Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Thoughts    
 From the living to the 'living dead'
picture11 Jun 2016 @ 20:13

From the vibrantly alive to the living dead in our culture:

If you, the reader of this message, are sadistic, homicidal & sociopathic , then you are in the company of the most repulsive and murderous gang of human beings ever to populate God's green earth. As you assist or ignore the atrocities committed by your kind against the best among us:
you are among the living dead...


...and you can be seen here with those who share your cold- hearted, macabre and insensitive dispositions. All of you are on an unconscionable crime spree of torture/imprisonment /murder unprecedented in human affairs. I can assure you that your names are permanently recorded, though you be silent, with the human monsters with whom you align and to whom you show submission.

[link]  More >

 Fbi is a malignant cancer
picture8 Jun 2016 @ 16:20
Fbi is a deadly cancer fast spreading across our global village.

[link]  More >

 This is the USA that I defended !
picture8 Jun 2016 @ 12:11
See my reflections on the USA allowing the fbi thugs to launch cowardly and provocative assaults in efforts to provide a fbi operative/sociopathic federal magistrate an opportunity to fraudulently arrest me.

USA is overthrown by * Intel community who trash all services of veterans, even as the fbi tortures, attempts to kill, and sends cowardly thugs to provoke the vet.


USPI threatens and harasses me for decades:



The names of fbi agents and their street thugs who cowardly and repeatedly assault me are mainly not known, except the thug Alonzo Yanez who pled 'no contest' in court to my charges of assault and battery. Another fbi operative thug is Eusebio Contreras who fled the scene when I called the police on his activities. They know the identities of the fbi/police hoodlums who sent them to try to provoke a fight. The fbi operative federal magistrate judge is standing by ready to order my arrest, if I defend myself against these ongoing assaults (the latest being today at the US Post Office, Brownsville Texas).

The USPI Knipfing threatened me and my wife in my home in my face as he pretended to investigate an alleged crime where my name was planted. Knipfing also impliedly threatened me for writing a report on the US Army's role in attacking this combat vet.

So, all of the cops and street thugs/assassins in their employ continue to stalk and harass me in order for the sociopathic federal magistrate judge to issue his corrupt little arrest warrant for the fbi.

Knipfing, Rodriguez, Posada, Bleier, Wilson, are a few police names which history now records as cowards in trying their hardest to help the fbi unlawfully imprison me on any charge, civil or criminal, that they might concoct.

Finally, when I served the Army and the fbi, no cowardice was shown ever; but now back home in USA the fbi and their cowardly co- conspirators/cops send little thugs at my back to harass me and my wife frequently and with complicity of the insane judge. This is the USA that brave young men are fighting and dying for.


Fbi thug/operative lies to police:

In a response to my recent complaint against a fbi hoodlum/operative who stalks and provocatively assaults me
(in many locations and for many months)
the psychopath denies my allegations during his police interview, and he tells police that, "this is a free country".


Secret text in Senate bill would give FBI warrantless access to email records

by @JennaMC_Laugh

3) McAllen, Texas police confirm my report of a thug/provocateur (presumably fbi operative) stalking and harassing me and my wife in the mall. From Police case #16-42167 the police officer wrote in the report as follows: "I did see the security footage. It did appear as if the male was following Geral and his wife around inside the mall."

See also:

[link]  More >

 My thoughts while under attack by DEW :
picture4 Jun 2016 @ 09:31
The United States of America is a nation of traitors and is controlled by homicidal sociopaths who hide behind the American people with the assistance of popular media.


As we learned from the attack on USA on "911", the global crimes committed by this overthrown regime are executed in the name and on the backs of the people. This is accomplished by media broadcasts which lie to the general population in order to mesmerize most persons.
Frankly, the USA as we know it no longer exists; today, a murderous juggernaut of unfamiliar proportions takes control of human affairs by use of conventional & satellite based weaponry in the hands of mad men. All such thugs including all who serve the killing machine in all branches and departments of government are traitors. Cicero speaks, but few listen as he tries to explain the dynamics of overthrowing government from within:

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

As I am familiar with the criminal Insanity of the fbi/police in their assaults on me, I try to enlighten the brave readers of my messages that no lower form of homo sapiens ever lived on God's green earth than the special agents and their associates in the fbi/cia/police.

As I previously suggested to the astute students of world events,
no more heinous & insidious cowards are hatched and nourished in the USA than the clandestine assassins of fbi / cia. I have sadly learned from first hand experience how the human monsters of the fbi torture people, force some into a final exit, and discreetly murder others by
fbi's esoteric and unconscionable practices. I have survived several such painful attacks.

