long way to go yet. The coming age of science would belong to the understanding of human brain and mind. Not only we have to understand the physical brain, we have to understand the co-relation of physical brain with mind; mind that is conscious, subconscious and unconscious, and beyond that, which we do not know. The human brain is like an electric motors – you supply the power and it moves on; or like a dynoma – you move it and it supplies the power. In neither case it is ‘power’; it simply processes the ‘power’, which exists independently in some form. All this can be done artificially but by undertaking this task in laboratory human being’s understanding of things would completely be changed. By this way he would establish his relationship with Nature in a totally new way; he would transform himself. The steps of mankind are moving in this direction and our civilization is living at a critical juncture of life’s history on Earth.

Further reading links:

How to find "I"?

 Enlightenment (4): Exploration Within - Hierarchy of Worlds1 comment
category picture26 Dec 2005 @ 03:38

Man is exploring the universe. He is able to get out of earth and travel extraterrestrial places. He has touched moon with his hands and peeped into the interiors of universe. Everywhere man has found compounds made of atoms and atoms made of atomic particles. Basically, it is search of physical world and this physical world, so far as he has been able to know, is infinite.

However, he is not going beyond material world in his search. He has no tools to go beyond material world. He is not capable with his mind to go beyond matter. Nature has set a limit to the capacity of human mind, as his mind is not the supreme tool produced by her.

And, Nature has not yet finished her task of producing still better tools of knowledge and she is still at her work of evolution.

Beyond physical world, there are other worlds also and man knows the existence of some of these extraphysical worlds and makes attempts to study them. Behind atomic particles, there is a world of subatomic particles or waves and this world must be having its own shape, rules and place in the scheme of things. Also there is a gravitational world behind all material particles that must be having its own symmetrical structure and place in the universal scheme.

We know that water is a compound of Hydrogen and Oxygen but it is basically different from these two gases. You look at the snowy mountains and compare them with Hydrogen and Oxygen, and you find that they are qualitatively different from each other, though ice is made of these two gases. There is a barrier of quality between the two. One can never experience the reality of ice, by simply having these two gases. Though we know that ice is but a compound of these two gases, these two gases are in themselves nothing but a certain atomic structure of atomic particles. And though these atomic particles are likewise a definite structure of subatomic particles or waves, yet ice, gases, atoms and subatomic particles or waves exist with their separate individual identities.

One can go deep down into the microworld and find independent structures in hierarchy ad infinitum. There is a barrier of quality difference between any two of levels of this hierarchy. Likewise, one can go out in the macroworld and find similar independent structural hierarchy ad infinitum.

Once some scientists thought that with the discovery of atomic particles, the physics will see its end and there will be left nothing in the material science for scientists to discover. But Nature is not that simple. The beauty of Nature is its mystery. It is endless, in structure, in quality and in operation.

It is not only the material plane but also the planes that are beyond it that can be descended into by man, and they are ad infintum. Though none of them is primary, all have their independent identities.

There is a world of desires and impulses that is real with its individual shape, quality and rules.

Also there is a world of thoughts with similar attributes.

And, then there are many more worlds in the scheme of creation. Eastern wisdom accepts the existence of these subtle worlds and its leading lights, like Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Milarepa, Nizammuddin, Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and many countless others, vouschafe the truth of these worlds on the basis of their personal experiences.  More >

 Enlightenment (3): Riddle of Life5 comments
category picture19 Dec 2005 @ 04:57

The apex of evolved life on our earth is manifested in human being and its bottom - the least evolved and primitive form - is found in virus. At the lowest rung of life- ladder, these microscopic organisms are sometimes found to exist and thriving in the extreme climate and difficult conditions. They are also found in human body. Sometimes disease causing viruses get entry through infection in human body. To kill them, doctors fill human body with virus-killiing drugs - antibiotics- in sufficient quantity and for sufficient duration. If the quantity or the duration is' not sufficient enough to kill them completely, then viruses mutate their genetic life-code to evolve themselves -sometimes even in hours - into a new form of life to become drug-resistant.

What takes millions of years for higher life-species like human beings or monkeys to mutate their life-code to evolve themselves in new forms to overcome Nature's hurdles on the path of life, it takes hours and days at the virus' level. Life in its properties at the apex and the bottom is essentially the same. In the kingdom of life man and virus share the same basic qualities.

We know that life has the capacity to meet and overcome challenges to its forward momentum. We may also discover the rule of this forward momentum that is seen in the Darwinian principle of the survival of the fitest and that is nothing but the process of mutation .

But the real question is not how, but why, does Life do so. How do we explain the life's basic urge to go ahead, to sense the hurdle, to find the direction and to evolve into new form to overcome difficulty on its path?

Let us take another phenomenon of nature.
Rivers flow from higher tolower level of ground. If you put boulders in the way of its flow, the water gets collected in the sufficient quantity to break the barrier created by the boulder. We may also discover the rules - action of gravity - explaining how it does so.

But the real question is not how it is done but why the water-flow does so.

Today we know that this is all done due to the universal force of gravity that pulls water from higher to lower level of ground, that is, towards the centre of gravity located within the centre of earth. If you put a boulder sufficiently high in the course of river’s water-flow, water’s flow gets stopped. But that does not mean that there is no force of gravity acting on it or there is no natural tendency of water to flow from the higher to the lower level. We also know today that there is potential gravitational energy stored in the accumulated water. If we weaken the boulder or add more water, the force of gravity would overcome the gravity-barrier and water would again start flowing.

Mountains, high rise buildings, stones put on the ground all have potential gravitational energy or tendency to fall to the centre of gravity within the earth and the moment we remove the intervening barriers between these objects and the acting force, all these objects would collapse to their centre of gravity.

All planets of our solar system - including our earth - and all solar systems within our galaxy have potential energy stored in them with a tendency to fall to their respective centres of gravity - our sun and Milky Way's black hole - but they do not collapse into their respective centres of gravity. It is so because there is an intervening barrier of centrifugal force of elliptical motion stopping them from crashing to their respective centres.

As we all know Black Hole is formed by the process of collapsing of the super dense matter it is made of into itself under the force of its own gravity. It has super gravitational force and acts on the surrounding galaxies by pulling them towards its centre of gravity and the galaxies do not fall into it because they are kept from collapsing by the centrifugal force of their elliptical motion.

Every particle in the universe has potential energy stored in it that tends to act but this movement-oriented tendency is obstructed from happening by natural barriers. The moment the potential energy stored in an object exceeds the counterbalancing force and the barrier is overcome by it, it starts moving towards its centre of gravity - its destination.

How this natural phenomenon is relevant to understand life and its emergence?

Again, let us look at the universal natural forces. There is a scientific dream of understanding the grand unified force acting in the universe. Einstein proposed that all the known forces - gravity, electromagnetic, two nuclear forces - are in fact only the one force manifesting differently in different conditions. Today some of these forces have been unified by understanding their inter relations but the dream of final grand single unified force is yet not achieved. It may be achieved tomorrow. How this unified universal force is relevant to understand life and its emergence?

It is possible for Mind today to conceive that there is life stored in the potential form in every particle of Matter in the universe but some counterbalancing barrier bars its emergence, its manifestation and its forward movement as Life. Wherever this barrier is removed by whatever means and for whatever reason, the life comes out of its potential state and starts moving towards its natural destination, towards its centre of gravity – that is not gravity but in the context acts like gavity calling all life-forms to meet this centre and we see this movement as evolution of life.

Then, further it is also possible to conceive that this just released life-energy has the tendency to march - because now it is not blind movement of matter but conscious march of life - towards her centre of gravity, or better still, towards her Destiny.

As we said, in our mental model the centre of gravity is a symbol of equivalence and has nothing to do with the natural force of gravity; likewise, neither is the stored potential life-energy an amount of stored force of gravity. It is something qualitatively different, of a different dimension, a different plane of existence and a different reality. But, nevertheless, it is a force in real sense of the word. This fundamental universal force is yet to be discovered, detected and harnessed by modern science.

Moreover, it is also possible for human mind to conceive that that centre of life-gravity or life's destination is nothing but part and parcel of the grand unified universal force and that the same is felt differently in different circumstances, inciuding as life under certain conditions.

Only what is required more is bestowing that universal force with the property of consciousness. It does not seem illogical, at least today. It also renders it possible that life may exist extra-terrestrially where barriers for life-emergence have been rendered surpassable by a suitable conditions of (life's) hospitable environment. With the help of this model for understanding Life, it is possible that it may be created artificially even in laboratory by the scientists.

Let modern science - Mind - make its toils and take its time to discover it in its own favourite way.

Further reading links:

Life around us
Life around us  More >

 New Civilization: Enlightenment (2)2 comments
category picture16 Dec 2005 @ 13:22

Let's go further to find what we know and have an inkling of what lays ahead beyond our frontiers of knowledge.

Let us look at our universe. The most distant objects in universe we know are more than 13 billion light years away from Earth, that is, light take~ 13 billion years to reach them moving with its speed of about 300,000 kilometres per second. It is a huge distance. Astronomers have found that all galaxies, comprising stars and their associated orbiting planets, are running away from one another. This makes us to come to the conclusion that at some point of time in past they all were close together. How much close together were they? Physicists tell us that at the initial stage they all were converged on a single point in the form of a superdense clump of matter, a condition of matter that is named Black Hole. At that stage, this superdense clumped matter was contained within narrow radius. This combined matter of the whole universe, pulled by its own gravity, further squeezed into a very small space that is determined by the scientific principle known as the Chandrashekhar Limit. The mass of this matter produced a huge gravitational force that did not allow anything, not even light, to escape its surface, and hence it is named Black Hole. This collapsing of matter into itself under the force of its own gravity produced an internal pressure that tried to push Black Hole's matter outward. In this process, the first stage was when the gravitational force was more than the internal pressure, the second one was when both the forces became equal and balanced each other, and the third one was reached when the force of internal pressure exceeded the gravitational force. At that point there came a Big Bang exploding the massive clump. This happened in a split second, and with this our universe came into existence and its time began.

Since then, estimated by scientists to have taken place 15 billion years ago, clusters of chunks of matter, that we call galaxies of stars and planets, are rushing outward away from the centre of explosion. This is the model of expanding universe, which is familiarly explained as clusters of galaxies being dots on an expanding balloon.

Alexander Friedmann and Abbe Georges Lemaitre originally proposed this model of expanding universe in 1920s and George Gamow and colleagues developed its modern version in the 1940s. One of the current problems of Cosmogony being studied by scientists is the amount of matter in the universe. They have based their calculations on such things as the rate of the motion of galaxies and came to realise that there is some 90% more matter in the universe than can be seen. The matter that can be observed is termed as 'bright matter' and the other remaining 90% matter is termed as 'dark matter' by them. Whether or not this dark matter is of a kind different from the one of which our world is constituted, we do not know.

With the explosion of Big Bang, was the entire amount of matter contained in Black Hole was thrown out and set on an outward journey of expanding universe? Or was there some amount of matter still left, which, with the internal pressure now released and gone, was captured back by the left out remnants of the erstwhile Black Hole?

Let us come to our familiar model of expanding balloon with dots on its surface. In this balloon, there is an outward expansion of its surface, and of dots lying on this surface. If we observe these dots from the centre of the balloon, all of them are moving away not only from the centre but also from each other. If they go on expanding in this manner, they would be distancing forever from each other and be destined never to meet again. Suppose these dots are able to crawl towards each other on the surface of this expanding balloon (under the force of gravitational attraction) and, as they come cioser to each other, they rush to meet each other headlong with a velocity more than that of expansion. How would they look if observed from the centre of the balloon? To us they would still look running away from each other. And, how would they look if we change our location from the centre of the balloon to that of a dot and, while sitting inside it, observe the surrounding dots? Then, the nearby dots would be approaching us. However, in the case of a balloon we can change our position as we like, but in the case of universe we cannot do so. Obviously, the difference in results of our two observations has been caused by the change of our frame of reference.

