New Civilization News - Category: Spirituality    
 KNOW you are God!1 comment
30 Dec 2003 @ 18:55, by inanna. Spirituality
Happiness for us humans is fleeting at best. Consumed by our desire forpersonal love, success, and material wealth, we chase any and everythingOUTSIDE of us with unrelenting fervor in the face of unendingdisappointment, betrayal, and bitterness.  More >

 The Now0 comments
29 Dec 2003 @ 03:01, by gabacho. Spirituality
All that exists is the Now

The Past and the Future
Are just Images flashing
Through the Mind

Everything is flowing
The Wind, the Seas, the
Mountains and the Stars

The only Thing that stands
Still is Consciousness
Silently viewing the Flow

Whether we choose Fear
Or Love is up to Each
What you say, goes

 Journey Home1 comment
picture28 Dec 2003 @ 00:02, by nemue. Spirituality
Our world is struggling to renew and as a result many are facing tragedy on an immense scale. Safe journey, to those who are going home.

Journey Home

Seeker of truth
Seeker of light
Seeker of faith, come forth now

We are fractured
We are scarred
We seek nurturing and warmth

Our tasks have been painful
Our path has been arduous
Our spirit is fragile and we seek to go home

Seeker of truth
Seeker of light
Seeker of faith, come forth now and guide me home

Nemue December 2003  More >

 The Kali Yuga, Ashoka, & Buddhism0 comments
27 Dec 2003 @ 17:36, by inanna. Spirituality
Religion As A Control Mechanism:
The Kali Yuga, Ashoka, & Buddhism

Consider the entire history of every religion on this planet. We have had written history only for the past 6,000 years – a proverbial drop in the bucket of Time, even according to geologists.

Consider the arcane possibility that astral-alien entities have been controlling this planet for tens of1000s of years, and did in fact insert ‘religions’ for the purpose of controlling their human resource – us!

At the very least consider the idea that all religions emphasize obedience to an invisible god, the sacrifice of oneÂ’s own desires, and the delaying of personal fulfillment until after death in some promised heaven.  More >

 Seasons Greetings5 comments
24 Dec 2003 @ 18:22, by mmmark. Spirituality
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 The Journey of Self Discovery6 comments
21 Dec 2003 @ 15:33, by spells. Spirituality
The Journey of Self Discovery

Part 1

A Path Rarely Traveled

There is no path of self-discovery existing at this time, that can be effectively traveled within the bounds of society. You will only find yourself running around in a circle of false beliefs. Modern society is based on its own artificially specialized “rules”, “laws”, “beliefs”, “norms”, “modes” and “goals”. The only way to find your true self is to forego, completely and totally, the constructs of contemporary lifestyles. Begin looking at yourself as the pure consciousness that you truly are, (not through thoughts, the mind or emotions, nor via any outward projection). Look inward through your pure essence, pure energy and pure consciousness. That is truly the core of your Being. If you are a student of spirituality and practice meditation, you may have an “inkling” of what this really means. But to be perfectly honest I have yet to meet such a spiritual person, who is still living within the limitations of modern society.
On this path you will have to forego all you know, (or all you believe you know). The time is now to simply say ”Everyone” and “Everything” in modern life is WRONG, in its beliefs and way of living! Most people are all guiding their lives through pre-conditioned, skewed intentions, and therefore they are living lives based on false values and misplaced directions.

Pack your things, (only those possessions you truly need to survive) and get out. Get back to Nature. Get back to pure awareness! Get back to pure freedom! This article is based on one such journey, but it is not a personal diary of that sojourn. It is presented to you the reader in a universal way, making it accessible and comprehensible to those that truly want to explore natural and spiritual living. As I am writing this, I truly wonder just how many will have the courage and foresight to read the entire article. It is based on experience and years of study, into the true essence of the soul. The soul is the true self. We are here only for a short time, experiencing life on earth in a physical body. The time has come to bring this fact back into our awareness, and live this most Basic Truth of all.

