Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Thoughts    
 Right To Woman's Choice; Interference With This report
category picture27 Aug 2012 @ 15:26
As I typed the following report on a woman's right to choice, the fbi hacked the report as shown at the bottom herein. Note that fbi hacking of the report is the tip of the iceberg with regard to cybercrimes, planting of evidence and other crimes against the fbi's Targets; also, the fbi sociopaths increased the DEW (sleep deprivation) against me last night as an apparent result of this report; then on the night of the 28th, the sleep deprivation was again increased to a level of about 8 (on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the most painful and dramatically symptomatic as described at):


About a month ago the fbi hit me with a level 10 DEW assault to demonstrate their power over me. That assault bordered on complete entrainment of the brain and to a degree had a paralyzing effect on me; so that I was incapacitated for a time and the inability to function continued for a day or so and was followed by continuing disparate effects therefrom. These effects were scary because I may have temporarily lost some cognitive awareness. If an individual is pushed to the limit and then seeks a final respite from the assaults on the brain, then the fbi and their operatives who employ the DEW assaults are guilty of premeditated murder and they should be identified and prosecuted, along with others who force suicide by other means. See:


The Congress of the USA is aware of these DEW assaults on people and do nothing; therefore each member of Congress (and the courts) who remain silent on the issue and who do not raise an objection is also guilty of misprision of multiple felonies the exact names of which are yet to be determined; in the very least the coverup of a forced suicide of the type described herein is a criminal homicide committed by any party involved.

Here is the report that set off the fbi into its most recent rampage against me:

Right to life advocates often usurp the right of a woman's choice knowing full well (according to demographic projections and actual statistical data) that the babies are predestined in many instances for lives of pain, misery, and bad de...
ath where the following events are awaiting them: must 1) live in poverty and deprivation 2) *go to war and suffer injuries 3) be tortured, imprisoned or murdered; all such calamities are prepared for them by the very same high culture and government bureaucrats who pretend to reaffirm the right of every human being to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that the few who temporarily escape this awful fate must thereafter serve the **killing and torturing machine as snipers, swat members, black operatives, police, military robots,prison guards or civilian homicidal agents assigned to kill or neutralize their fellow citizens; all of such activities paradoxically derive from the current slogan of


* *
* *
* *
*Right to life advocates often usurp the right of a woman's choice knowing
full well (according to demographic projections and actual statistical
data) that the babies are predestined in many instances for lives of pain,
misery, and bad de**ath where the following events are awaiting them: *
*must 1) live in poverty and deprivation 2) *go to war and suffer injuries
3) be tortured, imprisoned or murdered; all such calamities are prepared
for them by the very same high culture and government bureaucrats who
pretend to reaffirm the right of every human being to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness;*
* that the few who temporarily escape this awful fate must thereafter serve
the **killing and torturing machine as snipers, swat members, black
operatives, police, military robots,prison guards or civilian homicidal
agents assigned to kill or neutralize their fellow citizens; all of such
activities paradoxically derive from the current slogan of

 fbi's methods to kill/incapacitate
picture20 Jun 2012 @ 01:03
For over a decade I have presented evidence at


that the fbi uses various methods to kill or incapacitate their Targets. For example I have shown that the assassins fabricated (or synthesized) a kidney stone in me, placed a potentially deadly infection near the root of tooth #14, planted viral infection in me ( thereby sending me to the emergency room), assaulted me 24/7 (continuing to date) with directed energy weaponry, and conducted other operations against me in efforts to force a final exit, or to imprison me.

I now have reason to believe and to conclude that this nation's most feared thugs (the fbi/cia) have also used chemical gasses against me in efforts to kill me. I have documented with various doctors over the past decade that toxic fumes in my residences (sometimes disguised as second hand cigarette smoke) have cause chronic bronchitis which can cause other life threatening injuries. The fumes are planted in any single family residence that I occupy and in any apartment that I may rent.

The general population may assert that such accusations against the intel services are unfounded and impossible. However, such denials are exactly the response that the fbi/cia count on. The world is now paying attention to my reports and documentations because all intelligent and informed human beings recognize that indeed the United States of America tortures, imprisons, and murders at will, using methods and practices that are as deplorable as they are inhumane. *DEW assaults are ongoing 24/7 for about nine (9) years and the pain therefrom is sometimes unbearable.

This report is submitted for the record.
See Also:



on torture



"What makes psychological torture appear less repugnant than physical torture is that the methods—sleep deprivation, stress positions, solitary confinement—taken individually do not seem unendurable. It is their combined use that destroys the adult structures of the person. If we stop to think, each of us would judge being beaten, being blinded, even having one or more limbs amputated, less horrifying than being systematically reduced to psychotic infantilism."  More >

 Insider Trades By Congress And Other Little Atrocities
category picture25 Jan 2012 @ 22:37
This report focuses on two areas of popular interest as follows: 1) FBI's Failure To Address Insider Trades By Congress 2) Guantanamo Bay Torture and Cover Ups Thereof By FBI.

As a preamble to the data shown below, the reader is invited to see my sworn affidavit at


[This statement serves as a suggestion for how to begin correcting the excesses of government corruption:

"You must contrive for your future Rulers another and a better life than that of a Ruler, and then you may have a well ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life." Plato, The Republic.]

1) Congress does not investigate fbi crimes that I have documented in the above affidavit because many in congress engage in unethical or criminal activities and because corrupt public policy allows such. Here is evidence that congress is hopelessly corrupt from fear of fbi and fbi's blackmail methods. [link] Sources of fbi/cia Financing For Global Criminal Intel Operations


The fbi/cia thugs, kidnappers, torturers, assassins, burglars, etc., obtain all the money they need for their criminal operations from multiple sources: Congress, Illegal drug operations and money laundering schemes, theft and seizure of Targets' assets, blackmail, theft (including burglary & robbery) and the stock markets around the globe. The two corrupt groups regularly tap into the equities,commodities and futures markets for guaranteed huge profits. the SEC and other federal agencies ignore these criminal market manipulations because the fbi/cia are "securing the USA from terrorist attacks and are at the same defending freedom." The corrupt congress of the USA (under threat of blackmail or harassment by fbi thugs) is aware of and allows market manipulations under the authority of its various intel, budgetary and oversight committees (indeed many in congress now also engage in criminal trades on insider information); also the intel courts (owing their allegiance to fbi/cia assassins) have inside scoop regarding fbi/cia fraud in the money markets (including the futures markets) as a result of the secret courts' reviews of the global criminal activities of the fbi/cia assassins and torturers. These courts 'sign off' (or authorize) the illegal trades. *See:




2)See this report from me and another FBI Insider who corroborates some of my statements against the FBI.


 cia and fbi cowards and assassins send our young into unjust wars
category picture18 Jan 2012 @ 20:59
Wake up to discover that no roses are on the barren landscape of the lives of many soldiers & combat vets.

cia and fbi cowards & assassins force our brave young into unjust wars

The cia directs our young, brave men and women into useless battles and unjust wars, while the fbi threatens, arrests, imprisons, tortures and kills the soldier/citizen (whether decorated or fatigued) upon return home. Thus, no wonder *West Point and other military academies frequent my reports in search of an answer to this question,"Who will follow us into the next battle"?


















