Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Diary    
 The fbi continues to assault me in the library
picture15 Oct 2015 @ 15:50
As I have previously documented the fbi sends their operatives into the public libraries in Brownsville and Harlingen, Texas, to assault and to criminally commit battery of my person.

See: [link]

and: [link]

Sometimes the fbi tears up my car which is parked at the Veterans Memorial, adjacent to the library in Brownsville.

The fbi also uses the same operative who tried to kill me and my wife over a decade ago by pouring toxic fumes into my residence:


and: [link]

The same beast of a human being continues to enter the library to make presence known. Usually, such an appearance is followed by increased sleep deprivation. The librarians ignore my reports of crimes against my person, and they even seem to avoid seeing me in the library. The fact that the fbi continues to use this same serial stalker and apparent assassin against me is in itself evidence of the complete abandonment of any sense of law and decency in the USA by the fbi, congress and courts.

On several occasions the fbi sends different thugs into the library to interrupt my work on the computer by touching me on my back or shoulder, or by asking me for assistance in guarding their paper bags, or by asking if I have a gasoline container in my car, etc.The fbi knows (by their 24/7 surveillance of me-both video and audio- in my home) that this kind of provocative battery on my person is particularly disturbing to me as a result of my service in the US Army, Viet Nam.

The motive for the assaults is to discourage me from making my reports online, especially as I and my wife recently contacted several high level Mexican officials regarding crimes against us and our property in Mexico. Indeed, after our recent contacts with the Mexican officials, they made some inquiry on behalf of my wife. Then, I notice visits to my reports on fbi crimes against us from 'anonymous proxy' (possibly in Mexico)as shown in the following image from

[link]  More >

picture15 Oct 2015 @ 15:26
The following group has allowed the fbi to enter into my account and to delete all of my recently attempted posts, about 100 (perhaps even all posts to date):

I am thus in effect banned from Disqus.


Detected as spam"

My previous record of positive feedback:

Comments 5802

281 Upvotes ◾brownsville,texas
◾Joined Sep 21, 2009

I deleted my Disquuis account today:

"Delete Your Disqus Account

This can't be reversed, so make sure you're sure this is what you want.



Also these groups cooperate with the fbi thugs and block me from posting:


"Your IP address has been blocked due to excessive spam comments. Please contact us if you believe this is in error."  More >

 fbi illegally prevents sale of our property in Mexico
picture13 Oct 2015 @ 21:22
Spanish: El fbi fraudulentamente impide la venta de la propiedad en México
Este informe complementa mi informe de octubre de 2015, en relación con el acoso, difamación, acoso y vigilancia, asaltos, etc., de mi esposa y yo (sucesivo ' nosotros '') en México como nos intentan vender su casa en Matamoros, México. Aquí está el enlace del informe en Inglés:

Durante la última década hemos tratado de vender la casa como nueva en un barrio agradable, ubicado en Matamoros, México. Aprendimos en los años que algunos agentes son enviados para hacer citas para clientes ficticios ver la propiedad. Incontables horas se gastan como viajamos hacia y desde México para mostrar la casa a compradores falsos que a menudo no se presenta en la casa.

Recientemente nos enteramos de que el fbi continúa su vigilancia 24/7 cada vez que nosotros (o cualquiera de nosotros) entrar a México. El fbi y sus agentes mexicanos (que operan bajo la autoridad de la policía federal) en contacto con cualquier persona que este interesada y con el fin de disuadirlos de que ofreca comprar la casa. El operativo del fbi/mexicana dice al comprador prospectivo que la casa y el propietario están bajo investigación de la policía federal por delitos. La naturaleza de los delitos no es revelada a nosotros por el guardia de seguridad que proporciona la información con respecto a la interferencia con los intentos de vender la casa. Vecinos de la zona también se dan vuelta contra nosotros y realmente destrozar la propiedad, o tirar piedras, basura, animales muertos, serpientes, etc., en el patio delantero. Algunos personas en carro pretension interes en comprar la casa y besinos hacer gestos obscenos a nosotros por razones desconocidas.

Para nuestra sorpresa algunas mujeres en contacto con mi esposa y pretenden urgentemente interesados y muestran esfuerzos e interes, nos preguntan acerca de la casa. Entonces, la mujer mexicana hace citas falsas para poder cumplir con un notario o un abogado para hacer una oferta. Estos escenarios un medio día o así y no son productivos al final como el posible comprador detiene abruptamente contactos. De vez en cuando un macho de mujer llega a la casa por la cita a hacer preguntas que evidentemente no pertenecen a la propiedad. El banquero que utilizamos puede también aber sido contactado por el fbi/mexicano 'federales' para ganar su cooperación en la prevención de una venta.

Así, hemos determinado que cualquier venta de la propiedad será difícil o imposible porque el fbi y sus amigos se consideran casi Mafia y personas temen cualquier contacto con nosotros o con la casa. Entiendo que los mexicanos cooperan con el fbi porque (los matones mexicanos en el gobierno) quieren robar la casa, con la esperanza de que le abandonemos la propiedad. El fbi y la policía en los Estados Unidos regularmente se apoderan de bienes de criminales a lo largo de los Estados Unidos, pero son necesarios algunos documentos de la corte. En México, al parecer los matones que tratan de robarnos de la propiedad con un similar, menos complicado sistema para apoderarse de propiedad abandonada. Uno de los agentes de bienes raíces que nos contactaron y que puso en un gran espectáculo de interés se revela ahora como un fraude y un ladrón como sigue: datos de la inmobiliaria intentaron nos obligan a firmar un contrato de servicios, sabiendo que los datos de la inmobiliaria no intentaría vender la casa y datos de la inmobiliaria eventualmente sería capaz de hacer una reclamación por Gran Comisión cuando la casa se convierte por medio de una conbersion (es decir, robo).