So, understand please that if your country (the USA) only breaks your heart, offends your sensibilities, or disturbs your equilibrium, you are one of the fortunate individuals who sees the dirty regime for what it is: an unlawfully run killing machine manned by psychotics who take no prisoners in their quest for world inhumane domination.

Thank you.  More >

 The present global situation
picture3 Jun 2016 @ 15:49
A few individuals speak to all about the crisis forced on the world by fbi/cia and their associates:

Due to failed Leadership of USA...


...all people face a grim prospect

[link]  More >

 Excerpt from 2002 report on failed leadership USA
picture3 Jun 2016 @ 00:33

About 14 years ago I expressed my concern about the failed leadership in the USA. Today, the gross human rights violations by USA (especially the fbi/cia) punctuate my observations on topic.

2) The historical methods of fighting a war are of no use to Humanity; Sosbee defeats the fbi/cia assassins and war mongers by thwarting
their evil intent...

...and by defeating their violent methods. The various hi-tech war games and tactics used against Sosbee (as set forth in this and other sites) cannot prevail in the long run because the indomitable human spirit (imbued with the blessings of all that is holy on earth) is more supreme.


4) The present corrupt regime that governs the United States has lost its leadership role in the world because this country, through its overabundance of unchecked abuses and through the abandonment of intellectual and spiritual values as evidenced by the current leaders, isolates itself from all the inhabitants of the world by exploiting the basic goodness of all men and women. This means that cunning and deceit are used by corrupt officials in the United States, especially by the intelligence agencies, to manipulate world opinion and to trick our brothers and sisters into blindly trusting those politicians who in actuality have no constructive vision for mankind's future and who show no understanding of their own limitations and depravity. True leadership is lost amid the smokescreen of the killing machine that is the present United States government.

Murder of Ambassador Stevens :

[link]  More >

 The fbi's own future crime spree
picture1 Jun 2016 @ 02:25
See this brief report and note that we can be assured of the fbi's own continued crime spree against innocent people.

CNN news, May 31, 2016:

"The FBI increased 24/7 surveillance of jihadist suspects and made more than a dozen arrests. In some cases, suspects were arrested on non-terror related charges simply to get them off the streets and out of fear it wasn't safe to wait to gather terror-related evidence."

Understand please that the fbi is on a role- a crime spree unparalleled in United States history and unprecedented in human affairs- and the American people are asleep amid the signs of a murderous police state that is the USA.



Then ask yourself whether you or I may be the next to be imprisoned or murdered by fbi/police.

Dilemma of everyman of conscience and integrity when facing the cowardly thugs, assassins and insane gunmen of law enforcement:


Thank you.  More >

 Fbi and cia are despicable & cowardly terrorists
picture31 May 2016 @ 04:42
Geral Sosbee, US ARMY, VIETNAM 1967

As I have demonstrated by incontrovertible evidence for the past 16 years, the agents, operatives, assets, informants, street thugs and supporters of the United States of America's fbi/cia are terrorists, even against our own proven patriots.

Therefore, this nation may no longer refer to itself as the land of the free and home of the brave; rather the USA is a terrain occupied by the most repulsive and insidious of men who, in their murderous depravity, prove that terrorists are US.

Worse yet is the discovery that cowardly assassins employed by the intelligence community torture, force suicide and murder our own people in a ritual program of political murders often executed for sport by psychopathic personalities. The fbi/cia killers who engage in such atrocities, as I have outlined for 25 years, are unfit to call themselves Americans; they are the scourge of our nation even as the media and businesses praise, support and almost worship them.
These low creatures are among the worst human beings on earth and have as their specialty the skills of covert, government, serial killers: they watch and record in real time as their victims in desperation seek and achieve a final exit.
Many of the fbi/cia human monsters have never served this nation, except as assassins for the fbi/cia; they seem to be proud, nevertheless, of their deformity of mind and soul. For more descriptive data on the nature of these intelligence thugs, see the following two links:
1) former fbi agent Geral Sosbee's story in the form of diaries, documents, law suit, appeals, etc., at
2) former cia representative BARBARA HARTWELL at
See also my reports on the criminal Insanity of the fbi, USPI Knipfing, Texas DPS Rodriguez, local police at UT, police at Brownsville, Texas, and others everywhere I may travel. Also, consider my several papers on topic at
and my thousands of other reports, articles and comments on line for the past 16 years.

.......The United States of America today is your country, not mine.......

Thank you.

About me:

[link]  More >

 God save the ordinary man / woman, curse the wicked fbi/ police
picture30 May 2016 @ 03:17


Most fbi/police are cowards.

When government fears people we have liberty. Thomas Jefferson.
Today, the police state keeps most people in a state of fear. My goal and perhaps yours is to reverse this miserable condition,
remove the cops and fbi from their ubiquitous presence on our lives, and prosecute those who engage in the atrocities we document such as torture by DEW assaults, forced suicide while being monitored by government psychopaths , cold blooded murder of our people by gunning them down, beating them to death, and imprisoning them for no acceptable cause.