By Location > Visit Detail
Visit 111,210

134.240.14.# (United States Military Academy)


United States Military Academy

New York
West Point
Time of Visit
Jan 18 2012 10:49:26 am
Last Page View
Jan 18 2012 10:49:26 am
Visit Exit Page

category picture23 Sep 2011 @ 13:46
A nation and its people who deliberately engage in the systematic conquest, subjugation, torture, imprisonment and killing of others must by the laws of physics and divine nature have the same calamities delivered upon themselves.



 fbi/cia Controls San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center
category picture19 Sep 2011 @ 00:35
Over the past several years I have attempted to post reports on the San Francisco Indy Media (SFI) site, but all of my reports regarding the fbi assassins are blocked by the moderator there; below is the most recent example of how the SFI helps the assassins of the fbi/cia by preventing all of my documentations of police brutality & 'police state' abominations. Note that my report is entitled below as follows:

fbi homicidal sociopath orders:"kill yourself geral sosbee". The SFI moderator in his typical and cowardly manner draws a line through the title and deletes the article. Great shame on you San Francisco for allowing the thugs and terrorists of fbi/cia to control your Indymedia grouop.



U.S. | Police State and Prisons
The following post may have been a test post, a duplicate, or could have been hidden if it violated this site's Points of Unity. If you think this item should not have been hidden, first make sure it wasn't posted twice and you were just unable to find the other copy of the post. If that was not the case, you can contact the editorial collective by e-mailing

FBI HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATH ORDERS:"kill yourself geral sosbee"
by geral Wednesday Sep 14th, 2011 9:56 AM
In a rare moment of candor an fbi associate sends the "kill yourself" message to me (the Target); then when I try to post this report the fbi deletes or hacks same report.Here it is again:

The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center is a non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.

category picture29 Jun 2011 @ 14:21

All Discussions My Discussions Settings Add Options▼FBI/CIA, POLICE HAVE A SIMPLE MESSAGE TO THE TARGETPosted by geral sosbee on June 29, 2011 at 9:03am in Untitled Category (Change)
View Discussions

The fbi/cia/police and their operatives have a simple message for the Target:

We Intend to....


"None are more hopelessly enslaved than
those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


 A message from my site at 'fbi/cia are terrorists'
category picture10 Jun 2011 @ 01:39

Tom- Thanks for the observations.

I have to use the library because the fbi destroys any computer that I buy.

I pay a webmaster in LA to do all of my updates on my main site (sosbeevfbi).

I can see by your reports that the fbi is all over you the way they are on me. This takes a great toll in all manner and only a stong man can survive it.

Regarding leaving the country, I too would do so if at all possible. I tried Thailand and was almost killed there during my 3 month stay; then, I tried Mexico which the fbi/cia control at will.

Regarding efforts in court, I realize that all such legal action ag/the fbi is futile. I knew even when I filed my case that the courts would probably be manipulated by the punk thugs of the fbi.

However, much of my work and present efforts are not so much to seek redress , nor even to try to stay alive ( for my medical problems-caused primarily by the fbi- bring home to me the realization of my own mortality), but to create an historical paper trail that cannot be ignored when the people wake up to the nightmare life waiting for them under the tyrannical thugs of the fbi.

All in all I find some comfort in the fact that I am visiting on the insane hoodlums of the fbi Mafia an unending dose of medicine (in the form of truthful documentations of their many felonies) that will screw them for the next hundred years. If I am wrong in this, then I still am rewarded in the belief that my efforts on behalf of Humanity is self sustaining in terms of my life's true accomplishments.

I consider you and others here on this forum similarly important for the stand against the most heinous group of punk thug terrorists ever to inhabit the planet. We are, I believe, making powerful history and our peaceful confrontation of the cowardly assassins of the fbi reflects on our great worth to civilization. I am honored to be in your company.



 Corrupt Congress Of The United States
category picture7 Jun 2010 @ 16:36
The United States Congress has allowed the liars, cowards, assassins and torturers of the fbi/cia (inter alia) to violate the civil and human rights of United States citizens (et. al.), as I have documented on many websites.The Constitution of the United States and all laws in support of the Constitution have also been trashed by the administrators, agents, operatives, special agents, secret agents, investigators, informants, thugs and minions (including members of the general population) of the fbi/cia/police and their affiliate groups within the government.

This report is not new news, but is a reminder that we have no hope of legal recourse against the homicidal traitors of this country, until the corrupt Congress (and the charlatans in the Courts) are swept out, the thugs in the government are prosecuted and jailed, and the people take control of their country. Failure to regain our fundamental rights to freedom from oppression and to determine our own destiny (as well as to decide the future course of civilization) is a surrender unto the terrorists of the fbi/cia, etc.,and cannot be corrected in the future without massive suffering.

Below are a few links in support of this report:

May 7, 2010

From my personal and professional experience I find that the two United States Senators named below are the most cowardly and corrupt members of the Senate in modern times:

1. United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

2. United States Senator John Cornyn,








The current members of Congress who run the Senate Intelligence Committee and who therefore are responsible for encouraging, abetting, and covering up the fbi/cia murders and tortures globally are:
111th Congress (2009-2010)


Dianne Feinstein, California ,Chairman
Christopher S. Bond,Missouri ,Vice Chairman

John D. Rockefeller IV,West Virginia
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Olympia J. Snowe, Maine
Evan Bayh, Indiana
Saxby Chambliss, Georgia
Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Russell D. Feingold, Wisconsin
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma
Bill Nelson, Florida
James Risch, Idaho
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island

Harry Reid, Nevada, Ex Officio
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky, Ex Officio
Carl Levin, Michigan, Ex Officio
John McCain, Arizona, Ex Officio

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must
be most aware of change in the air -- however slight --
lest we become unwitting victims
of the darkness." ~ Justice William O. Douglas

USA agencies responsible for guarding against gross abuse of power are equally corrupt:


 Texas Attorney General Assists fbi & Police Terrorists
category picture19 Nov 2009 @ 17:16
November 19, 2009
University Of Texas Health Science Center
2102 Treasure Hills Boulevard
Harlingen, Texas 78550

The universities (and AG) across the nation do more for the fbi/cia than assist in the search for foreign terrorists; today our colleges and universities directly encourage their campus police and civilian employees to engage in unlawful intel operations against whistleblower

SEE fbi Here:


In November, 2009, the Texas Attorney General (AG) grants near blanket authority (in Case number OR2009-16316 & Case ID#367454) to the University Of Texas Police (UTP) and Harlingen, Texas (HTP) Police to withhold from Open Records (OR) disclosure the key data in their possession relating to Geral Sosbee. The AG also states in each opinion that the AG has no authority beyond the scope of the OR statutes. The AG thus hides from his responsibility as a citizen and human being for civil and human rights violations behind the the OR guidelines ( which are designed to allow the police to engage in witch hunts, stalking, harassment, fraudulent stings and other crimes as I have documented at many pages of I have also provided the AG with evidence of ongoing felonies against my person (continuing in Texas and other locations for the past decade); by the AG letters referenced above the fbi now gains the AG approval and authority to use UT employees (including UTP) in efforts to silence or kill me; see for example the specifics of some of my reports at


I have also shown that the UTP and HTP covered up (or misrepresented facts relating to) crimes against me on campus (both in Brownsville and Harlingen, Texas) and that the UTP suppressed evidence of such crimes in order to protect the UT from embarrassing publicity and from liability for such police offenses on campuses; the UTP also seeks to prevent me from learning more about their fraudulent ongoing ‘criminal investigation’. For more information about the types of crimes committed against me by the fbi under the pretense of a ‘criminal investigation’ (a term used to at once smear the Target and to undermine the OR laws) , see:


The public policy and state statutes which allow the corrupt police, the fbi and their little informants/operatives to hide their identities while they engage in crimes against their Targets ( and at the same time to withhold records of their unlawful actions) are now encouraged and supplemented by the federal laws as summarized at