Cada vez que viajamos a México, el fbi y sus amigos nos siguen para asegurarse de que nadie nos contacte se conoce a los matones, para que después hagan sus habituales observaciones calumniosas contra nosotros en los esfuerzos para evitar cualquier venta.

Tenga en cuenta que el fbi interfiere igualmente con mis esfuerzos para comprar o vender , bienes raíces en cualquier lugar en los Estados Unidos.
Esta información es presentada para el registro.

Yo soy abogado en USA, Texas Bar # 18855625, y nunca en nuestra vida emos sido acusados mi esposa o mi persona (ni criminal, ni civil) contra mi y ella.

English: The fbi fraudulently prevents the sale of our property in Mexico
This report supplements my October, 2015, report regarding the harassment, slander, stalking and surveillance, assaults, etc., of me and my wife (hereinafter referred to as ‘we’’) in Mexico as we try to sell her house in Matamoros, Mexico. Here is the link to the report in English:

For the past decade we have tried to sell the like new house in a nice barrio located in Matamoros, Mexico. We learned over the years that some realtors are sent to make appointments for fictitious clients to see the property. Countless hours are spent as we travel to and from Mexico to show the house to phony buyers who often do not show up at the house.
Recently we learned that the fbi continues their 24/7 surveillance each time we (or either of us) enter Mexico. The fbi and their Mexican operatives (who operate under the authority of the federal police) contact any person who is interested and in order to dissuade them from offering to buy the house. The fbi/Mexican operative tells the prospective buyer that the house and the owner are under federal police investigation for crimes. The nature of the crimes is not disclosed to us by the security guard who provides the information regarding the interference with the attempts to sell the house. Neighbors in the area are also turned against us and some actually vandalize the property, or throw rocks, trash, dead animals, snakes, etc., into the front patio. Some neighbors drive buy and make obscene gestures at us for reasons unknown.
To our amazement some women contact my wife and pretend to be urgently interested and show elaborate efforts to question us about the house. Then, the Mexican female makes bogus appointments for us to meet with a notary public or a lawyer in order to make an offer. Such scenarios take a half a day or so and never are productive in the end as the prospective buyer abruptly stops contacts. Occasionally a male of female comes to the house by appointment to ask questions that obviously do not pertain to the property. The banker that we use may also have been contacted by the fbi/Mexican ‘federales’ in order to gain his cooperation in preventing a sale.
Thus, we have determined that any sale of the property will be difficult or impossible because the fbi and their friends are seen as quasi Mafia and people fear any contact with us, or with the house. I understand that the Mexicans cooperate with the fbi because they (the Mexican thugs in government) want to steal the house, hoping that we will abandone the property.The fbi and the police in the USA regularly seize assets of criminals throughout the USA, but some court documents are needed. In Mexico, apparently the thugs who seek to rob us of the property have a similar, less complicated system to seize abandoned property. One of the realtors who contacted us and who put on a big show of interest is now revealed as a fraud and a thief as follows: the realtor tried to force us to sign a contract for services, knowing that the realtor would not try to sell the house and the realtor would eventually be able to make a claim for big commission when the house is converted through a seizure (i.e. theft).
Each time we travel into Mexico, the fbi and their friends follow us to make sure that anyone we contact is known to the thugs, so that they may later make their usual slanderous remarks against us in efforts to prevent any sale.
Note that the fbi similarly interferes with my efforts to buy or sell realty anywhere in the USA.
This information is submitted for the record.  More >

 fbi gratuitous evil
picture6 Oct 2015 @ 04:05
The gratuitous evil of the us government, fbi/cia/doj, etc. is beyond belief and can only be verified by their victims and by the assassins themselves. [link]

Neighbors watch the fbi thugs enter my home regularly and are advised by fbi that I am under a court ordered investigation. No one suspects that the real criminals are the fbi, the judge, and the operatives who enter my home and who otherwise assault me with DEW every moment of my existence. Mind games are painful.
[link]  More >

 U.S. Attorney accomplice to all fbi crimes
category picture6 Oct 2015 @ 01:45
On October 4, 2015, I sent a message (*summarized below) to the U.S. Attorney, WDC, regarding continuing crimes and cover ups against me by USPI and fbi assassins. Today, while I was out of the house the fbi in apparent retaliation entered my home and , having watched my eating habits 24/7 for over 15 years, stuck their hand into the olive jar and destroyed the olives.
The U.S. Attorney is an accomplice to all crimes and terrorist assaults that I have described for the past twenty five years. USDJ is also a terrorist group.


The uspi and the fbi are engaged in unconscionable crimes and cover ups, even as their criminal agents try to provoke this Target. Weep for this nation & for all the world, not for me, because fear of the fbi/MAFIA grips all.

 weep for usa
picture4 Oct 2015 @ 11:28
Top cops in USA continue their illegal denial of my FOIA request . Why ?

Because the fraudulent investigation is intended to continue from 2013 to an indefinite time in order to threaten this writer with arrest for showing the fundamental and pervasive corruption of the fbi, uspi, texas dps, etc, and the *overthrow of the US government by the intelligence community.

The uspi and the fbi are engaged in unconscionable crimes and cover ups, even as their criminal agents try to provoke this Target. Weep for this nation & for all the world, not for me, because fear of the fbi/MAFIA grips all.


Submission to the authority of hoodlums & assassins of the overthrown government of the United States of America (i.e., fbi,cia,dod,police) establishes at once one's identity and his legacy. Thus, as the present regime is ruled by criminals and sociopaths all citizens are of questionable 1) integrity and 2) in some instances sanity.

Police State Madness:

Drones may in theory legally be used by fbi/police to kill fleeing, innocent suspect in a vehicle.


