Geral W. Sosbee - Category: Projects    
 Corruption at USPI, fbi, Texas DPS
picture22 Sep 2015 @ 04:05
Evidence of the complete corruption of USPI, fbi & Texas DPS:

Fbi, USPI & Texas DPS all reveal their complete corruption and cowardice.  See the evidence in the links below .

For over two and one half years I have regularly requested a copy of the USPI report (of 2013) regarding a fictitious investigation of me by that agency.

 As of today the USPI ignores my repeated, written, lawful  requests . During my most recent letter to the PI, I advised that official that I will publish the report if provided because that report (together with other evidence) is expected to show crimes and cover ups by fbi, USPI & Texas DPS .

The US Postal Inspector abandons all pretense of obeying the FOIA and related laws by trashing my letters, by pretending that I am under investigation and by impliedly threatening me on behalf of the assassins of the fbi. 

Thus, the United States government (under the corrupt authority of the fbi) reveals contempt for all laws that seek to protect citizens from the illegal and sometimes murderous operations of federal law enforcement officials.

Below are some links to my reports on this subject.



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 The Whitey Bulger Movie is fictional
picture20 Sep 2015 @ 20:21
*Masters of Deceit (fbi) edited every detail of the Bulger movie in order to hide the truth.

The Bulger Movie As A Big Fraud:

The Bulger movie fraudulently presents fbi/doj real roles in massive cover up of heinous crimes by fbi agents and their informants & operatives (mafia types). Such crimes as torture, false imprisonment of innocent people, threats, and murders continue today with full cooperation of doj and fbi.
Widespread gang of fbi/MAFIA:

Only when doj involvement in the fbi/Mafia crimes was about to be revealed in the movie did doj push for public disclosure. Thus doj is guilty before and after the fact and as accessory to all the crimes directed by Bulger & John Connolly.

NEWS of fbi murderous crimes of fbi agent John J. Connolly Jr.:


"It would be one thing if he were a rogue agent, acting alone. But that is not the case. Over three decades beginning in the 1960s, 18 FBI agents either broke the law or violated federal guidelines. In 1965, the FBI framed four innocent men in a gangland murder to protect two mobsters it was trying to cultivate as informants, and then let the innocent men rot in jail for decades."

The fbi dictates to doj which cases the fbi wants to prosecute. Political murders and forced suicides are also encouraged by doj when fbi deems appropriate.

doj guilty knowledge:

The media also plays a role in cover up of crimes, or by feigning ignorance.


Questions Please!


Post Script:



Alt links to above report:


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 Cowardly and Murderous United States of America
picture17 Sep 2015 @ 18:04
The above photo reflects my service as a young soldier who believed in the integrity of the USA.

Below are the links to my summary reports that show the disintegration of the United States of America as a direct result of the overthrow of this government by the assassins of the intelligence services, namely fbi/cia/nsa/dod.

As a result of the success of my recent posts online, the fbi during the past 48 hours performs the following assaults on me (psychological & physical):

Increase DEW assaults causing extreme and prolonged sleep deprivation

Drive by my residence in the middle of the night and throw trash in my front yard

Open the garage door and take over the electronic remote controls of my car and my TV, manipulating same in efforts to send me some kind of message

Come into my home to tamper with my property and to inject poison into my food (a previous message to me from the fbi on this topic is as follows: “we can deliver drugs anywhere”)

About a month ago the fbi caused a neighbor to send three children (ages 5-10) to vandalize my residence (I filed a police report)

The purpose for this update is to notify the people that the information herein is

1) similar to the crimes against me by the fbi for the past 25 years

2) that the fbi thugs are on my case 24/7/365 without pause

3) these low hoodlums (or sub humans) actually make me their career

4) that the United States of America is run by a cowardly gang of sociopaths and killers

5) that failed leadership of the United States of America portends ill for a nation whose military follows the directions of the fbi/cia ( e.g.: see military intelligence assist the fbi in trying to fraudulently set me up for arrest by the thugs of the UT police department): [link]

6) Follow me around in the mall and turn merchants, employees and guests against me by showing them a fraudulent civil court order against me

7) The mall employees and merchants then harass me every time I enter the mall

My other experiences at the receiving end of the US intelligence community’s crimes:

Collapse of this government:


Would you serve a nation that would attack you for honorably defending that nation on the battlefield?


The cowardly nature of this government is fully encouraged by the courts, congress and the president.

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 Universal Condemnation of USA Atrocities Emerge
category picture11 Sep 2015 @ 01:42
The fbi and their kind globally engage in torture and vicious physical and psycholoical assaults on victims which are so horrendous that most people hsve no conception of the evil genesis in our speces of such horror. These quasi monsters (not unlike Nazi Eichman) are sadistic and brutal murderers whose specialty requires a sociopathic character. That specialty is punctuated by forcing the victim into a final exit, or by killing the defenseless person by firearms or by discreet methods of assassination.

Mind games on the Target are so atrocious that they are unspeakable and as such demand the expressed repulsion of all mankind. In this report I reference my previous report as a kind of universal statement of condemnation. The USA can no longer avoid responsibility for the fbi/cia,/police crimes that I and my associates document.

Psychological operations by the fbi are clearly designed to drive the target insane.
For the details see "My Story In Detail" in twenty parts, my reports of 'gaslighting' techniques used daily, my reports and articles of harassment by police and neighbors, and my documentations of serious bodily injuries sustained by fbi's criminal assaults.

America Lost:

 fbi operative j robert upton takes on a new alias
picture1 Sep 2015 @ 16:17
Apparent fbi operative, aka J. Robert Upton, aka Monique Abu Jamal, aka geral is tiresome, aka Andre Bresee []

etc. now takes a new name and face as shown in his ad hominem assault/comment here:

Andre Bresee:

"I’ll be the first to agree that the CIA & FBI (also BATF & DEA) have violated American’s civil rights on numerous occasions. They have been known to shoot without warning and raid without evidence; but your story sounds like absolute crazy-sauce. Implanted with synthetic kidney stones, stalked by FBI in public libraries, implanting poison in your teeth? That is some wackadoodle stuff."

Sosbee notes: My reports on the fbi's use of chemical combinations to cause the formation of a synthetic kidney stone in me (and related offenses) are fully documented at
[link] .


As for the assaults at the library, such stalking and harassment crimes continue to date.

Regarding Bresee's statement, "implanting poison in your teeth?" I add that such an idea is not impossible to envision.  More >

 geral sosbee, pow held by fbi assassins
picture13 Aug 2015 @ 03:15
Geral Sosbee, POW, held hostage in open, by cowards & traitors in the fbi:


I defended this evil nation:



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  Group Think, A Reduction Of The Human Faculty
category picture5 Aug 2015 @ 17:48
My statements on the corruption of man and society follow.