The only way to deal with the criminals in the fbi and the police departments across the country is to hold them liable, with no immunity, for their lies and felonious actions with no exceptions. See:


Presently, the fbi continues the campaign to torture or kill me by a variety of methods (including invisible high tech weaponry, home invasions, destruction of property, etc.) as I have outlined. The UT and the AG thus in a sense help the fbi assassins and torturers by ignoring the reports that I have submitted and by failing in their duties to defend the constitution and other laws of the United States. They have joined the fbi/cia in the community of the Living Dead:


The community gone mad:
For more on the unholy alliance between corrupt & cowardly UT officials and the fbi thugs, see:

category picture18 May 2009 @ 22:25
The evolution of the United States of America (and its similarly empowered and closely aligned cohorts around the globe) over the past two centuries from a so-called Democracy (i.e.: government by the people) into the now well known (and universally feared as diabolical and homicidal) fascist body politic can be attributed to a not yet fully acknowledged disease afflicting billions of people during the same time period.In essence, the disease may for now be termed * 'insanity', and those suffering from the affliction continue to be in denial, even as they repeatedly engage in their violent and otherwise murderous agenda worldwide. As few call for the medical treatment of the carriers of the disease, some action must be taken to control or perhaps to cure the affliction of the fundaMENTALLY ill;; ; failure to do so invites the members of the infected class to 1) continue globally to torture, imprison and murder millions of human beings in the name of 'Democracy' and 2) ceaselessly induct and thereby enslave the rest of the world's population into their demented and flagitious ranks. In a sense these very sick human beings represent the Living Dead among us as they advance with arms extending, fingers pointing,
mouths wide-opening and evil proclivities protruding:


* "Democracy As Mental Disease", From The American Journal of Insanity, 8:195 (Oct.), 1851,
The Age Of Madness, Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, page 47.

*The fbi's "Tony Iommi " (TIM) sends the hate message (dated 2-20-2003) seen at:

Note that his personality is shaped by the task at hand: to demoralize and possibly kill the Target. The setting for the verbal assault is within the context of 24/7 harassment, surveillance, and crimial assaults on the Target. The form of TIM's mental illness is reflected at once in his flair for the dramatic and in the hysterical words and meaning of the hate mail itself; the characteristics of the insanity that moves TIM to so selfishly act out are as follows:
**"...commonly...hysteria is a disturbance in the behavior of a person predisposed by an attention seeking, emotionally unstable, and egocentric personality..." to assault a Target with such intense committment.

** Cecil Textbook Of Medicine, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1985, 17th edition, edited by James B. Wyngaardner, MD, Lloyd H. Smith, Jr.,MD, p.2013.
See also: Tooth 14 & data on the Kidney Stone at
I tried unsuccessfully to post the following response to the **absurd report shown below

my response:
The fbi/cia are the most corrupt, homicidal, godless and degenerate group of thugs, torturers and assassins ever to appear on the face of the earth.
"...the individual cannot delegate the task of defending his basic human rights-to dignity,liberty, and responsibility-to any group of protectors,..." be they clergy, doctors, legislators, fbi, mafia, police, judges. "For if the protectors are successful, they inevitably become oppressors...."
Instead, the individual must as I have demonstrated muster all the resources in heart, mind and soul to resist and overcome as best he can the bestial tyrants of his time; in the struggle the fortunate fighter maintains his dignity and prepares the way for successors to advance (with even more fury, resolve and purpose) the search for enduring Humanity in this often barbaric world.

Thomas S. Szasz, M.D., The Age Of Madness , Jason Aronson, New York, 1974, p.361.
The insensate report is shown below with my comments in brackets:
FOX News Blogs » FOX Forum » Forum Contributor
May 21st, 2009 9:54 AM Eastern

..................... ROBERT MASSI: God Bless the FBI.............

By Robert Massi
Attorney/FOX News Legal Analyst

This is a perfect example that we must be right all of the time and they only need to slip through the cracks once.
[torture & murder are never right]

This is a true and silent war and all of us, as Americans, must realize and be reminded that law enforcement is the only line between a safe and unsafe America.
[silent to the mentally lame, intentionally deaf and the Living Dead; to the Living the "only line" is viewed as war machine propaganda]

God bless the FBI and the work all law enforcement do to protect us each and everyday. — It reminds us of the never ending battle and whatever it takes to catch the bad guys it should be done.
[use not the term 'God bless' in the context of the evil incarnate fbi/cia/police]

All this crap on waterboarding – ask the families who may have lost their lives if other terror plots hadn’t been foiled.
[waterboarding is a crime against Humanity;the 'families' do not exist]

This is a true and silent war and all of us, as Americans, must realize and be reminded that law enforcement is the only line between a safe and unsafe America.
[Don't tell me what I must realize, fool]

This is one issue that should be non-partisan. I could care less what method is used to catch the bad guys to protect Americans. — Who would ever think that a representative from the U.S. Congress would demean the very people who keep her safe each and every day? Thank you law enforcement for your efforts.
["care less"= careless; Congress is cowardly, corrupt & dependent for their survival on the thugs and assassins of the of fbi/cia/law enforcement crime syndicates]:

Congressman Ron Paul :

"Is this a dream or a nightmare? Is it my imagination or have we lost our minds? It is surreal. It is just not believable. A grand absurdity. A great deception. A delusion of momentous proportions based on preposterous notions and ideas whose time should never have come.
Insanity passed off as logic. Evil described as virtue. Ignorance pawned off as wisdom. Slavery sold as liberty. The philosophy that destroys us is not even defined. We have broken from reality, a psychotic nation. Ignorance with a pretense of knowledge replacing wisdom."



The fbi/cia regularly hack this site, deleting material or intentionally misspelling and changing words to create on some pages typos and other errors in syntax and semantics. Corrections are made as the hacking incidents are discovered (such as the one today wherein the fbi changed the word 'absurd' to read 'absured').
Also see the bottom of the following page for fbi methods of disabling a site:

category picture22 Feb 2009 @ 20:29


"A Real Patriot knows that when the government has become rotten to the core,

it is time for a

R E V O L U T I O N."

The United States Army apparently intends to enslave our people:

The American Bar Association and most attorneys across the nation are in contempt of the American people for not pursuing cases against the fbi/cia/nsa, et. al., for the crimes that I and others have documented. In their slovenly incompetence and demonstrated fear these so-called advocates have trashed the United States Constitution by abandoning their civic and professional duties. The culpable lawyers are often aware of the atrocities ongoing against Targets, and in many instances the lawyers refuse victims' requests for legal help in stopping the terror campaign. Thus, the legal profession is a cowardly group who, like their medical and dental doctor colleagues, seek mainly to add to their own wealth as they irreverently adopt the cowardly stance suggested by Adams who wrote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you. May posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

 Intelligence Report: Attack In Mumbai India
category picture11 Dec 2008 @ 16:39
Admin: get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
And of course:

Recent studies of my website by representatives of India reflect a keen interest in the tracking technology used by the fbi and the cia in their global covert intel operations. In the image shown below the inquirer seeks to confirm (through the brain scan and tracking device links) that the cia does in fact use the technology (as I have reported); and that a more ominous suggestion may now be considered by the government of India in efforts to determine how much prior warning and inside information (possibly withheld by the *cia concerning the Mumbai attack) could have helped the Indian officials to defend against the attack. Here is the site meter image information from
The two links used by the Investigator (as evidenced in the site meter entry) are:
The site meter entry:

By Location > Visit Detail
Domain Name ? (India)
IP Address 59.95.34.# (NIB (National Internet Backbone))
ISP NIB (National Internet Backbone)
Location Continent : Asia
Country : India (Facts)
State/Region : Maharashtra
Time of Visit Dec 11 2008 9:24:06 am
Last Page View Dec 11 2008 9:39:38 am
Visit Length 15 minutes 32 seconds
Page Views 2
Search Engine
Search Words mastoid effusion
Visit Entry Page http//://www.sosbeevfb//...rainscanofsosbe.html
Visit Exit Page http///://www.sosbeevfbi///.com/tracking.html
See original site meter entry at bottom of page at:

Note that after I posted the above intel report, the fbi/cia in apparent retaliation blocked all e-mail (including gmail,hotmail, from me to my webmaster. Then the fbi punks send death threats.

