Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Inspiration    
 Cops, cia & fbi are on an unfettered, murderous global crime spree in/for usa
category picture11 Dec 2014 @ 22:30

Cops/fbi/cia are on a deadly, unfettered crime spree in usa.
Posted by geral sosbee on December 11, 2014


Cops/fbi/cia to Americans, et al, on murderous police authority:
"Take it & like it and shut up, or we will just kill you."


Aaron Alexis,* Myron May, the list goes on to this very day:


Sosbee cautions, we are dealing with very dangerous cops/fbi who are in their own mindset, training & programming murderously corrupt & criminal. The peacemakers among us have no chance.
AMERICANS EMBRACE THEIR FBI/CIA/POLICE SERIAL KILLER PROTECTORS for now, but in the longer term this unhealthy state of affairs must be reversed.



Respect not cops (fed,state,local) who are influenced or directed by fbi and cia assassins.

fbi,federal/state/local cops team up to commit crimes. In the fbi's vendetta to silence, arrest, torture, force final exit, or kill this ex fbi agent, the fbi organizes elaborate schemes to bring all law enforcement down on geral sosbee.


Rapacious insult to inglorious injury:


* More on Myron May:

 All Prisons Are Run By Evil Persons, All Prisoners Innocent
picture11 Dec 2014 @ 17:02
The alleged crimes by 99% of all inmates, accused and convicted, foreign and domestic do not compare in severity with the atrocities committed by fbi/cia 24/7, globally. So, let my people go.

I live in the hearts & minds of those persecuted/imprisoned/murdered by the deranged sociopaths who dress in the attire of law men , or who otherwise drape themselves in the colors of our national flag (fbi, cia, nsa, dod, police).

Other corrupt cops, federal, state and local who should be in jail:

My sworn affidavit against fbi, 2007:


My sworn affidavit against US Postal Inspector and Texas DPS agent, 2014:


Evidence of crimes by UT police:


World in a box :

[link]  More >

 Performance sop & standards: geral vs. fbi assassins
category picture10 Nov 2014 @ 19:37
Report of  performances







Geral Sosbee:


 Sentenced by fbi/cia to a life of torture, abuse and struggle for sanity
picture26 Aug 2014 @ 15:57
See our summary report on exactly how the fbi/cia have destroyed America, even as whistleblowers and patriots try to notify the public of atrocities by these two evil agencies.
This report is co-authored by Barbara Hartwell:

As a result of my reports on the crimes committed by the fbi as I have outlined extensively on my website at [link] and as summarized in my affidavits which can be accessed at [link] , the fbi engaged in Mafia type operations to terminate me. I have personally experienced all of the events that are referenced below by Barbara Hartwell, and then some. The fbi has used every trick of their trade in efforts to end my life, or to imprison me. They failed.

Yet, in my efforts to survive I have come to realize that in the broader social landscape the fbi succeeds in frightening the people and imposing a police state on the American people. The fbi in concert with the cia (an equally murderous group of uncontrolled thugs- as Barbara shows us) now threaten the entire world by tactics similar to those we (Barbara & I ) document.

The responsibility for the collapse of our constitutional government must therefore be placed directly on the people of the United States of America, especially the ruling elite and the professionals who benefit most (temporarily) from the crimes against humanity that we expose.

Here is a summary of my life for the past twenty-five years; for the details see my data online at SOSBEE vs. fbi dot com.

After the initial decade of unfathomable assaults (physical & psychological) against me (beginning in about 1988, continuing to date by cowardly, underhanded & backstabbing fbi) I awakened to the reality of the nightmare facing me and I began my own resistence against the fbi thugs in about the year 2000. The fbi's dirty and criminal/felonious efforts to harm or kill me have continued 24/7, globally and uninterrupted since then to this very moment ( a twenty five year ladder of pain and suffering witnessed in large part by the congress & the courts). I was then and remain now in a struggle for life and sanity.

The following explication is borrowed from my friend Barbara Hartwell:


"As anyone who has come forward to expose government crimes and corruption (of whatever nature) knows, the price we pay is to be further targeted for extreme persecution, a neutralization campaign. The campaigns against Targets are highly organized and multi-layered. The criminal perps (government agents and their minions) will attempt to neutralize a Target by any and every means possible: Ruin the Target's good name with libel/slander. False accusations, false witness. Impugning the Target's sanity, falsely portraying him/her as "crazy". Set ups by outside agitators, and planting agents in the Target's life. Sabotage of family relationships, friendships, professional associations --in order to leave the Target isolated, without any support. Driving the Target into financial ruin, destitution. Theft, vandalism and destruction of the Target's property, including vehicles, to make certain the Target has no transportation.

*The perpetrators will do all in their power to achieve the end result of isolation, alienation, deprivation, and make no mistake: they have the vast resources to do their dirty work, and in their arrogance, believe themselves to be "above the law". Considering the general lawlessness into which this country has devolved, they can easily get away with their many and varied schemes and criminal offenses --including murder.

They will utilize the courts, the police, the social services, all of which are infiltrated and ultimately controlled by those far above them in the chain of command. Most people are unaware that this shadow government cabal has agents all over the country, in every city, town, even the smallest hamlets and villages. If this sounds "paranoid", so be it --but just wait until it happens to YOU, and see how quickly you have a change of mind.

When the Target tries to get help, or any kind of support, the people surrounding her/him will, one by one, one way or another, be stopped from providing it. The family, friends, neighbors, professional associates, may be threatened, or bribed. They may be told the most outrageous of lies about the Target, which keeps them from wanting to help. They may be told that the Target is "under investigation" by the FBI. As a result of the insidious machinations of the agents, the persons who formerly offered support (of one kind or another) may "blame the victim", and withdraw their support.

Often, the Target will not understand what is happening, at least at first. Aside from being extremely distressing, it can be terribly confusing. The Target may driven into a panic, asking himself, Why is everyone abandoning me? Why have I been betrayed? Why are all the doors slammed in my face? Why can't I get any help, no matter where I turn? Not even from my family, or from people I thought were my friends. What the hell is going on here?

However, when the campaign against the Target continues, month after month, year after year, it becomes clear: This is an organized operation. And the Target, being alone and deprived of all resources, may feel helpless to do anything to stop it. Consider what it's like to be alone, up against brutal persecution from the intelligence services, the government of the most powerful country in the world."


Recently, the fbi co-ops a retired female police employee (my neighbor in an adjoining duplex) to attempt to terrorize me and my wife over a period of a year as follows:

The neighbor plants large, live taratulas at my front and back doors, throws a dozen frogs into the back patio, sprays our patio plants with destructive chemicals, throws a dead animal with a bashed in head in the back patio, plants large moths in our patio, yells from her window every time I enter or exit, exits at all hours of night and day to walk in front of me and then returns to her unit. With fbi camera on (both in front and back of the property) and with a recording device on her person and property this crazy woman seeks a response so that the fbi can then file a complaint against me.

I am grateful to Barbara Hartwell for her many years of friendship and for her work to free mankind from the grips of the devil incarnate: the fbi/cia homicidal sociopaths and torturers (including their operatives, informants and sources/friends/associates). THANK YOU FROM MY HEART, BARBARA.

See my statements on the dilemma facing men and women as a result of the provocations imposed on them by the criminals who work for the fbi:


The fbi and all law enforcement in the USA are criminal enterprises which must be stopped:


and who better to stop the thugs than you and I!

See Also:

[link]  More >

 Barbara Hartwell/Geral Sosbee Report, Part 2
category picture13 Jun 2014 @ 02:14

  The Gaslighting of mankind, as perpetuated by fbi/cops
picture1 Feb 2014 @ 19:05
I have learned that not all persons labeled as 'criminals' are evil, while those who engage in the torture we speak of are all evil, but not considered by law as criminal. This means, I believe, that our civilization is dominated by evil individuals who are the real (though unacknowledged) criminals all around us. Thus, I wrote short pieces on 'Outlaws Are Better Men' and 'Violence As Virus.' The *'gas lighting' phenomenon is a form of violence perpetrated by evil person(s) who try to destroy the Target who is sometimes labeled in a derogatory manner; as many of us have discovered, the Target is the most sensitive, caring and genuinely magnanimous soul alive. I finally open my eyes to the fact that our TI community members here are combating evil and that we offer the greatest lessons to our society: that the cultural corruption globally is perpetuated by the gov, civic leaders, political figures, and often our next door neighbors because they are under the control of evil doers. Thank you and God's speed to all in our epic battle against evil.

Outlaws are better men:


violence as virus:








Spanish Translation:

[link]  More >

 Introduction To The Corruption Of The American Political System
picture15 Oct 2013 @ 15:54
A Primer on Modern Political Science in USA

See twenty years of my work in the links below for an insight into the political corruption of today's USA and the consequences thereof.



Overthrow of US government by intel community:




Alt Links on effects of collapse of constitutional government of United States of America:







Mind programming of populace and micro management of dissenters:



remote behavior influence technology:



torture & fear and brain entrainment:






chemical & biological assaults:




provocative assaults by street thugs:






False and fraudulent medical reports by MD:




fbi points a finger and cries, "...mass murderer..." :




Sentenced by fbi assassins and their secret courts to a lifetime of torture:


fbi counterintelligence program against me




corrupt, cowardly, incompetent courts & congress:




pursued by the hounds of hell:


subversion of a free press:




timeline of cia atrocities and control of free press:










USA unworthy to defend:








Yet foreboding 911 attack on USA:

[link]  More >

 Criminal Justice System Reform: Recommended Required Course For CJS Curriculum:
picture15 Sep 2013 @ 18:56
See my reports in the links below where evidence compels the nation to reform the CJS through curriculum, training and accountability of all law enforcement officers.

Title Of Proposed Course:

“Corruption of Culture and Concomitant Creation Of Police State By fbi’s Own Criminals And Their Cowardly Creepy Cronies In *Congress”





Summary of fbi crimes in efforts to silence me:


24/7 surveillance for two decades:


Assaults by street thugs/fbi operatives and police:


Fraudulent police "BOLO":


Assaults by high tech weaponry 24/7 and by bio-chem agents:





Home invasions & psychological assaults:


Strange , or assaultive behavior by many doctors, et. al., toward me:




Invasion of my body with chemicals and tracking devices:




fbi operative 'paint me doubtful' proclaims to the world that I am a possible "mass murderer":


fbi operative Monique Abu-Jamal, aka paint me doubtful, aka j. robert upyon, etc., invents wild murderous notions and fraudulently attributes same to me:


fbi operative tells me: "kill yourself":




Secret harassment program:


fbi stages a crime, plants my name at the scene, & causes police to pay me a visit:




Why 911! a few causes & failures:

For twenty five years I have been surveilled 24/7 and for ten years I have been tortured by DEW by the fbi assassins in their efforts to imprison or kill me.



My affidavit:



The Age of Madness:


*Congress corruption & fear of fbi:



After I published the above report, the fbi's CJIS *visits my site followed by increased DEW assaults causing extreme sleepy deprivation. This may me a 'punishment' type of reaction to my reports and has happened repeatedly before.

By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 153.31.113.# (FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems)
ISP FBI Criminal Justice Information Systems
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : West Virginia
City : Clarksburg
Time of Visit Sep 16 2013 12:35:29 pm
Last Page View Sep 16 2013 12:35:29 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL [link]
Search Engine
Search Words ken kaiser fbi
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]  More >

 Public Notice By Geral Sosbee, Attributed to fbi
picture28 May 2013 @ 14:15
We are the federal burro of investigation (fbi), the Jackass of the nation, the biggest, ‘badest’, meanest ass on the planet. Heehaw!

Don’t mess with us because we, together with cia, control the world’s most powerful agencies including law enforcement, military, courts, congress, administrative agencies, civilian institutions, and the general population.

We are American Intelligence and we use our advanced war machine to torture, imprison, murder our perceived enemies, or adversaries (foreign & domestic) at our pleasure worldwide. Some of our methods and practices include assaults with directed energy weaponry (DEW), brain entrainment, and mind control; all such advanced systems and activities are classified and we deny their existence and use.

The concept of plausible deniability is not needed any longer because we simply deny, and no further questions are entertained. Our medical doctors label as insane anyone who tries to publicize our secret weapons and technology; and we railroad into mental wards or prisons anyone who tries to expose us.

One such Target of our wrath is former fbi agent Geral Sosbee, US Army Veteran, who insists on exposing our secrets; to better understand our 24/7 assaults on him and others, see his ‘Story In Detail’ in twenty parts, together with his many other reports, articles, logs, etc., posted all over the internet. As we also control at will the search engines, we are able to minimize any extra credit afforded him on the internet. We also label Sosbee in such way that destroys his professional, social, and ultimately intellectual life. We have assaulted him with various chemical and biological agents and with physical and psychological torture techniques, as he often tries to document in his reports. We are on his case 24/7 for decades, using both both physical and electronic surveillance and harassment methods.

