Orgasmic Vancouver - Category: Mayan Day    
 Reflective Crocodile1 comment
category picture26 Aug 2004 @ 02:32
Thursday 26th Aug - Reflective Crocodile

Seven / Reflective

Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and that which is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, seven establishes purpose to current and future goals.


Crocodile receives messages of primal creative force. Simply the beginning of all things. Crocodiles who follow their hearts are seen as genius. There is no order to the primal messages so Crocodile persons should direct their energies toward practical and cooperative efforts to bring productive results. Crocodiles have a strong nurturing energy and will work hard to provide security to family and friends. Being extremely territorial, Crocodiles must watch not to be over protective or too dominating. While in these states, Crocodiles are insecure, indecisive and emotionally volatile.

A good day to: Open to new beginnings.  More >

 Flow Sun4 comments
category picture25 Aug 2004 @ 01:06
Wednesday 25th Aug -- Flow Sun

Six / Flow

The movement of volume through space creating time. Six is the energy of negotiation and responsiveness. Think on the art of dance or the play of a great athlete to see this energy in action. Six energy facilitates dynamic developments and improvements in all aspects of life.


Day of the ancestors and connection to their guidance. The divine face of the sun, lord, musician, singer, dancer and marksman. Sun's are artistic, heroic athletes, visionaries with wise judgement who lead and defend the people. So much is expected from themselves and by other people that unfulfilled expectations are a certainty. An accumulation of these disappointments may lead Sun to evade responsibilites, not accept corrections and even build resentment and disdain towards others. Suns should simplify their lives to be able to rise and shine with unconditional love once again.

A good day to: Ask for the wisdom and continued honored memory of our ancestors.  More >

 Empowerment Storm0 comments
category picture24 Aug 2004 @ 00:33
Tuesday 24th Aug -- Empowerment Storm

Five / Empowerment

At the center of the cube we find Five. Five is an intelligent, organizing force which manages communications and materials, knowledge and applications. Fives are natural net workers who gather what is needed. These persons can probe directly to the core of any situation making them excellent investigators.


Day of the blessings of rain, giver of all life and lightning, a gift of nitrogen to Mother Earth and ozone to Father Sky. Also associated with the moon and the cycles of the moon which are the meter of the feminine aspect of creation. The essense of Storm is the feeling of unity, security and warmth experienced in the home while a tempest of trouble rages in the world outside. Perpetually youthful, Storms exist to experience the ecstasy of freedom. They have a great capability to both learn and teach. Their constant quest for novel experiences often leads to difficult tests and storms of emotion. Looking at these difficulties for the lessons they indeed are, will enrich their lives rather than destroy.

A good day to: Count your lessons as blessings and your enemies as angels.

 Stability Flint5 comments
category picture23 Aug 2004 @ 01:11
Monday 23rd Aug -- Stability Flint

Four / Stability

The most stable of all forms is the cube. Four is the establishment of volume by definition. The four directions give orientation to any form as the height, length, depth and breadth give shape to any form. The energy of Four, sets the parameters which establish the freedoms and barriers needed to create a game, a work or relationship.


Mirror of reality. As a struck flint, these persons are the divine sparks of intelligence. Flints innate abilities are utilized to discriminate emotions from facts. Flint persons stand tireless to protect, defend or cure others by personal sacrifice. By courageously wielding the sword of truth, falsehoods are cut away. Flints, it was said, can receive information on inter-personal troubles or the evil plots of others by reflecting in an obsidian mirror. Their valiant service as warriors of the truth must be impeccable or they will experience sufferings of accidents, misunderstandings and gossip.

A good day to: Spend time in reflection and introspection.  More >

 Action Earth0 comments
category picture22 Aug 2004 @ 00:43
Sunday 22nd Aug -- Action Earth

Three / Action

Movement, Communication. Three energy is very eloquent in all types of self-expression. Communication is how you establish a point of agreement between any point "A" and any point "B". The basic movement being a vibration, Three persons are rhythmic to the core. They are often restless, as motion is their nature. By working closely with the energy of Three, any person becomes more able to predict motion of all kinds.


Keeper of the garden of Earth. Profound synchronistic connections to Earth's natural cycles and energies provide powers of creations and memories of ancient wisdom. Earth persons, help dispel bad intentions, habits and ideas. This makes them very good councilors and masters of all arts. Studious and intelligent, Earth persons endeavor to bring a flow of natural order to all aspects of Being connected to the dynamic forces of nature, Earth persons need much liberty to facilitate their expression of migration or the sending of long distance communications such as the whales, elephants, birds and many other creatures. Sometimes Earth's delicate sensitivites are upset resulting in quakes of emotion even the display of a volcanic temper.

A good day to: Give thanks to Mother Earth for all her gifts.

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