My work to show the murderous corruption of fbi and their friends/supporters throughout society has the fbi fearful that my success is yielding eternal fruit. Global awareness of fbi/police insanity in USA is clear, and so is the fbi's response by *sending more thugs to assault me almost everywhere I go.

A fearful police/fbi is evident today as the fbi/police are facing exposure of their unconscionable crimes by you and me. God save the ordinary man/woman, curse the wicked ones and bring justice to the hooligans/assassins who presently hold this nation hostage.

[link]  More >

picture28 May 2016 @ 18:14
U.S citizens are selected at random for terrible secret experiments and abuses, particularly in this top classified covered-up project. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face secretly covert harassment and abuses, threatening always-on explicitly and implicitly....."

(Many also face torture, forced suicide and death at the hands of fbi/cia/nsa)

"...U.S. space-based torture, space-based privacy breaking, space-based territory violation unsuspected technology with satellite carriers."

... a picture with specific data:


...a possible temporary remedy:


Closing comments:


Thank you. Geral

[link]  More >

 Veterans Beware
picture27 May 2016 @ 02:34
Geral Sosbee, Viet Nam, 1967, defending USA:

Veterans Beware:

For many years the fbi sends their professional criminals to harass me online and to assault me on the streets, campuses, in libraries, malls and movies. The assaults are provocative and designed to needle me into a reaction. At UT the police and fbi sent operative Alonzo Yanez into the restroom to grab me in an obvious effort to cause me to defend myself. I put up no defense.

Yanez later pled 'no contest' to the criminal offense, but I struggled for years to document the attack. Other fbi street thugs also similarly assaulted me over the past 30 years and continue to do so today.

In online provocations the fbi assassins claim that, as I am a combat veteran, I am a 'murderer and a possible mass murderer'. All of these events are documented in many of my posts online.

Recently, as I try to report ongoing crimes against my person & property,
fbi thugs show up again after I post online; at the same time fbi provocateurs also increase assaults on me everywhere I go. They are no doubt wired during the assaults and have professional witnesses standing by in the event that I defend myself. A corrupt federal magistrate judge also stands ready to imprison me with the slightest sign of 'self defense'.

The Portland Indymedia (PI) group seems inclined to allow ugly assaults on me online when I post; PI recently notified me that they will now in effect hide or trash my work in their * 'compost' file. At the same time fbi operative Tracy Mapes suggests at my PI post that I should defend against fbi thugs as I defended the USA in Vietnam.

This kind of reasoning from Tracy Mapes is intended to move me to some kind of unacceptable response to the violent assaults by Mapes' associates & friends who are professional killers for the fbi.

When I try to ask **Tracy Mapes to cease and desist and as I also ask PI to stop Mapes' insults and cyberstalking, PI removes my post and allows thug Mapes to continue the attacks.

The fbi recently destroyed my car when I parked at the Veterans Memorial next to the Brownsville public library. By sending Mapes online, the fbi may seek to bring back a defensive posture in me that might cause an unacceptable response to the attacks by fbi hoodlums.
I am wise to such tricks, but my feelings are hurt that my government would play such dirty tricks on a vet.
Clearly, Tracy Mapes is quite the little fraud as shown in the statements in the PI link below.
(PI also appears to serve the fbi interests as I have demonstrated repeatedly for several years.)

Veterans everywhere are at risk when the fbi decides to target them for incarceration or death, because the fbi examines how best to exploit the past services of the Veteran in a way that would harm the vet. The fbi also uses doctors to file fraudulent medical reports on the vet which the local police, acting on advice from the fbi, label the vet 'paranoid' and prepare to take adverse action on behalf of fbi assassins.



**Tracy Mapes, aka fbi cyber stalker, aka J. Robert Upton, aka fbi serial torturer/killer



 More >

 Fbi is very nervous about my work online
picture26 May 2016 @ 16:54
Fbi is American Gestapo :



May 26, 2016, 10:40 AM:
I am in the library and at this moment the fbi sends the little
dim wit who has harassed and stalked me many times
(in the library and in the mall).
He enters, takes a long look at me, and takes a seat.
This operative exemplifies the criminal perversion of most fbi
agents in pursuit of their Targets.
The operative is exactly the personality who will do anything for the
fbi because they pay him. His objective is to cause stress, or
to otherwise provoke a response.
He, like the beast who also assaults me for 15 years here and elsewhere,
represent the lowest form of human intellect
ever to inhabit the earth.
They are human monsters and serve as apparent
assassins for the very agency, the fbi, responsible for protecting and
defending. Meet them here and in the imagination.