While Sosbee has so far eluded our efforts to imprison or kill him, his days are numbered, and notwithstanding his perseverance at trying to expose our evil intent and murderous ways, we are victorious because the world trembles at the mention of our name and because we are hell bent on enjoying victory over mankind. You see, our control of earth and space is preordained and we destroy anyone and any country that gets in our way.

In summary, contrary to Sosbee’s belief, we have defeated all adversaries and we now control the world even as we shape the destiny of the human species.


world in a box:

Sosbee story:





A glympse inside the criminal minds at fbi :

See the message attributed to and owned by the fbi, written by me, that pertains to the whole wide world.

alt links:




The fbi sends me many threats and few blackmail messages; here are a few of their CJIS menacing messages regarding my lack of respect for their fraudulent and murderous awys:

[link]  More >

 Please sign *petition to stop DOJ wrongful prosecution Of Dr. Antonella Carpente
category picture17 Mar 2013 @ 18:11
The following information is borrowed from Barbara Hartwell and I fully endorse the efforts to stop DOJ's illegal & malicious prosecution of Dr. Antonella Carpenter:



Are you concerned with Health Care Freedom? Are you aware of your God-given unalienable rights, including the right to choose alternative, holistic methods of healing, those which "do no harm"?

The FDA and their cronies in Big Pharma want to take that right away from you. And if We the People don't stand up against this tyranny, this infringement on one of our most basic liberties, they will be successful.

Don't let them get away with this!

Please support Dr. Carpenter by signing this petition.

*Sign here:


picture24 Sep 2012 @ 16:57

gsosbee in reference to reports at the above site with remarks from fbi operative Batboy.

Batboy's obsession with attacking messengers of truth (on behalf of fbi/cia) is seen historically as an indication of a sick nation because the real issues are not whether this or that reporter of government atrocities can be discredited or murdered by the likes of the fbi/cia covert thugs like Batboy, but is the discovery in time by the citizenry that their country is not really their country, that the homicidal psychopaths who lead us into perpetual war (both foreign & domestic) have truly overthrown this nation by a kind of stealth violence ( through extensive arrests, imprisonment, threats, torture both physical and psychological , forced suicide, military induction, and murder).

The work by a few of us to show the true nature of the USA, as a cruel totalitarian and Nazi-like state bent on world inhumane domination, is the lasting and *historical import of the discussion here. My role in such a discussion provides me with a raison d'etre and a passion for life that never would have been possible without the fbi/cia extensive efforts to torture & kill me. I am honored to join others in the battle, peaceful for now, for restoration of human rights and for a humane government.

*Ironically, the recorded history of the fbi actually enhances my contribution to the destruction of the killing/torturing machine that is the United States of America, especially with respect to the role of the fbi in the crime spree that I and others chronicle.



I affirm that all statements above, including all entered by me in my name to date, are in fact my statements and are true and correct to the best of my ability.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to PEACEFROG for his efforts to stop the criminals in government and to expose fools like anonymous Batboy who ranks below a pawn in the true conflict underway by the fbi/cia against the people.

geral sosbee, p o box 3374,harlingen,texas 78551 (956)622-0768.

The moderator at Now Public Com has blocked the full image of my avatar on their site causing confusion. The moderator also blocks me from my own profile in apparent effort to prevent the public from viewing both the 'about me' data and the actual contents of the Swastika image within which the following data should be shown:

"federal bureau investigation,cia,nsa,usa,congress."

See original avatar at:


or at bottom of page here:


Thus,Now Public appears to have sided with the fbi assassins who for about twenty (20) years and continuing to date have engaged in torture and attempted murder of my person in efforts to prevent me from reporting heinous crimes by the fbi/cia against the American people and others globally.


Now meet the fbi in the person of homicidal sociopath David Jenkins, aka, J. Robert Upton:

[link]  More >

 A Tribute To Our Friend PeaceFrog:
category picture29 Jul 2012 @ 19:22
The following statements by human rights champion PeaceFrog is an inspiration to me and many others; PeaceFrog is a universal figure who against overpowering forces of evil and treachery never surrenders. Thank you Sir for going into battle with me and our associates in the name of fundamental human, civil,and constitutional rights against the enemy of Mankind (the fbi/cia, etc.); the following quote is excerpted from a comment by friend of Mankind PeaceFrog at:


From: PeaceFrog
at 04:54 on July 28th, 2012

To: fbi homicidal sociopath , Batvette,

"You may cause my demise, I can't seem to stop that. I've made my situation worse with defiance but I have no regrets as I feel an obligation to obstruct and occupy you as much as humanly possible like a prisoner of war must try to be a pain in the ass to his enemy captors. This delays you introducing your evil activities to the next target, or an existing one will have less of you to apply to their life that day. I will defy you to the end, even as your fascist jackboot crushes my skull to the ground, as it will have my teeth marks in it."

Continue reading at Former FBI Agent Turned Whistleblower Gangstalked for Decades | NowPublic News Coverage, Page 3:




category picture22 May 2012 @ 14:36

Meet Cliff Huylebroeck, a warrior for Mankind:




My report:


 Hartwell On Hate Mail, Death Threats, etc., From fbi Punks:
category picture3 Apr 2012 @ 16:42
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee: Standing for Liberty for We the People



It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.

Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am in trouble;
my eye is consumed with sorrow,
and also my throat and my belly.

For my life is wasted with grief,
and my years with sighing;
my strength fails me because of affliction, and my bones are consumed.

I have become a reproach to all my enemies and even to my neighbors,
a dismay to those of my acquaintance;
when they see me in the street they avoid me.

I am forgotten like a dead man, out of mind;
I am useless like a broken pot.

For I have heard the whispering of the crowd;
fear is all around;
they put their heads together against me; they plot to take my life.

But as for me, I have trusted in you, O LORD.
I have said, "You are my God.
My times are in your hand;
rescue me from the hand of my enemies,
and from those who persecute me.
Make your face to shine upon your servant,
and in your loving-kindness save me."

Psalm 31: 9-16

On Palm Sunday, as I sat in church reading this psalm aloud, I thought about how true were the words of the Psalmist, and how clearly these words have resonated in my own life. More specifically, I was thinking about the terrible price a person always pays for standing up against evildoers, especially when those evildoers are the ones wielding power over a country which is being systematically destroyed by the corruption and rampant criminality from within.

I was also thinking about my friend Geral Sosbee, about the price he has paid for becoming a whistleblower, simply for standing up and exposing the truth, which it seems very few people in this country really want to acknowledge.

No, most would rather live in a state of denial, burying their heads in the sand. Maybe, they think, if they simply ignore the truth about what is happening in this country, it will all just go away.

As for those of us who are able to provide truthful, accurate information, based on facts and supported by reams of evidence, rather than even being willing to consider the information we furnish, many people find it easier to shun us, to accuse us of being "radicals" or "anti-government extremists".

We are treated as pariahs, even as lepers were treated in the Middle Ages; treated as if we are diseased, as if that disease were contagious. People don't want to associate with us, or do business with us; they don't want to be friends with us; they don't even want to know us, for fear that they could be "tainted" by association.

What is the problem here? Is it simply "denial"? In part, yes. But far worse, I believe the problem is cowardice. For if people were willing to face the truth (which is staring us all in the face, whether we want to see it or not) they would then, in good conscience, have to DO SOMETHING about it. They would have to take a stand.

Over a course of many years, I have seen the same scenario repeated, over and over and is also repeated throughout the history of the world.

People think they can hide from the truth, that they can hide themselves from evil, just as a child may think he can hide by pulling the covers over his head, thinking that the bogeyman can't see him; meanwhile there is the lump sticking out from under the bedclothes, for all with eyes to see.

Then, there was the latest missive sent to Geral Sosbee from a government goon, which I had seen posted on one of Geral's sites. I was thinking about that too, with no small amount of outrage.

This e-mail message was apparently a "response" from one of the goons to two reports which Geral and I had recently collaborated on.



and Cyber Stalker:

Cyber-Stalker Goon: Criminal Harassment of Decorated War Veteran, Former FBI Agent Geral Sosbee

fbi goon:


The e-mail sent to Geral was from a person using the name "John Smith". And no doubt about it, it was a death threat.



Here is what Geral posted:

fbi psychopath sends the following threat via gmail in response to recent success of my work:

Very Soon My Friend


John Smith
9:47 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Geral Sosbee,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Geral Sosbee

Poor little Sosbee, chip in the head and a foot in the grave.
Making trouble for those who run the world.
Why do you cause so much trouble for us little Sosbee?
If you'd just conformed it'd be so much easier.
We'd take that little chip out of your head and we'd stop keeping you up at night!
But if you keep being bad we'll have to turn out your light.
Soon soon soon, you'll have to decide to play or disappear.
Have you ever noticed that guy on the corner? Or the woman watching you in her rear view mirror? Of course you have, you're not stupid. Just crazy right? At least, that's what they say.

A Message to "John Smith" from Barbara Hartwell

Dear Mr. Smith:

Upon reading your little poem, I decided it deserved more publicity than it had received. So, I read it aloud on a radio show on Sunday, April 1. The topic for discussion was, fittingly, FBI/CIA black operations, and COINTELPRO. You know what that is, don't you, Mr. Smith? It's an operation for targeting "dissidents", activists and whistleblowers. People like Geral Sosbee. People who took their oath to defend the Constitution seriously, and honored it. But you wouldn't be concerned about anything like that, would you? No, I didn't think so.

But anyway, when I read your poem and accompanying message to Geral Sosbee, the listening audience got an earful of the stuff of which tyranny and oppression are made, so thanks for providing me with more ammunition to use in exposing you and your ilk.

I see that you, like your accomplices, are hiding behind a pseudonym. "John Smith". Your originality is stunning! How typical. Last week, I had occasion to address one of your pals, a Mr. J. Robert Upton. Perhaps you are the same person? We'll probably never know, as you people operate from the shadows, making sinister threats, but are too cowardly to step forth into the light and face Geral Sosbee like a man --something you will never be.

You know, Mr. Smith, such tactics really do not reflect well on you, or your colleagues. And do you really think you are intimidating anyone by making death threats?

Do you actually believe that Geral Sosbee will "play the game" and "conform" because of a threat from a lowlife like you?

Think again, Mr. Smith. Actually your message was extremely helpful in demonstrating the mentality of a psychopath. Yes, we talked about that too, on the aforementioned radio show. Not only talked about it, but had a great time laughing about it. Yes, you are laughable, Mr. Smith. And your methods are ludicrous, despite the evil which emanates from you like a noxious miasma.

As I stated on the air, Geral Sosbee is one of my personal heroes, in fact my Number One Personal Hero. He is a Defender of Liberty and a Messenger of Truth. But you have no use for such things as "truth" or "liberty", do you, Mr. Smith? I guess that's why you people have taken such a strong dislike to him; why you stalk him, harass him, persecute him, why you write your little poems and issue your cowardly death threats.

I can only make a guess that you don't care for patriotism, either. No, you'd like nothing better than to see us all enslaved under your New World Order, your global police state.

And tragically, the cowardice of many Americans is helping your cause along very nicely --those who would "conform", who would comply, who would "play the game", who would "just follow orders", who would do just about anything but stand up for the Truth, for Liberty and Justice, just to keep from incurring the disapproval of the likes of you.

They'll find out soon enough that all their efforts to be "safe" have been in vain. But when they finally realize that Geral Sosbee was there for them, was fighting for them, was fighting to save our country from the evildoers, the psychopaths, the demonic tyrants, when they finally change their minds about supporting him and standing with him, it may just be too late.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
April 3, 2012

To listen to the aforementioned radio show, with guest Barbara Hartwell, hosted by James Freeland, click on the links below.


April 1, 2012

Parts 1 &2



Against the Wall with JJink
4/1/2012 4:00:00 PM

Against the Wall with JJink
4/1/2012 3:00:00 PM

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 22
Old Orchard Beach
Maine 04064
Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA


During the days and nights of April 5-7, 2012, the directed energy assaults escalate to extreme levels (on a scale of 1-10,with ten being the most severe, about a 9) after fbi efforts to shut down this and other sites fail; the symptoms of the assaults take on a more sinister tone than those symptoms described earlier at:


Present symptoms now include: extreme fatigue, weakness in legs, difficulty walking, short term memory loss, jump in high blood pressure, brief incapacitating headaches, nausea, dizziness. The reader should also note that the fbi continues to 1) watch this target 24/7 in real time as he struggles to stay alive and 2) send notices to Sosbee (via telephone messages and via remote electronic manipulation of car doors and tv devices). Evil is USA.