Today, it is possible to conceive that Nature is an ocean of universal unifiedfield of fundamental energy wherein wave-particle structures are formed inside it as a result of some disturbance in its equilibrium state. This inside within the ocean is creation and this creation is self-contained world that may behave as the surface of a balloon. On the surface of this balloon, galaxies may seem running away from each other, if seen from somewhere in its centre and they may seem coming closer to each other, if seen from somewhere near the periphery of the balloon.

If such a thing exists there in the real Nature, how our universe would look like? Then, all the galaxies in universe, which are receding from each other from our point of view, would come together and meet at single point, though they would not descend back to the original point of Black Hole where Big Bang had occurred. Then, all the matter of universe coming together at some new point of space and time, a new Black Hole and new Big Bang would take place. Would it not look like planting a new seedling every time at a new place and time in universe, by the force that is? There is no repetition of anything here, the concept of eternity is raised to still higher level and freshness is imparted to the whole process.  More >

 New Civilization: Enlightenment1 comment
category picture11 Dec 2005 @ 07:33

How complex are the ordinary things, say a pebble on the road side, a grain of sand at the beach or a leaf on the branch of a tree? How complex are insects, animals or human beings? Do we understand these complexities? Do we understand them fully?

We know certain aspects of these complexities and we are sure about them. Some of these aspects are part of curricula of school children. But some of these aspects we merely guess and still are trying to grasp.

However, even the things that we know for certain are yet not the part of human psyche. We know them but we do not accept the logical conclusions of this knowledge.

Mind – science – has opened the floodgates of the unknown secrets of nature and some of these unveiled secrets of infinite are rushing in to change human being’s perception of nature for ever. These revealed secrets are laying foundation of a new civilization, a civilization that is open to truth and concomitant change it brings, however hard this change may have an impact of the psyche of human being.

What we know today is this: Everything is made of matter. Every object whatever its kind is matter. And, human beings are no exception to this universal truth. And, in fact what is matter?

Science tells us today that there are four fundamental forces of Nature, Gravity, Electromagnetic interaction, the Weak interaction and the Strong interaction. Out of these gravity is the least and electromagnetic, comparatively, the most understood force by man.

The mathematical theory that gives logical description of all the known elementary particles and their inter-actions called the Standard Model of Particle physics, deals with all these forces except gravity and predicts the existence of twelve kinds of particles, or fermions. These fermions consist of neutrinos (electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino, that is, neutrinos interacting with electron, muon and tau respectively) and six quarks (vide Britannica Book of the Year 2001, p. 262)

All fermions are force-carrying particles. Protons and neutrons within the atomic nucleus are made of up and down quarks respectively, and electrons in the outer casing of atoms are made up of fermions called leptons. The weak: interaction is carried by the bosons that, unlike photons and gravitons, have large masses. The weak interaction acts on both quarks and leptons and has short range of action. It is closely related to the electromagnetic interaction and, on the works of 1999 Nobel Prize winners Geradus Hooft and Martinus Veltman, electroweak interaction unites them together.

The strong interaction between quarks had been difficult to understand, as it was not possible to produce free quarks. They exist in the aggregates of two or three in the form of, say, a proton.

However, each quark, in addition to a quantified electric charge, has a quantified colour-charge, a property that is similar to colour in concept. Quarks carry the colour charge red, blue or green and each quark has its opposite an antiquark, which carry colour charge antired, anti blue or antigreen. Aggregates of quarks, which exist freely as protons or neutrons, are colour neutral. The force between quarks is carried by gluons, which like photons have no mass but which unlike photons have colour charge. In the case of gluons also there are colour charge and its opposite anticolour charge.

Baffling human mind is the entity that we call 'matter'. We know the 'matter' and harness its properties to our advantage, and yet we do not know what in essence it is. The more we know about it, it becomes apparent that less we know about it. In 'A B Cs of Quantum Mechanics' Rydnik says: ‘Mass, charge, spin, parity. Give exact definition of each of these particle characteristics! And make the definition independent, that is, do not express one quantity in terms of another, say, mass in terms of the force of weight, or charge in terms of the force of attraction and repulsion. You won't get far if you do. We are always using these concepts but not a single physicist in the world today knows what they really mean "deep down." That is the situation with quantum mechanics as of today. It makes extensive use of things like mass, charge and other ideas borrowed from classical physics. And it discovered some new things of its own that describe partjcles-spin and parity, for instance. But it can say no more about the origin of these features than it can about the origin of mass and charge.

Indeed, what is mass? There are two answers. First: mass is a measure of the quantity of matter in a body. It may be understood as the quantity of atomic nuclei (since they contain the bulk of the mass of atoms) in a given volume of substance... The second definition of mass is that mass is a measure of the inertia of a body, in other words, a measure of the resistance the body offers to any change in its state. In the most elementary case, mass determines the resistance of a body to any alteration in its position in space...

On the present view, particles experience actual transformations and also so-called virtual transformations that underlie their interactions. Thus mass acquires yet another aspect in determining the energy of the virtual quanta of fields. All this makes mass a very intricate concept. On the one hand, mass is some kind of characteristic of the particle as such; on the other, mass is a determining factor in all interactions of the particle.

Undoubtedly, the other particle characteristics should be just as complicated. Today, all inner essence of entities of the micro-world come up against this greatest of unconquered peaks of physics- the interaction of the two basic forms of matter, substance and the field. Particles of substance possess properties of the field. Field quanta have material properties... Which is the 'most fundamental', which is primary - substance or the field?

Einstein spent many years working on a unified field theory that would incorporate all known types of fields and particles, but all his attempts failed. Physicists gradually came to the view that neither field nor substance is primary, that both in equal measure are the fundamental and primary aspects of matter as such.’

In our search of elemental primary unit of matter, we have gone deep down its staircase and found that at some level matter and field of energy merge into each other. These both become different facets of a single thing that appear differently under different conditions. In relativistic theory a particle is an excitation quantum of the corresponding field. Moreover, the very concepts "particle" and "field" merge into a unified "quantum field." Interactions of different quantum fields cause quantum particles to scatter, breed or transmute into other quantum particles.

It was thought for long time that it would be impossible to find a theory that could explain and calculate the effects of strong interaction between quarks. David Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek have explained this effect in their theory for which they have been awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize. They discovered a property of the strong interaction (or colour interaction in Quantum ChromoDynamics) that explains why quarks may behave almost as free particles only at high energies. According to them, gluons - the force carriers of quarks - interact not only with quarks but also with each other. This means that the closer quarks come to each other, the weaker the quark colour -charge and the weaker the interaction. Quarks come closer to each other when the energy increases and therefore the interaction strength decreases with energy.

According to Einstein kinetic energy can be transformed into new particles, say, into quarks with mass and kinetic energy. These quarks are created very deep within the process and very close to each other but moving away from each other at an extremely fast speed. Their discovery made it possible to complete the Standard Model of Particle Physics and constituted a significant step in unified description of all the forces of Nature working at the tiniest distances within the atomic nucleus to the vast distances of the universe.

In Nature, we find that each of the said fundamental particle has its antiparticle, which is its mirror image. And, science tells us that not only the particles must obey this law of conservation of symmetry but their respective antiparticles also must obey this law. In other words, where a particle is reversed into antiparticle, that is, its direction of Time is reversed, it is reflected in space in a way that all its spatial dimensions are reversed and its charge is conjugated, then C, P and T of this antiparticle must also conserve symmetry. However, recently small asymmetries in quantum mechanical systems were observed by scientists.

This invariance of symmetries of particles and antiparticles in Nature tells us that there are two opposite worlds existing side by side in nature. Now, we know that there are certain universal inherent relationships between two opposite entities. Firstly, the two opposite entities attract each other. Secondly, if these two are allowed to come together as a result of their mutual attraction they cancel each other resulting in annihilation of both. Thirdly, if the two opposite entities are to maintain their respective separate existence, then there is the requirement of an intervening centrifugal force to counterbalance the force of attraction. And, fourthly, this counterbalancing force is not an integral part of any of the two opposite entities but is the product of some outside force that fuels the mechanism of nature.

Then, why particles and their antiparticles do not smash into each other and mutually annihilate? Obviously, they do not smash and annihilate. Then, what is that centrifugal force that keeps the two apart? And, what is that third force that set this mechanism into motion?

We do not have the answer, but these questions indicate that Nature is deeper in its intention and work than we expected. This unmistakably points to a deeper law and secret purpose of Nature. This deeper law, when discovered and harmonized with the Einstein’s Relativity, would change the man's way of thinking completely. As ever, horizon of the unknown is distant, as distant as it looked when man for the first time discovered that pebbles are not pebbles but weapons, and its expanse infinite.  More >

 Old Civilization: Summing Up1 comment
category picture11 Dec 2005 @ 06:44

Mind is the sole light. Reason is the only test of right or wrong. Truth is the supreme object of search but it can only be revealed by reason. Mind searches around for truth of the existence and gives its judgement. With the development of science, we go on knowing more. Science is based on mind and reason. In its highest flight, mind gives light about itself. Mind tells that as we depend on body senses to get data of world around us and the human mind processes this data, what we get is the result of the mind's processing, and this result may have some part of the subjective adulteration of mind. There is an unbridgeable gap between the world as it actually exists in itself and the world, as we know of it as the result of our processing. There is no way to bridge this gap through mental means.

Reason & desires

Mind and science, which is dependent on it, observe and analyse the world around us. As a result we get that exists is matter and by analysis we get the laws of nature. These two things are the fundamental truths. Whatever contradicts these two things is false. It is legitimate and morally justified knowing the world in this manner by mind and act on its conclusions. By using mind, we know that exists is material. Material world is vast and to know its extent, nature, property it is necessary to explore the material world. To know the truth, we should explore outer space, interior of atom, look inside the genes, and penetrate the earth and oceans. Whatever knowledge we get out of this exploration, we should use in the cause of human beings comforts.

Our body is made up of not only the mind but also the sense organs. Body requires its demands to be met. It is morally justified to meet the demands of body. We know by analyzing by our mind that it is better alternative to co-exist by meeting demands of maximum numbers of people to the maximum extant than to meet all demand of a single person to the maximum and risk mutual conflict and destruction. So demands should be met within reasonable limit so as to avoid the conflict. If the conflict may be managed or averted, it is justified to meet the demands of a person or a group of persons to the maximum. To meet the bodily demands of human beings, it is necessary to produce the means of satisfaction of these demands. It is morally justified to produce the means of comfort to the maximum. For economic development it is necessary, as economic science tells us, to create more demands of people even by artificial methods like advertisements and then to meet such inflated demands by offering them items of comforts (manufactured goods). This creates an interdependent chain of cause and effect of consumption, lower cost of production by producing more, use of technologies so as to reduce dependence of human work-force, elimination of weaker manufacturer by resorting to competition so as to reduce cost of production and price etc. To create the climate of free demand, free supply, free production of the things needed, democracy is the most suitable political system. It is morally justified to consume more. It is morally justified to make people aware of their needs that were non-existent or lay dormant by advertisement and to maximise their consumption.

Consuming man: An Ideal Society

It is reasonable and moral to spread this model around the world so that maximum human being may get the benefit of this comfort-oriented model of way of life. It is reasonable that this model should be extended from local areas to national levels, from national to international level. All means should be used to ensure that this model defeats the alternative models, if found it contradicting in any part of the world. Therefore, it is reasonable and morally justified for the leaders of society to gear it towards consumerism.

