Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Inspiration    
 Seasons Greetings
category picture20 Dec 2006 @ 19:55
I receive almost daily *messages of good cheer and tidings of joy from around the world; I also receive other messages of friendship from people who **contact me to let me know that they too seek peace on earth and good will toward men. I thank you all for your sharing this 2006 ****Christmas with me and I trust that you know the profoundly positive impact that your thoughtful communiqués have on my life. I am indeed rejuvenated with each such intimation as conveyed through my site at [link]



I also express my special thanks to Barbara Hartwell
for her continued support, even while she suffers from the painful effects of fbi and cia continuing assaults on her.

****Fractal generated by
Dr. John Hamal Hubbard
Dynamical Systems Laboratory, Cornell National
Supercomputer Facility and provided by


 Barbara Hartwell Is Back!
category picture11 Nov 2006 @ 15:09



Name: Barbara Hartwell
Location: Legal Defense & Research Trust, P.O. Box 7487, Ocean Park, Maine 04063

From Brownsville, Texas
December 15, 2006

For several years a former acquaintance whom I once briefly and mistakenly respected has been using various aliases to both harass me and to malign my good friend, Barbara Hartwell. The same person is now resuming such low minded verbal assaults on this message board. I am always at a loss to understand why talented men sometimes squander their innate gifts , thereby depriving the world of the good deeds that could have been offered.
For an article by Barbara Hartwell click here:
My tribute To Barbara Hartwell:

Aug 3, 2005
From about the time I first posted my story about the fbi/cia torture campaign to silence me until now , at least two individuals emerged from the seemingly intangible and infinite spaces of the internet to announce their considered belief in my reports: Giovanni Flores of Italy and Barbara Hartwell of USA. I paid tribute to the inimitable Giovanni on my site; now, I salute the truly remarkable (for her courage) Barbara Hartwell.

She came out of nowhere (to use a worn but true cliche) to befriend me when the fbi in Los Angeles, California, taxed my sanity to the limit with their sinister assaults and inhumane provocations. Barbara tutored me almost daily on survival techniques necessary to overcome the fbi's psychological operations.
Most of all Barbara offered me her friendship


and her understanding of the nightmare life thrust upon me, and for that I am grateful to my dying breath. I was never really able to do much to help Barbara in her on going battles with the punks and thugs of the fbi and the cia , due to the unending trauma that I was and am dealing with in my life as a result of rough and treacherous methodologies of these rogue and out of control agencies.

Today, I pray that all of God's forces touch graciously the heart and soul of Barbara to remind her that all the world benefits from her work and from her friendship to those under attack by the hooligans of the intelligence services of the United States. In return for her dangerous work on behalf of freedom lovers of all times , Barbara receives no tangible benefit. She continues to be harassed, assaulted and financially abandoned by the nation she served.
While Barbara could not be properly compensated for the losses she has suffered at the direction of the thugs and the assassins of the fbi/cia, she deserves a redress of her grievances; and even though she could never be made whole by efforts to address the injuries put upon her, she deserves the chance to try to gain some semblance of a normal life (i.e.: one free of torture.)
This nation will not see another of her kind anytime soon, and I am most fortunate to have had contact with her during my own ordeal. I hope that all who read this note will say a silent prayer for Barbara and be sure to include as I do regularly a heart felt 'THANK YOU BARBARA for all you gave in defense of liberty'. *The following article by Barbara [affidavit on political persecution] explains more succinctly the effects of fbi and cia assaults on this national treasure, Barbara Hartwell.
Geral Sosbee

[* The article is available at the above site.]
Thank you Barbara for l i g h t e n i n g our day:

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Barbara Hartwell, Gunslinger or Mudslinger? Refuting Malicious Lies from Ken Adachi