See Also:


 May God Bless & Protect Barbara Hartwell
category picture4 Feb 2012 @ 19:06
This is a message from my dear friend and professional colleague, Barbara Hartwell, who is under severe attack from the assassins of fbi/cia and their minions, operatives and street thugs.
I pray with and for Barbara with the full knowledge that Providence & GOD ALMIGHTY may bless & protect her, so that she can continue her humanitarian work against the evil doers of our time:

Excerpted from:


Barbara Hartwell

Curriculum Vitae
Independent Investigator, Intelligence Analyst, Journalist. Former CIA (NOC, Psychological Operations.) Black Ops Survivor. Sovereign Child of God. Believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Exposing Government Lies, Crimes, Corruption and Cover-ups.

Saturday, February 4, 2012
My Prayer for Deliverance from Spiritual Demonic Attack

All those ungodly beings who bear false witness against me; who threaten my life and my well-being; who threaten to ruin or destroy me by any means; who attempt to disrupt my Christian life with their demonic schemes to harm me; who call me vile names; who invade my privacy and violate my God-given rights and liberties; who invade my life, the sanctuary of my home and attempt to desecrate my life in Christ with blasphemy, cruel abuse and lies,


In the name of Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit, who deliver me from all evildoers.

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord.

Isaiah 54:17

 PayPal Withholds funds from Wikileaks at behest of fbi assassins
picture26 Aug 2011 @ 01:20
I just received this message from Taiwan and I am pleased to present the material here & now:

"Dear PayPal, its customers, and our friends around the globe,

This is an official communiqué from Anonymous and Lulz Security in the name of AntiSec.

In recent weeks, we’ve found ourselves outraged at the FBI’s willingness to arrest and threaten those who are involved in ethical, modern cyber operations. Law enforcement continues to push its ridiculous rules upon us – Anonymous “suspects” may face a fine of up to 500,000 USD with the addition of 15 years’ jailtime, all for taking part in a historical activist movement. Many of the already-apprehended Anons are being charged with taking part in DDoS attacks against corrupt and greedy organizations, such as PayPal.

What the FBI needs to learn is that there is a vast difference between adding one’s voice to a chorus and digital sit-in with Low Orbit Ion Cannon, and controlling a large botnet of infected computers. And yet both of these are punishable with exactly the same fine and sentence.

In addition to this horrific law enforcement incompetence, PayPal continues to withhold funds from WikiLeaks, a beacon of truth in these dark times. By simply standing up for ourselves and uniting the people, PayPal still sees it fit to wash its hands of any blame, and instead encourages and assists law enforcement to hunt down participants in the AntiSec movement.

Quite simply, we, the people, are disgusted with these injustices. We will not sit down and let ourselves be trampled upon by any corporation or government. We are not scared of you, and that is something for you to be scared of. We are not the terrorists here: you are.

We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative. The first step to being truly free is not putting one’s trust into a company that freezes accounts when it feels like, or when it is pressured by the U.S. government. PayPal’s willingness to fold to legislation should be proof enough that they don’t deserve the customers they get. They do not deserve your business, and they do not deserve your respect.

Join us in our latest operation against PayPal – tweet pictures of your account closure, tell us on IRC, spread the word. Anonymous has become a powerful channel of information, and unlike the governments of the world, we are here to fight for you. Always.

Signed, your allies,

Lulz Security (unvanned)
Anonymous (unknown)
AntiSec (untouchable)"
See Also:
[link]  More >

category picture14 Sep 2010 @ 21:52


Tony Starks, Columbus, OH, United States

Farida Magdalena, GillotLelystad, Netherlands

Robin HeadLas Vegas, NV, United States

Gil McDonald, Sr.Columbia, MO, United States

Astrid FuchsBraunau, Oberösterreich, Austria

Ernesto Rodriguez, Miami, FL, United States

Lawrence Allen White, Ferndale, Michigan, United States


pdennany Indianapolis, IN, United States

Joe Monoco, Denver, United States



To borrow the words from my friend, Giovanni Flores, I salute the above named individuals ...
"...and all the other persons in the whole world, who intended and intend to bring the light of the truth to all for the good of all. "

Thank You! geral


category picture25 Jun 2010 @ 14:50

Imagine that a mafia type moves into your neighborhood, subtly sets himself up as a kind of authority and pseudo friend to those who bow to him. He becomes in time a protector to his followers and an oppressor to those who refuse his orders. Ultimately, as this mafia figure has the backing of the ‘organization’ , all persons in the neighborhood realize that the best course to maintain peace in the home is to subscribe to the mafia’s doctrine and at the same time pretend that all is for the greater good. Many are then rewarded for their loyalty to the mafia lord.

Now, this is the scenario today on the world stage with the fbi/cia/pentagon (and their minions, stooges,shills, thugs,punks,assassins,operatives, agents,informants,and police/national guard Gen d’armes), all acting as mafia type figures.

For purposes of this report the main focus is on the dual disciples of satan, the fbi/cia, as mafia, and on their demand that all the world accept the new world order as defined and as enforced by their organization (i.e.: the war machine). Those who surrender their persons and countries unto the authority of the fbi/cia mafia are rewarded (first by not being killed or imprisoned, followed by some temporary economic benefits to the country’s ruling elite). Those who resist or fight the terrorists of the fbi/cia mafia are hunted down like dogs and are killed. Thus, the real war on terror takes on a very special meaning to all who are affected by the aggression of the most dangerous and bold group of blood thirsty killers ever to live on the planet earth: the fbi/cia mafia and their associates and facilitators throughout society.

Today the people of the world recognize that the fbi/cia gang represents the failed leadership of the United States of America, and that this nation is thereby a homicidal menace to Humanity because the fbi/cia’s war machine continues the assault on the world’s population with threats, armed invasions, and ultra high tech weaponry (including mind control and brain entrainment gadgetry) and by whatever other methods be available in their arsenal.

Now a clear and present danger to the peace and stability of all peoples is apparent; unless stopped now the future of mankind is in great peril with regard to human and civil rights, individual liberty issues and freedom from oppression.
The sentiment grows around the globe to stop the invaders of the fbi/cia gang . The mantra of the freedom fighters may be summarized in a simple but universal expression of rage as follows and the war on terror has hardly just begun:

Invade My Country, I Invade Yours;
Attack My Brain, All Bets Are Off.




QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210

See the following link for evidence of support for the work of Geral Sosbee, especially suggesting that federal agencies and departments of the United States government concur with Sosbee that the fbi is in fact a terrorist group of low life thugs and cutthroats:

 A Message From Barbara Hartwell , National Treasure & Patriot Supreme
category picture23 Apr 2010 @ 17:00
Messengers of Truth, Defenders of Liberty: Remembering What Is Real (Barbara Hartwell)
Friday, April 23, 2010
American Patriots: Remembering What Is Real

NOTE: My original report, Remembering What Is Real, was written in 2005, and names of patriots added in 2009.

Upon further consideration (in disgust) of the recent report published by the Southern Poverty Law Center, titled Meet the 'Patriots', I have decided to repost my own list of patriots.

My list, unlike that of the SPLC, is meant to give credit where it is due, along with sincere appreciation for those who stand up for this country, often at great sacrifice to themselves and their families.

I should also add that my standards for patriotism are sky-high, which is why the list is not longer than it is; however, I have added a few names since the last time I posted this, and I continue to hope that the list will grow.

April 23, 2010

Messengers of Truth, Defenders of Liberty: Remembering What Is Real

As you might imagine, it gets very tiresome (and more than a little depressing) writing reports which expose government rat bastards, their stooges and shills and other assorted liars, scamsters, scandal-mongers, criminal perps, psycho-stalkers and lowlife losers.

So for a refreshing change, here's a list of indivduals I consider to be Messengers of Truth and Defenders of Liberty. Some are acquaintances, some are friends, and/or professional colleagues. Others are those I may not know personally, but whose work and activism I admire and value.

Some of these individuals are unlawfully incarcerated at this moment for the uncompromising stand they have taken and the principles they uphold. Some are being persecuted. But all have won my respect and I thank them for their contributions to all who stand for Liberty and seek Truth. In a brief phrase, they "remember what is real".

Rick Biesada
Wayne Blanchard
Ed and Elaine Brown
Dave Champion
Jeremy Floyd
Charles Giuliani
Lisa Guliani
Keith Hansen (Vyzygoth)
Michael Herzog
Sherry Peel Jackson
Kathy Kasten
Devvy Kidd
Joe Lanier
Pastor James David Manning
Jackie McGauley
Julianne McKinney
Ellen Mariani
John Perna
Janet Phelan
Rev. Ted Pike
Danny Riley
Ed Schooling
Karl Schwarz
Lt. Eric Shine
Geral Sosbee
Rick Stanley
Richard Taus
Carl F. Worden

This is far from a complete list. And hopefully, I will find names to add to it as time goes by. But these individuals, from my observations over a period of years, all exemplify the principles outlined in this piece I wrote in 2005. May God richly bless them all.

Barbara Hartwell Percival
February 22, 2009

 article on fbi/cia assassins (with comments) deleted by
category picture21 Apr 2009 @ 17:45
fbi/cia assassins represent USA's Methods & Practices

The United States of America and its fbi/cia assassins & torturers are the real immediate threat to Humanity.

See the following two reports on fbi/cia corruption and criminal activities globally.
QUESTIONS! geral sosbee (956)371-5210


*Sources of fbi/cia Financing For Global Criminal Intel Operations
The fbi/cia thugs, kidnappers, torturers, assassins, burglars, etc., obtain all the money they need for their criminal operations from multiple sources: Congress, Illegal drug operations and money laundering schemes, theft and seizure of Targets' assets, blackmail, theft (including burglary & robbery) and the stock markets around the globe. The two corrupt groups regularly tap into the equities,commodities and futures markets for guaranteed huge profits. the SEC and other federal agencies ignore these criminal market manipulations because the fbi/cia are "securing the USA from terrorist attacks and are at the same defending freedom."
Furthermore, the corrupt congress of the USA is aware of and allows market manipulations under the authority of its various intel, budgetary and oversight committees; also the intel courts have inside scoop regarding fbi/cia fraud in the money markets as a result of the secret courts' reviews of the global criminal activities of the fbi/cia assassins and torturers.
An Investigation into the CIA’s 'Black Budget'

See the evidence of fbi/cia efforts to dominate the world through inhumane & murderous methods;accept the cia/fbi as overlords, or STOP THEM; Do nothing and accept responsibility for their crimes against Humanity.

The tactics employed globally by the fbi/*cia reflect the homicidal profile of the enforcers and perpetrators of the new, stagnant and completely controlled world. These tactics include, but are not limited to the following :

Mass murder (sometimes one at a time)

Torture (physical and psychological)


Blackmail (of a mortifying type)

Stalking and kidnapping and fraudulent stings by law enforcement

Burglary, robbery, theft, fraud, extortion

Abuse of civil process and disabling calumny
Financial isolation and ruination
Human experimentation (of a monstrous type)
Programming for suicide (inter alia) of the targeted individuals

Psychological operations and mind control
Psychoelectronic bombardment
Sosbee is an active victim/target of fbi/cia high tech assaults.
See links



C h e m i c a l , Viral & Biological Assaults:

Psychoelectronic Assaults:

(Warning: graphic material, adult viewing only) To see what really can happen go to:

Intrusive, continuous and disturbing surveillance (physical and electronic) twenty four hours a day, seven days a week
-aided by tracking devices implanted in the person and properties of the Target .See:
-with invasions into home, office and car; and with strategic tamperings therein designed to drive the Target insane

The fbi/cia agents, operatives, thugs, assigns, handlers and supporters are your neighbors, friends, relatives, spouses, representatives, doctors, etc.

Click here for "The Law Of The United States And All The Globe Under The New World Order" :

Click here To See Evidence Of Corruption In The United States Embassies Worldwide:
[link] 24 2005

USA Admission to Use of Neuronal Entrainment, Etc.
See the following admission by USA, showing that my reports of high tech assaults on my person are legitimate.
The data shown in the Neuron Entrainment link below confirms that indeed the fbi/cia/marines, etc. have (and use) the high tech weaponry against human beings, and more particularly against this veteran:
Note that under the psychoelectronic bombardment, chemical and stalking sections (at ‘world in a box’), there are several links; here are five more very important links to add to the list:
add to the list:

C h e m i c a l, biological, and viral assaults on human beings.See:
FBI efforts to hide identities of its thugs, thieves, assassins, dirty cops and self serving corrupt bureaucrats.See:
3)See Neuronal Entrainment Admission:

See United States Army Civilian Inmate Labor program at the following link:

See Germs & Viruses 'Made In The USA'">

See the following links for more on fbi thuggery & homicidal mindset:

*See cia video:



2009-4-4 03:54 AM #1
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Originally posted by gsosbee at 2009-4-4 03:54
The United States of America and its fbi/cia assassins & torturers are the real immediate threat to Humanity.
WOW! What an incredible post!