Men who allow the group to shape, mold, program, or control their thinking, agenda, or motivation are often reduced to a single and simplified composite which is the common denominator of the band whose members also submit to collective group think. Such phenomena are seen in the community of cops, fbi, neighborhood vigilantes, dod, nsa, congress, courts, etc., whose objectives are usually alien to the humanitarian spirit that distinguishes man from other animals. Indeed the brutality and murderous activities of these groups shape the minds of all who serve in their ranks.

A man must 1)determine his own character, 2) think for himself and 3)follow his own self-made direction in life, even at the cost of death. Otherwise all of society sinks into organized chaos by the weight of organized shallowness as seen, for example, in today’s global police state which is spearheaded by the *assassins and torturers of the fbi, police, etc.

The difficulty in life sometimes presents as a choice between the barbarism of society and government as set against the freedom and independence of everyman.


When the conflict arises, many men discover that they cannot submit to corrupt authority; and the universal dilemma then confronts them. Perhaps only the best of our species ever recognize and overcome such a quandary.


See also my comment here:

 fbi is the ultimate menace to society
picture1 Aug 2015 @ 01:17
Consider the false facade of fbi and how such deflects attention from fbi incompetence.

I have shown that the fbi fraudulently claims expertise in defining, tracking, catching and imprisoning/killing 'bad guys' ;
yet, the fbi engages 24/7/365 in torture, forced suicide while the victim is being monitored, false imprisonment & murder. Now, who are the ' bad guys' in such scenarios?
To each fbi agent, operative, supporter: you are guilty as principals or accessories to crimes against humanity because you hide the offenses that all mankind needs to see.

Subversion of free press welcomed by the press:




From my experiences & intuition, I predict that ..
...the day will come when all the episodes of fbi's torture , forced suicide (including while the victim is being monitored), false or unjust imprisonment, and assassinations, will bring down on this overthrown regime (and the ruling class it serves) a most horrendous backlash which cannot be fixed. The fbi,cia,police,dod, etc., are guilty globally of crimes against humanity and all such ghouls will have no place to hide their u g l y faces:

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 what would you do if?
picture23 Jul 2015 @ 16:12
what would you do if?

The following groups constitute in their respective houses of horror the most supreme threat to mankind ever and if they are not stopped, then all of the hopes, dreams and aspirations for the betterment of our species is lost:
president, congress, court.


See my reports on “World In A Box” and “Committed To Healing” and ask yourself the following question .

”What would you do if”:

the fbi/cia/nsa/dod,irs, etc., hijacked your life, took over every aspect of your existence, threatened, harassed, provoked, surveilled and discreetly attempted to kill you in their ‘kill’ program which is conducted against you 24/7/365 for life.

These groups also direct medical doctors, dentists and other health care professionals and attorneys to torture, insult, refuse service or to intentionally perform professional malpractice against you in order to harm or kill you.

Also, your mind (or sanity) is assaulted and used as a playground for the most sinister thugs in society as they (unsupervised) watch you respond to life threatening, dirty tricks; they come into your home to destroy or tamper with items that you need for everyday living, destroy your car or motorcycle; these government operatives and agents also prevent you from employment, from practicing your profession, from association with any former associate, friend, and even family member. They stop you from being able to rent any place to live, even while these very low hoodlums push you into bankruptcy and force you to sleep in a rental car, on the street, or at the airport.

What would you do if,

these dangerous fbi operatives then falsely record intimations of neurosis in your behavior and then take the evidence of such situational adult reactions to a civil judge who signs another order to medicate you. Then, the same corrupt and abusive civil process is used to attack you with directed energy weaponry, causing extreme sleep deprivation for life, to increase threats and other harassment against you by the so called law enforcement community.

All cops and others in authority come to your home and threaten you in your face, even as they issue false warnings to their friends in blue (or in the civilian population) to assault and intimidate you every time they see you. Everywhere you go the thugs then follow you spreading outrageous rumors that you are a threat to public safety, a deranged psychopath and a murderer; that you are a diseased maniac who must be carefully watched all the time; and that even in your neighborhoods, grocery stores , shopping malls, public libraries, etc., the thugs turn all ordinary citizens against you. In some instances the members of the general population actually engage in felonies against you, while the fbi watches. See my reports on the corruption of the global disease surveillance system and the results of “fbi designs on medical patients” where I also document fbi’s macabre human experimentation program involving assaults by chemical, biological and viral agents. See also my report on the dilemma facing men.

The above experiences are all part of my real life experiences for the past twenty five years, continuing to date, and I have dedicated my life to exposing these atrocities. All persons who assist the fbi in the assaults are guilty as accessories to torture, attempted murder and attempts by the fbi to force a final exist.

As I am not the only person so targeted, I have become friends online with many others in similar situations. They have stories not altogether unlike mine and they bravely come forward publicly to ask the government and the people to stop the madness. No doubt many other victims have decided to remain silent, fearing further complications associated with public disclosure of the atrocities that they endure.

So, I ask the reader to consider why one would accept a world dominated by the kind of sub humans (as I name them) who engage in torture, attempted forced suicide, imprisonment, and murder of Targets whom the fbi and company deem activists and whistleblowers. By answering or refusing the question, one reveals his own character as either benign and brave or as evil and cowardly.

So far, all members of the three houses mentioned above have proven that they authorize, condone and profit from the unconscionable crimes that I have documented, See my report on, “This congress will live in infamy”. Consider also my papers on the corruption of law and society by the fbi and the illegal ‘CJS’ forged by the fbi at

Finally, as the dod is part of all crimes committed by this overthrown regime, the responsibility for global mass murder, torture, and widespread mayhem delivered upon the world’s population by the dod, rests on our own USA population.

Thank you kindly.



This ungodly police state :
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 US Army and the fbi are corrupt & psychopathic
picture21 Jul 2015 @ 15:53
I served the USA and now the army helps the fbi in efforts to silence me from reporting unconscionable crimes by this government.

The United States military is now under the full control of the assassins and pathological liars in the fbi/cia, and on queue the army, for example, trashes the military service of this combat vet/fbi whistleblower.


Specifically, the fbi in efforts to discredit fraudulently labels this vet as a "murderer or mass murderer" as a result of the vet's combat service in defense of the nation. Then, the fbi hacks into my Facebook page and pretending to be me and types the words "kill people". The fbi incredibly also commits a crime and plants this vet's name at the scene in order to cause federal and state cops to descend on the vet's home:










Assaults by UT police and counsel fraudulently designed to treat vet as a criminal:


The fbi also benefits from false medical reports which are also designed to discredit (or put away) the veteran. Veteran Geral Sosbee's reports:




The fbi tortures geral sosbee 24/7 and harasses him virtually everywhere he goes:


When this vet files suit to stop the fbi thugs from destroying my life and from torturing me, government attorneys come out of the woodwork to also libel & slander the vet at every opportunity and to provide perjurious testimony in efforts to shield the fbi:




The Unites States Army is aware of the fraud against the veteran, but instead of stopping same the army joins with the fbi to further attempt to disparage and lie about the veteran:


Cowardly creepy congress:


About me:




My affidavits:




A person calling himself Bob Parrish responds to * my recent comments shown above and at


Bob Parrish said "Geral Sosbee

Let's get the guys in the white coats ready for Geral..".