From Harlingen, Texas
December 18, 2008

A recent update at
dated December 14, 2008, was hacked by the fbi as follows:
as the webmaster typed the data into his computer, the fbi monitored and changed some of the data entries. The webmaster later caught the hacking, notified me, and made the corrections.
Note that the fbi (through its hacking activities) thereby notifies me and my webmaster of the monitoring exercises; in the past the fbi hacks into my other sites at newciv and ning and some indymedia locations; the fbi also changes orders that I may make on line with different merchants, so that the vendor sells me more than I ordered and also bills my credit card for the inflated order; additionally the fbi regularly interferes with all of my e-mail.
Such is the function of the federal bureau of investigation today: a group of punks paid to harass, torture, and murder as I have documented. The United States of America is defined by the low, menial and homicidal antics of its intel groups.


As you know the real global terrorists are fbi/cia/mi6/mossad, etc., and their operatives.The dual axis of evil, united states of america & ‘?Isreal’ seek inhumane world domination at any cost. A few men refuse to surrender to the usa/’?isreal’ thugs and we pay for our resistence with our lives; the cowards who surrender to the assassins/torturers of 'isrealusa(ssassins)' have their names recorded as such throughout all of time.
geral sosbee.questions? (956)371-5210

pls understand that Pakistan is under cia control, including the military, *intel services and the civilian authorities. The Mumbai attack could have been prevented if cia had cooperated with India; for reasons known to the Indian authorities, the cia favors Pakistan and therefore India is not in a position to retaliate for the Mumbai killing spree. The people of India, Pakistan and all other countries of the world must recognize the global threat presented by USA & '?Isreal' assassins and must come together to stop them.

* See my reports on the Mumbai attack encouraged by cia and ask :
which Targets and assets had the state of the art tracking devices used by cia (see my sites for brain scan and tracking device info); where were the thugs (both Targets & Assets) prior to and during the attack; and (regarding key Targets and Assets without an implanted tracking device)- why was there no such tracking device?
Questions ? geral sosbee (956)371-5210
and see:
and see article at:

category picture19 Nov 2008 @ 16:33
"America has put on a new face, but its heart full of hate, mind drowning in greed, and spirit which spreads evil, murder, repression and despotism continue to be the same as always," the deputy of al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden said. AP


* Sosbee adds:
... The greatest threat to mankind are the murderers and torturers of the fbi/cia.
Invade my country I will invade yours;invade my brain, all bets are off.
geral sosbee.

For more thoughts on the collapse of USA, see:

[link] ...

global killing spree, courtesy of cia/mossad/fbi

And More Torture at Abu Ghraib, CAUTION, ADULT CONTENT:
On a different note see report by Paul J. Balles at:

 fbi delivers threats to sosbee on public message board
category picture30 Sep 2008 @ 16:48
admin: get your own fbi/cia terrorist badge at:
Human beings have "no difficulty in exterminating one another to the last man."
Sigmund Freud (Civ.& Its Discontents, 1930)

Recently a number of threats, insults and hate mail poured into the Yahoo finance message board directed at Sosbee who sometimes comments on the fbi’s influence in the business community. The threats and hate mail became so severe that Sosbee asked Yahoo to enforce its rules of decorum for posting on the board; Yahoo addressed some of Sosbee’s complaints. Two such threats to Sosbee were sent to him on the Yahoo message board as set forth below:

Sosbee recorded the first threat from dr_alphabet as follows on 26-Sep-08 05:09 pm:

"I am watching you Time for you to relax and settle down, or my team of alphabet soldiers is going to visit you and induce a series of behavioral modification treatments.
I hope you understand. ".....dr_alphabet

Yahoo deleted the above threat from dr_alphabet, who had never posted before on the board and whose identity is known only to Yahoo. However, Yahoo temporarily prevented Sosbee from posting any other messages (and defenses to the continuing threats and hate mail directed at him on the board).

Then, on September 30, 2008, the same criminal mind ( dr_alphabet) posted a second message directed at “GS” (an obvious reference to Geral Sosbee) . Here is the second hate message (threat) from dr_alphabet which appears to be a follow up message from the original threat from the same dr_alphabet shown above:

30-Sep-08 10:19 am
GS 87667-001
Behavioral Modification Team Deployed

The summary entry looks like this on the Yahoo page:

Behavioral Modification Team Deployed
by dr_alphabe... [30-Sep-08 10:19 am] Not rated 0 30-Sep-08 10:19 am
by dr_alphabe...

 THE LIVING DEAD (LD): The United States Congress, fbi/cia, etc.
picture6 Apr 2008 @ 19:04
Admin: See Brain Entrainment, An Admission:

The living dead (LD)... * A Frightful Lot :


The modern day living dead are those individuals (including their silent, behind- the- scene supporters) who seek out others for torture, imprisonment and death.See:
We the living recognize the dire circumstances confronting the heartily alive among us who are in numbers increasingly unarmed and at the same time unsuspecting of the atrocities inherent in the current stealthy onslaught. Blind trust in government often lures the innocent into the ranks of the LD, and they are all soon obsessed with and mesmerized by one and the same pragmatic, godless and collective goal: the conquest of Mankind by a singularly hideous and destructive creed . See:
Many of us among the living have come to view the reality of the LD phenomena as antithetical to human dignity and contrary to the laws of divine nature, because we recognize that the LD is characterized in his vile machinations by a macabre, immoral and murderous disposition from which no quick escape is apparent; ironically the LD shares a common fate with his new recruits: no way out of the labyrinth of hell created by the decadent and disturbed mind.See:
Finally, those remaining alive and strolling (on the surface placidly) amidst the turmoil created by the LD sometimes find comfort in the company of their own kind , as they welcome the inevitable return to grace offered by the heavens to the ever living and pure at heart who manage to avoid conscription into the ranks of the LD.
*" Men die of fright and live of confidence" (Henry D. Thoreau),and in our time
fright is at once the plague of the LD and the disease it seeks to spread.
[ "No man can take part in the torture of a human being without having his own moral nature permanently lowered."
President Theodore Roosevelt.]
See the following link for evidence that the living dead fbi spread their disease, at will, and thereby corrupt federal and state agencies :
See the Living Dead:


“I’m not going to murder you, Jed, Mr. Dark, whoever, whatever you are. You are going to murder yourself because you can’t stand being near people like me, not this close, not this long.”
"Something wicked comes this way"
[link]  More >

 ivory towers cave as cowards cower.
category picture5 Feb 2008 @ 19:25
The news item is old in a sense, but sheds some light on how the fbi/cia and their friends in Congress (and city hall) control the oftentimes pretentious academia:
A week after blasting the Marines as "unwelcome intruders" in Berkeley, two City Council members (Betty Olds and Laurie Capitelli) want the city to back off the declaration that ignited the wrath of the nation's right wing and inspired Republican Senator Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C. to threaten to remove Berkeley's federal funding for lunch programs, ferry service, etc.
(story by Carolyn Jones, San Francisco Chronicle Staff Writer).