2009-4-5 10:04 PM #2
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Well, I think the Amerikan Regime helped changed the POLITICs in Malaya.
From a single party state with weak, fragmented opposition to that of a two coalition party system.

Green DRagon
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2009-4-6 01:19 PM #3
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The Amerikan Regime is supported by local paid operatives.
and probably the cooperation of Amerikan Empire owned media, corporates.
and clans, cults which benefits from the status quo.
For individuals affected by such machination by Amerikan or other governments, suggest sanctuary in cults that is favourable to their lifestyles.

Green DRagon
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2009-4-6 01:25 PM #4
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Covert Operations

The CIA has been involved in a lot of hideous activities.With the connivance and assistance of the FBI and
the 25 other Amerikan "intelligence" organisations.The CIA has been referred to as Cocaine in America
and the Cocaine Importing Agency.It is alleged to have created to crack epidemic in Los Angeles slums
to raise revenue,and indulged in heroin trafficking around the world.Opium/heroin production in
Afghanistan has bounced back after the Yanks defeated the Taliban.
Political assassinations are another specialty.The CIA's greatest hits include JFK,RFK,MLF and many
others arond the world.It's experiments in mind control as in MK ULTRA and other diabolical operations
are quite appalling.
But all this was dwarfed by the 9/11 false flag black op.

 A Message From Barbara Hartwell, An Angel In Service To Mankind
category picture29 Mar 2009 @ 15:43
Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Government broke My Heart: Political Persecution in America

Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063

Web site: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA

The Government Broke My Heart: Political Persecution in America
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead expose them.
--Ephesians 5:11
It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.
This report presents snapshots of moments in time from the lives of three individuals targeted for political persecution. Ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee; investigative journalist Janet Phelan; and Barbara Hartwell.
Geral and Janet are both good friends who have shared their stories with me. And their stories break my heart each time I hear them. I support and endorse them both, as Messengers of Truth and Defenders of Liberty.
Those who tell the truth are always attacked by evildoers and demonic liars, the perpetrators of crimes against humanity. Thus it has always been throughout history.
Most of the liars and evildoers who are attempting to destroy our lives work for the United States Government --or are low-level hirelings and stooges of same. These minions of Satan harass, stalk, threaten, libel and slander decent, legitimate people; and ironically these same criminals pose as 'Friends of Liberty'; 'Champions of the Oppressed'; 'Freedom Fighters', who claim to be "exposing" government corruption.
These loathsome liars and poseur "patriots" vociferously insist that we (Janet Phelan, Barbara Hartwell, Geral Sosbee and others) are the liars, criminals, government plants, CIA/FBI operatives and disinfo agents.
Many of them have been exposed by Geral, Janet and myself. Their diabolical calumny; monstrous invasions of privacy; thievery; forgery and crimes against persons tell the true story.
By their fruits shall you know them.
Since I wrote the report (below) in 2002, my situation has not improved, but has materially grown far worse. The persecution directed at Geral and Janet has not let up either. Janet had to flee to Canada in fear for her life, after goverment authorities refused to enforce the law to stop the criminal stalking for which she has been targeted. As for Geral, the assaults with directed energy weapons have escalated, an ever-increasing threat to his life.
Is this the United States of America? Land of the free and home of the brave?
Only in our dreams.
Barbara Hartwell Percival
March 28, 2009
"The Government broke my heart"
Poetry by Janet Phelan
For Special Agent Jack L. Smith
The broken-hearted
fill my mailbox
drown out my voice mail
jockey for position
in my yahoo inbox
I see them walk down the street
often alone
listing on the pavement
sometimes clutching
another broken-hearted hand
"The government took my husband
The government took my child
The government took my home
The government broke my heart"
The second story bedroom
where I lay on my side
frozen with grief
and wracked with loss
My heart breaking open
the slivers sticking
in my rib cage
You lying beside me
Your hand stroking my hair
Your breath even and slow
on my neck
Your third eye gleaming
as you de-constructed my life
I love her
more than you
I told you
I know
you said
homing in
on my slim
remaining pulse
Janet C. Phelan
Political Persecution Against Whistleblowers Escalates
Note, March, 2007:

Since this report was written, almost five years ago, the same type of persecution has continued.
In my own case, having no access to medical care and no disability benefits, my general health has become so fragile that I have had to withdraw from all activities which cause any form of stress, and I no longer have the stamina or the resources which would allow me to travel in connection with political activism, as I once did. [See: 100% Disabled, Not Eligible for Disability Benefits:Death by Government, on this site]
For the most part, I have withdrawn from the world and become a recluse. Having no concrete support or backup that I can rely on, I have reached the limits of my endurance.
I document the persecution (as does my friend Geral Sosbee) and publish these reports for the public record.
June, 2002

and for more insights see:

 Barbara Hartwell, The Universal Spokeswoman & Champion of Liberty
category picture15 Oct 2008 @ 17:24
I often see in Barbara Hartwell's writings a mirror reflection of my own experiences and sentiments with regards to the criminal operations of the fbi/cia; here is one such article by Barbara (my most valued friend and fellow soldier) which I consider vital reading for all who seek to racapture Liberty in our time:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Targeted for Neutralization: COINTELPRO REVISITED (2)
Barbara Hartwell Percival
Legal Defense & Research Trust
PO Box 7487
Ocean Park, Maine 04063
Web site: Barbara Hartwell vs. CIA

Note: This is part two of a report written in January, 2006. The entire report my be found on this site, as well as a more recent repost of part one. Thanks again go to those who shared their true stories of political persecution with me (you know who you are); and especially to ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee, whose case most closely parallels my own; and who has never compromised as an expositor of Truth, or in the defense of Liberty.
COINTELPRO REVISITED: Targeted by a Legion of Liars

From the American Heritage Dictionary, excerpts of a 'non-scientific' definition of neutralization:

To counterbalance the effect of; make ineffective. A state of ineffectiveness, inaction or inoperativeness. To negate and nullify imply finality rather than a stalemate; they also imply loss incurred through the rendering of something [the targeted individual] useless or valueless.

For roughly a dozen years, since breaking out of CIA operations, I have engaged myself in the thankless task of publicly exposing massive government corruption and abuses of human rights which I witnessed and experienced as a result of my involvement in these black operations.
As a result of investing nearly all of my time in this effort and of all my hard work; running my own investigations and for risking my life in pursuit of the truth and as an expositor of the truth, I have been targeted for relentless and brutal political persecution perpetrated by agents of the U.S. Government, including sundry threats to and attempts on my life.
This is called a neutralization campaign and is to be expected. It is the price to be paid for exposing the truth and standing up for liberty, which is certainly not for the faint of heart.


In such a campaign, the individual is targeted for Psychological Operations (Psy Ops). Neutralizing an individual can be summed up rather well in three words: Isolation. Alienation. Deprivation. Just reflecting on the nature of each of these words helps in gleaning an understanding of the methodology of neutralization. I will elaborate with some specific examples.

The perpetrators will do all in their power to ensure that the target is alienated from family and friends who might otherwise have offered assistance and support. They may send provocateurs (outside agitators) to stir up trouble between the target and those people close to him/her, family, friends, associates, professional colleagues.

Classic Machiavellian divide-and-conquer tactics are used: forged letters and documents; false accusations and allegations; trumped-up criminal charges and false arrests; setups; and the like. The perpetrators are experts at engineering and manipulating circumstances which will work to the detriment of the target and thereby destabilize every aspect of his/her life.

To impugn the sanity of the target is another common tactic, with the intent that friends and family will not believe the horror stories of persecution and will instead believe the target to be mentally unbalanced or "paranoid". It is true that 'clinical' paranoia is a form of psychopathology; on the other hand, as those of us so targeted know all too well, the persecution is not 'imagined' (as a function of abberant psychology, such as delusions) but very real; it is life-destroying and often life-threatening in one way or another.

The perps will also run libel and slander campaigns. They will scandalize the target's good name, using character assassination and defamation to destroy the personal and professional reputation of the target so that s/he will be compromised; discredited; unable to find work; blacklisted from employment in areas of professional training and expertise; or be fired from any job s/he holds. Thus s/he is unable to earn a living and will be shunned and ostracized, treated as a pariah by peers and colleagues.

The perps also do their damnedest to drive the target into poverty, bankruptcy and financial destitution. Thus the target is deprived of many of the basic necessities of life; cannot pay the bills; may lose his/her home; may lose vehicles so s/he is left without basic transportation; and/or is forced into an exhausting struggle just for minimal day-by-day survival.

They may arrange automobile or other 'accidents' intended to seriously injure or kill the target. Should the target survive the attempts on his life, the individual is still likely to be isolated, alienated from family and friends, unable to find emotional support or material assistance.
They also want the target disabled and/or suffering from chronic illness, which they may create with continuous or repeated exposure to electromagnetic radiation; attacks with directed-energy (so-called "non-lethal") weapons and/or by poisoning the target's environment with chemical/biological warfare. They may also administer drugs or poisons surreptitiously through the target's food and drink.

The perps may invade the target's home ('black bag jobs') committing acts of theft (often of documents); tampering with the target's property and/or installing surveillance bugs/phone taps.

They often engage in vandalism, destroying the target's property. Slashing or placing screws in the tires of the individual's vehicle is common, as is draining the oil, puncturing the radiator or cutting the brake lines.

Sabotage of computers is another tactic which can be done at the computer's location in the target's home or office; remotely through land lines; through electronic directed-energy devices or even by dedicated satellite.


These government perps possess cutting-edge technology which most people cannot fathom the existence of. Yet with diligent searches of the public records available for the R&D departments of U.S. agencies, most notably DARPA (Defense Advance Research Project Agency) the patents for some of these exotic antipersonnel weapons may be found.

This technology exists, it has been operational for many years and it is being deployed to harass, sabotage and spy on American citizens such as myself and ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee, who have been targeted for persecution.

In fact, both Geral and I have been tortured by this weaponry on a regular basis, resulting in physical pain, chronic illness and sleep deprivation, causing severe damages, some of which may be irreparable.

I should also mention that sleep deprivation is a standard (and very brutal) method of torture used against prisoners of war (and in this case prisoners of conscience) by tyrants and oppressors in the military and intelligence services world wide. Torture by sleep deprivation is nothing new, it's been used against targets for centuries. And it continues to this day in the United States of America.


If the persecution outlined here sounds unthinkable; unbelievable; preposterous; outlandish or too gruesome to be true, I can only say that, as God is my witness, all this, and much, much worse has happened to me personally. I've given the above only as a brief general overview of what may happen when someone is targeted for neutralization.

And it's not over, far from it. These criminal psycopaths have made it their business to let me know that they will never stop, never get off my case. For them it seems to be a game --a sport, like hunting exotic quarry for a trophy kill. For the most part, they view everything in life as a game. But it's a deadly game if you happen to be the target:

As the hunted, you are always, figuratively speaking --and in some cases literally-- outmanned and outgunned. I refuse to see it their way, refuse to play their game, by their rules, on their turf, for the odds of winning are forever stacked against the target.

For me, it has not been a game but a long and exhausting series of battles, often for my very survival. Being a straight arrow by nature, I don't play games. As for those who do, they have never won my respect. I just take care of business, as best I can. With God's help, I have managed to win quite a few of these battles, but not without blood, sweat and tears.

Fortunately, my own CIA training has given me an edge. Though I lack their resources and manpower, considering that it's just me --with no backup-- against them, I do have a thorough understanding of their modus operandi. And because it's essential for my survival, I have always made it my business to know my enemies --for the opposition, there are no "rules of engagement". They make up the rules as they go along and their only "commandment" (the eleventh, to be specific) seems to be: Don't get caught!

They lie, they steal, they cheat, they kill when they can get away with it, and they wouldn't have a clue what a fair fight is. What they are fighting for --to control the lives and fortunes of their targets-- most of whom are decent, law-abiding citizens, is by its very nature wrongful and unjust.


It doesn't seem to matter what I do --or don't do. Whenever I come forward to disclose information about their conspiracies and crimes, they are always ready to strike with some form of assault as a punishment for my "crime" of exposing them.
They actually believe that I am the criminal and that they are on the side of Law-and-Order. But then, you'd have to understand the way they think: Might makes right. The winner takes the spoils. Territorial Imperative. Manifest Destiny. Call it what you will, their attitude exemplifies a total lack of respect for the rights, freedoms, personal boundaries, the very lives of those they target for persecution.

Even during the times when I keep a low profile, or make a strategic withdrawal, as I must do periodically in attempts to recover from the damages they inflict, or to regroup, they will manufacture some crisis; some "situation" as they like to call it. Maybe they'll send a provocateur to stir up trouble in some area of my life; fabricate disinformation and spread vicious lies about me to create an undeserved scandal; make an implicit or explicit threat which forces me to respond at the very least in self defense or take measures to protect myself from their next attack, which they let me know will be coming soon.

