New Civilization News - Category: Ideas, Creativity    
 It is Light3 comments
20 Feb 2003 @ 00:57, by sevenlamb. Ideas, Creativity
The very -source- of terrorism - at last revealed!  More >

 I Dream1 comment
14 Feb 2003 @ 21:41, by nemue. Ideas, Creativity
I dream of a world where each can live their life without judgement, without harm and pain.

I dream of a world where we are one and all things are truly connected,
I dream of a world where we can communicate as equals with living creatures and the earth.

I dream of a world where we recognise the value of all that is around us, where we can draw upon each other be we human or animal or object and heal and grow and learn;
I dream of world without hate.

I dream of a world of plenty where to share is encouraged and where each is a winner.

I dream of a world not scarred by war, where children can be children, where the old are respected and loved.

I dream of a world where the colour of your skin, the shape of your eyes and the way you dress is honoured not the subject of hate and ridicule.

I dream of world where love and harmony are diamonds, where money and greed do not exist.

I dream of a world where music and the living landscape are the 'drugs' that sustain us.

I dream of a world where a beautiful sunset and sunrise free of pollution is revered, so each of us has a picture worth more than any Picasso of our wall of life.

I dream of a world where the trust and love shown to us by our animals is given back to each and every one of them.

I dream of a world where a beautiful tree can live its life in majesty, where the sight of a mighty Oak is the altar on which we worship.

Yes, I dream…..


At this time of turmoil I pray that peace and harmony will reign in balance with all. May peace and love over come.  More >

 Poetic License #1
picture6 Feb 2003 @ 17:06, by matrxmuziq. Ideas, Creativity
I am Beautiful...  More >

 The Christmas Cactus
27 Jan 2003 @ 04:17, by tdeane. Ideas, Creativity
I share with you here a true story of connection, interconnection, and Oneness with ALL that is.


When Simpleman and I moved from Rochester to Binghamton and moved in above his mom, she gave us a cutting of a Christmas Cactus that had been in the family for a few generations.

We had a wonderful enclosed porch that functioned as a greenhouse for us, and our plants really thrived. So much so, that by the end of each season, we usually ended up with ten plants from the one, they grew so abundantly. So, we used to give the plants to other plant-lovers, family included. Gregg's sister and brother had particularly great success with the Christmas Cacti, abundantly growing, profusely flowering every year.

For fifteen years, no matter what I tried I couldn't get the cactus to bloom for me. I followed all of the directions, I tried to observe the dim-light, no water recommended care as best I could, but nary ever even the hint of a blossom. It grew larger, but it never flowered!

Over the years, I kind of gave up hope with the plant, and in truth didn't give it the same amount of love I gave the other plants. I would put it in a less obvious place than those that were vibrant and healthy. I forgot to water it sometimes. I planted it in one of my less desirable planters. All in all, I just kind of turned into a shithead in the plant kingdom, and gave those who responded the way I wanted them to a lot of care, and those that did not the least care.

This year I started feeling kind of bad for the plant. It was inside, subjected to the air conditioning, little sunshine, and just generally out of view and forgotten. So I put it on the balcony so it could at least enjoy the sun, and be out among the other plants, even if it was at the time of the year that was against the rules of good plant parenting.

As Simpleman pointed out in his log, this past year has been a year of necessary experiences which feel very difficult and totally stressful when living through them. The very worst part seemed to come as it neared the holidays, with numerous computer problems and total breakdown, the car broke down, and we received news that the anticipated unemployment through mid-February was ending in December instead. For a brief period of time, we were somewhat panic stricken, myself more than cool-headed Gregg, although even he was being taxed to the limit.

In the midst of all of this, I went out on the balcony one day and noticed that the Christmas Cactus had turned a strange color, at least strange for it in all of the years I have known it. The leaves, which appear to grow out of each other, had a dark red vein running from the base to the tip of each section of leaves, almost as though blood was running through its veins. Then I noticed at the tip of each of leaf, or whatever cacti thingies are called, was a perfectly formed BUD, some smaller, some bigger, but almost every one bearing that which I had waited for 15 years to see!