For all who read Bob ( the apparent fbi operative, aka j. Robert Upton, et at, who posts his trash on the above forum): I borrow words below to show that verbal attacks on whistleblowers' sanity are often made by the truly insane as follows:

""Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. ... by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. ... John Lennon


Criminal insanity of fbi


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 caution all vets and servicemen
picture20 Jul 2015 @ 23:46
Attention all vets , military servicemen and all who intend to serve the United States armed forces. Upon return from combat duty and after my service as a fbi Special Agent, fbi, I reported numerous felonies and extreme corruption in the fbi .

Subsequently, the fbi engaged in efforts to silence me and to discredit me by attacking my army service . The fbi operatives falsely and publicly wrote that my service in combat in Viet Nam means that this vet is a "murderer" or a " possible mass murderer". Then, the fbi hacked into my Facebook page, pretending to be me and wrote, "kill people". Subsequently, the fbi plants my name at the scene of a crime and caused federal and state police to descend on my hone. Today I posted a comment on CNN article and fbi operative again surfaces to tell the veterans of USA that no one cares about my reports of fbi abuses of vets.

Geral Sosbee 53 minutes ago

Neither Trump nor McCain care much for vets . See how fbi falsely uses war record of combat vet in efforts to discredit the vet's whistleblowing reports. No one acts to stop such fbi crimes, even though congress is well aware of fbi crimes.


ironman59 51 minutes ago

@Geral Sosbee The gop only sees those in uniform as cannon fodder. They take the same approach as abortion. You are useful to us in rattling our sabres. After that we don't really care what happens to you.

Geral Sosbee 49 minutes ago

Use your true name and stop hiding while you post your absurd attack on this or any other vet . Man up tinman.


ironman59 25 minutes ago

@CarterDeSoto @Geral Sosbee The loons have come out early tonight.

My conclusion:
Note that fbi operatives typically attack a vets sanity in desperate efforts to discourage readers from looking at the evidence of wholesale abuses of vets by fbi/police.

In a separate message to this vet on a different public forum another person sends a similar response to my reports of crimes committed against me by the fbi:

John writes:

"don't care".

All veterans should pay attention to such treasonous verbal attacks by fbi and their supporters because men and women may begin to question whether this government deserves their service.


See also :
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 fbi commits unconscionable crimes
picture20 Jul 2015 @ 18:52
As I have documented on many occasions the fbi identifies a Target such as whistleblowers or others who are at odds with corrupt political and ideological goals (reminiscent of Nazi Germany) of the USA, and then the assassins /torturers of the fbi fraudulently treat the Target as a criminal. See how the fbi uses police and others to try to provoke the Target so that he/she may be imprisoned:


USA's fbi are champions of destruction:


The fbi,cia,dod often discreetly join together in atrocities against our own people, including veterans:

- [link]

-medical doctors issue false reports, while they and some dentists also torture or perform malpractice on the Target.

-attorneys at all levels all but abandon the Target.

-some medical doctors and dentists simply refuse to provide services to the Target.

See 'My Story in Detail'

fbi uses medical doctors to torture/incapacitate/maim Targets:


attorneys at all levels abandon the Target.


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 fbi,police at war here, dod over there
picture17 Jul 2015 @ 23:14
Why do people not ask themselves the cause for so much violence in our culture? Well, because they don't want to know the awful truth that fbi,cia,dod,police benefit & profit from the global carnage that they often *cause on both battlefields (over there & here on our streets).
These fools constitute the heart of USA 's death cult.

Police State


fbi national academy a disgrace


Abominations enjoyed by fbi/police


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 fbi retaliation
picture8 Jul 2015 @ 21:57
Fbi engages in numerous crimes and harassment in response to my recent posts online. Here are a few:

Extreme sleep deprivation via DEW and increased assaults by street thugs everywhere I go.

Invasion of my Facebook page and illegal posting on my page in my name.

Harassment on several occasions in the public library by professional criminals who seek to provoke a disturbance in order to provide the library chief (friend to fbi) a basis to ban me from the library. The fbi destroys any computers that I purchased, so I must use public facilities. The fbi also directs average citizens to harass me when I visit the mall in Brownsville ( the same mall where the fbi thugs drove a three inch nail in my tire and the mall manager and police refuse to investigate).

Vandalism and harassment in my home by sociopaths who now draw pictures in my driveway (photo attached).This photo reflects the mentality of the fbi and their intention to offend both this ex fbi agent and anyone who views the drawing in my neighborhood. I removed the fbi's art work drawn on my driveway; I saved the images online as evidence of *continuous crimes by the fbi against me.

Police report filed, number 1507 1019.

I am a licensed attorney in good standing with the State Bar of Texas and I have never been charged nor accused of any offense (civil or criminal) in my life.

See my sworn affidavits 2007 and 2014 accessible here:
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 Summary of fbi crimes in concert with others against me
picture1 Jul 2015 @ 23:36
Evidence of fbi crimes and harassment against ex fbi agent & whistleblower Geral Sosbee:

Fbi enters 'GAY' remark on my Facebook page :

Fbi commits POSTAL CRIME, plants my name at scene of the federal offense, causing USPI and TEXAS DPS to come to my home hoping to make a civil or criminal case against me:


Fbi plants PORNO on my smart phone intending to fabricate evidence against me :


UT police under orders from fbi engage in multiple provocative crimes against my person over about a decade and simultaneously issue a fraudulent BOLO (be on look out) against me:


Fbi devises a smoothly orchestrated assault on me and my wife at a mall whereby the two operatives ( a husband and wife team, about my age, educated, articulate and cleanly dressed) pretend to seek dialogue with me for evaluation of my mental state (apparent objective of the assault: civil commitment):


Fbi operatives falsely announce publicly that this attorney, teacher, judge, soldier, ex fbi agent is a murderer/mass murderer:


Fbi spreads outrageous lies about my medical condition . My medical clearance:


My well documented documentations of fbi's fabrication and suppression of evidence in civil & criminal cases :


My affidavits and *writ against fbi torturers & assassins ignored by congress and the courts:


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 Prosecutors are diabolically corrupt
picture13 Jun 2015 @ 00:07
All prosecutors at every level, tripartite, lie when necessary to win a conviction, to prejudice the rights of the accused, cover up crimes by fbi/police,
and to feather their own career nest.
During my brief tenure at the Dallas County DA's, office the decadence and corruption there was and is today
palpable. My reports:
Criminals run the cjs:


Universal disregard for human rights:


New Perspective:

Corruption of law and society:


Pure evil of US Attorneys and federal courts:

[link]  More >

 looking at the mirror: murderers and torturers clothed as sheep
picture31 May 2015 @ 18:32
This report suggests in its links how the general population assists the fbi,cia,dod in mass murder, selective assassinations, torture and widespread inhumane assaults on people globally. The purpose of the report is to hold a mirror up for all to see the evil that is USA society and the threats implied therein against the good people of the world. A few rotten or putrid fruits infect the basket.