In this pursuit, it is morally justified to resort technology to reduce dependence on human labour. Advertisement may be resorted to create needs of people that lay dormant. There is no wrong in elimination of weak by strong to make goods of comfort cheap. Since this is an ideal model of society, there is no wrong in the use of force against those who do not subscribe or conform to these ideals to make sure that this social model survives at the international level.

There is no moral wrong in pursuing a national and global system wherein entire world's natural resources may be used in sustainable manner to meet the inflated and unsatiatable desires of human beings. It is economic development of man. If in the process monopoly of natural resources in the hands of a few persons is created, and war among nations is fought in defence of this social order, there is nothing wrong in it so long as the troublesome things are planned and managed by mind.  More >

 New Civilization: Mankind is one0 comments
category picture11 Dec 2005 @ 05:21

Indeed, mankind is replete with many kinds of striking diversities. Even at any one given single place, this diversity among people is amazing. But, despite all these colossal diversities, mankind is essentially similar. This similarity is her endowment with the faculty of mind with its love of truth. Our realisation of fragile and unique position that we occupy in the known universe also creates in us the sense of unity of mankind among her much secondary diversity.

So far as we know today, there is only one place under the heaven, our home our earth, where we human beings live our lives. We are one kind of intelligent beings crammed in a tiny and lonely place amidst the hugely vast expanse of universe's desert that is stubbornly barren to any kind of life. This must generate not a sense of pride of place among us, but a sense of our vulnerability to the unknown and fear for our stable future. In turn the sense of vulnerability and fear should dawn on us our commonality of fate and destiny. But we choose to remain oblivious to our common fate and destiny. As if to make ourselves forget the onerous tasks pending for mankind's urgent attention ahead, we humans indulge in hooliganism, raising false cries here and going gung-ho in pursuit of wrong judgements there. We throw the dust of self-indulgence at the wakefulness of mankind, pelt the stones of petty interests at her prudent warning and raise the clouds of doubts to eclipse her urge for eternal truth.

Mankind is one but has many peoples whose ideals, steeped in diverse beliefs and thoughts, follow vastly different trajectories. Beliefs and thoughts always have certain foundation and force behind them. They represent a part of the whole truth and show a part of the beauty that human life is. Diversity of thoughts, however irreconcilable and contradictory they may be, is necessary to complete the whole truth of life.

 New Civilization Global Movement: Introduction, Activities & Charter8 comments
category picture7 Dec 2005 @ 14:56

New Civilization Global Movement – NCGM - Charter seeks to usher on Earth an Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five objectives of New Civilization: Common Survival of all life on Earth, Freedom of individuals from all kinds of oppression, Common Prosperity of all people, Global Unity among different subdivisions of Mankind and Enlightenment of human beings.

This document is divided into three sections:

Introduction to NCGM
Activities of NCGM
Charter of NCGM

NCGM is an initiative of people who feel concerned about the present condition of Earth and Mankind. Presently, it is web based and being facilitated by New Civilization Network.

NCGM holds that Mankind has arrived at the crossroads where the fate of Earth as a hospitable home for life and the fate of life in its evolutionary course would depend on Mankind selecting a correct path.

NCGM seeks to usher on Earth a New Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five noble objectives of New Civilization. Human Institutions are the institutions of interactive collective living of human beings and these include family, community, society, economy, culture, faith groups, politics, governments, nations and nations’ inter se living.

NCGM relies on people’s power, as contradistinguished from the power of political governments, for enabling Mankind to steer onto the correct path.

Charter of NCGM gives a call to peoples of all nations, faiths and cultures to IDENTIFY those individuals, organizations and governments who conduct themselves AGAINST the five noble objectives of New Civilization. It further calls peoples to win these adversaries with the WEAPON OF TRUTH, strategy of LOVE and NON-VIOLENCE and tactic of NON-COOPERATION in order to accomplish New Civilization’s objectives.

NCGM expects to grow in vigor, with the passage of time, enabling it initially to make an impact on world events and then finally to decisively control the course of those events that vitally affect the fate of Earth and of Mankind.

Presently, a Workgroup of NCN – akin to Secretariat of NCGM - is taking initiative to organize NCGM and the first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization.

It is envisaged that there would be held at regular intervals Earth Summits of peoples for New Civilization for taking stock of the man-made events that adversely effect Earth and Mankind and for taking decisions on measures that are needed to correct the same. The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization is proposed to be held as early as possible to adopt a Charter of Action.

In the Workgroup the representatives of people belonging to one country have been allotted one vote and decisions therein are taken by a majority vote. People of one country may be represented by one or more than one individual. Any person who wishes to join and is willing to work may join the Workgroup.

Currently the Workgroup includes: 1. Ming (France) 2. Silviamar (Spain) 3. Judih (Israel) 4. Zimpen (Sweden) 5. Shreepal (India)

(1) NCGM is being facilitated by New Civilization Network and to join log on NCN.

(2) The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization and New Civilization Global Movement are being organized by a Workgroup. To join the Workgroup log on NCN.

(3) To find background material for Earth Summit and NCGM click Shreepal, a Concerned Global Citizen.

(4) It is envisaged that, as soon as possible, NCGM would enable people to post on its web site any man-made event happening anywhere on globe that adversely affects Earth and Mankind to get a helping hand from NCGM.

Charter of New Civilization Global Movement:

THAT planet earth is our common home and we human beings have inherited it from our forefathers, in trust for our own use and for the use of all other life-species dwelling on earth of the present and of the succeeding generations.

THAT all life-species are sacrosanct and deserve survival and preservation at our hands.

THAT all man-made disputes – whether social, cultural, economic, political or any other - arising from conflict of interests are capable of being resolved by human beings in peace and amity;

THAT mankind is an evolving species being at the apex of life-evolution on earth yet being at an intermediate stage only; and

THAT mankind is capable of exploring the unknown micro and macro universe, harnessing the unveiled secrets of nature and its forces, and is capable thereby to consciously shape her destiny and the destiny of earth and of universe;


THAT mankind is living under the threat of annihilation at her own hand by the use of weapons of mass destruction;

THAT a firm and sustainable human-unity is the only effective and workable guarantee to protect human race against such threat of self-annihilation; and

THAT such human-unity can only be established on the solid foundation of the commonality of human-interests, the commonality of purpose of life of human beings on earth and the commonality of the destiny of human race;


Identify those individuals, organizations and governments
Who conduct them against the five noble objectives of New Civilization, and

Win over them with

The weapon of

The strategy of

The tactic of

In common interest, these five noble objectives of New Civilization, namely:

COLLECTIVE SURVIVAL of all life-species on earth by observing peace, good order, complete and global disarmament and respect for and conservation of nature;

FREEDOM, from political, economic, cultural and social oppression, within national and international organizations of human society, by guarding the individuals’ human rights and the interests of organized society;

COMMON PROSPERITY of peoples by utilizing technological advancements and scientific management of global natural resources to avoid waste, unsustainable exploitation and natural imbalance, and to bring efficiency;

GLOBAL UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind by promoting mutual respect for diversity, understanding and harmony in diversity; and

ENLIGHTENMENT of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the knowledge of science, from material science to psychic science, and encouraging them to remain always opened to change of convictions.

 More >

 New Civilization: its ambit1 comment
category picture5 Dec 2005 @ 15:33

It is worth human dignity that man rises above his petty pre-occupation of self-indulgence and gains freedom for his mind from the slavery of body-needs and biased seeking by devising a goal oriented society. It is to his own advantage that he designs a civilisation that encourages people to pursue this unbiased search and provides citizens the required leisure for this undertaking. It is also in his own interest that he bestows social recognition and appreciation on them whose labours bear fruit of discovery and to discourage and condemn those who hold aloft the banner of self-indulgent cult.

It requires the boldness of mind and sincerity of heart to put questions, for to put questions one has to rise above petty-minded self-indulgent culture. Let men put enough questions and seek answers for them. There are more than enough wonders around them to be amazed at and to be searched for answers.

At the one extreme is universe, infinite and mysterious and its riddle and at the other is man himself who is more mysterious than the mystery of universe. We search the material universe and discover galactic systems with their solar systems, black hole and its Big Bang, and. space-time continuum. At the other end we search life and discover life's genetic code. We search consciousness of mind and beyond and discover Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), Near Death Experience (NDE), Life after Death, Rebirth, Planes of Consciousness higher than man's Mind, Jesus Christ's God and Lord Buddha's Nirvana. Of the countless questions that one may ask, the most natural, and the most important, one to a man is to ask, 'Who am 1'?

Today man, with all his amazing science and developed evolutionary stage at his side, is capable of putting this pristine question to himself and of seeking answer for it.  More >

 New Civilization: its engine1 comment
category picture3 Dec 2005 @ 16:00

The innermost being of man is always thirsty for something that is yet unknown to him. This inner core of his existence always spurs him to move on in quest of the unknown. In his quest for the unknown, man is able to formulate and put straight questions to him, and seek answer to them. And more than that, he is able to wonder. This, his unique ability, alone has propelled humankind's civilizations on an ever higher trajectory and this has enabled it to reach dizzying height where it is today.

The very existence of world is a great wonder. Every thing in this world is wonderful and, among all these things, life is wonder of all wonders. And, the crown of life, human being, is the greatest of all these wonders.
All these things, when pondered over by man, raise serious questions about them. The more man becomes enlightened, the more questions arise for his attention. Why, and how, did he usurp the place of the sole leader of an earthly caravan of varied life forms? Why his caravan is solitary, as far as he knows, in an unfathomable universe? Where this earthly caravan of life's evolution is heading for? We put questions to ourselves to seek answer about all these things but still we do not put enough questions. We remain primarily and for most of our lifetime pre-occupied with ourselves, - making provisions for our food, cloths, pleasures and petty needs, and our thoughts remain centered on them and acts remain guided by these motives.

Putting question is the secret key for opening the gates of the unknown. Every question, howsoever insignificant it might be, if put with diligence and investigated with due earnestness for an answer, makes a discovery. For example, you ask why is the sun the way it is, always shining and spreading light all around? You search for the answer and you find the nuclear fusion. You ask, why do apples fall from tree down to the ground only and not go above and you make the discovery of gravity. The greatest quality of human mind is to experience wonder, wonder at things and at the way they are, and wonder at the mystery behind all that exist and at the amazing phenomena behind all this creation. Human mind is his sole powerhouse that propels his development, his civilisation and his evolution.

Man is at the apex of life-evolution on earth. He has mind capable of wondering and questioning. It is worthy of him to wonder, to question and to seek answers. A civilisation that encourages human being to seek pleasure in and remain satisfied with his self-indulgences is below the dignity and esteem of mankind, of the leader of life evolution on earth. Man has risen above animal and its kingdom's rules by his persistent struggle with himself. He has come out of his self-indulgent animal existence by evolving mind and putting questions. He has to go forward, and not backward, on life's evolutionary path.  More >

 New Civilization: its Culture7 comments
category picture2 Dec 2005 @ 04:18
New Civilization seeks to accomplish four objectives and one of them is Enlightenment. (Please refer to the draft Charter of New Civilization).

We want to know more. We want to learn what we do not know. The history of all civilizations is the history of the urge of their people to learn more.

We want to learn more about something, say, a motor car. A motor car is an abstract idea that is too general and we cannot study a general and abstract idea. We shall have to take a ‘real’ motor car to study it in a scientific manner. One has to remember in this context what Albert Einstein had said about the necessity of performing ‘real’ experiment while setting his famous model of a running train with one observer on the train and the other on the railway track. Therefore, if we want to study a motor car, then we shall have to study a ‘real’ motor car, say, the motor car of certain John Smith.