The next day, 24 hours later, the same fbi operative aggressively assaults me
in the library and I filed a police report against the apparent
torturer/possible accessory to fbi murders.
Brownsville Police case #1605-4806. When the officer
suggested that I should have called the police
immediately, I reminded him that Detective Adrian Posada
impliedly threatened to arrest me for, in his words,
"filing a false police report " and Posada refused to accept
my report, told me to "take the medication ", and covertly
asked my wife where we met. See my reports online regarding
Detective Adrian Posada, Brownsville Texas Police.



:  More >

 Benevolence vs. Evil
picture24 May 2016 @ 18:34

Millions have been killed by wars, conflicts, assassinations and mass murders perpetrated by the USA, Germany, etc.
Today, the slaughter advances with simultaneous applications of high tech methods for killing human beings. The end of inhumane government is no where in sight. Mankind must nevertheless be saved from itself.

We who yet live, though under vicious attack, have our own universal weapon in defense of mankind: God's Truth.

Our medium is working now 24/7/365, even as the fbi/cia seek to shut down the open access to the internet. The cimes against humanity as commited by the fbi/ca are mainly hidden by the media, but our efforts also ucover the mass media corruption.

The DEW assaults and other unconscionable methods used by fbi and company to rob of us of our innate rights bestowed on us by our Maker is now known, by virtue of our labors, the world over, as is the USA goal of world inhumane domination at any cost. *So, the enemies of truth strike out at us even more than before.

Our work, therefore, is not in vain because we have laid the groundwork and the cornerstone for an awakening, a renaissance, of the glorious human intellect such as never blossomed before. The ruthless and bestial war lords assume that their power over man cannot be questioned. We here ( together helping one another ) prove that the primary human instinct is benevolent, not evil; and in the end we, not they prevail.

We strive endlessly toward the goal of ending war, ending violence among men, and ending man's inhumanity to man.

One of my papers with links to others:

Not just the lives of whistleblowers and dissidents are hijacked/destroyed, but America is held hostage and the world is also under seige by the awful forces that we chronicle.

*Attached picture is From:


In retaliation for my report above, the fbi performs their flagship expertise of gaslighting by turning on my car's parking lights while I was in the post office for 2 minutes.  More >

 30 years passed in an instant. Ubi Sunt?
picture22 May 2016 @ 20:53
This report reflects 30 years of tribulation continuing to this moment as perpetrated on me by the fbi assassins.


In 1985 I was an active teacher and attorney in El Paso, Texas, whereupon I began to experience strange and inexplicable assaults on my person and my property. Some such assaults were life threatening, while others were just terror-like.

Then, I experienced the most devastating event that a man may face in society: My life was hijacked. See:

The only explanation for the crimes against me was based on fbi retaliation for my reports of their crimes against another innocent person, Ms. Margaret S. Rodriguez. See:

The criminal offenses that I have documented against the fbi are too numerous to list, but many are available in my sworn affidavits 2007, 2014, online. The terror campaign against me by the fbi thugs is described in twenty parts of “My Story In Detail” which continues to unfold to this minute.

After ten years of covert and serious assaults, I tried to find a way to recover; I contacted Congress and filed suit. All efforts were received with contempt and some members of congress jouned with the highest courts in the USA to threaten and to harass me. My Writ is available online as are my reports to numerous members of congress.

Finally, I realized that I had no other way to survive the felonious attacks by the fbi and their operatives, except to present to the public the sordid reality thrust upon me by fbi’s homicidal sociopaths. I started my website at in the year 2000 in the hopes that the fbi might stop or reduce their painful assaults. They did not stop; rather the fbi assassins actually increased attacks on me using high technology (including Directed Energy Weaponry- DEW, chemical & biological agents, and extreme psychological operations such as invasions into my home and repeated poisonings.)

I also tried to post my painful experiences on various Indymedia forums and other message boards. I soon learned that, as with the fbi control over the main street media, the so called independent media groups were under siege by the fbi, that they were being shut down or otherwise forced into submission to fbi publication standards.

The west coast Independent media groups were from the beginning under the control of the fbi censors. They almost always blocked me from publishing.

Portland Indymedia initially prevented my publications as I in frustration reported here:


A year ago I wrote...All media groups in the world who prevent me from publishing are acting as de facto operatives or accessories to the widespread offenses by the US intelligence community, particularly the fbi. My work describes first hand exactly how the fbi threaten, harass, torture, imprison, force suicide while being monitored, and murder innocent persons.

Then, for no apparent reason, Portland Indymedia allowed me to publish on their forum, but today I discovered the apparent reason why that group allowed me to post: by allowing me to publish on the Portland Indymedia forum, the fbi was able to plant one of their cyber stalkers/disinformation agents to commence ad hominem attacks every time I posted. The fbi hoodlum is associated with the fbi’s team of torturers and assassins who are ‘on my case’ 24/7/365 globally and for life.