Somehow, seeing those blooms, we knew we were proceeding in all our affairs in the right direction, and that we would make it through the darkest of the dark time last year. This happens to us alot, messages from Nature, not just in placing a stamp of approval on how we are doing by sending them to us through this unusual means, but in teaching us how to live.

For years I thought I was connecting with the plant, taking into consideration its perceived needs. It never occurred to me that perhaps the plant had accommodated itself to our energies, our lifestyle, as member of our family of children in different forms. We knew the connection with our kitty cats, especially because one is just like Gregg and one is just like me, but the sensitivity of our plants, our interconnectedness to this extent, was a possibility we had never considered. Neither Gregg nor I are personally geared toward routine of any kind. Putting our plant in the dark and at the right time each year was something we really didn't do well at all. Can I say for sure our plant adjusted itself to our family and our peculiarities? In my life I can.

After writing the log For Andy, For All, a plant which we had given up for dead on our balcony after six months of trying to bring it back to life to no avail, suddenly came to life and it has been loving life ever since! Nature told me that my definition of who we are and why we are here is the right definition for my purpose, and I know this to be true in my life and my purpose.

Several days ago, after revealing some of my own sensitivities to a very dear friend, I became more attuned to the sensitivities around me, Gregg, my cats, my friends, my plants, and while I was standing fondling our beautiful Christmas Cactus, these simple words of Truth appeared from out of nowhere in my mind, the cactus telling me: "You are my child, whose child I am. This is what we REALLY need to know of each other to love and to listen and to learn."

The interconnection with ALL...

As always, I surround us all with spiritual hugs and much love ~ Tricia

 Today's Threads.... the Mess and Brilliance of it ALL!3 comments
picture25 Jan 2003 @ 11:01, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
How can I get them out and sort them and explain them and justify them and organize them? What madness is it to think we can? As Dee Hock's theories I posted on Thursday describe, there is a madness and disorder to our constant state of becoming. I have been feeling very trapped and blocked in my creative outflow for some time now. The meeting with Flemming and that joy-filled consultant in December was the beginning of my re-emergence... Part of the conversations around specific thoughts and ideas have been wearing on me. Some beloveds in my life have wanted me to define and pin point what indeed is going on for me. If I could just be let to gestate in my own organic flow, and then the pulse the rhythm the idea the thought, yes even a specific one! ... can be discovered! I think I am an explorer of consciousness. Not a discoverer. A traverser. Or Traversess. A winger flow-er grower seer knower finder. Yes to traverse via the many dimensions of our becoming.

I drive past the famous San Gorgonio Pass windmills almost every day during my brief surreal stay of a few months back in the US... doing a crazy hodgepodge of helping an old colleague sell body jewelry as a means to support my baby and our dreams of getting back to England and then finally France by next summer... In my morning trance and ponderance... I whirl past the windmills and think about the famous song --- Like a tunnel that you follow... To a tunnel of its own.... Down a hollow to a cavern... Where the sun has never shone... Like a door that keeps revolving... In a half-forgotten dream... --- and I link back forth and back again always in this dream of my own making.... tracing the corridors of my psyche that is forever out of reach. In this dream of our becoming....

My initiations over here have been so very hard and weary... on so many levels, I must say in all honesty. in many ways it all being 'about Work' for me right now, on the major front of what is up with my present course at hand.... is staggering.... there is some inner continuous Prayer that I am entranced in, though on so many levels... I am just coping with what is before me.... though Life Herself continues to whisper me forth and brings me some strange mixed bag of courage, hope and strength---- must I say, despite it all.... despite it all...... I am climbing a seeming uphill course. But, I can see the Inner Compas' Needle has already some subtle shifts on the Inner... and then, Pop! Looking back at the direction forward... I see indeed a few Shifts have also occurred.

If we are this choardic creatures that must surrender to an organization beyond our desire to control and organize in a flat pancake hallucination model that no longer exists.... then Ming's ideas about how we're all Overwhelmed is accurate.... how do we surrender and abandon the false prisms of our mind? Come into harmony with what is being honed via the organic tests of our continuum? Life swings, balances, remains, sustains... if only we trusted even the underworld initiations in our mythos.... individually and in the transpersonal.