Again, we cannot study the motor car of John Smith in general. One has to choose a concrete ‘realty’, an event. So, we choose to study the motor car of John Smith on a particular day at a given moment.

And, thus we choose a particular moment and concentrate on a ‘part’ of car, say, its ‘front wheels’ to study their ‘truth’. Now the wheels are connected to an integrated whole of the system of this car. The movement of the wheels are dependent on and controlled by ‘many’ factors. Apart from the aspects of motor engineering, which every body knows, the movements of these wheels are dependent on the ‘whims’ of John Smith that he may happen to enjoy at a particular moment. Things are getting too complicated. But it is realty. We cannot escape it. This Smith may fancy an idea and the fate of these wheels will depend on it. He may choose to turn, jump or destroy them and so would be the fate of these wheels. And this Smith is not an entity that is un-connected with and immune from very many factors in making his decision. He may happen to enjoy his elevated mood or be undergoing severe stress, who knows. It is realty. We are studying things as they are and not in a simple manner as we routinely think they are. The universe is an integrated whole, which is complex in its detail but simple in its fundamentals. We human beings are not an isolated and separate entity as a ‘Closed Box’ destined to be permanently cut off from the universal whole and without any connecting bridge. On the contrary, we are part and parcel of the whole that may envelop any conceived ‘Closed Box’.

We do not know many things. We are ignorant in many respects. And, on top of it we are arrogant by habits. It is fundamentalism. And, there are many kinds of fundamentalism that are thriving on our planet. We belong to Old Civilization. Fundamentalism has no place in the culture of New Civilization.

To learn more, one must be humble. It is a virtue. It is the corner stone of the culture of New Civilization. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment. It can be accomplished by encouraging people to imbibe the knowledge of science and to always remain opened to change one’s long held and cherished positions.

 More >

 New Civilization: United Peoples Organization? And UPO's HQ??24 comments
category picture18 Nov 2005 @ 15:51
A nation-state is composed of individuals. These individuals share common interests and they are like synchronous parts of a machine. A nation-state has its own personality, a complex one that is changing and defining every moment, just as a human being.

Today all nation-states on Earth are united. They have evolved themselves into a loose organism: United Nations Organization.

Until very recently these nation-states were not united at the global level. There was free for all, for at least past 5000 years, about which we know something and call historic period of mankind.

But human beings have not dwelt here on Earth only for the last 5000 years. The prehistoric period of human race, Homo sapiens, spans for much longer period in duration.

Mankind has existed for several tens of thousands of years and all along this long period she had MIND. Today she possesses an evolved mind that has the capability to explore things in the UNKNOWN zone to a considerable degree, though this zone is INFINITE.

Mind has explored into the PAST part of this unknown zone and now sketchy picture of emergence of life on Earth and history of mankind is available.

Life on Earth (in the form of First shellfish) has existed at least since 530 millions of years (the end of Precambrian period). The first modern humans have appeared on Earth at about 1.8 millions years ago (at the start of Quaternary period). March of life is really slow! But, lo! when one puts this period in relation to the vast span of time that our Earth took to make itself hospitable to life it is very fast!! And if we compare this period of origin of life and its evolution into human beings with the extremely vast span of time since OUR Big Bang (the last one in which we live, out of an endless cyclic occurrences of Big Bangs in universe) the emergence of life and evolution of human race occurred in fraction of a second.

The evolution of Homo Erectus - modern human beings - took place during the Ice Ages (about 290 millions years ago the first Ice Age gripped our Earth and thereafter Earth passed through four such Ages, last being about 10 thousands years ago) and human-like animals – Hominids – first made their debut about 4 millions years ago somewhere in grasslands of Africa.

Perhaps – Homo sapiens- human beings as we know them today made their appearance by branching out them from the rest of the herd within comparatively a very short period of time. Perhaps it was when one of their common herd or a group of them REALIZED, like a sudden flicker of thought, that he or they can DEVISE tools, perhaps during chiseling a stone piece, in leisure hours, that accidentally turned into a pointed dart, to defend them against rival contenders. It was an unintentional experiment that yielded discovery. It was a discovery, a small step forward in making their life easier and safer but it was a giant leap in evolutionary march.

It was the glimpse – light - of MIND. It must have happened as a sudden event on the scale of time (spanning for centuries, if not more) that grew steadily in its multifarious dimension and scope. Then, perhaps it spread like wild fire from one individual to another because it was very useful ability for human beings. This inner insight had a practical utility, and therefore it got a momentum after having the first kick start. What were the current problems then of the herd that this ABILITY of human beings did solve? They were overweighed with the problem of survival. They had to contend with rivals - animals, similar clans and natural forces - and to win and survive in the struggle. The discovery of chiseled dart helped them in their struggle and their ability to make experiment to make discovery helped them much more.

There is another aspect of this event that happened in the long past, and of which we have no way of having any record, that needs to be investigated. Is it possible that the event of sudden thought, a glimpse of thinking process of Mind, happened in the herd for the first time and immediately it was picked up and spread by a splinter group of the herd? No, it could not have been the first and solo event. It must have happened so many times in the past and involving so many individuals. It must have, then in the past, been attempted by those individuals who had that glimpse of thinking process to spread the idea to other members of the herd but must have failed to pick up and spread further. The idea to be accepted by large enough number of herd-members and spread spontaneously further required a certain level of collective consciousness of herd members. Initially, the idea must have been glimpsed by a series of individuals, attempted to be spread further but failed. But all these attempts contributed in heightening the level of collective consciousness and eventually made the herd, or a splinter group of the herd, to accept the idea, the thought process of Mind, and to make it a part of their daily life. Therefore, there must haven a series of pioneers of thought process in the past before that process was finally picked up by the members generally as their own part of consciousness. We do not have any evidence of such an event having taken place. There is no way to collect such evidence, for the event relates to subtle process of consciousness and leaves no material impact on the outside world. But this hypothesis gets support from the evidence of current events concerning animals’ thought process happening occasionally around the globe. There are occasional reports that an animal, monkey or chimpanzee, when faced with difficult puzzle, a situation, that concerned with its immediate benefit or loss SUDDENLY got the glimpse of thought-process and learnt to use Mind to solve that puzzle. A large number of experimental cases with animals are available today that suggest that there is an event of initiation of thought process in animals in given situations. Animals in their natural habitat also are reported to have SUDDENLY started behaving in a way that proves that there was initiation of thought process in the animal. But in all these cases, this individual event is not carried forward in a sustainable manner. And much more, this process is not spread further to other members of the animals group. It requires really very long period of time and sustained spurring conditions (puzzles in the struggle for survival) before the glimpse of thought process – or a series of such glimpses in different individuals – becomes acceptable to the common herd and part of their collective consciousness. Let us pick up our journey from that point where thought process of Hominids became part of their collective consciousness and proceed further.

We human beings have come very far from that point. We have emerged from caves to make houses on moon; we have started from a point where we chiseled stone-darts and reached a point where we make fusion bombs; we stepped on a journey at a point where we knew that fire is made by wooden friction and reached in that journey on a point where we know all fundamental forces of nature are ONE and they seem differently under different conditions. It was a long journey. But at the initial point of our journey we were living in a twilight zone where the Old ended and New started. At that time it was a critical point in life’s evolutionary march. It must have a very difficult period also. The Hominids herd divided into two: the old members went their way and ridiculed the New who frolicked with stones and claimed they were superior to the rest who did not know to do so. In fact, in practical terms, the majority was right for chiseling darts was not a great advantage over the old and proven strategy of superiority of number and of maneuvering in antagonistic clash. But the Old were proven wrong in long run. The Old did not realize the potency of experimenting and inventing and they are still left in jungles to fend for themselves for their mistake.

Today we are in a twilight zone again. Mind is offering a flicker of something higher than itself. This glimpse of Light - here and there, among scientists, saints, thinkers – is making our herd – Homo sapiens – restless. The air of expectancy is laden with heavy portents. Perhaps New Civilization is a cry of those who saw something new and of utility, an ability of Heart that is superior to Mind and is pregnant with more potential.

There are billions of individuals on our Earth. All are not alike in the state of their consciousness.

There are individuals who are not satisfied with the present state of things. Their MIND is in quest of the UNKNOWN. They are open to the MYSTERY OF UNIVERSE. They belong to New Civilization.

Then, there are others. Their HEART longs for the UNKNOWN. They are open to the MYSTERY OF UNIVERSE. They belong to New Civilization.

And, still there are others. They are fed up of the drudgery of repetitively meeting demands of their BODY and its Desires. Their body wails for the UNKNOWN. Their DESIRES are centered on KNOWING the UNKNOWN. Their MIND is in quest of the UNKNOWN. Their HEART longs to know the UNKNOWN. Such individuals are in extremely short supply on Earth - almost rare - but they are very much there on Earth. They are the pioneers of New Civilization. All these three kinds of people, put together, are in minority on our Earth and therefore New Civilization has not yet dawned on our planet. And the coming of New Civilization depends upon them. They are talking to one another today, as the members of splinter group of Homo Erectus must have had talked in the past to one another while trying to know more and to get victory over blind nature.

Also there are individuals who are satisfied in meeting the demands of their body and desires. Their mind is satisfied with what in known to them. Their heart is content with what it possesses. They are the pillars of old civilization. On Earth such individuals are in majority and therefore old civilization is thriving.

Is it possible that some of us, we human beings, are opened to the MYSTERY OF UNIVERSE for the first time? Is it possible that this REALIZATION of the existence of something that is mystery to Mind has occurred all of a sudden for the first time today among some of the members of mankind? No, it cannot be so. In the past of Homo sapiens, there has been a series of individuals who had a glimpse of the MYSTERY OF UNIVERSE and who tried to spread the same to other members of the herd of Homo sapiens. About 5000 years ago, Zurthustra of Zend-Avesta had a glimpse of this Mystery and tried to spread it. Some members of the herd listened to him, the thing was accepted by some and the level of collective consciousness was raised a bit. Then, about 2500 years ago, Lord Buddha had a glimpse of this Mystery and tried to spread it. It was accepted by some and the level of collective consciousness was heightened further. About 2005 years ago, Lord Jesus Christ had a glimpse of this Mystery and he tried to spread it to other members of the herd. Homo sapiens’ collective consciousness was further raised to new level. These are the well known cases of which mankind is generally aware. And, there are many more cases of individuals in the past of mankind who had the glimpse of this Mystery and tried to spread a word about it. And, then came a new creed - science - came on the scene whose avowed mission is to search TRUTH and whose avowed method of searching truth is to perform experiment and match its result with the hypothesis. This creed uncovered many secrets of nature and currently it is on its drive to uncover many more. It is bringing the collective consciousness of mankind to a point where lessons of Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Psychology, Para-psychology and all other conceivable branches of positive sciences are converging on a single point with lessons of Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ and all other great saints of the world. All these contributed in raising the level of collective consciousness of modern day mankind. Is the herd of Homo sapiens ready to accept this Mysterious glimpse as part of their collective consciousness? Has mankind reached a point where this glimpse could become an integral part of its consciousness? The time will tell.

Is it possible that people belonging to New Civilization get united? It is in the realm of future. Technologically, it is possible today. Internet is there to make it possible. But all such individuals are not wired. And many, for good reason, do not want to be connected.