Sosbee to Berkeley:
The immediate problem is not with the Marines; they are simply paid professional assassins for the intelligence services and congressmen of the uSA (viz: the phony war in Iraq, with nearly a million killed, was started by the corrupt cia). The issue here is *freedom from fascist rule by city and federal politicians (like those mentioned above) who have sold out their country and become traitors to the constitution and to the people of uSA.

In any event Berkeley must not allow DeMint, Olds, or Capitelli to dictate terms of and limits on academic freedom and free speech because the entire academic community is similarly straightjacketed across the uSA and around the world, as I have previously documented; someone in the ivory towers (perhaps UC Berkeley) must take a stand for the end to the emerging fbi/cia led dictatorship in this country.
"Liberty is so precious that it must be rationed".
(Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)

 *Fraudulent and Cowardly Punks At Think Tanks Around the Country
category picture9 Sep 2007 @ 18:42
From brownsville, Texas
September9, 2007
This message is for:
Dr. Haleh Esfandiari and all there at the wilsoncenter.
(Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars)

Please note that your self-proclaimed great genius and pseudo-work is worthless to the victims of uSA sponsored torture, imprisonment and murder; for you (and your associates at public policy institutes across the land) have sold out your conscience for the comforts that the enemy of Mankind (united states of america) affords you for your slovenly work in the global public policy arena. While you suffer under the delusion that you love your work, many of you there at the wilsoncenter (and similar groups)are detestable to one another as you abandon a broader duty to all of Humanity to address and to correct (at least in theory) the ongoing worldwide bloodbath initiated by united states intelligence services (fbi/cia/nsa); you therefore are devoid of grace and are in fact abominations to the true intellectuals of our time who are in a war zone 24/7 at the direction of the torturers and assassins of the fbi/cia. You all thus are guilty of aiding and abetting (at least by your silence and indifference, if not by your active assistance to the hoodlums in power) in the outrageous commission of crimes against Humanity. History records your names as they should be recorded: as FRAUDS and COWARDS.
geral sosbee
*To my critics who say that calling names won´t change things I respond that these high flying frauds (and those who adore them) change things by the very names they call themselves (i.e.: scholars, thinkers); these fools change things by forcing others into submission unto their warped, depraved ideas and methods; remember that the public policy created by these political primadonas are the law of the land (though usually less visible than court decrees, statutes, and executive orders) . [Public policy, for example, prevents the reporting of fbi/cia covert criminal operations both foreign and domestic; at the same time, public policy encourages the fbi/cia's use of names, labels and other profiling atrocities to destroy Targets everywhere on earth]. Besides, I feel that much is in a name as I use it, especially when the name applies to those who pretend to serve the public good (and interest) while exclusively serving their own petty interests and those of the corrupt government which rewards them.I see nothing issuing from think tanks and public policy institutes regarding fbi/cia atrocities that I and others document; DO YOU! Finally, I use my methods, you yours; God´s speed to the righteous namecaller and may his heckler cease.
For More On 'tink stanks' see:

 where have all the lawyers gone ?
category picture31 Mar 2006 @ 17:10
As I read the daily news reports of the corrupt and criminal fbi agents (as I have documented at, I must ask the nation a very common question ( in the minds of many activists ):
Where have all the true lawyers gone, long time passing ? Where are the JDs, the SJDs, the constitutional law scholars and thinkers in general (those who critically examined and took to heart the meaning of the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitutional safeguards against abusive and murderous government agents)? Then , I respond that these attorneys are busy in and out of court making money (hand over fist in some instances), striking plea bargains for innocent defendants,reaching settlement arrangements (in order to garner fast, easy money), seizing assets to cover legal fees, etc., so that by retirement age these prima donna guns for hire may continue the same comfortable life style that they have grown accustomed to over the years. They are seldom concerned with the destructive impact of corrupt law and policy upon the lives of those targeted for political persecution both under criminal and civil law.

The problem (in my opinion), aside from the obvious abandonment by these attorneys (including those in the law school and university ivory towers) of their civic responsibilities to their fellow man and to their profession (notwithstanding the puny pro bono records carefully documented for political show) is that the nation meanwhile is become a totalitarian state bent on the for-profit subjugation of all people by the strong arms (and weak minds) of the fbi and the cia (and others). The lawyers in the main have become tools of the emerging fascist state that even they now fear. The supposed defenders of our Rights at a most critical moment in history are in 'the other room ' (one that is soundproof and cut off from the reality of the inhumanity that is become the hallmark of the USA criminal justice system).

Specifically, the fbi for example recently charges a man with the newly discovered offense of:

"traveling in interstate commerce to engage in sexual activity with a minor and traveling in interstate commerce for the purposes of engaging in illicit sexual conduct".

The heart of such cases is the presumption by the fbi thugs that they may, by the use of an hypothetical construct, read the minds of the accused, predict his behavior with pinpoint accuracy, and determine the future course of events not yet clear to the otherwise objective mind, nor to the accused himself; in doing so the fbi predators have captured the supportive attention of the media which is always ready to get on board a moving freight train of decadent and destructive public policy.
* Note that the individual charged in the sex case referenced above has committed no offense, no plaintiff or complaining witness exists, no victim exists, no crime has been committed or reported, no evidence of any crime is extant, and no law has been broken (except for the imaginary one contrived in the perverse and often criminal mind of the fbi, or other accuser) who should himself be charged with false arrest or filing false charges, among other offenses, in connection with the preposterous charges against an innocent man. In essence the fbi and their minion police agencies pretend to safeguard the imagined rights of non-existent persons at the expense and destruction of real life human beings who are as innocent as may legally be conceived in a theoretical sense. See:
By studying this and similar cases the astute student may gain new and important perspectives from "inside the criminal mind" of the fbi and other accusing parties. For more on this see the links below.

Meanwhile, with regard to police and fbi misconduct, most lawyers are silent (out to lunch), or worse, the lawyers sometimes can be seen on TV also getting on board the popular movement which is profitable for all but the accused, or the targeted.

Alas, I have personally known many attorneys who, while representing drug dealers and other violent and dangerous types (often with real as opposed to imagined victims) in the general society, engage in the consumption of cocaine, marijuana, etc.,while publicly pretending to uphold the values of mainstream society. These same attorneys mostly avoid the truly difficult, complex and unpopular cases brought against the accused by a broken and corrupt regime headed by the fbi, or other incompetent police agency.
Attorneys also generally avoid Civil Rights and Human Rights cases against the fbi because the victim of the fbi criminal campaign has no money, and because the attorneys are fearful of fbi retaliation.[For examples of current violations see:]
Also see:

The instance cited above (regarding an imagined sex offense) is a hot potato with most lawyers because they do not want to be seen as apologists or defenders of an accused who may be facing a variety of illicit sexual conduct charges and the parade of horribles associated therewith. These attorneys do not mind representing murderers, drug king pins,or other despicable types; and these barristers boldly proclaim that their law firm does not ever represent defendants in alleged child sex abuse(and related) cases, period, even when no crime has been committed. Neither do many attorneys show any interest in prosecuting a civil case against the fbi or the cia because "there is no financial future in it".
Well, how convenient for these legal practitioners, as they now enjoy the best (from their perspectives) of both worlds: on the one hand they can join the lucrative freight train of popular opinion regarding the condemnation of any person falsely accused of largely imaginary sex related offenses; and on the other hand, these same attorneys can sell out their conscience (with handsome returns)in the representations of some extremely unsavory characters. When the smoke clears, these attorneys are left with one small problem (as I see it): they have allowed the fbi and the prosecutorial freight train to roll over and destroy the guarantees of personal freedoms and individual liberties afforded by the uSA constitution.