In the reports below (perhaps between the lines and amidst the images conjured up therein) the reader may discover as though looking at a mirror some elements of his (her) own perversions and criminality; for all who participated in any way in the fbi’s illegal vendetta against me are guilty as accessories to torture, attempted murder, and myriad other crimes that I have outlined for the past quarter of a century. In “My Story In Detail” the reader may even find his name and a description of the offenses committed; in most cases the thugs who assault me, including doctors in all fields, are not named because the libel laws protect them from responsibility for their heinous and cowardly assaults on me and my property. In two instance the doctors actually threatened me with legal action for reporting their torture of my person.

So, after reading this material the reader is invited to study the details in My Story which provide specific instances of crimes referenced herein; also one can see my Writ to the SCOTUS and my pleadings to the congress in efforts to stop the fbi’s crime spree against me and many others which continue uninterrupted to date. Note that any operative, informant, associate, or citizen who engages in the crimes that I describe are, notwithstanding their official US government or private employment status ( or Mafia type background) are directly identified as acting on behalf of the fbi, or its cjs and cjis; and in actuality these unkind folks are the Cesspool that I describe in one of my reports.

Lowest common denominator rules USA


Crimes and coverups by USPI and Texas DPS:


Crimes committed by police, fbi, and the general public as accessories as suggested in my affidavits 2007 and 2014.


People beware:

Presently, the Texas legislators and governor pass an open carry firearms law which Imperils all because most who seek to kill others (with firearms and permits or invitations to be armed in public) are affiliated with 'police state' enforcers and the sociopathic murderers inside the police & the fbi.

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 The lowest common denominator rules the USA
category picture28 May 2015 @ 18:37
The quality of something is poor because it is designed or intended to appeal to the largest possible number of people

This report presents evidence that the United States of America (USA) is controlled by the lowest form of human beings who represent in a sense the lowest common denominator of the national intellect and whose machinations are designed to appeal mainly to the ruling elite and by guile to the masses.

In other words those who run the U S government and who seek to rule the world in the name of the New World Order are the simplest group in our population. They have the simplest opinions, the simplest views and the simplest lifestyles; because these government employees and operatives do not think as much as you and I, they tend to be more naive and more gullible to gut feelings, and to the ingrained culture and social laws that are around them than others who are more adept, more intellectual and infinitely more visionary. (Urbandictionarydotcom) I sometimes refer to such individuals as mental dwarfs because they are incapable of grand thought on a universal scale.

As suggested below, many of such small minds are engaged (on behalf of their superiors) in heinous crimes, including torture, forced suicide while being monitored, assassinations and mass murder. Many of their victims such as this author, actually served in battle and on the streets to defend the USA. The realization that very small minds rule the nation through their employment in administrative agencies and departments led me to explain the causes for the collapse of the government here. (See: collapse-of-the-constitutional-government-of-the-united-states-of-america-by-geral-sosbee). I also explained that such low minded hoodlums in the USA’s intelligence communities (intel) are in their global crime spree responsible for the 911 attack on the USA for two basic reasons:

1) The world’s people do not accept USA’s perpetual wars, killings, imprisoning, torturing, etc

2) The USA intel community is incompetent in part because such government thugs as described below are obsessed with silencing the voice of liberty whose best spokesmen are often whistleblowers against government atrocities.

See my report on “” on my site.

Another tragedy associated with being ruled by fools is that corporations exploit for profit the programs which send our young men and women off to fight unjust wars and useless battles, only to come home mangled, in body bags, or off balance as a result of their gruesome experiences. See my reports:
“opednews /populum/pagem.php?f=US-Army-Lies-To-Our-Young-by-GERAL-SOSBEE”


In the same reports (which the US Postal Inspector used to threaten to arrest me) I describe how the US Army Lies To Our Young men on ‘Behalf of FBI/CIA Assassins’; they in the intel community find ways to fraudulently create wars abroad while similarly creating ‘criminals’ at home. Such ‘intel’ we can do without. Thus I write that the lowest common denominator is at work in our nation killing our best and enriching our worst.

Here is a summary of the small minds of intel attacking me in every conceivable way, short of killing me by firearms:

The USA’s military intelligence, chancellor and top officials of the University of Texas, police thugs from federal, state, and local departments all conspire with the fbi to provoke, harass and threaten me. See parts 19, a,b,c, of “My Story In Detail” and see also my two affidavits dated 2007 and 2014.

Notice also that the UT police generate a fraudulent BOLO (be on the lookout) against me so that all library employees and all campus police harass me every time I enter the library. The chief of police refuses my request for an internal affairs investigation because he knows that his top officers committed crimes against my person.

As the fbi has grown weary of my thousands of reports online, they send their best spokesmen (from the same common denominator) to attempt to discredit both me and my articles. See two examples of how the fbi operatives, using different aliases, come on line and falsely call me a murderer for my service to the USA; and notice the insane additional name calling by the fbi operative as he libelously labors to show the public that the fbi considers this veteran, ex-fbi agent in counter intelligence, doctor of jurisprudence, teacher, lawyer, activist, as a possible ‘mass’ murderer.

The US Army should be outraged that the fools in the fbi are accusing a US combat veteran of being a murderer for his service to the country. Instead, the Army helps the fbi to shut me down.

1)Note that the fbi operative shown below proclaims:
Hypocrite 25.Feb.2014 08:05

Monique Abu-Jamal

“You brag about being a murderer in Viet Nam, then complain about imagined torture by some evil fbi folks on people elsewhere. You are a fucking hypocrite and as loony as Daffy Duck without the cuteness. “

2)Here the fbi operative does his very best to label me as a mass murderer even as the same fbi operative engages in torture of my person by DEW 24/7/365.
The most incompetent government agencies in the world 26.Feb.2013 13:30

paint me doubtful

“Millions upon millions of dollars and man hours wasted watching this imbecile and no results. What in the world justifies spending so much time and money watching this goober? They must think that he is planning an act of terrorism, or maybe he is getting ready to shoot up a school or theater. I think it is time to find out what the fbi knows about geral, and why he is such a danger to the public. He is obviously mentally incompetent, so maybe, just maybe another mass murder will be prevented by this surveillance.”