What is the superiority of New Civilization over Old one? What are the current problems that our herd – herd of Homo sapiens – is facing? Our herd knows today that there is One and Single fundamental force operating in nature: the Unified Field. It also knows how to blow ourselves up in flames by realeasing the energy from the coils of matter where it is formetted by nature in unimagineably vast amount (E=mc squared). It also realizes that in the vast span of universal space we are a tiny speck, an island, blooming with life. It wants to know all that it does not know yet but knows that it must exist somehow. It also wants to reach out of our crammed Earth to other islands in our universe. There is a sense of urgency in the air. And also there is a sense of lurking danger around us. This fear is emanating from our own capability and distrust. What contribution can New Civilization make to solves these current problems?

With people belonging to New Civilization getting united as a single force and one voice, several benefits would accrue to mankind. Such people, once united, would have participation in taking decisions on Earth that are now being taken by nation-states. Then, there would be lesser number of wars, if not cessation of them. There would be then more peace on Earth than now. After all, New Civilization is to some degree higher than the old one on mankind’s evolutionary upward path.

Is it possible that individuals belonging to New Civilization get together as United Peoples Organization? Is it possible that they use New Civilization Network as their HQ?

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 An Overview of Charter of New Civilization Global Initiative (*)2 comments
category picture15 Nov 2005 @ 07:37
Updated on 24 Oct 2010

NEW CIVILIZATION, which may be able to resolve the irreconcilable differences of faiths, cultures, politics etc. plaguing our civilization – Old Civilization - may dawn on our planet only if collective consciousness of mankind at the present juncture of her evolutionary march is READY TO ACCEPT its (New Civilization’s) values as mankind’s own need and FEEL as if there is something hollow without them.

What are the values of New Civilization of which mankind may feel as if there is something hollow without them and therefore may become ready to accept them?

To delineate them a draft Earth Charter of New Civilization has been put in place by an international gathering of well meaning activists / intellectuals. This document is aimed at provoking our collective consciousness to open up and take a stand on the burning issues of our civilization. Most of these issues relate with the very SURVIVAL of mankind and with shaping her DESTINY on Earth. One and all are invited to take a clear stand – for or against – on these issues and become part of the process of CONSCIOUS evolution of human race at the present CROSSROADS of her destiny.

Earth Charter of New Civilization contains a definite number of BASIC PREMISES. An overview of these propositions is given here. The basic propositions of Charter are:

Charter is founded on EIGHT FAITHS (that relate to HEART) and THREE CONVICTIONS (that relate to MIND) of global citizens. Charter seeks to DENY the respect and dominant place to the Present Civilization and to GIVE the same to New Civilization, which Civilization seeks to accomplish FIVE OBJECTIVES of human beings.

The faith propositions are:
1. Planet Earth is our COMMON HOME.

2. We have inherited it only in TRUST for use in decent manner and not for spoiling it by our improper acts.

3. Earth is not only for OUR use but also for the use of all other life-species dwelling on it.

4. This trust casts an obligation on us to PASS ON this planet not in inferior health but, if possible in better health to SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS of human beings and to all other life-species that would overtake it from us.

5. All life-species are miracle, blooming flowers in Universe’s barren desert and sacrosanct in their right to exist. We human beings have evolved our MIND to an extent where we are able enough to realize that all these non-human life-species have equal right to co-exist with us. Unless these life-species pose a danger to our safe dwelling on Earth, they deserve protection and preservation at our hands.

6. All man-made disputes of any nature can be resolved by man. And man has evolved his MIND to that evolutionary stage where he can realize that it is in his own interest that these disputes are resolved in PEACE and AMITY.

7. All life is evolving on Earth. Human being is a product of this evolution. Evolution has not stopped with the advent of human being. The process is extremely slow – barely perceptible in thousands of years – yet the process is on. We human beings must accept that we human beings are not the FINAL PRODUCT of this process and our MIND is not the ultimate TOOL of exploring reality around it and in universe.

8. But we human beings have evolved us SIGNIFICANTLY and have MIND that is capable to explore the unknown universe, in both directions of scale – micro and macro. We can harness to our use the secrets of nature and her forces. This, our, capability enables us today, if we are wise enough and choose this wisdom, to CONSCIOUSLY shape our DESTINY. This capability makes it possible for us to shape the destiny of EARTH also. Human beings can make an impact even on the destiny of UNIVERSE.

The conviction propositions are:
1. Human beings are capable to destroy themselves. This capability is now PRESENT and they need only the DECISION to destroy. Any serious man-made dispute may act as a TRIGGER to take this decision.

2. Sustainable human-unity, if we achieve at the global scale, is the only EEFECTIVE and WORKABLE guarantee against the danger of self-annihilation posed by divided human beings.

3. This unity can only be established if we human beings realize that our INTERESTS are common, that the PURPOSE OF LIFE on Earth is common and that the DESTINY of human race is common.

Charter seeks to accomplish these objectives, which are in common interest of all human beings:


1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish survival not only of all ethnic divisions and subdivisions of human race living in different countries of the world but also of ALL life-species dwelling on Earth.

2. It seeks to secure this objective by ensuring that peoples of Earth stand on the side of PEACE and not war for any cause whatsoever.

3. It also seeks to accomplish this objective by ensuring that peoples establish on our planet GOOD ORDER and not anarchy under any ideology.

4. It further seeks to secure this objective by compelling all organized groups of human beings on Earth, whether organized under the banner of nation-states or of any other common human feelings, to DISARM themselves completely of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

5. New Civilization seeks to accomplish this objective of collective survival not only by persuading peoples in the world to observe self-restraints in their inter se relations but also by paying RESPECT TO NATURE and its ways through its conservation.

Secondly, FREEDOM:

1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish freedom of individual from any kind of oppression, whether it is of political kind or of the kind of economic, culture or social.

2. It seeks to accomplish this freedom of individual from oppression within the human organization of nation-states and also international relations of such nation-states.

3. New Civilization seeks to secure this state of freedom for individuals by ensuring that the human rights of individual are protected in the organized society of human beings.

4. It also seeks to secure this freedom of individuals by ensuring that the interests of organized society are guarded against criminals and anarchy.


1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish prosperity not only of one set of human beings (as against another set of those who remain poor) but of ALL.

2. It seeks to secure prosperity for all people by utilizing the TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS made by human beings. These advancements make it possible for human beings to REDUCE THE WORK HOURS for all those who are engaged in creating wealth. New Civilization does not permit utilization of these advancements to make a set of human beings WORK-LESS and to allow another set to ACCUMULATE wealth. Instead, it seeks to utilize these advancements to make available LEASURE-HOURS to all those who are engaged in wealth production.

3. It also seeks to secure this objective by utilizing SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of natural resources of Earth so that waste of these precious resources is avoided, there is no unsustainable exploitation of these resources and, on that account, no ecological imbalance is created by man.

4. New Civilization seeks to utilize these measures in order to bring efficiency in production and distribution of man-made wealth.


1. New Civilization aims at accomplishing UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind on Earth by promoting mutual RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY among them.

2. It also aims to secure this unity by promoting UNDERSTANDING with one another. (Refer to the contribution that may be made in this respect by the concept of RELATIVITY and FRAMES OF REFERENCE).

3. New Civilization also seeks to secure this unity by admitting that there exists DIVERSITY among different subdivisions of mankind and promoting HARMONY amid this diversity.

And fifthly and finally, ENLIGHTNMENT:

1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE.

2. It seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of MATERIAL SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what modern Physics and other branches of science have revealed to us, like our place in the Universal Time, Unity of Fundamental Forces of nature, Mirror- Images of OUR matter, Life and its Codes, convergence of all branches of science, etc. etc.

3. New Civilization also seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of PSYCHIC SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what psychic sciences are revealing to us, like Near Death Perception, Extra-sensory Perception, Life after Death, Planes of Consciousness, etc. etc.

4. New Civilization also seeks to bring enlightenment among human beings by encouraging them to always remain READY TO LEARN and OPEN TO CHANGE of one’s intellectual convictions.
NOW these objectives are sought to be realized in an effective manner by this ACTION PLAN:
1. These objectives are sought to be accomplished by a concerted but voluntary community action of willing individuals at local and global level.
2. Towards this end, the trans-position of allegiance of such willing individuals is sought away from their native nation-states and to NEW CIVILIZATION ZONES.
3. These New Civilization Zones are envisioned as small units of organized humanity, which are scattered across the globe, connected through information technology with one another and act collectively in unison.
4. Instead of owing allegiance to their native nation-states, these small units of collective humanity in New Civilization Zones would be bound by a common vision and feeling of belonging to one another for a cause greater than nationality .
5. To bring desirable change around them locally and in the world at large, these small human-groupings would act in global unison through their concerted actions.
6. In dealing with the now-dominating institutions of nation-states, these New Civilization Zones would act in consonance with the dictates of their common vision and feelings.
7. In their dealing with the now-dominant players on the issues of local and global ramifications, New Civilization Zones solely depend for their victory over them on the strength of their collective co-operative or non-cooperative actions.
8. New Civilization Zones would act as per the specific issues and stands by either extending their non-violent, collective and co-operating global helping hand to these now-dominant national and international players or by resisting them with their non-violent, non-cooperating global boycott.
I. What is a New Civilization Zone?
1. NCZ is a goal-oriented community. This goal is the conscious evolution of human beings. The tool of this conscious evolution is knowledge – this knowledge is in the form of science and technology. This tool – knowledge - helps the human evolution at their collective and individual livings. At the collective living, it is done by subordinating the desire-dominated man-made institutions to the dispassionate discipline of knowledge. There, it helps in planning efficient self-governance in every sphere of human activity. Such planning of self-governance ensures the saving of human-energy from wasteful social conflicts. This saved social energy, when ploughed back to the common benefits of society, provides people leisure-hours, high standard of life and peaceful life. These three things enable human beings to be free from daily struggle of life, be inquisitive to look into things around them and in their search for truth to turn towards spirit. This collective turning towards spirit helps the evolution gain acceleration. In this way, the community is helped by knowledge in providing more freedom to its members, enabling them to become more efficient in the matter of their democratic self-governance and thereby making them collectively available a cultural ambience that is conducive to turn towards spirit. At the individual living, a person is helped by knowledge – or science – in understanding brain, mind, paranormal phenomena etc. and helped to realize the existence of mysterious nature, spirit, their world and laws.

2. New Civilization Zones are visualized as democratic local communities of spontaneous growth born out of the need of time and gradually spreading all over the world. From their very birth, these communities are seen motivated by the spirit of rebellion against the organized immoral force of multinational business corporations operating in tandem with nation-states, which adversely affect individuals’ spiritual well-being and communities’ social harmony. These communities are seen pursuing in different countries vastly different localized objectives of their initiative but still they are seen globally a single force united in certain common and well defined basic principles.

3. One of the most important hallmarks of these communities is that they do not require an outside initiative by an external force for their birth and growth. They do not need the support of some conspiratorial organizational planning at national or international level.
In their birth they are seen spontaneous despite being geographically located in scattered manner in different places. In their growth they are seen multiplying in their location, number and power.

4. Also, it is seen as a slow social process taking place over decades, which may run into centuries to overpower the present civilization. This process is seen fuelled by today’s deep discontent of human spirit and her disapproval of inefficient and wasteful institutions of our civilization. This rejection on the part of mankind seems the sheer historical necessity of our times in the evolutionary march of mankind.

5. The smallest New Civilization Zone may consist of a few individuals but to survive it must grow further into a community. This Zone is seen as an embryo of a sovereign habitation of human beings governed by its own laws and far superior in quality of its institutions with reference to human-wellbeing in comparison to our present world’s political, economic and cultural institutions. They must grow out of their miniscule size of a few individuals to a status of democratically elected and self-controlling governments of villages, cities and eventually the whole nation. The key to their defense against the strangulation by the old world lies in their superiority of quality of life, of number of people living in these Zones and of their capability in knowledge and technology.

