Orgasmic Vancouver - Category: Mayan Day    
 Resolution Road0 comments
category picture17 Aug 2004 @ 00:30
Tuesday 17th Aug -- Resolution Road

Eleven / Resolution

Every new creation has to find its space in the universe. In the process of "fitting in", some modifications must occur. These changes are the energy of Eleven. Eleven is the energy of dynamic actions facilitating change, simplification and improvement. To those born with this energy, some persons are put off by too much change. Maybe you've noticed?


The bearer of time, and the conductor of destiny. These persons open the road and guide the the future groups, communities and individuals alike. Likeable, obedient, dedicated hard workers and organizers. Road persons are fotunate in business and travel. Many become care takers of the poor, sick or old people, where they make many personal sacrifices. Sometimes referred to as the sign of Grass, which is the most bountiful of all life forms but is also, the most humble. Road persons are affectionate and emphatic, they are easily hurt but slow to anger. This holding in of negative emotions unexpressed resentment can lead to illness, a poisoned opinion of others and a false bravado for this sun sign.

A good day to: Do some community service.

 Manifestation Monkey0 comments
category picture16 Aug 2004 @ 01:31
Monday 16th Aug -- Manifestation Monkey

Ten / Manifestation
What were once intentions or ideas, hopes or fears become physically present with the energy of Ten. This is the energy when what has had attention and intention focused upon it becomes real. A powerful energy that carries a great responsiblity.


Monkey, is known to the Maya as the Weaver or the Weaver of Time. Monkey takes ideas as threads or vines and weaves them into the fabric of our reality. New patterns or inventions are also woven into our lives by Monkey. Amiable, intelligent, generous and a jack of all trades, Monkey's innocent curiosity leads to artistic expression and constructive solutions. Many Monkeys become highly respected merchants or speakers. They love performing practical jokes and crave attention, so much so that they may over-act or play the fool to the spotlight. Monkeys have a short attention span and find it difficult to stay with anything long enough to master it.

A good day do: Begin anything new in your life.

 Patience Dog0 comments
category picture15 Aug 2004 @ 00:06
Sunday 15th Aug -- Patience Dog

Nine / Patience

The energy of Nine is one of getting a better perspective of the bigger picture. With the energy of Nine, plans or patterns begin to come to completion. With the energy of Nine, patience and perseverence found in the bigger picture are strong or there is great suffering for the lack thereof. The completion of cycles of action is all-important to Nine.


Courageous, loyal and warm hearted, very alert and valiant, people born of Dog are respected for their sense of justice and protection. People born of the sun sign Dog are very sensual and know how to enjoy life. Playfulness and a good understanding of the basic human nature lead to prosperity for Dog. Dogs are good team players who love to travel and have a keen sense of their position in society. Dogs are ambitious and will take opportunities when they offer themselves, including infidelities. Dog persons share the nature of coyotes and spies, wolves and lawyers.

A good day to: Enjoy family and friends.

 Justice Offering0 comments
category picture14 Aug 2004 @ 04:20
14th Aug -- Justice Offering

Eight / Justice

Harmony and balance are the intent of eight. Eights carefully weigh all evidence to reach a balance of justice. Eight is the power of organization demontrated in the statement "As above, so below". From simplicity to infinity, the energy of Eight organizes all levels of creation. Some Eights are "Neat Freaks".


Also known as the sign of water. Ceremonially, Maya use water as an offering in baptisms and purifications. These ceremonies are done to bring about a collective strength, adaptability and harmony. In sincere appreciation, Offering people gladly give more than they ask for themselves. Offering persons are dynamic communicators with great intelligence making them excellent employers. Like a shaken vessel of water, Offering people regain equilibirium quickly. Also like a body of water, there may be deep undercurrents of emotion and hidden danger. Others perceive these as hidden agendas in Offering people and so extend them little trust and may even slap blame on them.

A good day to: Offer appreciation for all of creation.

 Reflective Star2 comments
category picture13 Aug 2004 @ 00:25
Friday the 13th Aug -- Reflective Star

Seven / Reflective

Seven stands as a mirror to divide light and dark and to reflect all that is and that which is not. Seven is associated with the source of creation and the flow of divine will. With a keen sense of ethics, seven establishes purpose to current and future goals.


Star energy is multiplication of all things to abundance. Star has been associated with the fertility of rabbits for its ability to multiply. As each sun in the sky, Star persons shine equally in all directions. This natural tendency of harmony and balance can become a compulsion, motivating Star to be too agreeable and too generous, rejected gifts cause fear and resentments. when a Star believes it has given too much they are weakened or may even collapse. In this "Black Hole" state, Stars are prone to verbal jousting and arguing to force their point of view on everyone.

A good day to: Ask for abundance in all relations.  More >

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