Many other examples of low, demented assaults by the fbi against me are set forth in My Story for anyone who seeks to know the truth about this sorry, God forsaken nation.
So, ‘be not coy, but use your time’ and make a vote for competent leadership in the USA by removing the congress, the courts and the miscreants in the executive & administrative branches and agencies from their dens of evil and iniquity. Vote for high level leaders whose vision might reverse the deadly course we are presently on globally.
A War Crimes Trial Is Needed:


Thank you kindly, geral

 fbi, Gestapo
picture24 May 2015 @ 03:53
Hitler’s Mengele made the statement (shown below) which is now also the implied predication by the fbi,cia,nsa,dod to me and to many others globally. The stakes were high then in Nazi Germany and today are even higher: the total subjugation of mankind, the manipulation of the destiny of the human species, the permanent control of and power over earth and space, and the permanent removal of any competing agenda or political/religious/original dogma.


The fbi is to the United States of America the same subhuman force that the Gestapo was to Nazi Germany. Gestapo, aka, Geheime Staatspolizei, "Secret State Police" was the official secret police of Nazi Germany and German-occupied Europe.

The fbi and the cia now secretly occupy the USA and seek to control the world through inhumane murderous *methods and, as they are maniacal serial killers, torturers and mass murderers, they must be **put out of business.

More papers on topic on behalf of Everyman of conscience who yet has good will toward fellow man, even as the United States of America programs the world’s population to be brutal and homicidal toward one another:


Fbi/USA crimes against humanity viewed by the mind controlled and often insane public as virtuous:


Many crimes in the USA are actually provoked, caused, or committed by *fbi,cia,police,uspi,, dps,nsa,prosecutors,etc , and are encouraged & covered up by **US CONGRESS and SCOTUS. See the following links if one be interested:

Fraudulent investigation and assaults against me by multiple foolish and dangerous cops:


*Good men hounded and provoked by mad men:


In honor of all so - called outlaws who are currently tortured, imprisoned, murdered by cops/fbi: You are ironically among the few who understand the injustices and the evil of our times.


** Congress & SCOTUS:


The SCOTUS has become the primary tool of the intelligence and police communities to corrupt all laws as needed, to authorize murderous actions by the enforcers of the police state USA, and to set itself up and overlord supreme on earth and in space.


Personal Note:

While I was being tortured by the hounds from hell in the fbi, I managed with great difficulty and pain to climb the stairs to the SCOTUS, to present my case to the little ‘justices’ there, and to survive attempts on my life and sanity all the while. The SCOTUS, therefore, can never be forgiven for its role in the Gestapo type society which is forged here by the fbi; and the statement by Mengele (quoted above) is attributable to SCOTUS equally as it is attributable to the fbi/cia/police/nsa/dod, etc. See Also: My Story In Detail in twenty parts: [link]


The following Indymedia blocks publication of this post:  More >

 Crimes Committed By Government
picture21 May 2015 @ 19:08
Many crimes in the USA are actually provoked, caused, or committed by *fbi,cia,police,uspi,, dps,nsa,prosecutors,etc , and are encouraged & covered up by **US CONGRESS and SCOTUS. See the following links if one be interested :

Fraudulent investigation:

Papers on topic:

*Good men hounded and provoked by mad men :

In honor of all so - called outlaws who are currently tortured, imprisoned, murdered by cops/fbi:


USA is a criminal regime supported by lunatics in the public sector and commits crimes which are often insanely viewed as virtuous:





[link]  More >

 Unforgiveable crimes by fbi psychopaths
picture16 May 2015 @ 06:26
Unforgiveable & unforgettable crimes by fbi/cia

Introduction :

Fbi/cia covert & murderous crimes against humanity are under serious scrutiny globally, partly by virtue of my documentations. Thanks to all who investigate and disclose fbi/cia/dod high crimes.



The fbi's extreme and apparently extended for life intentional infliction of mental & physical trauma on this and many other Targets of the fbi/cia's inhumane and felonious covert/murderous operations, as I have documented for 25 years, are assaults on and are not to be forgotten by all mankind because the evil inherent in such crimes is of universal significance and remains in the collective psyche of human beings of good will forever.

The disturbed personalities whom I describe in most of my articles and papers compound their sins (associated with the unconscionable attacks) by enjoying and profiting from the suffering that they impose; such subhumans with heartless psychopathology in their souls are the hallmarks of the twisted and sick fbi/cia and are noted by all who endure USA ' s abhorrent murders, imprisonment, and torture operations globally.

I am furthermore undeterred in my work, even as legions of insane cops descend around and threaten me.


Finally, the fbi has a slight problem with their attacks on me: many people are watching as I outline the fbi's crimes; many fbi and other government agents (including active and retired fbi/cia) eagerly tune in to my reports as though they too will benefit from any fbi success. For such human monsters, I have a message :


Thank you.  More >

picture9 May 2015 @ 01:25

Request for disclosuure under the Texas Public Information Act, Open Records Act; Brownsville Texas Public Library, Texas AG File number not known.

Geral Sosbee
to,, mayormartinez, +6

I often refer to myself below in the third person, GERAL SOSBEE , and in the first person, I.

This is an official request for disclosure of information under the Texas Public Information Act (ORA) for information described *below in the possession, care, custody, control, or reach of the officials and employees of the Brownsville, Texas public library located at Brownsville Texas Public library
2600 Central Blvd
Brownsville, TX

This request is a continuation of my previous request (known to the Texas AG) and also extends to every record at both locations of the library, including the South Most branch.

The information that I request is as follows:
Any record wherever located relating to the blocking of my attorney website listed as


and any other information of any kind or nature (written or verbal) about or in reference to me, GERAL W. SOSBEE.

The above website is recognized by the Texas State Bar as my official attorney website and is used by Geral Sosbee to reach the general public in matters relating to law suits against the fbi for crimes committed by the fbi as established by former fbi counterintelligence agent GERAL SOSBEE. Some of the crimes are listed at [link]

The Texas State Bar page which contains a link to the official attorney website of GERAL SOSBEE is


The law provides that I have a right to the following type of information:

*Public information refers to information collected, assembled, produced or maintained in the course of transacting public business. It may be on paper or film or in electronic communications such as emails, Internet postings, text messages or instant messages.

The instant request for disclosure also includes previously requested information under the ORA wherein the public library officials falsely denied any record on Geral Sosbee, patron number 41129002961967. The Texas AG has a record of that request which may have been used by library officials as a reason to engage in a discreet vendetta against Geral Sosbee. To this day I am harassed in the public library by individuals who may be in receipt of false and prejudicial information against me. For more information in this regard see these two links:


Specific individuals in the library who have almost certainly been in receipt of false and fraudulent information from the fbi or their associates, directly or indirectly, include Jerry Hedgecock (H) , Juan Guerra (G), James McCoy. I have personally confirmed with H and G that the library's own employees witnessed verbal and non verbal assaults on me when I try to use the library; also H and G refuse to ask the offending library patron to leave me alone. I filed police reports on theses incidents. Recently, I also reported to the library security guard that I am again being harassed in the library by persons who seek to cause a disturbance in the area of the computer room where I am working. The officer is named Velador and he kindly advises me to never respond in any manner to the intentional provocations directed at me.