II. The basic principles of New Civilization Zones:

1. NCZ, a community empowered by knowledge:

The community puts the highest premium on knowledge and assigns a grading to different branches of knowledge according to their relative importance to human life. The top slot goes to the human spirit. In these zones individuals are guaranteed the peace of one’s inner life against encroachments by uncalled for economic and political intrusion. In these zones, persons leading their peaceful inner spiritual life are regarded a valuable social asset, as being the fountain of social morality and good of fellow human beings and in return of this valuable contribution by them they are guaranteed means of sustenance without any further demand by molesting them with economic and political pressures. The second grade of knowledge in importance is Science. Out of the best available stuff of community, which has no inclination to pursue spirit’s demand, would be deployed to study science and uncover the mysteries of Nature. Next to the first slot, the highest respect of the community goes to scientists. The fruits of their labor are not available for sale, inside NCZs or outside to the old world. The contribution in the form of edge-technology made by the scientists is exclusively community’s asset, which would be a closely guarded community’s secret (and would be an important element in defending the community against coercion by the outside – old – world). In return for this valuable social contribution, these people would be guaranteed the best of the available means of life’s sustenance. The third slot in importance goes to commercial activities. These activities may be planned by the scientists so as to sub serve the best interests (mind the grading here) of people and would include elements of planned production, distribution and consumption. The rest of the community that is not able to come up to the first three grading would be a valuable human resource to be deployed that may be needed by the community in pursuit of its first three goals.

2. NCZ, a community of more freedom:

The zones are able to provide more economic freedom to individuals by eliminating the immoral element of cornering profits by those who plan and control economic engine in the old world. This is done by planning the three basic elements of economy: production; distribution; and consumption. The consumption element is guided by informed incentive; distribution element is controlled by community; and production element is planned to meet consumption- needs by scientific combination of human and natural resources for optimum output (no wastage of human-energy in the form of unemployment etc. finds place in these NCZs). In NCZs production is a creative enjoyment. These communities are also able to provide more political freedom by employing the information-technology in constantly expressing the will of people in the matter of self-governance. These zones would be transparently self-governed by the available technology and zealously guard themselves against manipulation by money-power (which power would be under social scan and control). Also, these zones would transcend archaic monoliths of religions into the modern day systematic inquiry into things spiritual and thereby provide more cultural freedom.

3. NCZ, a community of fewer needs:

While the dissemination of information of whatsoever nature would be the backbone of these communities, advertisements to psychologically lure people to unnecessary needs would face non-cooperation and boycott of the community. Such activities would be starved of public's response and thus rendered meaningless for generating funds by promoting blind sales of articles of human use.

4. NCZ, a community ensuring its defense by expanding into and absorption of the
old world:
This growth and expansion are the sine qua non for the survival of these zones against the hostile old world. There is a plain truth expressed in these columns, which is long and consistently recognized by leaders of mankind in different ages. It is the force of this truth that would surely find resonance within secret chambers of hearts of billions of ordinary people throughout the world and get amplified over a period of time in the form of a compelling global demand by them for an alternative civilization. NCZs are nothing but this alternative civilization.

5. NCZ, a community owing allegiance to an alternative world and civilization:

By their very definition, NCZs are rival to today’s sovereign nation states. They aspire to absorb and eliminate the modern day nation states (which establish their hegemony by deceitful, immoral and brute force of violence and money, and suppress a justified human spirit’s aspiration for real freedom). These zones rely on the power of people as against that of state. They promote decentralized localism as against centralized multinational-ism. They assert the rights of individual over community, of community over nation and of nation over the globe that is united to usurp individual’s freedom. These Zones make their own political constitutions and laws to govern them as islands amid the ocean of this old world. They print their own local money to give them financial freedom, security and stability. They recruit their own social-volunteers to enforce their laws.

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 Announcement5 comments
category picture12 Nov 2005 @ 10:42

A Virtual Workgroup has been created to proceed and take required steps for preparing and holding Earth Summit of Peoples For New Civilization.

Membership of this Workgroup is open to all those who wish to join it and are willing to work.

An invitation is extended and request is made to all those who have been participating in the discussion and contributing in a significant manner by making enlighned comments and also to all those who happen to visit these pages to COME FORWARD and join the Workgroup.

This News Log will be used to report periodically about the success and/or setback of the steps undertaken by the Workgroup in the project.

Also this News Log will be used by me for writing articles at appropriate intervals and on relevant topics on the subject of New Civilization so that learned comments are obtained and background material is produced in the process.

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 Let's get down to the job of preparing Earth Summit.5 comments
category picture10 Nov 2005 @ 16:41

The work of holding an Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization needs a plan for its preparation. My suggestions are:

1. A proposal may be emailed with the attached draft Charter of New Civilization Global Movement to individuals, groups and organizations around the globe calling then to participate in Earth Summit.

2. A request may be made in the emailed proposal to confirm by return email the participation of the recipient and also to email further on the received documents (i.e. proposal and Charter) to her or his friends. Further request also may be made to the addressees to visit the web site of New Civilization Network for background material of the proposed Earth Summit.

3. An Online Public Record-Room may be created where public may view online the records of emails sent to and received from the concerned individuals, groups and organizations and particulars of the prospective delegates.

Is there any help available on these suggestions?  More >

 What is the difference between Old Civilization and New Civilization?14 comments
category picture8 Nov 2005 @ 17:48

We are lacking the very thing that is ESSENTIAL in our whole enterprize aimed at New Civilization. And that essential thing is to ascertain the DEFINING attributes of New Civilization. And, then we may compare these atrributes with the ones of Old Civilization to understand the difference between the two. Let us look at this issue.

The New Civilization cannot be founded on the ‘CLASSICAL MODEL’ (the term has been borrowed from the terminology of modern physics – and which very aptly applies to the subject we are discussing here) of today’s human thinking. We are accustomed to view and evaluate things in our world from our ‘RIGID’ POSITIONS. We have no inkling at all of the ‘RELATIVE’ character of our rigid positions that we human beings take on all the things we encounter in this world. There are almost always aberrations and unexpected outcomes in our interactions and of which we are unable to account for when we reckon them from our rigid positions of our ‘CLASSICAL’ way of thinking. We are very much ‘EARTH-CENTRIC’ in dealing with the universal scheme of things. We are very much ‘SELF-CENTRIC’ when reckoning things that are connected with faith and religion. We are very much ‘HUMAN-CENTRIC’ when we judge our place and position in the span of Universal Time. We are very much ‘PRESENT-CENTRIC’ when we judge of ourselves. We have no inkling even of the very obvious that we are judging of ourselves by ourselves. Our seemingly illogical aberrations in reckoning our relations are accounted for by giving a margin for the errors of others in adjusting and correcting the aberrations. We are totally incapable to visualize the ‘RELATIVE NATURE’ of our place, position and knowledge. We are conditioned to think in the ‘OLD CLASSICAL WAY’. We do not visualize that what we know today was not known to us yesterday and advance this historical experience logically to future to arrive at the conclusion that all our position, place and knowledge are ‘RELATIVE’ in worth.

The New Civilization cannot be made to rest on the old classical model of human thinking. All our aberrations and irreconcilable positions, which are the corner-stone of our Old Civilization, are resolved and put in their logical place once we apply the ‘RELATIVISTIC MODEL’ of human thinking. Our rigid positions become our respective ‘FRAMES OF REFERENCE’ and all our stands become true only relative to our frame of reference. With the help of this model we human beings are put in their relative place of Universal Time and Space.
Then, we get rid of human-centric frame of reference in evaluating the worth of our knowledge and logically accept that it is not 'ABSOLUTELY TRUE'. And, paradoxically, but which is day-like clear under the Relativistic concepts, it is true that all conceivable frames of reference are equally good and all judgments (of course,if the individual making the judgment is not committing a mistake or is not of insane mind) qua a particular frame of reference are 'ABSOLUTELY TRUE'. With the help of this relativistic Model, we are rid of earth-centric view of Universal scheme of things. Then, we are rid of man-centric view of life and its evolutionary destiny.

Let us apply these two models to the problems of our world. Our present civilization – Old Civilization – is plagued with the problems of faiths, cultures and political states.

Let us take the example of faith-anarchy gripping our earth. We shall not take other examples – of cultures and political states etc, here for dealing with them according to the two respective models. The example in hand may equally apply to other human problems of antagonistic nature that have defied mankind’s MIND - until Einstein uncovered the deep secret of nature – that is, the universal principle of Relativity. The Classical Model is founded on the premises that what you observe, if observed correctly, would be ABSOLUTELY TRUE. But Relativity has demolished the very basis of the foundation of this model. The universal principle of Relativity holds that all observations conducted while stationed on different FRAMES OF REFERENCE that are in motion relative to one another (in the case of human beings, individuals living life at different planes of consciousness) would not agree in their judgments and all would be TRUE. But they would be true with respect to that particular FRAME OF REFERENCE only and not universally. There is no way to find a universal stationary FRAME OF REFERENCE with respect to which all observations would be correct, except universal constant, that is the speed of light. With regard to consciousness we do not know what is that constant. After all MIND is merely a FRAME OF REFERENCE and it is not the ONLY frame of reference in the domain of Consciousness that is constantly evolving.

With the end of this article, I intend to cease for now serious and philosophical articles (unless the occasion warrants otherwise at appropriate intervals). All these articles are merely my opinion - but judgments drived from the observation made from my FRAME OF REFERENCE of Consciousness. I would be TRUE in my judgment and you would be TRUE in your judgment, though we both may CONTRADICT each other on the point in issue because we both are making oservations from different FRAMES OF REFERENCE of Consciousness. Such are the dictates of Relativity. Perhaps my opinion may be read fruitfully as background material for New Civilization Global Movement.

Now we must get down to the job of preparing Earth Summit.

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 New Civilization Global Movement: Some Suggestions6 comments
category picture7 Nov 2005 @ 14:27
What is possible today was not so yesterday and what is not possible today will be possible tomorrow. And tomorrow is on the way today.

I make the following suggestions for your consideration:

Comments from people pouring in on these pages may be converted into serious discussion rooms. These chatting rooms may be transformed into self-sustaining VITAL global nerve-nodes of collective consciousness of wired (Internet connected) mankind in both ways: content-wise and resource-wise.

Any help available for making it technically possible?

To make these global nerve-nodes of collective human consciousness full of substance CONTENT-WISE, the (draft) Charter of New Civilization Global Movement may be divided and subdivided into SPECIFIC subjects for discussion in these nerve-nodes. The Charter may be divided into following prepositions:

1.Earth is our common home.
2. We have inherited it in trust.
3. We have inherited it for our use and for the use of all other life-species.
4. (to continue)

Comments by a person should be specifically focussed on the subject chosen by her or him and be LINKED on Internet to the concerned subject-room. These comments should follow any of the three modes: they may explain and elaborate a proposition of the Charter; and/or they may stand in favor of the proposition; or they may stand against the proposition. The person making comments should strengthen the stand taken by her or him by the force of reason and logic and/or by the feelings of heart. Sometimes, heart has the force of intuition that is more correct than the force of mind and logic.

To make the global nerve-nodes of collective human consciousness self-sustaining RESOURCE-WISE, I suggest that invitation may be extended to persons of fortune worldwide to visit these pages of NCN to let them judge for themselves the importance of the work being done here and persuade them to make donations to NCN generously and without conditions. To initiate the process, I propose, let an invitation be addressed to Mr. Bill Gates (of Microsoft). ? Why not? He is a fine gentleman, he too has HEART and, of course, fine MIND to evaluate the worth of the NCN work.