The Point of No Return

Looking at Society today, there are few who can truly say they know anyone coming from pure awareness, pure intention and purity of spirit. Does anyone in your life have the goals of consciousness expansion and evolution, and is this reflected in anyone’s daily life? Do you know anyone that even thinks of or strives for, ascension to higher planes of consciousness? This is the main goal, the main mission, for everyone here on this planet. This is our true mission…knowing that we are pure spirit here in physical form. When did we allow the physical realm to become more important than spiritual progress? Working to survive, having food to eat, shelter to live in, etc must become our secondary goals. The time is here now, for our primary goal to be ascension, expansion and evolution.

Going through life day to day, we get stuck in daily routines. How does one justify working 40+ hours each week, 50 weeks each year, until they “retire”. We are then too old or sickly to see life for what it truly is. As we go through these daily routines in this great country of ours, how do we justify working endlessly for a lifetime, just to buy things? Why do things such as: what type of car we drive, how big our house is, what clothes we wear or what type of job we have, matter to us? How do we justify giving more than a third of our hard-earned money to a government(s) that only strives to dominate every living thing on this planet? What we find today are governments which care nothing for a human being. Furthermore, modern science does not even acknowledge the human soul. A government or science that do all these things with absolutely no thought or consideration to the countless lives they are harming, should be completely redirected. The destruction of our beloved planet is accelerating! Corruption and falsehood are the norm, while a government puts a man in office that the people did not even elect. Yet millions of people everyday, live only for their jobs, corporate goals and personal dramas. They never give any of these destructive facts a second thought. Questions such as these are never asked, at least not openly. Day by day living through the false intentions of obtaining money, power and ego, is the norm in society today.

People are taught to always look outside of themselves for self-validation. Lets look at this realistically in the light of truth. If everyone is living the same type of materialistic life, striving for the same goals no matter how skewed or filled with denial and betrayal, it follows that people will praise such actions to justify their own behavior. Everyone is doing all they can to keep this false way of living going on for as long as possible. No one really wants to see the lies they are living. As a race we go deeper and deeper into a hole of denial, betrayal and false ideology. Everyone supports and validates everyone else for their misguided goals. The saddest fact in all this, is that the more money one makes, the more backs that are stabbed, the more masks one wears and the more possessions one has, the more honor and respect they will receive. It is really easy to see how far we have strayed from our true purpose in this physical life. Only those with courage will truly look at how far from Spirit and Nature we have gone.
Take a moment and look at the millions of people each year who have their bodies invaded through cosmetic surgery. We live in a world of all show and no substance. They do this just to be more “beautiful” in the eyes of others. It is a perfect example of how far a human being will go just to be accepted, approved of, and outwardly validated via today’s materialistic/physical values. Is all this what we want to teach our children? Why do we continue to worship all that is false and of no real significance? When will we, (if ever) return to “seeing” a person’s soul and the beauty thereof? This beauty is so magnificent, that words lack the power and subtlety to define or describe it. Yet who focuses on such beauty?

Unfortunately, on this present course, the destruction just keeps building with increasing momentum. The more off course we are the more we will look outside ourselves to validate and justify any way of living that is convenient. For if we truly searched inward and validated the vibrations of the soul, we would know immediately how "wrong" we are in the way we are living this precious gift of life. Staying on this present course we will continue to yearn and work for the bigger house, newer car, job promotion, raise in salary, more elite job title, etc. For all of these troubles we get cancer, alzheimers, ulcers, diabetes, strokes and heart attacks. Yet at the same time all of this is smiled upon and approved of by others around us. We search for the adulation of others, for we have lost all connection to our true essence. We have forgotten the spirit of who we really are. Society has traded natural wisdom for plastic coated dreams. The majority of people today cannot even fathom getting validation from within, because they think the only place to find this verification is outside of ourselves.