For more on imagined offenses and the criminal machinations of those who allege them,see:
Also see a summary of the crimes committed against a former fbi agent (Sosbee)and note that no attorney will come forward to prosecute the civil case inherent in the terrorists' assaults on Sosbee:

Thus , the lawyers, mostly silent on Human Rights issues, slink from their civic duties, abandon their sworn promises to uphold the constitution, and otherwise cower before the menacing shadow of the fbi (and others) who have turned this nation into a virtual prison for all but the torturers and assassins of the ruling class. Indeed, all criminal cases (and many civil cases) today contain Human Rights issues, not just for the supposed victim (if one exist), but for the accused as well; the failure of American Jurisprudence to take this fact into account represents the continuing deterioation of the U.S. judiciary.

The answer to the question posed in the first sentence above is that the lawyers have gone to the black hole of greed, self absorption and pusillanimous retreat. The damage to our nation (and its social fabric) resulting from their incompetence/indifference is incalculable.

The statements above do not represent legal advice.See:
* On 4-5-06 the following news item appears:
By MICHELLE SPITZER, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - A deputy press secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Brian J. Doyle, was charged with using a computer to seduce a child after authorities said he struck up sexual conversations with an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl.
See recent article on
press secretary arrested

Sosbee writes:

As suggested above in the context of the phony criminal charges in a different alleged sex abuse case,Brian J. Doyle is obviously innocent.

For more on imagined crimes alleged by the criminals of the United States government see:

 The urge to discredit recognizes no limits.
category picture4 May 2005 @ 20:31
The following criticism attempts to discredit sosbee's work by using a low form of journalistic trickery: smear by perceived or imagined association. In this case the only legitimate reference the person (whoever he /she may be) records is that Barbara Hartwell is in fact my friend. The critical article :
"Origine douteuse Considérant les différents sites auquel est lié le sieur Geral Sosbee, notamment "Friends of Liberty" qui offre des liens sur les sites de "vraies" musiques : nationalistes, nazis etc. ainsi que d'autres prosélytes éclairés d'Internet : Barbara Hartwell et Todd Brendan Fahey, je recommenderais la plus grande prudence dans la lecture de la prose de M. Sosbee, qu'il soit ou non, comme il le prétend, un ex-agent du FBI.
le 26/07/2004 à 09h37
sosbee to luzvanvogt: your concern about my work tells me that many in France and around the world read and accept the evidence that I present; they do so not for me, but for concern about the future of the world, a sentiment only the most avant garde have the courage to explore.
See Also:
As of July 7, 2006, Sosbee notices that the fbi and the cia are busy on the internet placing false, misleading and outrageous references to geral sosbee on various search engines. *Please see the following links to dispel any concerns in this regard:
and others at:
Sosbee adds the following:
I will gladly provide the United States Congress or the Supreme Court, or the Press with all of my records, without exception, provided that the government (other than the fabricators and calumniators of the fbi and the cia) use such records in an official investigation of the many crimes committed by the fbi and the cia against me; further, I am eager to compare my personal record and my complete history with those of fbi/cia agents, operatives, punks, thugs (including female contract laborers), assassins, handlers, special investigators, etc, globally. I make this offer in the hopes that the cowardly congress and their evil sisters on the bench will reign in the fbi and the cia; of course, I realize that this will not happen, but my offer stands in earnest nevertheless. Finally, the fbi/cia efforts to discredit me, to demonize, to dehumanize and to vilify me are all evidence of the truth of my reports of fbi/cia evil and criminal agenda as outlined in my site at:
From Brownsville, Texas
August 20, 2006
Enter the alchemist who emerges from dark spaces onto the internet with the following data followed by a series of meaningless words and phrases intermingled with the name 'Geral Sosbee':
summary by Google of the data referenced in this update:

"Our Survey...
How do you feel about geral sosbee?
-Mne Poh?
GERAL SOSBEE - - geral sosbeeReading united kingdom geral sosbee royal and sun alliance toronto beaches ... Credit cards rebuilding credit pontiac aztek reviews geral sosbee ex jw costa ...

Sosbee's response to the little coward who invites a global response to the gibberish: you are a foolish one, but if I am wrong, then identify yourself by your true name, where you live, and a list of your biases. Then perhaps you will deserve the attention you crave, but do not use my name to satisfy your ugly longings. Note, por favor, that the use of the term, "Our Survey", in the context cited above reflects at once your collectivist mentality (though you may be one) and your individual (or group) psychopathology, particularly applicable if you be two or more (See the book , In Cold Blood, Truman Capote).
Sosbee further notes that the world is full of anonymous stalkers (such as the alchemist referenced above) who often use stalking as a subtle pretext for some sinister purpose, both on the web and on the streets; these lost souls are more aligned to the living dead than they are akin to the truly living among us as they seek out Targets to feed upon.
Absent a meaningful life of their own , these morbid 'hide and seekers' (those who cover up their own identities while casting their puny lights on others)latch on to an internet author for the apparent purpose of further exploitation. Come now, fiendish one, tell all who are listening who you are and what interests you pretend to serve.
From Brownsville, Texas
July 16, 2007
For important information from my best friend, Barbara Hartwell , see her article dated and titled as follows [Note her remarks therein regarding,Ken Adachi: Government stooge, New Age/government disinfo monger, liar ']:

Monday, July 16, 2007
YOU TALK TOO MUCH: Scandal-Mongering for Fun & Profit
From Brownsville, Texas
September 4, 2007

This date Sosbee attempts to document a continuing effort by the fbi and its supporters to slant public opinion. One such attempted slander campaign is to link the name of this author to pornographic websites. yahoo for example has the following link to a porno site linkd as shown below in the Yahoo Search Engine:
The link (http):
The Yahoo entry:
stevie wonder-lyrics to my Cherie Amore, repair guide 1990 mercury ...
stevie wonder-lyrics to my Cherie Amore, repair guide 1990 mercury mystique wiring harness sfp, cheer leader tryouts ... fittest geral sosbee weddings myspace ... - 23k - Cached
Several other similar links are directly made with the name of this author at primarily Yahoo (http as follows):
/////... yes / searc h.php?q=search
RSD305 dacor range, csi episode guides, aishwarya debonair com, outlook ...
RSD305 dacor range, csi episode guides, aishwarya debonair com, outlook conference rooms, bench press conversion, ... sbc-web geral sosbee musica, free ... - 101k - Cached
/////.... / search .php?q=search
versaPro Ge Fanuc torrent, liebe schwable sheet music, naseemalroh ...
versaPro Ge Fanuc torrent, liebe schwable sheet music, naseemalroh, Saiyuki reloaded gunlock episode summary, ... sheet music, geral sosbee musica pics ... - 59k - Cached
/////... 9uhuw-le-inf...rmazioni. cn /adult. php?q=adult+dating
dance ejay 3 no cd crack, bucyrus telegragh forum com, sexo-bears ...
dance ejay 3 no cd crack, bucyrus telegragh forum com, sexo-bears, Rotel RSDX02 ... forum com, hukilau resturant in chicopee massachusetts geral sosbee musica. ... - 22k - Cached
____I hereby give notice to Yahoo and any other search engine that you are in violation of my legal rights including but not limited to the following areas:
3) tortious or wrongful use of my name for commercial or other unauthorized purpose.
I also hereby order you to cease and desist from all use of my name (including linking of my name to unauthorized sites) without my prior written authorization. I reserve all legal rights, including the right to bring a law suit under the prevailing statutes and the right to bring a suit in equity. geral sosbee.
From Brownsville, Texas
September 12, 2007
Yahoo apparently makes no effort to stop the fbi/cia smear campaign on the net; neither does Yahoo seek to delete obviously corrupt influences on its search engine by the fbi/cia and their fellow 'associopaths' in reference to Geral Sosbee; though throughout all of the torture and smear efforts by the world's most despicable calumniators this idea will ultimately prevail:

"He deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren."