With respect to the blocking of my site at the South Most branch, one Luis Herrera advises me that he fixed the problem and that the fbi had nothing to do with the blocking. My conversation with Mr. Herrera is witnessed by his assistant, Alfredo. Another library employee who may have pertinent data (verbal or written) is one Suzie Kim.
I seek to know from Mr. Herrera exactly the basis or cause of the repeated blocking of my website which he concedes happened. I am entitled to the information because it is part of an "electronic communication."

Each and every library employee who uses the fraudulent reports of the fbi in efforts to insult me or to discourage me from use of the library should be aware that the fbi and associates who come into the facility to slander me are in actuality torturers and assassins as I have documented over the past fifteen years in court filings and on my websites.

This request is made in good faith and is not intended to cause any unnecessary inconvenience to any person. A copy is forwarded to city officials because they are previously on notice by me of the unethical conduct towards me by the library officials.
Thank you


P.O. Box 1548
Brownsville, Texas 78522
(956) 509-1454  More >

 Explication of Salient Events : fbi As Criminal Sovereignty
picture24 Apr 2015 @ 16:46
Ice fire:

The people of the United States of America (USA) are locked in a mindset of delusion that this government represents the interests of the people. After all, the history books and the teachers propound such a fallacy and the leaders of the nation require adherence to same.

The truth is that the government no longer serves the people, but is devoted to its own nefarious agenda which includes world inhumane domination.

In fact the intelligence services actually rule the nation by engaging in extensive criminal activities (aside from conspiracies) in order to control the general public and to intimidate whistleblowers who try to report high crimes and misdemeanors executed in the name of the USA. The most egregious offender of the rights of the people are the agents and operatives of the fbi, as this Target (hereinafter referred to as ‘T’) has documented for the past twenty five years.

Yet, as T tries to present evidence of such crimes as torture, attempted murder, fraud, suppression of evidence, perjury, etc. committed by the fbi their agents and operatives mount a disinformation campaign of lies which are disseminated to the general public over a period of decades, or even centuries. In T’s case the fbi operatives also attempt fraudulently to label T as insane and paranoid. In some instances the fbi even writes anonymously and falsely that T is a murderer and a possible mass murderer. See my online reports for proof of these assertions.

In T’s continuing efforts to illuminate fbi corruption, criminality and gratuitous treachery the following data is presented:

T entered the fbi as a Special Agent in 1971 and resigned in 1978 after being forced out for reporting extensive crimes committed by the fbi during those years. See T’s affidavit 2007 and the Rodriguez case for supporting material.

J. EDGAR HOOVER, January, 1971:


Broader career goals, September, 1978:


fbi crimes:


Subsequently the fbi launched an incredible vendetta against T which included so many crimes against T’s person that time and paper cannot fully capture. See some of the crimes in T's affidavits, court documents and other reports (including police reports online). Note that T served the USA both on the battlefield and in the fbi for a total of almost a decade.

Fbi history book:




For a summary of the gauntlet of the unending crimes committed by the fbi against T (ongoing at this very moment) see

Gruesome ordeal:


Some incidents of fbi assaults also include the following:

The fbi thugs: a) opens the garage door while T is inside his home and the same fbi man stands across the street as though to challenge T to respond; b) repeated home invasions and destruction or tamperings therein as a form of psychological warfare; c) extensive surveillance both physical and electronic for the life of T whereby the fbi agents and operatives watch T 24/7 in his home and car in order to learn new methods to terrorize him; d) poisoning of T causing emergency hospital and doctor’s visits and costing over $200,000; e) destruction of T’s car, costing over $20,000; assaults and battery on the person of T by street thugs and by police officers at every level; f)extensive calumny, causing all authorities to wrongly suspect T as being a criminal or insane, or diseased; g) ruination of T’s standing in the community, resulting in the isolation and alienation of T everywhere he goes; h) *commit crimes and plant T’s name at the scene, so as to cause an elaborate federal and state fraudulent investigation of T for suspicion of a felony and to fabricate a basis to suggest insanity; see my report on “Committed To Healing”; i) attempts on the life of T while he is in the hospital where some heath care providers assist the fbi in the torture and attempted murder ; j) provide false information to doctors and dentists in order to gain their assistance in the torture and attempted murder of T; k) gain the support of some doctors who actually torture T and who also falsely label T as delusional in their medical charts; l) suppression and fabrication of evidence ( see the Rodriguez case and the USPI Knipfing/Texas DPS Rodriguez unlawful intrusion into my home; m) flagrant assaults by male and female operatives designed to provoke a response; n) use a neighbor to engage in a highly sophisticated effort to harass T and to record via video and recorder T’s response (such assaults include throwing dead animals into T’s patio, planting live tarantulas, snakes and insects in T’ home and car, and poisoning T with toxic fumes).

Other crimes committed by the fbi against T are not listed here but are set forth in T’s police reports and other articles online. One such ongoing crime by the fbi against T is to attack him 24/7 with Directed Energy Weaponry which causes severe and extended sleep deprivation and a number of other symptoms as set forth in section 19 of My Story In Detail. This type of assault from satellites is invisible and is used against others globally. Also, note that the covert nature of the electronic assault reflects the cowardly nature of the fbi.

*Knipfing & Rodriguez (wherever these two men go, they are up to no good and should be in jail):


For additional information regarding a recent psychological assault on T by the fbi, see


For information on how the fbi tries to control the mind of its agents and operatives see

Mind Control:


After decades of assaults T better understands how the fbi and the media set people up for unacceptable reactions to the provocations described herein:

Dilemma :


Fbi orchestrates the COINTELPRO ' S Quasi cjs:

Regarding the fbi’s fraudulent use of other police agencies to threaten and harass T see my reports on US Postal Inspector Knipfing and Texas DPS agent Rodriguez referenced above.

This is a summary of the fbi fraudulent case against an innocent woman (Rodriguez) which I reported prior to her arrest:


Trustworthiness of T’s reports:

We must investigate the Fbi's unamerican activities, subversion, treason:

The collapse of the USA is done::


The people’s failure to address the issues facing this nation leaves the task for future generations and much suffering and many killings by the fbi/cia/police are inevitable:


Finally, I have no reasonable expectation that the fbi will stop their vendetta against T; after all they have painted themselves into a corner and must finish off their work against this thoroughly (and wrongfully) castigated and tortured Target. The fear of the fbi by the people and the current formation of the police state by the fbi portends ill for our people and for the people of the world. We may now take no pride in allowing the group of liars, thieves, cut throats, torturers and murderers of the fbi to represent law enforcement, as they presume to be a sovereignty unto themselves. They are on a roll of criminality unprecedented in human affairs.