Paradoxically, most or all of the people that are smiling at us are really not happy for us at all! They are too busy striving for outward approval and/or adulation themselves. Enviously, they really don’t want anyone having more than they do. This is why their approval will never be given 100% or from the heart, but only for the sake of social obligation. Our whole society is built around this paradox. Back-slapping and back stabbing are closely related. All this really accomplishes, is the ingraining of cut throat competition in each of us.

Children are expected to grow up as “consumers”. As robotic “consumers” we are fulfilling the false goals and false “Gods” of the business world.. Who are these false “Gods’? Authority figures of any kind, including Government Officials, Teachers, The Dollar, Parents, Police, Politicians or any other lost soul who strives for these artificial goals. These are the sources of mis-information which keep us lost and stuck throughout our life here on earth.

Social training starts at a very early age, when we were forced to stay in school or day care, for many hours each day. We are trained to stay indoors all day following rigid schedules and mindless rules. Our imagination became stifled and replaced with conditioned responses, to appease the “adult” world of materialism. The clock tells us when to eat, to sleep, to work, to have sex and to think for ourselves, (since this isn’t allowed on company time). We became good little “consumers” doing what we are told, and learning how to live in this world of dominance, possessions and paychecks. Conditioning starts very early in life. We compete for higher grades in school, and this is progressively carried over to high(er) earnings in the business world. Where do all of these silly games lead? They result in a life of never asking why. No one perceives clearly the false goals we strive for.

How can we accomplish “success”? We only work longer hours each day, more days each week, purchasing more things in order to fill the void within us. We never acknowledge or seek to fulfill our true mission here on earth. Nothing from the very start in our life, acknowledges or seeks to expand and evolve the true essence of our souls.

Now let’s take a moment to look at human beings as they “scurry” through their daily lives. Most live as unhappy, (though sedated) robots. Some actually believe they have found a “balance” for living within society. Some even imagine they are spiritually motivated while still carrying out the self-destructive goals of society. Most believe they are justified in never changing anything about their lives. We find scholars, priests and CEO’s hiding behind their dogma or skewed spiritual or humanitarian beliefs, while still contributing to “business as usual”. It is interesting to examine how they justify their way of living. Their total denial of what is really going on here on earth is considered the only way to live. Ah yes, it is so easy to fall into this mode of living. We are so influenced by conditioning and the psychic impact of the world mind and world karma. It is just easier to follow this, then to be “judged” by all those around us.

When asked to face the harsh realities of the world we have created, the general public will respond with many statements. Examples of these are, “I don’t read or follow the news, it is too negative”, or “It is all divinely ordained, I will send out light and love”. Better yet, they say, “Well, that is just the way things are”. Never are these responses to the point of truth, or facing the reality of our world today. No one wants to take responsibility for themselves or the events around them. No one wants to give up the “comfort zone”, “luxuries” or false beliefs that their whole life is based upon. I ask you why? Why would anyone want to stay on such a destructive course of denial? It is not enough to live only for today, while throwing away all chance of a healthy life, for future generations.
“We are all One”! This universal law is shown very clearly, by the way whole nations simultaneously fall into new belief systems, or “fads”. Beliefs turn into “reality” overnight, because of the overwhelming influence of the majority’s mind-set. We are literally surrounded by various mass illusions. Every modern culture has them, and rarely are they seen for what they are. For instance, no one ever questions “the American Dream”. They merely strive for something that is never clearly or logically defined. Will we “wake up” from this dream? People never question the nightmare they are living, because of the mass influence of our social and psychic paradigm. “Peer pressure” is only half of the equation…there is also psychic pressure from group belief. This belief in the “American Dream” and its way of living is so strong and prevalent, that we have even designed prayers and invocations for an “abundance” of material possessions. My question here is: What does the evolution of the soul have to do with material wealth? Does a soul care how many educational degrees one possesses? Does a soul care how many square feet a house contains, or the number of cars which fit into its’ garage? Does a soul care what brand of car you own, or what position is held on the corporate ladder? Does nature care about such things? I think not!