Prov. 6:14-19

From Harlingen, Texas
May 18, 2008

In a classic example of incredible immorality, unlawful trickery in court, unprofessional attorney misconduct, and libel in efforts to cover up the fbi's crimes, the US Attorney in the person of Sara R. Robinson engages in outright lies and despicable behavior in open court & pleadings as she verbally assaults Sosbee's character as shown below; Robinson is now recorded in history as a corrupt and bestial servant of the assassins and torturers of the fbi and cia, and she cannot be forgiven for her evil actions and decadent predisposition:
*See medical Clearances:

 fbi national academy
category picture22 Mar 2005 @ 17:44
Re: Jimmy Ennis graduates from FBI Academy
The Troy Messenger - Mar 22 , 2005

I trust that Ennis is the exception to the following rule regarding graduates from the fbi national academy:

All graduates from the academy are accepted into the brotherhood of the ruling elite of global law enforcement which means that total allegiance to the fbi's macabre ethics and standard operating procedure are honored without question; further, the graduate is deeply programmed (through state of the art mind control technology-enforced by sophisticated reward systems in place) to lie, calumniate, cover-up, falsely imprison, conspire to violate human rights and to murder as may be indicated by the fbi upon graduation and forever thereafter. The fbi has thousands of such programees in place throughout the United States (and around the world *)ready upon notice to perform instantaneously the fbi's assignment, not unlike the programming of the famous Manchurian Candidate character. **This is very dangerous because these graduates are often marked for positions of top leadership in law enforcement organizations and security firms throughout the globe. Thus, if the world is happy with the U.S. intelligence maneuvers (as reflected in fbi/cia black operations, covert actions by death squads, and unending efforts to overthrow governments around the world)then the graduate from the fbi national academy is the hero of the day; for he/she is ostensibly adorned with a badge of pseudo respect beneath which resides all the potential evil and horror, cowardice and lack of integrity that the fbi and the cia have come to symbolize in the world today.
*as reported by recent graduates[ Columbia, France, England, Romania, Philippines, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Jordan, Denmark, Korea, Hong Kong, Chili, Switzerland, Canada, Trinidad, Turkey, Germany, Saipan, South Africa, Tanzania, Australia and Malaysia].Note: curious entry of Hong Kong.
**academy's own statistics:3,433 deceased
9,9943 retired
1,719 out of law enforcement
22,898 actively engaged in law enforcement

The following figures show those occupying the position of heads of their agencies:

5,356 are chiefs of police
559 are sheriffs
107 are heads of state police agencies
276 others hold positions as heads of their respective agencies
A total of 39,473 fools have graduated from the FBI National Academy since it began in July 1935.

sosbee's note to all graduates of the fbi national academy:be not proud , boys and girls, of your programming there, as you will soon hide from public view any evidence of your association with the brotherhood of the world's most infamous group of ...
Unidentified Felonious Offenders and human rights violators.
After I wrote the above article, the author of the original piece on fbi national academy, by Russell Sellers.[see : The Messenger, Troy Alabama ,link: [link] ]
puts the following on the internet (excerpted from:

If you think this guy is as retarded as I have made him sound, please e-mail him your thoughts and tell him that typing with one thumb up his ass is never a good idea.
Mr. Sosbee, you, and your Conspiracy Theorists brethren, suck quite loudly.

(Commence bludgeoning Sosbee to death with alien weasels grown from the hairs of barbershop victims...err customers.)

"Hey, my name is Geral Sosbee. Look at me, I live in my mom's basement and have nothing better to do than send e-mail's telling everybody how the FBI and CIA are out to get us all. I'm a bastard. No, really I am."
From Brownsville, Texas
October 1, 2006

cops kill an innocent man and then use his body for target practice

"Officers fired 110 rounds at man suspected in deputy’s death in Florida
Khaleej Times - Sep 30 8:44 PM
LAKELAND, Florida - Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff’s deputy, killing the suspect, according to an autopsy released by the sheriff’s office."

Sosbee writes that the news headlines should more accurately read:

Killer Kops cowardly kill in cold blood an innocent man cowering prostrate before them; then, as though to send a subliminal threat the country, these same foolish deputies continue needlessly to fire their weapons into the corpse. At least one hundred bullets were unnecessarily fired at the Target after he was dead punctuating the lunacy of those wearing the badge at the scene. The apparent purpose for the overkill is to send a message to you and to me: DON'T KILL US, regardless of what we do to you.

The above cited scenario is repeated regularly across the country and the corrupt media never question in their reports the possibility that these Killer Cops are quite ill mentally and that they pose a real and present danger to the public and to our Constitutional government. The fbi trains these Killer Cops (or their superior chiefs) to murder any person who is accused of taking the life of a law enforcement officer ( or other 'heinous offense') ; the code word which the fbi uses is subliminal and is found in the phrase, "cop killer" ( the code word "kill" is contained in the word, "killer"). The police and all other law enforcement officers (including the insane SWAT group) immediately seek to kill any such accused , especially when no cameras are present and when the media is on board the police death train.
From Brownsville, Texas
October 3, 2006
Sosbee sends the above notice to several law enforcement agencies in Florida; then, he receives the following e-mail response from

"Kathryn Ridgely" at
Brevard County Sheriff's office:

"The media tends to stretch the truth and I feel unless we were there we have no right to judge."

-----Original Message-----
From: geral sosbee []
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 7:12 PM
To: NorthPrecinct
Subject: killer kops- stop them

"Officers fired 110 rounds at man suspected in deputy's death in
Khaleej Times - Sep 30 8:44 PM
LAKELAND, Florida - Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man
suspected of killing a sheriff's deputy, killing the suspect,
according to an autopsy released by the sheriff's office."

Sosbee writes that the news headlines should more accurately read:

Killer Kops cowardly kill in cold blood an innocent man cowering
prostrate before them; then, as though to send a subliminal threat the
country, these same foolish deputies continue needlessly to fire their
weapons into the corpse. At least one hundred bullets were
unnecessarily fired at the Target after he was dead punctuating the
lunacy of those wearing the badge at the scene. The apparent purpose
for the overkill is to send a message to you and to me: DON'T KILL US,
regardless of what we do to you.

The above cited scenario is repeated regularly across the country and
the corrupt media never question in their reports the possibility that
these Killer Cops are quite ill mentally and that they pose a real and
present danger to the public and to our Constitutional government. The
fbi trains these Killer Cops (or their superior chiefs) to murder any
person who is accused of taking the life of a law enforcement officer (
or other 'heinous offense') ; the code word which the fbi uses is
subliminal and is found in the phrase, "cop killer" ( the code word
"kill" is contained in the word, "killer"). The police and all other
law enforcement officers (including the insane SWAT group) immediately
seek to kill any such accused , especially when no cameras are present
and when the media is on board the police death train.
geral sosbee

Upon receipt of the above message from 'K', Sosbee sends the following final message to her:

Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 08:17:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: "geral sosbee" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: RE: killer kops- stop them
To: "Kathryn Ridgely"
K- thanks for the response.