Never mind that the cop or fbi thug may be insane, corrupt and homicidal, and that you have no reasonable basis to accept the illegal and abusive order.Note in the following link the stated desire of the fbi to kill me.
So, why would I stop on order of a psychopathic cop or fbi agent/killer!

[link]  More >

 A reminder of fbi insanity
category picture18 Sep 2015 @ 00:09
Fbi operative shouts "mass murder" in efforts to turn the world against the primary whistleblower ever to come out of the fbi, GERAL SOSBEE:



The most incompetent government agencies in the world 26.Feb.2013 13:30
paint me doubtful link

"Millions upon millions of dollars and man hours wasted watching this imbecile and no results. What in the world justifies spending so much time and money watching this goober? They must think that he is planning an act of terrorism, or maybe he is getting ready to shoot up a school or theater. I think it is time to find out what the fbi knows about geral, and why he is such a danger to the public. He is obviously mentally incompetent, so maybe, just maybe another mass murder will be prevented by this surveillance."

For more from fbi's own assassin 'Paint Me Doubtful' and his other alter egos see


My other recent report is here (where are all the patriots while fbi hoodlums attack me):


picture1 Sep 2015 @ 21:07

Mr. Geral W. 'geral' Sosbee

Eligible to Practice in Texas*22J1lj0WO74inxHXMP8l0Wgzk6yPwVe2LvJK8siESnr6npOtEnnjJMT/chiefcounsel2017.pdf

Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

Bar Card Number: 18855625
TX License Date: 05/13/1983

Primary Practice Location:

PO Box 1548
Brownsville, TX 78522-1548

Notice: I am not presently taking cases and all persons who send messages to me should be careful to conform to time limits on filing any action in court, lest the pleadings be too late for court consideration. So, seek counsel with appropriate legal experience and qualifications.  More >

 Florida State Attorney's Office Unethical
picture28 Aug 2015 @ 01:22
The criminal justice system in the United States is hopelessly corrupt and must be removed from our lives. Those who earn a living from prosecuting, harassing, imprisoning, torturing, and killing our people are delusional in thinking that they serve the interest of society. US attorneys, District Attorneys, State Attorneys, etc., seem to believe that they have no (ZERO) duty to protect universal human and civil rights of all persons. SCOTUS demonstrates a complete disregard for the value of human life.

Today the Florida State Attorney visits my site at the *page shown below:

Fbi's half century vendetta for this:

Note that the Florida State Attorney is aware of the fbi's many crimes in efforts to imprison or kill me and yet no one in that office seems the least bit interested in the gross abuses by the fbi that I outline for twenty five (25) years.

I then forward a copy of my report at (entitled" What would you do if",

to the State Attorney's office. So the State Attorney is aware of the countless crimes committed against me by the assassins of fbi.

Then, one of the very low employees in that office sends me the message that my material "sucks". Here is the evidence of their petty and cowardly message to me:

The link that they used to come to my site is a pathetic effort to discourage; here is the site followed by the actual site meter image showing the State Attorney visit to my material:


All of the thugs who pretend that human rights are not worthy of consideration are not only often accessories to human rights violations, but are in some instances accessories to unconscionable offenses that I present. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they are not because they are sociopathic just like the fbi hoodlums whom I identify as quite filthy & subhuman.

By Location > Visit Detail
IP Address 205.153.148.# (State Attorney's Office 18th Circuit)
ISP State Attorney's Office 18th Circuit
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Florida
City : Melbourne
Lat/Long : 28.2119, -80.7583 (Map)
Distance : 1,036 miles

Time of Visit Aug 27 2015 3:44:39 pm
Last Page View Aug 27 2015 3:44:39 pm
Visit Length 0 seconds
Page Views 1
Referring URL [link]
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]

Visitor's Time Aug 27 2015 4:44:39 pm
Visit Number 184,304

Here is the first visit to my site by the Florida State Attorney where the fbi commends me for my work as shown in this link: [link]


IP Address 205.153.148.# (State Attorney's Office 18th Circuit)
ISP State Attorney's Office 18th Circuit
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Florida
City : Melbourne

Time of Visit Aug 27 2015 2:18:54 pm
Last Page View Aug 27 2015 2:29:58 pm
Visit Length 11 minutes 4 seconds
Page Views 2
Referring URL [link]
Visit Entry Page [link]
Visit Exit Page [link]
Out Click
Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Aug 27 2015 3:18:54 pm
Visit Number 184,297

The fbi assassins notifie me of their dislike for the above report by again hacking this forum and hiding the report.

Other recent events:
[link]  More >

 Many vet groups are not helpful
picture26 Aug 2015 @ 23:18
I sent the *request shown below to the following vet representative, Michael Gifford, of 'onbehalfdotorg' who replied , "NO". Note that I am a 60% disabled combat vet of Viet Nam.

Michael Gifford

to me


Best regards,

Mike Gifford




*Please publish this:

Evidence of fbi as quasi monsters against this US citizen and combat veteran.

In the links below the reader may find evidence that this country is a de facto police state as spearheaded by the sub humans in the fbi. Note that the US congress and the SCOTUS are fully aware of the atrocities committed against me; yet the leaders in all branches and departments of government stand by and at times cheer for the fbi to finish their work.


Preface: we must prosecute fbi/cia for clandestine murders.


The fbi trains all police leaders at NA to beat, torture, imprison and murder our people.


SCOTUS authorizes police/fbi to kill you if you flee in your car, notwithstanding your complete innocence.

*The FY 2014 budget request for FBI totals $8,443 million, which is a 4.0% increase over the FY 2012 Enacted.