Yes and from one perspective, I have been in a type of Hell, a feeling of 'no way out' --- some sort of trapped mind, state, static state of limbo. And yet the star juice, the spewing stuff that glues it all together, it seems to be all around me even when especially when I am weeping inside... for the prisons we strange beautiful humans create.... and also for the trap doorways into the which we continuously ignore but yet fall into ... in this Thread of Mystery that prevails, again and again and again....... I read an Agatha Christie book last week and loved this quote about 'sins having long shadows'... and I think that's what's happening in my life quite specifically right now. I am somehow coming to terms with my own separation from Life, where I have betrayed myself and hidden from my own decision to say Yes to the gold before me, what I am here to offer.... and at the same time, I feel more in Service in the most simplest ways, to the Unfoldment of the Dreaming Life....

Is it possible the Blog Mind is the great crescendo of the Global Brain --- the cruscendo that Leonard Shlain speaks about in The Alphabet versus the Goddess? That we cannot mind-map that which is driven from the poetic, primal pulse from the Mother's spewing Nebuliac Womb? And what has been trapped, compressed, underground, pushed, within me and within all of us --- is this uncoiling of a large serpentine lover just waiting to slither us into stardust and crystal clear chaordic understandings?

Is the only way for me to awaken from this Trance, is it to just Be the Trance itself? Accept I am always in this state of Becoming? The explorer becomes the map... as Dan Winter puts it, the map literally becomes the terrain! We just do what we do, float where we float, show up as we can, sing the disharmonic chords, and in this spewing the light and emerging pattern finds us out as a reflective mirror of Emergence itself.  More >

 Light Perspectives1 comment
picture11 Jan 2003 @ 11:09, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
Another nice tidbit sent from my beloved Glastonbury neighbour/ comrade Palden Jenkins. I've heard this one below, but with a slightly different bent about what is 'hell' and what is 'heaven'...
God put the angels and the devils to a test. He set up a huge banquet hall with a wonderful feast. First He invited the devils to the feast. They were delighted until they found out that they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows! How were they to eat all the delicious food when their hands wouldn't go to their mouths? They tried eating off the plate, which was messy and undignified. They tried throwing the food in the air and catching it in their mouths. Nothing worked very well. After 15 minutes of this mayhem, God told them that time was up. They trooped out cursing Him.

Next, He invited the angels into the hall. A fresh feast was laid out,and the same thing happened - they couldn't bend their arms at the elbows. The angels all looked at each other and burst out laughing. "What a great game!" they said as they fed each other.
... Hmmm... Sometimes in our journey is about how we approach the situation we find ourselves in. I remember a quote I learnt in junior high, 'When Life hands you lemons.... make lemonade!" The motif of the lemonade stand is probably a favourite amoungst my generation --- the charm of creating an event out of what you find in your own backyard, your own Kansas... and harvesting it's fruits.

Right now my family is living on some friends' land up in the High Mohave Desert, near Joshua Tree. We're in a trailer out in the middle of a picturesque canyon with no visible neighbours in sight.... and, learning about solar power and living a simpler life for six temporary months. A strange sabbatical from the English countryside! On some days, because of the learning curve and the many demands of our worldly life... if the main power zaps out after one light being on for a half an hour, we can decide we're inadequate for not understanding our electrical systems by ourselves and without having to call upon the help of our friends. We are the devils in despair. Yet, the next night, we can be resourceful, and play a game of cards by candlelight. With this simple idea, at that moment we have 'lightened up' and just enjoyed the Now....

Yet yet yet, still yet... how can we celebrate the lightness without the journey through the many tunnels of psyche? How can we 'be there' without going somewhere else first, to get there? This has been a constant source of musing for me... if we were only angels in heaven... how could we know it? The Gnostic Jung mapped the idea that from the realm of the undifferentiated, we must distinguish ourselves. On the road map through time and space, there must be points to define where one has been and where one is going. A concept of goodness can only be experienced not as an idea but as a coming into beingness... an alignment or emergence from mind, heart and spirit... and of course, our physiology. I call these 'pops'... I pop out and remember... only, again to continue this mad hatter party and forget again tomorrow.