Any help available on this count?

New Civilization Global Movement should not seek to question or compete with the established RIGHTS and PREVILAGES of nation-states or their apex body – United Nations Organization. Instead, it should interconnect the people globally and evolve a collective consciousness of mankind in support of the values contained in its Charter. It would eventually gather enough strength to force nation-states to pay heed to the collective verdicts of globally united people on issues that are critical for mankind’s welfare or, else, to reduce the concerned nation-state to universal ridicule, condemnation, global isolation and irrelevance to the marching mankind.

And, one more suggestion:
The global nerve-nodes of mankind's collective consciousness should be enabled to function SPONTENEOUSLY, that is, without any support from the facilitators or initiators of this process of global thinking, and these nerve-nodes should function round the clock taking note of each and every man-made event happening on earth.

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 New Civilization Global Movement - An Overview5 comments
category picture6 Nov 2005 @ 09:49
New Civilization Movement is all about the PEOPLE’S POWER in its ability to communicate with each other, its ability to organize itself, its ability to take initiative, to decide and to chart a new course of civilization for mankind as opposed to the POWER OF ORGANIZED NATION-STATES to do that.

Science and technology have made it possible for PEOPLE to do so today. Let’s go ahead.

Make the New Civilization Global Movement home page linked to Google, Yahoo and other search engines on the Internet.

Is there any help available on this count?

There is one suggestion for choosing words on the home page of New Civilization Global Movement. They may read something like this:

New Civilization Global Movement:
New Civilization Charter that stands for Collective Survival, Freedom, Common Prosperity, Global Unity and Enlightenment & holds Earth is our Common Home, all Life is Sacrosanct, Disputes can be resolved in Amity & not by Weapons of Mass Destruction, Destiny of Mankind is Common.

Is help available to correct it and link its each word to search engines?

Find a tag, a symbol that may be worn on person, displayed on houses, public places, vehicles etc. to symbolize that one belongs to New Civilization. (This wonderful suggestion has come from jstarrs)

Any help available on this score?
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 A call to hold Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization38 comments
category picture5 Nov 2005 @ 09:02
Updated 24 Oct 2010

I propose that a call be given through NCN web links to all those individuals, groups and organizations who are engaged in their own way to change our present world to bring a New Civilization to hold as early as possible an Earth Summit of the Leaders of New Civilization. The agenda of this Earth Summit should be to draw and adopt a Charter of Action For New Civilization Global Movement.
Here I am setting out a draft working Charter for consideration, amendment, if necessary, and adoption by such Summit.


NEW CIVILIZATION, which may be able to resolve the irreconcilable differences of faiths, cultures, politics etc. plaguing our civilization – Old Civilization - may dawn on our planet only if collective consciousness of mankind at the present juncture of her evolutionary march is READY TO ACCEPT its (New Civilization’s) values as mankind’s own need and FEEL as if there is something hollow without them.

What are the values of New Civilization of which mankind may feel as if there is something hollow without them and therefore may become ready to accept them?

To delineate them a draft Earth Charter of New Civilization has been put in place by an international gathering of well meaning activists / intellectuals. This document is aimed at provoking our collective consciousness to open up and take a stand on the burning issues of our civilization. Most of these issues relate with the very SURVIVAL of mankind and with shaping her DESTINY on Earth. One and all are invited to take a clear stand – for or against – on these issues and become part of the process of CONSCIOUS evolution of human race at the present CROSSROADS of her destiny.

Earth Charter of New Civilization contains a definite number of BASIC PREMISES. An overview of these propositions is given here. The basic propositions of Charter are:

Charter is founded on EIGHT FAITHS (that relate to HEART) and THREE CONVICTIONS (that relate to MIND) of global citizens. Charter seeks to DENY the respect and dominant place to the Present Civilization and to GIVE the same to New Civilization, which Civilization seeks to accomplish FIVE OBJECTIVES of human beings.

The faith propositions are:
1. Planet Earth is our COMMON HOME.

2. We have inherited it only in TRUST for use in decent manner and not for spoiling it by our improper acts.

3. Earth is not only for OUR use but also for the use of all other life-species dwelling on it.

4. This trust casts an obligation on us to PASS ON this planet not in inferior health but, if possible in better health to SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS of human beings and to all other life-species that would overtake it from us.

5. All life-species are miracle, blooming flowers in Universe’s barren desert and sacrosanct in their right to exist. We human beings have evolved our MIND to an extent where we are able enough to realize that all these non-human life-species have equal right to co-exist with us. Unless these life-species pose a danger to our safe dwelling on Earth, they deserve protection and preservation at our hands.

6. All man-made disputes of any nature can be resolved by man. And man has evolved his MIND to that evolutionary stage where he can realize that it is in his own interest that these disputes are resolved in PEACE and AMITY.

7. All life is evolving on Earth. Human being is a product of this evolution. Evolution has not stopped with the advent of human being. The process is extremely slow – barely perceptible in thousands of years – yet the process is on. We human beings must accept that we human beings are not the FINAL PRODUCT of this process and our MIND is not the ultimate TOOL of exploring reality around it and in universe.

8. But we human beings have evolved us SIGNIFICANTLY and have MIND that is capable to explore the unknown universe, in both directions of scale – micro and macro. We can harness to our use the secrets of nature and her forces. This, our, capability enables us today, if we are wise enough and choose this wisdom, to CONSCIOUSLY shape our DESTINY. This capability makes it possible for us to shape the destiny of EARTH also. Human beings can make an impact even on the destiny of UNIVERSE.

The conviction propositions are:
1. Human beings are capable to destroy themselves. This capability is now PRESENT and they need only the DECISION to destroy. Any serious man-made dispute may act as a TRIGGER to take this decision.

2. Sustainable human-unity, if we achieve at the global scale, is the only EEFECTIVE and WORKABLE guarantee against the danger of self-annihilation posed by divided human beings.

3. This unity can only be established if we human beings realize that our INTERESTS are common, that the PURPOSE OF LIFE on Earth is common and that the DESTINY of human race is common.

Charter seeks to accomplish these objectives, which are in common interest of all human beings:


1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish survival not only of all ethnic divisions and subdivisions of human race living in different countries of the world but also of ALL life-species dwelling on Earth.

2. It seeks to secure this objective by ensuring that peoples of Earth stand on the side of PEACE and not war for any cause whatsoever.

3. It also seeks to accomplish this objective by ensuring that peoples establish on our planet GOOD ORDER and not anarchy under any ideology.

4. It further seeks to secure this objective by compelling all organized groups of human beings on Earth, whether organized under the banner of nation-states or of any other common human feelings, to DISARM themselves completely of the WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

5. New Civilization seeks to accomplish this objective of collective survival not only by persuading peoples in the world to observe self-restraints in their inter se relations but also by paying RESPECT TO NATURE and its ways through its conservation.

Secondly, FREEDOM:

1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish freedom of individual from any kind of oppression, whether it is of political kind or of the kind of economic, culture or social.

2. It seeks to accomplish this freedom of individual from oppression within the human organization of nation-states and also international relations of such nation-states.

3. New Civilization seeks to secure this state of freedom for individuals by ensuring that the human rights of individual are protected in the organized society of human beings.

4. It also seeks to secure this freedom of individuals by ensuring that the interests of organized society are guarded against criminals and anarchy.


1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish prosperity not only of one set of human beings (as against another set of those who remain poor) but of ALL.

2. It seeks to secure prosperity for all people by utilizing the TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS made by human beings. These advancements make it possible for human beings to REDUCE THE WORK HOURS for all those who are engaged in creating wealth. New Civilization does not permit utilization of these advancements to make a set of human beings WORK-LESS and to allow another set to ACCUMULATE wealth. Instead, it seeks to utilize these advancements to make available LEASURE-HOURS to all those who are engaged in wealth production.

3. It also seeks to secure this objective by utilizing SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT of natural resources of Earth so that waste of these precious resources is avoided, there is no unsustainable exploitation of these resources and, on that account, no ecological imbalance is created by man.

4. New Civilization seeks to utilize these measures in order to bring efficiency in production and distribution of man-made wealth.


1. New Civilization aims at accomplishing UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind on Earth by promoting mutual RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY among them.

2. It also aims to secure this unity by promoting UNDERSTANDING with one another. (Refer to the contribution that may be made in this respect by the concept of RELATIVITY and FRAMES OF REFERENCE).

3. New Civilization also seeks to secure this unity by admitting that there exists DIVERSITY among different subdivisions of mankind and promoting HARMONY amid this diversity.

And fifthly and finally, ENLIGHTNMENT:

1. New Civilization seeks to accomplish enlightenment of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE.

2. It seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of MATERIAL SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what modern Physics and other branches of science have revealed to us, like our place in the Universal Time, Unity of Fundamental Forces of nature, Mirror- Images of OUR matter, Life and its Codes, convergence of all branches of science, etc. etc.

3. New Civilization also seeks to encourage them to imbibe the knowledge of PSYCHIC SCIENCE. It encourages them to learn and know what psychic sciences are revealing to us, like Near Death Perception, Extra-sensory Perception, Life after Death, Planes of Consciousness, etc. etc.

4. New Civilization also seeks to bring enlightenment among human beings by encouraging them to always remain READY TO LEARN and OPEN TO CHANGE of one’s intellectual convictions.
NOW these objectives are sought to be realized in an effective manner by this ACTION PLAN:
1. These objectives are sought to be accomplished by a concerted but voluntary community action of willing individuals at local and global level.
2. Towards this end, the trans-position of allegiance of such willing individuals is sought away from their native nation-states and to NEW CIVILIZATION ZONES.
3. These New Civilization Zones are envisioned as small units of organized humanity, which are scattered across the globe, connected through information technology with one another and act collectively in unison.
4. Instead of owing allegiance to their native nation-states, these small units of collective humanity in New Civilization Zones would be bound by a common vision and feeling of belonging to one another for a cause greater than nationality .
5. To bring desirable change around them locally and in the world at large, these small human-groupings would act in global unison through their concerted actions.
6. In dealing with the now-dominating institutions of nation-states, these New Civilization Zones would act in consonance with the dictates of their common vision and feelings.
7. In their dealing with the now-dominant players on the issues of local and global ramifications, New Civilization Zones solely depend for their victory over them on the strength of their collective co-operative or non-cooperative actions.
8. New Civilization Zones would act as per the specific issues and stands by either extending their non-violent, collective and co-operating global helping hand to these now-dominant national and international players or by resisting them with their non-violent, non-cooperating global boycott.
I. What is a New Civilization Zone?
1. NCZ is a goal-oriented community. This goal is the conscious evolution of human beings. The tool of this conscious evolution is knowledge – this knowledge is in the form of science and technology. This tool – knowledge - helps the human evolution at their collective and individual livings. At the collective living, it is done by subordinating the desire-dominated man-made institutions to the dispassionate discipline of knowledge. There, it helps in planning efficient self-governance in every sphere of human activity. Such planning of self-governance ensures the saving of human-energy from wasteful social conflicts. This saved social energy, when ploughed back to the common benefits of society, provides people leisure-hours, high standard of life and peaceful life. These three things enable human beings to be free from daily struggle of life, be inquisitive to look into things around them and in their search for truth to turn towards spirit. This collective turning towards spirit helps the evolution gain acceleration. In this way, the community is helped by knowledge in providing more freedom to its members, enabling them to become more efficient in the matter of their democratic self-governance and thereby making them collectively available a cultural ambience that is conducive to turn towards spirit. At the individual living, a person is helped by knowledge – or science – in understanding brain, mind, paranormal phenomena etc. and helped to realize the existence of mysterious nature, spirit, their world and laws.