Yet as individuals in the USA, this is what is most aimed for. We have been trained very well. We are all good students, followers and consumers. It is the very basis of our daily living.

I now ask and challenge you to take a moment and look at some examples of how far society has taken us. Are you not amazed to hear how much of the population is on mood stabilizing medication? IF we are on a path of truth, love and clarity, why is this medication needed at all? This is yet another integral part of the American Dream, and taken for granted without question. If you have an ailment, there is a pill for it. So many suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, mental illness, chronic backaches, chronic headaches etc, etc. Not only are there pills for each and every one of these ailments, but there are also prescriptions to ease the symptoms of the first pills. This way of living is seen as the human reality. We look at such things as “normal” and expected. How ludicrous! Why do we accept this? Is it because there is always a convenient pill or belief to hide behind, and that independent thought or personal power would require a little extra effort? Have we become so lazy, so complacent and apathetic, that we can see no other alternative? Are we so entranced by the television, or so medicated that we live as walking Zombies without even realizing life is more than this? No one ever questions why so many pills or therapists are needed. In this day and age of advanced technology we have lost all sight of going within to find the cause of any illness. The cure for everything is within each and every one of us! We have the innate ability to cure ourselves of any illness, or better yet to prevent any illness. There is even an added bonus to going within and curing the cause of illness; you’ll experience no side effects from gaining personal power! The unquestioning need for “medication” is sad but true. It is becoming more and more prevalent in our artificial culture. I know of no other creature on earth that even has to consider a pill for everything under the sun. Natural living through spirit will keep any creature healthy and vibrant.

Many assume that as human beings we have the well-developed intellect for so much “progress”, and therefore, we are the only creatures capable of artificially creating a better life. I say not only do we have the brains to acquire advanced knowledge, but we also have the brains to invent clever lies and cover up the truth. We are a very “clever” species indeed, but not a very intelligent one. We have the technology to cover up just about any ailment, but we don’t have the foresight to get to its’ cause and cure it naturally. Our birthright is health, awareness and expansion. We won’t get that in a bottle, or a world of schedules and forced standards. These go against every part of our natural essence.

How many will actually have the courage to let go of false attachments? When will we have the insight to see that our individual concerns are unimportant in the overall scheme of planetary life? When this life is over, will any part of one’s personal history truly matter? Will the size of a paycheck or house do anything for the ascension of humankind? If we are all one, how are we helping each other to accomplish spiritual states of consciousness? What will it take to awaken everyone to what truly matters in the Grand Scheme of things? Nature is so grand, so vast, we cannot even imagine it with our tiny little brains. We all innately know this to be true. We all intuitively know we are ONE! Yet we have driven ourselves so far away from the true aspect of soul and unity, that now we must strive harder and harder to keep the momentum of destruction going. It does not matter to us that society is heading for world collapse. It does not matter that it is moving in the wrong direction, (away from natural laws) until our own extinction becomes inevitable. As the world dies, we keep ourselves busy, take more medication and strive for more and more possessions we really don’t need, in order to stay in this backward, de-evolutionary path. For a short while longer, this keeps us in denial of the truth. We choose not to see how fast our own self-destruction is approaching. Humanity is on a path of suicide, individually and globally. What will it take for us to remove the blinders before it is too late? Is it so painful to look within ourselves, and give up our luxuries? It might even be necessary to admit that we’ve made mistakes!

Is it really so painful to give up the false patriotism in a government we know is killing people and destroying the Earth? We do this only to stay under the security blanket of greed and power.

How many medications that only cover up symptoms and never get to the cause of any illness will each of us continue to take? The majority of these chemicals have side effects that are far worse than the symptoms they are covering up. When will we, as a species, choose to see the reality of the “world” we have created? What and how long will this take? Will it be 10 years, 10 months, 10 weeks, 10 days or 10 hours before we reach self-destruction, and the point of no return?