Below are representative samplings of a few of the fbi agent/operative’s verbal attacks. Today, the fbi assassin who uses various aliases (such as James Duval, J. Robert Upton, etc.) does not continue his attacks, but now Portland Indymedia places my reports in the trash, or the “compost” file where virtually no one sees them.

See the moderator's false comments here:


"++ Its been moved to the Open Compost folder - scroll to link at bottom of the Newswire.

++ Your daily posts and rants are really "not local news".

++ Your articles are still visible on the internet but are not on the front page Newswire.

++ You pretty much have been posting the same information for years sometime everyday or more. "


** So, I conclude that the Portland Indymedia group is heavily influenced by the fbi counterintelligence thugs who seek to fraudulently turn public opinion against me. For more on the fbi’s use of the internet to destroy whistleblowers’ credibility, see the wordpress & Academia links near the bottom of this report.*

** Below are a few of the failed fbi’s efforts to discredit as permitted by the Portland Indymedia chiefs; note that the fbi assassin, aka, Duval, defeats himself by admitting that I posted my DD214 form as evidence of my Army service.**

Many other assaults were permitted by the Portland Indymedia group every time I published, but in the end the fbi’s own lunatics destroyed and contradicted their own defective argument.

At this moment the same fbi operative who for 15 years has assaulted and once tried to kill me by pumping toxic fumes into my residence enters the library and takes a seat next to me, laughing. She is accompanied by a would be witness ready to report any reaction to the corrupt federal magistrate/judge controlled by the fbi.

James Duval link
“Nobody gives a shit about what happens to you, you fucking liar and fraud.
Fake War Hero: Claims to be a "decorated" war hero, only problem is that he didn't receive even one decoration. Lies and fraud.
Fake whistle blower: claims to be a whistle blower, only problem is that he never even addressed the Rodriquez case that he claims to have blown the whistle on until 20 plus years afte"
Excuse Me 22.Mar.2013 12:32
bebopalula link
"Excuse me sir, but you have lost your mind. It probably wasn't worth a shit before you lost it, but it is definitely lost. The stuff you write on here and your website is absolute proof that you are fucked in the head. Everybody is a fbi assassin if they have the audacity to comment on one of gerals collection of lies he calls reports. Not my fault you are a fucking moron."
"Liar and Fraud on this thread: geral sosbee 10.Apr.2013 14:57
Pick Ur Boogyman link
You are an insane and cowardly little punk. May your troubles be multiplied each and every time you tell/post a lie or file a false report on someone. May your fraudulent claims eventually catch up with you and some innocent victim of your "false" reports sue your stinking, lying ass to bankruptcy. May every lie you tell return just reward to you.
Quit posting your insane drooling rants and just answer the question. The longer you wait the more evident it becomes that you are nothing but a PUNK ASS FRAUD.
You Are Batshit Crazy 12.Apr.2013 17:38
James Duval link
Eat Shit You Fucking Moron 16.Apr.2013 16:24
James Duval link"

The fbi continues their efforts to silence or kill me, but I am better able to accept the unconscionable assaults on me because I know that my work accomplishes at least two goals:

1) I vent my frustrations
2) I expose the very lowest form of human beings for the world to see:
And: [link]
And my affidavit 2014 at [link]


How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations.

See also my paper at

See evidence that the fbi secretly turns civil court judges into operatives and at the same time uses the internet to try, convict, and punish innocent Targets of fbi for intelligence purposes and with the implied acceptance of the general public.


Portland Indymedia (PI) Moderator Lies

Here are the false statements, followed in parenthesis by my refutation :

Your article is not banned!
(My articles are placed in the trash where nobody looks)

++ Its been moved to the Open Compost folder - scroll to link at bottom of the Newswire.

(Open Compost is a euphemism for a virtually hidden graveyard for articles of political dissidents who frighten the murderous fbi,police,etc.)

++ Your daily posts and rants are really "not local news".

(The word 'rant' is intended as an insult and the 'not really local' comment is irrelevant because

1)I label all of my reports as "global" which PI encourages

2)All of my submissions relate to crimes committed throughout the USA by assassins of the fbi, police and their friends in Congress and the highest courts, all of whom force a deadly police state on every town & village in this nation.)

++ Your articles are still visible on the internet but are not on the front page Newswire.

(My articles are not readily visible and the PI moderator knows this; the moderator capriciously relegates my work to his second or third rate filing system because he does not understand the profundity of the work, nor the significance of my articles on the people of the world).

++ You pretty much have been posting the same information for years sometime everyday or more.