Meanwhile, the fbi is on a roll of unconscionable offenses, a crime spree unprecedented in human affairs,


No subjects demand more attention from the press & all media than fbi/cia/police continuing crimes of torture, imprisonment, forced suicide, and murder of our people; yet, the biggest voices and most prominent news men of our time pretend that no such atrocities exist. To all of them I say “you are cowardly accessories to murder, mayhem and high crimes perpetrated on your behalf by the most despicable sub humans and quasi monsters ever to live on earth (fbi and company).”

Furthermore, such irresponsibility in failure to enlighten the public on vital issues of government hideous oppression is an indictment of all who benefit from this decadent culture .


*A Postulation:


supreme irony:


Descent into the abyss; see my work also at


Increased assaults on me by the fbi:

[link]  More >

 fbi exercises control over
category picture25 Aug 2015 @ 22:20

fbi exercises control over
Posted by geral sosbee on August 25, 2015 at 5:00pm
View Blog
Fbi takes revealing control of a popular public message forum called disqus. In the following link see how fbi allows operatives to attack Sosbee, while deleting all of Sosbee's posts:

Fbi now swoops in to:

and fraudulently deletes nearly all of my recent reports labeling same as ‘spam’ as shown here:

It’s official: Seizure of hacker forum Darkode proves FBI can get anyone geral sosbee 14 minutes ago Detected as spam


FBI agent in sworn deposition: Petraeus lover accessed his emails geral sosbee 40 minutes ago Detected as spam


Holdout Michigan considers compensating innocent inmates geral sosbee a day ago Detected as spam


INVESTIGATION: Secrecy Around ‘Stingray’ Cell Surveillance Persists Despite Growing Transparency Efforts geral sosbee a day ago Detected as spam


The Murders Not Deemed Newsworthy geral sosbee a day ago Detected as spam


Philadelphia violent crime rate on the rise geral sosbee a day ago Removed


Why Ignorant White Americans Are Terrified of Angry Black People geral sosbee a day ago Detected as spam


Former FBI agent accused of issuing ‘violent threats’ at CIA geral sosbee a day ago Detected as spam


Lower Manhattan Federal Building Shooter Was Government Whistleblower geral sosbee 2 days ago Detected as spam


Indiana team that raided Fogle's home used mobile laboratory geral sosbee 2 days ago Detected as spam


and more:

Detected as spam Detected as spam Detected as spam Detected as spam

 Corruption of USPI by fbi
picture11 Aug 2015 @ 22:17
I have renewed my FOIA request with the US Postal Service and the US Postal Inspector for a copy of their fraudulent investigation of me for a crime committed by the fbi. The US PI continues year after year to refuse
my lawful request as though to threaten me
indefinitely with a continuing criminal investigation on behalf of their assassin/buddies in fbi .
Here is the background of the phony and harassing actions of the USPI against me:

[link]  More >

 trespass incident
picture6 Aug 2015 @ 04:19
August 5, 2015:
3 children from my neighborhood continue trespass and vandalism by boldly coming onto my property and throwing water filled balloons into my front door. Police report # 1508 0699, officer Julio Sanchez, Jr.

Previous incidents of vandalism are shown here:

[link]  More >

 fbi psychopath sends demented message
picture31 Jul 2015 @ 04:25
Three years ago a fbi agent or operative who is assigned to torture , threaten, attempt to kill me writes a psychotic message to me wherein he also reveals the fbi's sinister goals . Here Is the demented and criminal email:
Hate mail on gmail account of johnny smith:
John Smith
9:47 AM (7 hours ago)

to me

"Geral Sosbee,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Geral Sosbee

Poor little Sosbee, chip in the head and a foot in the grave.
Making trouble for those who run the world.
Why do you cause so much trouble for us little Sosbee?
If you'd just conformed it'd be so much easier.
We'd take that little chip out of your head and we'd stop keeping you up at night!
But if you keep being bad we'll have to turn out your light.
Soon soon soon, you'll have to decide to play or disappear.
Have you ever noticed that guy on the corner? Or the woman watching you in her rear view mirror?
Of course you have, you're not stupid. Just crazy right? At least, that's what they say."  More >

 Many dimensions to fbi crime spree
picture21 Jul 2015 @ 02:38
Fbi now hacks into several Indymedia forums where I previously published, and the criminals inside fbi intelligence group  enter data that automatically blocks  me. 

For example, LA Indymedia sends me the following statement each time I try to authenticate the anti spam question:

"Wrong answer to the math question."


Portland and New Orleans Indymedia are also hacked by the fbi to prevent me from posting.

These hackings by the fbi are crimes and are also violations of First Amendment right to free speech.

I have also shown how the fbi commits crimes online and attributes same to their Target. The evidence of the overthrow of this government abounds, but congress and the courts are afraid to rule against the all powerful fbi.

[link]  More >

 fbi fraudulently posts to my Facebook page in my name; two fbi cyber crimes
category picture5 Jul 2015 @ 20:55
Here is the most recent fraudulent entry on my Facebook page
by the fbi:

Bad guy | Are you a good or bad guy?
You are a bad guy and you: ★ hate light colors ★ like Criminals ★ hate everyone ★ love blood ★a fan of insanity ★ are from psychopath ★ can let peoples die ★You could watch others suffering without heeling them


"did you know that I am gay
who want's to go out with me?"

Sosbee's note:
I have notified Facebook of the above fraudulent entries.

 fbi hacks into FB, enters false statements
category picture1 Jul 2015 @ 16:38
The fbi hacked into my FACEBOOK page today and in revenge for my recent work here and on academia. com placed the false statement shown below and hit me hard with DEW. Also, the fbi contacted sitemeter and blocked their service on my website at Here is the fraudulent post entered today by fbi assassins while I was suffering in bed from the DEW attack:

"did you know that I am gay
who want's to go out with me?"

 fbi operative, aka Bob, makes his appearance
picture17 Jun 2015 @ 00:28
An apparent fbi operative (aka, *Bob) comes out of the woodwork to attack me for my work to expose the fbi as torturers and assassins who have overthrown this government:
Bob Invokes The Deity From His Own Hideout In Hell:
Thank you Bob for revealing your id with the miscreants whom I seek to expose.
Bob writes in defense and on behalf of the enemy of mankind, the fbi, as follows:

"My prayer that God may rescue you from your sick evil paranoid mind."