2. New Civilization Zones are visualized as democratic local communities of spontaneous growth born out of the need of time and gradually spreading all over the world. From their very birth, these communities are seen motivated by the spirit of rebellion against the organized immoral force of multinational business corporations operating in tandem with nation-states, which adversely affect individuals’ spiritual well-being and communities’ social harmony. These communities are seen pursuing in different countries vastly different localized objectives of their initiative but still they are seen globally a single force united in certain common and well defined basic principles.

3. One of the most important hallmarks of these communities is that they do not require an outside initiative by an external force for their birth and growth. They do not need the support of some conspiratorial organizational planning at national or international level.
In their birth they are seen spontaneous despite being geographically located in scattered manner in different places. In their growth they are seen multiplying in their location, number and power.

4. Also, it is seen as a slow social process taking place over decades, which may run into centuries to overpower the present civilization. This process is seen fuelled by today’s deep discontent of human spirit and her disapproval of inefficient and wasteful institutions of our civilization. This rejection on the part of mankind seems the sheer historical necessity of our times in the evolutionary march of mankind. The force of human spirit fuels NCZs. What is important is the power of the fuelling force that will propel mankind towards this change. Spirit of human being is caged, bonded, strangulated and humiliated today by our world - this brute civilization - not because this world has no means to allow her to express fully - a joyous living - but because it does not care to listen her voice. It has no value for the human spirit and her wailings for real freedom, which she badly needs to go further and which this world - our civilization - has the means to afford. The force of human spirit is undefeated one; the New Civilization would be ushered in by Time; New Civilization Zones would be brought into existence by this rebellious human spirit. It is only a matter of time. This civilization - the totally dishonest one in its pretentions of providing liberty to human beings - is not immortal; it has no inner strength; it is glittering outside and hollow within.
5. The smallest New Civilization Zone may consist of a few individuals but to survive it must grow further into a community. This Zone is seen as an embryo of a sovereign habitation of human beings governed by its own laws and far superior in quality of its institutions with reference to human-wellbeing in comparison to our present world’s political, economic and cultural institutions. They must grow out of their miniscule size of a few individuals to a status of democratically elected and self-controlling governments of villages, cities and eventually the whole nation. The key to their defense against the strangulation by the old world lies in their superiority of quality of life, of number of people living in these Zones and of their capability in knowledge and technology.

II. The basic principles of New Civilization Zones:

1. NCZ, a community empowered by knowledge:

The community puts the highest premium on knowledge and assigns a grading to different branches of knowledge according to their relative importance to human life. The top slot goes to the human spirit. In these zones individuals are guaranteed the peace of one’s inner life against encroachments by uncalled for economic and political intrusion. In these zones, persons leading their peaceful inner spiritual life are regarded a valuable social asset, as being the fountain of social morality and good of fellow human beings and in return of this valuable contribution by them they are guaranteed means of sustenance without any further demand by molesting them with economic and political pressures. The second grade of knowledge in importance is Science. Out of the best available stuff of community, which has no inclination to pursue spirit’s demand, would be deployed to study science and uncover the mysteries of Nature. Next to the first slot, the highest respect of the community goes to scientists. The fruits of their labor are not available for sale, inside NCZs or outside to the old world. The contribution in the form of edge-technology made by the scientists is exclusively community’s asset, which would be a closely guarded community’s secret (and would be an important element in defending the community against coercion by the outside – old – world). In return for this valuable social contribution, these people would be guaranteed the best of the available means of life’s sustenance. The third slot in importance goes to commercial activities. These activities may be planned by the scientists so as to sub serve the best interests (mind the grading here) of people and would include elements of planned production, distribution and consumption. The rest of the community that is not able to come up to the first three grading would be a valuable human resource to be deployed that may be needed by the community in pursuit of its first three goals.

2. NCZ, a community of more freedom:

The zones are able to provide more economic freedom to individuals by eliminating the immoral element of cornering profits by those who plan and control economic engine in the old world. This is done by planning the three basic elements of economy: production; distribution; and consumption. The consumption element is guided by informed incentive; distribution element is controlled by community; and production element is planned to meet consumption- needs by scientific combination of human and natural resources for optimum output (no wastage of human-energy in the form of unemployment etc. finds place in these NCZs). In NCZs production is a creative enjoyment. These communities are also able to provide more political freedom by employing the information-technology in constantly expressing the will of people in the matter of self-governance. These zones would be transparently self-governed by the available technology and zealously guard themselves against manipulation by money-power (which power would be under social scan and control). Also, these zones would transcend archaic monoliths of religions into the modern day systematic inquiry into things spiritual and thereby provide more cultural freedom.

3. NCZ, a community of fewer needs:

While the dissemination of information of whatsoever nature would be the backbone of these communities, advertisements to psychologically lure people to unnecessary needs would face non-cooperation and boycott of the community. Such activities would be starved of public's response and thus rendered meaningless for generating funds by promoting blind sales of articles of human use.

4. NCZ, a community ensuring its defense by expanding into and absorption of the
old world:
This growth and expansion are the sine qua non for the survival of these zones against the hostile old world. There is a plain truth expressed in these columns, which is long and consistently recognized by leaders of mankind in different ages. It is the force of this truth that would surely find resonance within secret chambers of hearts of billions of ordinary people throughout the world and get amplified over a period of time in the form of a compelling global demand by them for an alternative civilization. NCZs are nothing but this alternative civilization.

5. NCZ, a community owing allegiance to an alternative world and civilization:

By their very definition, NCZs are rival to today’s sovereign nation states. They aspire to absorb and eliminate the modern day nation states (which establish their hegemony by deceitful, immoral and brute force of violence and money, and suppress a justified human spirit’s aspiration for real freedom). These zones rely on the power of people as against that of state. They promote decentralized localism as against centralized multinational-ism. They assert the rights of individual over community, of community over nation and of nation over the globe that is united to usurp individual’s freedom. These Zones make their own political constitutions and laws to govern them as islands amid the ocean of this old world. They print their own local money to give them financial freedom, security and stability. They recruit their own social-volunteers to enforce their laws.
For reading more articles like this one, visit IPC website here  More >

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Our apparently glittering civilization, with all its marvelous achievements, is hollow deep within and a new civilization, that would be richer in inner content, is striving to be born to take the place of the old one. The propelling force of this process is the 'PLEASURE' of man and the pleasure of a man is better than the pleasure of a pig, because man is never satisfied with himself and he longs to know the unknown while a pig is preoccupied with self-indulgence and satisfied with its existence.

Previous entries
  • Standard of development in New Civilization

  • 2007-02-19
  • A call to create New Civilization Zones !

  • 2007-02-03
  • Hey rebel ! get free of the cobweb !!

  • 2007-02-01
  • The document is complete: a Primer of New Civilization

  • 2007-01-27
  • Culture of New Civ.: Global Agenda (PART TWO IS OVER)

  • 2007-01-14
  • Culture of New Civilization: Shifting of the focus

  • 2007-01-05
  • Culture of New Civilization: Transformation of science

  • 2006-12-24
  • Culture of New Civilization: Interrelation of faith and science

  • 2006-12-21
  • Culture of New Civilization: Foundation

  • 2006-12-11
  • Culture of New Civilization: (1) Preliminary

  • 2006-11-04
  • Economics of New Civ.: Management of human self-governance

  • 2006-10-19
  • In the interregnum: A reminder and an appeal

  • 2006-10-14
  • Continued: Application of technology to democracy and economy

  • 2006-08-27
  • Glorious task of New civ.:Let machine offer 23 hrs. leisure to mankind

  • 2006-08-05
  • Economics of New Civ.: Role of Machine: It 'Use' and 'Misuse'

  • 2006-08-04
  • Economics of New Civ.: Not Capitalism ! Not Socialism either !!

  • 2006-08-03
  • Economics of New Civ.: Would it by-pass the ills of Capitalism and Communism?

  • 2006-07-30
  • Economics of New Civ.: Marxist Dialectics, Communism and Perpetual Revolution

  • 2006-07-26
  • Economics of New civ.: Hegel, Karl Marx, dialectics and Communism

  • 2006-07-25
  • Economics of New Civilization

  • 2006-07-22
  • History of New Civ. and evolutionary agenda of Mankind

  • 2006-04-13
  • Cardinal place of Eternal Truth in New Civ: Buddha on Deathbed
  • Place of Buddha in New Civ: Past would repeat in future in new form
  • Historical elements of New Civ: Lord Buddha's determination to know the secret

  • 2006-04-03
  • Historical elements of New Civ: Lord Buddha's Firm determination

  • 2006-03-09
  • New Civilization: History: Birth and early life of Buddha:

  • 2006-03-05
  • New Civilization: History (5): Lord Buddha: Transcient World

  • 2006-03-02
  • New Civilization: History (4): Lord Jesus Christ: Why be Childlike?

  • 2006-02-28
  • New Civilization: History (3): Lord Jesus Christ: Be childlike: Key to secrets

  • 2006-02-19
  • New Civilization: History (2): Early followers of Lord Jesus Christ (100 AD)

  • 2006-02-15
  • New Civilization: History (1): Lord Jesus Christ

  • 2006-02-11
  • Verification of realty: Scientific experiment, hypothesis, theory & law
  • PART TWO: History and Economics of New Civilization

  • 2006-01-30
  • Do you want your name included in the list? List would be upgraded time to time

  • 2006-01-23
  • An Open Personal Letter and Apology

  • 2006-01-21
  • New Civilization: Inlellectual Fundamentals (last article on Enlightenment)

  • 2006-01-15
  • Deep Down the Heart: the seed of New Civilization
  • Immortality: Thought-body of human beings

  • 2006-01-10
  • Immortality: Desires: Desires' subtle body: Release after death

  • 2006-01-08
  • Immortality: Physical Body of Human Being

  • 2006-01-01
  • Birth, Death and Recycling of parapsychological constituents of 'Personality'.

  • 2005-12-31
  • Three dimensional Cubes of the Consciousness of Body, Desires and Mind

  • 2005-12-28
  • Who am

  • 2005-12-26
  • Enlightenment (4): Exploration Within - Hierarchy of Worlds

  • 2005-12-19
  • Enlightenment (3): Riddle of Life

  • 2005-12-16
  • New Civilization: Enlightenment (2)

  • 2005-12-11
  • New Civilization: Enlightenment
  • Old Civilization: Summing Up
  • New Civilization: Mankind is one

  • 2005-12-07
  • New Civilization Global Movement: Introduction, Activities & Charter

  • 2005-12-05
  • New Civilization: its ambit

  • 2005-12-03
  • New Civilization: its engine

  • 2005-12-02
  • New Civilization: its Culture

  • 2005-11-18
  • New Civilization: United Peoples Organization? And UPO's HQ??

  • 2005-11-15
  • An Overview of Charter of New Civilization Global Initiative (*)

  • 2005-11-12
  • Announcement

  • 2005-11-10
  • Let's get down to the job of preparing Earth Summit.

  • 2005-11-08
  • What is the difference between Old Civilization and New Civilization?

  • 2005-11-07
  • New Civilization Global Movement: Some Suggestions

  • 2005-11-06
  • New Civilization Global Movement - An Overview

  • More ..

  • Articles (91)

  • Recent Comments:
  • Color Switch: Color Switch

  • 2016-10-17

  • 2016-10-01
  • cpns panselnas: cpns
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  • 2016-06-08
  • Best Source: Youre so cool!
  • Best Source: Spot on
  • Best Source: You made

  • 2016-04-29
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
  • Bandar Togel: brilliant! I would like to share this ar
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