They are always lurking in the background, just waiting to make another strike; to sabotage any plans I make; to destroy any part of my life where they detect the slightest vulnerability; to do as much damage as possible; create the most traumatic stress possible, as means and opportunity permit.

I don't need to wonder about the motive for their crimes: That's why they call it a neutralization campaign.

Resources for these neutralization campaigns? Not a problem. The perps have seemingly inexhaustible black budget funds and manpower to work with. And as long as they can cover themselves with "plausible deniability" they can skirt the law with impunity. Can and do.


As I know from the comments I've heard over many years from my readers, the listening audiences from radio shows and attendees of my public lectures (and even at times from family and friends) there are those who will think such things don't really happen in the U.S. of A.....
That the government would not be harassing and persecuting its own citizens! Perhaps, they say, this is just "paranoia" or "fear mongering". Most people simply will not believe it unless it happens to them --until they become the targets. God help them, I hope they never have to experience the living nightmare I have, even if it were to make believers of them.

When I have spoken about the various attempts on my life, I have also heard people claim, in efforts to discredit my case, that "If the CIA wants a target dead, the target would be dead." Yes Sirree Bob, no two ways about it !...
But these people don't know what they're talking about; it's not as simple, not as cut-and-dried as they may think. Maybe these folks have been reading too many spy thrillers or believe the simplistic concepts about CIA presented in Hollywood movies. Maybe they even believe CIA are the "good guys" and anyone they target must have "done something to deserve it." I've heard it all......


In the real world of intelligence operations it doesn't work that way and situations are often not what they appear to be on the surface. In any case, those offering these erroneous speculations and uninformed opinions have no context from which to understand the complexities of these Psychological Operations nor the larger picture from which they emerge. But I find it unfortunate that their ignorance, which is often exacerbated by arrogance, aids and abets the perps by calling into further question the veracity of the targeted individual's testimony.

For one thing, "neutralizing" a target does not always mean the goal is to "eliminate" her by the final solution of death. Secondly, it's not just agents of CIA who are involved. Nor are such neutralization campaigns limited to the exclusive province of "the CIA". In fact, there are several warring factions, various camps, within the larger intelligence community, the 'shadow' government and among those unseen, even higher in the pyramid structure, who control them. Certain camps may have much to lose if a particular target is taken out. There may be retaliation against those who ordered the 'hit'.

Considering that the true nature of CIA is that of a clannish, elitist cult, often recruiting over the generations from certain family bloodlines, just like the Mafia, one "crime family" may be warring against another; having divided loyalties; or competing for dominance. This certainly applies in my case, as I come from one of the so-called "blue" bloodlines and an intergenerational intelligence community family going back to OSS, including CIA and Military Intelligence.

It was this generational 'curse' that got me involved in this whole mess, without my informed consent, to begin with --the die was cast, the fix was in...before I was even born. In any case, as a child, I was naturally too young to fully understand what I had been recruited into and was given no opportunity to make my own choices. In practical terms, I was a political prisoner of the U.S. Government from the time I was born until my escape in 1994 at the age of 43.

I consider it one of God's miracles that I was able to eventually walk away from these criminals and their black operations and live to tell about it, even if it took me over four decades to finally break free. And they consider my 'defection' a very serious problem, as evidenced by their increasingly desperate plots to neutralize me.

There are many factors and variables involved in these operations and I have only scratched the surface in trying to give a basic overview. Suffice it to say there have been several serious attempts on my life which have failed, though some resulted in 'near-death' experiences. I have been poisoned; brutally assaulted with pulse beam microwave weapons which knocked me unconscious; survived arranged car crashes and other "accidents" arranged by the perps; even been shot at (Thank the Lord, they missed !)

There have also been death threats (some bogus, some not) where I actually had no choice but to run for my life and go to a safe house until I was able to determine whether or not the particular threats were real, or a set-up designed to further destabilize several areas of my life.


Nonetheless, just the trauma of being subjected to such death threats is enough to cause severe and lasting damages. Imagine having to look over your shoulder all the time; to be forced to continually live in a state of hyper-vigilance in an attempt to protect yourself from whatever they may throw your way next. And there's always something.....running the gamut from the ludicrous, to the bizarre, to the life-threatening.

Imagine that everyone you meet is a potential "suspect" and you can't even afford to trust most of your own family or friends (a few, but not most) knowing of the very real possibility that someone may have "gotten to" them.

Imagine having to always check for a tail, a shadow, when walking or driving.

Imagine having to reconnoiter the perimeters of any public building before entering, just to establish how many exits there are and their locations. Or in a restaurant, having to wait to find a seat with your back against the wall and your eye on the door.

Some would undoubtedly call this "paranoia". But for me and others like me, it's just taking the necessary precautions. It's not a fun-filled way to live, and certainly makes it difficult to have peace of mind, but because of the ever-present spy games being run by the perps, it's just the way things are.

And what about the consequences to your general health and well-being of such a torturous lifestyle? It used to be called "shell shock" or "combat fatigue." Now it's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and I have suffered from it for many years. And in my case, it's not just cumulative traumatic stress from the past; the trauma has continued on a regular basis, with no end in sight, with no way to resolve it or completely recover.
The perpetrators know that such continuing traumatic stress will destabilize every area of a person's life and thus make the targeted individual even more vulnerable to the continued assaults. It's a nightmare, brutal beyond description --and worst of all, one from which you can't wake up.

Finally, it's important to understand that the perpetrators know that there are things --such as long-term brutal, stressful, traumatic persecution-- that can actually be worse than death. And they are hell-bent on causing as many of a wide range of damages as possible --physical, material and emotional-- for anyone who is a serious high-profile target. There is also the consideration that if the target is assassinated, s/he could become a martyr and thus establish posthumous credibility for the allegations of persecution by the government. In some cases, that's the last thing they want, another martyr, especially if the individual is a high-profile target.


I have often been asked: What is a high-profile target? And who becomes one? Succinctly put, a high-profile target is a person who is deemed a threat in one way or another to National Security.

There are several "requirements" to qualify as a high-profile target. The target must have been actually involved in a government operation about which s/he possess accurate information and direct knowledge; and/or have been a witness to covert activities on the part of government officials/agents/employees and/or their corporate cronies which are illegal and/or involve abuses of human rights, etc.

Not all high-profile targets are whistleblowers, former operatives of intelligence, like myself, or of law enforcement agencies, like ex-FBI agent Geral Sosbee. Sometimes investigative journalists or other investigators --who have not actually been involved or witnessed situations directly, who were never "insiders" but who have simply uncovered damaging or incriminating information-- become targets as well.

One example of a person who was targeted is a private investigator whom I asked to work on my case beginning in 1994, just after I broke out of the operations. After we collected evidence of phone taps and bugs, planted in my home (at that time, Milford, Connecticut) and office (located in Pine Bush, NY) by military intelligence, he was subjected to some of the most severe harassment and intimidation tactics I've ever seen.

The perps sent a SWAT team to break down Peter's door while his wife was home alone, claiming that the police received a 911 phone call that someone was about to "commit suicide." No such phone call was ever made, it was simply an intimidation tactic to warn him: Stay away from Barbara Hartwell.

He was harassed by black helicopters, hovering outside his window, in a condominium in Stamford, Connecticut. He was also hit with exotic directed-energy weapons, from which he sustained injuries, near a Special Ops/CIA military training base we were investigating.

These tactics are more dramatic than usual, but the perps certainly made their point. And as numerous witnesses could attest (most refuse to stand up as my witnesses, since they've been intimidated or turned against me) the people involved with me in any way are more likely than not to be subjected to the more extreme end of the spectrum, involving harassment with military hardware or tactics.

Often the high-profile target has already gone public or is perceived as someone likely to go public. If the individual has access to evidence of the crimes and corruption it raises the stakes, because generally speaking, they don't care so much about what you may know as about what you may be able to prove and what they believe you are going to do about it. In other words, how much damage can the target actually do to the perpetrators' agenda?


For the most part, people will consider the targeted individual a liability, someone to walk far away from, as quickly as possible. The character played by Gene Hackman in the film, Enemy of the State, summed it up this way: You're a liability to your friends, your family, to everyone you know. The protagonist in that film, an ex-NSA agent, knew what it was like to be a target and was warning another man who also became a target after he stumbled unwittingly into a nest of NSA vipers intent on covering up a political assassination.

Though, like most Hollywood productions, that particular film was sensationalistic in depicting the most extreme forms of persecution against the targets, the basic premise was solid. The "enemy of the state" (target) always finds himself in a double-bind, from which there appears to be no way out.

Whatever the nature of the situation or the decision you need to make...damned if you do, damned if you don't. But this is only what the perps want the target to believe; to actually believe it and thus give up hope can be the death knell. In truth, there is usually some way out --and if so, only God knows for sure what that way is. Turning your life over to God --while refusing to ever compromise with evil-- is the only answer.

Unfortunately for the targeted individual, most associated persons' primary concern seems to be protecting themselves. And that's exactly the idea the perpetrators have in mind. Severing attatchments and associations important to the target, by design, so the target has nowhere to turn for help or solace, that is what they bank on.

It is easy to isolate a target for one or all of the following reasons:
Most people are easily intimidated by the government goons and once they get a small taste, even of low-level harassment, they are afraid of becoming real targets themselves. They cannot fathom how dire the target's plight actually is. They are too self-centered to care about the target's dilemma --not enough anyway, to make any real difference. Not enough to stand by the targeted individual, no matter what. This usually translates into showing a lack of loyalty to the target or abandoning the target altogether. Especially, as in my case, if the target refuses to compromise her principles, sticks to her guns and stands her ground, no matter what, she usually ends up standing alone.


It is also important to understand that the people running these ops have done extensive background checks and created psychological profiles on each individual who is targeted for neutralization, as well as on those associated with, closest to, or most important to the target. They keep databases, filled with dossiers on various individuals.

By analyzing the psyche of a target and of his/her associates, they attempt to predict the behavior of individuals, making it easier to foment suspicion and distrust; to orchestrate situations likely to break up families, marriages and other important personal and professional relationships. By evaluating what they perceive to be the "weaknesses" in each target's character/personality, they exploit them in any way possible. In the worst case scenario, if at all possible, they will arrange to pit the target against those closest to him/her, thus making enemies of friends, spouses or family members.

They will even make 'pre-emptive strikes' in order to keep certain individuals also deemed a "threat to National Security" (other targets) from ever meeting and/or having any involvement with the targeted individual, or to severely limit that involvement, as well as contact, if they have reason to believe that the two of them together could present a strong united front and be a more formidable "threat" to the perpetrators' agenda than just one of them alone.

Keeping such targets separated --as far away from each other as possible, including geographically-- is key to their strategy of total control. But this strategy can only work if one or both of the targets fall prey to the machinations of the perpetrators. Sadly, at least one usually does and the plot achieves its desired end.

The plots and setups spawned by the perps are at times so cleverly executed that I have seen --over and over-- one person after another who has deserted, betrayed or scapegoated me, in some cases totally unaware that they had been manipulated into doing so by third parties with their own agenda. I've also seen the same pattern operating in the cases of other targeted individuals that I have investigated or simply been a witness to.

Facing the horror of a neutralization campaign defies description, even for those fortunate enough to have real and reliable support from family, friends or a spouse (and there are some who do.) But having to face it completely alone has been nearly unbearable.

If not for the grace of God and having the faith that God is watching my back (along with those angels) even if no one else would, I could not have survived the many psychological and physical brutalities perpetrated on me by these henchmen of Satan, otherwise known as agents and operatives of the U.S. Government. Despite all the pain and heartbreak, how blessed I have been to have Friends in High Places!


The isolation and alienation are very effective tactics. They work. I know this as well as anyone possibly could. These government-sponsored criminals have put me through a living hell. But for me, by far the hardest part to bear has been the heartbreak of always having to be up against this brutal persecution totally alone, day after day...week after week...month after month...year after year...of never having even one person in all these years whom I could RELY on to be there to back me up, to provide concrete help or support. No family member, no close friend, no spouse. Nobody, not a soul.

I have stressed the word "rely" for an important reason. Although it's true that I have been able to get occasional assistance, support and backup over the years, here and there, from time to time, from various individuals, it has always fallen into one or more of the following categories: temporary; inconsistent; short-lived; conditional; qualified by various circumstantial factors.

This is not to imply that I don't still have a few good friends, a few family members who care for me and have concern about my well-being. I do, and am very grateful for whatever degree of support they are able and willing to provide.