*Other aliases for 'Bob':
"J Robert Upton , Monique Abdul Jamal, geral is tiresome, self absorbed ".

Fbi as witch :
Devil marks the witch as his own, Bob.  More >

 fbi/cia reap as they sow
picture11 Jun 2015 @ 23:58
After 25 years of physical & psychological assaults on me by the fbi, including torture and discreet attempts on my life, the low thugs of the fbi, congress and the courts have revealed (by virtue of my documentations)their own macabre cultures and destructive/ inhumane agendas. My work and the efforts of others who also document atrocities committed by the USA against them, lives vibrantly now and far after I depart. Such realization in itself is heartening because I know that the assassins and filthy torturers of the fbi/cia yet hardly awaken to their own self imposed nightmare which previously was delivered to their selected victims. 
Thank you kindly.


fbi/cia de-mystified & obsolescedSome individuals may be judged by the size and strength of their enemy and even though countless dozens of you (armed with your high tech killing toys) have over the past several years ceaselessly attacked and hounded me, I cannot claim to be judged by such a standard because you are mental dwarfs a… ·  More >

 Another Hate Message Sent To Me
picture6 Jun 2015 @ 12:44
Brian Mahoney sends a gratuitous *hate message to me as follows: "You are a joke".

I consider the US military and its defenders/supporters/apologists as the cause for most of the suffering and deaths in the world over the past 50 years. They are by definition professional killers, torturers and misanthropes who bring disaster wherever they go . Their small minds  rule the world. 


*¬if_t=share_reply&actorid=1592257926  More >

 My High School Years: Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement
category picture19 May 2015 @ 23:15
My High School Years, my L I F E (learning, Involvement, friendship, excitement).


SOSBEE, GEARL WAYNE. August 30, 1945, Carlsbad, New Mexico. Social Studies, English, Mathematics. Staff Sergeant, 2 Orange Ribbons, 18 Service Ribbons, 2 White Ribbons, 2 Honor Wreaths, Little Theater, Projectionists Club, Junior Achievers, Advertising Manager, Cursus Honorum, Science Club, Band, Orchestra, Musicals, Solo Contest, First Division Winner.

Woodrow Wilson High School - Crusader Yearbook (Dallas, TX) online yearbook collection, 1963 Edition, Page 226

My adventures continue 53 years later (to date) and with the same enduring themes:
Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement.

NOVEMBER 10, 2015

To all my former associates at WW High School, I wish you well and I will always cherish my memories of those wondrous years, even though one in our numbers now joins in cowardly service with the lowest form of human being ever to live on God's green earth. I miss all of the WWW classmates and I trust that many of you will be as disappointed as I that one (or more) of our class is at this late stage in life an accessory to high crimes by fbi against me and many others globally .

 Portland Indymedia Blocks Me As Ordered By fbi assassins
picture10 May 2015 @ 19:15

See my report below which symbolically indicts all media who prevent the publication of my reports on global high crimes committed by fbi/cia.

For several years many Indymedia groups refuse to publish my reports which are of vital concern to the people of the world. Today very few such groups allow me to post reports. Three that now permit me to publish are Austin, LA and Barcelona Indymedias.

Portland Indymedia (P I) now blocks all of my submissions and refuses to publish them. At the same time the fbi sends me the following message that the fbi plays a role in controlling Portland Indymedia. Here are the remarks by the fbi operative which coincides with P I banning me from their forum:




“seek medical attention

by stupid geral, the ex FBI asshole Saturday, Nov. 01, 2014 at 9:28 PM

You are showing everyone just how unstable you are.
And how full of shit.
Paranoid schizophrenia is bad.
Particularly as a little scrunt, ex FBI asshole, geral.
Seek therapy and stop spamming this wire
and Portland's wire.
If I was a killer, you'd be top on my list. Just to clear your repetitive trash from this newswire. But I think your own mental illness will do the job for me, you idiot."


The gross violation of free speech rights under the US constitution is common place today and extends to the fbi control of all main street media globally. Threats and intimidation are employed by the fbi/cia to silence the voice of liberty from murderous oppression. The fbi thug who wrote the above trashy statement meant to convey to me that he had a hand in PI blocking and banning me from all future publications on the PI forum.

For more on the destruction of the free press by the fbi/cia see:


All media groups in the world who prevent me from publishing are acting as de facto operatives or accessories to the widespread offenses by the US intelligence community, particularly the fbi. My work describes first hand exactly how the fbi threaten, harass, torture, imprison, force suicide while being monitored, and murder innocent persons.

Shame on each indymedia and main street media representative who has sold out his conscience and integrity to the lowest form of human being ever to live on this earth, the miscreants, misanthropes and psychopathic serial killers of the fbi/cia.

More links on topic:

My experience as a reporter against the fbi subhumans:


Global design of USA: World Inhumane Domination :


Crimes By fbi:


Fbi as criminal Sovereignty unto itself with approval by *congress:


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 Psychological Operations (psyops) By fbi Against Me
picture29 Apr 2015 @ 16:23
Preface: I refer to myself below alternately in the first person and in the third person 'T'.