When will humans ask just one simple question…..Why? Does anyone have the courage to start asking why in all and every aspect of his or her life? It is time to stop making excuses. The time is now to stop accepting everything as “normal” or “just the way things are”. Modern society is anything but normal. It is time to stop being a programmed robot. Become the free and pure spirit you truly are! This potential is within each and every one of us. It may be the path rarely traveled, but it is the only path worth traveling.

Part 2 The Death of Ego

Leaving the path you are so accustomed to and comfortable with is not easy. Most or all of us have been on society’s fast track for so long, that this detour may feel like a leap off a cliff. The desire to go back to the old ways of living with it’s ludicrous though familiar belief systems may seem over-whelming at times. This can happen no matter how miserable or unhappy a person was in society’s way of life. Sometimes losing the familiar seems more terrifying than terror itself. The feeling of being in the “comfort” zone is a very strong one. The mode of acceptance and approval from others in life can be a very strong motivation to pull one back to old ways. Yet with any honesty it becomes obvious that where we thought we were strong, we often find true weakness. The strong “corporate player” is in fact a very weak spiritualist. Fears, beliefs, weaknesses and hidden agendas, are all brought to the forefront through introspection, honesty and connection to one’s true essence. These weaknesses, beliefs, fears and hidden agendas often appear so magnified and so powerful, that they may have the potential to hold you back. But this is true only if you let them do so. This is always your choice.

The knowledge that one had for living in society, will soon become utterly useless when humanity finally “uses up” the Earth. All the things one strove for and found important in life will be of absolutely no value. All the things once falsely believed in, will be brought out into full spiritual awareness. All the dark corners of the modern age will be revealed by the light of truth and clarity. Corruption will be seen for all its’ deception and betrayal and the people will regain their power.

There is no doubt that coming times will become quite harsh and uncomfortable. This is a process of awakening in the human spirit. It will demonstrate to all the betrayal by society by the institutions of our day for the sake of greed. It will also show that Spirit is all that truly matters in life. One will awaken from this deceptive way of life, and slowly begin to release society’s delusions. This is a process that comes about through a peeling away of the layers of belief and ego. This “ego-death” may be quite painful and uncomfortable. One will have to let go of the fear of judgement by others. One will have to stand alone, and see clearly the false values and beliefs of all the people in their lives. These people will include everyone from business associates, acquaintances, and friends to loved ones and family members. Be prepared to Understand and be misunderstood, at the very same time.

Good (natural) judgement and clear seeing, is what will keep the success of the spiritual path in sight. These two factors are sorely missing in the daily life of our society as it currently stands.

A re-defining of ones’ motivations, beliefs, yearnings and idea of “success” will be accomplished only through perseverance, and an inward journey toward the Truth. For there exists only one Truth, and no special “truths” which are only yours or mine. Truth is not based on what is convenient for any time or circumstance. To clearly see the Truth in all matters of living, and to live it out is the path of the Soul. To come from one’s true essence no matter what the social consequence, is the beginning of a path of progressiveness, evolution and ascension.
On this path of self-discovery, it is soon found that the only relevant substance left in life, is the one within the true self. Getting to this true essence, (the core of our inner being) may be the hardest part of the journey, not because it is really obscure, but because it has been covered over by layers of social conditioning. One will have to look at the way their life has been lived using the standard of universal truth, (and not false constructs, rules, laws or beliefs). A person will see how they deceived others and themselves, just to survive in our upside down world. The meaningless smiles on everyone’s faces are part of the song and dance. Most mean nothing. They will be seen by those who gain inner insight as false evidences appearing real, (fear). Through honesty we see that everything that is said and done by the majority is lived only because it is expected and conditioned within them. But never are the values of society a reflection of the heart and soul. Without “others” to compliment or validate them, people will have to dig deep inside themselves to find self-love, which in reality, is the only love required. This love may appear to be the hardest love to achieve, for it will be based only on the inner guidance of the soul and not the outward approval of others.
By living this life of truth, there will be virtually no one outside yourself to validate your life anymore. Anyone on this path will have to “feel” and “hear” all the reasons why they are wrong in living their lives in this “new” way. They will have to continue to spiritually progress in spite of all this “feedback”, with the “KNOWLEDGE” that all of society is wrong. They will have to get to the essence of their Being and stay there, to boldly speak the words, “I am right!” “This is the only path worth striving for!”
With all this change, and expansion, comes the re-opening of one’s strong intuitiveness. The Psychic Ability intrinsic within all of us becomes active once again. As we become aware of the way we are connected, (ONE) we feel the “vibrations” of those near by. When this happens, the world as a whole takes on an entirely new meaning. The spiritual person will have to move forward in this “psychic, social space” without medications or outward distractions. These only serve to distract and delude us. Artificial chemicals and distractions numb the true feelings and thoughtforms that surround us daily. As one becomes more aware and sensitive to the vibrations around them, it may again seem easier to fall back into old ways and habits, and to follow the world mind. At times this “world space”, (the psychic vibrations and thoughtforms of the masses) may feel overpowering. Psychic pressure from others will make it seem difficult to move forward. Hope may be lost for inner evolution or expansion. A feeling of giving in and giving up may overtake the seeker. It may seem far easier to go with the crowd, to be a part of the “World Mind” energy, than it is to follow a separate, natural path. One must realize that the World Energy wants everyone to stay in the status quo. Sometimes “the herd” goes terribly astray, as is the case today.