But in truth, there is no substitute for having even one 'true blue' person you know you can rely on, through thick and thin. Someone who shows absolute loyalty. This is precisely the type of support the perps have always done their damnedest to make sure I could never get. Not so far anyway, and this dreadful situation has been going on for a long, long time. I am very sorry to have to admit that their plot to keep me isolated --and to foment alienation in my relationships, especially with those who may have otherwise stepped forward to help me or stood by me rather than desert me-- has met with resounding success.

But their success can't be proved by me. I wasn't the deserter when people were counting on me. And I am well aware that I cannot blame the perps entirely for the lack of loyalty and reliability others have shown me, even those for whom I myself have shown loyalty, reliability and trustworthiness. It always hurts when such loyalty is not reciprocated, especially from those closest to you, from whom you might have at least such a reasonable expectation. Absolute loyalty: it must be a two-way street with no double standard. Black-and-white, cut-and-dried. Such loyalty is either there or it is not.

I have learned --the hard way-- that ultimately, no matter what pressure is brought to bear on them, at the deepest level, in their heart of hearts, people make their own choices about such matters and will have to live with the consequences. Someday they may recognize the truth, hopefully before it's too late. Then again, maybe not. But I have no control over that. God gives us all free will, which I respect in others, just as I would hope they respect mine. You can't force people to care, can't force them to do the right thing. And we are each accountable for the intent in our hearts, the way we treat others and the choices we make.

I believe that the best anyone in my position can do is keep praying, as I have done for years, for God to send me someone: someone who can't be intimidated; can't be manipulated by the Psy Ops; someone who holds the same unwavering principles I do; someone who believes in me and who cares enough about me personally to have absolute loyalty and to be there, to stand by me, no matter what.

Sadly, it seems few of us have ever been fortunate enough to find such a champion. Maybe it's an unrealistic expectation, as I've often been told, but I refuse to accept these negative prognostications. I know that with God all things are possible and so, as "unrealistic" as it may be, I still hold out the hope. Nothing is more real than the love of God for His children.

Absolute loyalty and devotion are only possible through the love of one person for another. All real love is unconditional, it is spiritual and comes from God, which is why it is said that Love conquers all. Or that God is Love. To me, the ultimate expression of such unconditional love is shown by Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh. Although few of us can ever hope to approach the standard set by Christ, I believe His teaching to "love one another" is something to always aspire to. Only those who know God are capable of practicing such unconditional love.

Unconditional love does not mean unlimited tolerance for disrespectful, abusive or otherwise unacceptable behavior; it does not mean being a doormat. It does not mean just standing by and allowing people to do evil as they will, if they have malice in their hearts; if they are bearing false witness; if they are violating the spiritual integrity of others in any way.

Neither is unconditional love quid pro quo. Rather, it means abiding by uncompromising ethical standards, moral absolutes, in your treatment of others, caring about the spiritual and material welfare of others without setting conditions, or trying to manipulate them for your personal gratification or agenda.

Unconditional love cannot be contrived; it cannot be negotiated; it can only be felt in the heart. Such love leads one into abiding by God's commandments --respecting the loved ones' right to free will and freedom; respecting their personal boundaries, the inviolability of personhood-- and doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.

You may be wondering: What does any of this stuff about "love" have to do with neutralizing a target?

It is vital to understand that this is at the heart of what the perpetrators attempt to destroy: all genuine love between people, all connection to God. Destroying love, destroying the loyalty of one person for another which comes from love, creates a fertile breeding ground for the evil that manifests in their manipulation, exploitation and control. Where there is real love, there is no manipulation, there is no attempt at control, exploitation or domination, there are no power struggles, there is never slavery.

Here is the open secret which sadly, it seems few have been made privy to: Where there is true, spiritual love, evil cannot flourish.

I must say, Machiavelli had nothing on this cabal of diabolical manipulators. Their methodology seems almost fool-proof. Their goal is to isolate a target to such an extent that s/he is deprived of all companionship, friendship, any and all relationships which could provide aid, comfort --and especially-- love.

It is a known fact that an infant (not just human, but of many other species) deprived of love may die, even if other basic necessities such as food and shelter are provided. But so may an adult, eventually, if one finally succumbs to the despair of living in a world devoid of any real and sustaining love.
I have known people so targeted who have perished in just such a way --they died not of some physical assault, not of some fatal disease, but of a broken heart. If you are one of their targets, their goal is to break your heart into a million pieces. For this reason, I have often called these government-sponsored perps "the heartbreakers".


I find it ironic that under "normal" circumstances, a person like myself might expect to get some relief if she were placed in WITSEC (Witness Protection Program). But in this case, it's the government operatives who are the criminals, persecuting a law-abiding citizen. And as my CIA handlers used to tell me, drilling it into my mind, over and over: There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

As I learned from bitter experience, their assessment was all too accurate, at least for someone without the resources and support to remove herself completely from the long arm of government-sponsored organized crime. Nonetheless, I long ago gave up any thoughts of running or hiding. It's not my style, it's not how God made me. God created me a warrior, my mission of supernatural warfare ordained before the Foundation of the World. So, I stand my ground and fight them in the open, despite their perverse tactics of sabotage, subterfuge and duplicity.


And speaking of supernatural warfare, here is something else to consider:

The uninformed people who think they know far more than they do are also forgetting --if they ever knew to begin with-- about the power of Almighty God, who is most certainly not on the side of anyone purposefully and willingly participating in the atrocities being perpetrated by CIA and their political cronies. If God be for us, who can be against us?

This does not mean that at times the perps don't literally get away with murder; or that any true believer in God is always saved from disaster. I only know that relying on God for protection and guidance in my own life has made all the difference in the world; that my life has been saved numerous times through Divine Intervention; and that I have witnessed and been blessed by the awesome power of God too many times to doubt.

I also know that God works in mysterious ways which are beyond anyone's understanding, including my own. I trust that when God decides it is time for me to leave this earth, He will send the chariot to take me home. But not until that time, and no government spooks or goons have any control over that, no matter how they may plot against a target.


On some of the more mundane occasions of harassment, I've had to call the police, for such relatively minor crimes as trespassing; breaking-and-entering; theft; vandalism; phone harassment and stalking. The perps (at least those among them who are professionals) cover their tracks well; thus they are difficult for the police to apprehend.

And just try calling the police against CIA...see how far you get.

Sometimes the police are involved in the operation, being used as pawns by the intelligence agencies. On the other hand, I have to give some of the cops credit for trying, the honest ones who take their job seriously --to protect and serve-- though not in one case have I ever seen the perps convicted in a court of law. If these perps who have criminally harassed me over the years were gathered together in one spot, they could easily fill a small town jail to capacity. That's certainly where they belong --in jail. I'm still waiting...but not holding my breath.

I've also tried getting help from the FBI (on the advice of the police, who said they were not equipped to handle my complaints) in cases where it was appropriate to report the more serious crimes to them --on several occasions and in FBI Field Offices in several states, including New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Colorado and California-- giving them the names of perpetrators committing crimes (some of which are felonies) against me and my family, including death threats; reckless endangerment; assault; criminal harassment; conspiracy and racketeering.

I've even provided hard evidence against the perpetrators, collected from the 'scene of the crime', and/or my own investigations. I've had witnesses, willing to provide testimony to substantiate my complaints against these criminals.

The FBI has done absolutely nothing to protect me from these criminals, much less did they even begin to investigate these crimes. Maybe they're too busy hunting down "foreign terrorists" to be concerned about the domestic terrorists (who work for their own government) running their neutralization campaigns against law-abiding American citizens, right here at home.
By refusing to investigate serious crimes, they are actually committing their own crimes, not the least of which is obstruction of justice. It's a strange world we live in --at least the world I've been forced to live in.


After many years of fighting these government rat bastards and their minions, I have come to believe they may only be stopped from their works of iniquity by an organized effort to UNITE freedom-loving American patriots. True patriots, that is. Those who will fight to the death to protect and defend their God-given (natural) unalienable, Constitutionally protected and guaranteed rights.

We don't need the grandstanders, mountebanks, charlatans and snake-oil salesmen, many of whom have established themselves as "alternative media" mouthpieces.

We don't need aggressive public interrogations or ultimatums from officious self-appointed watchdogs who demand that all activism for Liberty be done THEIR WAY.

We don't need the bigots and hate-mongers whose message is one of chaos and violence, designed to divide-and-conquer.

We don't need those who make gratuitous personal attacks on other sincere patriots, out of spite-based envy or to gratify their own flagging egos.

The COINTELPRO exploits just such people, some of whom may not even know they are being used for an agenda they are too blind to see.

What we DO NEED is solidarity among those no-nonsense, honest, straight-arrow, kick-ass patriots who will refuse to allow the government rat bastards to steal our freedom, our children's and grandchildren's freedom, no matter the consequences to ourselves.

Liberty is everything. Without it, life means nothing.

Liberty or Death. Don't Tread on Me.

Barbara Hartwell
January 31, 2006
posted by Barbara Hartwell at Wednesday, October 15, 2008

category picture22 Sep 2008 @ 20:55
admin: get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
Human beings have "no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man."
Sigmund Freud (Civ.& Its Discontents, 1930)

This date I forward to RICKY DALE SOSBEE of Gibsonton, Florida
the following message:

Dale- I wish you well and I hope that you will remain strong. The government's actions against you reflect the inhumanity of our very sick culture and you have been too harshly *victimized by the homicidal maniacs and torturers in the fbi,** fdle, ***police and their associates and friends in the law enforcement community. The country owes you and many other tortured men a great debt (and an apology) which cannot be afforded in today's hysterical climate, but which ultimately will be recognized and honored by and for future generations. Thus you will always be remembered as one who needlessly suffered so that others may live.
You are a great man Dale, like your Dad, and my thoughts and prayers are with you eternally.



[The police assist the fbi at every turn of the murderous agenda; this means in part that the police employ against the Target at every opportunity:
harassment, false arrest or fraudulent stings,slander, threats, etc. The police regularly steal, lie, falsify reports, create false evidence, murder selected Targets, and assist the DA or the USA in arresting innocent men in order to gain plea bargaining scenarios for entrapment of the accused Innocent .
Thus, the violent gangs that call themselves police (fbi/cia) are thugs of the lowest order and must be viewed and dealt with as such. Blind trust in the local police is the domain of the ruling , elite class, not of the poor, the disenfranchised nor the targeted. This report does not represent a call for violence, but the police are on very shaky grounds as they continue to flaunt with outrageous arrogance their unlawful and tyrannical power over the people. "To Serve And To protect", is a false slogan of the police across the nation and the men in blue need to stop the charade.
If they do not, then I will stop it for them.]
geral sosbee
P.O. Box 3374
Harlingen, Texas 78551
(956) 371-5210
I can be found almost daily at the US Post Office in Harlingen, Texas 78551, at around noon.
From Barbara Hartwell:


First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up,because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up,because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
--Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
Just a short list of Political Prisoners in America. They fought for freedom from tyranny and exposed government corruption. Will you speak out for THEM?
Rick Stanley, Constitutional Activist
Ed and Elaine Brown
Online Petition
Sherry Peel Jackson
William Miller
Free Billy Miller
Iraq Veteran Victim of Government Abuse
Leonard Peltier
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
Leonard Peltier Forum
V.I.P. Signatories: Leonard Peltier is Innocent!

 The United States Demonic Assault On The World Cannot Stand
category picture9 Sep 2008 @ 21:25
admin: get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:

A fundamental flaw in the present leadership of the United States of America brings about unnecessary death and destruction around the world; the use of the fbi and the cia (and their friends in the Pentagon and the private sector) as global outlaws insures that the US government cannot repair the inestimable damage now apparent in the crime spree under way at home and abroad by these two corrupt and homicidal groups. Truly intelligent people around the world are amazed that the people of this country (USA) do nothing to hold their leaders responsible for their crimes against Humanity. Such a populace (non)response also suggests that the USA has lost all credibility as a world leader and in fact is now viewed as a world murderous and torturous tyrant which must be stopped at all costs.

The basic flaw of the government here may be the inability of the USA’s terrorists (both in the public and the private sector, under the direction of the fbi,cia, etc.) to comprehend the long term effects of the global blood bath on the human psyche, especially as the USA continues its war waging rampage. Further, few in the USA government evince the slightest awareness of the ‘indominable human spirit’ of USA’s adversaries which must prevent evil from reigning supreme on earth. In this respect the USA has at long last openly forsaken its once public façade of “In God We Trust”, for no deity can exist in the minds and hearts of the devil’s advocates. Thus, the killing and torturing goes on and on, all sponsored by the USA in the name of world peace.