Failure to 'judge' reported atrocities/brutalities (even when the media stretches the truth, which in this instance they probably did not) may result in Nazi type fascism.

Best Wishes.
geral sosbee

In my work I put on notice a group of sorry low life thugs wearing badges around the country, the type that you may not recognize: the torturers, assassins, liars and thieves of the fbi and their brothers in law enforcement at all levels. I frequently tell these punks (as I informed twirp Sheriff Judge in Lakeland) that I am coming after them (in an intellectual sense) and that they (the cowardly and homicidal fools wearing badges) have no place to hide.
I hope that you may relay this message to all of your deputies.


 relevance of sosbee's reports
category picture24 Aug 2004 @ 21:05
The reports from former fbi/cia agents and operatives regarding extreme retaliation (in the form described by this writer) is for now seen by many as too incredible to be true; this is precisely what the fbi/cia anticipate, so that the two agencies can continue to attempt to silence their 'insider' critics who are often portrayed as ill.By the time the mainstream population realizes that citizens from the general public may also be similarly targeted (and that therefore something must be done to stop it) the two rogue and terrorist agencies will have formulated yet an even more obscure/exotic manner of exterminating the activist.The reason that this topic is important to the average *citizen is that widespead targeting of citizens ( even if only a few at a time) portends a hellish future for society (in a global sense).Responsibility to address this issue rests with all of us , not just those presently under fire.
For More On This Subject, See:

 *mind control
category picture9 Mar 2004 @ 13:54
He best resists mind control efforts whose artistic vision and flair prevent such programming in the first place.

See Also:
For more information regarding mind control (via conditioned response and other techniques) by the fbi/cia against selected Targets, see the following links and stay tuned for updates thereto in December, 2006:

And Study This:
A word of caution: whenever one reads the following statement (or variations thereof) be advised that such announcements (and subsequent contents) issue from the enemy of Mankind and are designed to prejudice one's thinking :

This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
IRS-Criminal Investigation,
the Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and U.S. AID-Office of Inspector General.

*Thomas Jefferson

"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Former Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1928, the framers of the Constitution sought "to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations." It is for this reason that they established, as against the government, the right to be let alone as "the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.
Former President of the USA, Calvin Cooledge, also observed the dangers of allowing any organization to force government action by manipulating public opinion ( a tactic that the fbi and the cia have perfected over the past hundred years): " Any organization of men bent on inflaming public mind for the purposes of forcing government action through pressure of public opinion is an exceedingly and dangerous undertaking."

 United States of America : The Not So Brave
category picture15 Dec 2003 @ 09:29
*Be not proud America of your shallow battlefield victories , the costs of which are measured in the suffering and death of those you barter (both at home and abroad) to secure your continued and obscene opulence. geral sosbee
See year 2000 and 2001 messages from sosbee to the public:
News, July 15, 2006:
Israel kills 34 civilians in strikes
Reuters -
BEIRUT - "Israel killed at least 34 civilians on Saturday, including 15 children, in air strikes meant to punish Lebanon for letting Hizbollah guerrillas menace the Jewish state's northern border. Israel's bombing of Lebanese roads, bridges, ports and airports, as well as Hizbollah targets, is its most destructive onslaught since a 1982 invasion to expel Palestinian forces."
The people of the United States who remain silent on the outrageous news of atrocities coming out of the middle East are the same Americans who ask, "Why 911?"
A universal stand against the murderous tyrants of the USA and Israel is demanded from the heavens; all who ignore the order are vegetative, mesmerized, or corrupted by the Enemies Of Mankind and The Dual Axes of Evil: the USA and Israel.The forces of NATURE are beckoned in response.

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my
contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him
the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization
should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I
hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be
torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my
conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act
of murder." A. Einstein
From Brownsville, Texas
September 15, 2006
Often, I post important memos under the title of , "A Snapshot of My Typical Day". This message , however, is best contained under the category, "united states of america: the not so brave", because the indominable human spirit makes an appearance.
Yesterday, after my numerous statements on the internet regarding uSA global subjugation efforts and fbi/cia world inhumane domination plans, I received a heavy dose of directed energy assaults as punishment for the expressions of contempt against the government of the usa. Then, at about 4AM, I gave up on the idea of sleep, even though I was sleepy, exhausted, and unable to exit the bed. The ELF assaults are delivered and the fbi watches as I respond to the assaults; then, later in the morning the fbi sends the following subliminal message to me via my website 'sitemeter' :

Geral W. Sosbee vs. fbi, Whistle Blower, ex-FBI Ag
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Visitor's Time Sep 15 2006 2:58:01 am

Sosbee writes: The cowardice and *'punkhood' of the fbi and the cia have ruined the country, but the populace does not yet know it.The usa and the fbi/cia are ONE and there can be no turning back, sadly, to the time when the people had some degree of power over the leaders. In closing I must add that war and violence encouraged by the usa is now evident to the world (as a usa national political agenda), and all sensitive and peace-loving humans are disgusted with the reality of the **murderous ways of usa's generals and presidents. Yet, an old and invisible ally awakens. The indominable human spirit is that trait most wondrous in each of us, especially when such momentum confronts evil and corruption; the fbi/cia and all other leaders in this country presume to destroy that spirit in all of us. The methods by which the fbi and the cia aggressively attempt to snuff out the individualism of their Targets are cowardly and reflect a kind of national sickness sometimes characterized by fear and feigned respect for corrupt authority. I believe that between the lines of my updates, especially this one, the reader may catch a glimpse (through his peripheral vision) of the crumbling civilization which most of us obediently embrace.
God's Speed to those who see this truth; to all others: wake up.
*'Punkhood' is that state of mind frequently characterized by a preoccupation with the mundane and (at the same time) a display of confident, though corrupt, authority over others ; in another context the individuals who live in a state of 'punkhood' are somewhat reminiscent of the low lifes described as "lumps of deformity with pride" (Swift, Gulliver's Travels) .
** Warning: Adult Content:

 human lethargy and its consequences
category picture11 Dec 2003 @ 18:31
To all mental dwarfs - assassins : This update is dedicated to all of you in the fbi, cia and similarly chartered/motivated groups of the United States and all other countries of the world:* Your methods will soon be known to all , as people everywhere question at once how it is that you have been so long in power and why you so miserably failed to bring about peace and harmony to the earth's population. The continual killing, imprisoning and torturing of the most noble of this earth's inhabitants reflects your sinister goals and inhumane methodology.
Further, the fall of the United States into Totalitarianism now brings upon all the world additional and unnecessary suffering and death ; those who survive begin to realize that the terrorists of the various nations making up the authority of new world order (principally the United States) are (in the final analysis ) a reflection of the failure of the citizenry to take responsibility for the atrocities of their own government. Excuses such as mind control of the masses, general lethargy and cowardice will not help to explain this vegetative syndrome that blankets the general population. The people must now pay for their hideous lack of attention to the cries of their brothers and sisters . I am saddened by this thought.geral sosbee
* America is awash in its own murderous guilt, cannot see the rainbow of Humanity and has no conception of the potential for human greatness.
"Through our own recovered innocense we discern the innocense of our neighbors."
(Henry D. Thoreau)

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