All and any type of manipulation will be used by others to bring one back into the “fold”. Accusations and statements to elicit emotional reactions will be utilized. Guilt, anger, frustrations, weeping, blame, abandonment and fear will be among the social and psychic weapons with which you must deal effectively. Sadly enough, these are only a few examples of the trials the spiritually minded must endure.

Additionally, as you are experiencing the vibrations, feelings, and words of this mass influence, you will also be facing your own doubts, fears and weaknesses. Each day, minute and second becomes a challenge. Many people you knew before your awakening may not want to speak to you or see you anymore. The way you live and the truth you speak will keep them away. They fear the loss of their “safety nets”, and will not want to look you in the eye. The old saying that the “truth will set you free” has far more depth and meaning than most ever imagine. And most do not want to face this in any real way, because freedom bears also the weight of self responsibility.

Is all this inner turmoil worth the effort? Is this a challenge and struggle one can overcome? Absolutely! But one needs to break away from mass beliefs and influence to persevere! Is this easier said than done? Oh yes it is, and this knowledge must stay with you throughout the journey. One must persist and hold on, until all the world and the self is seen with the eyes of clarity. One must stay focused on the goal of spirit at all times.

The spiritual road is a long one. The road may be hard, but after all this turmoil comes the reward of true connection to nature and one’s essence. With spiritual advancement there arises the realization that:

1) It does not matter what anyone else thinks.
2) Everyone is wrong and living in the wrong way, while attached to modern society.
3) The true intentions of those around you become transparent. They are seen no matter what mask is being worn or what appearances are portrayed. The smiles people wear and the words they speak very often have no merit, when seen with clarity, intuition and truth.
4) As awareness expands, it shows how this lifetime is but a speck in cosmic time.
5) Personality is of no importance. Only the soul has relevance.
6) In truth, you are following your soul’s intention for this life. The control that the world mind, (society) has on you is relinquished.
7) Things in your life start to happen for the highest good and overall benefit of all, as this becomes one of your true intentions. The path of your soul will naturally take you in this direction.
8) Ego and self-gratification fall away. A sense of peace replaces the fear and doubt experienced before.
9) It is important to meditatively live through the core of your essence, (as it begins to evolve and expand). Increasingly, you send out raised consciousness to the planet as a whole.
….Just to name a few.

Yes, this is freedom…freedom in truth, clarity and love. Freedom from the chains of false beliefs and destructive living that is so prevalent in society today.
How many will actually take this path? I venture to guess that less than .01% of our planets’ population will finally take these true purposes of life seriously. Most are going too fast and in the wrong direction. They deny themselves the choice to stop and look back upon what it is they are truly accomplishing.