(The above statement is a lie; perhaps the moderator should try reading "My Story In Detail" at to discover the methods used by the fbi to torture , falsely imprison, force final exits and murder those insiders who know the truth about how the fbi has destroyed this nation. However, the moderator will never perform such an effort because it's too much trouble).

++ Here is an informing article on indymedia posting that might help [link]

(Nothing is 'informing' about the stock data provided by PI to falsely justify rejection of politically uncomfortable reports like mine.)

++ [link].

(Open Compost has a bad odor , as does the apparent motives by PI to disparage my work, while allowing thugs to engage in filthy ad hominem assaults, because such dirty words as Fbi's Duval, aka assassin anonymous, should be thrown in the compost and not permitted on Moderator's front page.)

------Shame on PI and the sneaky moderator--------------------  More >

 Irony of our police state
picture17 May 2016 @ 20:35
Here is my report on low USA turning against its very own Veterans.
The supreme *irony of the political regime that calls itself the USA is the unlawful manner by which this nation uses, exploits, discards and forgets its very best citizens, the Veterans who defend the USA at risk of death.

Furthermore, as I have documented, many returning war Veterans are singled out in political vendettas to be treated as human experimentees; they are harassed, tortured, forced into suicide and murdered by the fbi and police who are blindly supported by the public.

*The clear irony in this disturbing social phenomenon is that our brave men who confronted the enemy on the battlefield in difficult and painful defense of the country often come home to fight the cowardly thugs of the fbi and police.

I have shown how the fbi engages in unconscionable crimes against me and others, how the lethargic Congress allows fbi atrocities, how the SCOTUS disregards petitions from this tortured combat veteran and how the general public is kept in the dark by the media regarding high crimes committed and approved by all branches and departments of this pathetic regime.

Many fbi hoodlums sent at me try to provoke a response so that I may be arrested or killed. When I see these thugs assaulting and physically attacking me, I recall my service in the USA and the men I served with. None of us would ever engage in assaults against each other, nor against an American because the defense of the nation was the mission and because no one in his right mind would seek to harm our own. This patriotic notion (born of common sense) is turned upside down today as the fbi, police, and their assassins/thugs/operatives are paid to taunt, provoke, arrest and kill the Veteran and other innocent Americans. For these reasons, inter alia , I describe all fbi, police and their operatives who engage in such crimes as criminally insane.

Geral Sosbee, Viet Nam, 1967


My service:


Fbi destroys my life in its vendetta:

Statistics reflect a corrupt and irresponsible nation:

In 2013, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs released a study that covered suicides from 1999 to 2010, which showed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day, or one every 65 minutes. Some sources suggest that this rate may be undercounting suicides.



Unforgiveable Crimes Against Veterans in a Vendetta By USA Intelligence Agencies:


About me and my intellectual battles at home against the real enemy, the police state USA:


Thank you.  More >

 My message to friends and interested parties
picture10 May 2016 @ 01:44
Never on planet earth have existed such destructive high technology in the hands of so many homicidal sociopaths as we see today in the United States of America and allies.

We here on the front lines of the invisible, cruel and often murderous assaults on innocent people worldwide  by government agents/police/soldiers (and their operatives) are making compelling  history that must live on for the next thousand years.

Our mandate from all mankind is to make the best effort possible to share with all the the world the terrible, wretched and purely evil minds of those who use directed energy weaponry (microwave, extremely low frequency sound waves, and other invisible assaults) on our fellow citizens. Add to this abomination the sinister mind games played on our people by the same miscreants under their other program referred to as 'psychological operations' which drive many people flat out crazy.

Thus, one may realize that we live on the crossroads of more than just the dawn of the well publicized New World Order; today low minded men in power force the entire global population to accept, under threat of suffering and bad death, an existence that is defined, enforced and perpetuated by the most brutal torturers, assassins and mass murderers of all time.

I accept the responbility to do my very best until the end to resist such diabolical government employees (and their followers) in their filthy design on our world's culture. I understand, however, that many men/women may not be prepared to deal with the physical and mental pain delivered upon them by the murderous regulators of this 'Age of Madness ', and that such 'Targets' may face a most awful, inevitable  dilemma.


Our police and fbi are standing by now 24/7/365 indefinitely to kill or to imprison anyone who cannot sink to knees in supplication before the psychotic killers whom I reference in my work online. Such fellow victims are often  the best among us, even though they may be labeled to the contrary as they in reaction to unmanageable stimuli and vehement emotions turn antisocial. My prayers are with them and against their tormentors. I hope that I have the strength to forcefully critique the ugliness that befalls our society as we try to adjust to the criminal Insanity and cowardice of this tyrannical and truly rotten regime.


Thank you.

