Geral W. Sosbee: I defended an E V I L nation, the united states of america!    
 I defended an E V I L nation, the united states of america!
picture7 Nov 2013 @ 22:30, by Geral W. Sosbee

'Ask not what your country can do for you'; ask what your country can do TO you.


See my reports that reveal the underlying corrupt culture which propels the usa's unjust & phony wars.




The fbi/cia Turn Civil Society Into A Cesspool Of Sinister Assassins (alt links):







Veteran's view of choke chain:


Related, Police State, alt links:


War Ethic:


Corrupt ROTC:





fbi uses conditioned response psychological technique against Targets:

From Harlingen, Texas

November 9, 2013

On November 8, 2013, the fbi increases automobile traffic assaults by operatives/thugs on me after my recent posts online; then, as I continue my posts at the public library the fbi enters into my locked car and turns on the lights. These crimes are usually followed by increased sleep deprivation, and true to custom the fbi applies extreme elf assaults on me on the night of November 8, 2013. I view the physical and psychological assaults as threats which are more the terrible because the fbi continues all other COINTEL actions against me that I have documented for twenty years (i.e. 24/7 physical and electronic blanket surveillance, home and car invasions, vandalism in my home and car, phone harassment, slander, etc.). The implied threat is this: stop posting or else. The assaults follow my posts that the fbi finds most disturbing.

Finally, so that the reader may understand the mind games incessantly played on me (the Target) for non compliance, the fbi sends me notices that the extreme assaults will continue: the fbi changes the tv channel at the moment that the Target turns his back or picks up the tv remote control unit. This is the type of psychological dirty work that the fbi/cia plan for anyone in the world who fails to obey.

See also: [link]

Today we have global mind control through torture (physical & psychological),*forced suicide, mass murder, selective assassinations and fear thereof caused by the **overthrown government of the usa and its allies; this 'fear' phenomenon is in a sense equivalent to a virus that affects the majority of the world population, and I dub each perpetrator of such assaults on mankind as representative of the ***living dead.






I defended an evil nation:


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