For twenty five years I have documented the extreme torture of my person by agents and operatives of the fbi (See “ My Story In Detail” on line). I have also shown how the assassins of fbi actually watch this Target (T) in real time 24/7/365, via physical and electronic surveillance for life (including in home and car, etc), and then I demonstrate how these miscreants decide how best to terrorize the T.

I have shown, for example, that the fbi studies my activities in the home and sends messages to alert T that he is being tortured (both psychologically and physically via DEW). The terrorists take over all of my personal electronic systems including the car engine, locks, trunk opener, phone, remote TV device and, using their own remote controls, tamper with my property in a strategic manner to cause me some grief. In some instance the fbi seems to enjoy changing the TV station, or turning on and off the TV just at the moment that I pick up the remote device in my home. Similarly, the fbi sends notices to me by sounding car alarms when I approach my car( shortly after this post the fbi turned on my parking lights so the 'bell' would ring). Meanwhile when I try to post my reports I am harassed in the public library by the fbi operatives and by the library staff.

The difficulty in reporting such events is that most people don’t believe the reports, or they simply fear the possibility that all such reports are 100% true and accurate all the time. The reports are difficult to write because T understands that the fbi and other departments of government use the on line reports/articles to fraudulently impugn the sanity of the T, or to set the T up for civil or criminal commitment. See my report on such commitment efforts:


Another problem with the creation of T’s reports is associated with the pain of writing such reports while being tortured by DEW. Finally, the realization that we have among us people in power and in government who engage in such unconscionable acts (as I describe) as their employment; such work reflects the most brutal, inhumane and criminal minds of mankind and are unforgiveable.

Recently I notice that one of the former fbi agents (who is fully aware of the efforts to kill me) regularly sends me a message via
site meter entry that he continues to monitor the fbi’s criminal and vindictive assaults against me; he is the same former fbi man who placed bets on how long it would take for suicide.

In another episode of fbi criminal chicanery the fbi sends federal and state cops into my home on a fraudulent fishing expedition designed to threaten me with criminal or civil imprisonment.

See: USPI and Texas DPS begin harassment and threats against me in my home:

After the visit, I received a notice from the fbi’s corrupt CJIS that they received from Knipfing and Rodriguez (K & R) the manufactured evidence created by the fbi and fed to the two hoodlums K and R and that such fraudulent evidence is being made available to all government authorities at every level. See the above two links for more data on this topic. This type of fraud where the fbi fabricates evidence against an innocent person, while suppressing evidence of its own crimes, is commonplace and is known by the courts and the congress.

In the following report I provide more examples of the fbi’s very dirty campaign:


Here I show how the fbi has actually gone mad in its use of the law against innocent people:

An Army Of Thugs Are Assigned To Drive The Target into a state of confusion:

[link]  More >

  fbi operatives or sympathisers come out of the woodwork
category picture28 Apr 2015 @ 19:58
I recently posted the following message:

At the National Academy, the fbi trains all law enforcement leaders in the nation and in many parts of the world * to kill, beat, imprison and torture the innocent suspect, while the SCOTUS authorizes the police to kill innocent suspects fleeing in their cars. So, most of the police/fbi brutality and killings of our people is the result of a macabre culture in all law enforcement as inculcated by your beloved
f b i.


Academia article:

* [link]

Then, an apparent fbi sympathiser or defender comes out of the woodwork against my documentations.

Here is his statement:

"Brian Dretske · Top Commenter · Chino, California
Time to take your pills again Grandpa. Sorry guys, he snuck onto the computer when we weren't looking. Move along, nothing to see here."

This report is also posted at:


 My letters to Senator Ted Cruz, et al
picture9 Apr 2015 @ 21:32
Here are the letters that I send this date to government and private officials who are aware of many crimes ongoing against me by the assassins of the fbi:

April 10, 2015

The Honorable Ted Cruz

United States Senator

185 Dirksen
Washington, DC 20510

Patrick E. McFarland, Inspector General

U.S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415-1000

Katherine Archuleta

Director OPM


WASHINGTON D.C. 20415-3532

Darlene Campbell

Manager - Group Plans

SAMBA Federal Employee Benefit Association

11301 Old Georgetown Rd.

Rockville, MD 20852

RE: GERAL SOSBEE, SSAN xxxx; DOB: 8-30-45

My letter to OPM and my email to SAMBA on April 9, 2015

SAMBA’s email response to me dated April 9, 2015


One copy each of the following items: envelope from OPM; OPM Notice of Health Benefits Cancellation (two sided); OPM form (enclosed with the other form) entitled “IMPORTANT’’ indicating that my health insurance coverage cancellation request could be delayed.

[Note that one item sent to me from OPM that is not enclosed is an official blue OPM self -addressed envelope with the OPM address for my use.]

Dear Recipients:

I am a former fbi agent who is the object of an extreme and potentially deadly fbi vendetta for my releasing evidence of fbi secret crimes against me and against the American people. A summary of the fbi’s ungodly campaign against me is found at


This letter is sent to multiple recipients with enclosures, and I ask each recipient to respond.

Recently, the fbi also began a campaign to cancel my insurance at SAMBA and at OPM (FEHBP).

I provided evidence to OPM and SAMBA of the crimes of FAG, tampering with accounts, interference with wire transfers, etc. SAMBA pretended that a clerical error caused the notice of cancellation, but I showed SAMBA the evidence of intentional tamperings. I requested that SAMBA determine the identity of the person who tampered with my account and cancelled my coverage.

OPM suggested that they sent no cancellation notice and that I did not receive any type of notice from OPM regarding the cancellation of my health under the FEHBP. In fact OPM advised me to send this letter to OPM and to show that I did in fact receive the fraudulent notice.

I request that the US Senator Ted Cruz, the OPM IG, Mr. Patrick McFarland, and the SAMBA Director, or Darlene Campbell, investigate this matter in order to prevent a repeat of false cancellations and notices thereof.