Yours truly, geral  More >

 A Summary Of My Reports On Crimes By The fbi
picture9 Apr 2015 @ 16:29
This report is an effort to combine into this single report many of my past posts and articles regarding fbi high crimes against me and against the people of the world. The premise herein is that the fbi corrupts and controls all cops whom the fbi contacts or trains, or otherwise influences, including Interpol and many other international police agencies. This report also offers an insight into how the fbi railroads into prison, harasses, drives the Target (such as Geral Sosbee) into a state of near neurosis, assaults him with extreme psychological warfare 24/7 for life (including with DEW weaponry, etc.), tries to force suicide, tries to imprison and tries to kill him for political or ideological purposes. The most recent provocative attacks on me by fbi operative/street thugs are found in many Brownsville, Texas Police reports filed by me.

The first three links below show that I have no disease; the second contains my affidavit on the high crimes by the fbi as I have witnessed and documented; the third shows that I have never been accused of any offense (civil or criminal) in my life and that the fbi actually commits crimes and alleges falsely that I committed same.
Medical Clearance:


Crimes by fbi:


Crimes and cover ups by fbi, PI, Texas DPS:


For the details of the assaults on me by fbi operatives and at times members of the general public see my story in detail in the following link. Note in the twenty parts of the details I provide the names of people (and some instance the photos with police reports regarding those who attack me). All persons who participated in the assaults on me, all members of congress of the USA and all judges, justices and members of the Bars of all local, state and federal courts are complicit in the fbi’s crimes against my person and property inasmuch as the judiciary pretends that the fbi can do no wrong.


The cumulative effect on the psyche of a person tortured by the fbi is shown here:


In the next three links I show how the fbi may rationally be considered insane, even as the media celebrates the fbi as heroic in the news and entertainment shows.


champions of destruction:




In this link I reference the fbi’s use of the general public to pick on me everywhere I go, including in my neighborhood, shopping malls, theatres, etc.


In this report I suggest the complete corruption of the secret, federal intel courts who are controlled by the fbi:

secret intel courts/judges empower & embolden assassins:


Brotherhood of assassins forged by the fbi is a form of unofficial MAFIA throughout the USA today:


Hate mailers remind me of their contempt for my work, even as I am being tortured:


The Age of Madness is upon us:


The fbi fraudulently creates an illegal quasi cjs:  More >

 fbi thugs incorporate the entire society of cops into the murderous brotherhood
picture7 Apr 2015 @ 14:14
After twenty five years of criminal assaults on my person by the fbi, including psychological and DEW attacks ongoing for about 15 years, the fbi continues to bring all cops at all levels against me as I have previously reported. When the fbi discovered that I cannot be dissuaded from posting my articles and reports online, the fbi thugs commit postal crimes in Dallas in order to cause the US Postal Inspector and the Texas DPS to focus on me. Both such cops (i.e. Knipfing and Rodriguez) are aware of the many crimes committed against me by the fbi, the UT Police and many others, yet the two fools come into my home to try to intimidate me as I previously reported. See


My affidavit dated 2007 and 2014




Police state USA:


Both Knipfing and Rodriguez (K & R) continue today to refuse my lawful requests for a copy of their reports on their phony investigation in April, 2013. They both know that I will publish the reports which will reveal the crimes and cover ups of crimes by the US PI and by the Texas DPS.

Additionally, the two thugs from USPI and Texas DPS also visited the campus of the UTHSC, Harlingen, Texas, following their visit to my home. Note that many crimes against my person were committed against me by the very cops and staff ay UTHSC whom Knipfing and Rodriguez contacted. See fraudulent UT BOLO at:


and assault by UT police/fbi operative Alonzo Yanez here:


Imagine, if one may, that the very thugs at UT who assisted the fbi in years of crimes against me are contacted by K & R to see if I committed any offenses. Meanwhile, every time I enter the library facilities at UTHSC I am harassed, followed and insulted by the staff and by the UT police.

Today, I understand why so many innocent people are in prison: the so-called law enforcement community follows the lead of the insane fbi whose agents and operatives set people up for criminal or civil incarceration:


The evidence is clear, the United States of America seeks out and causes violence globally, feeds off of the suffering and misery caused by such activity that I and others describe, and cares not at all for the preservation of the humanitarian spirit that distinguishes a brutal culture from a truly human and respectful civilization. By this I mean that the fbi,cia,dod,nsa, etc regularly violate fundamental human, civil, constitutional and God given rights at will and with total impunity. See my report on how the fbi thugs do this at  More >

 fbi converts cops and citizens into criminals
picture25 Mar 2015 @ 19:58
fbi unlawfully engages US PI and Texas DPS, Police, et al as criminal operatives
On April 30, 2013 *two cops came to my home at the direction of the fbi for the purpose of harassment, threats and intimidation. One of the men was Inspector Knipfing of the U.S. Postal Inspection (PI) service; the other was Rodriguez of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). *[Trey Knipfing, Postal Inspector; Conrad Rodriguez, Texas DPS]

I later reported the unlawful invasion online at [link] whereupon a fbi operative (aka Duval) replies in his foul language that no one cares.

I also asked for a copy of the reports filed by the two thugs, Knipfing and Rodriguez. The Texas DPS replied that no record exists. The U.S. Postal Inspector repeatedly and unlawfully refused to honor my Freedom of Information Act request, stating that the investigation is ongoing for about two years. To this day the counsel for the PI ignores my letters to his office wherein I provide evidence of crimes and coverups by the PI and the fbi for decades and evidence of the violation of FOIA by his office.

For my affidavit on crimes committed by the fbi see: [link]

The real reason for the unlawful refusal to release the report by Knipfing is that the report reflects a conspiracy by the fbi,PI, DPS to find a way to charge me with any type of offense.


Another reason for the refusal of the PI to release the report is to cover up multiple postal crimes by the PI and his employees such as Knipfing. For evidence of postal crimes committed by the fbi over a prolonged period of time and the simultaneous cover up of such crimes by the PI see these three links:
My letter to Postal inspector:


evidence of postal crimes:


my sworn statement of postal crimes by PI:


Evidence shows that the director of the fbi ( FBI Director James Comey ) asked the Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw
to send Rodriguez to join with the PI Knipfing in efforts to fraudulently entrap me in some kind of offense, or at least to find a way to prevent me from disclosing crimes by all of these agencies.

[Note that Prior to his service as Homeland Security Director, McCraw was the assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Inspection Division, overseeing evaluation of FBI operations, strategic planning and execution and internal investigations. ]

See my expanded report on how the fbi converts cops at every level (and citizens) into criminals.