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 America The Beautiful, NOT!
picture7 May 2016 @ 23:48
Waging war and pretending to 'fight crime' are big business in USA. The military and its industrial suppliers, the fbi/cia/nsa budgets are so huge that they are largely kept secret, often relying on illegal and criminal acts to fund murderous agenda.

The domestic crime fighting apparatus is a fraud in that the police and fbi intentionally and sometimes for show kill people who are innocent, or who otherwise do not require on the spot death sentences.
In my work online I try to show that the fbi vendetta against me reflects the general violent and unconscionable tenor of this regime 's global political posture wich invites in some instances reprisals 'in-kind'.

So, I trust that as people discover in my reports the heinous torture and killing tactics used by the fbi/cia/police in USA, that the informed reader may better comprehend why the USA is always under some kind of security or 'terror alert' and why so many people seek to stop USA imperialism (see my 'world in a box' at

In a real sense the economy here depends in part on USA sponsored atrocities committed 'over there' ; the brutal and deadly police state here also seems to be accepted as a new 'norm' by the media and by the ignorant, uninformed public.

After all, the fbi/cia et. al., have discovered that they make a lot of money, expand their power base, pretend to defend the 'Homeland', lie to the American people and engage in 1) mass murder, 2)killings, 3) selective & discreet assassinations and 4) subtle eugenics , all at the same time the world over.


Thank you.

PS:  More >

 To all fbi agents
category picture7 May 2016 @ 11:30
To all fbi/cia agents ( present, past & future ):

This (and your felonious crime spree) is your legacy and shame:


 USA belongs to cowardly & corrupt fbi assassins, not to the people
picture5 May 2016 @ 19:48
A tragic lesson potentially facing our young men is the one I deal with and report as summarized here:

I served the *USA as a young, naive soldier in combat on the battlefield; and, together with other soldiers who gave or risked all, I believed in our nation and in our leaders. Not Now. Upon return home to work and study in a free America, I discovered that the hoodlums employed with the fbi (i.e.,the 'burro') and the police engage in high crimes in a most cowardly manner against our people, against our veterans, and against me. Low thugs of the fbi attack the best that America produces.

The United States of America is an insupportable regime which I denounce.


Sleep deprivation and other unconscionable offenses are the sportive activities of low, subhuman creatures in the 'burro' (fbi):



About me:
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picture2 May 2016 @ 01:30
I invite the astute reader to become acquainted with my wonderful & best friend for fifteen years, the Splendid BARBARA HARTWELL :

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 Tribute To The Imprisoned
picture27 Apr 2016 @ 12:04
All prisoners are largely innocent on a relative basis:

See my reports on the fbi/cia/police high crimes and unconscionable torture & killing operations (foreign & domestic) and understand that the millions of our countrymen imprisoned (behind bars and in their own bodies/homes)  in the USA have done little to nothing in most instances  that would compare to the macabre offenses committed against them and others by the truly guilty fbi/cia/nsa/police, etc.


World In A Box:


The fbi, police and their operatives terrorize their prey until they break and seek final exit, even as their government tormentors watch the gruesome ordeal in real time.

Retaliation for exposing the filth in this overthrown regime :




A Nuremberg type trial is needed, but the general population is in denial of the reality of heinous offenses committed in their name; so, nothing is done and the fbi/cia/police crime spree expands right before our eyes.

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 Brutality as a permanent character trait
picture23 Apr 2016 @ 18:46
I bow to no man; fbi/police/cia/soldiers bow to everyman of higher rank or standing.
Thus, the moral quality of these bowing miscreants is an inescapable part of their *dirty character in all matters of social affairs, and they (the members of the entire criminal justice system ) are most often not equipped mentally to meet challenges with civility and grace and individuality. See the society that brutal ones forge:


* [link]  More >

 Fbi as a constrictor
category picture20 Apr 2016 @ 20:17
Fbi as constrictor :


The fbi snake squeazes the life out of this free nation
and like a giant grapevine stretches globally in concert with cia with similar effects, using methods that I describe at

and at

Thank you.

 Beware: Fbi and all who support them are the living dead
picture14 Apr 2016 @ 01:49
Thanks Kommy Yasdian

Lost American Society:


Modern day Logan's Run :


See also world in a box at


​and my other work at



Today, 4/15/16, the fbi sends their usual, apparent assassin (whose photo I previously posted)
to again assault me in the public library. This little man is quite the show as he repeatedly harasses me similar to the harassment of the previous fbi operative whom I describe as the beast and whose photo also is posted.

The crimes are intended to provoke a response, and a federal magistrate judge is ready to perform his crimes as may be needed.