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.
--Albert Einstein


 How to Defeat the World's True Terrorists & Related Ideas
category picture18 Jan 2006 @ 22:40
Until the United States' terrorists and assassins are stopped in their tracks, the world cannot rest. Human beings are presently tortured, imprisoned and murdered by the fbi and the cia worldwide for no cause; this will not stop until the global population demands the surrender of the homicidal sociopaths who dominate U.S. political and economic policies. The concept that if the U.S. is let alone (or with its *puppet allies) to be armed with nuclear weaponry in order to allow the rest of the world to live in peace is total lunacy. The United States used the nuclear bomb, threatens to use it again, and will in fact use it again to attack any nation which remotely threatens the U.S. stranglehold on the world.
Indeed according to Karl W B Schwarz (and others),"evidence is still piling up that they have done wrong for the past three presidential administrations in using depleted uranium weapons on Iraq twice, Bosnia and Afghanistan." *
See also for info on evidence consistent with this suspicion (scroll down page to 'depleted uranium'):
Consult with the individuals around the globe who have survived the torture camps now being run (in secret) by the fbi and the cia. Review the testimony of current Targets of fbi/cia torture campaigns for more insights on the barbaric and homicidal methodologies employed by the U.S. government at home and abroad.

Under the best of scenarios (as viewed from the perspective of non conforming-belligerent nations), however, the world cannot defeat the U.S. war machine. Any attempt to prepare to do so will be met with total destruction of the aggressor. Even today the U.S. has another weapon (other than conventional) which can theoretically wipe out, instantaneously, any cache or bank of unfriendly technologies which may pose a threat to the U.S. or its allies: the laser beam fixed in positon in outer space can accomplish this little task just fine (see world in a box at

The real issue , I think, is how to stop all weaponry on earth and space from being used and at the same time to afford all human beings alive some hope for peace and stability everywhere and for all time. The formation of a one world , one people Humane global government must be studied and proposed. The tyrants of any given country cannot be entrusted with Human Rights and Individual Freedom issues ever again. This means that the people of the world, not their respective governments, must embark on mankind's most ambitious odyssey: the journey toward permanent peace and harmony on earth and the uncompromising realization of Human Rights for all. This can be done; such a goal is not simply a dream. What appears as an unattainable dream is that the United States or any other government on earth will someday stop killing and torturing people and allow them to live in peace , mutual respect and love.

_*Note the following statement by Benjamin Netanyahu (in a paper on "Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic And International Terrorism", 1995)wherein he unwittingly confesses to the character and nature of American and Israeli intelligence groups and their associates globally:

"By its very nature, the inhuman method chosen by the terrorists to achieve their aim disqualifies the aim from the start as one worthy of moral support....the methods reveal totalitarian strain that runs through all terrorist groups....terrorists are the forerunners of tyranny."

The intel groups torture, imprison, terrorize and murder at will (and then subsequently brag about it) and anyone who challenges these fools may be targeted for death.


Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the peoples of the world, NOW THEREFORE SHOULD BE DECLARED AND HEREBY IS DECLARED A CRIMINAL AND ILLEGITIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated by all that is holy and graceful in the universe.

We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the militia, or any other government agency (or person) of the United States (or any other country) from dictating the terms of our surrender unto their authority, custom, culture, power now and for all times; in furtherance of this recognition, the world's population forthwith seeks to expose such dictatorial intent (and the techniques employed in support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing basis to protect and to defend the people of the world (now and in the future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN.


As people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee .
All of the torture tactics used by the fbi and the cia require analysis and discussion. Among other websites see.... [link] [link] [link] The failure of the global academic community to engage the topics included in the above listed sites reflects the decadent mentality of those who pompously and pretentiously presume to carry the banner of enlightenment for our civilization. Any questions ? geral sosbee
See Also:〈=en-US&mkt=en-US&FORM=CVRE9
See the above article in a different format at:
See Also:
*For evidence to support this statement by Schwarz see the following link from which this is excerpted:


And as evidence surfaces that Bin Laden had been making plans to go nuclear, some experts believe that in fact the US Air Force is deploying nuclear materials. Here is areport out of Australia on the use of weapons hardened with depleted uranium, a concern that surfaced in the Gulf War and later in Kosovo. I haven't read much about thisin the US presss:

Depleted Uranium Toxicity in Afghanistan

by Richard S. Ehrlich

"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - American warplanes are attacking Afghanistan with depleted uranium weapons which could poison combatants and civilians, especially children, according to U.S. officials.

"The possibility of radioactive dust storms sweeping across Afghanistan and polluting rivers has meanwhile sparked fears in Pakistan.