Please note that the more serious criminal offenses against me (as referenced in the link above) by the fbi are not only not being addressed by Congress, but are in fact ignored by Congress as though to approve of the hideous and unconscionable nature of the offenses ongoing (including attacks by DEW weaponry, assault and battery by fbi thugs, surveillance 24/7) unending for twenty five years with home invasions, destruction of my property, poisonings, etc.) by the fbi.

Specifically, I request a congressional inquiry into the many crimes against me and including the tampering with my accounts at OPM and SAMBA.

I request that OPM acknowledge the receipt of the enclosed material which OPM denies sending; I request that OPM or the OPM IG kindly send me a copy of the document or communication that precipitated the false notice to me that “I cancelled my health insurance coverage.”

I request that the IG of OPM also investigate these matters because OPM refuses to cooperate with me.

I request that SAMBA stop pretending that no such intentional tampering occur and that SAMBA properly investigate the matter and advise me of the name of the SAMBA employee who altered my accounts and cancelled my dental and vision coverage.

I have never cancelled any insurance with OPM or SAMBA and I hope that all such insurance (health, dental, vision) will remain in effect. Presently all of my insurance is apparently in full effect.

Many of the recipients of this letter already understand the nature of the fbi vendetta against me and such persons are therefore charged with the responsibility (consistent with their authority) to thoroughly inquire and make the matter public. This is the very least that each recipient may do in order to discourage future similar offenses by the fbi against me, whistleblowers or others.

This letter and enclosures are submitted in good faith with no intention to cause an unnecessary inconvenience to any person. I appreciate any legitimate effort that recipients of this letter may make on my behalf and on behalf of the nation.



P.O. BOX 1548


                                                                                April 13, 2015


The Honorable Ted Cruz

United States Senator

185 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510


Re: Geral W. Sosbee’s complaint against the US Postal Inspector (PI) and fbi : Violation of FOIA, case # 2015-FPIS-00106. US Postal Inspector unlawful crimes against me by PI Knipfing and others.

Enc: Five letters from  the USPI to me, two letters from me to  PI; my five page request for records under FOIA, dated April 30, 2013, delivered to PI and Postal FOIA office.

Dear Senator Cruz,

I am a former fbi agent who is the object of an extreme and potentially deadly fbi vendetta for my releasing evidence of fbi secret crimes against me and against the American people. A summary of the fbi’s  ungodly  campaign against me is found at:


During the first decade of the fbi covert intelligence assaults on me, beginning around 1990, the fbi stole most of my incoming and outgoing mail by rifling and by physically seizing the mail from mail boxes. Please see my documentations of these and related events on line at the following links:













Also, please see my letter to the Postal Chairman Dyhrkopp  dated August 30, 2002 which was also ignored as mail theft against me continued for about another decade.



Several US postal employees (such as Jerry Redd of Dallas, Texas and Richard LNU of Brownsville, Texas) confirm to me in private the tampering of my mail, but when I try to have the PI investigate, all authorities refuse my requests. In one such incident, Mr. Redd of the downtown USPO asked me rhetorically regarding his awareness of  the fbi’s seizure of my mail, “What did you do?”

After unlawfully refusing to investigate postal crimes against me, the PI on April 30, 2013, comes into my home, accompanied by a Texas DPS Agent  and stated that I am an apparent suspect or person of interest  in a postal crime in Dallas, Texas, wherein someone threatened a member of Congress and planted my name, “ g sosbee “, at the scene of the alleged crime. Please note that I have never been accused of any offense, civil or criminal in my life. I am sixty nine year of age and a member in good standing with the State Bar of Texas and the Bar of the SCOTUS.

Regarding the details of the PI investigation of me, I have repeatedly requested a copy of the report under FOIA which the PI refuses to release because the so-called investigation is ongoing today, a full two years after the absurd interview by PI in my home.

I maintain that I have never committed any crime, I have no knowledge of the alleged postal crime in Dallas which the PI is investigation and that in fact the fbi has had me under 24/7 surveillance for the past twenty five years in connection with the fbi’s psychological war against me. Indeed, when the PI and DPS came into my home the fbi witnessed the entire conversation and perhaps laughed at the interview. Furthermore, I believe that the fbi planted my name at the scene of the alleged postal crime mentioned above in order to cause the PI to launch an harassment campaign against me for the purpose of impliedly threatening to arrest me on any charge that the PI can dream up. In fact the PI asked me about my online reports and article and whether I was the author of same.

Yet, the PI and the DPS agent ignored my reports of terrorist retaliation by fbi against me including attempts on my life, torture, destruction of property, mail theft and tampering and sundry other crimes as I set forth in my affidavit of 2007. The DPS agent also revealed during the interview that his other unlawful agenda was to profile me adversely.

While I have no reasonable expectation that the fbi can be required to stop the terror campaign against me, I request at least that your office contact the PI and advise them to release the report on me and to stop the effort to intimidate me by continuing their unlawful investigation of me. Note that PI Knipfing also tried to bring my wife into his fraudulent inquiry. I asked him to stop that nonsense. If possible I would also appreciate any effort by your office to encourage the miscreants at fbi to at long last leave me alone.

Regarding the PI I am entitled by law to the report which is a fraudulent effort to cause me to stop my online reports on the fbi; in this respect the entire PI case against me (or in reference to me) is unlawful and should not be withheld any longer. I am aware that the PI once again advises me to wait six months to file another FOIA request.

Please note , Senator, that as long as I am able (and hopefully to my dying breath) I will continue to file reports and *articles on the topic of US government corruption at every level as orchestrated by the

assassins and torturers of the fbi/cia.