All, for this continuous dream of the awakening...  More >

 Dreaming Awake - Or Waking Life?5 comments
picture22 Dec 2002 @ 22:53, by jewel. Ideas, Creativity
Another eccentric High Desert customer to Paladin Video in Yucca --the most extensive, inspiring, and intelligent collection of films I have ever come across--I was recommended the film Waking Life by Richard Linklater. What got me was his description that it had to do with my favourite theme: are we dreaming awake, or waking from the dream? I have begun viewing this surreal 'animation' that blends between worlds and philosophies of life. It has futurism , biology, one brilliant treatise on the 'truth' behind Satre... and even a wonderful pillow talk between Uma and Ethan, voices beyond their Picasso-esque 'animation' selves....

But really, what is the dream? When do we ever wake up? Is there a point? There must be a point of recognition, of this Great Crescendo as one brainy 'Waking' character pointed out. (I like to think of it as waking the Global Brain, this Epoch into The Future). In this dream of our awakenings... I have written and pondered and fretted... and then spaced and forgot and just got on with the task at hand of feeding a babe and kissing a wounded lover's feet. Though still we continue with The Great Ah-Has of those lucid dreams when we know indeed we are threading the themes of yes, this Waking Life.. and that we Know, the Gnosis is shared with all the I's that are having their way with us... and then, why do we wake up and forget the journey, or the point of it? And, so I answer my own pondering. We cannot know the point, for the ant perspective. We must fly and have the moments of Communion in order to come back and be fragments of beauty once more.. confused and within that, the Eye sees the I but yet again, differently.  More >

 The Rush Before Christmas9 comments
17 Dec 2002 @ 19:27, by craiglang. Ideas, Creativity
Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the town,
Not an auto was moving, I saw gridlock abound.

The parking lot full of both new cars and old
The snow was not here yet, but only the cold

With prices reduced, on gifts all around
The economy hopefully soon would rebound

I with my MasterCard, and Visa and Cash
Had bought my last package, completing my stash

Toting my purchases out to the lot
I wondered a year from now what would mean what

Would we be locked in a war with Iraq
Or would peace prevail, with prayer and with luck

As I turned the key, and started my car,
I felt that the cheer of Christmas was far

Yet as the car started, the engine to purr
I felt a sense of warmth start to stir

The feeling that God watches over us all
And living within us, answers our call

It made me feel better, as I drove in my car
This season is time to enjoy who we are

I arrived at my home, my family to greet
I saw decorations, ribbons and wreaths

And looking, I saw the family room filled
With holiday ornaments, stacked to the hilt,

As I continued to take off my coat
A tear of joy rose, and a frog in my throat

I thanked our dear God for this time and place
The best of the season, to this blue dot in space.  More >

 I was having a moment...
picture13 Dec 2002 @ 23:16, by matrxmuziq. Ideas, Creativity
I wandered lonely as a cloud... (please pardon my poetic ravings)  More >

 What I know for certain5 comments
picture 26 Nov 2002 @ 03:53, by ming. Ideas, Creativity
There is very little I know for certain. I know that I am conscious of my own existence, and I'm aware of many changing perceptions of the world I appear to be in, and I have abstract thoughts and feelings related to my experience. That's about it. Anything that my perceptions or my thoughts or my feelings are telling me is something I'm guessing. An abstract over-simplification of something that possibly is real. I have formed a certain extensive mental model of what the world is like, based on what I have perceived and thought, and then tested and verified, but I know it is only my best guess, even when it works well. The only thing I know for sure is that I am conscious right now, and conscious of my own consciousness. One of the first things I notice is that my consciousness returns after times when I haven't been conscious, so one of my first logical guesses is that my own existence is more fundamental than my consciousness, and I keep existing even when I forget to notice it. All that it takes to bring me back is that I notice.  More >

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