The fraud that is now the United States of America is permanently recorded , as are all the names of its civilian and military supporters, as the most satanic ever known on the face of the earth, and the USA goals of maintaining military and economic power over all other nations and peoples (under the doctrine associated with the NWO) are measured by the death and suffering of those targeted for termination. The USA is reduced to the function of a little demon which must now be stopped by the eternal spirits which have always come to the aid of Humanity during times of global crises and which are alive and well in growing numbers all around and in us.
Geral sosbee
US Senate supports Israel's Gaza incursion
Thu Jan 8, 2009 5:00pm GMT
Susan Cornwell

Harry Reid:

"When we pass this resolution, the United States Senate will strengthen our historic bond with the state of Israel..., "I ask any of my colleagues to imagine that happening here in the United States. Rockets and mortars coming from Toronto in Canada, into Buffalo New York. How would we as a country react?"
Sosbee responds:
How does the world react to the USA/'?Isreal' global blood bath (in pursuit of world inhumane subjugation) spreading like a cancer all around us, using the tactics mentioned above! Freedom Fighters here at home and abroad refuse to accept any untenable defense of the torturers and terrorists of fbi/cia/mosad and their retarded sisters in the military. The battle for Liberty against mental dwarfs and war mongers (like Reid and his cowardly brethren in the Senate) is on.

 Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews
category picture8 Aug 2008 @ 18:33
Christians join forces with Militant Israeli Jews

Efforts by some Christians to urge all Christians to Join forces in support of Israeli Jews against their perceived enemies around the world exemplify the lunacy of both groups. Their recent meeting in San Antonio, Texas, usa, wherein
‘ Christians United For Israel’ (CUFI) stated that 70% of Americans instinctively support the political alliance with Israeli's militants is patently false and invites the condemnation of each and every American who subscribes to and supports Israeli’s war on its neighbors. The most recent attack on this reporter by the Israeli and Jewish Blog Network highlights the efforts of the Israelis to silence anyone who does not beg the Israeli Jews for permission to publish; see:
report dated and entitled as follows at this site: "The Jewish and Israeli Blog Network Begins Gratuitous Attack
10 Jul 2008 @ 01:00
Evangelists and others across the usa are at work 24/7 on global tv and other media programming the general population in the usa to accept the Israeli/Christian coalition in the United States as a religious duty. The fbi, the cia, MI5 , MI6 and the Mossad may approve of your hate mongering, but I do not.
To all such members of the bennie hen, van Empty, and similar groups, let’s set the record straight: God does not need you to convert his Children (as desperate as they may be) into soldiers for Israel or any other nation; you, little preachers are not the gateway to heaven; neither are you annointed by the Deity to act on behalf of the Creator to show the light of Truth to the people (however spiritually disabled they may appear). You, my little charlatans need an education separate from your money making programs: stop patronizing the people, stop your war mongering on behalf of the militant Israeli Jews and get a regular 8-5 job at your nearest fast food reastaurant. Finally, your efforts to turn faith in God into a political and a military instrument for torture, death and destruction reflects Satan’s control over you; don’t expect others to follow your Living Dead ways.

category picture3 May 2008 @ 19:08
As an apparent result of the fbi's use of directed energy weaponry (pulse microwave , ELF, or similar technology) which bombards my brain 24/7 (now into about the fifth year), I now have evidence of some *beneficial effects therefrom. I cannot here explore the details of my discovery because the fbi does not deserve to know the full truth associated with the scientific effects of their macabre plot; of course the thugs may infer some positive effects from observation of their specimen. [To be sure, however, the high tech assaults also produce severe pain and multiple other physiological symptoms that require medical attention].
Nevertheless, I by the grace of God (or by the power of the Force of Good)now have a renewed source of psychological energy and acumen as never before realized.
Of course I would like to be able to sleep at night, so the fbi should turn off the assaults in the name of Humanity. Yet, if the fbi does not allow a break from their ill conceived brain campaign I expect to continue to discover a re-birth of innate capabilities in me by which I am apparently increasingly better able (or equipped, both *intellectually and emotionally) to bring the fbi/cia and their punk associates to Justice in this life or the next, as I have plenty of time and eternal resources to do so.
For More Info See:

"Exercise Your Brain, or Else You’ll ... Uh ..".
Published: May 3, 2008

Dr. Cohen ... the plasticity of the brain is directly related to the production of new dendrites, the branched, tree-like neural projections that carry electrical signals through the brain “Every time you challenge your brain it will actually modify the brain,” he said. “We can indeed form new brain cells, despite a century of being told it’s impossible.”

* If this report reflect wishful thinking, then I am still inspired by my ideas and those of Dr. Cohen. Either way I win.Note that as this report is typed the fbi reads same and delivers a nausea-inducing high tech assault.
* "There is another class of defenses. Brain imprinting over time rewires the brain of the target. The fundamental frequencies change. Some people have been able to break the hypnotic entrainments and allow normal brain functioning rhythms just by using sound files for a month with special binaural and other beat frequencies in them. The brain is shielded in this way because it is not following the radio frequency patterns that the system is trying to force the target brain into. Neurofeedback techniques and training would also do this. All senses can be stimulated in patterns that can break the lock."
For the latest fbi subliminal notice to Sosbee regarding 'Increased Sleep Deprivation' see the bottom of page at:
And see brain entrainment, an admission:

 fbi employs terrorists and street thugs
category picture27 Dec 2007 @ 01:25
Sosbee notices the following visits to the site at apparently by former fbi associates and supporters (one of whom may be former Special Agent Ken Kaiser, now about 75 years of age). Note that these visits are by individuals who discover to their great chagrin that the world now accepts as fact Sosbee's reports that the fbi uses *terrorists against Targets (including US citizens and war veterans) in the uSA and around the globe(as evidenced by Sosbee's documentations and reports). See Google for more information about "fbi cia employ terrorists".

The site meter entries:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 67.79.217.# (Road Runner Business)
State : Texas
City : Austin
Time of Visit Dec 26 2007 9:43:09 am
Search Engine
Search Words fbi cia employ terrorists
Out Click Society of Former Special Agents of The Federal Bureau of


State : Illinois
City : Park Forest
IP Address 64.107.163.#
Time of Visit Dec 26 2007 2:32:19 pm
Search Engine
Search Words terrorists who work for the fbi
Visitor's Time Dec 26 2007 2:32:19 pm



State : Texas
City : Austin
IP Address 67.79.217.# (Road Runner Business)
Referring URL employs terrorist
Search Engine
Search Words fbi cia employs terrorist
Visit Entry Page
Visitor's Time Dec 26 2007 9:43:09 am
* Note that as this update is made the fbi delivers on Sosbee nausea inducing directed energy assaults. Then, as an apparent result of this update the fbi apply ***intense sleep deprivation on Sosbee all night on 12/26/07.
Sosbee to ken Kaiser- you will be remembered as a **mental dwarf, a fraud, a coward and a former Unidentified Felonious Offender;for as of today your identity is known the world over and part of the evidence that would have put you in prison is on my site:
Go not in peace, but recount the many crimes you orchestrated, condoned, approved, or directed during your long career in the bestial fbi.
And See MY Affidavit:
***The assaults continue intensely all day on the 27th, so that Sosbee hears a high pitch sound (somewhat maddening at times) throughout the day and much of the night; at one point the lack of sleep causes a jump in the pulse rate , and the heart beat changes from normal to increased. Then, during the night of the 27th the fbi lower the intensity of the directed energy assault and some sleep is realized, but Sosbee is bound to the bed for about 12-13 hours. The high pitch noise is in the form of white noise and is sometimes referred to as a ringing; but the so-called 'ringing' is sometimes confused with tinnitus and the complaints of the Target are thus often dismissed as imaginary. Note that if the fbi wanted to kill Sosbee, the fbi would simply not decrease the elf assaults, but would allow the pulse rate (monitored in real time by the fbi) and blood pressure to climb (simultaneous with directed energy bombardment) and the Target would presumably suffer from exhaustion and related life-threatening issues.
On the same day (the 27th), the fbi sends Sosbee a reminder that he is so assaulted as shown in the site meter image below:

IP Address 68.196.49.
State : New Jersey
****Time of Visit Dec 27 2007 10:30:16 pm
Referring URL Search
Search Engine
Search Words high pitched assaults
Visit Entry Page http://www.sosbeevfb...art4-increasedp.html
Visit Exit Page http://www.sosbeevfb...art4-increasedp.html

****Note that at the time of the visit (10:30PM) the fbi watches the Target in real time (under the non-consensual cover research and human experimentation program) as he struggles in his residence with the effects of the sleep deprivation; also note that the fbi diabolically uses the site meter to torment the Target in the hope that the Target will succumb. Indeed the fbi uses terrorists, but these men and women are serial killers and psychopaths on the loose, operating in our country under the authority of the fbi and the cia.
[Note that officers in all three branches of government and all the candidates running for President of the uSA tremble at the notion of becoming targets of fbi/cia covert criminal operations of the type I outline; furthermore, one of the candidates (Bill Richardson) actually asserted his 'security clearance' as a major qualification for the highest executive office. The silence that followed his statement revealed that all the contenders are mind controlled and that, by implication, the fbi/cia have the final authority (via security clearances) over vital matters of the State. The candidates fail to see that the people, not the fbi/cia, own the nation and that the people have the right to dismiss all fbi/cia employees at will. Finally, due to fbi/cia continuing crimes against Humanity, the uSA continues on a dangerous course toward world condemnation and self destruction].
From Harlingen, Texas
September 13, 2008

Sosbee sends the following message to US POstal Inspector:
The fbi continues to steal my mail selectively. The latest: The court in LA sent me a notice to provide proof of my purchase of ENRON stock, so that I could file as a member of the class action and participate in the distribution. I mailed the proof (my federal tax return) inside the US Postal Office at Harlingen, Texas 78551, on or about September 7, 2008; also Fidelity Investments mailed to me proof of my purchase on the same date, so that I could forward same to the court administrator. My letter to the court and Fidelity's letter to me were stolen by the fbi as part of their ongoing efforts to destroy my life. Though this may appear minor to you, the fbi is torturing and harassing me 24/7 with high tech weaponry and low minded street thugs who enter the US Post Office and steal my mail at will. A few years ago the fbi also stole the VA application for free life insurance ($10,000 whole life cash benefit); the fbi kept the application for about 9 (nine) months, then sent me the nine month old notice of my right to the free VA Life Insurance. The fbi has also stolen other time sensitive mail to harass me.
I realize that you will do nothing because you are afraid of the fbi. This makes you and your bosses cowards. Long after I am gone, the US Postal Servive will live with the record of fraud, deceit, and cover ups that your staff has performed for the fbi over the past 10 years as I have documented. The above info is true and correct.
geral sosbee

 Death Messages From fbi/cia Delivered Via Site Meter AT SOSBEEVfbi.COM
category picture10 Nov 2007 @ 21:01
I know my work is increasingly and adversely affecting the assassins and torturers of the fbi/cia globally as the hate mail and **death messages roll in voluminously. The so-called 'intelligence ' services of the uSA (including their agents, operatives, handlers, associates and supporters) have discovered how to anonymously transmit hate messages and death wishes to me. In response I must admit, however immodest this may sound, that I am heartened by each and every hate mail sent to me. The *contemptible and misguided miscreants who send the messages are exactly the same low minded hoodlums who run this country ( and who are incapable of defending it) and I am grateful for the opportunity to expose their hideous and weak mind-set to the world. A summary of the most recent death messages (in an apparently concerted effort) including one from a roach in China today and others from Florida, Pennsylvania, Sweden, Costa Rica, and Brazil, etc. (on subsequent dates) are shown below:

**GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi
ISP CHINANET Shanghai province network
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]



IP Address 70.9.69.#
State : Florida
City : Fort Lauderdale
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]

IP Address 67.140.8.
State : Pennsylvania
City : Mather
Search Words death black rose%



IP Address 84.115.86.
Country : Sweden
Search Words death black rose%
www. contactinfo.html

IP Address 201.194.47.
Country : Costa Rica
Search Words death black rose%
http:ww. / contactinfo.


IP Address 200.175.37.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
//http :///www.sosbeevfb.///


IP Address 217.74.221.
Country : Denmark
Search Words death black rose%

IP Address 88.28.167.
Country : Spain
Search Words death black rose%
// http///////



IP Address 62.117.25
Country : Germany //
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 209.9.228.# (PullThePlug Technologies LLC)
State : Maryland
[see also the "pack it up" message, dated 5/12/2000 at]:



IP Address 203.175.64
Country : Pakistan
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 80.4.187.# (DOW CORNING)
Country : United Kingdom
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 83.27.42.I
Country : Poland
Search Words death black rose%



IP Address 201.8.77.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
/... http:/w//w//w//.//sosbeev//fb/com//contact.//info.htm


IP Address 201.44.3)
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%

IP Address 85.176.245.
Country : Germany
Search Words death black rose%


IP Address 201.18.122.
Country : Brazil
Search Words death black rose%
// h t t p:////www//.sos//beevfb//

Here is one (from a most cowardly type) that suggests how the Target might kill himself:

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address 207.237.15.# (RCN Corporation)
City : New York
Time of Visit Jan 12 2008 1:28:26 pm
Referring URL http---:// cuchillo&spell=1
Search Words suicidio con cuchillo
Visit Entry Page http--://www.--sosbeevfb..spanish/--spmystory.--html


Sosbee writes:
* ... to the little ones: you must ask this question:

WAS IT ......the multi-million dollar & decade long cowardly battle to silence me...
I know it was to me. Yours Truly, g e r a l
October 5, 2007.