 More >

 Recent Threats Indicate a Desperate fbi
category picture17 Mar 2015 @ 01:32
Recent criminal assaults and threats by intimidation have occurred in the public library where the officials stay out of sight  and allow the fbi operatives to do whatever they want. Previously, such officials actually participated in the harassment and provocation efforts. 

Also bold vandalism of my vehicles cost thousands of dollars to repair and DEW assaults are now routinely extreme.

The fbi in its desperation to silence me send male and female thugs and assassins all of whom apparently seek to provoke a response that would provide the corrupt and murderous judge (controlled by fbi) the opportunity to order arrest and confinement.

The thugs of doj and Texas DPS were notified just as the increase in crimes against me commenced.



 Fbi drives a *three inch nail into my car's tire
picture12 Mar 2015 @ 04:03
Fbi drives a three inch nail into the small tire (size 2055516) of my 2014 Nissan Sentra
(Brownsville, Texas, Police Report #15031549 in apparent retaliation for my recent report on line.)

My full report is forthcoming. Previous destruction of my previous car is not documented due to extensive assaults too numerous to record.

A picture of the nail is shown in the link below, and SAM's Club (Gil and Carlos)removed the nail as per invoice #69171, dated 3-11-2015 also shown on the attached photo.

The crime was executed by 3-4 Hispanic males driving a Suburban Chevy, with Mexican license plates, and one other vehicle also bearing Mexican plates.The thugs on direction of fbi parked illegally next to my car in order to obscure the view of my car. One stayed in the Suburban while the other drove the 3" nail into the left rear tire. All parties who witnessed the nail agreed that someone had to drive the nail into the tire with a hammer, or with a power tool nail gun. The driver and the nailer are described respectively as H/M age 50 seated in the truck, H/M age 55, large build, 5'9", 180 lbs, Brwn,Brwn. The other vehicle was operated by a Mexican male and also had Mexican License plates.

I filed the above referenced police report with officer Joseph J, Muer (phonetic spelling), badge 6919, and with Mall Security at Sunrise Mall, 2370 N. Expressway, suite 1448, Brownsville, Texas 78526, (956)541-6342 extension 226, Securiy Director Rebecca Guerra, Officers Francisco Rincones and Pauline Castillo.

On 3-12-15, I also met by chance at the mall the Mayor of Brownsville, Tony Martinez and the city manager, Charlie Cabler.

Note that earlier in the day on 3-11-15 an Hispanic male, age 45, 5'9", 175 lbs, assaulted me in the computer room at the Brownsville, Texas Public Library, and engaged in threat by intimidation. This occurred at about 1PM. I now understand that the thug in the library was there to warn me of things to come.

Meanwhile, the fbi continues the 24/7 DEW assaults on me and the cop/fools at USPI and the Texas DPS continue a fraudulent investigation of me in efforts to intimidate or threaten on behalf of the fbi terrorists. I must remind myself that this is the

United States of America.


See photo of nail and repair record here:

Or in a link here:



This matter was reported to Detective Lee Garcia Brownsville Police, badge 4600, on 3-13-15, at7:15PM.


March 15, 2015:
Fbi follows up on their 'big nail' threat this date by sending a 

lunatic H/F, age 45, 5'6", 140 lbs, Brwn,Brwn, not unattractive, 

to  assault me discreetly in the Brownsville Public Library at 1:45 PM. The whore could have sat in 50 other vacant seats, but chose to fit snugly in the computer site right next to mine.

The fbi and their insane judge are prepared to further execute on their hideous and grossly illegal scheme at any moment in fraudulent efforts to silence me. 

 I vacated the computer shortly after her repulsive arrival.The woman exemplifies all that is sad, corrupt and rotten in females used as fbi operatives/assassins.  More >

 NRC Is Amazed At The Stupidity of Traitorous fbi
category picture9 Mar 2015 @ 05:06
For ten years NRC monitors fbi inhumane assaults on me, especially DEW. See two visits below.


Below is the most recent NRC review. 

Note that many governments now recognize the threat posed to humanity by the assassins and torturers of fbi, cia. This is not a good thing for USA, but then again USA is overthrown.

Credit fbi with jeopardizing the will of our people to defend the enemy of mankind: the United States of America.

Domain Name ? (U.S. Government)IP Address 148.184.174.#(United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission)ISP State : Maryland
City : Rockville
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 Fbi spreads blasphemous lies affecting my life
category picture6 Mar 2015 @ 00:52
The fbi in efforts to discredit me and to mislead spread false rumors extensively with virtually everyone I come in contact with.
Dentists often receive the lies and then either force me out of their office, or confirm my statements that I am clear of any form of communicable disease. Here is the most recent inquiry (possibly by a dentist) into my medical records:

 GERAL W. SOSBEE vs. fbi

By Location > 

Domain Name 

 (Commercial)IP Address 71.40.59.# (Road Runner Commercial)ISP Road Runner BusinessLocation Continent : North AmericaCountry : United States  (Facts)State : Texas City : WeslacoLat/Long : 26.1722, -97.9812

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Words doctor clearance letters. Visit Entry Page 

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Out Click  Time Zone UTC-6:00 Visitor's Time Mar 5 2015 5:57:32 pm

My addendum to this post:
See also:


My sworn affidavits:


Documented crimes by fbi:


My paper on the fbi's quasi cjs:

 hate message from a Facebook member
category picture5 Mar 2015 @ 23:44
After I post my message to CDC who are familiar with fbi's crime spree, I receive the following verbal assault from

Addryanne Adamsyn who hides her face and obscures her true name while she delivers her hateful & ill informed "nutjobery" message to me & to the world.

My post at CDC Facebook at:¬if_t=share_reply&actorid=1427834627443377

Insulting hate response gratuitously posted in response to my post ...

Addryanne Adamsyn "The admin should remove this type of nutjobery."

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