"The radioactive dust released by the impact of these weapons can easily get into the food chain and the water supply through the Kabul River in Afghanistan and thus into Pakistan's Indus [River]," reported Dawn newspaper.

"There are simply no contingency measures to brace people against such a disastrous humanitarian fallout," Dawn added.
------- --------- -----------
Torture Warrants and Law: Justifying Torture and
Making it Legal?
Rosemary Horton, P.L. Duffy Resource Centre,
Trinity College, Western Australia


 Prisons Abolished
category picture20 Aug 2005 @ 17:19
To the wealthy of the world (and to those who have a wealth of love for humanity): you are men and women in this life and in the next Gods as you join in the world's greatest adventure.
The object today is to free all prisoners in one prison (say, Folsom), then to use the same refined techniques (as gained from the enterprise) to do the same for all prisons and jails on earth until at long last our brothers and sisters are no longer caged and tortured by our misguided brethren. Any person confined for inability to stop killing, torturing and otherwise destroying human lives will need special attention. All the rest have the chance to participate in the emancipation of human kind from the grips of a raging and out of control tyrannical global regime which must be stopped.
Gather the richest philanthropists on earth, set a goal of a hundred billion for the initial funding, gain pledges of support from teams of lawyers, doctors, teachers and laymen (including former prisoners), etc., and set out on the most ambitious humanitarian project of all times, the goal of which is no less than to create a new civilization born from the highest ideals of mankind and from the kindred spirit (soul) that links us all together as one.
Do this and all the world will salute you, not just as the success of the mission becomes known in our time, but for generations to come as far into the future as one can possibly imagine. Put this idea into a supercomputer model, apply social, economic, and political implications that may be associated with such an endeavor, and note the factored results of your accomplishments in our very own world. God's Speed.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 22, 2006
Sosbee writes: Private prisons are an abomination and should be put out of business.
From the lcs site shown below:
LCS Corrections Services, Inc. is an industry leader in the development and operation of privatized correctional facilities. The company offers a complete range of prison and correctional related services to local, state, and federal agencies. "
See also info on Wackenhut:
For definition of "torture" see:

category picture5 Apr 2005 @ 17:58
Prepare your children (and yourselves) for the world as follows:

1)Value at once the teachings of God and a devotion to the protection of human rights, placing the survival of others as a priority interest.
2)Enter a chosen and beloved profession not for money or political advantage, but in order to fulfill the first interest stated above.
3)Disavow all material items that conflict with the first two items listed above.
4)Prepare the mind well in the chosen discipline and become the very best in that arena, or the very best that is possible.
5)Help the disadvantaged above all others.
6)*Listen to the cries of your brothers and sisters the world over, even if no one else is listening, and help them if you can.
7)Seek not the extremes of a comfortable life style until every human being on earth has a comfortable existence.
8)Seek out the **accused for friendship and aid.
9)Use the skills you have gained wisely and quietly to undermine the assassins and the terrorists of the world, especially those in the fbi,cia, or other government body.
10)Prepare to die, but live as though you will never die.
11)Lead in thought, and do not follow.
12)Accept hardship or comforts equally (in an emotional sense) and reject the temptation to exploit or to assault your fellow human in any endeavor ( business or personal ).
13)Where you fail in any duty to your fellow creature, do not be too hard on yourself, but never deny to your heart/conscience the truth of the error and the need to correct it.
See Also:
See also:

Finally, my friends, you and I entered this world as great works of divine creation; let us take care not to leave it as wrecked mental cases at the hands of the archfiends around us.
*"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation...", and must be prepared to be despised and persecuted, tortured and murdered for ideas. Susan B. Anthony

" I suspect that all the crimes
committed by all the jailed criminals
do not equal in total social damage
that of the crimes committed against them"
Karl Menninger, M.D.
The Crime Of Punishment
The Viking Press, NY, 1969

*"As for anyone stopping up his ear from the complaining cry of the lowly one, he himself also will call and not be answered" Proverbs 21:13

**Often, neurotic conduct may reflect attempts to escape from the madness of violence and crime put upon the Target.

"The laws are like cobwebs: where the small flies are caught, and the great break through"

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