P.S. For all who seek to understand the craven nature of America's intelligence agents in whom the security of the United States is entrusted, see the "Death Messages" above and prepare to deal with the fall of the uSA.

November 5-10, 2007
Death Messages continue (thanks to the success of my global campaign against the fbi and the cia assassins and punks) from:

Canada Richmond Hill, Ontario

South Africa Johannesburg, Gauteng

Turkey Istanbul

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh Municipality

Spain Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha

Sweden Stockholm, Stockholms Lan

Brazil Florianpolis, Santa Catarina

Brazil Santo Andr, Sao Paulo

Brazil Uberlndia, Minas Gerais

SwedenLammhult, Kronobergs Lan

United KingdomHorsham, West Sussex

(Note: Apparently the fbi and the cia regularly delete or tamper with my reports on this site. geral)
Wife of missing former FBI agent arrives in Iran - Dec 19 11:24 AM

Tehran - *The wife of a former FBI agent whom the United States says disappeared during a visit to Iran has arrived in Tehran seeking information about her missing husband, the website of an Iranian news television channel reported Wednesday. Washington says Robert Levinson went missing in the southern Iranian island of Kish in March and the US government has asked Tehran to help determine his whereabouts.

Sosbee writes:
The next day (December 20, 2007) former fbi agent SOSBEE receives the following death message from Iran:

By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 53,520
IP Address 85.185.225.# (Research Network Jonoob Company.)
ISP Information Technology Company (ITC)
Continent : Asia
Country : Iran, Islamic Republic of (Facts)
State/Region : Khuzestan
City : Andimeshk
Lat/Long : 32.46, 48.3592 (Map)
Language Farsi
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
Javascript version 1.3
Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Dec 20 2007 5:49:04 am
Last Page View Dec 20 2007 5:49:04 am
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL
Search Engine
Search Words
death black rose%
Visit Entry Page
Visit Exit Page
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-7:00
Visitor's Time Dec 20 2007 4:49:04 am
Visit Number 53,520

Sosbee to missing fbi agent's wife , son and daughter (Christine, Daniel and Suzan Levinson):
I hope that you find missing agent Robert Levinson safe and sound. Note the death message from a cowardly fool whose mischievous heart parallels the same mean and ugly character of many fbi agents, active and retired, scattererd around the glorious earth.
The fbi assassins (& their supporters) in Thailand send "Death" message:

By Location
Country : Thailand
Language Thai
Time of Visit Apr 2 2008 4:37:45 am
Referring URL [link]
Search Words death black rose%
Visit Entry Page [link]

For more on the corruption of Thailand by the fbi/cia see:
See latest fbi message to Sosbee regarding their 'increased sleep deprivation assaults' at the bottom of the page at:
Note that hate statements in the form of death threats are not protected by the First Amendment; the fbi and the justice department are required by law to investigate interstate transmission of such threats to Sosbee.

 *washington d c indymedia corrupted by fbi/cia
category picture26 Jun 2007 @ 16:46

Recently, Washington D.C. Indymedia (hereinafter referred to as 'Wash') refused to publish my reports. Then, yesterday Wash again deletes my article, visits, and publishes in place of my article the statements quoted below.
News :: Media
Washing D.C. Indymedia Is Corrupted by fbi/cia
25 Jun 2007
by geral sosbee
Deleted by the editors with code: Empty
Notes: P'wah, hah. I've seen your all-night speed-freak conspiracy theorist Web site. Failure to publish your "documentations" at the Washing DC (not a bad idea) Indymedia is an indication of your being a goddamn' k00k."
For more on the corruption of media see the following link from which the following statement is noted:
"But we all know how few micro-seconds it takes
a new reporter to learn what subjects are taboo and what are "safe",
and that experienced reporters don't have to ask."

*Wash's message to me is located at:

Wash states:
"The requested content was deleted with notes: P'wah, hah. I've seen your all-night speed-freak conspiracy theorist Website. Failure to publish your "documentations" at the Washington D C (not a bad idea) Indymedia is an indication of your being a goddamn' kOOk."

Sosbee states: Seldom does one have the opportunity to expose the very dangerous minds of internet publishers who claim to be independent; in this instance the Wash group admits (impliedly) through the above quoted material that Wash is run by propagandists,sycophants,cowards, and hate mongers. Yet, more importantly the above quoted message to Sosbee reflects the general corrupt tone in Washington D.C. where traitors and punks (like the author of the above quote) find haven under the protective umbrella of the murderers and torturers of the fbi and the cia. Wash is of no use to a free society, except to exemplify in its low and decadent methods the hideous nature of fbi and cia homicidal influences in our world.
*P.S.: Wash hastily removes the above link as soon as this article is published on other indymedia boards. The link that Wash is now afraid to show is formerly at:
http:// dc. indymedia. org/ newswire/ display /139579/ index. php..............
Also note that the Indymedia in Boston sends Sosbee the following message:
"" to me

Your article entitled "washington dc indymedia is corrupted by fbi/cia" has been hidden from the newswire by editor.
The hide code was: Policy Violation.

The article is still available at the original URL, or on the hidden newswire page.
Feel free to reply to this message if you have any questions regarding this action.

Thank you, The IMC Editorial Collective.
More from the DC Indymedia Minderbinder who anonymously seeks to discredit
From Google Search Engine:

"DC Indymedia: newswireby geral sosbee. Hidden by the editors with code: Other Notes: I don't know what this guy's deal is. I went to the URL in the article and it's just this ... - 72k - Jun 27, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages ."

Chicago Indymedia also refuses to publish the above report on 'Washington D.C. Indymedia Corruption' and states:

"The requested content was deleted with notes".
LA Indymedia hides the same report:
"The following post has status hidden"
San Francisco Indymedia also hides the report.
Sosbee notes:
The Indymedia groups who refuse to publish my material are run by cowards and traitors; they use their so-called "Policy Standards" as a de facto
"wall of silence" to support the fbi and the cia in torture, forced suicides, and murder campaigns at home and abroad. The names of the leaders of these fraudulent indymedia groups will be published someday and we shall see the vested interests that control these hideous personalities. Mainstream media and many Indymedia groups share the same immoral bond that ultimately must be see as responsible (via cover ups, lies, and direct links with fbi/cia terrorists) for the torturing, imprisoning and killing of our Brothers and Sisters globally.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 2, 2007
The Washington D.C. Indymedia Group (hereinafter 'Wash')continues its harassing campaign against this writer. Note that a different reader asks the following question about the Wash group:"Is Indymedia DC Incapable Of Publishing Articles Which Expose FBI/CIA Corruption?"
See the question at:

Wash responds as follows to the above question:
"No, but Indymedia D C __ is__ capable of deleting whiny, ass-spanked conspiracy nutcake posts."
See the Wash statement at:

Sosbee responds to the cowardly fool at Wash who continues his demmented and disturbed diatribe:
Continue your guttural and anonymous verbal assaults; all the world is watching; Wash is washed up.
For More on this topic see:

Summary of article written by James F. Marino :
Thursday, June 28, 2007
"Is DC Indymedia Incapable Of Publishing Articles Which Expose FBI/CIA Corruption?
In Geral's case it was more than just the removal of his post. One of its moderators actually called him a Kook for simply stating his opinions."

From Brownsville, Texas
August 28, 2007

In a continuing display of institutional madness at Washington D.C. Indymedia the anonymous message (shown below) appears again as a kind of editorial attack on one of my reports (i.e.:US Judiciary serves the fbi and the cia.) at the following link:


"Hidden with code "Other"
(I don't know what this guy's deal is. I went to the URL in the article and it's just this mess of conspiracy stuff, his "personal story" that goes on forever -- with _updates_ -- real woo-woo stuff. The fact that it's designed like a pair of clown's pants doesn't help.)"
Regarding the ominous title,
anyone who tunes in to the corrupt fbi/cia/mosad controlled FOX News stations readily discovers the need to stop FOX from broadcasting, at least until the truthtellers have equal time on the air.

[link] Affidavit 2007
category picture27 Feb 2007 @ 21:26



On this 27th day of February, 2007, appeared before me Geral W. Sosbee, an individual known personally to me to be the person who affixed his signature to this document below and who, being by me first duly sworn on his oath, deposed and said:

“My name is Geral W. Sosbee; I am over the age of 18 years. I am fully competent in all manner to make this affidavit.
The information contained in this affidavit is within my personal knowledge, and is true and correct. I am referred to below as Affiant.

I have documented by direct and incontrovertible evidence and personal testimony the criminal activities of dozens (or perhaps hundreds) of agents, operatives and handlers of the FBI and the CIA of the United States of America, including, but not limited to the following:

A. Obstruction of Justice, Suppression of Evidence, Perjury, Fabrication of Evidence, Criminal Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Violate and the Violation of Civil Rights, Attempted Extortion, Attempted Blackmail, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Fraud, Burglary, Robbery, Felonious Assault and Battery, Destruction of Personal Property, Petty Theft, Theft of and Tampering with U.S. Mail and a variety of other high crimes and misdemeanors as further described in paragraph “B” below.

B. Abuse of civil process, home and car invasions facilitated by physical and wireless electronic surveillance in home and car and further enhanced by the use of a tracking device implanted in the person of the human experimentee, the Affiant; the surveillance of Affiant is ineffect as this affidavit is written and has been in effect twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, without cessation and without interruption for well over nine years world wide; all such invasive surveillance is accompanied by various terrorist acts against the Affiant as further described in paragraph “C” below.

C. Repeated assault and battery on the person of the Affiant by street thugs and by the use of high technology authorized by the United States Government under a program known as Non-consensual Cover Research and Human Experimentation; in this program the FBI and the CIA perform a wide variety of terrorist assaults on the Affiant; one such assault is accomplished by the injection (or placing) into the Affiant various chemicals, bacterial and viral infections; concomitant with the chemical and biological assaults the FBI and the CIA activate against the Affiant advanced Remote Electronic Human Behavior Influence Technology including psychoelectronic and directed energy assaults sometimes coordinated with fraudulently conceived and illegally carried out (with local police authorities world wide) attempted criminal sting operations designed to lead to the imprisonment or death of the Affiant; also in conjunction with such hi- tech experimentations the Affiant is subjected to FBI and CIA psychological operations (including conditioned response and operant conditioning techniques) which are all designed to cause the Affiant to have a nervous breakdown, physical collapse or to otherwise seek final exit from the torturous campaign, the effects of which are often viewed in real time by the FBI & CIA tormentors who actually watch on computer screens the Affiant react to the injurious and painful dirty tricks and provocations described herein; all such treasonous, inhumane and covert operations are carried out with the full support of all government entities at every level of society as further explained in paragraph “D” below.

D. All three branches of the United States Government (and segments of the community at large) are compliant with the mandates of FBI and CIA terrorist assaults as described above and all government officials at the local, state and federal levels pretend that no such criminal activity as described in the instant affidavit may occur; thus, to date the Congress of the United States, the entire Judiciary and each and every employee of the Executive branch of the government of the United States of America may directly or indirectly support the terrorist activities of the FBI and the CIA as set forth herein and as further amplified in paragraph “E” below.

E. I hereby incorporate by reference into this affidavit and thereby make a part herein as though fully reproduced herein for all purposes the contents of my website (and related links and statements by Affiant therein) located at; this incorporation includes all statements, documents and other corroborating evidence provided, obtained or authorized by Affiant, including all updates by Affiant at and any other internet site to date.

I hereby further certify and affirm under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States and the laws of the state of Texas that all statements, including those incorporated by reference and made a part herein for all purposes as though fully reproduced herein are true and correct, and that all documents (including those incorporated by reference) are true and correct copies of originals and that they are what they purport to be to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Further, Affiant sayeth Naught.”

Notary Seal

Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires October 10, 2007 _______________________
Geral W. Sosbee

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the 27th day of February, 2007, to witness which I place my hand and official seal of office.

Notary Seal

Sylvia A. Lopez
My Commission Expires
October 10, 2007 _________________________
Sylvia A. Lopez, Notary Public
In and for Cameron County,
The original, signed and updated affidavit may be seen at the following link:
For more compelling information on the subject of:
Inner Voice, Target Tracking, and Behavioral Influence Technologies
John J. McMurtrey, M. S.

Truth Is Beauty, Beauty Truth; That Is All You Can Know On Earth And All You Need To Know .
[Idea from P.B. Shelley]

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