20 Jan 2010 @ 01:02
I am pleased to announce that we have published a very interesting web book in the dnl format.

We believe it will prove to be very popular and hopefully stimulate some dialogue and see that the correct questions are asked to throw new light on the tragic death of Michael Jackson.

On behalf of an experienced local psychic we present another story from the one circulating in the mainstream media.  More >

 Christmas Greetings0 comments
picture 24 Dec 2008 @ 23:52
A Christmas wish for a peace filled future for our societies collectively e-merging through the collective awakening to the full glory of our story. From the heart of the ONE, I AM impulsed to share this message of good cheer. There be many blessings here BUT so often it is needed to escape the soup to determine what is soup flavour and what is my own inspired contribution flowing through. All adding to the flavour. At this time of solar return; summer solstice for us here so we is here celebrating the coming of summer and we will watch the warmer weather develop for many more months as the sun begins its journey back to your northern hemisphere. Logic is defied it seems.

 Paradise Now4 comments
picture 2 Aug 2008 @ 08:13
This is just a wee post to say we have finally gotten out of the madness and begun the process of settling into paradise and co creating a heaven on earth.  More >

 Diet, Health and Vitality.0 comments
picture 3 May 2008 @ 02:16
This may be of interest to any folk who have "Problem Kids" or are concerned that the life vitality and health condition that the average citizen accepts as normal is some what less than is possible.

I believe that vital health and well being is every ones birth right (with the odd exception where genetics have been seriously compromised).
It is possible through wise and intelligent use of the GOOD EARTHS bounty to achieve this with ease and grace. (as we open to a more divine interface)

I have always found the information shared by Phillip to be well researched and non partisan.  More >

 The Hunab Ku coming into Focus; NOW5 comments
picture 2 May 2008 @ 10:10
Blessed Be the Mother Ship; (this one for Vaxen!! Keep lighting fires brother.)

I find the changes are now well in focus and it is impossible to deny the Divine impulsing through the One and the Many.

Truly exciting times as we consciously awaken (feel the paradox and allow the humor to shake you free) to the ever present holographic ONE ~ NESS.

This information came my way, my favorite oracle sensed my need to have an external confirmation of the inner knowing which is growing.

I find the messages that Tom brings through are always worthy of deep reflection. Take this one if you will and discern with your own heart the validity and immediacy of the communication. Here is the original article in full

The bulk of the message is below for your nourishment and to support the ongoing wake up calls. Can you hear the screaming yet or does the screen get in the way?  More >

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Reflections upon the great mysteries.
As a possible source of inspiration
for a journey shared.

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  • Paradise Now

  • 2008-05-03
  • Diet, Health and Vitality.

  • 2008-05-02
  • The Hunab Ku coming into Focus; NOW

  • 2006-08-03
  • Getting beyond the Dogma

  • 2006-06-14
  • Breakthrough Time

  • 2006-01-10
  • High Tech Break through

  • 2006-01-08
  • This Link is A Wee Beauty.

  • 2005-12-20
  • Web books and publishing

  • 2005-09-22
  • Naked in New Orleans

  • 2005-09-18
  • Scape Goats Anyone?

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  • ralphrotten: ebook software?

  • 2010-06-27
  • maureen walton: darkness of womb

  • 2009-05-11
  • Maureen Walton: dark and light

  • 2009-02-02
  • jude: B17

  • 2009-01-09
  • karla: i want these seeds!!

  • 2008-09-22
  • a-d: So glad you gave me

  • 2008-08-19
  • Deepwater: Yes :)

  • 2008-08-13
  • maxtobin: As we are inspired

  • 2008-08-06
  • vaxen: Lovely!!!

  • 2008-08-03
  • a-d: Yes, a Heavenly Earth

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