Trying not to try - the art of relaxed focus3 comments
picture22 May 2003 @ 12:08
The Inner Game of Thinking

"There is always an inner game being played in your mind no matter what outer game you are playing. How aware you are of this game can make the difference between success and failure in the outer game."
---Tim Gallwey

The concept of the Inner Game was developed in the 70's by Timothy Gallwey as a way of helping people to improve their performance in various sports, e.g. tennis, golf and skiing, and also in music.

Among other things, Gallwey recommends:

* developping the art of relaxed concentration
* not trying too hard  More >

 A kiss from the Muse2 comments
picture22 May 2003 @ 10:38
A kiss is just a kiss
-------D. Spencer Jones, III

A kiss doesn't mean a promise
A kiss doesn't mean a lie
A kiss doesn't mean hello
And a kiss doesn't mean goodbye  More >

 Tarot Lessons0 comments
picture21 May 2003 @ 18:25
Lesson 2 – The Major Arcana from The Fool (0) to The Wheel of Fortune (10)

In lesson one we covered the list of the Major Arcana that describes the element, planet and astrological sign associated with each card.

Major Arcana cards that carry an astrological sign can be used as a guide for timing in a reading, (we’ll cover this later in the lessons about spreads), so it’s very useful to familiarize yourself with these cards.  More >

 MAILBOX1 comment
picture13 May 2003 @ 11:32
Do you have a comment? A suggestion? Something you would like to share? Would you like to submit an article for the gazette or become one of The Musing Muse's columnists?

Leave a message here, and The Muse will try and get back to you ASP.  More >

  Straw Paws2 comments
picture11 May 2003 @ 11:23
Mirth, Mischief and the Morris way

"Serious you say, my manly woman or is it womanly man? Why of course life is serious but it doesn’t mean you have to take it that way."

Mr. Morris speaking to a convention of Nay-Sayers, Doubtsville, USA. (the exact location is secret)  More >

 Reflets de Lune2 comments
picture10 May 2003 @ 05:49
reflets de lune
nocturne ressac
courbée sous les ombres
de vibrante douleur
je connais la cause...  More >

 Aleatoric and Political Surrealism in the Age of the Internet0 comments
picture9 May 2003 @ 20:29
aleatory and aleatoric - Composition depending upon chance, random accident, or highly improvisational execution, typically hoping to attain freedom from the past, from academic formulas, and the limitations placed on imagination by the conscious mind (...)
Aleatory was also employed by numerous twentieth century avant-garde artists. Followers of the Dada and Surrealism produced numerous examples. Jean Arp (French, 1887-1966) made collages by dropping small pieces of paper onto a larger piece, then adhering them where they landed. André Masson (French, 1896-1987) and Joan Miró (Spanish, 1893-1983) allowed their pens to wander over sheets of paper in the belief that they would discover in those doodles the ghosts of their repressed imaginations. Similarly, Tristan Tzara (Rumanian, 1896-1963) created poetry by selecting sentences from newspapers entirely by chance.
---Artlex on Aleatoric

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 Un Amour de Swan0 comments
picture9 May 2003 @ 20:19
Katelyn Mariah aka Swan is best known around NCN for her online journal, Swan's Song and Hummingbird's Heart and for her Avalon Gallery of Visionary Art. And with names such as "swan" and "hummingbird" and the ever present bird related imagery of many of her paintings it should have come as no surprise to The Muse that her interest in birds would be something that Katelyn would also actively pursue in her daily life outside of cyberspace. But no swans or hummingbirds here, no casual birding either, as it turns out---Surprise! Surprise!---Katelyn has been working as a volunteer at a rehab center for birds of prey for about seven years now.  More >

 Edition no. 00014 comments
picture9 May 2003 @ 19:43
The Musing Muse
A collective production of THE MUSE, a room of/for/about Creative Writing open to all

1. ENQUIRING MUSE WANTS TO KNOW, a free-style, free-play bit of a reporting on and about NCN and its members.
2. A CREATIVE GAZETTE about Creative Writing  More >

 Surrealist Games5 comments
picture9 May 2003 @ 18:43
- Automatic Writing

- Automatic writting and Dream transcription

- Esquisite Cadaver

- Write a Dadaist Poem

 More >

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Creative Writing

In memory of Andy Lehman
(May 05, 1982 ~ Nov. 01, 2004)

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Writings can be entered under one of six categories:
- Information: Entries relevant to the room itself,
- Music/Lyrics: Music related and/or Lyrics,
- The Journal: YOUR own writing,
- R U Game?: Game related,
- The Muse-eum: Other people's writing (quotes, bios, tips and technique,)
- Roundtable (and Roundtable Chapters): Two or more people working together on a same project.

* The Gazette is a special category set out for the ongoing Rountable project related to The Musing Muse gazette (see the Projects section)

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