 Celebration time2 comments
31 Aug 2002 @ 10:37
Love Light:
Rock’n’ Roll Queen,
Come ride with me
A wave is about to break
all mankind will be freed.
Friendship and trust
Will make its thrust.
We carry the light
Understanding love.
No one can prevent
loves power
capturing all.
We know too much
We see too clearly,
Together we are
Together we must be.
Freedom and peace
Walk hand in hand.
Love lubricates the way
To the delight of understanding.  More >

 Prayer for Peace0 comments
31 Aug 2002 @ 10:35
The collective Godself
Watches and waits.
Can the little minds of men
Stay so empty and devoid
when annihilation of the species
Is at the finger of a mad puppet.
Will the puppet push the button?
The ultimate statement of frustration:
Will the light of love
shine a way.
Will the WISDOM of ages gone
Be used,
To establish a peaceful golden era.
Reflection of a SUN
sustaining power.
Small wonder
That gold is standard?
The ultimate psychic experience.

 For Alana4 comments
18 Aug 2002 @ 14:04
This image of the Evening Star with new moon into Leo came to me as I began saying farewell to my old life and welcome into the evolving joy. I wish upon this and am transported beyond my wildest dreams.  More >

 Land fall/farewell1 comment
18 Aug 2002 @ 13:51
This is the view of the Hokianga Heads. It is from here that the ancient sea going Waitaha peoples left and arrived on the oceans 'long tides'. From here they went to Easter Island and beyond to link the ancient nations of the Pacific.
This image I dedicate to my beautiful friends who understand the sacred nature of any journey. I travel the oceans too and carry the knowing of the land and seas with me.  More >

 Sacred spirit of this land1 comment
18 Aug 2002 @ 13:45
In the centre of our North Island (Wi Repo the Sacred String Ray of Maui) are the mighty cones of three active volcanos. We ski on the one known as Ruapehu (see earlier entry), these two beauties are Tongariro and Ngarahoe they are central to the creation myth in this region and have a magic and power that is awesome. Maybe it helps us to see our selves in true perspective and honour the sacred in our every day activity.  More >

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