Toward a Unified Metaphysical Understanding: Consciousness, Self, World, Virtual Reality and Liberation    
 Consciousness, Self, World, Virtual Reality and Liberation
2009-01-11, by John Ringland

Let us begin with the proposition that:

  1. Consciousness is fundamental and universal.

  2. The individual self is not unitary.

  3. The world is not an illusion as in 'unreal' but is an illusion in that it is not as it appears to be.

Clarification of (1 and 2): Many millions of people have successfully performed the experiment of deep meditation and attained the realisation that everyday consciousness is a complex self-propelling system of thoughts, emotions, day-dreams and so on which self organise into a personality, but beneath this there is a level of pure awareness that is often called the watcher or the seer. This deeper level transcends the individual personality and has its source in an underlying universal consciousness.

It is this level of consciousness that is proposed to be fundamental and universal. Let us call this level of consciousness pure-awareness and the more complex levels of consciousness can be called mind. Think of pure-awareness as a thread of consciousness and mind as a complex dynamic knot of pure-awareness.

Clarification of (3): Whilst the world appears within the mind as objects and events within space and time, these are the appearances of things but not their deeper reality. As the many streams of pure-awareness interact they produce in each other the contents of consciousness (phenomena) and thereby each stream of consciousness experiences a phenomenal world. But that world is an interpretation of the contents of consciousness whereas the actual reality is a field of interacting pure-awareness that are part of a single unified process.


This sounds rather counter-intuitive to many people who are habituated to a common sense realist (naïve realist) world-view – however it does make sense. Furthermore, given its explanatory power and ontological simplicity Occam's razor would fall in its favour.

Is there some comprehensible model or analogy through which we can make sense of these propositions? We cannot use models involving objects and events in space and time so are there any other known models we can use?

How about virtual reality – not the current technology of VR where a physical human is tricked into perceiving a virtual world, but rather a simulated universe within which simulated systems exist and experience that universe from within. I will be considering a particular type of reality generative simulator called SMN. The idea that reality may be virtual is growing in acceptance and becoming a compelling world-view, hence here we look at its spiritual implications. For an introduction to the scientific approach to the subject see the article God Is the Machine and A Cybernetic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

pure-awareness or the watcher or seer does not have complex thoughts or memories or imaginations and so on – it is a stream of pure awareness, hence it can be analogically modelled by computation. Both are very primitive animating principles via which information can be experienced.

In the case of a simulated universe there is a single unified computational process that drives a reality generative process (SMN simulator) which iteratively computes the next state of the universe based on the current state. This operates at a quantum level but also has a classical analogue, which for simplicity we will discuss here.

Through the action of the simulator the computational process is transformed into many threads or individual streams of computation that each experiences things from its individual perspective and interacts within a common information space.

In this way these streams have both an appearance that can be experienced and an experiential process via which they experience each other. These streams can be thought of as systems within a universe.

As these systems interact they integrate into super-systems and these super-systems also interact and integrate into more complex super-systems. Both the inner experiential processes and the outer observable forms become more complex.

In this way beings can emerge that have complex inner experiential processes and complex observable forms. This explains how pure-awareness (computation) relates to a complex mind and how pure-awareness can be said to be fundamental and universal as well as why it is said to have a unified source but manifests as many individual streams.

From the perspective of a complex system within the simulated universe, it experiences itself as a physical being in a physical world that is populated by physical objects and events. Most of the objects have relatively simple inner experiential processes hence they engage in simple interactions so it is easy to think of these systems as being 'inert' or 'inanimate' and governed by simple “laws of physics”. The systems can also be dismantled or rearranged thus leading to various forms of 'technology'.

From this complex perspective the mind seems to be unitary and is always accompanied by something that comes to be known as the 'body'. The body is the outer appearance of the complex system whilst the mind is its inner experiential process. But just as the body consists of many integrated sub-systems, so too does the mind hence it only seems to be unitary.

Due to the iterative nature of the reality generative simulator each simple system experiences things only in a present moment. However for complex systems the processes that result in their complex experiences occur over many moments hence they only experience a perceptual moment and not an ontological moment. Due to the iterative nature of the reality generative process, the past is only in memory, the future is only in expectation and the present moment is all that actually exists. However at the quantum level there is a superposition of all states of being, hence the present moment contains all possible states of being in potential form.

If a complex being looks only through the senses and mind it will experience the phenomenal world of appearances and conceive of a materialist world-view. However if it sits with consciousness-of-consciousness and goes deeper into consciousness it will eventually reach the level of pure awareness. In this way it makes contact with the computational process that is One, Whole, Unified and is the creator and sustainer of all 'things' (systems within the universe). From this level of being (as pure computation within a computational space) the limitations of the simulation no longer apply and things can be known or done which seem miraculous from a perspective within the simulation.

By identifying not with the body or the mind but with pure-awareness (computation) and Brahman / God (reality generative process) the being enters into a different mode of being. Rather than be beset by fears and fetishistic desires for the appearances of things believing them to be all that is real, instead they have a more holistic perspective and thereby attain peace even in the midst of apparent adversity.

Related links:

Unification of Science

Seven Steps To Unified Metaphysical Awareness

Ask Yourself This

Virtual Reality Analogy Alongside Science and Mysticism

Computational Metaphysics and Vedic Metaphysics

Core terms for the Information System Paradigm

What is a system and why should we care to know?

Three Metaphysical Perspectives on one Page

Computational Metaphysics, Consciousness and Systemic Evolution

The Scientific Case Against Materialism

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