Now, imagine the consequences if I were to report these crimes to the Brownsville Texas Police, especially Detective Adrian Posada:

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 The American people are lost amid their own sea of blood
picture13 Apr 2016 @ 05:39
USA society is lost amid its own sea of blood
Posted by geral sosbee on April 12, 2016 at 11:00pm

With hardly a whimper of protest the subdued American populace permits the fbi and police to expand their torture, murder and assorted *crime spree unprecedented in human affairs and unfolding right under our nose.
Therefore, I order the thugs of fbi, USPI, cops, judges, etc., to cease and desist their abominations and I indict the society of the USA for allowing in a most cowardly & heinous fashion the overthrow of this government by the subhumans in the police community.

I ask how a moral & just people can allow assassins in the fbi/MAFIA and their associates to rule as though they are the owners of our people and of our country:


Predicted confessions of fbi serial killers which also reflect the culpability of the general population :



See also my report on fbi's world in a box at :


Thank you

The fbi/police deliver this message as a threat to each American:

We intend to kill, imprison, threaten, slander and torture you.

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 Con Permiso. ..
category picture9 Apr 2016 @ 23:59
Con Permiso...

Allow me to introduce you to the federal burro of investigation ( fbi ), the jackass of the USA:



After the above report is posted and during the  midnight hours of April 9-10, the 'burro' in its usual retaliation spirit  throws trash in my driveway.

America has a band of retarded &  cowardly criminals pretending to  guard our national security.



category picture5 Apr 2016 @ 23:34
Our last best chance for freedom from murderous government was the legal system which is today in hopeless shambles, as directed by doj,fbi,cia,nsa and the other fools on the hill. A few links in support:

Corruption of the federal judiciary by fbi:


 William E. Cooper: A Tribute To You, Kind Sir
picture3 Apr 2016 @ 02:10
William E. Cooper: A Tribute To You, Kind Sir

During my college years I had the privilege and honor to work for William E. Cooper who was President and Chairman of the Board  of the Dallas Market Center (DMC) .  1)

My employment with the DMC is summarized in Bill's own words in his letter, dated October 23, 1989. 2)

I left the DMC for the army, but I returned and was welcomed by the DMC after my service. 3)

Ten years after Bill wrote the 1989  letter mentioned above (and during the months of April, May and June, 1999) I fled the USA for Thailand  in unsuccessful efforts  to escape from the fbi's horrendous terror campaign against me. Some of the details of the fbi crime spree in vendetta are described in "My Story In Detail" in my main website at sosbeevsfbidotcom.

I soon discovered that the fbi and the cia controlled the Thai authorities at will and that the physical and psychological assaults on me increased during every minute of my attempted retreat. 4) I also learned of the complete corruption of Thailand & its king; I also took notice of the underlying criminal regime that rules the nation.

I  tried to document with the US Embassy and others in government that the fbi and cia were truly engaged in terrorist acts against me in that terrible country. 5)

In my desperation  in Thailand,  I called Bill Cooper to request that he please  contact his associate (a special agent) in the fbi, Dallas, Texas, to find out why the fbi was terrorizing me. Bill honored my request, indicating that his contact in the Dallas fbi office denies any knowledge of a)the assaults on me by the fbi and b) any open fbi case or investigation of me by the fbi.

The covert assaults on me  continued in Thailand and escalated upon my return to USA.

I later visited with Bill in his office and I briefed him on the incredible and ongoing felonies committed by the fbi in efforts to silence me;  he responded, 

                                      " Outlive the bastards, Geral".

Bill was not only a giant as a civic leader, but he also understood the secret workings of the intelligence community which he knew was trying to prematurely  end my days on God's green earth. He was the paragon of friendship to one in need.

Of all my contacts during my early years, Bill forever stays in my memory as a friend who, during my time of great confusion,  tried all within his power to help me.

Rest In Peace, Wondrous Bill Cooper; my thoughts of your greatness and my abiding respect for you are integral parts of my evolving character.

1)The correct link to Bill Cooper on Wikipedia is not working. I will try to correct the link.
The link works at my Facebook post of this same report:

Alt link to this post where all links work is here:









My recent work:


We, those of us here who contribute to the awakening, enjoyed in our time
Learning, Involvement, Friendship, Excitement: LIFE.
In our way we personify the indominable spirit shown universally by Champions in the gruelling & painful task of human rights advocacy.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all."
J.K. Rowling  More >

 My work against fbi thugs and assassins
picture1 Apr 2016 @ 02:26

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 Our documentaries outlive the institutions that terrorize us
picture1 Apr 2016 @ 00:28
Our personal documentaries far outlive the institutions that terrorize us :

In the far spanning history of resistance to inhumane governments and their mindless supporters in the general populations few individuals merit more acclamation than our very own friends & associates here in the matter of DEW, assaults, mind control, police and fbi murderous brutality,etc. now before us. Thank you, God Bless and be assured of your high places in the annals of man's epic struggle for liberty.

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