The road back to one’s true essence may be twisty and bumpy. It can seem very long. The spiritual road contains many walls to transcend, bridges to cross and rocks to jump over. There are detours and potholes so large, (falsehoods) that one can fall in them for days. It is easy to feel there is no way to climb out of social illusions. Getting over these hurdles and removing the false beliefs of who one really is, may send the faint-hearted running home to “mother”. But for those that do persist and overcome these obstacles, the spiritual path is filled with the light of truth.

We then gain the crystal vision of clarity and a state of Cosmic love, rarely experienced on this planet.

Sandi Hunter,
Email:  More >

 Choose What You Want In Life!10 comments
picture 21 Dec 2003 @ 07:10, by ming. Spirituality
By John and Patrice Robson via Vicky:
"You don't have to buy from anyone. You don't have to work at any particular job. You don't have to participate in any given relationship. You can choose." -- Harry Browne

Choice. It's all about freedom--the freedom to pick one thing over another. Are you choosing what you want from life?

"Oh no," comes the reply. "I can't because... I haven't got enough education. ...I need to look after my family. ...I don't have enough money. ...I don't have the time." What's your excuse?

The truth is that we have choice in every single moment of our lives. For those who are destitute, the choices in life are fewer. But the rest of us often think we don't have freedom when we simply haven't claimed our power to choose differently.

How do you typically make decisions? Do you do so based on:

* "shoulds" - doing what you believe you should do.
* pleasing others - doing what others want or expect you to do.
* fear - choosing the safe route for fear of doing something different.
* habit and reaction - you don't even think about what you're doing--you've always done it this way?

On the other hand, you own your power to choose when you decide on the basis of:

* desire - choosing something you want
* need - responding to deeper desires
* authenticity - you know who you are and what you stand for
* creative expression - you strive to be more.

So how can you open to choosing differently?

1. Be clear about what you want. Have a sense of purpose. With a target to aim for, you'll know what will serve you best.

2. STOP and ASK yourself questions. "Why am I doing this? What do I want to achieve?" WRITE down your answers. Be more conscious of how you are spending your precious time, because this is your life passing by. This will help you say, "Wait! I don't want to do this anymore!"

3. Never allow yourself to play the victim. Victims have given away their power. You alone are responsible for your life. When you fully accept this, you will claim your inner power to make better choices. Change often comes from nothing more than a shift in perspective.

4. Be open to possibilities for yourself. Select one area of your life where you are unsatisfied, and choose something new, something more for yourself. Do different things and do things differently. Risk more.

Empowerment arises from the three Cs: choice, courage and change. They are yours to claim. You'll be astounded at how easy it will be to take charge once you've made up your mind to do so. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past. And remember: not choosing is also a choice.

"It is always your next move." -- Napoleon Hill
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 Christ-mas Consciousness0 comments
20 Dec 2003 @ 11:02, by inanna. Spirituality
If you were wondering what to ask Santa Claus for Christmas this year,
I have a suggestion:

Christ Consciousness!  More >

 Chemicals attack the Endocrine System-Pineal-Third Eye1 comment
16 Dec 2003 @ 20:40, by inanna. Spirituality

The Harvesting of Our Souls

What I am about to say, will be very tough,
and will horrify and repel many:

The alien/astral entities that have controlled this planet for 1000s of years are using a vast array of toxic chemicals to cripple our endocrine systems and thereby cut us off from our Source, so that as we die they can herd us into their various holographic illusions – what I call the Phantasmal Hierarchies.  More >

 10 things to remember about happiness
picture9 Dec 2003 @ 11:45, by sindy. Spirituality
Almost all of us want to be happy. Being happy is not a skill taught in school. If we are lucky, our parents taught us about happiness, either by example or by shared wisdom. For the rest of us, there are some important things to remember about happiness, and the art of being happy.  More >

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