FlemmingLeer´s english blog    
 CIA: Iran has no nuclear weapons programs5 comments
category picture25 Nov 2006 @ 19:09
Seymour Hersh has written a new revealing story about Iran and nuclear weapons. CIA has found no evidence of a secret weapons program.  More >

 declaration of blogocracy4 comments
category picture21 Oct 2005 @ 19:01
A turn for the better for blogs and democracy  More >

 Witch hunt in Denmark for1 comment
category picture13 Aug 2005 @ 07:44

Yesterday a Danish city court in Copenhagen deemed a message for appeal from opror.net to be removed. The reason was that the court thinks it is a violation of the anti terror act.

Read more about it here in english:
Witch hunt for "terrorists" in Denmark: Who's next?

You can still read the appeal in english in Googles cache here:
Appeal from ‘Rebellion’ (Denmark) to European movements may 28th 2005  More >

 EUropeans protests against data retention0 comments
category picture6 Aug 2005 @ 23:15
You can sign on the petition to protest against EU´s newest ideas to restrict freedom rights in EU.

About 18.000 has done it so far.

 Why we should be a nation(s) of workalholics ?3 comments
category picture20 Jul 2005 @ 21:31
If you take a look around the world politicians are more and more concerned about not enough work is being done. Ross Gittins of The Age in Australia came up with a startling clear reason why.  More >

 Tsnumani on Sri Lanka and a pair of glasses0 comments
category picture31 Jan 2005 @ 11:07
Amidst the big tragedy I stumbled across this thoughtful little story.

Danish newpaper Politiken.dk carved this out of all the turmoil.

During the Sunday 26th Father Charles of the Saint Mary´s Church in Matara held a ceremony. But during the ceremony he laid his glasses down on the alter.  More >

 13 year old survives 2 days afloat accompanied by Sea Serpents1 comment
category picture30 Dec 2004 @ 12:34
CAR NICOBAR, Dec. 29.— Her father had been washed away by the tsunami and she too was believed to be dead. Then came the miracle. She was washed back on shore from the sea where she had been floating since Sunday on a ripped off door of her home.  More >

 Sri Lanka: Where are all the dead animals ?3 comments
category picture30 Dec 2004 @ 12:05
In the wake of the perhaps biggest natural disasters in recent history one big question in Sri Lanka is asked:

Where are the dead animals?  More >

 del.icio.us - social bookmarks manager0 comments
category picture14 Dec 2004 @ 22:58

I find this one very interesting.

del.icio.us is based on a extension for firefox and let you browse other peoples bookmarks and it´s generated live.  More >

 What do I See?4 comments
category picture12 Dec 2004 @ 00:04
I was looking for a lost login for a site, but stumbled across this one from the celestine-l mailinglist contributed by MichaelS back in 1998.

What do you see, nurses what do you see?
Are you thinking when you are looking at me.
A crabbit old women, not very wise,
Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes.
Who dribbles her food and makes no reply  More >

 Warren Country Ohio irregularities0 comments
category picture8 Dec 2004 @ 10:28
Ming writes about a programmer who made a affidavit about vote rigging software in his newslog: Vote Rigging Program Story.

I started to search and found to my big surprise serveral big irregularties not only in Ohio but all over the country  More >

 Christian ad refused on CBS and NBC2 comments
category picture5 Dec 2004 @ 15:12
Sara Jenkins writes that CBS and NBC refuses to air a commercial from United Church of Christ (UCC).  More >

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address1 comment
category picture28 Nov 2004 @ 07:40
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.  More >

 Prime quote about why fear is rising1 comment
picture6 Nov 2004 @ 16:15
A society that believes in nothing fear becomes the only agenda. Whilst the 20th century was dominated between a conflict between a free market right and a socialist left. Even though both of those outlooks had their limitations and their problems at least they believed in something.

Whereas what we are seeing now is a society that believes in nothing.

And a society that believes in nothing is particular frightened by people who believe in anything.

And therefore we label those people as fundamentalists or fanatics and they have much greater purchase in terms of the fear that they instill in society than they truly deserve.

That is a measure of how much we have become isolated and atomised rather than of their inherent strength.  More >

 Soundmail Aphrodesia0 comments
category picture6 Nov 2004 @ 07:52
A new way of promoting music is soundmail. I received this one from the group Aphrodesia. The lead singer Yasmin had a major hit with ´Wanna Dance´ in the early 90´s.  More >

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News about how to Scatter Joy in the world today and what is else on my mind.
Spred Glæde - Scatter Joy c/o Merlin Dju

Previous entries
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address

  • 2004-11-06
  • Prime quote about why fear is rising
  • Soundmail Aphrodesia

  • 2004-10-29
  • The ever present mirror of fear

  • 2004-09-26
  • Couponchasers.com

  • 2004-07-15
  • Outfoxed: a look behind the curtains at Rupert Murdoch´s Empire

  • 2004-06-20
  • Eureka, maybe not !

  • 2004-05-26
  • 10 million americans have survived cancer

  • 2004-05-11
  • Job prospects for Denmark
  • Waiting....

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  • Recent Comments:

  • 2009-01-14
  • 北京翻译: http://www.bjzjfyw.c..

  • 2009-01-08
  • Joshua: this comment i felt was put at just the

  • 2007-09-18
  • chaiyah: Sea Serpents?
  • chaiyah: "Staged" conflicts, by & for Globalists

  • 2007-08-04
  • vaxen: America...

  • 2006-12-19
  • chinalhcz: sfafffa
  • sz4a: right
  • chinalhcz: Good topic

  • 2006-11-29
  • chinalhcz: :) like it

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