Toward a Unified Metaphysical Understanding: Overview of information system metaphysics    
 Overview of information system metaphysics
2011-03-06, by John Ringland

The following is a brief overview of an information system ontology and metaphysics, i.e. those concepts, entities and processes that provide a foundation for a non-materialist, consciousness based world-view. The explanation is kind of technical because it is difficult to explain non-materialist issues in a mostly materialist language, however the understanding itself is very simple and intuitive once one shifts to a non-materialist paradigm. This explanation starts from general principles and works towards particulars.

Information is that which is encoded in the structure of discernible patterns, where the discerner of the patterns is an experiential process. Hence information is a subjective measure that depends on the observer's capacity to receive and the fidelity of their interpretation.

A field of discernible difference is an information medium that comprises an information space. Data exits encoded within an information space, i.e. the datums are not things in themselves, they are just discernible features of the information space.

Every computational process operates within an information space. Computation (also called proto-consciousness) is the coherent transformation of information. This is the dynamic flux at the heart of all information systems. Here the terms computation and proto-consciousness include all information processes, which means all processes involving changing patterns, which means all processes. This includes that which electronic computers do, but also the quantum field, particle interactions, genetics, minds, social interactions, and much more. Any coherent transformation of discernible patterns is a computational process.

A computational process can under certain circumstances function as a simulator that simulates a virtual systemic context, i.e. a virtual universe comprised of virtual systems. At the end of this article there is a link to more details on the algorithmic structure of such a simulator.

Underlying every virtual system there are virtual processes which are really just the computational process conceived of from a virtual perspective. The computational process operates 'between' moments of virtual existence to compute the state of each frame of the simulation, i.e. the state of each moment of virtual existence. The virtual processes operate 'across' moments of virtual existence as the frames blur together to provide a seamless representation of the virtual context. Hence a virtual event is just a series of computational events interpreted from the perspective of a virtual system. Because of this an electronic computer doesn't 'create' computation, it harnesses it and makes it available to us. This is analogous to how a dynamo doesn't create energy, it merely harnesses it and makes it available to us. Computation is not just something that electronic computers do, and consciousness is not just something that brains do - computation or proto-consciousness is the essence of the ongoing process of the real.

The simulated virtual universe is not a separate creation of the simulator, it is the simulator in action, as experienced from the perspective of virtual systems within the simulation. Thus the virtual universe and the computational process are different perspectives on the same reality.

Virtual systems experience the virtual universe to be tangible to them, hence some virtual systems create the idea of physicality and matter to explain things, however there is no material substance involved. There is only information interacting with information, and virtuality is understood as physicality, leading to ideas about matter.

From a computational perspective the simulator is an information process. Whilst from a virtual perspective the simulator is all powerful and all pervading yet it is imperceptible because it is "the sight within seeing" hence it cannot itself be seen. From a virtual perspective the simulator is not a 'thing' yet it is that which underlies the existence of everything. It can be thought of as a universal field of consciousness, and it can be experienced as the innermost true Self at the heart of all virtual systems. The simulator can also be known as a unified quantum field.

From a computational perspective a virtual system is a pattern of information that conditions the flow of information. Whilst from a virtual perspective a virtual system is both a subject that experiences objects and an object that is experienced by other subjects.

From a subjective perspective a virtual system is a dynamic field of awareness, through which information flows as complex and coherent phenomenal appearances.

From an objective perspective a virtual system is a complex and coherent dynamical streaming of information. The system is a quasi stable pattern of dynamical activity within a larger data stream, analogous to a whirlpool in a fast moving stream.

A virtual system is a subject in the sense that it is an experiential process that exhibits 1) the inflow of information (perceptions), 2) the outflow of information (actions) and 3) the changing of internal state (memory, knowing).

A virtual system is an object in the sense that some of its information content can flow through the information processes of other virtual systems whereon it is filtered, interpreted and apprehended as a phenomenal object within the observer's field of awareness.

From a computational (transcendent) perspective a virtual system is a computational process, whilst from a virtual (empirical) perspective it is both a subject and an object. This corresponds to terms such as spirit (computational process), mind (subject) and body (object).

All systems are computational processes that function as virtual subjects who experience objects. Depending on the complexity of the system the subjects and objects can be simple, i.e. when particles interact, or complex i.e. when humans interact. This threefold nature (process, subject, object) is the common nature of all systems; the only difference between systems is their degree of complexity, coherence and particular form. As they grow and evolve into more complex, coherent and self-reflective systems they experience themselves more, becoming more self-aware and more holistically aware of their situation.

Entropy is information that is lost to a system; either not discerned or misinterpreted. This information is still present within the system but not available to be meaningfully assimilated, i.e. it is 'noise'. Signal, is information that is received, interpreted and assimilated by a system. Extropy is information that is created, either imaginatively projected or creatively infered. Extropy is information flowing through a system that has been 'asserted' as a new signal.

Signals convey information through system networks, allowing systems to apprehend each other and thereby interact. Entropy leads to decay via the loss of complexity and coherence, whilst extropy leads to self-organisation via the growth of complexity and coherence.