McCraw and Knipfing are clearly acting as fbi operatives and are also involved in the many criminal offenses (including ongoing conspiracy) that I have documented against them: specifically, fraudulent investigation of me for a crime that they know was committed by the fbi; cover up of postal and other crimes committed against me by the fbi for decades; refusal to investigate the many crimes against me and my property committed by the fbi, police, state police, fbi paid operatives, street thugs acting as operatives and members of the community at large; for more crimes covered up see my affidavit 2007 above; their refusal to investigate torture and multiple attempts on my life ; refusal to investigate various crimes committed against me by the University of Texas Police as I have shown at

Assault and battery by UT police/fbi operative Yanez:


Fraudulent BOLO issued by UT Police Wilson and Bleier:


During the entire charade of these two cops pretending to investigate me, they are in reality the ones who are in fact knowingly engaged in fraudulent investigation, etc., and coverup of serious felonies as set forth above.

Finally, the fbi’s cjis sends me a reminder that the alleged crimes which Knipfing and Rodriguez are investigating are now documented at cjis and that my name is officially connected to such alleged crimes. The crimes are actually committed by the fbi in their desperate efforts to silence me. The purpose of the fbi and the cjis in sending me their messages is to strike fear. See how such illegal operations and criminal assaults by all the cops listed above are a part of an organized and sophisticated plan that is designed to provoke an unacceptable response from me so that at long last the assassins of fbi may silence me from reporting their crimes. See the following link for the specifics of such a plan which I refer to as the fbi’s illegal cjs:  More >

 fbi,cia use fear to control world
picture22 Mar 2015 @ 19:40
USA intel can *cause & measure fear and thereby predict and instill cowardice. In this manner people globally are converted as though with virus into operatives for assassins and are subdued by fear.The general population is in the grips of such a malaise.

See my reports on violence as a virus in the link below.The militancy of USA spreads like a virus around the world and into the hearts of many men globally.


*induce fear


Mind Control:


See also:
My Story in 20 parts on how the fbi tries to induce fear.


Murderous tyranny:


Illegal CJS:

Note that in retrospect I now understand that all of my former associates in law and in education, all neighbors, friends and realtors, etc, eagerly abandoned our professional relationship because they feared some type of fbi retaliation. This type of control over people is based on fear and the threat of violence which is forced on our society by fbi MAFIA.
This is the police state: A lifetime of hard work and earned accomplishments wiped out instantly with the unlawful entry of low thugs and assassins of fbi.


As I post the above report the same Julie Rodriguez (photo below)enters the Brownsville Public Library, sits facing me, laughs loud, grins and continues her usual antics. The fbi was aware that I was busy posting the above report at several locations. Rodriguez frequently appears at the library when I post. Over 10 years ago she moved into an adjoining apartment which I subsequently vacated upon an episode of acute bronchitis caused by second hand toxic smoke entering my unit. Since then her face has become unfortunately quite familiar to me.

Photo of Rodriguez:

Witnessed by security officer, Mr Velador.  More >

 The fall of the USA as a world leader
picture19 Mar 2015 @ 19:25
A number of forces contribute to the fall of the United States of America as a world leader and I explain separately the multi year process that allowed the legitimate government here to be overthrown by the intelligence services.1)

Such covert and violent undermining of the so-called democracy is invisible to many who do not pay attention to the chaos spread around the globe by the fbi, cia, dod, etc. Much has been written in explanation for the atrocities committed in the name of the USA, particularly by leaders such as Bush, Powell, etc.2)

Yet, the general population seems to be oblivious to the carnage and suffering championed by our very own public servants. This neglect of our people in the USA is fully expected by the tyrants in power and is perpetuated by the main street media which, with its absurd news/fluff- talk-song and dance shows, keeps the people uninformed of the most significant news of the day, everyday and all the time. See my report on this subject at "Notice To Media" online.

I have also detailed how the fbi,cia,dod engage in secret assaults on whistleblowers and others using unconscionable methods, some of which are set forth in my site called, "World In A Box". Furthermore, my report at Academia explains exactly how the fbi and their disturbed friends in our society fraudulently create an illegal and quasi criminal justice system by which innocent persons are entrapped and set up for forced suicide, false imprisonment, or outright murder by this incredible and decadent society.3)

In another report I summarize the macabre tyranny that characterizes our present government (now a fascist type regime) and the effects of such on the unfortunate victims of their contrived machinations.4)

Efforts to address the corruption of the USA government are not recognized and for this reason this nation cannot continue its current global mini holocaust much longer due to world's emerging awareness of the USA atrocities and crimes against humanity. Unless the people of this country re-take their nation, the USA is doomed, period.5)

Finally, I have chronicled first hand in my reports, sworn affidavits, law suit, and reports online the devastating effects on the human being of the torture and subhuman assaults on Targets such as me. In one letter, T, with appendices the reader may gain an insight into the horrific forces brought down on a US citizen at the direction of the fbi, cia, dod. 6)










[link]  More >

category picture17 Mar 2015 @ 21:16

After 27 years of criminal assaults and torture of my person by the assassins of fbi, I have consulted with other attorneys and judges and now tentatively conclude that the secret federal intelligence (I.e. intel )court located in Washington D. C. provides the fbi,cia with blanket authority to engage in multiple heinous offenses against me and others  as I have documented in many of my reports like the * two referenced below dealing with murderous tyranny and quasi criminal justice system.

The judge of the intel court  is in fact a fbi operative who is an accessory to the crimes ongoing today against me and others. These crimes include torture (physical and psychological) massive, invasive surveillance with multiple assaults and battery of my person, destruction of my cars and other property, and life threatening poisonings. The costs of all such attacks on me exceeds $200,000 to date and loss of my productivity as a lawyer and teacher for the past twenty seven years. The cost to the taxpayer for the salary and benefits paid to the fbi thugs who are assigned to pursue me 24/7 globally for the same period of time  is about thirty million dollars to date. The intel judge is corrupt, cowardly, traitorous,  sociopathic and not a nice guy. If all his crimes were known to the people, he would be possibly deserving of the death penalty for widespread  multiple murders, forced suicide and other crimes against humanity. 

His identity and his filthy activities are wisely hidden from all scrutiny. He/She is lower in stature than any convict sitting on death row anywhere in the world. He is a rat.


Murderous Tyranny


Quasi cjs by fbi

See and hear this:

 From Argentina: My Report
category picture15 Mar 2015 @ 03:41
Gracias a mis amigos en Argentina por este sito:

O otra:


Corrupcin de los Estados Unidos y su FBI-CIA : Argentina Indymedia (( i ))AVISO Los Estados Unidos de Amrica es reconocida como una empresa criminal cuyos agentes, agentes y soldados torturas, encarcelar, asesinato los seres humanos en todo el mundo y en completa violacin de universalmente reconocido humano, civil, constitucional y Dios dado los derechos que cada uno de n…

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