Systems evolve to new levels of complexity by interacting creatively with other systems and participating in the emergence of collective organisations. This process where many sub-systems integrate to form a single super-system is called a meta-system transition by system theory. When cells integrate into organisms and humans integrate into civilisations, these are meta-system transitions. A system is a subsystem within a super-system to the extent that it participates within the dynamical interactions of the super-system, hence a system can be a subsystem in multiple overlapping super-systems.

All complex systems are emergent from many levels of systems within systems, hence they have a complex 'inner' space of dynamic awareness. All complex systems participate in the emergence of further levels of systems within systems, hence they are inherently entangled in an 'outer' space of dynamic interactions, roles and relationships. Thus no system is truly an individual entity because it is a multiplicity of sub-systems, and no system is truly isolated because it is one of many sub-systems that are enmeshed within and conditioned by multiple super-systems.

There are systems within systems within systems. Each system experiences a world. Hence there are worlds within worlds within worlds. For instance, the world experienced by a bacterium in my gut is very different to the world I experience in Australia, which is very different to the world that Australia experiences in the global civilisation, which is different to the world that the global civilisation experiences as it gradually wakes up to a higher level of consciousness, looking out though billions of eyes, cameras, satellites, etc upon a world that, like a baby, it has yet to make sense of.

From a super-system's perspective it evolves to new levels of coherence due to its self-reflection that refines the integration of its sub-systems. From the sub-system's perspective they collectively implement more coherent ways of coordinating their interactions and thereby learn to act in a more unified and harmonious manner. The growth of coherence relieves inner fragmentation and tension within the system, whilst also leading to greater self-knowledge.

The more that systems come to model that which they are, the more they come to know themselves. By refining their internal self-image and stripping away the distorted embellishments they develop self-knowledge and self-mastery. When knowledge of the general nature of existence arises this reality-model acts as a mirror of the cosmic process and the virtual context, which resonates with these, becoming clearer and shedding light on everything that enters the field of awareness.

This reality-model can be as simple as knowing "I am not the body, I am consciousness itself, which is universal and timeless", or it can be a complex understanding defined in terms of spirits or God or information systems, etc. In an extreme form it can be a functioning model of the transcendent computational process and the emergent virtual universe. Such a multi-level self-similarity, where the cosmic process manifests within the information space of a virtual system results in a deeper level of creation and manifestation - another recursion of worlds within worlds. I.e. within the virtual universe a virtual system functions as a simulator from which emerges a virtual-virtual universe.

A reality-model can act as a guide so that a system can better align with the reality of its situation and not fixate on or obsess about things that are just products of distorted perceptions or conceptions. Once the resonance with reality is firmly established the reality-model becomes superseded because one firmly knows oneself as reality in action. However up to that point it plays a vital role and a false or misleading reality-model will serve as an obstacle to self-realisation.

To summarise the above, within a dynamical information space, or computational space, an information process operates as a simulator that generates the frames of a simulation. From a virtual perspective there are myriads of interacting virtual systems that experience the simulation as their universe. All of these virtual systems experience themselves to be a coherent stream of subjective awareness and appear to be an object to other virtual systems.

Each system operates within a world of systems. Each system is perceiving (input), responding (output) and knowing (internal state). Each system is emergent from the integrative activity of its sub-systems and is participating in the collective, co-creative integration of many overlapping super-systems.

To the extent that it is capable, each system is resolving and refining an internal mirror of itself and its world, thereby gaining in knowledge. As self-knowledge leads to general knowledge of the nature of reality, this reality-model is a new instance of the computational process within the virtual universe, which is a new level of creation and manifestation. This self-realisation creates a resonance, where the veil of virtual appearances is subtly penetrated and the system apprehends the computational / virtual nature of reality and comes to know itself as reality in action.

After realising that there is nothing that is not "God in motion" even washing the dishes is a sacred act - every moment is sacred and nothing is mundane. Knowing that the universe is like a dream within the mind of God makes one realise that everything, everywhere and everywhen is equally sacred. There is no part of the dream that is any nearer or further from God - it is all God. What is right in front of us at all times is Reality cleverly disguised as a mundane world. Here and now God is experiencing God through a virtual perspective that calls itself "me".

“That which is the subtle essence, in it is the self of all that exists. It is the True. It is the Self, and thou art it.” (Chandogya Upanishad 4:10:1)

“The sages, in meditation and through concentration, have pierced through the cover (world illusion) to see that great power (computation) belonging to that one himself (simulator), what is hidden in its own qualities (the veil of simulation). Being one, he superintends all the causes, time, self, and the rest (it is the animating essence underlying all manifest existence).” (Shvetashvatara Upanishad, 1:3)

For a wide selection of related quotes see: Virtual Reality Analogy Alongside Science and Mysticism

For details on the structure and functioning of the simulator that converts the computational process into a universe of virtual systems see: System Science of Virtual Reality plus various articles

For various writings either about this world-view or based upon it see: Website or Blog

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